Life of an Agent (Transformers Prime Seasons 1 & 2) Chapter 9

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Madalyn rides into the Autobot base on her Nakamura Firehawk V4 motorcycle on a monday evening. She parks it next to the entrance, sets down her helmet and walks over to the TV area to see if any of the kids were there. To her surprise, she didn't see anyone there. Not even Raf.

"Hey Madalyn! Over here!" yelled Miko.

Madalyn turned around and found Miko at the communication center. "Hey Miko, what are you doing over there?"

"Ratchet is working on something in his lab, so he asked me to watch Bulkhead on the com-link." answered Miko.

"Really? What's Bulkhead doing?" asked Madalyn.

"He said that Ratchet wanted him to scout an energon signal he found. But I'm starting to get worried though. He's been gone for awhile now." said Miko.

Madalyn sits down on a chair next to her. "Don't worry Miko, I'm sure he's fine."

A few minutes later, the girls heard some crashing and bashing noises coming from Bulkhead's com-link.

"What the? Whats going on?" asked Miko.

"I don't know!" answered Madalyn ."Bulkhead, this is Madalyn! Do you copy? Bulkhead? Bulkhead?!"

Madalyn and Miko could hear Bulkhead groaning over the com-link.

"It sounds like he's unconcious. We gotta wake him up somehow." said Madalyn.

"I got an idea!" said Miko. Miko presses a button on the com-link. "Marco? Marco! Marco!?"

"Uh...Miko?" asked Bulkhead still acting a bit unconcious.

"Ugh! You're suppost to say Polo!" explained Miko.

"Ugh... Uh-huh..." said Bulkhead as he fell back unconcious again.

"What are you doing?" asked Madalyn as she gave Miko a funny look.

"What? It worked plenty of times!" said Miko.

"We need something stronger to wake him up fully. I got it!" said Madalyn.

Madalyn brought out her ipod, and activate the air-horn app, and set it to maximum volume and sets the ipod next to the mic.

"You ready?" asked Madalyn.

"Ready!" said Miko who gave her a thumbs up.

Madalyn turned the air-horn on, and the noise was so loud it not only woke up Bulkhead, but it scared him so much, he did he's 'girly' scream.

"AHHHH! Who?! What?! Where?! ...Okay, who did that?" asked Bulkhead through the com-link.

Acting all shocked Madalyn droped her ipod then she and Miko pointed at each other. "SHE DID IT!" they both said over the com-link.

"Ha, ha, relax I'm just messing with ya, sort of.... Ugh man.. my acking prosessor." said Bulkhead.

"Bulkhead, you alright?" asked Madalyn.

"I don't know. Girls, let Ratchet know I need a bridge." said Bulkhead.

"You got it Bulk!" sad Miko.

A few minutes later Bulkhead was back at the base. Ratchet was fixing him up in his medic-lab. Then Optimus, Bumblebee, and Arcee, walked over to him.

"Engaging the enemy on your own was foolish Bulkhead." stated Optimus.

"Breakdown jumped me!" explained Bulkhead while wincing a little while Ratchet was repairing him "I knew I could take him."

"Stay still." Ratchet ordered.

"But at least you bashed the other guy, right Bulk?" asked Miko with Madalyn standing next to her.

"Yeah, What did happen over there with Breakdown anyway?" Madalyn questioned.

"Uh, yeah, about that...." Bulkhead muttered.

"You didn't torch him?" Miko spoke with disappointment.

"Not exactly. I-I figured you all did." Bulkhead speculated, looking up at the other Autobots.

"Oh." replied Miko.

"When I came to, Breakdown was just, gone. I remember hearing a 'Copter." explained Bulkhead.

"Hmm, maybe it was my dad, Agent Fowler." suggested Madalyn.

"Not me," said Agent Fowler as he walked out of the elevator and over to Madalyn and Miko. "But I have an idea, who. Show me where this 'Con-napping occurred."


Ratchet finished repairing Bulkhead, before walking over to his computer station and brought up the location where they found Bulkhead. "This is where we picked up Bulkhead."

"The Ka-Cha Pinenska in Eastern Russia." Agent Fowler confirmed.

"Much of it was abandoned 20 years ago, when its volcano first irrupted." Madalyn elaborated.

"My intel reported M.E.C.H. activity there earlier today." said Agent Fowler.

"Whoa, M.E.C.H.?" asked Madalyn with surprise.

"As in those techy guys?" Miko recalled with annoyance.

"The very one's who know of our existence here on your planet." answered Ratchet.

"They must have tracked one of us there." said Bulkhead.

"But what would M.E.C.H. want with Breakdown?" asked Miko.

"Whats it matter? They can have him!" stated Arcee with a grumble.

"Beep beep bop beep bop bop beep 'Totally agree with you on that one.'" said Bumblebee.

"Heh, heh, dragged off by humans! Guess I softened him up for them!" Bulkhead gloated as he pounded his fists together.

Madalyn and Miko gave Bulkhead a funny look, then turned away. "Nah!" whispered Miko.

"Ratchet, reactivate the previous ground bridge coordinates. We will rescue Breakdown." ordered Optimus.

Everyone turned to Optimus with a shocked look on their faces.

"What?!" Ratchet erupted.

"Optimus, you're serious?" asked Arcee with surprise.

"Beep beep beep beep bop! 'I don't think it's such a good idea.'" said Bumblebee.

"M.E.C.H. can melt him down for all I care. Let the 'Cons rescue their own!" Bulkhead declared as he shook his head.

"It is highly unlikely Megatron would show such mercy." explained Optimus.

"Okay, but this is Breakdown were talking about!" stated Arcee.

"Sometimes we must rise above ourselves for the greater good..." Optimus quoted.

"Oh, whats that suppose to mean?" asked Bulkhead. "Breakdown is going to leave the 'Cons and come on our side?"

"While it is unlikely that a Decepticon would choose the path of good, even they have the chance to change." explained Optimus.

"And plus, since Silas and M.E.C.H. have Breakdown, they could discover your Cybertronian technology and use it to create weapons of mass destruction!" added Madalyn.

"Nah! I knew were this was headed!" Bulkhead whined.

"By greater good, I meant human kind!" stated Optimus.

Bulkhead sighs and looks down to the floor thinking that Optimus is right.

"M.E.C.H. presents a clear and severe danger." continued Optimus.

"Prime's right, we know that M.E.C.H. is obsessed with ground breaking technology." said Agent Fowler.

"And if M.E.C.H. has Breakdown, then they are one step closer to their goal for world domination." added Madalyn.

"We can't allow M.E.C.H. to obtain Cybertronian technology. So our objection is clear, we must find and rescue Breakdown." said Optimus.

"If you're going, then I'm tagging along. This could be one of our only chances to turn M.E.C.H. in. With you're guys permission?" asked Madalyn as he turned to her dad.

"I'm okay with it, if Prime agrees." replied Fowler.

"Of course. But be sure to stay with us." answered Optimus.

"No problem big guy!" said Madalyn as she gave him two thumbs up.

She activated her communicator and her clothes transformed into her spy suit. Ratchet typed in the coordinates into the ground bridge and activated it.

"Hey Miko, you think while I'm gone, can you convince Bulkhead to help? I know they're rivals and all, but I have a feeling were gonna need all the help we can get." Madalyn questioned as she was climbing down the ladder.

"I'll try." answered Miko as she ran over to Bulkhead. "Come on Bulkhead, you gotta go with!" said Miko as she walked over to her giant friend.

Bulkhead had his arms crossed and looked away from Miko. "Don't wanna!"

"Bulkhead!" called out Optimus.

"You coming with?" asked Madalyn who was next to the leader.

"I'm sorry Optimus, I just can't do it!" stated Bulkhead.

"I support your choice." Optimus agreed.

"Wh-wh-what?" Bulkhead stuttered.

"What?" asked Miko.

"Huh? Now I say what?" Madalyn spoke.

"Given your history with Breakdown, your judgement may be clouded, and thus, fail the mission. Besides, the Decepticon may need a medic then another warrior." explained Optimus as he turned to Ratchet who walked towards him.

"Locked and loaded, Optimus." said the medic.

"Autobots! Roll out!" commanded Optimus as he and Bumblebee, Ratchet, and Arcee transformed into vehicle mode.

Madalyn climbed into Optimus, and they drove through the ground bridge.


The ground bridge opened up in an abandon town in Eastern Russia. The Autobots soared out, and Optimus drifted tightly to his side as he opened his driver side door, allowing Madalyn to jump out of him as the Autobots transformed into robot mode.

Madalyn did a front barrel roll, landing on her feet, and brought out her two pistols. The other Autobots did the same with their blasters. They all looked around to find nothing but damage buildings, and a whole lot of nothing.

"Man, this place is creepy." Madalyn muttered as she slightly lowered her weapon.

"No signs of life. Human or Cybertronian." said Optimus.

Madalyn and Bumblebee looked to the side, both of them finding a pair of tire tracks. "Beep beep bop bop beep? 'Hey, what about this tire tracks?'" asked Bumblebee.

Ratchet's energon tracker starts blinking. "Forget the tracks Bumblebee. I'm picking up a faint energon signal three clicks north by north-west." explained Ratchet as he point his tracker into the direction where its coming from.

Madalyn looked up at Bumblebee and shrugged. "Can't argue with that."

"Its Breakdown." said Optimus.

"But we would'nt be getting a singal, unless.." Arcee spoke slowly.

"His energon's been spilled." Ratchet realized, his voice straining.

"Then we better move fast." stated Madalyn.

"Autobots! Recon!" ordered Optimus.

They all started moving towards the signal. Arcee and Bumblebee were upfront checking each corner they turned to see if the cost was clear, behind them Ratchet told them, which way to go, and lastly Madalyn and Optimus were behind Ratchet following him to the signal.

"This way!" said Ratchet.

After a few minutes of searching they all came across an abandom mansion.

Bumblebee, and Arcee went in first, then signaled the others to come in. Madalyn ran in with her pistol locked and loaded, aiming it at everything she looked.

"The readings are coming from right, here." explained Ratchet.

When Madalyn reached the fountain that was in the middle of the drive-way, she found an object on top of the fountain which looked like an eye. Thats when she realized, it was an eye.

"Whoa!" yelled Madalyn as she aimed her pistol at it.

The Autobots heard the yell, and walked over to the fountain aswell, and they too saw the eye. Madalyn moved out of Ratchet's way as he knelt down next to it.

"Breakdown's eye." he confirmed.

Arcee and Bumblebee had shocked looks on their faces. Madalyn gulped at what Ratchet said and just stared at the eye.

"Thats Breakdown's? Oh boy, M.E.C.H. is seriously twisted!" said Madalyn.

Ratchet picked up the eye, and connected it to his energon tracker. Optimus helps Madalyn up and places her on his shoulder so she can see whats going on. The rest of the a
Autobots watch Ratchet work.

"Uh, what are you doing?" asked Arcee with confusion.

"The optic reseptors might have obtained the final images seen." answered Ratchet.

A video screen pops up on Ratchet's tracker, and it shows a M.E.C.H. scientist with a drill next to him.

"What do you know, weird science wins again!" said Arcee.

And in the video, it shows the drill, drilling into Breakdown's face. Then the screen goes static.

"Okay, I've said it once, I'll say it again! M.E.C.H. is twisted!" said Madalyn as she pounded her fists together.

Then the screen shows Silas, and in the background, Breakdown being torn apart.

"Well, well, well, Optimus Prime. A pleasure to set eye's on you again." said Silas.

"He's converted the optics into a two-way feed." explained Ratchet.

"And you must be Silas." replied Optimus.

"In the flesh. But being that our captive is not one of yours, I was expecting Megatron." Silas admitted.

"In this circomstance, autobots and decepticons share a common foe." Optimus proclaimed.

"M.E.C.H. is anything but common. Our guest is yeilding quiet a handfull of information about your mechanics, as you can see. Although Breakdown himself can't see that well anymore." Silas explained.

"The Autobots don't fear you!" Madalyn stated.

"Ah, Agent Romanoff. It's an honnor to set eye's on you again as well," The man acknowledged. "You should fear me. If you would have strained from the Autobots path, you would have made a fine member of M.E.C.H. with your skills."

"I chose my side. I'm turning you in, Silas! Just you wait!" Madalyn stated.

"Is that so? Well then, I would advise you and your Autobots to NOT stand your ground." said Silas as he gave Madalyn an evil smile, turning off the transmission.

"What does he mean by that?" asked Ratchet.

Optimus looked at a vent in front of the fountain and noticed something that was inside. It was a time bomb and it was set to go off in 10 seconds!

"It's a trap!" yelled Optimus.

The Autobots backed away from the fountain, startled.

"Would this be 'Roll Out' kind of trap?" Arcee questioned.

"Evacuate, now!" ordered Optimus.

Optimus grabbed Madalyn in his hand and all the Autobots transformed into their vehicle modes, accelerating as they drove out of the drive-way just as the bomb exploded. The force pushed the bots off the road and they went flying into the air.

"Ahhhhh!" shouted Madalyn as she grabbed on to the seat and prepared for impact.

The Autobots transformed back into robot mode, landing to their pedes. When Optimus transformed back into robot mode, Madalyn was safely in his grasp. But a little motion sick.

"Uh... uh man... now I know how my dad feels." Madalyn gulped.

She shook her head a couple times and the sickness stopped. Madalyn slowly stood up to her feet, checking out the view on Optimus' hand. Arcee steped forward as everyone watched the mansion go up in flames.

"So, any idea where they are keeping the rest of Breakdown?" asked Arcee.


Madalyn and the Autobots walked back to the area where the ground bridge had dropped them off.

"So what do we do now?" Ratchet questioned. "Who knows where M.E.C.H. is holding Breakdown."

That's when Madalyn remembered the tire tracks she and Bumblebee found earlier that evening. Her eyes widened at the realization as she looked up at the Autobot leader. "Wait a minute! I think I know!" 

"Can you take us?" asked Optimus.

Madalyn nodded to Optimus in reply. The Prime gently let Madalyn down, and she ran to where the spot where the tire tracks were.

"See these tire tracks? Now, who do you suppose these belong to?" said Madalyn sarcasticaly.

"Beep bop beep bop! 'The tire tracks from earlier!'" said Bumblebee.

"Excellent work Madalyn." commented Optimus.

"If we follow the tracks, it will lead us to M.E.C.H.'s base of operations!" said Arcee.

"Autobots! Roll out!" commanded Optimus.

The Autobots transformed into their vehicle modes and drove off. Optimus was the last to transform, who let Madalyn climb in, and they drove off and caught up with the others.


A few seconds later, Optimus recieved a transmission from Bulkhead.

"Bulkhead to Optimus! I need back up! Home in on my coordinates! And hurry!" said Bulkhead.

"So Miko came through for me after all." said Madalyn.

"It looks Bulkheads coordinates are in the same direction of the tracks!" said Ratchet.

"Then we must be close!" said Madalyn.

"Autobots! Maximum overdrive!" commanded Optimus. The autobots raced off to Bulkheads coordinates.

When the Autobots were close on Bulkhead's signal, the stoped and transformed back into robot mode. Optimus let Madalyn out, then he was the last to transform.

"We're close, but I'm also picking up Decepticon activity." said Ratchet.

"Then there's no time to waste!" said Arcee as she transformed her hands into blasters and ran towards Bulkhead and the 'Cons while the others did the same and ran after her.

Madalyn took out her pistol and ran behind Optimus so the 'Cons wouldn't she her.

"Come on! I'll scrap all of ya!" shouted Bulkhead.

Starscream transfomed his hand into a blaster and aimed it at Bulkhead.

"Destroy hi-Ahhh!" said Starscream as Optimus and the others shots at the 'Cons from behind, forcing them to retreat.

Madalyn watched as Breakdown glanced at Bulkhead, then drove away.

"I'm glad you came through Bulkhead. Nice job." said Madalyn as she caught up with the others and put away her pistol.

"Ingaging the enemy on your own was even more foolish this time Bulkhead. But, I am honored you saw fit to save your rival," said Optimus "You have truely risen above yourself." "Did you see? I beat Breakdown and bashed them all with his own hammer! I won the rematch!" cheered Bulkhead as he fist pumps in the air. "Heh, heh, easy there Bulk." said Madalyn while giggling abit. "I'm sure Miko would be proud." said Arcee.

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