Dinner with Fenrir

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It was dinner time for everyone as the day came to the end except for one thing.

"Heya Master." White said.

"Yes White." Anax said busily as he cuts his food with Cortesia and Jane who just stabbed her food with a knife.

"Jane what did say about using the fighting kind of knives!" Anax exclaimed at her.

Jane's eyebrow twitched before she tossed it away embedding it into a tree.

"Killjoy." she pouted.

"Anyway ignoring that. I actually have a super duper important question. Why is fenrir eating dinner with us." White said jerking his metal claw to the Hróðvitnir who is currently munching on the remains of a Aegyptosaurus.

Fenrir stopped eating and said. "Woof."

Everyone turned to Anax for a translation and grumbled. "why is it always me."

"He beated us in video games." was all the king said before going back to his meal.

If White had eyes or eyebrows, they would twitch.

"He bribed Cortesia by letting her sleep on his fur for the next 2 weeks" Cortesia flinched with guilt but said nothing while her cheeks were burning.

"YOU RAT BASTARD!" Jane and Anax yelled as tears of jealousy leaked at the wolf who only snorted in amusement.

"He also told Jane the location of a gang let her do as she pleases." Jane merely looked a bit giddy at the memory while Anax and Cortesia shuffled away with expressions that basically say. "Not surprising."

"But you...?" White thought as he pointed to Anax as his mind can't think of anything that can make him yield to Fenrir.

Considering he is able to catch a railgun shot near point blank, is able someone through multiple buildings and is able to create a strong enough magical force that he can destroy a town in one hit.

"Fenrir latch onto Anax's throat the moment the game began." Jane said as she snickered at a pouting Anax while the metallic knight boomed with laughter at what he heard.

"Woof." Fenrir barked before resuming to eat while White suddenly had the urge to shoot him with a nuke.

"Fenrir said "Shut up you third rate mascot.""

At that White snapped and yelled.

"That's it you flaming mutt, I'm taking you to the vet. You dinosaur eating fatty!"

He then proceeded to try and tackle Fenrir keyword being "try" as Fenrir shrunk in size and latched onto his throat.

There was a pause for a few seconds before White started screaming "GET IT OFF!" multiple times while he ran around flailing his metallic arms.

Everyone who isn't currently having a god slaying wolf attached on their necks merely sighed at the young nightmares foolishness.

"Why." was all Cortesia said.

"Cause you're with us." Anax said taking a bite out of his dinner.

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