Chapter 4

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Killer: where's the Author?

Dust: I don't know she must've died already

Everyone: DUST!!

Draco: Dust say that one more time and I will freaking make sure you are truly dead

Dust: . . . I don't know she must've died already

Draco: *facepalm* I didn't mean by that!

Nightmare: you did say

Classic: it has been weeks or days or something

Me: hey guys I'm ba-

Ink: where were you!!???

Me: eh heh heh sorry um I was in a fandom?

Abyss: which one?

Me: I was looking at sonic stuff and I am now in the sonic and Minecraft fandom again but I didn't forget about you guys

Error: what fandom did you say?

Me: the sonic fandom pretty much there's a lot of fans there and there's a lot of things that are relatable to you and a lot of craziness

Classic: . . How come I heard about it before-

Me: anyways onto the story

Killer: aw man I wanted to talk to the readers or something take control of this book

Me: not today, I really need to catch up on stuff it's 2020 already!
Classics POV:

I was going outside just to get fresh air since it's a nice day to go outside and because it's freaking summer I don't know why I need my jacket but I eventually took it off. I saw something at the tree and I saw it was that dragon skeleton just sitting on a tall branch wonder what he's doin' I thought.
I got up and walked to where the tree is and looked up seeing that he was high.

"Heya bud" I yelled getting his attention, he climbed down the tree landing on the ground with a thud.

"What do you want?" He grumbled leaning on the tree with his arms crossed.

"Man you really are not in the mood to talk aren't you?" I joked hoping that really wasn't true.

"Yeah I'm not in mood, but I guess I should talk to you since I'm bored anyways" he groaned.

"Oh well you might of already know me-"

"The original sans?" He looked at me, "sorry go on"

"Well I was going to be done saying that sentence but yes my name is Windings Sans but Classic since there's other AUs." I awkwardly said.

"Well it's nice to meet you Sir Windings" he shook my hand as I did too.

"So what's your name? I didn't get to know you since all the sanses told me about them but I guess I didn't see you" I rubbed my arm.

"My name is Draconasis, just call me Draco for short"

"Oh that does sound like a dragon name, what's your AU?" I asked.

"Dragontale not really important and all just another AU that was created" he said.

"What's it about?" I asked again I wanted to know more about him since the others already told me their AUs.

"Meh just dragon stuff and ancient things and all that fantasy stuff you see in books." He said.

"You sound like you don't really appreciate it" I said.

"No I do it's just when you learn about things that happens in the past you couldn't remember it just makes you different especially when you're related to your own enemy's" he explained.

"Enemy's?" I asked.

"Yes I realized that in the past when I was young I met Deathio, he was my best friend and we usually hang out all the time talking, playing, going on adventures like in the forest but when I grew up my father erased my memories not all of them only the times I met Deathio and the memories we both share. He did the same to him."

"Oh I'm sorry?" I apologized.

"No it's not your fault, besides it's my problem not yours" he said.

"Whelp I gotta rest, my energy has gotten low due to the fact I had to fricken carry all that furniture around see ya" he said and before I could say anything he was already gone.

Oh so he was helping alright. But he did sound like he didn't appreciate being here or something and he sound like he didn't like me or didn't feel like talking to anyone at all. He just sounds weird. And related to enemy's? What does he mean? Was I related to an enemy of mine? I mean Gaster my enemy and so called "father" is related but I don't know why.
I was created in a lab I wasn't born with a mother not at all, besides I don't have the same bone marrow as Gasters anyway so why? Draco seems to be a little off.
He's probably too tired. But why is he sleeping in noon? *Sigh* I don't know.

I walked to where the other sanses are, I went to the fridge opening it and grabbing a bottle of ketchup. I then sit and drink my ketchup while the sanses are talking.

"Hey where's Draco?" Killer asked.

"He probably is resting" Error said.

"I agree. He did help with all that furniture" Ink said.

"But how can he get that tired easily, we seen him carry furniture and he doesn't get tired" Killer said.

"It's probably his friends again or maybe his AU" Dream said.

"Alright. If you say so" Killer said. Now I'm confused. He told me that he was tired and they say that he doesn't get tired that easily? If it's true then something is definitely wrong with him.

I just know it.

Draco's POV:

Man I really need to stop lying I said as I walked underground to where Sci's lab is. But am I really lying? I mean I am tired after all because of the things I do a lot, and that furniture was heavy.
I took off a blanket and looked at the unfinished portal that the sanses used to be making with Sci.

"If this portal works what Au will we go to, they said that with this portal will bring us to any Au in the multiverse" I whisper to myself putting my hand gently on the metal. "But they never finished it, not even a single sans tried to finish it"

The portal was a project Sci wanted to make, he said that it will take us to different AUs and any AUs in the multiverse. For example. New AU, really old AUs, secret AUs. Any Au that has been in the multiverse. And he also said that it will take us to any multiverse also. But of course I wasn't very excited about it tho. I stepped back from the portal and put back the blanket on top of it.

But something tells me that Classic is not only having depression, but some suicide thoughts. Honestly I was horrified of what he said but never made a single face, just emotionless. I don't even know why I felt pity for him, I never felt bad about some AU sanses cause they have their friends. But thinking about him makes me worried for some reason.

Ugh who am I thinking. It's probably just a headache, I haven't eaten or drink in a week so I should eat. I went upstairs and saw the sanses sitting down on the table eating food, I didn't want to sit down cause I don't want attention so I just went to the fridge to see what's in there, of course someone had to see me, right?

"Oh hi Draco, there's already food" Blue greeted.

"Uh no I'm fine I was just getting a fish" I said trying to sound calm and nice but it gets really impossible to try to be nice, kind, and calm.

"You sure? I mean you haven't eaten in a week" Blue said as they all looked at me. Damn it Blue, why out of all the sanses does he noticed me first

"I'm sure, I'm just having a headache that's all" I said as I took a salmon and ran back downstairs. They all were quiet the whole time when I went back but they started talking again, good.

I ate the food as I looked at the unfinished portal. I remember the time when I first met the sanses, it was complicated, well for them but also for me. Just thinking about how annoying they are and how they wanted to know more about me. Though not all the sanses though which I can respect, but I don't like it when people give me attention, it just makes me uncomfortable and cringe at the same time. Tho I know they're just trying to help but still. But the thing that I'm most concerned about is when I'm near Classic. it's like that feeling when you're near someone you feel safe or warm? I don't know this feeling, probably it's the air conditioner not working again, it's hot in here and our vents keep damaging for no reason. Maybe we'll find a solution soon.

Nightmare's POV:

I swear Draco can be weird, I can tell he tried to be nice and calm but of course like always he's in a bad mood being grumpy, tired, not eating for two weeks, and not even caring about anything about us. He can go ahead and stay in his Au for all I care, the reason why I wanted to keep him is his strength his determination and his power. But again he doesn't want to do with anything about us, all he does is sleep to get his energy up or never talk to us that's all. I'm starting to think if he's ever like this in his Au or if he's okay, but I don't even care about him and he threatens many sanses for no reason. I swear he's weird.
That's when we all started to whisper when he left and Classic went to his room to rest also.

"Hey um have you guys noticed he's being weird all of a sudden?" Ink question. "Ink he's always wierd and why are we whispering?" Error whispered back. "No like wierd, wierd, like um. When Classic first came here he's been disappearing every time now without us noticing"

"Ink that's what he does, I think he's just jealous that Classics here and that we're giving him more attention" Cross whispered.Razz looked at him and whispered back "Cross, did you forget? Draco hates attention and besides he never gets jealous, all he does is just sit there not caring at all", "Oh. . . I forgot" Cross whispered smiling nervously while Razz faced palmed himself. "Well I just met him so I don't know what's going on" Mir said a little loud. "Ink I think you're just getting stressed out about all this Gaster stuff why don't you go to bed? I'll put your bowl in the fridge for leftovers for you" Blue said. "Yeah maybe you're right, thanks Blue" Ink smiled. "No problem" Blue said cheerfully. I'm obviously disgusted by the positivity they're having right now, so I just called the bad sanses to our rooms and call it a night while everbody else is putting their dishes in the sink and some of them will also go to bed while the others stay up a little longer.


I felt the light shine on my eyes as I opened them seeing that it's morning, I was about to go to sleep but was stopped by some loud banging in the hallway. I sat up now fully awake and I covered my ear holes trying to block the banging but of course it didn't work. I then hear some loud screaming and got up to see what was going on and who is making that annoying noise. I opened the door seeing Killer still in his black and white pajamas banging pots and pans at each other to make this noisy sound. "WAKE UP EVERBODY ITS MORNING!!! RISE AND SHINE!!" He yelled, ugh he keeps doing this every day, I swear one day he's going to hit himself with those things and if he does, I'll laugh my ass off so hard I won't be able to breath, not that I have lungs anyway. When Killer went upstairs I saw that every door opened showing annoyed,angry, and tired sanses going out their doors to see who's there. Even though they already know who it is. "Damn why does he do this all the time" Fell groaned. "He's Killer it's what he does every morning to wake us all up" Razz said. "Well we can't stop him now, he went upstairs and all we have to do is wait till all the sanses and him gets downstairs" Dust said. We all nod our heads and went downstairs waiting to for them.

Killers POV:

I woke up all the sanses but Draco and Classic, and Outer, and finally Horror. I went to Outers room and opened his door and saw him sleeping with his pillows on him. well now I know why he's not awake but wouldn't he suffocate in all those pillows? Whatever. I walk up to him and started banging the pots and pans, Outer sat up so quickly that all the pillows fell off him and probably hit my chest which didn't hurt cause what do you expect? The pillow to be like concrete? Pfft that would hurt.

"Really Killer? I was dreaming about Cla- I mean gazing at the stars" He said. "So? It's morning already" I said. "Dude it's like 6 in the morning why couldn't you just let us sleep until 10?" He asked. "It's still morning besides I get bored waiting for you guys" I said, he was about to say something but closed his mouth not even wanting to say it. He got up going out the door going to the left while I went to the right going to the third floor where Classic is. I wasn't even tired of the stairs. I went to his door and opened it seeing Classic lying on his bed sleeping peacefully. I walked up to him and did the same things again but he didn't wake up, I did it again but he still couldn't wake up. I tried everything and anything loud to wake him up but it just couldn't work. This is war!! I thought. I need a plan to wake him up.

I ran into the basement next to Sci's room where I see a sleeping Draco on the floor, I looked at him and looked at the frying pans and decided to wake him up first, then I'll go back to Classic. With a sinister smile I bang to frying pans together with a loud noise which scared the hell out of Draco making him wake up. I made a huge mistake of waking him up cause he looked at me and glared daggers at me saying "you are so dead to me". I ran inside the basement tripping on things and knocking over the shelves making them all fall with really loud noises.

Error's POV:

I was sitting on a chair until I heard loud noise coming from downstairs where Sci's lab is. We all looked at each other in silence and ran downstairs to see what was happening, I saw Draco just sitting there trying not to laugh at whatever just happened. "What happen?!" Blue question. "Killer woke me up and he ran in the basement knocking over all the things" Draco spoke. I looked in the basement seeing a Killer sans trying to get up and every shelf, and things on the floor. He looked up at me with a nervous smile. "Hello?" He answered. I frown at him and summon my strings grabbing him and dragging him outside the basement. "What in the living life of stars were you doing?!" I yelled. He still have that face responding "well I was trying to find some really loud things to wake up Classic so I decided to wake Draco up instead and he glared at me making me trip and make everything fall on the floor."

I looked at Draco shrugging his shoulders and looked back at Killer "ugh, next time be careful, be lucky that you didn't die otherwise your funeral with be unpleasant." Killer put his hands up calmly saying "Okay okay, I'll be careful next time. I'll stop for now this week.", "Good" I said to him dropping him down from the strings. "Let's go back upstairs, I'll cook breakfast" Blue announced, we all went upstairs, I looked back a Draco who was looking at the wall. "C'mon Draco" I called, he got up and went upstairs with me.


I don't know why I'm laughing right now.

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