Chapter 3

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Draco's POV:

Why did I agree to this? Oh yeah cause they need me just in case something happens, why can't they just find another sans to be with them. I already have problems to deal with already. I should've just stayed in my AU in the first place, I should've just listen to my half brother to not touch that teleporter thingy.
I still have flashbacks about it, when I met Dust.

"Hey guys is it me or do I hear something?" Killer said. Everyone looked around but said no.

I heard something too but I didn't know if that was what Killer is hearing.

"You mean the crying?" I said.

"Yeah that!" Killer answered.

"Well where is it???" Ink said.

"If you listen closely you'll hear it right now it's probably somewhere in this really dark void" I said.

"Hmm . . . I feel the negative energy but I need to have all of you silent and listen closely" Nightmare said.

"You heard the octopus be quiet" Killer said with a smug on his face cause of the name he called Nightmare.

"For the last time I am no- ok whatever."

We all went silent as Nightmare was standing still. It took a minute or two but after that Nightmare stopped.
"So where is it?" Cross asked.
"It's coming from there" he replied pointing to the left.

We all walked there letting Nightmare lead the way and the more we walked the more the crying got louder and less echos, I spotted something blue. He was crying. I told everyone to stop. I pointed to where it is and everyone started to walk to it well some of them, the others and I just stand there as Killer, Dust, Nightmare, and Dream walked up to it.

Killers POV:
(Oh no. . Be ready Readers!! Get the hospital!!)

I was confused when I saw the Blue jacket or I think it's a jacket.
I was ahead of the others and walked up to it to see it was another skeleton.
He was wearing a blue sweater with a hood. I crouched down next to him and looked closely to see he was crying so much tears. I have a feeling these readers are saying help him. I looked at Nightmare, Dust, and Dream as they nodded their heads saying that I should help.
When I placed my hand on his shoulder he looked up at me and backed off. I can see the tear marks on his face but I can see the fear on his eyes and how sad he was. He was really really sad and really afraid of me. I got closer to him but he backed off more, he turned his head to the other sanses and he got up. When he was about to run Nightmare grabbed him with his tentacle and brung him closer to him. I got up and walked to where the other are.

"P-please let me go! Just kill me already!!" He yelled. We were all shocked at the words he said, why does he think we will kill him. Why are these readers mean to him?

"What are you talking about of course we won't hurt you" Dream said.

"We're here to help you" Ink said walking up to us.

"You're too late there's no way to help me now. Everything I have is gone! My brother is gone! I don't want to exist in this universe anymore!" He said in tears.

"His energy is really negative, it's like no one can cheer him up at all" Nightmare whispered.

"We can't just leave him here we have to try" Dream said.

"He's right!" Ink said.

"Well let's take him to the mansion and see if we can help" Nightmare said

"No! Please let me go!! I don't want to go with you! just let me die!" The skeleton cried.

"Hey Dust can you calm him down please we'll be waiting" Nightmare said.

"Sure" Dust replied as Nightmare hand the skeleton in Dust's arms.

"Leave me alone!" The skeleton cried trying to let go of Dust's strong grasps but Dust kept hugging him. I watched as he was comforting him.

"Shhh shhhh it's okay, its okay. You're alright, nothing is going to hurt you. We are here to help you okay." He said petting his head with his sweet soft voice.

"Please. Just kill me" the skeleton said but with a quiet voice, he's starting to fall asleep.

"Shhhh don't say that your okay, you're gonna be safe, we will try to help to help you" Dust said finally the skeleton fell asleep.
Dust picked up the sleeping skeleton bridal style as he walked to the others going through the portal first. I was about to go through the portal but I saw something on the floor, I quickly teleport to the thing and picked it up and teleported back to the portal. Man humans are such creatures.

Errors POV:

I watched the skeleton asleep on the couch, We are trying to see who he is and where he come from and why he says such words. I was surprised he would say that when we first met him, should I be worried? Or should I not?
I was told to watch the skeleton just in case something happens if he wakes up and tries to escape. I was making a doll of him, it's another way to know who he is and where he came from all I know is that he was crying and saying such sad words and that's all heck I was heart broken of how sad he was and still am but I noticed the light glow on his soul, meh maybe it's just glowing. I looked at him sleeping peacefully as I looked at him he's actually cute I thought.

"I GOT IT!!" Ink yelled.

"What? what did you find?!" dream yelled running to where the AU protector is.

"Is it that skeleton" Horror asked all the skeletons especially me walked up to him trying to see what he found.

"Um Error aren't you supposed to be watching him?" Razz asked

"Don't worry I have my strings on him" I said not worried if he tries to escape.

"Okay this is what I found. Sci can you make the screen bigger?" Ink asked.
Sci nodded as he pressed the remote button making the screen wider and bigger.

"Classic eh? That's pretty rare if you ask me" Dust said.

"It is a rare name dumbass" Fell grumbled.

"He comes from an AU called undertale? Why do I have a feeling he's actually the first one that was created?" Abyss question.

"I don't know but let's find out more" Nightmare suggested.

AU: Undertale sans

Nickname: Classic



The easiest enemy can only deal 1 damage.

Type: skeleton

Info: one of the first AUs that has ever been created also the reason why he's called Classic. He's one of the most important sans in the multiverse who is a master of dodging anything but because of his energy he can't last dodging forever.

We all looked at his ATK and his DEF but what confused us the most is the part where it says one of the easiest enemy's and can only deal one damage.

"Um okay you sure that he is the easiest enemy" Cross said.

"Man he's weak" Nightmare said.

"Isn't there more Info?" Dust asked.

"I don't think so this is what I found" Ink said.

We then heard crashing and clanking and glass shattering in the kitchen we all ran to where it is and what we see is Classic about to jump out the window. Wait a minute were like 60 feet tall mansion he could die!
We all looked at him standing there like idiots until Nightmare used his tentacles to stop him pulling him away from the window.

"Oh and you said that your strings can hold on to him okay what a great idea you had" Razz sarcastically said.

"I don't know how he escaped my strings no one can be able to do that" I said very confused.

"What were you thinking?" Dream said to Classic "why did you try to do that?! You could've died!"

"I just wanted to kill myself! You don't understand, nothing is going to help me nothing will save me. And if I let you help me you'll just leave me like everybody else" He was crying in tears again and its making all of our hearts broken for some reason.

"We'll not leave you, we will help you and you're safe from whoever is there" Dream softly said.

"I'm never safe he's always there watching me he's will always be there to try to hurt me no matter how much you try he's just going to ruin it and the only way to stop it is to kill myself" He explained.

"But who is this person you're speaking of?" Killer asked.

"The man who speaks in the hands, my father, Gaster" he said. We all widen our eyes so it was Gaster.

"Gaster? The one we saw?" Horror asked.

"Yes that was him! That was Gaster!" Nightmare said.

"Wait you saw him?!" Classic said.

"Yeah why"I questioned, was there something wrong? He started widening his eyes and breathing heavily, breathing fast, and shaking. We all were confused.

"Um hey are you alright?" Ink walked up to Classic but was hit on the head.

"Stay away from me!!" He growled he was in a agressive mode.

(I think that escalated quickly, whoops I rushed it)

"What the- Ink what did you do?!" I yelled.

"I did nothing it was you who did it" he yelled back.

"Okay listen Classic tell us why you are like this" I asked him.

"You know why!" He growled.

We all looked at each other confused of why he's staying away from us.

"Well that doesn't help but we are not going to hurt you we just want to help" I said.

"How can I even trust you" he hissed.

"Okay how about this we stay away from you and not touch you anywhere and you can tell us?" I suggest hoping that it would work.

"*Sigh* fine" he said wiping away his tears and sitting down on the couch while we all sat down on chairs or the floor.

"Well apparently when someone meets my father he gets to control them or say that I was the one who kills innocent people he even says that I killed a child so many resets ago and still do it. My AU was the only one that cared about me but the child was more harsh. I thought my father was nice and really cared about me but I guess I was wrong. And the more the child is bored the more resets will cause and do genocide routes, killing all the time."

We all were shocked at this, now we know why he wants to kill himself because of all the thing that kid did and that his father does these things, but if we saw him how come he didn't control us? We're we protected by some shield? He didn't say anything about Classic so what was that all about?

"Hmm. Well we met him and he didn't control us" Killer said.

"He didn't?" Classic question.

"Yeah, he didn't even told us anything except 'beware the man who speaks in hands'" He answered.

"Wait how did you understand him?!" Cross said standing up looking straight at him as the others did too.

"umm I don't know, I just did for some reason I mean I heard him with those wierd sounds but I heard a voice from him" Killer explained.

"That's bad!" Classic yelled.

"Is it?" Killer question.

"Yes! If you can understand him then that's a sign where he can go into your mind and control you"

"Wait what!!" Killer yelled.

"Whelp you're doomed" Nightmare said.

"But why just Killer?" I asked.

"I don't think it's just Killer that will be controlled" Draco said we all turned out heads to the hanging upside down SkeleWing.

"He'll probably do the same thing like he did to Killer if we ever see us again, and he'll probably be targeting the strongest ones, but if I'm right his actual Target is Classic cause he was the first one created."

"He's right" we then turned to the voice that belonged to the original.

"I'm his original target *ba dum tss* when you see him he'll only go for the strongest sanses that can defeat you all. Or hurt you all." Classic explained.

"I knew it" he mumbled.

"Wait but you said he's always there watching you and speaking to you how come you're not controlled" Abyss asked which made us nod our heads agreeing to Abyss's question.

"That's because I can block him, and because my mind is being protected by someone already who can defeat Gaster and keep him from getting into my head"
Classic said.

"Who is this person that can do that?" Killer asked.

"Well .  .  . I can't tell you because I'm not supposed to exposed his secret, but I hope you can understand" Classic said.

"We understand you can tell us if you're ready even if it's been like many years ago but I'm sure your person is doing a good job" Ink said while all of us nodded.

"Thank you guys so much" he said hugging us all.

I think we earned his trust. I thought.

Classics POV:

(His POV is going to be short sorry)

They were all nice to me they helped me with things that I should get over with and they helped me stay calm and feel safe. I was given a spare room next to Killers since Killer didn't want to be alone and always wanted a neighbor since he's with all the spare rooms. When I went into the room I immediately lay on the bed.

I then was reading a book just a normal book until I heard a voice and it wasn't Gasters thankfully.

"You sure you'll be safe cause Gaster will start being harsh on you and will control them all" the voice said

"Yes I'll be fine besides if Gaster is gonna kill everyone I have to make a sacrifice" I thought.

"Wouldn't that kill everyone?" He said.

"Don't worry I used my energy to not make them all dead when I die" I thought.

"If that's what you wish then I can't force you, I hope you made the right decision" he said.

"I did, I mean it couldn't be that bad turning into a non soulless talking flower right?" I thought.

"Probably" he said.

Do you know who that was? I'll give you a hint, it's the dude who tried to kill the sanses in one of my books that I haven't updated.

Also I hope you like it 😊. I honestly was just searching sonic stuff and because of the shootings too so that's why I wasn't really updating so yeah.


But yeah also here's a sonic form pic I put it here cause I can, I mean it is my book but this is so adorable.

I couldn't find the person who made this but look at these precious baby's! Awwwwwww~ Sooo adorable I'm literally squealing cause of this😍😍😍. This is not my art. I repeat it's not my art. But I'm not dead and I will still keep writing this.

If my body and fingers can *oofing* move and do something and that I'm not bored cause I get real bored, that's why I spend my time on wattpad and drawing.

But I will see you guys again in the next chapter and who do you think that was talking to Classic? It Shure isn't Gaster. But I will see ya.

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