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"Hey, Angelus?" Angelica asked as she sat on the edge of the balcony.

"Yes, Sister?" Angelus responded not taking his eyes off the night sky.

"Do you ever wonder what it's like to fall in love," Angelica questioned.

That got a response from him as his head snapped from the starry sky to where his sister sat.

'Angelica would never talk about romance unless-' "this is about our fathers missing emotions if you wished to talk about love, is it not?" Angelus proposed warily.

Angelica noticed how tense her twin became over the subject and laughed slapping his back.

She then boasted loudly. "Don't worry little brother. Your great and powerful big sister is still the same, ya don't have to worry about another Diablo's fiasco ever happening to me."

She grinned cockily while her brother grumbled. "We were born at the same time sister." but it was mainly to himself.

His sister then became serious and said. "But what you said is one of the reasons. The other reason, well. I'm just curious about what it's like to fall and be in love with someone. The fragments of fathers past told us of a girl that always made father smile and always stayed close to him. He told us that the girl was a big influence on his life because if it wasn't for her love and kindness he would still be lost and probably alone for the rest of his immortality."

Angelus looked away from his sister and looked down to the city seeing the lanterns be lit across the whole kingdom, the people walking across the streets to their homes, adventurers laughing with their comrades and getting drunk at the lion's pub. Then Angelus looked at the castle walls that defended the castle from enemy attacks and the guards trained by the king himself to defend the kingdom and its people.

Then he looked at his sister. The person who stuck with him since the learned how to walk. They played together, learned together, ate together and trained together.

'When you realize that someone has been occupying your thoughts without reason when you look at them and want to stay close to them and keep them safe, that is when you realize you care for the person.' the words of their father spoke through his head.

"Makes me wonder just how many secrets our fathers been keeping from us." Angelus softly mused.

"What was that bro?"

"Nothin just curious on what you would want the person you love to be or have." Angelus smiled softly.

"Well. if ya insist but if I find out you or dad are finding people with those descriptions, or I'll tell Rafia!" She growled menacingly forcing Angelus to promise lest he incurs her wrath.

"Anyway, he would probably have to be around my age and is very nice with a great smile, probably be taller than me so I can hug him and be able to hear his heartbeat."

"Still wonder why we obsess with hearing heartbeats of others." Angelus interrupted.

"Hey, don't interrupt. Anyway, he would have to have a nice personality and will always care for me even when I'm...not well. Must also be able to take care of themselves and be capable of rescuing people or me if I became a damsel in distress like the one in the stories." she blushed a bit at the thought.

'If our father hasn't torn through the enemy like a rampaging emperor class monster holding you captive and skin the person who planned it alive.' Angelus commented but kept to himself.

"And love me for who I am and not as what everyone in the kingdom sees me as. Not as the treasure of the kingdom or someone with an incomplete soul." Angelica murmured.

Angelus frowned a bit at the last part knowing what some people's reaction will be and placed a comforting hand on her shoulders.

"Sister, do not fret over that last part, I know there is someone who is around your age that has all those descriptions and if they don't accept then they'll deal with an angry Rafia, me and our Father who will most likely do too much damage that he'll end up like a broken puppet."

That cheered his sister up as she began to giggle a bit before booming with laughter.

"You sure know how to cheer a person up brother but what would you want to see in a girl."

This got Angelus thinking 'dunno maybe I'll just have to wait and find a girl who can just take my breath away." unfortunately he said that out loud and blushed as his sister took time to digest that information before she started gushing at how he basically wanted a 'love at first sight' encounter.

"Yes, yes laugh it all out sister we'll see who'll be laughing at the party soon."

After Angelica finished laughing she embraced her twin brother who hugged back.

"I love you brother." Angelica beamed.

"I know Angelica, I love you too." Angelus reaffirmed as they enjoyed the embrace of one another Angelica oblivious to the powerful presence observing them.

'While it took me years to figure you out, I realized that the secret you tried to hide from us was one you were unsure to admit father. But after this talk with my sister, I realized it, your secret was you remembered for a long time. You remembered the emotion of love along with your memories dad.' Angelus finalized.

However, like all good moments, they must eventually come to an end.

"Sire, milady. Apologies for interrupting your moment but his Majesty has requested for you two to be present at the dining room in twenty minutes dressed for dinner with other royalty and nobility across the continent." a soldier stuttered as he didn't want to interrupt the moment, causing the powerful present to leave them satisfied with what the two talked about.

"Thanks for the info pal, com'n brother let's go join the old man with other boring political people, as well as my favorite royal acquaintances," Angelica said the last part sarcastically.

"Sister our father isn't old, and politics aren't all that bothersome. Though I do find the need to stab something harshly for some of the leers the boys give you but not all of them" Angelus responded.

'Though I wish I was still Diablo on some occasions that way I won't have to feel a bit of pity or sadness for when they get hurt. Badly.'

"If I seem to recall. The king who is our father is over 500 years old so ya I have the right to call him an old man."

"Why must you have the need to insult our father I will never know." Angelus sighed as he followed his sister into the palace.

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