Life of an Agent (Transformers Prime Seasons 1 & 2) Chapter 2

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"Fair warning. We will be helping ourselves with your device. Even if it means influcting casulties." Silas warned.

"Is that so?" Madalyn raised a brow, looking skeptical. 

"Then tell us Sai, whats the market price for a D.N.G.S. these days?" Fowler joked, looking confident as he glanced up at the helicopter through the window. 

"What makes you think we intend to sell it, Agent Fowler?" Silas countered. 

"He doesn't mean..." Madalyn spoke slowly, putting the two and two together in her mind. 

And that's when it clicked... 

"He means it." Fowler nodded. 

Silas was going to steal the weapon and use for his own purposes! 

"There's a war brewing. Between the new world order, and the newest," Silas declared. "The victor, is the side with the most innovated technology." 

Fowler looked out the window and noticed that one of the men inside the car in front of Bulkhead, was going to shot open the door of Optimus' trailer. He looked over to his step-daughter, tapping her shoulder. "Madalyn, get in position, operation: Double Team." ordered Fowler with a whisper. 

"You got it," replied Madalyn. "Keep him distracted!" 

The Jr. Agent took off her seat belt and opened a mini door at the back of Optimus', hidden behind the last row of seats, and went inside the trailer to find the D.N.G.S. and Arcee. "Arcee, Double Team!"

"You got it, Romanoff!" Arcee grinned as she transformed into her vehicle mode, a blue motorcycle.

Madalyn doesn't exactly know why Arcee calls her by her last name. She made a mental note in her mind to ask her one day. Maybe she was just being formal, and polite? Madalyn shrugged away the thought and regained focused on the mission. She got her helmet on, and hoped on her Nakamura Firehawk V4 motorcycle that was hiding behind the D.N.G.S. It had a light blue and pink blended colour scheme. 

As they were getting into position, they both heard 3 knocking like sounds at the door, followed by some short of electrical shock, and finally the muffled sound of a slight explosion. The door began to open slowly, as the light from the outside temporary blinded the girl. 

"On my signal!" Arcee spoke up. 

Once the door was fully open, Madalyn and Arcee saw one of the M.E.C.H. goon's on the hood of the car, looking like that he was going to try to jump into the trailer. 

"Now!" shouted Arcee. 

Arcee and Madalyn accelerated out of the trailer and their back wheels of their motorcycles landed on top of the hood of the M.E.C.H. car, causing the goon to fall back in the car through the sun-roof. Then they bounced back off the hood of the car, before it started spinning out of control and exploded in a giant puff of fire and smoke, as the girls drove from the scene.

Arcee met up with Bumblebee, while Madalyn  jumped her motorcycle back in the trailer. She climbed off the vehicle and manual shut the trailer doors. Once that was set, she then came back into the truck, well, rather Optimus, locking the hidden door and sat back down in the passenger seat. 

"If you think M.E.C.H. has the most radical tech, then think again! Later Sai," Fowler boasted as he hung up the walkie-talkie "Nice job out there Madalyn!" 

"Agent Fowler, Madalyn, do not take your Silas likely," explained Optimus "Megatron preached the same ideology before leading Cybertron into the great war that destroyed our world." 

"That's awful. So what your saying is, Silas is like a human version of Megatron?" Madalyn questioned. 

But before Optimus could reply, the com-link system went off. "Optimus, prepare to deploy Phase 2. 5 miles to the south, you will reach the rendezvous point." Ratchet spoke. 

"Understood." Optimus replied. 

"Guess the answer will have to wait." Madalyn thought with a shrug, leaning back into her seat.

 As the Autobots drove down the road, Madalyn spotted a railroad track next to the road, and coming out of a nearby tunnel was a cargo train. "There's our destination point." said Fowler as he pointed to another tunnel just ahead of them. 

"Autobots! Keep a tight formation." Optimus commanded. 

Near the entrance to the tunnel on the road, there wasn't any railings blocking the way to the train tracks. So the Autobots used that path to enter the trains tunnel and drove inside the tunnel along with the train. Some more of the M.E.C.H. cars were attempting to follow them, but Bulkhead transformed at the last second, and shot the top of the tunnel as the entrance caved in, preventing M.E.C.H. from being able to get in. Once it caved in, Bulkhead transformed back into vehicle mode and drove after the others, satisfied with his task.

Madalyn made her way back into the trailer, opening the main trailer door to let Arcee in to lift up the D.N.G.S. Bumblebee transformed into his robot mode, running at top speed before he jumped on top of the train, and knocked on one of the cargo train doors. The door opened and inside was an army solider. Bumblebee waved hello at him, as Optimus' trailer transformed down into a platform. Arcee picked up the D.N.G.S. with a heave, giving it to Bulkhead, who then passed it along to Bumblebee as he placed the D.N.G.S. gently inside the cart. 

"Nice work team!" cheered Madalyn, giving them a thumbs up. 

"Madalyn, I need you to stay with the D.N.G.S." Fowler spoke up through her communicator. 

"But why?" Madalyn asked, lifting the device up to her face. 

"Silas doesn't know that were loading the D.N.G.S. on to this train. Me and the bots' will hold them off as long as we can for you to get the D.N.G.S. to its destination. Got that?" Fowler explained. 

"I won't let you down." Madalyn replied firmly. 

Bulkhead reached out his hand for Madalyn to climb on, and he helped the girl into the cargo cart with the solider and the D.N.G.S. As she closed the door, she watched the Autobots and her step-dad drive off, out of the tunnel and back on the road. 

"Be careful you guys." Madalyn spoke softly.


Madalyn was begin to grow worried about the 'bots and her step-dad. So to try and listen in on what was happening, she used her communicator to hack into the walkie-talkie frequency that Fowler was using.  When the signal sparked to life, the girl fist pumped. "Yes, it worked!" 

From the communicator, she could hear noises of some jet planes coming from outside. 

"Air support? Ours or theirs?" asked Fowler. 

"Air Support?" Madalyn spoke a loud. 

"Optimus you have company!" warned Ratchet through the com-link. 

But who else could show up at a time like this?

"Company?... Decepticons!" Madalyn's eyes widened with a shocked expression on her face. 

If the Decepticons were on the scene, then the D.N.G.S. was in an even bigger risk than before! She turned off her communicator and walked over to the end of the cart where what appeared to be a pay-phone hanging on the wall. It allowed people to connect and talk to the train conductor at the front of the train. She picked up the phone, and it started ringing. 

"Hello, Army Rangers, Johnny Ray, here." said the conductor. 

"Army Ranger, this is Special Agent Madalyn Romanoff of the Unit-E. We have enemy hostiles in the air that could be a threat to the D.N.G.S. Is there any chance you can get the train to go faster?" Madalyn asked, sounding hopeful but had a hint of fear in her voice. 

"I'll try Agent Romanoff, but the maximum speed the train can go is 90/h." explained Johnny. 

"That will have to do. Give it everything you've got!" ordered Madalyn. 

"Yes ma'am!" Johnny replied .

 And with that, Madalyn hung up the phone. She sighed with relief, feeling a tin but of stress fall from her shoulders. She turned her communicator back on to hear what was going on outside.

"Agent Fowler, if we are to survive, it has become absolutely necessary to drop out cover!" said Optimus. 

From here, Madalyn could hear the Autobots transform into their robot modes. It was truly a interesting and remarkable thing to hear.

"After a long drive, it feels good to kick back, stretch my legs, and kick some tail pipe!" shouted Bulkead. 

In the background Madalyn heard some smashing and bashing, figuring the Autobots were fighting the Cons'. "Wish I could be there to see them fight." Madalyn said to herself. 

"Agent Fowler, you live a charmed life, walking among titans." Silas spoke up after a long silence.

"Come on down, I'll introduce you!" Fowler replied. 

"In good time. Right now, I'm wondering how the D.N.G.S. vanished into thin air. As well as your daughter, Agent Romanoff." Silas clarified. 

"Oh no.." Madalyn's mouth gaped upon as she could barely speak those two words.

He knew about me?!

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a train to catch." said Silas as he hung up. 

"This is not good!" Madalyn gulped.

"Prime! Silas has found out about Phase 2!" Fowler yelled through the walkie-talkie frequency. 

"I understand---AHHH!" Optimus' voice cracked violently, sounding like as if he gots hit from the battle and all Madalyn could hear after that were crashing noises until she couldn't hear anything at all. 

"Oh no! Optimus!" Madalyn yelped, covering her mouth with her hand as she gasped. 

"Prime! Do you read me? Prime?!" Fowler bellowed over the walkie-talkie. 

Madalyn quickly used her communicator to switch com-link frequencies, dialing the Autobase and contacting Ratchet, and the kids. "Ratchet, we got a problem! Optimus is down, and Silas found out what happened with the D.N.G.S.!" Madalyn explained frantically. 

"M.E.C.H. is going after the D.N.G.S.? We need to think of something quick!" said Jack. 

"You mean like a Phase 3?" Raf shrieked. 

"Come on you guys, what's the plan?" Madalyn asked, her hands shaking. 

"Okay, think, think," Jack spoke quickly, sounding like he was pacing. "Alright, if M.E.C.H. wants the D.N.G.S. they will need to get on that train."

"What if we get on board first? You know, run on some human on human interferance?" Miko suggested, acting all excited. 

"Absolutely not! If any human on this team is doing human on human interference, its either Agent Fowler or Madalyn," Ratchet stated. "Besides, they have the proper training." 

"Yeah, besides that's suicide!" agreed Jack. 

"HELLO?! The United States of MELTDOWN here?! Lives are at stake!" Miko argued. 

"Yes, YOURS! Not only do you want me to bridge you into a confinde space, but one traveling at 90 miles per hour?!" Ratchet countered, raising his voice. "Regardless, it is impossible to lock on to something with that speed!"

"Would it help if we had access to the trains coordinates?" Raf asked, the sounds of his keyboard typing clicking quietly in the background. 

"Well..." Ratchet pondered. 

"Don't worry Ratchet, I'll be with them the whole time." Madalyn assured the medic. 

After a moment of silence, Ratchet vented a steady sigh. "Alright, I'm sending Jack and Miko through the ground bridge." said Ratchet.

"Copy that Ratchet." Madalyn acknowledged.  

She turned off the communicator, pressed a few buttons and activated the safety shield around her suit. Man, this watch could do wonders! Thank you, Ratchet! 

"There, if something goes wrong, my suit will protect me," Madalyn spoke, talking to herself "Okay, I seriously gotta stop talking to myself!" 

Then all of a sudden, Madalyn heard some electrical shock like noises coming from outside. Right after that, these random electrical sparks came popping out of the floor and shocked the solider, knocking him out cold. 

"Whoa! Good thing I had the shield up." Madalyn breathed a sigh of relief.

She bent down, checking the pulse of the fallen ally. Thank goodness, he was still breathing. Then behind her, a ground bridge portal opened and out jumped Jack and Miko. 

"About time you showed up!" Madalyn spoke as she walking towards him, helping them up from the floor. 

"Raf, you there?" asked Jack on his cell phone. 

"I read you Jack. The cell phone com-link patch works!" Raf replied. 

Just then, the three teenagers heard the sounds of helicopter propellars, coming from outside. So Madalyn walked up to the door and opened it to take a look outside. And sure enough, there it was, Silas' helicopter trying to land on top of the train! 

"Guys, look!" Madalyn pointing a head. 

Jack and Miko came over and looked out the door, following the Jr. Agent's gaze. "Raf! M.E.C.H. is landing on top of the train!" said Jack. 

"Can you hack into the trains route system?" asked Madalyn. 

"Yep! In about 20 seconds, your gonna come to a fork. Brace yourselves!" Raf cautioned. 

Madalyn, Jack, and Miko, move back inside the train, just as it switched tracks, and the helicopter violently hurtled to the side, missing its chance to land. 

"Alright, it worked!" Madalyn cheered. 

But she spoke too soon. The helicopter turned itself around and began heading right back for the train. 

"Not good!" Jack gulped. 

"Raf, can you switch tracks again?" asked Madalyn. 

"I can't! M.E.C.H. found out I hacked into the train's system! They shorted out my laptop with a virus!" Raf spoke in a panic. 

"And what have I been saying about earth technology?" Ratchet recalled with annoyance.


The M.E.C.H. helicopter landed on top of the train. The three teenagers could hear footsteps, and orange sparks appeared on the ceiling, and started making a square hole in the roof so they could get in. 

"Raf is starting to lose his touch." Miko commented. 

"Madalyn! Whats happening over there?!" Fowler's voice came to life through her communicator. 

"M.E.C.H.'s landed on top of the train, and they're coming in! I got Jack and Miko with me, but I don't know how long we can hold them off!" Madalyn explained, bringing the device close to her face. 

"Hang in there. I'm sending back up now!" answered Fowler as he ended the transmission. 

The Jr. Agent lowered her hands, pulling out her black twin pistol from her gun pocket attached to her right leg, loaded it and aimed it at the square. "Get behind me you too. This could get ugly!" Madalyn ordered, eyes narrowing at the square. 

But instead of following orders, Miko stepped back, grabbing an ax as Jack picked up a fire extinguisher. Madalyn looked behind her, smiling with a nod at the two of them. She was glad to see that her friends had her back. She turned her attention back  forward and focused her aim at the square hole. Once the piece of the roof fell to the floor, the teens saw 3 M.E.C.H. agents on the roof, looking down on them. 

"Special Agent Madalyn Romanoff! Don't come any closer or I'll shoot!" Madalyn cautioned, her finger over the trigger. 

"You want a piece of this?! Well do ya?!"  threatened Miko. 

"What she said!" Jack spoke quickly in agreement. 

After a few seconds of waiting and watching, the M.E.C.H. goons just suddenly walked off and the helicopter flew away. After slowly processing what happened, the three teenagers lowered their weapons. 

"Whoa, we're pretty fierce." Miko grinned with surprise.

Madalyn quickly walked back over to the doorway, poking her head outside the cargo train door to see Silas stick his hand out his window with a weapon. He launched a rocket from his rocket launcher, and it flew down in a vertical line, blowing up the tracks ahead of them. 

"Oh no! Not good, not good, not good!" Madalyn's eyes widened with shock. 

"Ratchet, Silas blew the train tracks! You gotta bridge us out of here! The soldiers too!" Madalyn spoke frantically in his cellphone. 

"We lost the train coordinate data! I can't bridge you back without your coordinates!" Ratchet answered. 

That seemed to spike the teens attention in a bad way. Madalyn looked at Jack and Miko, a scared look on her face. "We need to find another way off this train!" She proclaimed. 

"Like what?" asked Jack. 

"Maybe we should jump?" suggested Miko. 

"At 90 miles an hour?!" Jack shouted. 

"It's the impacted or the meltdown, take your pick." Miko replied with a huff. 

"What were we thinking volunteering for this?" Jack moaned, his body swaying left to right. 

"You need to do better of talking us out of these situations." Miko rolled her eyes. 

"Yeah... Next time..." Jack muttered. 

"Well... Jack, Miko, at least we're in this together." said Madalyn as she placed one hand each on Jack and Miko's shoulder. 

Miko smiled softly with a nod before swiping Jack's phone out of his hand. "Raf, this is important! Make sure Bulkhead gets my guitar!" Miko spoke, her voice beginning to crack.

Before they made any final decisions, Madalyn stuck her head out once more when she heard a engine noise other than the train from outside. Miko, and Jack looked outside as well, and the teenagers spotting Optimus Prime racing against time, driving to the front of the train at maximum overdrive. 

"Don't read the will just yet guys!" Jack grinned. 

The teens watched Optimus transform to robot mode as he ran to the front of the train, grabbing it with his hands, and with all of his might, he dug his feet into the ground as he started pulling the front towards him, to try and slow down the train. The force pushed Madalyn back a bit but Miko grabbed her arm and held on to it while she held on to the door handle. 

"Come on Optimus, you can do this!" she shouted. 

Madalyn heard Optimus yell as he pulled harder and stronger until final, the train came to a steady and screeching halt, just as it reached the blown up part of the track. Optimus let go of the front of the train, turning around to where Madalyn, Jack, and Miko were. The kids each gave him a thumbs up as he nodded with approval. 

He heard the noise of the helicopter behind him, so he turned his head, and saw Silas's upper body popping out of the window. "Well played visitor. But M.E.C.H. still has home field advantage and we'll find a way to level that playing field. One way or another." He spoke. 

Silas went back in the helicopter and it flew off into the distance. 

"Optimus!" shouted Madalyn. 

Optimus turned around and knelt down next to the train and let out his hand. Madalyn hopped on, and climbed up his arm and sat on his left shoulder. "Nice job big guy." said Madalyn as she gave him a thumbs up.

"Optimus, are you and the children--?" asked Ratchet. 

"We're alright, Ratchet. Crisis averted." answered Optimus. 

"Excellent. I'm bridging you all back to base, now." 


A few minutes later, everyone arrived back at the Autobot base safe and sound. Bulkhead and Arcee took Jack and Miko home, and Fowler was getting ready to leave. 

"Ready to go Madalyn?" He asked, stepping into the elevator.

"Actually, is it alright if I stick around here for a bit?" She asked in reply, hands behind her back.

 "That's fine. Just make sure to be back before 'lights out'." Fowler smiled. 

"No worries." answered Madalyn as she saluted her step-dad. 

Fowler chuckled back at her, saluting as well as he pressed a button on the elevator, and the door closed in front of him. 

"Hey Madalyn! Up for a few rounds of Mario Kart?" Raf asked as he sat on the yellow couch, who had two controllers in his hands. 

"Sure. Lay it on me!" Madalyn grinned. 

Raf tossed Madalyn one of the controllers and moved over a bit on the couch to give room for the Jr. Agent. "Aside from what happened today, this is the most normal thing I've done all day." said Madalyn. 

"Then you better saver it. Because I have a feeling it won't last long," Raf replied. "3, 2, 1, GO!"

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