Life of an Agent (Transformers Prime Season 1 & 2) Chapter 3

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"So, this is the guys school, huh?" Madalyn spoke up, staring at the wide building before her and the blue motorcycle Autobot. 

Madalyn and Arcee were waiting to meet up with Jack after school today. Miko ended up in detention, again, and Raf was at a dentist appointment, so he would meet the group back at the Autobot's base later.

She was wearing a blue leather jacket with a white tank top, leather leggings and black boots.

"Yep. How come I never see you here, Madalyn?" asked Arcee in her vehicle mode. 

"Oh, I used to go to school, but ever since I became an agent with Unit-E, I decided to be home schooled," Madalyn explained, leaning against the side of her motorcycle. "That way I could spend more time with Fowler." 

"What's home school?" Arcee asked, seeming confused. 

"It's when your parents teach you your school lessons at home. Before my dad left, he was a professor at a University. He had some social issue's and from where I used to live, there was a lot of violence going on over at the schools, so my dad thought it would be a good idea if I were home schooled." Madalyn answered. 

"How did it feel?" Arcee questioned. 

"It was alright. I had the best teacher, didn't get any homework, or tests, plus it also gave me a chance to spend some quality time with my dad," Madalyn signed, her shoulders slouching. "Before he left."

"Madalyn, I'm sorry for your lose. I know how you feel," Arcee replied, her voice sincere. "I lost a really good friend, and partner,  a while back. If you ever want to talk, I'm here." 

"Thank's Cee'," The Jr. Agent smiled at the blue motorcycle. The school bell rang right after that, and after a few moments, Madalyn spotted the dark haired boy stepping out through the doorway. "There he is!" 

"Hey Arcee, hey Madalyn." Jack greeted as he walked down the stairs. 

"Ready to go?" asked Madalyn as she climbed onto on her motorcycle. 

"Yep!" Jack piped. 

Jack put on his helmet as he climbed onto Arcee. Both engines kicked in as he and Madalyn were backing up from the crib, they noticed a boy next to them, sitting in his car. It was a black sports care with yellow and orange flames on the hood and side, with a open roof right over the driver's seat. The boy had orange hair with green eyes, wore a worn-out green jacket with a white t-shirt underneath, blue jeans, and construction boots.

"Hey! Chery mopad!" said the boy, looking over in Jack's direction. 

"Uh, this mopad has duel carbs, and can go 0-60 in 3.5 seconds." Jack replied, getting straight to the point. 

Then after that, Jack, Madalyn, and Arcee drove off down the road. There was something about Jack's voice that perked Madalyn's attention. Did Jack know him from school?

They drove down the street, turning into main street before stopping at a traffic light. 

"Ah Jack? A lady's vital stats, are her own business." Arcee spoke up. 

"Hey!" yelped an unknown voice. 

Jack and Madalyn's head sprang up and looked to the right at the cross walk and saw two girls standing there. One had orange hair in a pony tail while the other girl had long blonde hair. They both wore matching outfits, a pink shirt with a white dress shirt underneath, a blue skirt and light brown boots. 

"Nick right?" the girl in the ponytail asked. 

"Um, its Jack." he corrected. 

"Jack, right, sorry," The girl apologized, shaking her head "I'm Sierra." 

"I know," Jack replied with a nod. "Long time no see!"  

"You once offered me a ride?" Sierra recalled, raising a brow at the teen. 

"Uh, yes!" Jack perked up. "Anytime!" 

Wait, does Jack have a crush on this girl? This Sierra?

"Rap it up, Jack! Arcee's your guardian, not your wing man." Madalyn lowered her voice to a whisper.

"So, how about now?" Sierra suggested with a shrug. 

"Um," Jack muttered the word as he glanced down at Arcee, thinking. 

Just before he could give her an answer, the same boy from the school drove up towards us and stopped the car between Jack and the two girls. "Hey, what do you know! Small world!" the boy grinned. 

"Uh, dude, not trying to be mean, but rude much!" Madalyn scoffed. 

"We were having a conversation here!" Jack stated as he waved his hand at Sierra. 

"Maybe cheer-captain here would like to see you take on four wheels of muscle car," the boy taunted. "And I'll even let your friend here join in on the fun. If she can handle it." 

"Are you challenging us?" Jack questioned. 

"To a race?" Madalyn added for clarification. 

"You too catch on quick, what do you say?" the boy nodded, his eyes almost threatening. 

The Jr. Agent was beginning to sense a bad vibe from this kid. Just what was his deal? Did he also like Sierra? Were they dating or something?

Syaira gave Madalyn and Jack a "go for it" look, while Jack stared at the boy, and Madalyn stared at Jack. 

"Don't do it, Jack" Madalyn prayed in her mind. 

Just when Jack was about to answer, the green light came on at the traffic light, and Arcee took off with Jack. The boy and two girls looked at them with shocked looks on their faces before turning to the brunette, waiting for Madalyn to answer. 

"Um... We'll think about it," Madalyn spoke quickly. "Jack wait up!" She yelled as she raced off towards the pair

Madalyn caught up to them down the street, and it appeared that Jack was having an argument with Arcee. "Hey! You didn't let me answer!" 

"Nope" answered Arcee. 

"No she did not." Madalyn teased. 

"But Arcee, Madalyn, we can smoke him!" complained Jack. 

"Yep." Arcee agreed, but still had the same harsh tone in her voice. 

Jack sighed with a groan, shaking his head. "You just don't get it!" 

The three of them came to a stop at another traffic light. "We don't make the rules Jack, Optimus does." Madalyn explained. 

"Yeah, and rule number 1 in case you missed it; NEVER abuse power for personal game," Arcee recited. "And that also includes horse power!" 

Jack sighed just as the boy from earlier drove on up, pulling up beside Jack, and Arcee again. 

"Vince, maybe racing isn't such a--" before Jack could finish his sentence, Vince interrupted him with a loud laugh. 

"Ha, figured! You two ride around like your bike's are something special," Vince went on, shaking his fist. "But their just chunky, junky, trikes. And ugly!" Vince grinned with a mock. 

As the green light turned on, Vince made a U-Turn and drove back down the road towards Sierra and her friend. 

"Oh no he didn't!" Madalyn sang with a hushed voice. 

"That's it! The yea-who's going down!" Arcee growled as she made a U-Turn, following after him.

Madalyn quickly followed her lead, driving beside her. 

"Whoa! What happened to rule number 1?" Jack asked with surprise. 

"Gets bent, just this once!" Arcee answered. 

Vince pulled up towards Sierra and the other girl down the street. "Yo girls! Your pal Darby and his friend, they're--" but before he finished, Jack, Arcee and Madalyn caught up to them, pulling up behind him. 

"Ready when you are Vinnie!" Jack teased. 

"You're gonna wish you never messed with us!" Madalyn grinned, cracking her knuckles. 

Vince had a slight smirk on his face after hearing that, as he turned his head to face the pair. "Dirt Road by Truckers Ranch! 1 hour!" he announced.


Madalyn, Jack, and Vince were all lined up at a mile marker for the starting line. Sierra and her friend were a few feet away from them, standing at the side of the road to watch the race. 

"From here to the next mile marker," Vince instructed. "Ready, go!" 

Vince started his car and drove on ahead, getting a head start on the cyclists as Jack and Madalyn raced behind him. 

"Well that was fair!" Jack spoke sarcastically. 

Vince, Madalyn, and Jack drove past Sierra and her friend, leaving them behind as they quickly vanished from the view of their side mirrors. Vince was a head of them, and the finish line was getting closer. 

"Uh guys?" Jack gulped. 

"Winning isn't enough, Jack." Arcee began. 

"We wanna make him cry!" finished Madalyn "Follow my lead Arcee!" 

Madalyn, Jack, and Arcee caught up to Vince, coming in from the side. As they were driving next to each other, Madalyn jumped her front motor cycle wheel up in the air, performing a wheelie stunt and waved at the boy. His mouth gaped open at the sight of her as she plopped back down before taking off at an accelerating rate. Vince had a surprised and shocking look on his face as he watched her drive off. Arcee did the same with Jack, leaving Vince behind in even more starstruck. The pair of crossed the finish line, Jack and Madalyn cheering as Arcee honked her horn. 

"Yeah! Outstanding!" yelled Jack "Hey, maybe there's time to take Sierra a quick once around the block?" 

"Don't push it!" Arcee and Madalyn spoke in unison. 

With the race over, they kept on going, leaving Vince in the dust as they made their way towards the Autobot base.


Minutes later, Arcee, Jack, and Madalyn, arrived in the base. Madalyn parked her motorcycle near the entrance/exit of the base, so it wouldn't be in the way of the other Autobots coming in and out. Jack got off Arcee and took of his helmet as Arcee transformed into her robot mode, looking down at the teenagers. 

"Not a word to anyone." Arcee reminded. 

"Don't worry." Madalyn assured the femme as she gave her a thumbs up. 

"Our little secret." Jack smiled as he winked at her. 

Arcee smiled at the two of them before walking off into the hall. 

Then Miko popped up out of nowhere, making motorcycle noises with her mouth. "Dudes! Vroom! Vroom! And the winners are?" 

Jack froze, looking at her with a nervous look on his face. "Miko? Who told you?" 

"You're kidding? Its all over school!" Miko spoke, acting all excited. 

"Really?" Madalyn asked, raising a brow. "That was quick." 

"You guys beated the pants of that bully Vince." said Raf as he walked over towards them, joining in on the conversation. 

Panicking, Jack pulled his 3 friends into a group huddle, lowering his voice to a whisper. "You guys have to promise to keep this on the D.L.," Jack spoke, looking at the group before shooting a glance at Madalyn. "Especially from Optimus." 

"Optimus?" She repeated.

He had a point. They just broke Optimus' number 1 rule a few minutes ago! If he found out, who knows what kind of trouble they could be in. Madalyn didn't want to get on Optimus' bad side, considering he was her Autobot guardian. But she didn't want him to find out, even if she was just trying to help Jack, so...

With a heavy sigh, she glanced back at Jack, nodding her head. "Fine."

"We promise!" Raf agreed. 

The beeping sound of the elevator caught everyone's attenion as they turned and looked up to see the elevator doors open, Agent Fowler stepping out onto the platform. "Ratchet! Is Madalyn here? I heard that she was hanging around here today." 

"Right here dad!" yelled Madalyn as she ran up the stairs towards Fowler. "Whats up?"  

"I have a new mission for you," He proclaimed. "For the past few weeks, numerous reports of illegal street racing has been spotted all over Nevada. The most recent one, happened last night just outside of Las Vegas. One of our military spy drones captured this image of one of the cars that was at the race." explained Fowler. 

He plugged in his U.S.B. into the computer and a photo popped up of a dark red European sports car.

"Whoa! That's a G6 sports car. You can hardly find them here in the United States. This car is European. Although, it does look pretty familiar." Madalyn cupped her chin, looking at the photo.

"The guessing games will have to wait. We just got word that another race is happening tomorrow night, right here in Jasper." Fowler elaborated, placing a hand on her shoulder. "I want you to go undercover in the race." 

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! You want me, to go undercover? In a race?" Madalyn questioned, waving her hands in disbelief. 

"That's right. Most of the other agents are busy with other missions, so General Bryce recommended you to take this one on their behalf. Don't worry, I got premission from Optimus to let you take the mission," explained Fowler. "Considering it was against one of his, rules?" 

"...Alright. If General Bryce needs me that badly," Madalyn shrugged with a smile. "I'll give it a shot!"


It was now the next day, and Madalyn was getting ready for the race. With Raf's permission, she got Bumblebee to come with her to the race as her ride. To keep her identity a secret, instead of wearing her uniform, she put her everyday clothes. White jean jacket, black t-shirt, jeans, and custom nike high top sneakers. 

Once she was ready she found Bumblebee watching Raf playing video games at the bases "living" area. "Alright 'Bee, It's show time!" Madalyn smiled. 

"Beep beep bop 'You got it!'" said Bumblebee. 

But before they could leave, Jack stepped in front of the girl, catching her attention. "Hey Madalyn, is there any way I could go with you and Bumblebee to that race?" asked Jack. 

"beep bop bop beep 'Don't even think about it!'" Bumblebee remarked, shaking his hand. 

"Jack, I can't take you with me. It could get dangerous," Madalyn defended, placing her hands in her hips. "Besides. I'm only allowed to go because I got permission from Optimus. If you go, you'd be breaking the rule and getting in trouble!" 

"Raf, back me up here!" Jack called, stepping to the side to look at the boy.

"Well..." Raf strained his voice, slowly shrugging his arms. "Maddie does have a point." 

"But Jack's gotta get the girl!" Miko stepped in, pumping his fists. 

Raf and Madalyn gave her a look of confusion as the Japanese teen rolled her eyes at the pair. 

"And beat the bully?" she added. 

"I don't know..." Madalyn lowered her head, her arms crossed. 

Jack stepped forward, placing his hand on Madalyn's shoulder. 

"Come on Maddie, just this once?" Jack asked, his eyes pleading. 


"Remember Jack, stay out of trouble alright?" Madalyn reminded, her voice stern. 

"Relax Maddie, I'll be fine." Jack assured her. 

As Bumblebee drove up towards the starting line, Madalyn and Jack noticed the car beside the yellow Autobot. It was Vince's car.

 "Lets say hello shall we?" Madalyn grinned. 

Bumblebee pulled down the driver's seat window, and once Vince turned his head and saw Madalyn and Jack inside the car they were driving, he was completely speechless. 

"Bike's are in the shop." Jack shrugged. 

Vince smirked at the thought of an equal playing field. 

"Circuit Drivers are you ready?" said the announcer. 

As the announcer was talking, Sierra came out on to the starting line, her job to signal the racers to start. She started waving over at Jack. Jack spotted the girl, smiling back at her. But Madalyn elbowed him in the arm, making him flinch as he yelped, looking over at the brunette . 

"Focus loverboy!" Madalyn teased. 

"Sorry, got carried away." Jack apologized. 

"Make it mean but keep it clean," said the announcer "Fire it up in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!" 

Sierra gave the "go!" signal and all the cars raced off.


As Bumblebee and the other cars passed the first few turns, the Autobot was in the lead, while Vince was trailing them from behind, trying to close the gap between them. Madalyn and Jack took notice on Bumblebee's rear-view mirror, that G6 European car came up from the side, smashing into the side of Vince's car. "The Bullet", as Vince likes to call it, swerved out of the way, and the European car started driving towards Bumblebee. 

"What the?" Madalyn's eyes widened at the sight. 

"Beep bop beep 'This is not good'" said Bumblebee. 

"What was that Bee?" asked Jack. 

"Beep beep bop beep 'It's a decepticon!" Bumblebee stated. 

"Wait," Jack took another look out the rear-view mirror. "I know that car!" 

Madalyn caught a glance at the car for herself, her eyes widening even more when she saw it. "Me too!" 

It was the same car Fowler was telling her about back at the base. 

Just then Bumblebee took complete control of the steering wheel, catching the Jr. Agent off guard as he drove up the ridge of the circuit. The G6 did the same, following Bumblebee's every move. Just then, two energon blasters came out from the side of the car, the bright red light of the laser pulsing as it charged. Once Madalyn saw them, she knew exactly who it was. 

"Its Knockout!" She shouted. 

Knockout started shooting at them with his blasters. To dodge them, Bumblebee turned and jumped off the circuit ridge and raced down the open road while Knockout quickly followed behind him. 

"Can you lose them Bee?" Madalyn asked with worry. 

"Beep bop bop 'I'll try" said Bumblebee. 

"What did you say?" Madalyn asked again, her voice tense. 

"Beep bop bop beep 'I said I'll get us out of here." answered Bumblebee. 

"I hope that means yes, cause I would rather not call base for backup." Jack gulped, slouching in his chair. 

"I hate to say it Jack, but I think that's not a bad idea," Madalyn protested. "Bee, see if you can call base for back up." 

"beep bop bop bop beep 'On it!" Bumblebee agreed, his com-link patching through to the Autobot base. "Beep bop bop beep beep "Guys we need help! We're being chased by Knockout!

"You're being chased by Knockout?" Raf repeated through the com-link. 

"That sounds like a Decepticon!" Miko growled. 

"Bee, do not engage! Your first priority is to keep Jack and Madalyn safe." Arcee instructed. 

"We're coming up to a bridge. Can you guys meet us there?" asked Madalyn. 

"We're on our way. Hang tight." Bulkhead answered. 

The transmission ended as Bumblebee drove down the ridge, and pulled in under the bridge, turning his car lights off. The three of them could hear Knockout's engine as he stopped on top of the bridge, looking for the yellow Autobot. After waiting a few seconds, Knockout started his engine again and drove off down the road.

"I think we lost him guys." Jack sighed with relief. 

Madalyn took of her seat belt, getting out of Bumblebee as she walked up the ridge and looked down the road to see if any cars, or Knockout, were coming back. "Okay, I think we're safe here." said Madalyn. 

"So what now?" Jack questioned as he stepped out of the robotic vehicle. 

"I'm getting Arcee and Bulkhead to take you back to base." Madalyn answered as she walked back down the ridge. 

"What, why?!" Jack's eyes widened with shock. 

"Because I knew something like this would happen! I told you this would be dangerous, but no! You just HAD to impress Sierra," Madalyn waved her hands in the air with frustration before she sighed, taking a moment to calm herself. "I should have never let you come with me Jack. You could have gotten hurt, or worse, killed!"

She raised her wrist to her face, activating her wrist-watch communicator. 

"Bee, can you shine a light? I can hardly see out here." 

Bumblebee turned on his car lights, allowing Madalyn to get a good look at the device on her wrist. She typed in a series of numbers before a signal bar appeared on the screen, followed by screen shots of Arcee and Bulkhead. 

"Arcee, Bulkhead, I need you guys to send a bridge to my-- AHHH!" before Madalyn could finish, Knockout appeared out of nowhere, reaching his hand down and grabbing Madalyn! 

He tossed her into the air, Knockout transforming into his vehicle mode. He left the roof open for Madalyn to land in the passenger seat. Once she was in, Knockout closed the roof, and got a bunch of seats, suing them to tie her up in the seat. 

"Hey! Whats going on?! Let me go!" She shouted, trying to struggle her way out. 

Knockout took out a mini taser from the front compartment and shocked her with it, using it on her forehead as the girl was knocked unconscious. With her out of the way, Knockout took off across the bridge, and back down the road with Madalyn, while Jack raced up the ridge to go after him. But Knockout was already far ahead, so the boy stopped in the middle of the road and stared at them driving away.

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