dimension 86 Lexicons journey

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I have no clue how this happened.

One moment I was with Anax and the next thing I knew I am in someone's pocket stuffed in his wallet, for the years I have spent with the boy I know one thing.

He treasures me as much as his family so it is unlikely that he would lose me that easily without causing a scene unless he-.

No I find it next to impossible for Anax to go down like that. He is a master in many forms of combat and has good tactical ability whether it's in real life or not, his ability to use his surroundings make him difficult to take down or hold still.

Whatever the case is I must find a way to go back to him, or figure out how to get out of this problem.

Or wait for him to come running like a bullet train and tear the thief into bloody pieces.

"If only I were capable of movement."

Then I heard something, the sound of a loud turbine. One that a plane makes.

Oh dear this can pose quite a severe problem if I leave the country the chances of me being reunited with Anax are zero percent.

"Please fasten your seat belts and enjoy your flight to australia." the sound of an intercom blared.

"4%." was all I said as I decided to sleep, and think during the morning, i'd rather not have migraines on how this thief slipped me through security but figure out if there are any dogs out here when I land.

I awoke to hear the sounds of yelling, I look to see security currently holding a guy on the ground. So that is the thief huh. Then I saw him shake the policemen off him and he took out a gun, probably stole it from the guard and was about to aim it at a civilian until a bullet was placed in his head.

"A fitting end to those that have the audacity to take me away from the Lexicon family." I pridefully say.

Over the course of history my shape is what can identify a lexicon from others, o that thief thought he could try and steal from my mas- Anax's family and get off scot free.

"Impertinent fool the world has no need for you if your now on the floor dead and ruining a perfectly good airport.

"Hey isn't this Mr. Lexicons necklace."

Now that struck a nerve. That fool cannot differentiate me from a necklace, I am a talisman it's like saying a knork and spork are 2 same things.

"No way, didn't you read the news 10 years ago. He was cut up by some criminal and had his remains delivered to his son, Anax." the intelligent policeman said as he picked me up recounting the horrid past.

"I can never forget how the child reacted, only one other person had ever fallen to such despair and that was so long ago that my memories are getting blurry." I recounted sadly.

I wish I had the power over time and a body. Now Anax has blood on his hands and is becoming less human in a way.

"Right I remember, that set of news actually made the world quiet, and worse of all the case was never solved until Anax did. I knew the kid was traumatized but damn who knew th-." the idiot was silenced by the intelligent one who placed his hand on the idiots mouth.

"You idiot, we promised to keep shut about this case to the general, we may be the best but we are imperfect and right now your mouth is the problem got it." the idiot nodded, and the 2 moved to a different area were there were less people to listen on their conversation.

"Interesting, so these 2 were there on the day that bitch suffered a macabre fate."

The two policem- sorry the one policeman and fool walked into a secure area and locked the door.

"Alright let's come to an understanding, this talismen belongs to Anax so I'll be bringing this to the post office and have a friend who owes me a favor bring this to the kids home without interference got it."

I grew tired as they began planning and soon fell asleep

I woke up to find myself on the road in Australia.

It appears I perhaps was thrown out or fell out the window and the policeman didn't notice, it is likely, but the country does bring an air of familiarity to me.

"I wouldn't forget a place that got Anax out of his isolation, I hope she is here. Or else we're both doomed for a long time." I spoke as he looked to the side and saw nothing until I saw a car, good thing I shine brightly when the sun is this high.

"Oh dear!" I exclaimed as realization dawned on me, I shine and this is a road. I do hope it doesn't cause an accident.

Thankfully the person who came out was someone I had never thought I would ever see, to Anax he is probably the last person he would ever see.

"Helios Elpis. I had never thought I'd see you again." I sighed feeling sleepy once more but forced myself to stay awake to observe his actions against me.

I see him kneel to me and picked me up dusting the dirt and dust that got on me, he lifts me to the sky to have a better look and I see his eyes widen by a margin in shock. Anax would have taken a picture if he was here.

"Hmm, it's been a month since he sent out a missing notice."





"Hmm, should take it home maybe little sis could take a look at you." he then stuffed me in his pockets and I hear the sound of a car engine start and the car itself driving.

"Rather suffocating in here." I commented as I felt sleepy. Maybe I am getting too old for this.

I drifted into slumber.

I awoke to feel myself in familiar soft hands. Anax no his are more rough, this is-

I looked up to see someone I thought I would never see.

"Helios where did you get this." she said.

"I found it on the side of the road on my way back from the grocery store. I can tell it belongs to Anax because of how unique it is as well as the inner crystal layering on the lines. Thin but cast a bright light. It's definitely Anax's"

He is very observant, I have to give him credibility in his deduction.

I turned my attention to her, she looked to be in deep thought before sighing and putting me on her.

I then saw the wooden carving Anax tried to make but failed when he was a kid.

"Hello, my name is Rolove. Who might you be." Rolove asked warily.

I see so it is just like me and many others.

It has been long since I engaged in a conversation with someone who can talk to me.

"My name is Lexicon, it is a pleasure to meet you Rolove."

I said introducing myself to Anaxs creation but the sound of running cut our conversation off before it could begin revealing Rose rush upstairs and began packing her clothes and belongings in a suitcase.

"I am rather intrigue on your appearance that caused such a reaction to Rose. Lexicon." Rolove inquired.

Perhaps it would be helpful if I explained things to him so I did.

One explanation later I felt tired and fell asleep again. Maybe I should get a long sleep instead of a short nap. I have been getting tired as of late and maybe a few generations of sleep can help.

Just. a. Small. Nap...

"-con!" a voice.

"LEXICON! WAKE UP!" I awoke to the voice and realised it was Rolove.

"What happened?!" I looked around and found ourselves in a dark room I looked to Rose and found her unconscious and slightly bruised, but okay.

I turned to Rolove who is panicking about what's going on.

"95%." was all I said which was enough to snap the kid out of his stupor.

"95 what? Lexicon what is going on and why are you calm?" Rolove is getting angry, I honestly do not fault him for that.

"The number I said is the likelihood of these kidnappers being beaten near death by just one person."

"And the last 5%"

"Him saving Rose and dropping the building on them."

It was absolutely quiet until Rolove said.

"Who ever this person is, I find it questioning how Rose is friends with him." hmm good deduction skills but not quiet.

"Thats where you're wrong, she isn't friends with him, she's in love with him."

"I see, but why would she like someone so violent." good question, when did Anax become so violent, he was docile and shy but in the span of a few moments he became so brutal and callous that I thought it was Deamon A. Lexicon.

"It is a long story but I want to know wh-" I was cut off as the sound of a door slamming open was heard behind us and a body was thrown.

I didn't expect him to come this early, but as I looked at the body I saw slash marks.

"Oh dear." we both said as we can hear faint shouting from behind. The shouting was able to stir Rose from her slumber causing her to look around.


"SHUT UP ANAX!" multiple voices said as I heard a whacking sound.

"Anax is here." Rose whispered.

The sounds of fighting were getting louder and I hear Anaxs voice as he is getting closer to Rose.

"Anax I'm over here it's me Rose!" I heard Rose shout.

"Fool you don't know it's Anax it could be a bunch of crooks who have a grudge against your kidnappers." I exclaimed.

"Adrenaline, it's a fight or flight response, she must've panicked an-"


We both flinched and looked at the owner of the voice.

Shuffled clothing with some blood on it, snow white colored hair, and sky blue contacts.

"Anax." I said as he now bears a scar on his right eye but it looks like he can see fine.

"Anax is that you." Rose gasped as she saw her crush.

"Wait, the violent boy you mentioned and the one Rose love is my creator!?" Rolove yelled.

I didn't respond as we were crushed between Anax and Rose who are currently hugging each other.

"Is this how I'll die." Rolove sarcastically said as he was completely smothered by the two.

"No, you have to burn in fire or be thrown in lava to die completely." I said

"That was sarcasm Lexicon."

I decided to ignore the kid and watch the reunion, happening.

"Anax, i thought I would never see you." Rose said as she hugged the boy tighter.

"Rose what are you doing here and why is my talismen on your neck, from what I heard from the crows they said you wouldn't be leaving Australia anytime soon."

Anax said worried about what Rose is doing here.

"It doesn't matter I need to get you out of here and somewhere safe." Anax said as he carried her bridal style and ran out a different door away from the fighting.

"Wha- Anax. I'm not injured." the girl became flustered by just this action.

I guess her feelings haven't changed one bit since then.

"Oh ya, Rose can you tell me how you came into possession of my talisman while I get you out of here."

It appears Anax is slowly losing control of his temper considering how his face is becoming more blank.

"Ekato!" Anax called out to his best friend who just finished clearing the room full of criminals.

"Told you splitting up to clear an escape route was a good idea. Who's she?" Ekato inquired.

It good that Anax's friends seem to be doing alright.

"Right now she is extremely important and is the only person who is a victim of kidnapping so less talky and more killing."

It appears I was wrong, he is angry. Very very, angry.

"I remember him being less dangerous and more sunshines and mangoes." ah Rolove sort of forgot he was here, wait he can remember that far back with such accuracy.

That is funny coming from me who has been around 89x longer than he was.

"Anax, I will get the girl out of here, find anyone else alright. Police will be here in 3 minutes to gas the place."

Anax wasn't facing Rose but I can tell he is extremely infuriated at two things.

"He is mad that Rose is here and is injured which already set him off. And the second he won't have time to hunt the one who hurt her and make it look like an accident." Rolove investigated.




This is the longest I have ever held a conversation with someone who can talk to me.

"Yes but secretly he is also happy-"

"Why is he happy!?" Rolove asked incredulously interrupting me.

"If you didn't interrupt me perhaps I can tell you. He is happy because he can be her knight , the very same knight in those stories that save the princess and live happily ever after."

I spoke as I watched Anax drop kick a thug into sleep and use his body as a weapon knocking away thugs until they finally reached the exit.

The three open the doors to find the police their.

I can feel Rose tense up as she sees guns out aimed at the door they came out of but what confused her was that they relaxed and called Anax out as if he leads them.


One word was all that was required to make him freeze in his tracks.

He slowly turned to awkwardly look at while also laughing awkwardly.

He then walked up to Rose and said.

"I know I have a lot of explaining to do, but this isn't the right time. But I promise you Rose I will tell you everything, and this is a promise I intend to keep this time Rose, if you have my Talismen then it means I will come back to get it ok."

Practice what you preach Anax, you made a promise to stay by her side but broke it when you lost your father isolating yourself from the word until now.

Rose seemed hesitant to let Anax go but allowed him but not before she grabbed his face giving him a kiss on the lips which he returned.

The face Anax made was for better words that can describe... Alive while everyone was shocked that Anax let someone kiss him with him returning it.

"Wha. just- how." was all Ekato said.

Guess even he can be surprised had it been Shido, the guy would be extremely jealous yet envious and happy at the same time.

"Hey buddy I trust ya to keep Rose safe alright." Anax saluted before running back into the building.

"Wait your Rose. the girl that helped Anax be opened." Ekato questioned warily.

I do not fault the second in command for his overprotective behaviour to his dear friend.

"Yes, I am but his dad helped make plans so I can help Anax. though they were quiet crazy and immature for a person who helped revolutionize technology."

"Yeah I don't remember much about him but I do know that an entire football team had to take 19 baths just to get the purple and pink dye off their skins."

Ah yes I remember that day, his wife manage to lecture him for hours before making him apologize to their families for his prank when he quote.

"Perhaps if they stopped being dicks to their juniors and show off their over inflated ego to kids then I might show some form of sympathy." the faces the football team made was rather amusing.

But I am feeling tired. Rolove is trying to keep me up by telling me about Rose and her worry. It did keep me up a bit longer but sleep overtook me regardless as my last image was seeing a building collapse.

I can't believe...he dropped an.... Actual building...

I woke up again this time hearing the sounds of a heart monitor...


"Why are we in the hospital there is no way Rose was injured that severely and the distance from the building was to far for any debris to hit her les a bomb went off-"


I heard the door open revealing Rose walking in, she looks much better than she did in the warehouse.

While she made her way to the chair I realised that I was on Anax once more.


Was All Anax said as he propped himself up so he can look her in the eyes.

It appears they already had their conversations.

"Yanno, after our last conversation I realised something about this world, or maybe I was reminded, gotta be one of those two."

It is probably the former considering... how you wish to speak little of that event.

"The smallest thing can start the biggest change. Whether it was losing a pocket watch or a quarter, to a simple rejection. It can have a big impact on the future. When I lost Lexicon I was in a big panic but to the world it was just a small thing."

He looked at me with familiarity just like he always had.

"But even the smallest thing in this world can turn the gears of fate and cause massive events to happen. Because I lost the talismen, it found its way to you, which brought you here, and I definitely know its a talismen cause they're protective charms. How else did I find you with just a bruise and not in a-"

He lost his words because he knew what the cartel do to women who are picked up by them but he couldn't say it because of the images that would threaten to enter his mind but Rose put her hand on his shoulder reaserting him back into the present.

"Because you lost lexicon, you were able to find a lead that would take down one of the biggest drug dealers in the world and I was able to reunite with you again Anax." Rose finished as she kiss him.

"Maybe I should lose you more buddy."

Anax chuckled to me as he was being fed by Rose due to his left hand being broken and in a cast.

"Lose me and i will make you get hit by a vehicle." I threatened jokingly. Sort off.

"Why do I have the sudden urge to stay away from vehicles." Anax tensed unknowingly while Rose giggled at how he was reacting.

This image is an example of how one small thing can cause the biggest change to someone.


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