space Dinos

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"Why am did I agree to go to the moon, and why are there dinosaurs chasing me with cybernetics and guns!" I yelled as I drove away on my thruster bike avoiding fire breathing Dracorex. Using the various sand dunes to drive above them and using the zero G to suspend me in the atmosphere longer.

"Eat this lizard brains," I yelled in triumph.

Then the next thing that Dracorex saw was the barrel of my Electro Volt Shotgun, and the next thing I saw was its head exploding in gore and electricity.

I aimed my gun to the side and without looking, killed another dracorex.

Normally creatures like this would be no problem if there wasn't a giant T-rex chasing me with huge claws, laser eyes and a rocket launcher.

"I shot you a bajillion times already why won't you die!" I yelled, even though sound can't travel through space, so I wonder why I just wasted oxygen like that.

'A few days in the business and I'm already going luny.' I thought.

I swerved the bike to avoid a missile or two from the cybernetic T-rex, firing a few shots back at the thing.

"Jin, please for the sake of my life tell me, are you here?" I begged, hearing the sound of the king of dinosaurs roar.

I used the hand braked to turn a 180, punch it in reverse and threw a few grenades all at the same time.

"We're in space buddy, obey the laws of physics or face-" the sight of a laser hitting the dinosaur stopped me from talking as I found myself inside of a ship. Not looking where I was driving, I ended up crashing the steampunk bike.

I realized I was in the tesseract meaning Jin came to my rescue... and she is probably pissed I only got half the objective.

I positioned myself upwards to see the kinetic barrier still intact which means I can take my helmet off.

"So did you get it," Jin asked as she entered the hangar, with a not so smiley face.

"Half of it," getting up I took my suit off and tossed it to the side. "I was able to get a bit of a bonus."

I took out an Ion crystal I found during my get away and tossed it to my friend who caught it with her prosthetic hand.

"Impressive," eyeing the crystal she opened a compartment in her arm and put the crystal in, "well I guess you finished your mission along with a bonus. Even if you only got half of the iron from the meteor." she smiled ruffling my head.

"Hoo ruah!" I yelled pumping my fist.

"But before I report this I just want to know," she then spins around to face me, her ash brown hair pinning with her.

It's almost mesmerizing.

If it weren't for the fact I might get kicked out soon for all the incomplete assignments I turned In.

"How exactly did you get caught."

Now that made me wince a bit.

"Right well you see..." I slurred, trying to remember exactly what happened.

"Ah right, I was nearing the location of the meteorite, and the giant Melt Rex over there was sniffing around the objective so I threw a grenade to distract but When it exploded, it killed one of the Dracorexes causing a mass panic in the area. So I booked it to the objective while the T-Rex walked over to investigate and tried to get retrieve as many samples as I could from the meteor but a Parasaurolophus spotted me and without thinking I shot it. unfortunately some of its flesh got scattered when my gun shot it alerting the Dracorex to come and find me." I explained in one breath. "So I got what I could and booked it from the site and well you can guess what happened."

Jin took a minute to process all this information and nodded to herself before exhaling.

"Alright Fine, I'll accept that answer for now. Just don't think that your own explanations can help you all the time Troy," Jin then walked out of the bay and into the ship.

With that I sighed in rel-

"Also take a shower, you smell like sweat." Jin said from the door.

I fell on my back, surprised from her sudden reappearance before she went back into the hallway.

Getting back up, took a quick smell of myself and reared back in slight disgust.

"Ugh, I need more than one shower just to be clean again."

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