Life of an Agent (Transformers Prine Seasons 1 & 2) Chapter 10

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Madalyn, Jack, Miko, and Raf, were playing video games in the TV area at the Autobot base. Bulkead and Bumblebee were watching them play, while Ratchet was on his computer.

"Come on, come on, you want some?" taunted Jack.

Miko's car crashed and the game declared Jack the winner.

"Oh! In you face!" shouted Jack as he did his own little happy dance.

"Ha, ha, ha, nice job Jack." said Bulkhead.

"Nice work, but earlier I recall you saying that video games aren't your thing?" asked Madalyn tauntingly.

"Yeah, well, you guys got me into it." answered Jack.

Then Jack's alarm on his cell phone went off. It was 9:45pm.

"Aww nuts! I gotta get home before my mom gets back, or else I'm in big trouble." said Jack as waved goodbye to his friends.

"I'd better get going to. Hey! Here's an idea, how about I stop by at your house on the way back to my place?" asked Madalyn.

"Sure, be my guest!" answered Jack.

They ran down the stairs and towards the exit where Arcee was waiting for them. Madalyn got on her motorcycle, while Arcee transformed into her vehicle mode and Jack climbed on.

"You two ready?" asked Arcee.

Jack and Madalyn put on their helmets. "We're ready!" 

Within moments, Arcee, Jack, and Madalyn, drove out of the base and headed for Jaspear.


Jack, Madalyn and Arcee pulled up into Jack's house. it was 10:15pm.

"Hope Jack's mom doesn't mind we're alittle late." thought Madalyn.

"Thanks for walking me home Jack. You're a real gentlemen." complaimented Arcee.

"I don't want you revved up before bed time," replied Jack, opening the garage door. "Mom's a light sleep, I don't think she'd understand. So Madalyn, I need you to drive out quietly and---" Jack stoped talking for a moment. Behind him, Madalyn could see Jack's mom waiting for him inside the garage. She had her arms crossed and she appeared to have an angry look on her face.

"She's right behind me, isn't she?" asked Jack.

Madalyn nodded, then Jack turned around to see her.

"Understand what Jack?" asked June "You breaking curfue for the thrid time this month?"

"Oh boy, she's mad" thought Madalyn with a gulp.

"Mom!" said Jack as he backed up slightly.

"Or why your boss called you about missing another shift at work?" asked June as she walked towards Jack. "Or maybe the email I received from your art and history teacher who are concerned that you're falling asleep in class!"

"Well, two words mom, art and history!" answered Jack with a shrug.

"Tell me the rumors aren't true, Jack." said June with a faint whimper.

"What rumors?" asked Madalyn, her head perking up.

"Tell me your not racing that motorcycle?" June clarified.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Where did you hear that?" asked Jack acting surprised.

"Small town, people talk. I work in an emergancy room, Jack! I've seen what can happen," explained June as she stepped closer to her son. "So, please tell me you haven't fallen in with the bad crowd?"

Madalyn could have sworn she saw June motion her head towards the brunette, referring her to what she was talking about. Jack followed her mom's gaze and met Madalyn's eyes.

"What? No way! Don't worry, Madalyn and my other friends are the good crowd! Seriously good!" Jack assured the woman.

"I let you have that bike because I thought you were mature enought to handle it," said June, a stern look on her face. "But I think you need a gentle reminder."

"Messaged recieved mom. Loud and clear. Um, I'm glad we had this talk." replied Jack as he grabbed on to Arcee's steering and tried taking her into the garage.

June stoped him, placing a hand on Jack's arm. "I meant, let's see if a few weeks without the distraction of your motorcycle will do the trick." 

Both Madalyn and Jack had shocked looks on their faces. Madalyn could tell that Arcee wa shocked as well.

"What? But--"

"No buts, Jack!" said June "You're grounded from everything but school and work,  and if you want to take a bike to either, you peddle." June proclaimed as she point to Jack's old bike.

Jack stared at the bike then June moved in front of him.

"Serious face Jack! If I see that motorcycle out of the garage..." June's facial expression changed as she kissed him on the forehead. "Now go wash up and get some sleep. I love you."

June walked over to Madalyn, tucking a lock of her hair behind her ear. "I'm really sorry you had to see that. It was a pleasure to meet you Madalyn." 

"Pleasure to meet you too, Ms. Darby." replied Madalyn as they shook hands.

June waved goodbye before walking back inside the house.

"Your mom seems nice." Madalyn commented.

"We'll miss you when your grounded!" said Arcee.

"How do you suppose we'll break the news to the others?" asked Madalyn with a tease.

"Don't worry about it guys. Arcee, I'll visit you everyday here." said Jack.

"Uh Jack, I won't be here. Sitting on my tires for two weeks is not a choice." explained Arcee.

"No, no, no, no! You saw my mom's serious face! Did you see her face?" asked Jack.

"I saw it. Reminds me of Fowler's when he got into a fight with general Brice a while back." said Madalyn.

"Look, Arcee, I feel bad enough that I had to lie to her all this time, but if you're not hear, she's gonna think I'm blowing her off!" Jack exclaimed with a hint of fear in his voice.

"Beep breaths, Jack." Madalyn spoke, placing a hand on the boys shoulder.

"Your mom works late nights. I'll try to be back in the garage before she gets home from work. But, no promises." Arcee replied.


"Man, what a night, last night." said Madalyn as she was driving her motorcycle through the streets of Jaspear.

She stopped by 'Burger Knockout' to see how Jack was doing. She managed to meet up with him, right when he was leaving.

"Hey Jack! So how is 'Day 1 without the life of an Autobot'?" asked Madalyn tauntingly.

"Very funny, Madalyn. Not bad really." answered Jack.

As they were pulling out of the parking lot, Jack's cell phone rang. It was June.

"Hey mom!" said Jack.

Madalyn could hear June through Jack's cell phone.

"Jack! I hope your not planning to eat, take out tonight. I took my break early so I could cook my grounded son, a wholesome dinner. Tell you what, just this once I'll let you invite your friend over for dinner." said June.

"Thats great! Organic Tofu! Awesome!" said Jack being slightly sarcastically.

"Organic Tofu? Blah!" whispered Madalyn.

"Yeah, car speed beats bike speed, I'll be home soon." said Jack as he hung up the phone.

"Okay, I'm freaking out now!" Madalyn strained.

"Same here!" said Jack as he quickly dialed Arcee. "Come on, come on, pick up! Oh! Arcee! Please tell me your in the garage right now?" asked Jack.

"Negative Jack!" Arcee answered.

Madalyn used her communicator to track Arcee's signal.

"She and Bumblebee are fighting of the Decepticons!" said Madalyn.

"Can we talk about this later?" asked Arcee as Madalyn and Jack began driving towards Jack's house.

"No! Mom's on her way home! If you don't race back there now, I will be grounded for life, and mom will make me sell you for parts!" Jack stated.

"Bee can you handle it?" asked Arcee.

Jack and Madalyn heard Bumblebee beeping in the background.

"I'm on my way!" said Arcee as she hung up.

"Alright Madalyn, Metal to the Pedal!" said Jack.

"You got it!" replied Madalyn.

And they raced off to Jack's house.


Jack and Madalyn turned the corner and arrived in Jack's neigborhood. From down the street Jack saw his mom's car.

"Oh no! She's here!" said Jack.

"Come on Arcee, please be there!" Madalyn pleaded as they rode down the street.

Once they pulled into the drive way, Jack and Madalyn heard her mom scream.

"Jack!"shouted June as she came out the front door. "I can't believe you disobade me! Where is the motorcycle?!" 

At that moment inside the garage, a ground bridge opened up and Arcee came through, and it closed.

"Uh, what do you mean? She's right there." said Jack as he pushed a button in his mom's car and opened up thegarage door, to reveal Arcee inside and in her vehicle mode.

"Phew" thought Madalyn.

"Oh really? Did you get one of your crew to sneak it in? Or did you just walk it up again?" asked June.

Madalyn saw a look in Jack's eyes and sheknew what he was going to say. "Don't do it Jack! Don't tell her about the 'Bots!" 

Jack sighed. "Okay mom, do you really wanna know?"

Madalyn saw Arcee move forward a bit and she knew that they were both thinking the same thing.

"Fasten your seatbelts." said Jack as he walked over to Arcee.

"My motorcycle is a cyentiant robotic organism from a distant planet. Part of a team stationed here on Earth, fighting a secert war. And I spend most of my time after school hanging out with Madalyn and the robots." explained Jack.

"Jack..." said June.

"And the coolest thing is, that this isn't even her actual form. She's really a giant robot who can transform into a vehicle." explained Jack.

"Enough Jack!" said June.

"It's okay, Arcee, you can transform." Jack prompt.

Arcee did nothing. Madalyn got off her motorcycle and stood next to June.

"She's shy!" said Jack "Arcee, really, no more hiding! No more lies!"

Then June's expression on her face changed.

"Come on! Roll out already!" said Jack as he stomped his foot.

"I know it sounds crazy, but... listen to him, Ms. Darby." said Madalyn as she walked over and stood with Jack. "Everything he told you is true. I've seen it!"

"So um, the bad crowd you've been hanging out with, is a science fiction club?" asked June.

There was a pause for a few seconds, as Madalyn and Jack glanced over at each other before turning their attention back to the adult figure. 

June sighed before checked her watch. "I have to get back to work. We will discuss this later."

She got back into her car and drove away.

"Thanks for the support, partner!" said Jack to Arcee sarcastically.

"Don't blame me, Jack. Remember.." said Arcee.

"I know! I know! You don't exist!" said Jack.

Jack places his hand on Madalyn's shoulder.

"Thanks for trying." said Jack.

"No problem. At first I didn't agree, but then again, it seemed like the right thing to do." said Madalyn.

Jack closed the garage door and he and Madalyn went inside to have dinner.


After dinner, Madalyn wasin the garage with Arceeusing Jack's laptop to check her statis on 'Some Social', While Jack wasout iding his old bike to clear his head. A few minutes later the garage door opened and he came back in. "Hey Arcee, Madalyn, is mom home yet? I didn't see her car." askedJack. "Haven't seen her. I just bridged from base to beat her here." said Arcee. "By the way, there'smail for you." said Madalyn as she turned off the laptop and handed Jack the mail. Jack took the bag and ripped the top open, and out fell a strange looking communicator. It belonged to M.E.C.H."Hello Jack." said Silas.When they all heard the message, Arcee transformed into robot mode. "Silas." said Arcee. "He's back again." said Madalyn as she narrowed her eye's at the communicator. "What is it? Whats going on?" asked Jack. "M.E.C.H." said Arcee. "They know where I live?!?" asked Jack. "We know things about your family that even you don't know. For example, do you know where your mother is?" asked Silas. Madalyn had s shocked look on hre face then gasped. "What did you.."said Jack. "Understand Jack, we no intention of hurting her. Infact we'd like to reunite the two of you as soon as possible. Ijust need you and Arcee to follow the GPS coordinates on this comunicator. And I know your thereaswell Agent Romanoff. It will take you three to the pemporary base I've set up."explained Silas. Arcee moved away from the communicator so see could contact the other autobots. "Ratchet..... AHHHH!" yelled Arcee. Arcee started yelling and placed her hands on her head and looked down at the floor. "Arcee!" said Jack. Jack and Madalyn checked to see if she was ok. "Did I forget to mention our communications are scrambled to your signal and your brains. Any break in communication or try to contact the other autobots or Ms.Darby, will, well, I won't want to spoil the surprise." explained Silas.

Madalyn hooped on her motorcycle as Jack hopped on Arcee with the communicator in his hand. They drove downtown following the coordinates on the communicator M.E.C.H. sent them. "What are we going to do? We can't call base for backup." said Madalyn. "If anything happens to my mom because of my connection to all this.." said Jack. "Jack, Madalyn, M.E.C.H. only wants me, once they get what they want, they'll let your mom go Jack." said Arcee. "Thats not exactly re-asurring." replyed Jack "Your family too." The three of them, drove into an abandom construction factory, and pulled into one of the factory buildings. Once they stoped, there were red laser beams aimed at Jack and Madalyn. There were M.E.C.H. goons everywhere. And they all had their guns, locked, loaded, and aimed. "So, whats the plan?" whispered Jack. "The usual." replyed Arcee. Once Silas appeared, Arcee and Madalyn accelarated passed them and into another room of the building. They stoped, and Jack got off Arcee, while Madalyn got off her's. "Mom?" yelled Jack. Jack and Madalyn heard spider like noised from the walls. "Looking for June?" asked an unknown voice. Jack and Madalyn looked up at the ceiling to see a female spider-like decepticon. "I take it that's the Arcahnid I've been hearing so much about?" asked Madalyn. "Yep." replyed Jack. "June is hanging around here somewhere." said Arcahnid. Arcee transformed into robot mode. "Arcahnid!" yelled Arcee. Arcahnid launched some spiderwebs at Arcee, and she got all tangled up in the webs. "What's she doing here?!?" asked Jack. Then M.E.C.H. goons started surrounding them, including Silas. "Help them please! They're human like you!" said Arcee "You can't let Arcahnid.." "Afew human lives are a small price to pay, for a miracle of science, such as yourself." said Silas. Silas nodded at the goon next tohm, and he shot an electrical bullet at Arcee. Arcee cried out from the pain and collasped onto the floor. "Arcee!" said Jack. Madalyn d an sngry look on her face and she took out her two pistols and aimed them at Silas. "You monster!" said Madalyn. Then all the M.E.C.H. goons had their guns pointed and aimed at Madalyn. "Drop your weapons! Now!" said one of the M.E.C.H. goons. "Scrap." thought Madalyn. Madalyn loosened her fingers abit then dropped her pistols and put her hands behind her head. "That's more like it." said Silas. Madalyn turned her head to see Jack checking on Arcee to see if she was ok. "You and I will have a private session later. Promise." said Arcahnid. "Gentlemen." said Silas. Three M.E.C.H. goons moved in on Jack and Madalyn two of them grabbed Jack's shoulders and took away the GPS and his cell phone, while the last one grabbed onto Madalyn's wrists and moved them behind her back and kept them there. The two goons who were with Jack moved away but Silas ordered the goon with Madalyn to stay put. "I'm still learning about human kind. But, one thing is clear to me Jack. You people care deeply about family. Therefore, the sweetest revenge I could possibly find, was for you to watch me as I take your family apart." said Arcahnid. "If you hurt my mother.." said Jack. "You know how much I enjoy sport, don't you Jack? So I'll give you the opperitunity to save her. I stashed her close by." said Arcahnid. Jack and Madlyn heard and tocking noise and both of them turned around to see a timer counting to midnight. "If you can rescue her before the stroke of 12, I'll let the three of you go, unharmed. And to make things alittle more fair, I'll let Agent Romanoff, is it? To join you in the search. Deal?" explained Arcahnid. "And if I can't?" asked Jack. "What do you think?" said Arcahnid. "I don't wanna think that. There's gotta be away out of this!" thought Madalyn. Then she saw Jack run towards Silas. "Please, you can't make her do this!" said Jack as he banged his fists on his chest "You can let us go, we won't tell anyone!" Madalyn saw Jack secertly take Silas's walkie-talkie from his poutch then Silas pushed him. "Nice move Jack." thought Madalyn. "Enough!" said Silas. Then Arcahnid bended down towards Jack. "Yes Jack, man up already!" said Arcahnid as she moved back up and looked at the clock. "6 minutes." said Arcahnid. Jack stood up and looked at the clock. Then he ran out the building and left to search for his mom.

"Wait, I thought the deal was that both Jack AND me look for June?" asked Madalyn in confusion. "Yes. But Jack doesn't need to know. Now if you'll excuse me, I have an extermination to perform." said Arcahnid as she left the building and followed Jack. "Scrap!" whispered Madalyn as she struggled to get out of the goon's grip, but no luck. Silas walked over to the monitor to watch Jack look her June. Then he signaled the M.E.C.H. goon to bring Madalyn over to the monitor. "Now I know we promised the spider-bot a first crack at you, but something tells me she's going to perform a crisscross. A doulble cross if you will." said Silas as he turned to Madalyn then over to Arcee. "Oh no." whispered Madalyn. "Silas, we don't have the means of transporting it right now." said a M.E.C.H. scientist who was next to Arcee. "Well then, we will have to cut and run. Open her up." ordered Silas. "No!" said Madalyn as she tried to get out of the goon's grip and watched as the M.E.C.H scientist removed the spiderweb from Arcee. Madalyn looked away and back at the clock. It was 2 minutes untill midnight. "Come on Jack, hurry!" whispered Madalyn. Then it moved down to 1 minute. Madalyn looked at the moniter to see Jack climbing up a ladder to the top of what looked like, some kind of tower. And at the top, trapped in a spiderweb cacoon, was June. "Alright!" whispered Madalyn. Madalyn could hear them walking throught the moniter.

"I beat your deadline!" said Jack. "Afaird not Jack. Your task wasn't for you to find your mother, it was to save her. Plus you needed Agent Romanoff to help you." explained Arcahnid. Thats when Jack realized that Madalyn wasn't with her. "Where is she?" asked Jack. "She is otherly ingaged in a different situation at the moment. With M.E.C.H." said Arcahnid "And time's up!" Madalyn remembered the deal and saw the timer was at midnight. "Scrap!" thought Madalyn. Arcahnid launched a spiderweb and it got caught on Jack's hand, and it stuck to the metal floor. Jack tried to pull his hand out but it wouldn't budge. "Take a seat, sit back, and enjoy the horror show." said Arcahnid. "Make it fast gentlemen." said Silas. Madalyn heard him, and turned her attention back to M.E.C.H. and Arcee. "And don't worry about making a mess." said Silas. Madalyn stared at the M.E.C.H. scientist cutting open the spiderweb to get to Arcee while listening to the moniter. "Jack, your mother wants to know!" said Arcahnid "What will her demise be? Don't leave her dangling." "You monster! Stop this!" shouted June. Madalyn saw the M.E.C.H. scientists rip open the spiderweb and release Arcee. "We only have time to take one part. Go straight for the heart!" ordered Silas. "Arcee! No!" yelled Madalyn as the scentist activated the drill and pushed it towards Arcee's chest. Then out of no-where Arcee wakes up and punches the drill and the scientist out of the way. Then she punched another M.E.C.H. goon who tried to attack her with a chainsaw. Then she kicked another goon infront of her. And he was flying towards Madalyn. So Madalyn stepped on the foot of her capture-goon then flipped him over her, and the two M.E.C.H. goon's collided and collapsed on the ground. Then two more M.E.C.H. goon's started shooting at them. Making their escape, Arcee transformed into vehicle mode, while Madalyn hooped on her motorcycle, and they drove off.

As they were driving towards the tower, Madalyn saw Arcee drive up a platform at maximum overdrive, transformed into robot mode, and kicked Arcahnid in the face. As they were fighting, Madalyn got off her motorcycle, climbed up the ladder, and met up with Jack. "Hand tight Jack, I'll get you out!" said Madalyn. Madalyn used all her strengh and pulled the spiderweb out of his hand. Once he was free, Jack and Madalyn checked on June. "Madalyn, Jack, the motorcycle?" asked June. "I can explain mom!" said Jack. "Wait, you already did." stated Madalyn "Pull!" Jack and Madalyn pulled on the spiderweb-caccun as hard as they could. Arcahnid and Arcee popped up on the tower again. While they were fighting, Arcahnid blasted some lasers at Arcee but they hit oe of the poles that supported the catwalk that Jack, Madalyn, and June were on, and it started to fall. "Ahhh!" shouted June. Jack and Madalyn grabbed on to the top of the catwalk before it fell. "Jack!" shouted June. "Mom! Hang on!" shouted Jack. Jack and Madalyn brought themselves up to the top and watched Arcee and Arcahnid fight. "What do we do?" asked Madalyn. Without knowing, Jack pushed a switch that activated the cemment tower and the turrents. They both saw the cemment go down through the tubes and into this giant metal box at the bottom. "You thinking what I'm thinking?" asked Jack. "Oh yeah. Big time!" replyed Madalyn "Arcee!" Madalyn called out to Arcee then signaled her to kick Arcahnid into the cemment box. Arcee went along with the plan, and kicked Arcahnid into the cemment box. Arcee gave the teens the signal to move the exit tube over Arcahnid, and Jack turned on the machine. The cemment came crashing down on Arcahnid. As she tried to escape, the cemment hardened and Arcahnid was as frozen as a statue.

"Ahh! Jack!" shouted June. Her spider-web caccun was starting to break lose. "Hang on June!" said Arcee as she started climbing up the tower. But then a spider-web caught Arcee and she fell to the ground. "Arcee!" yelled Madalyn. Just as Arcahnid was about to finnish off Arcee, a group of helicopter's showed up and started Shooting at Arcahnid. It was the miliatry and Agent Fowler. "Dad? But how did he know where to find us?" asked Madalyn. Jack brought out Silas walkie-talkie and tossed it to Madalyn. "I stole it from him, while I was all like 'Please! Let us go!' then I used it to call up Fowler." explained Jack. "Nice!" said Madalyn. Jack took back the walkie-talkie and called Agent Fowler again. "Thanks for the help Agent Fowler." said Jack. "No problem If I'd known the 'Cons were involved I would have called Team Prime." replyed Fowler. "Uh, that might have been too much for mom to handle for one night." answered Jack. Once Fowler, and the other 'Copters stoped shoting, Arcahnid was free from the cemmnt. Then she launched this green scanning laser from her optic's and she scanned Agent Fowler's helicopter. "Ugh! Not again!" said Fowler through the walkie-talkie. Then Arcahnid transformed into her new helicopter vehicle mode, and flew away. "No!" said Arcee.

A couple minutes later, everthing seemed normal. June finally got out of the spiderweb-caccun and she wasn't hurt, but M.E.C.H. got away. Madalyn and Jack were checking on June when Fowler walked up to them. "Ms. Darby, I'm special Agent William Fowler. It's time you knew the truth. For the past several months, Jack and Madalyn has been interning for me at the agency." explained Fowler. "Uh dad, I don't she's gonna buy that." said Madalyn. "She's got that right." replyed June. "Agent Fowler!" said a soilder. "Let me guess, M.E.C.H. got away?" asked Fowler. The soilder nodded. "Ugh!" said Fowler as she stomped his foot and walked off. "Dang it! They got away! Again!" said Madalyn. Then Arcee started walking towards them. "And she would be your?" asked June. "Motorcycle, Guardian, Autobot, Friend." answered Jack as he and Madalyn stood up next to Arcee. Arcee knelt down beside them as Jack was speaking. "Call me Arcee." said Arcee. June got up and looked up at Arcee. "Thank you Arcee." replyed June. Arcee smiled and nodded in reply. "So you think we should tell her about the other autobots?" asked Madalyn. "After all that happened. Definetly." answered Jack "Hey mom, I think it's time for that ride you once made me promise."

The next morning, Jack, Arcee, and Madalyn along with June, arrived at the autobot base. The front door's of the base opened up as June looked alround in 'aw'. Arcee, Jack, and Madalyn drove into the command center to find Bulkhead, Bumblebee, Raf, Miko, and Ratchet. When they saw June with them, they couldn't belive their eye's. Even Ratchet was surprised to see her. Then Optimus walked out of the hallway and towards them. "June, say hello to the autobots." said Madalyn as she got off her motorcycle an stood next to Optimus. When June saw Optimus, she couldn't belive her eye's. Then Optimus picked up Madalyn and place her on his shoulder while the other autobots gathered around. "Mom, meet my science fiction club." said Jack as he took off his helmet and introduced the autobots. Being speechless June gave the autobots a small smile and waved hello at them. "Oh yeah, she is definatly spheechless." thought Madalyn.

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