Chapter 1

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Nightmares POV:

We were healing up cause of the star sanses.
Yes. The star sanses.
We always fight and all the time we fight, whenever we try to destroy an AU they are always there and we are the ones to get hurt really bad. Even one of the AUs would fight us cause they don't want us to hurt their people. The Asylum AU is the one we visit cause if you ever piss off Asylum he would kill you no mercy but he just too crazy and so that the star sanses won't be chasing us around.
The Asylum AU is like our base so that the star sanses can't get us because of Asylum. Some people think we bad sanses fight each other just for shits and giggles but no we treat ourselves as a family. Not enemy's.

(Oh and yes Asy needs attention too)

"Hey that hurts Dust!!" Killer yelled. I guess Dust is bandaging his arm.

"Then don't move idiot! It won't hurt if you can stay still" Dust said.

"I can't stay still that long, it makes me lose balance"

Killer is right, he can't really stay still that much anymore cause of the bruises he got all over. so if one of us is having a hard time staying still, we got Error cause he can use them to stay still.

After five minutes all of us got healed but when I was about to get up *flick* the lights turned off, all of them.
I couldn't see anything except hearing the voices of my friends.

"What the hell??? Killer are you doing one of your pranks again?! cause I'm not falling for it this time" Error yelled.

"It's not me I swear, I didn't turn off the lights I wasn't even near the switch" Killer defend himself.

"Well then whoever turn off the lights you better turn them back on I wi-" I heard a crash, it was Error but what did he hit?

"S**T I broke something!!" Error yelled and his voice was far away from us now, he probably fell down the stairs.

Suddenly Dust, Horror, and Killer gasped, I couldn't see their faces but I feel like someone is behind me.
I turned around seeing a face, it's not a sans face or a human face it's another skeleton but way more taller.
He had a crack on his left eye and one on the right but the left eyes crack was facing up while the other crack was facing down, he had this evil smile on his face and his clothes were black I can barely see it.

👌👈☦️✌️🔆👈    ❄️👇👈    💣✌️☠️
☦️👇🏴  💧🏳️👈✌️😐💧   🖐️☠️ 


What did he say? I didn't understand what he just said it's like no one can understand him at all.
Well no one can.
Before I could say anything he just disappear leaving no trace, no note, nothing. Then the lights turned on I turned around and saw that Dust finally found the switch.

"Who was that?" Killer question.

"Idk" I answered "some kind of person or sans Idk"

"Help!!" Error yelled.

We went downstairs and saw that Error crashed into a bookshelf and now there's books and broken pieces of wood all over the floor and an Error in pain.

"Oh so that's what you broke" I chuckled seeing that Error is in an uncomfortable position.

"How did you even fall?" Horror asked Error.

"Idk it was so dark I couldn't even see I was walking trying to find the switch while you Yahoo's are just talking and I didn't feel ground anymore and that's when I fell, I didn't even see my own strings!" Error explain.

"Well lets go help him" Dust said.

Inks POV:

We were just playing games until I heard a harsh knock, I opened the door and saw that the bad sanses are there.
I closed the door quickly as my friends looked at me confusingly, I told them that they were here. Dream opened the door.

"What do you want brother?!" Dream yelled.

"We just want to tell you something we have never seen before" Nightmare said.

"Since when did you want to tell us something hmm?" Dream pointed out "Whatever you are planning we will not fall for it."

He was about to close the door but Nightmare literally push the door open.

"No I'm serious we saw something! He was tall and he was wearing black" Dream tried to close the door but if course Nightmare kept pushing it open so Dream and Nightmare were having a battle with the door, Dream trying to close the door and Nightmare trying to keep it open.

"It's probably your imagination, now go away you're gonna break the door!" Dream said trying to push Nightmare away.

"It's not our imagination Dream I'm actually telling the truth honest!" Nightmare said.

"Alright then prove it to us that you are not lying" Blue said.

"We definitely aren't" Killer said, he's was holding a camera he always has.

"How did you record it without seeing anything" Dust asked surprised that Killer actually found his camera and record it in the dark.

"Let me explain" Killer said.

Killers POV (for now)

Flashback before Error fell down the stairs and when he fell down the stairs


"I'm trying I'm trying!!!" I yelled.

I was walking around trying to find the switch but my foot hit something which made me trip and hit my head on something hard.
I rubbed my head getting up slowly feeling a table, I was patting on the table until I felt lens. It's my camera!!

I picked it up by the lens and I couldn't even see it so I tried to find the screen and I did but finding the turn on switch was hard but I eventually found it.
The screen turned on but I could barely see it, I press the recording button and recorded I was trying not to drop it and fall off.

I heard a crash and it was Error but then when I turned around I saw a face. A creepy face or a face. I recorded him since I can see him.

Back to Inks POV:

"And now I have the video" Killer said.

He showed us everything and we heard some noises coming from that guy but it was so dark that you can't even see your own body or hands, but luckily Killer can see the screen.
After the video we started to make a truce. The bad sanses didn't want to but if we want to know who he is we got to work together, he may be dangerous than all of us.

Blue said that he's going to ask Draco about him if he even knows him and that he'll bring the other sanses.
I said okay and Killer wanted to come too so they both went separate ways.
We all talked about that guy and how we are going to get to him.

"Hey Cross isn't that your Gaster?" I asked

"Definitely a no. He doesn't look like him. And he didn't have a heart locket on him" Cross said.

"Well whoever that guy was, we need to know which sans knows him" I said

"And if they don't?" Dust question

"Then someone else out there knows him, someone we have never seen, maybe .    .    . an AU"

Words: 1277

I hope you enjoy it and I'll write more. But what do you think will happen next?
Who knows maybe they will find Classic.

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