Life of an Agent (Transformers Prime Seasons 1 & 2) Chapter 1

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It was an ordinary day like any other at the Air Force Military Base in Jasper, Nevada. Jr. Special Agent Madalyn Romanoff, and her step-father Special Agent William Fowler, were heading outside to pick up their fighter jets to go out on patrol.

"Thanks again for taking me in Fowler. It's going to be hard, calling you dad." said Madalyn.

"No problem. I'm just glad General Bryce accepted you into the agency at such a young age. If that didn't happen, I'd hardly get to see you," replied Fowler. "I'm just glad you took your cadet training when you did."

"Yeah, otherwise I would have gotten stuck with Uncle Earl or Aunt Patty! They're crazy!" Madalyn exclaimed, being slightly over dramatic.

"Oh come on, my step-brother isn't that bad." Agent Fowler defended.

"Is he?" Madalyn laughed a little at the question.

Once they reached their jets, Madalyn noticed this odd looking box that the Military guards were loading on to her dad's jet. "Hey Fowler-- dad? What's that?" asked Madalyn.

"That is today's mission. That is the D.N.G.S. It's a nuclear device that I have to deliver to the coast for testing." answered Fowler.

"Okay, so what does that have to do with me?" asked Madalyn, looking confused. "Your job here, is to make sure we're not being follow. More importantly, to protect me and the D.N.G.S. from falling into enemy hands." said Fowler.

"So like a bodyguard?" The girl raised a brow for clarification.

Agent Fowler nodded in reply as he began to climb up the small ladder that led to the cockpit of his jet.

Madalyn pressed a button on her wrist-watch communicator, and a blue neon lined circle appeared, moving from her head to her feet, changing her everyday clothes into her spy suit. It was a black jump suit with pouch belt around her waist, combat boots and biker gloves.

The watch was a gift from the Autobots. They are a group of robotic-ogranisms from a far away planet called Cybertron. For the last few years, the Autobots and the U.S. Government have been working together in secret, to protect Earth from another group of Cybertronians that call themselves, The Decepticons.

The watch was given to Madalyn by the Autobots medic, Ratchet, as extra protection should she run"Alright then, let's get a move on!" Madalyn cheered while giving her step-dad a thumbs up.


Once they were strapped in and ready, the two agents powered up their fighter jets and drove down the runway, taking off into the sky. The sun was shining off in the distance, fluffy clouds all around them.

"I'm not picking up any other aircraft in this area," The Jr. Agent spoke through the com-link. "Hardly any wind here so most likely we won't get any turbulence either. So it's smooth sailings from here."

"Don't get too cocky. Something is bound to pop up," Fowler cautioned. "Be on the look out."

For the next few minutes, Madalyn kept an eye on her scanner, occasionally taking a glance out the window for her own personal view.

Just then, a series of red lights, practically laser blats, came flying out of nowhere towards their jets from behind.

"You had to jinx it!" Madalyn shouted.

"What the? Ahhh!" Fowler's voice feed was cut off as his jet got shot from one of the lasers, and began to hurtle its way down towards a forest beneath the aircraft and crashed to the ground.

"Oh no!" Madalyn screamed.

She looked out the hatch window behind her and she spotted a lime green and black helicopter following her. There was no way a helicopter could keep up with this kind of aircraft! Especially up in this altitude! The helicopter began to open fire on Madalyn's jet, and it landed a direct hit from behind.

"Gah!" Madalyn flinched as her jet violently jerked downward.

It began spinning out of control, jerking down near the area Fowler's crashed. Before the jet made it any closer towards the ground, Madalyn reached down and slammed her fist on the emergency shoot button, and it caused her hatch to open and her seat got shot out of the cockpit and into the air, just as the jet crashed down, exploding in a ball of fire. A parachute popped out from the headrest of the seat, and it gently set the girl down near the destroyed vessel. Once she was safe, Madalyn took off her seat belt, stood up, and began to run to the other jet to check on Fowler and the D.N.G.S.

Madalyn ran for what seemed like miles until she found Fowler's jet. The good news was he wasn't injured, and the D.N.G.S. didn't get damaged. She climbed up, pulling with all of her might as she opened the hatch to reveal the man strapped into his seat.

"What the heck just happened?!" Fowler barked with shock.

"Maybe it was the Decepticons?" Madalyn predicted with a gulp.

Since Madalyn joined Unit-E, she hadn't run into the Decepticons just yet. While she knew she would see them eventually, a small part of her hoped it wouldn't be any time soon.

"Maybe, maybe not," Fowler shook his head. "But just to be safe, I'm calling Team Prime for back-up." The man reached over, pushing a button on the console of his cockpit.

"Okay, but do it quick, before that helicopter, Con', or whatever that thing is, comes back!" said Madalyn with scared expression on her face.

"Prime? Prime do you read me? Prime?!" Fowler yelled over the com-link.

Eventually after a few seconds of black and white static, the image of the Autobots and their base background appeared on the screen.

"Special Agent Fowler, Agent Romanoff, to what do we owe...." before Optimus could finish his question, Fowler interrupted him. "What else? Cons'! Me and Madalyn were busy on one of our missions, but not before we got blasted out of the sky!" explained Fowler, waving his hand in the air.

Madalyn could hear Miko's laugh through the com-link as she, Jack, and Rafael stood on a nearby catwalk. "Again?" She asked.

Jack, Miko, & Rafael were as of now, the only other human beings to know of the Autobots and Decepticons existence. They help teach them the ways of Earth, and each human has been partnered with a member of Team Prime. Jack is partnered with Arcee, the team spy, and transforms into a blue motorcycle. Miko is partnered with Bulkhead, the team's muscle, who transforms into a green off-roading truck. Rafael is partnered up with Bumblebee, the team's scout, who transforms into a yellow and black Urbana 500 sports car. As for Madalyn? She was lucky enough to get partnered up with the Autobots leader, Optimus Prime, himself. She had considered Ratchet to be her Autobot guardian, but the medic insisted that that kind of position wasn't suited for him.

He's still getting used to being around humans.

"I wish it were funny Miko, but yes," Madalyn sighed. "They tried to smash and grab for the D.N.G.S.!" She explained, moving to sit on the left ridge of Fowler's cock-pit.

"The what?" asked Arcee, placing her hands on her hips.

Fowler puts his hand on his forehead, sighing with a slight annoyance. "The Dynamic Nuclear Generation System! A.k.a. D.N.G.S.!" Fowler clarified, pushing another button on the com-link as a photo of the D.N.G.S. popped up.

"Its a prototype energy source, that we're delivering to the coast for testing."

"That's absurd. Why would Starscream bother with such primitive technology?" asked Ratchet. seeming annoyed.

"I'm guessing to make a big bad weapon of mass destruction!" answered Fowler, crossing his arms as he narrowed his eyes at the Autobot.

Madalyn quickly moved over, placing a hand on her step-dad's shoulder to get a clear view of the Autobots. "Listen guys, if this bad boy were to meltdown, it will set off a huge amount of radiation, incinerating this state AND the four next door!" She explained.

The youngest boy gulped. "Uh, did Madalyn and Agent Fowler say what state they were currently in?" Raf asked nervously while Jack and Miko had shocking looks on their faces.

"We're sitting ducks here Optimus! There's gotta be something you guys can do to help!" said Madalyn.

"Yeah, can't you spin up your bridge and send the D.N.G.S. to its destination before the Cons' come back for it?" asked Fowler, sounding hopeful.

"I'm afraid sending such a device through the ground bridge is out of the question. If there were to be an accident during the process, the radiation of which Madalyn foretold could harm all 50 states, and beyond." Optimus answered sternly, his optic ridges narrowing.

Fowler sighed, rubbing the back of his head as he scratched his hair. "You got any better ideas?"

After thinking for a few moments, a thought came to mind as the Jr. Agent snapped her fingers. "I got one!"


A few minutes later, the Autobots arrived through the ground bridge. Bumblebee helped Madalyn with the D.N.G.S., putting it inside Optimus' trailer. Arcee also went inside, to guard it if anyone were to break in. Once the D.N.G.S. was set, Bumblebee, Bulkhead, and Optimus transformed into their vehicle modes, and Fowler & Madalyn hoped inside Optimus. Fowler sat in the driver's seat while Madalyn sat in the passenger seat. Fowler was getting all excited, rubbing his hands together as he was about to set his hands onto the steering wheel.

But Optimus stopped him, raising his voice. "Ah, ah, ah! No need Agent Fowler, I will handle the driving."

Madalyn chuckled, patting her step-dad on the shoulder. "Better luck next time."

Fowler scoffed, crossing his arms as he turned to look out the window. "It's gonna be a long trip!"

Within moments, Madalyn and Fowler heard the male Autobots start their engines, meaning it was time to go.

"Autobots! Roll out!" commanded Optimus.

And with that, they were off.

"We are locked on to your coordinates Optimus," said Ratchet through the com-link. "With any luck you guys should make it to the end-zone by sundown."

"Good to hear Ratchet. Glad someone is watching over us," said Madalyn "Over and out.".

As she turned of the com-link, Fowler started honking Optimus' horn. The noise was so loud that she had to cover her ears just to cancel out most of the noise. She looked out the front window and noticed a rusted old truck was slowly driving in front of them.

"Move it gramps!" yelled Fowler while banging his right hand against the wheel.

Eventually the old truck moved off the road to let Optimus and the others go by, but Fowler kept honking the horn. Madalyn kept covering her ears, and closed her eyes for a couple seconds as she winced from the noise. Optimus could sense it was bothering her, so he decided to put a stop to it. "Agent Fowler? Is that really necessary?"

Fowler stopped honking the horn to hear Optimus question. He paused for a moment, then crossed his arms again, leaning back into his seat. "Aww, don't tell me you're one of those text-book drivers!"

Madalyn gently patted her hand on the passenger door with a smile on her face, to thank the Prime. "Thanks Optimus."

"You are most welcome, Madalyn." replied Optimus.

Madalyn knew that Optimus was smiling back at her. Ever since Optimus became Madalyn's Autobot Guardian, they became good friends and formed a very strong bond between them. Truth be told, to Madalyn, Optimus reminded her of her real father. She suppose that would explain how the two managed to click in such a short time.

"How's the D.N.G.S. looking Arcee?" Madalyn spoke up as she picked up a walkie-talkie.

"It's stable. Let's hope it stays that way for the rest of the trip." Arcee replied with a huff.

"Should be there soon Arcee. From what it looks like, we're almost halfway there." Madalyn assured as she glanced out the window, reading the road signs as Bumblebee drove up from behind and moved in front of Optimus.

"You know, your saving our bacon here Prime." Fowler spoke up, his voice calmer from before.

"I am proud to be of service." Optimus replied.

"Of course, we wouldn't need your help, if you and the Cons' hadn't ripped apart your own corner of the galaxy." Fowler proclaimed. "Dad, behave! That was rude!" Madalyn scowled, narrowing her eyes at the man.

She heard stories of what happened to the Cybertronian's home planet of Cybertron. It wasn't pretty.

"It's alright Madalyn," Optimus assured the girl before turning his attention back to Fowler. "Are you saying that no evil such as this, existed on your world before we arrived?" asked Optimus.

"Yeah, Fowler?" Madalyn added sarcastically as she crossed her arms and gave her dad a serious look.

Fowler tensed a bit as she sent a stern look towards his step-daughter. "Uh, well, it was a different evil." answered Fowler.

Madalyn sighed as she turned her head and took a glance out the window. After a few minutes, fiddling with her fingers and feet, the girl was officially bored out of her mind.

"How about some radio Optimus?" She spoke up, her hand reaching for the radio. "You sound like Nashville sound, kind of guy."

Madalyn turned on the radio, and sure enough 'Life is a Highway' was playing. Everyone seemed to listened to it for a few minutes, doing their best to enjoy themselves.

But it wasn't until Fowler looked out the window, and the expression on his face suddenly changed. He looked back towards Madalyn, his face full of anger. "That's him! Thats the Con' who shot us down!"

"What?!" Madalyn squeaked as she turned off the radio. The Jr. Agent looked out her window, and she too saw the helicopter.

"Hey! Who turned off the radio? I was listening to that!" Bulkhead complained, his voice coming through the walkie-talkie.

"Sorry Bulkhead, but now's not the time. We got company!" Madalyn tensed, her eyes narrowing.

"Who is he? Wingnut? Dingbat? Skyguy?!" asked Fowler as he tried to guess the helicopter's name.

"Really, Fowler?" Madayn raised a brow at the man, her face looking dumbstruck.

"Watch your reer-views!" Bulkhead cautioned through the walkie-talkie.

Madalyn took the Autobot's advice, poking her head out the window to see a whole squad of lime green and black sports cars drive up and surround Bulkhead.

"Feeling kind of restricted without the use of my fists here boss!" Bulkhead muttered.

"Remain in vehicle mode unless if absolutely necessary!" Optimus ordered.

"It's a whole team of Cons!" Fowler exclaimed.

"What? I'm not picking up anything! They must be using a cloaking technology." Ratchet spoke up from the command centre of the Autobot base.

Then, as if things couldn't get any weirder, one of the sports cars moved up to the front and blocked Bumblebee. He tried to move out of the way, but the sports car wouldn't let him pass. Then another car drove up next to Fowler, on his side of Optimus. The sun roof of the car opened and out popped up a man where a metallic suit and he was holding a high-tech gun.

"Pull over!" shouted the man.

"Well I'll be dipped!" shouted Fowler.

"Our adversaries are not Decepticons. They are human." stated Optimus.

"HUMAN?!" questioned Jack, Raf, and Ratchet with shock.

"Oh please! Taking on our bots? They're road kill!" Miko spoke with confidence.

The man in the sports car was about to shoot when Optimus turned slightly to the left, and knocked the man over, causing him to misfire the shot. Good news was it didn't hit the trailer, and the car lost control and drove down the cliff.

"Nice job Optimus!" cheered Madalyn.

"Who are these guys?" Fowler spoke with surprise as he ducked from the explosion before looking out the window again.

"Autobots! Maintain your cover! And deploy minimal force! Disarment only!" Ordered Optimus.

"Yes sir!" replyed Bulkhead and Bumblebee.

Madalyn took a look out her window, and saw another car with a man popping out of the sun-roof with a gun in his hands, aimed for Bumblebee. "Bumblebee! Look out!"

Bumblebee heard Madalyn's cry, and he backed up into the sports car, causing the man to slightly lose balance. When the man wasn't looking, Bumblebee hit the car again, and it lost control, ramming into a giant rock and crashed.

As we were speeding through the curving turns, Fowler was getting car sick, so Optimus put down the window for him, to let in some air, while Fowler rested his head on the window.

Who could blame the guy? This was like one big roller coaster!

Fowler noticed another car coming to shoot at the trailer from his side. "Prime! Bare right!"

Prime bare-righted and it hit the sports car causing it to drive down the cliff.

"Man what is with these guys?!" growled Madalyn.

Fowler then took off his seat belt, opening the door and scaled to the back of Optimus.

Madalyn being so shocked said nothing as he left, and was relieved when he say him get back in the Optimus, and put his seat belt back on. "Fowler, what happened?"

"We had a hitchhiker. I showed him out." replyed Fowler.

And then if things couldn't get any weirder...

"I hope you take better care of the D.N.G.S. then your captives!" spoke an unknown voice over the walkie-talkie.

Who the heck was that?!

"Alright, enough, is enough!" Madalyn groaned as she picked up the walkie-talkie. "Special Agents Madalyn Romanoff, and William Fowler here! Identify yourself!" she commanded.

"I am Silas," said the voice. "But if it's all the same to you, we are M.E.C.H."

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