Chapter 5

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Classic's POV:

I woke up seeing the light on my face. I put my arm over my face and stood up looking at the room I am in. I got up from the bed walking over to the door, turning the door knob I pushed the door open making a creak sound, I looked left and right at the hallway full of doors that are probably rooms, each door has a name on it and a color while the hallway is decorated with paintings, photos, murals, strings, dolls, knifes, and so much more. I smelled the air, breakfast I thought, I went left going downstairs, and going to the main room seeing the sanses sitting there at the long table eating breakfast.

"Hey there Sans! I made breakfast for you, it's next to Mir, and Dust" Blue chimed. I sat at the table next to Mir, and Dust. I looked at Mir as he looked at me. "Heya, I'm Classic I didn't see you either" I spoke. Since he had food in his mouth, He waved at me saying hi too. Hm, he kinda looks like Draco a little bit I thought. With a fork in my hand, I looked down at my plate smelling the delicious food of Bacon, sausage, and Eggs. I stabbed my fork in my food and ate it, I felt like I was in heaven, the food melting in my mouth. I covered my mouth and muffled, "this is good food," Blue looked up at me, "what?" Blue questioned.

              I swallowed the food now able to speak, I put my hand down gently and repeatedly spoke, "I said, this is good food"


Blue's POV

I blushed a little by the compliment he said to me, I smiled and said, "thank you for the kind words, I've been practicing cooking food, and taste test it" Classic nodded his head and started eating his food. I looked at the other sanses, they were either eating, drinking coffee, orange juice or apple juice, reading something, or playing with their food, or not eating at all, some of them probably left to do something else.

I sighed, it's just a normal day of the  AU mansion, everyone is crazy. I looked at Killer playing with his knife, and Draco scooting away from him, "Killer put that knife down! You know weapons aren't allowed at the table while eating" I yelled a little, "ugh, but I'm boooooooored", "eat your food first and then you can do something" I said to him. "Fine" Killer then stabbed the fork in his food and ate it. "Get that knife away from me" Draco growled, Killer grabbed the knife and poked him in the shoulder a lot of times, "Alright that's it!" Draco tackled Killer to the ground and  started punching him while Killer was stabbing him in the arm. Nightmare grabbed Draco, and Killer with his tentacles and yelled at them both

Draco's POV:

I sat outside on a branch still hissing in pain, Killer stabbed me too many times, but not powerful enough to kill me, or slice my arm off. What gives? He's the one that started it, I wouldn't have punched him if he stopped poking me with his dirty little stupid knife! I heard the door seeing Error looking up at me, I hugged in fury turning, and looking away from him not even taking a peak. "Draco. . " Error spoke, I didn't turn around. Error sighed using his strings to get up the branch I was on, once he was on the branch I looked the other way not making eye contact. Error put his hand up to place it on my shoulder, but I scooted away. He sighed again glancing at me, He explained "Draco, how many times do we have to tell you, don't use violence on them, it's not going to work out. I'm honestly surprised Karma didn't get you, but one day it will and you're gonna regret it", I rolled my eyes not even caring if Karma gets me back, "He's the one that started it, he shouldn't have done that otherwise I wouldn't have punched him in the first place," Error shook his head in disappointment "even so you also shouldn't have done anything, If Killer was actually going to stab you in the arm then that's a way to react, but he was just playing with you like he does with everyone, except Classic since he just got here, but the point is to just ignore him, or move somewhere else, if he follows you, and doesn't stop maybe you should just tell him to stop, I don't want you acting like Fell"

          I nodded my head, as Error smiled and went down from the branch, I stayed there thinking about what I did. Maybe I should've done nothing I thought, but sometimes it's hard controlling your emotions, everyone has different kinds of emotions they can't control.

           I then heard the door opened again seeing Killer, I immediately stood up and tried to go somewhere else, but my soul turned blue shit! I forgot he can do that! I thought as I was being dragged onto the floor, he let go of me as I bumped into the floor, i didn't make eye contact with him, he looked at me and sat down with me as I scooted farther away, but I course he used his magic on me to get closer, "you know, it's kinda rude ignoring me while I want to say something" he spoke, I glares at him saying "yeah well, you were the one that started it, so of course I want to ignore you" he chuckled softly making me looked at him, "the fuck was that for?" Killer stopped as he turned his head away smiling, "listen I'm sorry for what I did, it was kind of stupid of me to do that" He apologized, I never really liked apologies, they weren't really enough to make a person better, but for the first time I actually accepted it and apologize too,"I guess it's fine, I deserve getting stabbed in arm" he nodded his head as I mumbled something, he looked back at me confused of what I said, "what?" He asked, I turn my head away, "nothing" I spoke, Killer knew I was lying and I sweat a little "no, you said something don't lie", I sighed and spoke quietly, "can't hear you" I took a deep breath and spoke loudly "I said I'm sorry for punching you, okay!" I looked away puting as Killer widened his eyes full of confusion and surprise.

      I got up and ran into the trees a little embarrassed for apologizing.

3rd POV

Killer looked at the ground trying to catch up what Draco just said, did he actually apologize? He usually doesn't do that, he only does that whenever he did it first. . . But. . . Not apologizing back. Killer put his head in front of his hands, as he looked up and only just said.

"The fuck just happened?"



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