Life of an Agent (Transformers Prime Season 1 & 2) Chapter 8

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"I'm telling you guys, something's wrong with Bumblebee. He isn't acting like himself!" explained Madalyn. 

"Where did he go anyways?" asked Raf. 

"I'll check the ground bridge." answered Ratchet. Ratchet walked over to the controls of the ground bridge, while Madalyn and Raf climbed up the ladder and they both leaned against the railing to see the ground bridge screen. "These are the coordinates, for the site of our previous battle against Megatron's undead."  

"Undead... Decepticons?" asked Madalyn nervously. 

"Maybe we should call Optimus." suggested Raf as Madalyn nodded in agreement. 

"Optimus is busy preventing the Polar Ice Caps from melting. We need to handle this on our own." said Ratchet. 

He activated the ground bridge, and on the other side, Bumblebee came walking through, with a purple energon shard in his hand. 

"What is that?" asked Madalyn. 

"Bumblebee, what have you been doing?" Ratchet questioned, as he reached over and grabbed Bumblebee's arm. Bumblebee opened up his hand to reveal a dark energon shard. "Dark energon?" Ratchet spoke with surprise. 

"What's dark...." before Madalyn could finish asking her question, Bumblebee punched Ratchet in the face. "RATCHET!" yelled Madalyn. 

"Bee! What are you doing?!" asked Raf. 

Bumblebee walked over to the two kids with an angry expression on his face. Bumblebee picked them up and started taking them back to the giant circular vent. 

"What are you doing Bee?! Let us go!" Madalyn yelped. 

"Bumblebee please! I know your in there!" said Raf. Bumblebee tossed them inside the vent and walked back to the ground bridge. "You have to fight whats making you do this!" 

They watched as Bumblebee ran into the ground bridge and vanished as the green and blue portal closed.

Madalyn groans a bit, rubbing her back side as Raf helps her up to her feet. Then the both hear Ratchet groaning at the other side of the room. 

"Ratchet?! Are you okay?" asked Raf. 

"Anything broken?" added Madalyn with concern. 

"I'm fine. More importantly is Bumblebee. I think the amount of time he's been in Megatron's mind is making him think like a Decepticon." explained Ratchet as he walked over to the kids. 

"No way!" Madalyn spoke firmly. 

"Bee's not a Con'!" stated Raf. 

Madalyn and Raf jump on to each of Ratchet's hands as the Doctor walked them back to the ground bridge controls. "Agreed. We must find out exactly what Bumblebee intends to do with that shard." explained Ratchet. 

"What is Dark Energon, anyway?" asked Madalyn. "I wasn't around for that."

"Dark energon has the ability to bring the dead back to life." explained Raf. 

"The only one who knew about the dark energon... was Megatron!" said Ratchet as he narrowed his optics. 

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" The female waved her hands in the air. "So what are you saying exactly?" 

"Bumblebee has Megatron's memories?" asked Raf. 

"Worse. Megatron is occupying Bumblebee's mind." answered Ratchet. 

"WHAT?! Megatron is in Bumblebee's head?!" Madalyn screamed with shock. 

"WHAT?" Raf yelped with fear. 

"How could I have been such a fool!" Ratchet scowled. "The Cortical Physic Patch acted as a two way conduit." He explained as the Doctor set Madalyn and Raf back down at the ground bridge coordinate station. "When Bumblebee returned to his own mind..."

"Megatron followed." finished Madalyn with a shudder. 

"And now Bumblebee-- Megatron, has bridged himself to nearly the exact coordinates Optimus used." explained Ratchet. He activated the coordinates and the ground bridge portal opened. "Stay here." He ordered as he made his way towards the bridge. 

Madalyn and Raf exchanged glances at each other then nodded and faced Ratchet. "No! Bumblebee needs us!" Raf spoke up. 

Ratchet thinks for a moment, sighs, then turns back to the kids and extends his hand for the kids to climb on. "Of course he does."


The three of them went through the ground bridge and on the other side they arrived inside the Decepticon War Ship. Raf was sitting on Ratchet's right shoulder while Madalyn was on his left. 

"The Decepticon War Ship..." Ratchet growled. 

"Well what do you know, I'm back for seconds." said Madalyn with an exhausted look on her face.

Ratchet ran down the hallway, then turned to the right to find a bunch of Decepticon drones, scraped all over the hallway. 

"Whoa... What happened here?" Madalyn spoke with shock. 

"Did Bumblebee do this?" asked Raf. 

"I fear Megatron's mind is dominate, and clearly he came here for one purpose. To use the dark energon to resurrect his own body." explained Ratchet. 

"What?! No way, Bumblebee won't let him!" stated Madalyn. 

"Yeah, like he didn't let Megatron,hurt me and Madalyn back at the base." Raf added. 

"I hope you two are right." Ratchet prayed. 

Ratchet set Madalyn and Raf down on the floor and quietly made his way towards the lab, while Madalyn and Raf walked slowly and quietly behind him. They make it to the end of the hall, and they peek through the door way to see Bumblebee a.k.a. Megatron, installing the Physic Patch into his head and Megatron's body while holding the dark energon shard in his hand. 

"Man, really wish I had my pistol with me." whispered Madalyn. 

Then suddenly, Ratchet started running towards him. 

"Ratchet! Don't hurt Bumblebee!" yelled Raf. 

"That's not Bumblebee!" said Ratchet as he threw a few punches at him, but Bumblebee punched Ratchet in the back, causing Ratchet to fly into the wall and collapse. 

"Ratchet!" Madalyn cried before looking down at the boy next to her. "What do we do Raf?"  

"I got an idea, follow my lead!" said Raf as he ran towards Bumblebee, while Madalyn followed him. "Bumblebee no! Remember who you are! Remember me? And Madalyn? I know you always listen to us no matter what!" Raf looked at Bumblebee with worried eyes. 

Then Bumblebee's optics started moving from back to normal then shrinking again, then he started to talk. "Beep beep bop bop beep beep bop beep? 'Raf? Madalyn? Is that you?'" asked Bumblebee. 

"That's right Bee! Its us!" Raf encouraged. 

"Raf and Madalyn! Your best buds!" Madalyn exclaimed. 

Then Bumblebee's optics started shrinking and growing, over and over, causing Bumblebee to get dizzy and fall to his knees, placing his other hand on his forehead. Raf and Madalyn gasp as they stood next to Bumblebee's arm. Madalyn had her hands on Raf's shoulder's while Raf placed his hands on Bumblebee's arm. When Bumblebee looked up at the two of them, he had an angry expression on his face. 

"Oh no..." whispered Madalyn with a gulp. 

Bumblebee flicked the two kids out of the way across the room, with Raf landing on top of Madalyn.

"You alright Raf?" asked Madalyn as sat up and pulled Raf up to his feet. 

"I'm okay." Raf assured the girl. 

Then the two kids and Bumblebee noticed Ratchet getting back up, then reaching over as he grabbed a hold of the life support tube attached to Megatron's chest. "Farewell Megatron!" Ratchet spoke.

Then he pulled the tube out, and an alarm went off. Madalyn and Raf covered their ears while they watched Bumblebee attack Ratchet again. Bumblebee grabbed a hold of Ratchet's arm, then threw him against the room and rammed right into the wall next to Raf and Madalyn. 

"Ratchet!" yelped Madalyn as she ran to him, to see if he was serious injured. 

"Bumblebee!" yelled Raf. 

Raf and Madalyn looked at him with worried and scared eyes as Bumblebee stopped, picked up the dark energon shard and turned towards the two kids. Madalyn could have sworn she heard him talk.

"Bumblebee can't hear you anymore!" Megatron growled. 

"As much as I want you to leave Bumblebee's body, I can't let you go back to your own!" said Raf as he ran towards the Physic Patch. 

"Raf, wait!" yelled Madalyn. 

Raf and jumped and grabbed on to the Patch, and it swung around a bit from side to side, but Raf couldn't hold on and he let go of the patch, falling to the floor as Madalyn caught him just in the nick of time. "Got'ya!" 

They both looked up from the floor, watching as Bumblebee stabbed the shard into Megatron's chest and the dark energon shard sank into his spark chamber. His body started shaking a little, and then within the blink of an eye, Megatron opened his optics. 

"No....He.... He's back." Madalyn gasped with fear as she, Raf, Ratchet and Bumblebee backed away from him as the warlord got up from his med-bed. As it was happening, a few Decepticon drones came running in and saw that their leader was alive. 

"Decepticons! Your rightful lord and master has returned!" stated Megatron.

"Megatron... Alive, and in the flesh. It's like a worst nightmare come true." Madalyn spoke in her head.

Megatron walked to the middle of the room, but stopped and stared at the Autobots and the humans. 

"Finish these pests! I have my own extermination to perform." ordered Megatron as the drones moved out of the way to let him leave, then they transformed their hands into blasters and started shooting at the Autobots and the kids. 

"Yikes!" shouted Madalyn she Ratchet grabbed her and Raf in his hands and ran for cover, while Bumblebee took out his blasters and shots at the Vehicons. 

Bumblebee shoots one of them down then runs towards the others. 

"Beep beep bop! 'Lets get out of here!'" said Bumblebee. 

"I'll activate a ground bridge to get us off this ship!" said Ratchet as he opened his wrist communicator and opened up an ground bridge. 

Everyone ran through it before the Vehicons could catch up with them, and they arrived in the arctic a few miles away from the ship. Once everyone was through, the ground bridge closed behind them. Raf was on Ratchet's shoulder, while Madalyn was on Bumblebee's shoulder. 

"Huh. I thought the arctic was supposed to be colder than this." said Madalyn. 

"Wait a minute! The lens from the telescope! It's still on the ship!" said Raf.

Just then, they all started to hear this high pitched buzzing noise. And they all saw this orange explosion coming from the ship. 

"Move, move, move!" yelled Ratchet as he and Bumblebee transformed to vehicle mode, with Madalyn and Raf inside of them and drove at maximum overdrive to stay clear of the coming explosion. 

Once the buzzing stopped and the explosion was clear, Ratchet and Bumblebee transformed back into robot mode, with the kids in their hands. 

"You two alright?" asked Ratchet. 

The kids nodded as Ratchet and Bumblebee set them both back up on their shoulders and started walking back near the warship. Madalyn looked up in the sky to see a jet flying up in the sky then U-turned back down towards the ice. 

"Guys, look!" shouted Madalyn as she pointed to the flying object. 

"Beep beep beep bop! 'It's Starscream!'" yelled Bumblebee. 

"Starscream?!" repeated Raf. 

"We must move, quickly!" commanded Ratchet as he, and Bumblebee, with the kids, ran towards where Starscream was heading. 

From the distance they were running from, Madalyn could hear Starscream's shouting. "Megatron's greatest mistake, was ever allowing you to live Prime!" 

"Prime?... Oh no! Optimus is in trouble!" yelled Madalyn. 

Hearing that made, Ratchet and Bumblebee run even faster.

Just as they were getting closer to the battlefield, they saw another jet fly in front of Starscream, and carried him back towards the war ship. It was Megatron. 

"Phew!" Raf sighed with relief. 

"I can't believe I'm saying this, after what happened earlier, but, Thank you Megatron!" Madalyn cheered. 

"Beep beeb bop bop beep 'For once, I agree with you.'" said Bumblebee. 

Then they heard Starscream screaming again, and the ship took off. Plus they finally met up with Optimus, Arcee, and Bulkhead. Optimus opened up his com-link and contacted Ratchet. 

"Ratchet, we need a bridge." said Optimus. 

"You are not the only ones!" replied Ratchet from behind. 

Optimus and the other's turned around and saw Ratchet, Bumblebee, Madalyn, and Raf. Happy to see them, Madalyn and Raf waved at them. Once everyone was together, Ratchet opened up a ground bridge and they all headed back to base.


Once everyone was back at the base, Ratchet scanned Bumblebee to see if he was feeling better. When the scan was complete, Bumblebee lifted up his arms, and Ratchet opened the metal strap and let Bumblebee out. 

"Everything is back to normal." said Ratchet. 

"Beep beep beep bop? 'So Megatron is out of my head now, right?'" asked Bumblebee. 

"Well, normal for Bumblebee." finished Ratchet with a light hearted chuckle. 

Raf ran over to Bumblebee who knelt down beside him, while Madalyn stood with Jack and Miko.

"Beep beep beep bop bop beep beep 'Sorry if I caused you guys any trouble Raf.'" Bumblebee apologized. 

"Its okay." Raf assured the mech. 

"Bop bop beep bop 'Were you worried?'" asked Bumblebee. 

"Of course I was!" answered Raf. 

"Beep beep bop bop beep 'You know, I'll always be there for you, right?'" asked Bumblebee. 

"I know." said Raf with a smile. 

"Beep beep bop bop beep beep bop 'Thanks for the help Raf.'" said Bumblebee as he brought out his index finger and Raf hold it. 

Then Madalyn, Jack, and Miko walk towards him. Madalyn walks to the left of Raf and places a hand on his shoulder, while Jack does the same on his right, and Miko bends down towards him. 

"What did he say?" asked Miko. 

"He said Thanks." answered Raf. 

"We're glad to have you back Bumblebee. We all are." Madalyn smiled at the scout. 

"Beep beep bop bop beep 'I'm glad to be back too.'" replied Bumblebee. 

"Hey! I think I'm starting to understand you now!" Madalyn realized. 

"Seriously?" Jack asked with surprise. 

"Its either that, or I'm still a bit zoned out from that taser shot back at the street race." answered Madalyn. 

The kids, Bumblebee, and the other Autobots laughed at what Madalyn said and smiled.

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