Episode 3: Daytrip of Doom!

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It's morning time at the McDuck Manor and we see Scrooge McDuck waking up from his bed as he stretched and yawned. He gets out of his bed, puts his slippers and bathrobe on, then open his window curtain and looks out the window.

Scrooge: Ah! Good morning, you gleaming bit of bounty.

Then we see him looking at his enterprises, home of his money bin. Then we see Beakley burst through the door with a tea pot, tea cup, and a newspaper on a silver platter in her hands looking like a mess with you darts on her face.

Scrooge: Beakley?

She closed the door with her foot as all the darts fall off her face.

Beakley: I feel I should prepare you (place the silver platter next to Scrooge) for what's out there. (Pours Scrooge some tea)

Scrooge: How bad can it be? Lid left off the peanut butter. (Walks out of room while taking) Errant roller skate left on the stairway.

Then we hear a toy gun rattling as you darts fly towards them. Before they hit, Scrooge grabs the silver platter as the darts hit it and the tea set flies up in the air. Then Beakley catches them before they fell on the floor as Scrooge spoke.

Scrooge: An elaborate series of cutthroat war games.

Then we see Huey running with a toy dart gun in his hand as Dewey shoots at him with his.

Dewey: Take that.

Then he stops and shoots at him.

???: Dewey!

Beakley: Oh thank God.

Then we see F/N walk towards Dewey with a serious look on his face as Dewey looks at him with a scared look until he crouches down and takes the gun from his hand and does a targeting position.

F/N: Don't yell at your target before you fire, son. (Toss the gun back to him as he stand back up) You'll lose the element of surprise.

Dewey: Oh, that makes sense. Thanks, Dad!

Then Dewey runs off as F/N walks off along Scrooge as Louie passed by them. Then started firing at Dewey while laughing as he runs while dodging all the darts. Then the darts hit a vase as it started to fall over until Beakley caught it while laying on the floor.

Louie: Good hands, Beakley.

Then Louie ducked as darts came his way then fired back and ran towards the others.

Beakley: When I said you two should spend more time with your family, I did not mean move them in.

Scrooge: Well it wasn't my idea.

Then Beakley got up and put the vase back as she glares at F/N.

F/N: (shrugs) What? So I wanted to be closer to my kids. Can you blame a guy? And if that's a crime, then I guess I'm guilty.

Then we see everything in infrared vision as we see Louie run down the hall.

Louie: Whoo-hoo! [Hahahaha!]

Then we see Webby hanging upside-down on a chandelier with infrared goggles on.

Webby: Target acquired.

Then we see Louie walking around as Webby shot her grabbling hook at the other chandelier and fires at him as he runs away. Then Louie trips over a wire as pillows where fired at him, causing him to fall over.

Louie: You set traps? It's just a game.

Webby: You're not a player, you're a pawn.

Dewey: [nervously chuckles] Well, Webby, maybe take this down a notch.

Webby: Tell that to my men you captured in Peking!

Dewey: What?

Webby: It's part of my character's backstory. Grizzled ex-special forces pulled out of retirement for revenge. What's yours?

Dewey: My guy has a dart gun?

Webby: (hangs upside-down) Not anymore.

Then she holds two dart guns and start firing at Dewey as the darts hits him as his dart gun gets tossed in the air. Then Webby drops her guns then flips back onto the chandelier and fires her grabbling hook gun at Dewey's dart gun as she pulls it towards her.

Webby: [Ha-ha!]

Then Huey comes in and sees this and gasped as he and Louie looks up at her as she fired at them while they run away from her. Then Webby jumps down from the chandelier and chases after Huey. Then we see Huey run towards the foyer.

Huey: (drops gun) The foyer's a safe zone.

Then Webby slides down on the stairs railway then jumps on Huey as he kept talking.

Huey: The foyer's a- [Aaah!]

Webby: This is no foyer. (Points gun at Huey's face) This is a tomb.

Then we see Scrooge and F/N walking down the hall as we hear Huey screaming in pain.

Huey: Ow! My tailbone!

Scrooge: [hahaha!] A tomb.

F/N: [Hehehe] [sigh] that's clever.

Then Beakley walks next to the two.

Beakley: You guys, This is is getting out of control.

F/N: Look, Mrs. B, if it makes you feel any better, I'll help you make some house rules.

Then she crosses her arms and looks at F/N with her eyebrow raised.

F/N: Don't worry, I'll make some rules that we both can agree on with a little bit of my own. Besides, this is my house as much as it's yours.

Then she smiles at F/N and uncrossed her arms.

Beakley: Thank you.

Scrooge: (stops at his bathroom) Oh, you two are overreacting. Kids will be kids. For everyone's happiness, we've all got to make sacrifices.

Scrooge opens his bathroom door as he sees Donald taking a bath and doing laundry at the same time in Scrooge's bathtub.

Donald: Um, ocupado.

Scrooge:... House meeting now!


We see Huey, Dewey, Louie, Webby, and Donald at the dinning room table while Beakley, F/N, and Scrooge are in front of them next to a covered chalkboard. Then Scrooge smacks the board with his cane to get everyone's attention.

Scrooge: All right. Time for some house rules.

Then Scrooge uncovered the board as it shows two of his house rules.

Scrooge: Rule one, my space is my space. My study, my sleeping quarters... (Sees Donald rolling his eyes) my washroom. Rule two, Defer to Mrs. Beakley and F/N for all subsequent rules. I'm pleased to have you here, as long as it in no inconveniences me. (Turns to leave) Good day.

Then the others look at Beakley and F/N as the get on both sides of the board.

Beakley: This may be Mr. McDuck's mansion-

F/N: But it's my and Mrs. B's house. So...

F/N flips the board to show a bunch of rules that he and Beakley made.

F/N: Our house rules.

Beakley: Exhaustive. Comprehensive.

Then we see Donald leave his seat.

Beakley: Where are you going?

Donald: I got unmentionables to wash.

F/N: (extends robotic index finger) Rule 58. (Points at rule) If you need something, ask for permission first.

Donald: Did you hear that, boys? Ask permission.

Beakley: Rule number 23. (F/N points at the rule on the board) No one is above the rules, Donald. If you had simply ask for assistance, we could have what I'm referring to as the "Undergarment Incident."

F/N: Yeah, and I'd like to forget that incident.

Then we hear the kids laughing.

Donald: I can take care of myself.

Beakley: (walks towards Donald) That is not your decision to make. You live here, you answer to either me or F/N.

Donald: I answer to no one!

Then the two of them started glaring at each other until F/N got in between them.

F/N: Alright, break it up you two. Don't want a bloodbath.

Louie: Thank God Dad got in-between them. I was afraid they were gonna kiss. [Groan]

W/D/H: Ew!

Then all three of the adults look at the kids.

All three: Outside, now!

Then the kids ran off, leaving the adults alone.

F/N: [Sigh] I'm just gonna let you two sort this out. (Walks away) If anyone needs me, I'll be in The Workshop.

Meanwhile we see the boys walking by the pool with Donald's houseboat in it as Webby catches up with them.

Webby: Death Darts was fun!

Louie: Again, just supposed to be darts.

Then Webby ran in front of them.

Webby: Oh, what do you wanna play next? Mystery Murder Island, Cannonball Fury?

Huey:... How about a nice, safe nap?

Webby: Oh (brings out a sack ball) how about Sacky Sack?

Then she tossed the sack ball up then kicks it towards Huey as Dewey pushes him out of the way as the sack passed by Louie and shot through a tree, making it look like a bullet went through it, then the tree fell sideways and made a loud thud.

Louie: Or we could have some real fun.

Then the other two boy look at Louie in excitement.

Dewey: You mean...

Louie: I do, dear Dewford.

Boys: It's time for Funso's Fun Zone!

Webby: What's that?

Louie: Only the greatest place one could ever imagine imagining!

Huey: Where your dreams become reality, and reality becomes some crazy kind of hyper-dream.

Dewey: Where punch refills are free!

Then Dewey grabs his brothers as they sing the Funso's Fun Zone theme song.

Boys: 🎵 Funso's Fun Zone where fun is in the zone!🎵

Webby: Oh, yeah. That Funso's. Of course. (Crosses arms) [ha] Everyone know Funso's. (Looks at the others)

Louie: Let's go, boys!

Then the three run off as Webby stayed behind.

Webby: Oh. Well, have fun. (Turns to walk away)

Dewey: (Stops and turns towards Webby) You coming?

Webby: (turns around) What? Yeah! (Runs towards the mansion) Let me get my stuff!

Then we see her hop into a bush then crawl up the mansion into her room to get some of her stuff.

Louie: I don't know. Webby's great for treasure hunting and mine cart chases, but she's not exactly built for every-day kid stuff.

Huey: I still see the darts when I close my eyes.

Dewey: She's been cooped up in a mansion her whole life. Of course, she's gonna be a little off. But we can help her. She'll be fine.

Meanwhile we see Webby packing stuff into her backpack.

Webby: All right, Webby, (grabs goggles and puts in her backpack) just a totally casual hang-out in the real world. (Grabs grappling hook gun and puts it in her backpack) Like regular kids do. (Grabs a book titled "The Art of War" and puts in her backpack) Play it cool, play it cool.

Then we see the boys as we see Webby at her window.

Webby: [Whoo!]

Then we see her jump out her window as we do a short time skip as we see the four at a bus stop. Then we see Beakley in the mansion, vacuuming the carpet until the vacuum shuts off. She goes to unplug it to see a bunch of surge protectors together plugged into on outlet as some of them crackled. Meanwhile we see F/N in The Workshop with his goggles on working on his machine from before until his lights started flickering a little.

F/N: [huh?] (Takes off goggles and looks up as the flickering stops) That's odd. I've been in The Workshop for years and it never did that. (Puts down tools) Better see what's going on.

Meanwhile we see Donald grilling a kielbasa while holding a water hose and humming to rock music playing in the background. Then we see Beakley and F/N walking towards Donald's houseboat.

Donald: Howdy, neighbors. Kielbasa?

The two just stared at him as F/N crossed his arms.

Donald: I'll just live on the boat while I fix it. Out of your guy's house, out of your guy's way.

F/N: (pinches bridge of his bill) Causing several fire hazards in the process.

Beakley: If you had checked with me, (holds a surge protector up) I could've provided safe electrical hook-ups.

Donald: I'm good.

F/N: By the way, how would you like to split the water bill?

Then Donald gasped then throws his tong on the ground as he looks at the two angrily.

Donald: Richest duck in Duckburg can't spare a dime. Keep your water.

Then Donald squeezed the hose as a bunch of water goes towards Scrooge's bathroom as it burst from his sink. Then we see Scrooge running through the halls as a huge wave of water followed him. Then water bursts through some windows as we see Beakley as her eye started twitching.

F/N: Well, Mrs. B, we can look on the bright side. At least no one got hurt, right?

Then Beakley got frustrated and snapped the surge protector in half as it sparked as F/N eye widened.

F/N: Ooookay... [Eh] (walks away to The Workshop) I'll go get my damage control droids to fix the windows and anything else that may need fixing.

Meanwhile we see the kids sitting on the bus stop bench as Webby was whimpering excitedly.

Huey: You've been on a bus before, right?

Webby: Absolutely. [Hehe] So is it assigned seating or, [uh]...

Then the bus stops in front of the four as Louie and Dewey get in the bus. Webby followed them until Huey grabs her arm as she looks at him.

Huey: Don't talk to anybody, don't touch anything, don't lick anything, don't go near the emergency brake.

Then Webby give him a salute, telling
him that she understood. Then she walks into the bus as she looks inside and started to get excited. Then we see her swinging off of some straphangers. Then we see her sitting between a doberman with a mohawk and wearing a punk outfit and a large bulldog wearing a white stained tank top and brown pants with a tattoo on his right shoulder has a knife stabbing a heart that has the word "KNIVES" on it.

Webby: (turns to the bulldog) I'm Webby.

Then we see her talking to the bus driver.

Webby: Have you ever jumped a ravine in this baby? Can I try? I'm Webby.

Then we see Webby sticking her tongue out as she slowly moves her head towards a pole in the bus. Then we see her next to the dog woman from episode one (the one who was sitting next to Donald for his interview) as she was reading a book titled "The joy of personal space". Then see her turning the page on the book as the woman looked at her. Then we see Webby running towards the window excitedly.

Webby: Look, a dog, wearing a bowtie. (Pulls the bus driver's ear) Did he tie it himself? Stop the bus!

Then Webby pulls the stop request cord as the bus driver slams on the brakes. Then she glares at Webby as Webby smiles at her nervously then she tossed the kids out and drives off. Then everyone got up as the boys look at Webby.

Webby: (shrugs) It was a nice bowtie. Sorry.

Huey: It's fine.

Dewey: It's just a short walk to Funso's.

Huey: Through the sketchiest neighborhood in town.

The we see a dog making graffiti on a wall then turns around and hissed at the kids, then we see two kids playing hopscotch on a traced body on the ground where a dead body used to be. Then we see a crate of chickens on a skateboard as one of them kicked the ground to make the skateboard move as they passed by the four.

Webby: bet it's a faster run. (Runs towards the right) Race ya!

Huey: [sigh] Wrong way.

Then Webby runs towards the opposite direction.

Webby: [Whoop].

Then the boys follow Webby as they passed by the dimwitted trio known as the Beagle boys as they tie up a money truck driver.

Bouncer (big beagle): Hey, is that the McDuck brats?

Then the other two look at the kids.

Big Time (short beagle): (punches hand) Let's get 'em.

Burger (skinny beagle): Uh-uh.

Bouncer: Burger's right. Ma told us we's supposed to take down the truck.

Big Time: Oh, forget the truck. (Points at the kids with an open hand) That's the payday. (Points at his head with two index fingers) Think big.

Then Bouncer grinned an evil grin, then picks up the tied man as they go towards the open door to the truck.

Bouncer: Sorry, Carl. Same time next month?

Then Carl nods in response as Bouncer tossed him into the truck and slams the door shut.

Time Skip brought you by young F/N giving Donald a nuggie as the both of them smiled.

We see the kids running down the pier as they reached Funso's Fun Zone. Louie and Huey stop in front of Funso's as Dewey was behind as he bumped into Huey and fell on top of him as Webby was behind the three as all of them looked at Funso's as the sun shines onto it as if it was the holy land as you can hear a choir sing.

Webby: Funso's Fun Zone.

Then we see Dewey flop onto his back as he and his brothers sing the theme song.

Boys: 🎵Where fun is in the zone! 🎵

Then Louie runs inside while Huey follows as he drags Dewey in by his legs while Webby follow them. Then we see Huey dragging Dewey as we see Webby standing next to Louie as she stared at the whole place.

Webby: (shows the Pizza Pier wit a pig kid next to it) Pizza? (shows the arcade as a dog kid runs out with tickets in his hand) Games? (shows the World's Deepest Pit as a dog mother puts her son in the ball pit then looks at her phone as her son sinks in) A pit of balls?

Then Webby gasp as she was about to head towards the ball pit until Louie pulls her back by her backpack.

Louie: Sweet Webbigail, (wrap arm around he shoulder) ball pits are for babies. (Walks off with his arm around her) Walk with me.

We see them walks into the Pizza Pier as Louie talks to Webby.

Louie: You're in the zone now. If you wanna get by in this world, you gotta know the people to make it spin. (Stops and looks at a female employee) Josie, new token apron? (Gives her a thumbs up) Nice.

Then Josie giggles and give him a bag of tokens and walks off. Then a male employee walks towards the.

Male employee: Your usual table, sir.

Then Louie and Webby go towards a table next to the Employees only room and a soda fountain.

Louie: (Gives an employee a token) Merci, Toby.


(0:46 to 2:03. I'm sorry, I tried to write this part down but it made me cringe so much that I wanted to stop writing for a while. Hope you guys understand.🙏🏾)

We see Beakley as she rings out the water out of a rug while F/N's drones made some repairs from the damage caused by Donald. Then we hear the door bell ring as Beakley heads to the front door and opens it.

Man 1: Special delivery for D. Duck.

Then we see a bunch of gas powered generators on the front porch.

Donald: Come around back.

Then we see a bunch of delivery men take a the generators to the back yard as Donald turns around towards Beakley.

Donald: Portable generators. Keep your power Mrs. B. I'm off the grid.

Beakley: (Turns around) That idiot is going to get himself killed.

Then Beakley smirks and shrugs it off and walks away.

Meanwhile in front of Funso's Fun Zone we see Big Time walking towards it until the Funso Mascot stops him.

Funso Mascot: Welcome to Funso's! There's no place finer! But all cool adults must be accompanied by a minor. Ba blew ba blam!

Then Big Time points back with his thumb as the mascot looks up to see Bouncer dressed up like a little girl with a sucker in one hand while holding Burger's hand with the other. Then Burger kissed that hand and pats it.

Bouncer: You buyin' this?

The mascot shakes his head no. Then Bouncer snaps his sucker in half then tries to grab the mascot as he runs away screaming. Then we hear a bunch of thwacking. Meanwhile we see Webby inside of Funso's as she heads to the arcade. Then we see Big Time and Bouncer put on the Funso's Mascot costume and walks towards the arcade as we see Burger stuck to Bouncer's back on the inside of the costume. We see Webby walk towards Dewey playing a guitar hero like game as he was jamming out and gets the high score as other kids cheered for him.

Then Webby reads the name of the game, which is in japanese.

Webby: Uke or Puke?

Then Webby looks at the game as the character to the game pukes out rainbows.

Dewey: Wait, you can read japanese?

Webby: F/N taught me.

Dewey: Cool! Anyways, behold, the best game ever created! As you can tell, japanese import. There's only one in the US. and I have the top ten score, (pressed the touch screen as we see Dewey's scores on the high score list) so I'm pretty much the best in the country. (Grabs a second uke and gives it to Webby) You gotta try this.

Webby: I-I don't know. I've never actually played a, um, computer game.

Dewey: Do you play an instrument?

Webby: I had seven years of cello.

Dewey: (shrugs) Same thing.

Then Webby looks at the uke nervously then holds it like a cello and strums it as the character pukes a nasty puke. The Dewey puts the uke on her the right way.

Webby: Oh!

Then she strums it again the right way and the game gives her a thumbs up and starts counting down to start the game.

Dewey: Your first strum. Cherish it.

Game: 準備完了... スタート! (Ready... START!)

As the game starts, Webby starts strumming her uke and not miss a single note.

Dewey: Yes, yes, be one with the flow.

Game:うわっ! やっているほど! (Wow!You're doing amazingly well!)

Webby: I am both uking and puking!

As she was strumming, the Beagle Boys walks behind her and grabs her shoulder.

Big Time: Time for-

Webby: Strangers are danger!

She grabs her uke and walks Bouncer in the gut with it.

Dewey: Webby, no!

Then Webby does a backwards kick flip on them as they fell backwards. Then Webby landed on the game's screen and dropped down doing a ninja landing. As the Beagle Boys fell over, Bouncer unplugged the game with his leg, causing it to shutdown. Then Webby realized what she did.

Webby: [gasp] I killed Funso.

Dewey: No, no! (Runs towards the plug) Don't you die on me!

Then Dewey pushed the Beagle Boys out of the way and plugged "Uke or Puke" back in. As the machine turns back on, we see all of the scores were erased.

Dewey: My scores. No! It's like I don't even know you anymore.

Webby wanted to apologise, but she felt like she would make things worse so she walks away, saddened.

Meanwhile we see Beakley about to make some tea, until she sees F/N come down the stairs.

Beakley: F/N? What are you doing out of The Workshop? I thought you were working on that project.

F/N: Well I still am, but I thought I could take a break.

Then Beakley looks at F/N in a shocked manner after hearing what he just said.

Beakley: You haven't took a break in 10 years. The only time you would come out of The Workshop is when you either wanted to get something to eat or drink, taught Webby, or take a shower and brushed your teeth.

F/N: I know right?! But I don't know, ever since I got the boys back into my life again, I feel a lot more calm than usual.

Beakley: (smiles) Well I'm glad to hear that.

F/N: So, do you mind if I join you?

Beakley: Of course I don't mind. (Start making some tea) You still drink green tea, right?

F/N: Of course, it's my favorite tea.

As the his tea was getting made, Beakley hands F/N his tea cup.

F/N: It's been a long time since I had some green tea.

After a minute, Beakley poured green tea into his tea cup then poured her tea into her cup, then the both of them looks out the window to watch Donald as he turns on one generator as it starts, then he puts gas in another generator and starts it, and he goes on his roof and starts the generator on there as all the caused the boat to shake, causing one of the gas containers to fall into the pool. Donald runs down to see gas filling the pool, then two more containers fell into the pool. One more started to fall, until Donald caught it. Then another one fell as Donald caught it and knocked a generator into the pool as the water caught on fire. Donald sees this and starts to scream. He started splashing at the fire with the pool water only to make the fire worse, catching his house on fire in the process as Donald started to scream and panic as Beakley and F/N took a sip of thier tea. Then we see Scrooge walk down the stairs with a towel in his arm.

Beakley: Perhaps we could put your nephew up in a hotel. In New Zealand.

Scrooge: No time. Guest bath's a-callin'. Beakley and F/N problem.

F/N: (Rolls eye as he keeps watching Donald) Of course.

As he sips more of his tea, Scrooge looks at F/N in shocked.

Scrooge: What are you doing out here lad? I thought you'd be in The Workshop.

F/N: Taking a break.

Scrooge:... Alright. By the way, when will those bots of yours finish fixing me washroom?

F/N: (Sets tea down and pulls up a holo-screen from his robotic arm) My damage control droids should be done in that area in about... (Mumbling) let's see, carry the 5. (Normal) 3 hours.

Scrooge: Welp, (walks towards the guest bathroom) off to the guest bath.

Then Beakley groans as we now see a sad Webby as she was on a ship then jumps off it and lands face first into the ball pit.

Webby: Ow.

Huey: Room for three more?

Then Webby looks up to see the boys in the ball pit.

Webby: You guys aren't mad I ruined Funso's?

Louie: Please. Funso's is a place of magic and wonder and light.

Dewey: (tossed balls at the others) Think fast.

(A/N: See, this is one of the reasons why I love this show. No matter how much Webby screwed up in this episode, the boys still have her back.)

Then the kids started having fun and laughing as the kept tossing balls from the ball pit. The all of the sudden, Webby started to sink down into other pit.

Webby: Wait. What's happening?

Huey: Nope, your fine.

Webby: (panicked as she was sinking) It's a trap! I'm sinking.

Then Webby screamed as she sunken into the ball pit. Then she grabs her grabbling hook gun and shoots it upwards as the hook ricocheted off the slide, popped a kid's balloon, went over some kid as it broke a window, then finally, the hook grabs onto a fake coconut tree as it gets pulled down as kids started to scream in terror and everything catches on fire. As smoke rised from the fire, the fire alarm goes off and sprinklers started spraying the whole place as the hook lands on a net full of balls (shut up) as Webby pulls herself up to see the manager.

Webby: (puts hand out for a handshake) [hehe] I'm Webby.

Then the manager pushed the kids towards the entrance.

Manager: You are banned from Funso's for life!

Huey: (gets on his knees) No, please. I've never been kicked out of anything.

Louie: (whispers to Dewey) And this is why I said we shouldn't bring her. So, thanks, Dewey.

Hearing this, Webby started to feel guilty for what happened.

Manager: Funso, take them out.

Then we see the Beagle Boys in the Funso costume walk in front of the kids.

Big Time: With pleasure. Call Ma. [Mwahahahahaha]

Then we see someone waking towards Funso's. Then we see the door opening as the manager walks in front of the doorway.

Manager: You can't come in without a child.

The the person punched him in the gut as he crouched down in pain while she walks passed him and crushed a red ball on her way. Then we see everyone getting scared and move out of their way.


Then a man runs away as he gets behind another person who was about to eat ice cream until they dunks his head into the bowl. Then they flipped a tray out of a waitress's hand and opens a door to see the Beagle Boys smiling.

Big Time: This is it, Ma. The big payday. The perfect scam. The-

???: Save it! What's so important that I don't see an armored car parked out front?

Big Time: May I present our new meal ticket?

Then Big Time imitates a drum roll as he shows a meat locker. The lady opens the door as Big Time speaks.

Big Time: Scrooge McDuck's family.

Then the lady opens the door as the kids started jabbering then closes the door. Then turns to the three to reveal Ma Beagle.

Ma: Oh, and how did you manage this?

Big Time: Well, we cornered 'em, we captured 'em, and we sent him a ransom note.

Ma: You did what?

Then we see Donald getting clean water from the pool in a bucket and tossed it at the fire on his boat. After he did we see a brick hits him in the face as he falls over and passes out as we see the brick next to him with a note tied to it.

Ma: (rubs temples) How did someone so brilliant raise a bunch of dumbasses.

Bouncer: (whispers to Burger) I think she's takin' about you.

Big Time: B-but Scrooge will pay a fortune to get them ankle biters back.

Ma:(whacks Big Time with her purse) You think he got to be the richest duck in Duckburg by paying people off?And besides do you know who those three boys in their are?

Big Time: Scrooge's nephews?

Ma: Not only that, but they're F/N's kids.

Bouncer: Wait, as in F/N Duck, Tech Genius Adventurer?

Ma: The very same. And you just painted four twerp-size targets on our backs. (Looks at the other two) Bouncer, Burger, go wait outside.

Then the two runs off as Big Time stays.

Big Time: What about me, Ma?

Then she tossed Big Time into the meat locker.

Ma: You're on a time out, mister.

Then Ma slams the door and as the four look at Big Time.

Huey: Who are these guys?

Webby: The Beagle Boys. They hate both your uncle and your father. Try to break into the mansion all the time. But ever since Mr. Duck build a security system, that's been happening a lot less.

Dewey: Are they gonna ransom us?

Louie: Scrooge will never pay for all four of us.

Webby: Ah, you're right. He'll probably throw one of us of a cliff to send Scrooge a message.

Then the boys started to scream until it get cut off to Donald as he wakes up and sees the note and he gets up as he reads the note. After he reads the note he gasped. Then we see him banging on the bathroom door where Scrooge is in.

Donald: Scrooge, the kids! The Beagle Boys!

Then we see Scrooge taking a bath filled with water with cucumbers on his eyes while Scottish music plays in the background.

Scrooge: (sits up) Wait. Something's wrong.

Then Scrooge takes the cucumbers off his eyes and replaced them with gold coins then leans back as the tub was now filled with gold coins.

Scrooge: Much better.

Then we see Donald run towards The Workshop, and starts banging on the door.

Donald: F/N, open up! Open up!

Then we see F/N working on the machine until he heard banging on the door.

F/N: (lifts up goggles) [Hm?]

Then we see the door slides open as we see F/N about to walk out until Donald accidentally hits him in the face.

F/N: [Ow!] What the hell Donald?!

Donald: Sorry.

F/N: It's fine. Now why where you banging on my door?

Then Donald hands him the note as he takes it and reads it.

F/N:(mumbling the words on the note) [gasp] (grabs Donald's arm and runs off) We need to tell Beakley!

Then we see Donald and F/N slide down into the kitchen and run towards Beakley.

Donald: (takes note) Mrs. B, a brick, a note!

Beakley: Look who's finally coming to ask for my-

Donald: HELP!!!

Then Beakley takes the note and reads it.

Beakley: What is a Funso?

Then we see The kids with Big Time as he was pacing back and forth while he talks to himself.

Big Time: Don't capture Scrooge's and F/N's brats, Big Time. Don't stick up the policeman's ball, Big Time. (Stops) Tanks don't float, Big Time. (Goes back to pacing) She always treats me like the odd man out because my ideas are too-

Webby: Intense?

Big Time: (looks at Webby) Visionary. Well, I'll show her. I'll show them all.

Louie: Well that's not something you wanna hear when you're tied up in a meat locker.

Big Time: Startin' with you.

Then Big Time charged at the boys until Webby hits him in the back of the head with a frozen pizza.

Boys: Webby?

Webby: Oops. (Walks off of Big Time) Sorry. I'll just...

Webby tries to tie herself up again as Huey spoke.

Huey: You could slip out of those the whole time?

Webby: Well, yeah. That's, like, being captured 101.

Louie: So why didn't you?

Webby: Because I don't want you to think I'm weird. I've been stuck in the mansion for so long, that I'm trying really hard to be normal. But everything I do is, you know, not.

Then the boys looked at each other then back at Webby.

Dewey: Normal's overrated.

Louie: We need you to be Webby-normal.

Then the boys nods in agreement as Webby smiles at them, drops her rope, and freed the boys. Then she reached into her backpack and put on her goggles.

Webby: I'm gonna break every bone in her body. (Looks at the boys) Or maybe just tie her up. We'll see how it plays out.

Webby grabs a frozen sausage and throws it as it twirls around like a boomerang and hits the vent above them, causing it to open. Then they climb a table, then hop towards a stand and jump into the vent.

Meanwhile we see Ma talking to Bouncer and Burger outside of Funso's.

Ma: All right, boys. McDuck's highfalutin hooligan Beakley and High Tech Genius Nephew-in-law F/N is coming to take you down. Are you gonna let them?

Burger: (Shrugs) Mmmm....

Ma: No, you are not. Those two maybe strong, ruthless, smart and unforgiving, (a plane with an American flag flies over her) but you are the Beagle Boys. My boys. It's time to mark your territory.

Then the two look at each other as Ma rolled her eyes.

Ma: Do it for your dear old man.

Then the two cracked their knuckles until a brick crashed through a window from Funso's with a note on it.

Ma: (picks up note and reads it out loud) "Dear Ma Beagle, if you ever want to see your son again... Oh, for fuck sake.

Then we see a car come in as the three sees the car. Then three doors open as Donald, F/N, and Beakley run towards the three.

Ma: You take care of them. (opens the door) I'll deal with the squirts.

As Ma goes into Funso's, the two goes towards the adults. As Bouncer and Burger walk towards Donald, F/N, and Beakley we see Donald and F/N getting angry as Beakley speaks.

Beakley: Beagle Boys are slow, but quite large. I'll take the big one and... Guys?

We see Donald's face turning red with anger as F/N shakes with rage.


Then F/N turns his arm into a blaster and fired at Burger as he got knocked back. Then Donald jumped on Bouncer and crawled all over him, then pulled on his eye lids, then hit his shoulder repeatedly, then pulled on his shirt, then jump on his shoulder. Then he jumped off him as F/N punched him in the gut, then uppercuts him while Donald wen towards Burger and fights him while Beakley watched as she was shocked at what she seeing.

Beakley: Hm? I guess he can take care of himself. And I never seen F/N this mad before. Must be his fatherly instincts kicking in.

Then Beakley cracks her knuckles and charged at the two Beagle Boys. Meanwhile we see Ma in Funso's looking around until Webby turned the power off.

Ma: Come on, kid. I don't have time for games.

Then Ma walks around as she heard Webby.

Webby (echoed voice): Then you're in the wrong place. 🎵 Funso's Fun Zone, Where fun is in the zone🎵

Then we see Ma in thermal vision for a bit, then some one fires a dart near her. Then Ma walks past the ball pit as Webby was on a rope ladder and climbed up it as Ma sees her go into a tunnel. Then Ma drops her purse and goes after Webby. She followed Webby inside as she climbed some crates then Ma followed after her as she passed a whimpering kid. Then we see Webby climbing a ladder as Ma climbed the ladder and popped out the hole. Then she sees Webby run across a rope bridge. Seeing this, Ma jumps up and onto the bridge, causing it to make a wave and tossed Webby up.

Ma: [Oh!] You can't outrun me. (walk towards Webby as she landed) You know how many two-foot terrors I chased around the junkyard?

Then Webby gets back up and runs off towards the slide.

Webby: But I'm not out running you.

Then Webby slides down the slide as Ma Slides down after her.

Webby: I'm leading you.

Then we see Ma slide into the ball pit then starts digging through it until we see Big Time hanging upside down.

Big Time: Hi, Ma.

Ma: (looks up) Seriously, Big Time?

Then Ma tries to jump up to Big Time to grab him until she started to sink into the ball pit.

Ma: Wha- What the... (Tries to dig herself out) Stupid plastic garbage. (Sinks in more) Wait, no, stop. It's a trap!

Then we see a grappling hook shoot out of the ball pit as it pulls Webby up.

Webby: I know, right? Now!

Then we see the boys pull up a fishing pole as a net surrounds Ma and pulls her up. Then we see F/N kick open the door with his arm blaster ready while Donald and Beakley where behind him until the three gasped as they saw Ma and Big Time were captured by the kids.

F/N and Donald: Boys!

Then the two ran over to the boys and hugged them as they hugged them back. Then Beakley walks next to Webby as she looks up at her work.

Beakley: A slipstitch. (Looks at Webby and pats her head) Good choice, dear.

Webby: Thanks, Granny.

Then Big Time tries to make Ma feel better.

Big Time: I-it's okay, Ma. I tried, a-and that's all what matters, right?

Ma: Shut up, Big Time.

Big Time: Why can't we have what they have?

Time skip brought you by F/N Hugging his boys.

We see Beakley open a power converter as Donald was behind her.

Beakley: Now flip the switch on the boat's panel and you'll have power.

Then she flips the switch then closed the converter as we see F/N with them as well.

Donald: Thanks, you two. (Looks at Beakley) Hey, how does a housekeeper know so much about electricity and Tae Kwon Do?

F/N: Oh, that's simple. She's a spy.

Then F/N and Beakley started laughing then Donald joined in with them until they calmed down.

Then we see the kids with their feet in the pool.

Huey: Nice of Funso's to lift the ban and give us all those free tokens, you know, to keep us from suing them.

Dewey: Who knew dad had three lawyers?

Louie: Yep, the system works.

Dewey: So, what should we do next?

Huey: I don't know. Webby? What do you wanna play?

Webby: Really? You mean it?

Louie: Any crazy thing you want.

Webby: Oh, how about a nice game of... (Grabs a mace from her bag and puts on demon mask) Medieval Dungeon of Eternal Screaming?

Boys: I'm on Webby's team.

Then everything fades to black.


Finally finished! Sorry for the wait, a lot of things has happened over here. Hope it was worth the wait.

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