Episode 2: Escape To/From Atlantis!

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We start the story by seeing a Glomgold Industries Employee training video.

Flintheart: Glomgold Industries! (Shows a duck with an idea as Glomgold takes it and puts a Glomgold stamp on it) Take an idea. Make it your own. (Stamps a car) Better. (Stamps a tree) Faster. (Stamps a baby duck) Cheaper! (Shows a silhouette of Scrooge) That's the motto of the world's most beloved Scottish billionaire duck, (bursts through the silhouette) Flintheart Glomgold!

Then we see Glomgold in his office surrounded by 4 female ducks dressed up in Scottish uniforms playing bagpipes.

Flintheart: Welcome, new employees, to Glomgold Industries, (shows him with other employees in a factory) where our employees are the greatest treasure of all!

Then the video ends as we see Glomgold clapping.

Flintheart: Glomgold, Glomgold, Glom...

He stops chanting as he sees that the people he hired weren't chanting with him.

Flintheart: Fine. Enough glad-handing. You're hear because you are the best of the cheapest. With your help, and my carefully crafted master plan we'll find the fabled lost jewel of Atlantis, and finally making me the richest duck in the world! [Mwahahahahahaaa!] (Grabs company IDs) But first, here are your company IDs. Also good for 40% off life rental in case of emergency. Gabby McStabberson.

Then Gabby gets up from her seat and grabs her ID.

Flintheart: Hack and Slash Smashkinov.

Then Hack and Slash gets up from their seats and grabs their ID.

Flintheart: Donald Duck. (Sees that he hasn't came to get his ID) Duck? Duck!

Then Donald gives him the "just a minute finger" as he nervously laughs and talks on his cellphone with his brother-in-law.

Donald: Now remember, bedtime is at nine, and no sugar after seven. Oh, and-

Then we see F/N with his head out of the top of a submarine.

F/N: Relax, Donald, If I can build a ray gun out of old soda cans, tin foil, popsicle sticks, a mirror, a spring, and a magnifying glass, I can take care of my own boys for the weekend. Just focus on your new job, I can handle it. Besides, we've a low-key day planned.

Donald: Well... Okay, I'm just glad you got to see your sons again and they got their father back into their lives.

F/N: (Smirks) Yeah, me too.

Then Dewey pops up with F/N.

Dewey: Hoist the mast sail. Other boat words. To Atlantis! Dive, dive!

F/N: No! Wait!

Launchpad: Aye, aye.

Then Launchpad starts diving the sub.

F/N: Launchpad, the hatch! (To Donald) [uh] I'll have to call you back Donald, good luck on your new job! Bye!

As he hangs up, he pulls Dewey in and close the hatch before they go completely underwater.


Then we see the submarine under water as we go inside the sub as Dewey slides down the ladder and runs off as Webby and Louie pump the water out of the sub.

Dewey: Woo-hoo!

Then we see F/N as he slides down the ladder as he rings out water from his clothes.

F/N: It's a good thing I made my eye and limbs waterproof.

Then F/N's starts to ring.


He looks at his phone to see that he's getting another call from Donald.

F/N: (Answers the call) Hey Donald.... You wanna talk to one of the boys?... Well luckily Louie is right next to me.

Then F/N hands Louie the phone as he walks off.

Louie: Hey, Uncle Donald. .... Nope, yeah, pretty boring. We napped, rubbed ointment on our joints. Old people stuff.

Webby: W-w-wait! What about the dragon, and the plane crash, and-

Louie: Whoops, 3:00 p.m. Time for dinner. Bye!

Then Louie hangs up the phone.

Webby: Why didn't you tell him the truth?

Louie: You didn't tell your grandma we were going to a dangerous underwater city, did you?

Webby: I kinda sorta... didn't tell her anything.

Louie: Webby, that's irresponsible! She'll be worried sick. (Hands her the phone) Call your grandma this instant, and tell her that you are spending the night at a friend's house, okay? Lying, it's the responsible thing to do.

Then Webby looks at the phone with a worried look. Then we see Scrooge and F/N with Launchpad.

Scrooge: Launchpad, have you ever piloted a sub before?

Launchpad: I sink a helicopter in a wave pool once. Same thing?

F/N: (sarcasm) Oh, that's reassuring...

Scrooge: [scoffs] I've done more with less. No matter. (Grabs F/N) We're back!

F/N: [Heh] And it's good to be back, Uncle Scrooge.

Scrooge: Uncharted territory!

F/N: Bold new discoveries!

Huey: Travel bingo! I love road trips! (Holds a bag and food) I've got snacks, (holds a radio) a play list of traditional sea shanties, (pulls out a t-shirt) Matching family road trip shirts!

Then Huey puts the shirt on F/N.

F/N: [Eh] thank you Huey, we appreciate the enthusiasm, (takes off the shirt and grabs a cube from his pocket) Take T-shirt.

Then the cube turns the shirt into coding and puts the shirt inside it as the kids looks at it in amazement.

Kids: Whoa!

Huey: So cool!

Then F/N puts the cube back into his pocket.

F/N: But there's no time.

Huey: [uh] But according to the travel itinerary-

Then Dewey grabs the travel itinerary and tears it up.

Dewey: Boo! Adventure isn't about planing. It's about doing.

Webby: I still can't believe that your guys father is F/N Duck, Tech Genius Adventurer! For year, I've been trying to find out more about him and he hid it really well. Say... Why did you hide from me anyway Mr. Duck?

F/N: Simple, I hid the fact that I was their father from you was because I wanted to be the first to tell them. And knowing you, if you were to find them before me, you would tell them.

Webby: Wow... I actually would do that if I knew.

F/N: Indeed.

Then Dewey came up to Scrooge, F/N, and Launchpad.

Dewey: So, what can I be in charge of? (Presses a button) The buzz saw arms?

F/N: (pressed the button) No.

Dewey: (flips the switch) Sonic cannons?

Scrooge: (flips the switch) No.

Dewey: Hyper-dense zero-point energy missiles to pierce the scaly hide of a Kraken?

Scrooge: (blocks Dewey from pressing another button) None of those things are real things.

F/N: Plus I never added that feature on here... Better put that on my to-build list.

Then F/N puts up a holo-screen and holo-keyboard from his robotic arm and puts it in his to-build list as Scrooge gives him a "really?" look.

F/N: What? We live in a world where we fought, ghost, demons, yeti, zombies, even an interdimensional imp! There's a good chance that a Kraken is real and you never know when you're gonna need a weapon like that.

Scrooge: Anyways, (puts a hand on Dewey's shoulder) this is your first expedition, so just stand back watch some old pros... from a safe distance.

Dewey: So what is this submarine equipped with?

Then Scrooge puts Dewey in a seat and clips a seatbelt on him and tightened it up.

Scrooge: Seatbelts.

Then Scrooge walks off as he chuckled and F/N follows him.

F/N: (Shrugs) Sorry, son.

Dewey: [Ha] Good one.

Then Scrooge draws out on a map for where they have to go as F/N watched and calculates on how long it would take to get there on his holo-screen.

Dewey: Classic Scrooge-F/N-Dewey banter. Both the seasoned but tired and the highly intelligent explorers passing their torch to his cocky young successor.

Huey: I'm pretty sure they don't actually know our names.

Dewey: I'm sorry, what?

Huey: I'm pretty sure Uncle Scrooge called me Herbert once. And dad called me Jet for some reason.

Dewey: Don't be ridiculous. Hey Scrooge? When are we gonna set sail, Scrooge?

Scrooge: In a moment, Sonny Jim.

Then F/N gives Scrooge a "seriously?" look and goes back to calculating.

Dewey: B-but at least F/N knows our names. (Looks at F/N) Hey F/N-

F/N: (without looking at Dewey) [Uh-uh-uh!]

Dewey: Oh [heh heh] sorry dad. I'm not used to saying that.

F/N: It's fine, son, I'm kinda new to this father thing too.

Dewey: Anyways, dad. Watcha doing over there, dad?

F/N: Just calculating on how long it'll take to get to Atlantis, Dewey.

Dewey: See, at least our dad knows our names. He must've called you Jet by accident.

Then Huey tries to give Dewey a T-shirt.

Dewey: I will cram it down your throat.

Louie: Guys, lighten up. We're on a deep sea expedition with Scrooge McDuck and F/N Duck.

Then they look at Scrooge and F/N as they're working.

Webby: I still think it's awesome that F/N Duck is your father!

Louie: Which makes sense if you think about it. Huey gets his brains from him, while Dewey gets his sense for adventure from him. And I get his sense for details from him.

Scrooge: (whispers) So F/N, how long will it take to get there?

F/N: (whispers) According to the map and my calculations, we should be there in about... (Mumbling) take away the 8 carry the 2... (Whispers) 16 hours.

Then the two looks at the kids as they look back at them with smiles on their faces.

Scrooge: Mr. McQuack, (walks towards Launchpad with F/N) chart the course.

Then Webby starts to squeal in excitement as she sees the two walk towards Launchpad as Scrooge places the map next to him.

Scrooge: Next stop, the lost city of Atlantis.

Then everyone except Scrooge and F/N started cheering.

F/N: In about 16 hours.

Then the kids get disappointed as Huey turns on the radio.

Huey: Shanty time!

Then we see Huey, Louie and Webby sleep as Dewey started getting bored out of his mind for several hours as the music kept playing. Then we see Launchpad asleep as F/N sees this with two metal bottles with lids in his hands and nudged him to wake up.

Launchpad: Driving, Piloting, driving, right.

F/N: Gonna need you to focus, Launchpad. (Hands him a metal bottle) Here have some coffee, I made yours how you like it and I put it in a metal bottle with a lid so you won't spill it all over the control panel.

Launchpad: (takes the bottle) Thanks, Mr. D.

Then F/N walks towards Scrooge and hands him a bottle.

F/N: Coffee? It's just how you like it.

Scrooge: (takes bottle) Much appreciated, F/N.

Then we see Dewey with them as he looks at the map.

Dewey: Hey, Scrooge, Dad, first mate Dewey here. Your map's got us going the long way. I can probably find us a short cut if you just...

Scrooge: Uh-uh-uh, lad. The shortest distance between two points (holds his cane with both index fingers) isn't always a straight line.

F/N: He's right, son, sometimes the longest path is the perfect path. And sometimes the short path can be the worst. You can't rush perfection.

Dewey: Okay, but yes, you can. (Grabs the map) So if you just go-

Then Scrooge smacks the map away from Dewey's hand then he crouches down as Scrooge and F/N looks at him. Then Scrooge lets go of the map as he and F/N look out the window of the sub. Then Launchpad falls back asleep as Dewey takes the map while the two were distracted and changed the map. Then F/N turns to see Launchpad asleep then wakes him up by nudging him again.

Launchpad: Driving!

F/N: Drink your coffee, Launchpad, (looks back at the window) I made you some for a reason.

Launchpad: Yes sir, Mr. D.

As Launchpad was driving and drinking his coffee, Dewey set the line on the map straight through dangerous parts towards Atlantis and puts the map back. As Launchpad looks at the map and sets course to that direction as Dewey sits back in his seat.

Dewey: Shortcut achieved. They'll thank me later.

Then we see the sub getting attacked by a giant electric squid, then being attacked by Seaducks. Then being attacked by a storm monster. Then we see everyone except Launchpad and F/N on the floor.

Scrooge: [sigh sharply] (gets up from the floor) You kids will be the death of me.

Dewey: Dewey! Dewey will be the death of you.

As Scrooge fixes the map, he speaks to F/N.

Scrooge: [sigh] He's definitely your son, F/N.

F/N: That... Is actually true. I did just about the same thing at his age.

Huey: Can we make a pit stop? I'd use the bathroom, but it's, um..

Huey opens the bathroom door as a Seaducks in a toilet tries to grab him as Huey tries to close the door.

Huey: ... Occupied.

Then F/N shoots the creature away from Huey with his arm blaster as he closed the door.

Scrooge: For the love of- it's the middle of the ocean. There are no pit stops!

Then Launchpad shows a boat he found.

Launchpad: How about that conspicuously unmarked tanker.

F/N: That's... Oddly convenient.

Then we see Donald showing the Smashkinov brothers a picture of Dewey taking his first steps.

Donald: Aww, little Dewey's first steps.

Then Donald swipes left on his phone to show another picture to the Smashkinov brothers.

Donald: And that's Huey in the playoffs! He was the water boy.

Then the Smashkinov brothers just ignores Donald as he shows Gabby another picture as she was carving a life out of wood with her sword.

Donald: Oh, look, that's us climbing the Grand Canyon display at the supermarket. [Heh]

Donald: [sigh] I miss them so much, but we need this job. Plus I'm glad they finally get to spend time with their father. So, tell me about your family.

Gabby: I was raised by warrior monks who spoke only the language of the blade.

Then she twirls the wooden knife around then stabs the table with it then stabs it with her sword, causing the knife the spit in half.

Donald: Uh-huh...

Then an alarm goes off as everyone looks at a screen showing the submarine next to their boat.

Hack: We've got intruders.

Then we see Scrooge and F/N waiting by the bathroom door.

Donald: Scrooge and F/N? What are they doing here?!

Flintheart: Strange weather patterns in a mysterious location near treasure. [Hahaha] I knew he couldn't resist. And it looks like he brought along that bucket of bolts known as the Tech Genius Adventurer, F/N Duck. Hack, triangulate their sub's course. (Hack does as he says) We'll tail Scrooge and F/N and steal the jewel out from under them. [Haha!]

Then we see Dewey, Louie and Huey run out of the bathroom.

Donald: The boys?! Wait till I get my hands on- [starts squawking] I'm gonna kill them!

Flintheart: Oooo, better idea. Nab the jewel and kill them all. Somebody's angling for employee of the month. [Hahaha!]

Then we see the story shaking around Flintheart's ship as we go under water to see the sub heading to Atlantis.

Scrooge: The Drake Barrier Reef.

F/N: Powerful currents combined with rocky terrain make it nearly impossible to navigate.

Scrooge: Right you are, F/N. But on that rare occasion when snow falls above the reef, the currents cool, allowing safe passage to...

Then the two turns around wanting to hear an answer from the kids only to see them asleep until they quickly woke up.

Louie: Are we there yet?

F/N: We were just about to--

Huey: Right side or the left side?

Scrooge: If you just let us...

Webby: Look!

Then the kids go to the the right window.

Dewey: There that thing is. We found it!

Then Launchpad turns on the subs spotlights to show the Lost City of Atlantis upside-down.

Everyone (except Scrooge and F/N): Whoa!

Scrooge: Yes, good. Atlantis. Ooh! Ah! Thanks for spoiling the moment.

F/N: (Pat's Scrooge's back) Well you know what they say Uncle Scrooge, "Ya can't win them all".

Huey: The whole place is upside down.

Scrooge: Ah... Well, that's a new one.

F/N: Yeah, the prophecy didn't mention anything about it being upside down.

Then the sub goes inside an entrance to Atlantis as it rose up from the water from the inside and F/n and Dewey gets out of the sub.

Dewey: Whoa!

Then as everyone got out of the sub, Launchpad ties some rope from the sub to a broken stone column as we see Louie with Webby as she looks at the phone as she was about to call her grandmother.

Louie: Just call your grandma already! It's no big deal. (Pressed the call button)

Then Webby starts to freak out as she almost drops the phone and catches it.

Louie: Remember, your at a friend's house, okay? You got this.

Webby: (Answers the phone) Hi, Granny, I'm spending the night at a friend's house, so nothing is wrong! (hangs up phone)

Louie: Oh, you don't got this.

Then we see Scrooge and F/N reading some markings on a wall.

Scrooge: Aha. Well, according to these markings, the Atlanteans were eager to build an epic city of wonders and death traps.

F/N: They didn't stop to figure out the proper support structure, and the whole thing fell into the sea. Hmmm... You kids better stay by the sub while Scrooge and I scout ahead.

Huey: Dewey ran in as soon as Uncle Scrooge said death traps.

F/N: What?!

Dewey: Come on you two! We got this!

F/N: Dewey! (Runs inside) (mumbling) I swear, that boy has the mixer for the love of adventure and the thrill for danger from his mother and I. Im both proud and worried about that at the same time.

Then Scrooge follows F/N as the others do the same thing we see Flintheart and the others watching them. As the watch them, Gabby looks at Flintheart as he nod then twirls 3 kunai knives around, getting ready to throw them at our heroes, until Donald pulls on his shirt.

Donald: Whoopsie.

Then Donald falls on Gabby as she throws the knives and missed our heroes. Then Gabby tossed Donald off her and point her sword at his neck as the others surrounded him.

Gabby: You made me miss.

Donald: Uh... if we get rid of them now, we can't torture them later.

Flintheart: Brilliant. (Walks towards Donald) I want Scrooge alive when I shove the jewel of Atlantis in his smug face. He thinks he's so rich and so Scottish. Well, I'm wearing a kilt, McDuck. A kilt!

Then Flintheart and his new employees walk towards the same way our heroes went. We now see F/N looking around for Dewey until he finally found him sitting down with an angry look. Then we see the others behind him.

F/N: Dewey! There you are. I was looking all over for- (noticed that he's upset) what's the matter, son?

Then Dewey points at the ceiling as the others look up to see buzz saws in it.

Dewey: Stupid upside-down temple. Nothing cool about walking under buzz saws.

F/N:... Well, if I had to be honest, that is disappointing.

Scrooge: From now on, don't touch anything.

Then everyone but Dewey moves onwards until Dewey kick a stone at a wall as it ricochets towards the ceiling and pressed a button. Then snakes comes out of the wall as everyone except Launchpad moves out of the way and the snakes land on him as the others climbed over a bolder, away from Launchpad and the snakes.

Scrooge: Maybe Atlantis was an ambitious first outing.

Then the cell phone rang again.


Then Webby picks it up and answers it.

Webby: Hi again, Granny. [Nervously chuckles) Still at a friend's house. Uh, her name? Uh- (looks at F/N as he mouthed "Subrina") Subrina. A totally real name for a totally real person.

Then F/N and Louie smack they're faces. Then Webby smiles at the two.

Louie: Uh, good try.

Then we see Launchpad fall on his back as Huey and F/N walks towards him.

Huey: Launchpad, are you okay.

Launchpad gets back up with his face swollen from the snake bites.

Launchpad: A little snake venom never...

Then he started mumbling and passes out while standing. Then Huey and F/N look at each other then F/N pokes Launchpad.

Launchpad: Hi. Nice to meet you! I'm everybody's friend.

Then Launchpad falls on Huey as he started screaming. Then we see Flintheart and the others as we hear Huey's scream echoing.

Donald: Um, I gotta go to the bathroom. I'll be right back.

Then Donald walks into a huge crack in a wall. Then we see F/N pick up Launchpad with his metal arm as Webby pulls Huey out from under him. Then we see F/N and Dewey look at Scrooge as he moves a bolder away from a hole. Then he walks in as Dewey follows.

F/N: Dewey! (Puts Launchpad down) You three watch after Launchpad.

Then F/N follow the two and sees a bunch of blue lasers in an X position across a bridge.

Dewey: Whoa! Suspension bridge? Chasm? Glowing blue mystical lasers? Classic!

Then we see Donald underneath the three.

Donald: Damn those two. Wait till I get my hands on them.

Then Donald looks around and see a duck skeleton with an arrow in it eye hole next to a shield. Then sees a hole across from him. Then we see Dewey about to walk across the bridge until F/N pulls him back.

F/N: Woah, hold on there son. They don't call them, "death traps" for nothing.

Then F/N stretched his robotic arm out to the laser and touches it with his finger. Meanwhile fire burst upwards behind Donald as her screams in pain while his tail catches on fire. Then we see the three above looking at the fire as F/N's robotic hand turns red as he pulls it back.

F/N: Yep, these lasers activates a fire death traps when anything touches it. (Pulls up holo-screen) and from the looks of it, this is a thousand degree death trap. (Hand starts to cool down) Good thing my hand's fire proof.

Dewey: So cool!

Then we see Donald looking back at the trap, then looks upwards to see Scrooge, F/N, and Dewey.

Donald: Oh, no.

Scrooge: We'll find another route. It's not safe for amateur adventurers.

Then F/N and Scrooge turns around as Dewey hops in front of them.

Dewey: That sounds like a challenge.

Scrooge: I have to stress, that's not a challenge.

Dewey: Is exactly what you say to dissuade the weak of heart from accepting the challenge.

F/N: No, that's exactly what he would say to keep you from getting yourself killed.

Dewey: Well, Challenge accepted.

Scrooge/F/N: There is no challenge!


Dewey: Nailed it!

Then Scrooge smirks then jumps down and slides on a rope with his cane and jumps over Dewey.

Dewey: Sure, if you wanna do it the easy way. (Looks at his Dad) Come on, Dad. Let's see what you got!

Then F/N turns around and leaves.

Dewey: Guess my old man's got cold feet.

Scrooge: Three, two, one.

Then we see F/N running towards the bridge and slides under half of the lasers then stops and flips over the other half as he lands perfectly.

F/N: And he sticks the landing! (Takes two bows) Thank you, thank you.

Dewey: Whoa. You gotta teach me how to do that! Can you believe Uncle Scrooge wants to do it the easy way.

Scrooge: Why wouldn't you want to do it the easy way? You've got to work smarter, lad, not harder.

F/N: He's right you know.

Then we see Donald struggling to hold the fire down.

Dewey: [groan] Lad? I don't call you old man or Scottie McTophat.

Scrooge: Respect your elder. When you adventure with Scrooge McDuck and F/N Duck-

Dewey: But I'm not. You want me to adventure behind Scrooge McDuck and F/N Duck, or wait by the sub. I might as well be back on the houseboat.

F/N: Because you don't know what you're doing.

Dewey: So show me! Give me a chance, instead of lumping us together in the back seat while you drive.

Scrooge: We're not lumping you all together.

Dewey: Oh, really? Okay, Uncle Scrooge, which triplet am I?

Scrooge: [Em] Bluey?

F/N: Bluey, seriously? It's Dewey, Uncle Scrooge.

Dewey: (walks towards the two) See, even Dad knows, and he's only seen me for a day.

Then Donald flys off the shield as fire bursts from the trap and destroyed the bottom of the bridge. Then we see the others look at the three across the way.

F/N: Well, it's a good thing you weren't standing there, Dewey.

Scrooge: Oh, fantastic. You see what I'm talking about? (Yell at the others) You four find another way around. We're going to...

Then F/N and Scrooge see Dewey climbing down.

Scrooge: Push onward apparently.

F/N: Well it's better than staying here.

Then the two follow Dewey as Donald sighs and falls on his back. Then we see Flintheart and the others behind him.

Flintheart: Why, this is no bathroom. This shortcut leads right to the treasure chamber. I don't even know why I hired the rest of you. Help him up!

Then all of them pass by him as Gabby drags Donald by the leg as his head hits a bunch of rocks.

Then we see Dewey, Scrooge, and F/N as they climb down towards the chamber.

Scrooge: (whispers) Maybe I could just hire some family. Then they'd have to listen to me.

F/N: (whispers) Uncle Scrooge!

Scrooge: (whispers) What? It's just a suggestion.

Then the three see Flintheart and the others walking towards a red jewel.

Flintheart: [hahaha] There she is. (Grabs the red jewel) The jewel of Atlantis! [Yahahahaha!]

Dewey: (whispers) Who's that?

Scrooge: (whispers) Flintheart Glomgold. The poor man's version of me.

F/N: (whispers) Yeah, and one with an ego bigger than his stomach. And, to be fair, he still insanely rich.

Then the three see the Smashkinov brothers dragging Donald by his legs while Flintheart is still laughing.

Flintheart: Load up the sub.

Dewey: [gasp] They've got Uncle Donald?

F/N/Scrooge: What?

Then Dewey and F/N go towards them as Scrooge dives in the gold towards them.

Dewey: Let go of my uncle!

Then Flintheart turns around towards Dewey.

Flintheart: No.

Dewey: I wasn't prepared for that.

F/N: But I was! (Transforms robotic arm into a laser baster, then cocks it and points it at Flintheart) Give us my brother-in-law, or else I'll vaporize you into dust!

Then Scrooge jumps out from behind Flintheart with his cane in his hand, then trips him over with it. Then Scrooge points his cane at Flintheart while F/N points his blaster at him.

Scrooge: What are you doing here, Flinty?

Donald: What are you two doing here, Scrooge and F/N? I told you two to keep the boys safe.

Scrooge: Oh, they're perfectly fine.

Donald: Oh, yeah? Where are the other two?

Scrooge: Back safe in the room with the fire and the snakes.


Donald: What?!

Flintheart: Ah, Scroogey. I see you know my newest employee.

F/N: Wait, newest employee? Donald, you work with Glomgold?!

Scrooge: Your new job is with my sworn enemy?

Donald: I can't keep track of all your sworn enemies.

Flintheart: Now, now, Donald has been a model employee, and an excellent prisoner. [Hehe]

Donald: Yeah. Wait, what?

Then Hack grabs Donald as Gabby points a sai at his heart.

F/N: You're a dirty dog, Glomgold.

Then F/N disarms his arm blaster as it turns back to normal as Scrooge moves his cane from Flintheart as he gets back up.

Scrooge: Hiring, my own nephew in order to use him against me? Now, that's good planning.

Then the others walk away, leaving the three alone. Then Gabby tossed Donald in with them.

Flintheart: Have fun being the second-richest duck in the world, for the next five minutes.

Then Gabby tossed her sai at the roof as a blue jewel glows and tht door closes. Then water starts pouring out from the walls.

Dewey: I'd like to point out that this trap was not my fault.

F/N: Not the time Dewey!

Meanwhile we see the others climbing down from the broken bridge.

Huey: Junior Woodchuck Rule 841. There's always another way around.

Then we see the kids jump down from the bridge as the phone rang again.


Louie: Oh, no, no, no!

Then Webby answers the phone.

Webby: Oh, look! Uncle Hampus is here and he only speaks Swedish. We don't want to be rude. So, goodbye?

Louie: Aaand your done. Yeah, you're never gonna be able to back up that lie. That was crazy.

The Launchpad falls down and takes the phone from Webby and spoke to Beakley in Swedish.

Launchpad: Oh, hej, Beakley. Subrina har berättat så mycket om dig över fiskbollar. (Oh, hey, Beakley. Subrina has told me so much about you over fish balls.)

Then we hear flintheart laughing as Launchpad hangs up.

Flintheart: Take 'em down.

Launchpad: skit också. (Oh shit.)

Then we see the other three in the chamber as water fills up inside it.

Dewey: We gotta stop the water!

Then Donald goes towards a wall with water pouring out of it and tries to stop it. He even tried to stuffing the hole with gold until it shot back at him. Causing him to get angry until he plugged the hole with his ass.

Donald: Oh, no.

Then water squirts out of the wall until he put is finger in the hole, then another comes out as he stuck his other finger in that hole, then one more came as he puts both of his feet on the hole.

Donald: [sighs sharply] I knew it. I knew I couldn't trust you two with the boys.

Scrooge: Not the time, Donald.

F/N: Can we please, discuss this later?

Donald: Crazy old man. Mad scientist. All you two care about is your next adventure. This is the Spear of Selene all over again!

Scrooge: I was not responsible for the Spear of Selene.

F/N: And you know damn well I tried to prevent that from happening.

Donald: And look how you ended up from it.

After saying that, Donald quickly shuts his mouth as Scrooge gasped.

F/N: Why you...

Then F/N tries to jump at Donald until Scrooge held him.


Scrooge: F/N, calm down! He didn't mean it!

Dewey: (riding on a treasure chest) Stop. Scrooge and Dad were trying to keep me out of trouble, but I was so caught up in... (Looks up) Why is there a lamp on the floor?

Donald: What?

Then everyone looks up at the blue jewel.

Dewey: Atlantis is upside down. That means that lamp was supposed to be on the floor, surrounded by all this treasure.

F/N: Atta boy, son, keep going.

Dewey: But why would you surround that thing with treasure, unless...

F/N/Scrooge/Dewey: That's the real jewel of Atlantis!

Then F/N and Scrooge hang onto the treasure chest that Dewey is on.

Scrooge: That thing lit up when the trap was sprung. I'd bet my bottom dollar it's the power source that runs the city.

F/N: We just need more water to get to it.

Dewey: Uncle Donald, you gotta let the room flood so I can grab the jewel.

Donald: That's crazy. I'm supposed to what, let go, trust you?

F/N: Well that's kinda what all you can do right now.

Dewey: This is a surprisingly insightful death trap.

Donald: (looks at F/N) He's definitely your son.

F/N: So I've heard. And I couldn't be any more proud.

Then Donald looks at the water then back at Dewey as he smiles at him. Then Donald took his limbs out of the holes and held his breath and tried to pull his rear out of the hole until he got out as F/N stretched his robotic arm and pulls Donald towards them as they all held onto the chest as the water rises higher as the four jump towards the jewel and pull it out and all of the water sucks out through the walls and the door opens again.

Donald: We're gonna be okay!

Then the 4 runs out the door with the jewel. Then we see the others fighting Flintheart's employees.

Donald: Oh, yeah, those guys. Huey and Louie.

Then we see Huey and Louie teaming up against Slash.

Donald: are doing okay.

F/N: [Haha] that's my boys!

Then we see Webby beat up the other two.

Scrooge: Wait. Where's Glomgold?

Then we hear Flintheart from a walkie-talkie.

Flintheart: Hey, team, wanted to thank you (sees him in his submarine)  for keeping Scrooge's kin busy while I escaped with the jewel and blow up Atlantis with my most hated rivel and his walking trashcan of a in-law.

Hack: But I thought employees were greatest treasure of all.

Flintheart: Don't be ridiculous. Treasure is the greatest treasure of all. That's why it's called treasure. Glomgold out.

Then Flintheart hangs up and fires two torpedoes at Atlantis.

Scrooge: We have to go.

Then the family runs off to escape from Atlantis. As the torpedoes hit Atlantis, the city starts to shake as our heroes run towards the sub. Then the Exemployees stops Donald.

Gabby: Mr. Duck. Could we maybe bum a ride with you?

Then Donald rolls his eyes and let them come with them. Then they used the sub to escape from Atlantis.

Scrooge: That was some quick thinking. You just may be an adventurer yet... Dewey.

F/N: I'm so proud of you, son!

Then we see the sub heading to Duckburg. Meanwhile in Duckburg, we see Flintheart getting asked questions by the press.

Flintheart: Aye, aye. Okay, settle down. [Hehe] Ladies and gentlemen of the press, it is with great pride that I, Flintheart Glomgold, present-

Then we see Scrooge and F/N come in on top of his sub with-

Scrooge/F/N: The jewel of Atlantis!

Flintheart: What?!

Woman: Is that Scrooge McDuck? And F/N Duck, Tech Genius Adventurer?

Then the press go towards the two asking them questions as the hop down with the jewel.

F/N: An efficient, clean source of energy that could power Duckburg for 50 years.

Scrooge: Courtesy of your friends at McDuck Water and Electric.

Woman: Oh, Mr. McDuck, how do you you respond to claims by other Scottish billionaires that they have the real jewel?

Scrooge: That bauble... It's nice, but it's obviously super cursed.

Flintheart: (holds the red jewel) No, it's not!

Then all of the sudden, a giant squid grabs Flintheart and swims off with him.

Flintheart: Oh, curse you, McDuck!

Then we see the others come out of the sub as Mrs. Beakley walks towards Webby.

Beakley: Webby, Uncle Hampus.

Louie: How long?

Beakley: Whole time.

Webby: (walks towards Beakley) Granny, I can explain.

Beakley: Dear, you are safer in a sunken city with Scrooge McDuck and F/N Duck than you are locked up in a vault in Fort Knox. No more lies. And you can go with them wherever you like.

Then the two hug each other. As Donald was seeing this, he walks to the triplets as they talk to their father.

Huey: Will you at least come and visit?

F/N: [Heh] (pats Huey's head) Of course I will. No more staying out of your guys lives from this day forward.

Then the three hug their father as he hugged them back. Then F/N looks at Donald as the boys see this and moves out of the way as the start to talk to each other.

Donald: Um... About what I said back Atlantis, I-

F/N: (holds hand up) Save it. (Puts hand down) I understand, you were just frustrated. So I forgive you. Plus you took care of my kids while I was a wreck. For that I thank you.

Then Donald smiles then walks towards Scrooge.

Scrooge: Now, Donald, don't-

Donald: Stop. I admit, I'm a little overprotective.

Louie: A little?

Then the three look at Donald as F/N walks towards the two.

Donald: No matter what I do, these boys will get into trouble, so maybe you and F/N could teach them how to get out of trouble.

Huey: Uncle Donald?

Donald: It might be okay if the boys saw you two every once in a while.

Then the boys started to cheer.

Donald: Sometimes, like birthdays, or federal holidays, nothing too...

Then all of the sudden, Donald's houseboat blows up.

F/N: Um... Wasn't that your houseboat?

Then everyone started to glare at Dewey.

Dewey: Ooh, I may have left the engine running in the houseboat.

F/N: Hmm... Hey Uncle Scrooge.

Scrooge: Hm?

Then F/N puts a hand towards his ear and whispers to him. Then stops as the two nods at each other in agreement.

Scrooge: I may have a dozen or more spare bedrooms in the mansion.

Then the triplets look at Donald as he chuckled in agreement, causing the boys to cheer.

News woman: There you have it. Reclusive adventurer capitalists, Scrooge McDuck and Tech Genius Adventurer, F/N Duck are back, with family in tow, solving mysteries and rewriting history.

Time skip brought you by F/N hugging Huey Dewey and Louie.

We see Launchpad lowering Donald's boat into the pool.

Donald: Easy. A little to the left. No, no, no!

Then Launchpad drops the boat into the pool as it splashes water all over Donald.

Launchpad: Did I do it good?

Then Donald looks at Launchpad in frustration. Meanwhile we see Dewey puting stuff in a box in the garage while Huey and Louie do a pretend sword fight with Scrooge and F/N while Webby floats by with the Excalibur. Then we see Dewey next to the picture of Scrooge, F/N, and Donald fighting pirates. As he was about to go back, he noticed the torn part in the picture. Then he pushed the torn part back to show Della Duck on the lookout behind F/N fighting another pirate.

Dewey: Mom?

Then everything fades to black.


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