Chapter 2

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Dust's POV:

Killer got the other sanses but Blue is not here, I wonder why.
He said he was gonna come back with someone but didn't he didn't even called.

"Weird Blue said he was gonna come back with Draco but he isn't here" Ink said. The other sanses shrugged.

"Who's Draco?" Mir asked. We all stared at him.

"What?" He said.

"Um let's just say he's a SkeleWing" Killer said

"What's a SkeleWing" Mir asked again

I face palmed myself and so did some sanses.

"Uuh just wait till he's here okay he'll explain it to you" Ink said.

"So do we wait or?" Fell said with an irritated face

"I guess we do" Ink said.

"No I'm not gonna wait my ass here just to wait for Blue to come back I'm going to find them two and see why it's taking so long" I yelled.

"But Dust we need to be patient" Ink said

"Um hello! We just saw a guy who was saying whatever he was saying. What if he captured them two or killed them. I'm not gonna become bait because I need to be patient." I pointed out.

"He does have a point Ink" Dream said

"*Sigh* okay if that's what you want" Ink opened a portal and I went through seeing the bright white light glow through my eye sockets.

*When he got there*

I opened my eyes to see the beautiful green trees and bushes and some different colored flying dragons. Man this place can be beautiful huh? I thought. I heard voices not so far away, it's must be Blue and Draco I thought.
I walked to where the voices are and when I got closer the voices got louder I moved the leaves out of the way and saw Blue yelling at Draco while he was on a tree.

"But Draco what if he's going to kill us all don't you want to live" Blue said.

"I told you I'm not gonna go on another adventure with you, not happening. remember that time you almost killed me!" Draco yelled.

"It was part of the plan! And look you're alive, but don't you want to live and survive!" Blue said.

"I'd rather die and rest in death than going to another adventure with you all!!" Draco yelled.

I watched them both yell at each other until I broke the conversation "Alright what's going on?!" I yelled. They both turned their heads on me.

"Dust?! What are you doing here?" Blue question.

"The real question is what were you doing taking so long to bring Draco" I said.

"Well Draco didn't want to come so I tried talking it out to him, can you please help me? There's nothing I can do now" Blue said.

I nodded and went to walk up to the tree Draco was on.

"Alright Draco about last time we are sorry we almost killed you but we had no choice" I said.

"Really? . . .  I don't want to be almost killed again. Besides my people need me anyways" Draco said

"How about this, we will not try to kill you but you're gonna have to help us. We need you because there was some kind of guy speaking an unknown language, he looked like Cross's Gaster and the other Gasters but more differe-

"Wait wait wait" Draco interrupted. He fell of the tree landing on his feet.
"Did you say that looks like Gaster?"


"Hmm, maybe he's from another universe but what kind of universe?" Draco asked

"Idk" I answered "that's why we need you, you're the one who can help us locate him since your half dragon and dragons have good sense."

"Not all" Draco said

"Well you do okay that's what I'm saying" I said

"*Sigh* fine. But only if you don't do it again" He said.

"Okay we won't" I said

(If you guys don't know who Draco is, he's my AU sans I created from the Au I made called Dragontale, this is what he looked like)

(But I changed his hoodie a bit so this is what he looks like with his new hood)

(Also those are not real horns they just came with the hoodie)
Mir's POV:

I saw a glowing light and there appeared . . .three people?
I couldn't actually see what they look like since the light is blocking it but when it stopped I saw another sans I have never seen before, he had dragon wings and a tail like me but no horns, weird.
He did have a hood with horns but they weren't real, he also has daggers hanging on his . . . What do humans call it? . . . Waist?

Dust and Blue explained to us everything but I wasn't listening to them I was just staring at Draco. He noticed so he stared back me like it was a staring contest.

"Ok again with the staring why does that always happen?" Nightmare suddenly broke the silence.

"It's what Draco does okay, when someone stares at him he stared back" Ink replied.

"I know but couldn't breaking the silence be much more easier" Nightmare suggested.

"Well Draco prefers for the other person to break the silence" Ink said.

"*Sigh* alright" Nightmare finished.

"Soooo" I asked "this is Draco?"

"Yes" Error answered "a new AU, this time more stronger and full of dragons"

"Oh okay" I said then faced back to Draco

"It's nice to meet you Draco I'm UnderMir sans but just call me Mir" I greeted him while shaking his hand."also do you have a full name?"

"Draconasis,DragonBlood" he answered

"Well again it's nice to meet you" I said.

He nods his head as he walked to where the others are as I did too. Ink has a meeting I guess so I should listen.

"Ok everyone" Ink said "the reason we called you is because some kind of strange person appeared out of nowhere to where the bad sanses are, we decided to make a truce since they had the proof thanks to their friend Killer. We think that maybe it's someone else's Gaster since he has the same face or maybe, he said something strange that no one could understand or translated but if he is from another AU then someone else might know him, if we find that AU and if they know him then we may need all the answers we can get so that we can see what we can do about him. Now are there any questions?"

"Yes, how are we going to get there if we don't know which AU he lives in?" Bird asked.

"Well with the help of Core and Sci they gave us this chip so that we will be able to get to any AUs in the multiverse."

"Even new AUs?" Razz asked

"Even new AUs" Ink answered.

We all nod our heads and followed Ink to the lab. When we all got there I saw that Dust stopped, I walked up to him confused of that they were both looking at the same wall.

"Hey are you okay?" I said.

"Yeah" Dust answered."yeah I'm fine"

Classics POV:


Again, again, and again, I die all the time and every reset. The kid just won't stop they will just keep killing. I tried so hard to save my brother, I treid so hard to warn people, I tried so hard to finally kill the kid.
But .   .    . No one ever listens to me, the kid is too strong. Besides, it wouldn't matter anyway since they'll reset so why should I care?
But, something changed and it's not everyone, it's just me.
For some reason I see other strange people but as Frisk. I saw that when they kill Papyrus, they were sad like really sad. I don't understand, why would they be sad.

I realized, this isn't Frisk at all, they are different people playing as Frisk.
I then have a flashback of the last timeline when we were at the judgement hall.

"There will be times I will not be here anymore there are other people who play this game, who play as me, they are the players who controls me and Chara. But these people aren't from our world, they are much more different" Frisk said.

End flashback:

Are they .    .    . The players?

(Oh God! He found out who we are!!)

No. It couldn't be. If there's players here then . . . . Is this thing I call 'life' was just a game this whole time?
All this time I thought we were in a perfect life but because of all the resets and everything it's .   .   . its.
I passed out no one to find me and no one to help me. I don't know if I should believe it or not, I don't know if I should care about this universe anymore.

I woke up feeling a pain on my skull and it hurts really bad, it's hurts like hell I could even get amnesia. But at least I'm okay, but I looked around and all there was was darkness. Just darkness. Nothing there, no voices, no people, nothing. It's just a black blank space surrounding me.
I got up and walked around to see if there's an exit.
I walked around as I realized I was walking in circles, I was lost I couldn't find a way out or an exit,  I started panicking and was about to pass out again, but when I turned my head around i saw a face. I walked to where it's is but as I got closer my soul kept hurting. The more I get close to him the more it hurts.

"Argh! Um hi? Do you know where the exit is?" I asked but he didn't say anything. I noticed that his face had a line from his right eye that his down and another line that's on the left that's is up. I then realized, it wasn't a normal person, it was . . . .


I tried to ran away from him but my head was ringing really loud. I FELL on the floor screaming in pain as Gaster my dad walked up to me.

"What's wrong son? Don't you want to see your daddy again?" He said as he picked me up looking at me.

I summon a bone at him as he let go of me. He then blocked my magic and put something strange on my soul, I couldn't see it but I know he put it there. I then felt a portal forming behind me, I ran as fast I can but I still kept falling, I can still hear the ringing in my skull.
Gaster treid to catch me with his magic but I dodged everything I went through the portal and woke up to where I passed out.

What the- was it all a dream? Or was it a vision? But it looked so realistic tho I thought meh, maybe it was just a dream

I walked to Snowdin to go to Grillby's bar but when I went to Snowdin so many monsters were worried about me, I wonder why? I saw the door to Grillby's bar as I walked up to it and opening the door.
When I sat down i saw that Grillby was happy to see me.

"SANS!! Where were you?!" He said dropping the glass bottle as I heard broken glass shattering on the floor.

"What do you mean?" I said "I was at the Snowdin forest"

"Papyrus and the others have been looking everywhere for you" he said.

"Really?" I question

"Yes!" He answered "hold on let me call Papyrus that you're back"

He picked up his phone as he called my bro waiting for him to answer. When the phone answered he was talking to Papyrus about what happened.
But why are they so worried about me? How long did I sleep?
Grillby hanged up Papyrus when he was done having a conversation with him, he then hand me a ketchup bottle and boy I was wanting to get one.
I heard a door slam open, I turned my head around seeing a panicked, worried, and happy Papyrus walking up to me and hugging me.


"Um at Snowdin forest why?"

"You were gone for like two weeks!!" He said.

What?! I slept that long??? But- but what happened that made me sleep for like two we- . . . What if that was the dream that did it. I better check my soul but not with Papyrus and the others here.

"Um yeah sorry bro, I was super tired that I probably needed to take a super nap ya know?" I said with my fake smile.

"*Sigh* I'm just glad you're okay, come on now sans! Let's go home" He said as Papyrus and I left the bar.
When we got back home I went into my room and closed the door locking it so that Papyrus couldn't see my soul and get more worried.
When I checked my soul my eyes widen, there was black spots forming on my soul with a little hint of dark purple, it had some kind of blood inside my soul.
So it wasn't a dream I thought.

"SANS!!!" Someone screamed. I ran downstairs to see who it was and it was Papyrus, he was being sucked in by some black portal.

"SANS HELP!!" He said about to shatter in tears. I used my magic to pull him out of there but it didn't work so I grab him pulling him while using my magic.
I tried so hard getting him out of there but.

I failed.

I was being sucked in with him but when I woke up I didn't see Papyrus anymore, he was gone.
I curled up into a ball crying my tears not caring who was going to kill me.
I had so many questions about this game, I felt so much pain and still do, and it only gets worse. I just don't want to live anymore. I hear the voices blaming me all over again and I didn't even care all I want is to die.

You're not strong enough
You're just a weakling
You will never save everyone again
You will always be this lazy peice of trash
You can't survive the game
You can't kill the child
You will never be loved
No one cares about you
No one will even miss you
You're just an abomination
You're nothing to them
Go die in a fire.

I just want to die that's all. Why can't I just die huh?


Yet again, I'm late.
Welp that's what happens when I do something else.
But I hope you like it and to tell you guys if it's ever Killer POV beware of him because he's a forth wall breaker so better get the hospital.

Killer: HI!! I heard my name!

Me: hey you aren't supposed to be here!!

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