Life of an Agent (Transformers Prime Seasons 1 & 2) Chapter 12

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Bulkhead, Madalyn and Miko, were in the TV area watching a monster truck rally that Miko went to, who she recorded the highlight's of the show on her cell phone.

"Oh man!" yelled Bulkhead who covered his face with his hand.

"Munched!" yelled Miko.

"That's gotta hurt!" said Madalyn.

"Give it up for the fattest beast machines on the planet!" said the TV announcer.

Ratchet was starting to get annoyed so he stoped working. "Would you mind lowering the volume?"

"Hey Ratchet, check out the Monster Truck Rally Miko took me to last week!" said Bulkhead.

"It totally rocks!" added Madalyn.

"I compiled some highlights with my cellphone!" said Miko as she lifted her cellphone in the air.

"Innocent vehicle's battling for the pleasure of human spectators?! Bloodsport!" said Ratchet as he shuddered at walked back to his computer.

"Yeah!" Bulkhead, Miko, and Madalyn shouted.

"Bulkhead, you could be helping Optimus in the field right now." suggested Ratchet.

"Oh he doesn't need my help to recover some acient thing-a-mah-bob!" replied Bulkhead.

"The thing-a-mah-bob to witch your refering to is a Cybertronian data cylinder." said Ratchet as he pushed a button on his keypad and this computer screen transfered to the TV screen.

"Hey!" said Miko.

"Aww!" added Bulkhead.

"And there's no telling what vast intelligence it may hold." said Ratchet.

"Guys, listen to Ratchet, this could be important." whispered Madalyn as she turned her attention to the TV screen.

"During the golden age, dozens of these cylinder's were made. Each containing the sum-totals of cybertronian knowledge on any subject. Stelercatography, Medicine, Acient Mythology, when the war broke out, the cylinders were hidden across the galaxy to keep them out of Decepticon reach. Deteching one signal here, on earth, is the oppuratunity of a lifetime!" explained Ratchet.

"Aww T.M.I. dude!" complained Miko.

"Miko, be nice!" said Madalyn.

"Switch it back I wanna see the howdown showdown!" said Bulkhead.

Just then Optimus called the base on the com-link. "Ratchet! Decepticon Ambush! The cylinder is at risk! We require backup!" said Optimus as he ended the transmission.

Miko and Madalyn got excited and they turned to Bulkhead who got up and pounded his fist togehter. "Back up's what I'm built for!" said Bulkhead.

Ratchet opened the bridge for him and Bulkhead ran through "Got get'em Bulkhead!" yelled Madalyn.

"Go bend some fenders Bulk!" yelled Miko.

Then Ratchet walked over to the two girl's. "Madalyn, Miko, I've an important mission for you two." said Ratchet.

"Really?" asked Miko all excited. Ratchet handed them two mops, then the girls smiles turned to frowns. "Aww!" they both whined.

They grabbed the mops from his hand as Ratchet smirked abit then went back to his computer. "Alright let's get to work." said Madalyn.

Madalyn heard a mop drop to the floor, she looked up and saw Miko run down the stairs and she snuck through the ground bridge.

"Ugh, Miko!" thought Madalyn. She set down her mop, slid down the stair railing and ran through the ground bridge after Miko.

Miko and Madalyn came through the other side of the ground bridge and into the battlefield. "Miko! What are you doing?!? It's not safe!" said Madalyn. "I wanna see them in action!" said Miko. The girl's saw Bulkhead fighting a vehicon infront of them. He punched it in the face, and it started tumbling backwards toward the girls. "Move!" yelled Madalyn. Madalyn and Miko did a left-front roll, and moved out of the way of the falling vehicon, and hid behind a huge rock. "That was way too close." said Madalyn. "Diddo." replyed Miko. Madalyn and Miko poked their head's out from the rock to watch the fight. First they watched Optimus figthing Knockout, Optimus pucnhed him afew times, then he lifted him up and pucnhed him in the face, and it sent him flying. "Yes! That's my boy!" whispered Madalyn. "Autobots! Stand your ground! The the artifact just not fall into enemy hands!" ordered Optimus as they continued fighting. "Artifact?" asked Miko. Then they both say this cylinder like object in the middle of the battlefield. "The Data Cylinder!" they both said. They kept watching the fight ahead. Arcee was running towards it, but Knockout ramed into her, and once they landed on the ground a huge dust cloud appeared, then Knockout came driving out, then he transformed back into robot mode and ran towards the cylinder. "Come to papa!" said Knockout. Then Bulkhead rammed into Knockout. "Run to mommy!" said Bulkhead. Then Breakdown came in from behind him, ponded his fists on his shoulders then grabed his face with his hands and lifted him slightly into the air. "Say uncle! Say it!" said Breakdown. "Come on, now's our chance!" said Madalyn. Miko and Madalyn ran to the cylinder while everyone was busy fighting. They both hid themselves onthe side of the cylinder, so they wouldn't be seen. Then Miko pulled out her cell phone and Madalyn turned on her communicator. "Ratchet! Come in!" said Miko. "Ratchet, do you copy?" asked Madalyn. "Miko? Madalyn? This is an emergency channel! We need to keep this line open in case Optimus.... Wait! Where are you two?" asked Ratchet. "Duh! Were with the thing-a-mah-bob!" answered Miko. "Thing-a-mah-bob? The Data Cylinder!" said Ratchet. "Yes! Can you bridge it out of here?" asked Madalyn. "I'll reactivate arrival coordinates." said Ratchet. The girls heard the ground bridge open up, but they couldn't see it. They looked over the cylinder and saw the ground bridge opened up on the other side of the battlefield. "Dude! Can you open it any closer?" asked Miko. "Supply coordinates." ordered Ratchet. "Uh, 50 yards?" said Miko. "Persise coordinates!" said Ratchet. Then a blast appeared out of nowhere and it hit the cylinder but missed Madalyn and Miko. "Whoa!" yelled Madalyn as they both ducked down behind the cylinder. "If we can't get Ratchet to send the ground bridge to the Cylinder, were gonna send the cylinder to the ground bridge. Follow my lead." said Madalyn. Madalyn got up and tried pushing the cylinder to the ground bridge but it wouldn't budge. So Miko got up and did the same thing, to try to help, but it still wouldn't budge. "It won't budge!" said Madalyn. "I got an idea." said Miko. Miko ran back afew feet, then came running back at kicked her feet against the cylinder to move it, but she just fell on the floor. "Ow!" said Miko. As Madalyn was helping her up, they both heard this humming noise coming from the cylinder. Then they saw the red circle of the cylinder open up, and the huming noise started getting louder. "Uh oh!" said Madalyn. "Whoa!" said Miko. Optimus heard the noise, so he turned around and say the cylinder open, and he saw Miko and Madalyn. Bulkhead saw them while fighting Breakdown. "Miko? Madalyn?" asked Bulkhead. Then the circle started getting louder and growing brighter. "NO!" yelled Bulkhead. Bulkhead pushed Breakdown out of the way but he tripped and landed infront of the cylinder. Then a red laser come out and started zapping inside Bulkhead's head. When the laser was gone, Bulkhead dropped his head, and he felt unconcious. "Bulk!" yelled Miko. "Bulkhead!" yelled Madalyn. They ran over to check on him to see if he was alright. Then Knockout walked over, and picked up the Cylinder. "You really took one for the team Bulkhead. My team!" said Knockout. As he was running off a ground bridge for the 'Cons opened up. "Get lost Decepticreeps!" yelled Madalyn. Knockout and Breakdown ran thought the ground bridge while the Vehicons transformed and flew away. The other autobots ran over to Bulkhead. "Bulkhead? Are you alright?" asked Optimus. "I'm fine. Didn't even scratch." said Bulkhead. Miko smiled after knowing her friend was alright.

Back at the base, Ratchet was scanning Bulkhead's processor, to see if the cylinder did any damage. Miko and Madalyn were watching the treatment, when Madalyn nodged Miko in the arm. "Maybe next time you'll think twice before running off like that." said Madalyn. "Alright, you were right. I'll try to behave next time. But no promises." said Miko. "Ah, heh, heh, of course not." replyed Madalyn while slightly laughing. "I helped lose that thing, I wanna help find it!" said Bulkhead. Miko and Madalyn turned their attention back to the bots. "I need to go back into the field with Optimus!" said Bulkhead while getting up from the medic-bed. But Ratchet stoped him. "Ah, ah, ah, your under my watch now. Optimus's orders." said Ratchet. "Can't argue with that." said Madalyn. "And running a nuetral diagnoistic would be a wiser part of our time." said Ratchet. Bulkhead pulled off the tube attached to his head. "Come on 'Doc, there's nothing up there to scan." said Bulkhead. "He seem's fine to me." said Miko. "Same here." added Madalyn. "Ugh, well if you insist on making yourself usefull, you can help Miko and Madalyn tiddy up." said Ratchet as e brought out the mop again and handed it to Bulkhead. "What?!?" said Madalyn. "Ugh! He's mad with power!" said Miko while doing a face palm. "Heh, heh, heh, that's Ratchet. No vector squared alright." said Bulkhead. "What?" said Miko. "Vector who?" asked Madalyn. Bulkhead looked at the mop then looked down at the girls. "We got any paint around here?" asked Bulkhead. "An art project? Cool!" said Miko all excited.

"Ok, we got the paint, and a paint brush, well, make that a mop, for Bulkhead, but what are we suppost to paint on? And what are we gonna paint?" asked Madalyn. "Just do what Bulkhead's doing. He improvising." said Miko as he pointed to Bulkhead painting on the wall. "He's painting, on the wall?" asked Madalyn. Madalyn and Miko saw Bulkhead paint some letters and symbols. "What is that?" asked Miko. "It's the cybertronian language." answered Madalyn. "So, there language is also a piece of art?" asked Miko in confusion. "I don't think so. We should show this to Ratchet, just to be safe." said Madalyn. The girl's ran over to Ratchet who was working in his lab. "Ratchet! You need to see this!" said Madalyn. "Not now I'm busy." said Ratchet. "Seriously! You gotta see what Bulkhead is painting!" said Miko. "Yes, I'm sure one has truely lived untill one has beheld Bulkhead's take on still life with lugnuts." said Ratchet as he followed Miko and Madalyn towards Bulkhead. "He's been painting Cybertronian symbols." said Madalyn. "See? Weird I tell you? What kind of art is that?" asked Miko. "The differental of 1Q is RDRR." said Bulkhead while finishing another symbol. "It's not art. It's science!" said Ratchet. "Wait, what?" asked Madalyn "Ok, I'm so lost right now."

The Autobots, Miko, and Madalyn were in Ratchet's Medic Lab. Miko was up watching from the TV area while Madalyn was sitting on Optimus's shoulder. Ratchet brought up a scan of Bulkhead's processor on the computer screen. "This hotspot you see here, it's information. Data, living energy." said Ratchet. "Hold on! It's alive, it's on fire, and it's in Bulkhead's brain?!?" asked Miko. "That's kinda freaky if you ask me." said Madalyn. "Chill Miko, it's only infecting part of my brain. Infit tesimal by standerd nueralmet densities. Wait, how do I know that?" said Bulkhead. "Like I said, freaky!" whispered Madalyn. "Based on what we wittnes during our battle, the living data must been programed to eject when it sensed danger." said Optimus. "A security measure!" said Ratchet. "It would have jettisend heaven word." said Optimus. "Lost to the stars." added Madalyn. "Except my fat engine block got in the way." said Bulkhead. "Every 'Con there grabbed for it. But it doesn't go off untill Miko and Madalyn touch it?" asked Arcee. "The cylinder's were created in Cybertron's Golden Age." explained Ratchet. "The time before the war between the Autobot's and the Decepticons?" asked Madalyn. "Correct." answered Ratchet. "Which means it wouldn't consider any Cybertronian a threat." said Optimus. "Only alien life-forms such as humans." added Ratchet. "Beep bop bop 'So what does this all mean?'" asked Bumblebee. "Are we staring at genius, or jiberish?" asked Arcee. "I do not wish to inform anyone's hopes up, but these equations appear to be the formula for a cenfectic energon." explained Ratchet. "Cenfectic? That's good right?" asked Madalyn. "Beep beep bop! 'Jackpot baby!'" cheered Bumblebee. "We hit the mother load?" asked Arcee. "Motherload? If Bumblebee is that happy then it has to be good!" said Madalyn. "Miko do you realize what this means?" asked Bulkhead "Energon provides our fuel, ammo, and lifesource. With the natural stuff in short supply here on earth, this could help solve a hole lot of problems!" "Such as providing us the edge we need to turn the tide of this war." said Optimus. "Now were talking!" said Madalyn. "Or handing us the key to revealising Cybertron!" said Ratchet. "Even better!" said Madalyn. "We got the goods, and all Megatron got was an empty bucket!" joked Arcee. "How often do I get to use my noggin to save the day?" said Bulkhead. "Alright, let's get to work on that formula!" cheered Madalyn.

2 hours has past, and Bulkhead was still working on the formula. "Intersection of the atomic coordinates indecate version contary structure...." said Bulkhead as he rambled on the formula. Madayn and Miko were sitting on a ledge watching Bulkhead. "Are you done yet?" asked Miko. "I gotta edmit, it's weird seeing Bulkhead in brainiac mode." said Arcee. "You and me both Arcee." replyed Madalyn. "Beep beep beep bop bop 'When is he gonna be done?'" asked Bumblebee. "Vector L-1 squared." finished Bulkhead. Arcee walked over to Bulkhead and pulled out the metal wall peice he was using to write the formula and took it to Ratchet. "Breaktime!" yelled Miko. "How about a lighting round of T-Street Racers 7?" asked Madalyn. Bulkhead stared at them, then went back to his equations. "Energon temperatures of volume, protions....." said Bulkhead as he rambled on again. "Awwww!" said Miko and Madalyn. Arcee and Bumblebee brought over another peice of the equation to Ratchet's lab. "Got another round for you to log Ratchet!" said Arcee. Optimus and Ratchet were at Ratchet's computer station. "What's going on over there?" thought Madalyn. Madalyn got up and ran over to Optimus and Ratchet to see what's going on. "What's up guys?" asked Madalyn. Optimus heard her, then let down his hand for her to climb on and see the computer screen. "This is Bulkhead's nueral net as you saw it earlier. This scan, was detected moments ago." said Ratcet. On the screen it shows the living data traveling throughout Bulkhead's brain. "The data is growing?!?" asked Madalyn. "The data seems to be actively and agressively rewritting Bulkhead's neuro-mess. I had hope he was merly purging the data. But he seems to be transscribing it as it..." explained Ratchet. "Consumes his mind." finished Optimus. "That can't be good." said Madalyn. "From all indecations, by the time Bulkhead completes the formula, his own thoughts, his memories, will be wiped clean." explained Ratchet. "Really? But there's gotta be something we can do to stop it!" said Madalyn. "But if we do try to stop it, goodbye cynfectic energon." added Arcee. "Oh yeah..." said Madalyn. "You ammuse we posess a means of stoping him." said Ratchet "I don't exactly have insent wisdom of the acients." "So what do we do?" asked Madalyn. "I will not allow another of our own to be sacurificed. No matter the cost." said Optimus. "If the data transmitted itself out of the cylinder, then there must be a way to transferr it back in." said Ratchet. "How are we suppost to get it back?" asked Arcee. "Yeah, the Decepticons have it." said Madalyn. "Megatron, will bring the cylinder to us." said Optimus "Madalyn, remain here with Ratchet, Miko, and Bulkhead." "Yes sir!" said Madalyn.

Madalyn stayed behind watching Bulkhead, continue working on the formula, like Optimus ordered. "Poor Bulkhead. When he's done the formula, he's not gonna remember who he is. Or remember anyone. Not even Miko." thought Madalyn. Madalyn heard footsteps and she saw Miko come up the stairs and next to where she was, with her guitar. "The friction of the coificent quotion set amhplified..." said Bulkhead. "You want amhplified?" asked Miko as she plugged in her guitar into the amp. When Madalyn heard the click sound on the amp, she knew what Miko was going to do. "Miko wait!" yelled Madalyn. It was too late, Miko played a tune from her guitar and the sound was so load, both Madalyn and Bulkhead covered their ears/audio reseptors. "Ugh! What is that?" asked Bulkhead. "Metal! You love this song!" said Miko. "I'm trying to concentrate!" said Bulkhead. "Ugh! Your starting to sound like Ratchet!" complained Miko. "Who?" asked Bulkhead. Miko had a shocked and scared look on her face. "Oh no, it's starting." thought Madalyn. Miko ran over to Ratchet while Madalyn followed her. "Ratch'! I think Bulk's losing his mind!" said Miko. Ratchet stared at her with a surprised and sad look. Miko looked back at Madalyn and she made the same face. "You... you guys already knew?" asked Miko. Madalyn place her hand on Miko's shoulder. "Miko we didn't want to frighten you." said Madalyn. "But rest assured, Optimus has a plan." added Ratchet who gave her smile. "Optimus isn't Bulkhead's doctor. I just need to know, when Bulkhead's done with the formula, he'll go back to being regular old Bulkhead, right?" asked Miko. Ratchet closed his eye's and looked down at the floor. Miko knew what he mean't and Madalyn say a tear go down her face, so she gave her friend a hug. "I'm sorry Miko. I've should have told you earlier. But don't worry. Optimus will bring him back. I promise." said Madalyn.

"Don't you remember the time you watched Wheeljack, lodged his only grenade into the Decepticon heat-exchanger?" asked Miko. "Who?" said Bulkhead. "Wheeljack! Your best bud! Besides me of course!" said Miko as she brought out her phone and showed Bulkhead a picture of him and Wheeljack. "So that's the Wheeljack I've been hearing so much about." said Madalyn as she saw the picture. Bulkhead looked at the picture then put his head down. "Ugh! Do you even know who I am?" asked Miko. "Of course! Your...." answered Bulkhead while he was thinking. Madalyn and Miko waited for him to answer. "Equavilent flateningof the spheroid to the..." said Bulkhead as he rambled on the formula. Miko crossed her arms and looked down at the floor. "He doesn't even remember Wheeljack." said Miko. Then Ratchet walked up to them and took the metal sheet. "Keep them coming Bulkhead." said Ratchet as he went back to his lab. "Maybe there's a way for us to jog his memory alittle." said Madalyn. "I know what to do." said Miko. Miko ran over to the computer station and typed in a set of coordinates into the ground bridge. "Uh, Miko, what are you doing?" asked Madalyn. Then Miko took the mop out of Bulkhead's hand and ran infront of the ground bridge and moved the mop in the air. "Come on! You wanna finish your formula don't you?" asked Miko. Then she ran through the ground bridge, then Bulkhead followed her. "Oh no!" thought Madalyn. She looked behind her and saw Ratchet still working in his lab. "Ratchet is going to kill us!" thought Madalyn "But, I need to get Bulkhead back!" Then Madalyn ran through the ground bridge and followed them just as the bridge was closing.

Madalyn came through the other side of the ground bridge and found herself in a tunnel. There was a light at the end so she walked towards it. When she reached the end of the tunnel, she discovered that she was in a monster truck rally arena. "A monster truck rally? This must be the place Miko took Bulkhead." said Madalyn. Madalyn looked around untill she found them. Bulkhead was writting the rest of the formula on the wall of the podium. "Finally!" said Madalyn. Madalyn ran towards Miko. "Is it working?" asked Madalyn. "I don't know. See you love monster trucks! Remember when we snuck in here after the show last week?" asked Miko. "Mass times the fusion parody is constant." said Bulkhead still writing the formula. "Is any of this ringing a bell?" asked Miko. "Bellcurve? No, no, that wouldn't factor in." answered Bulkhead who then went back to his equation. "How about our sunday morning doon bashing? Rocking out to 'Slash Monkey'? Helping me with my homework? Ha! Trick question you know I don't do homework! Don't you?" asked Miko. Bulkhead stopped for a moment then went back to the equations. Madalyn placed a hand on Miko's shoulder. "I'm sorry Miko." said Madalyn. "It's not you fault Madalyn." replyed Miko as walked over to Bulkhead and placed a hand on his foot "Bulkhead, I know somewhere inside you, you'll always remember us. And I just want you to know, we'll never forget you." Just then they heard some voices in the background. "Boo-hoo! I'm shedding lupracents!" yelled Breakdown. Miko and Madalyn backed up in shock for abit when the they him. "It's Knockout and Breakdown!" said Madalyn. "How did they find us?" asked Miko. Miko looked at them, then looked up at Bulkhead. "Follow us right now, or else they'll...." said Miko. "Steal the formula!" finnished Madalyn. Bulkhead shot his head up then looked down at them. "My equations!" said Bulkhead. Miko and Madalyn ran to the tunnel they lead to the parking lot while Bulkhead followed them. "Come on! Come on!" yelled Miko.

Miko, and Madalyn got Bulkhead to transform and hide themselves in the monster truck parking lot. Madalyn and Miko were kneeling down next to him to keep him quiet. "Shhh! I hear them coming!" whispered Madalyn. She heard big footsteps at the end of the lot. "Alright, fun and games." said Knockout as he and Breakdown began searching. Madalyn poked her head out in the side of Bulkhead to see if they were coming in there direction. But then she shuddered when she heard Knockout talk. "Come out, come out, wherever you are!" said Knockout with a slightly evil smile. Madalyn rushed back into where Miko was hidding. "Ok, that was freaky." whispered Madalyn. Miko took out her cellphone and tried to call the autobots, but the decepticons were blocking the signal. "Ugh! The 'Cons are scrambling the signal!" whispered Miko. "The trice sector of the polygon is an integral substance." said Bulkhead. "Shh! Quiet! And what ever you do, keep still! I'm gonna see if I can get far enough for back-up." whispered Miko. "I'll stay with Bulkhead. Becareful Miko." whispered Madalyn. Miko quietly ran off while Madalyn stayed in her hiding spot next to Bulkhead. She brought her pistol and loaded it. "Just to be safe." thought Madalyn. Madalyn heard some smshing in the background, but was too scared to look, because she thought they might she her. "Bulkhead? Is that you?" said Breakdown who smashed more monster trucks. "Breakdown! Forget the human. Games are only fun to play, when your winning." said Knockout as he turned on his energon tracker. "Scrap!" thought Madalyn. She could hear the foot steps getting closer and closer, so she moved to hide behind Bulkhead. Then after she heard the footsteps, she realized that Knockout was right infront of Bulkhead. "And I think I'm warm." said Knockout. But just before Madalyn was about to get out of hidding and shoot Knockout, Bulkhead transformed to robot and he had the mop in his hand. "EM3 divided by the square root of the perpultual facor equals..." said Bulkhead as he painted the symbol on Knockout's chest. "Oh no! He's mad!" thought Madalyn. "You, painted my paint job! Prepare for surgery!" yelled Knockout. Then Madalyn heard foot steps coming from behind them, she turned around and saw Breakdown, punch Bulkhead in the face, and he fell to the ground. "Bulkhead!" yelled Madalyn. Before Madalyn could get to him, Breakdown grabbed her, causing Madalyn to drop her pistol, and get caught in Breakdown's grasp. "Ugh! Let me go!" yelled Madalyn. She stopped struggling when she saw Knockout, tilt Bulkhead's head upward, then transformed his hand into a circular chainsaw. "Head's, you lose!" said Knockout, as he turned the saw on and it got closer to Bulkhead's neck. "Nooo!" yelled Madalyn.

Just then Miko came running back with a metal pole in her hand. "Miko, what are you doing?!?" yelled Madalyn. Knockout saw her coming, and as she was about to swing the pole, Knocout lifted his foot, and Miko missed, causing her to let go of the pole, and fall back into Bulkhead's head. "Ow!" yelled Miko. Then the same humming noise from the cylinder was going off in Bulkhead's head. "Oh no, this can't be good!" said Madalyn. Bulkhead opened his eye's and instead of being blue, they were red. And the data shot out of his optic's and they headed for the stars. "Ahh! Get down!" shouted Knockout. "Not again!" yelled Breakdown. When Breakdown ducked for cover, he lossened his grip on Madalyn, so she took the advange and broke free from Breakdown's grasp, and grabbed hold of her pistol and ran to Miko. "You alright Miko?" asked Madalyn. "I'm fine." answered Miko "I did it again?!?" The girl's and the Decepticons watched the data shot out into space. Heaven word, lost to the stars. Miko ran towards Bulkhead to see with he was awake. "Bulkhead?" said Miko. Then Knockout brought out his eneon scanner and scanned Bulkhead's head. Then he checked the readings. "Dead battery." said Knockout "Megatron will peel our paint for losing that data." "So were gonna have to peel you!" said Breakdown. Knockout transformed his hand into the chain-saw again and moved it towards Miko and Madalyn. "Miko! Get behind me!" said Madalyn as she stood infront of Miko ith her pistol aimed at Knockout. Just then, behind Knockout and Breakdown, a ground bridge opened up, and out came Arcee, Bumblebee, and Optimus. "Or peel out of here!" said Knockout. He transformed his hand back to normal, while Breakdown busted down one of the walls of the parking lot, and the two of them transformed to vehicle mode and drove off. Madalyn and the 'Bots watched them leave, then they heard crying in the background. Miko was leanning frontwads againts Bulkhead's shoulder, while burying her face in her arms. "Bulkhead....." said Miko as she continued crying. "No.... There's gotta be a way to bring him back." said Madalyn.

The Autobots brought Bulkhead back to base in Ratchet's medic lab. Bulkhead was laying on the medic bed, with a tube attached to his head, that was connected with Ratchet's computer. Arcee and Bumblebee were watching from at the door of the lab, while Madalyn was sitting on Optimus's shoulder, who was next to Bulkhead's medic-bed, and Miko was sitting on a ledge. "The data has been fully expled. But Bulkhead remain's completely unresponsive." explained Ratchet. "Because the energy took Bulkhead's mind with him. Heaven word, lost to stars. It's my fault you'll never know the rest of the formula. And it's my fault Bulkhead's gone forever." said Miko. "It's also my fault. I had a responibility to keep an eye on you and Bulkhead while Optimus was gone. So don't blame only yourself Miko, it's my fault too." said Madalyn. "Miko, Madalyn, your quick thinking prevented the formula from getting into the hands of the Decepticons." explained Optimus. Madalyn and Miko wiped afew tears and looked up at Optimus. "Thanks Optimus." said Madalyn. "If anyone would have backed that play, it's Bulkhead." said Arcee. Bumblebee nodded his head in agreement. "It's simply too early to know the extent of his condition. Something as simple as a familiar sight, or smell, perhaps even sound, could triger his awakening." explained Ratchet. That's when Madalyn came up with an idea. "Miko, you thinking what I'm thinking?" asked Madalyn. "Always!" said Miko, with a small smile. Miko jumped off the medic-bed and ran out the lab to get her guitar. Optimus set Madalyn down on the floor, and Madalyn ran out ad got Miko's guitar amp. They set it up on the ledge, and Miko plugged in the guitar. She tuned it, and set her finge's on the correct notes. "You got this Miko." thought Madalyn. Miko took a deep breath then she strumed her guitar, and the music echo'd through the entire room. As the music dimmed, and vanished there was silence alround. "Come on Bulkhead, come back to us!" thought Madalyn as she moved next to Miko after she played. After afew seconds, Miko lowered her head, thinking her friend was gone forever. But Madalyn kept watching, and saw his eye's starting to opening. She gasped and placed a hand on Miko's shoulder. "Miko, look!" whispered Madalyn. Miko, too looked up at Bulkhead and saw his eye's openeing up, and he talked! "Ugh..." "Bulkhead?" asked Miko. Bulkhead fully opened his eye's then he got up and started singing along to that metal song Miko played. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, bang, bang, bang, shake, shake, shake, oh, YEAH! I love that song!" yelled Bulkhead. "Yes! He's back, you did it Miko!" cheered Madalyn as she fist pumped then hugged Miko. "Miko!" said Bulkhead as he smiled at her. Miko smiled back, glad to see her friend again. "Welcome back Bulkhead." said Madalyn.

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