Chapter 6

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Me: I'm back again!

Error: again where were you? You've been gone for like two or three months.

Me: well I was having problems lately and I also didn't feel like updating since I was worried too much about the problems. Also I logged out of my account and had to reset my password, it took long.

Ink: well we've been waiting

Me: well I'm here, the updates are going to be a little slower lately so It's gonna take long.
Ganz's POV:

Killer walked back in and sat down on the couch next to Dust. I didn't know what Killer saw but I can tell by the face something happened. I shrugged, Killer always sees things. He also talks about a um- uhhhh what's it called? I forgot the name but he talks about a wall where there are people behind it.

Eh whatever he's probably just crazy like always.

Though I have noticed Outer was being a little weird, like weird, weird.
It's almost like he's gonna be a full weirdo or something. It's been like um days or something since Classic was here and some sanses were either nice to him, respect him, and even if he accidentally bumped into them they apologize or forgive him easily, heck even Fell forgave him which is something he would never do if one of us bumps into him. One time Dust bumped into Fell and a whole drama of craziness happened, almost destroying the mansion, so I try and be careful whenever I'm near him. A portal opened and Ink went through it as well as Error, they both were going to investigate the Bad sanses place to see if anything suspicious happened, or if there's was something they missed. Sci has been looking at the film Killer recorded to see any hints too.

"Hi Ink, Hi Error" G said, "did any of you find anything yet?" Error shook his head no as well as Ink. We lower our heads down in defeat, there's gotta be something we're missing, that thing can't all of a sudden disappeared right? I sighed in the head hoping that we can find something. We've also tried asking Classic but he seems to be scared of telling us. I wonder why, I thought.

"GUYS, GUYS, GUYS!!" Someone yelled, "what? What is it Sci?" Ink questioned as Sci ran upstairs catching everyone's attention, "I found something! You guys need to see this!" Sci went back downstairs telling us the bring everyone. We all nodded our head as we called all the AU sanses to see what Sci found. Another sans went to call Draco too, once we all went downstairs Sci made the screen bigger for us to see. Sci scrolled to a weird picture that was purple.

(Me: I can already see the fnaf jokes coming I just know it)

We all looked at it in confusion and looked at Sci. "What is that?" Dust asked. Sci explained what it is, "this thing is something that Gaster somewhat created, I don't know the name but it's something very dangerous" everyone looked at each other and looked back at the screen. "ooo~ maybe we should call it 'plum'" Killer said, "ugh, that's a stupid name, there is no way we're going to call it plum" Fell groaned, "well maybe a name where it's mysterious, like phantom" Ink said, "nah, that's too mysterious, how about Shadow souls" Nightmare said, "that's too demon-like Nightmare" Dream said, " well what about Soul fire" Sci said, everyone looked at each then back at him, they all nodded agreeing with the name, it's a little too simple but it's something. "Exactly why did you call it that name?" Dust asked, "well apparently this thing is used to be put in souls, so that Gaster can have control over them whatever he wants to, whenever he wants to, I don't know the other things it could do since its new to me, but I know it's not good" Sci turned back to his computer to type something, we all looked at it intrigued by it. Well at least we found one thing, but is it enough? I thought. We know little about the Classic AU, and since the original may not be the strongest alive, it still has it's consequences on what we do to it. Who knows, all I know is that this one purple thing is somewhat useful to us, according to Sci.

Inks POV

Strange how this thing is harmful in anyway, sure being controlled isn't fun at all, but actually hurting you, and killing you? That seems a little off. "Yeah I know right? It's so crazy to think that, that thing is capable of anything dangerous, usually Nightmare is the one that creates dangerous things" I jumped as Asylum was leaning to me, his crazy eyes looking straight at me.

"h-how did you know what I was thinking?" I whispered.

"I'm Psychic!" Asylum beamed, "just kidding! I just have a good intuition"

I sighed, shaking my head back and forth, "well, It does make sense why Nightmare would do stuff like this, but a Gaster? Why would he do that? Mostly Gasters are too powerful to defeat and don't need anyone or anything else to destroy a universe", "maybe this Gaster doesn't want to destroy the universe" I pause at Asylums words, "what do you mean?" Asylum continued on, on what he was saying, "maybe he's trying to find an easy way to do it, or maybe he's trying to keep our multiverse a better place, I've met Classic before, and he seemed to be seeing things that we shouldn't see" I thought about it for a moment, something that we shouldn't see...? I thought. What is it that we're not able to see or shouldn't see, could it be evil spirits, perhaps ghost? Or maybe demons, maybe evil identities? So many questions popped in my mind that I didn't notice Asylum was starting to disappear in the crowd, I walked after him questioning him, "what is it that we shouldn't see?" I asked, "silly! It's a secret" he giggled as he makes a whispering sound on the last words he said, he then walked further into the crowd, losing sight of him.

A secret huh? Wonder what that is..


How is your day today? Good? Bad?

Also I've been thinking of making a comic on Change the Formality, and this book, should I? I'm afraid I might lose motivation or something, but if you guys want me to make one I'll try my best at it.

Have a good day everyone!

(Also there was a reference, you just have to find it)

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