Life of an Agent (Transformers Prime Seasons 1 & 2) Chapter 13

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Madalyn was driving the open road on a thrusday morning, and drove into Jaspear, Nevada. She was riding down main street, heading for the open turrent tunnels to meet up with Raf & Bumblebee. "Same old quiet Jaspear, Nevada." thought Madalyn. As she was driving down the road she noticed two twin cars, turning the corner, and following her. That's when she discovered, they were Decepticons. "Twins. How cute." said Madalyn. She speeded her motorcycle up abit to lose the vehicons, and pulled into the 'Burger K.O.' parking lot and parked her motorcycle there. The good news was, the vehicons didn't see her drive in, so they drove by the resturant. "Phew. Way too close." said Madalyn. Just then she heard the front door of the resturant open. She turned her head and saw a teenage boy walk out. He was 15, had blonde hair, green eyes, a cameo t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers. When Madalyn saw him, she thought he looked very familiar. "Hey, that look's just like..." whispered Madalyn. Then she took out her cell phone, and brought up a picture of her with her brother, Cole Romanoff. And he looked exactly like him in the picture. "Could it be?" thought Madalyn "My brother Cole?". Then she saw him take out his cell phone to answer a call. "Hey mom, just finished breakfeast. No I'm not going to the dance, experience suggests I should never rugg. Well, unless I'm installing carpet. Becarefull? Seriously? This is Jaspear! I'll be fine. Love you too, bye." said the boy as he ended the call. "Oh my gosh! It's his voice, it is Jack!" thought Madalyn. Madalyn got off the bike and took off her helment. "Cole! It's me Madalyn!" said Madalyn as he waved at him. The boy turned around to see Madalyn, and when he saw her, he had a shocked, surprised, and happy expression on his face. "Madalyn? It is you! Oh my gosh!" said Jack as he ran over and hugged his sister. "I'm so happy to see you! I haven't seen you for almost a year! How've you been?" asked Madalyn as she hugged him back. "Has it really? I've been great! Aunt Alexis and Uncle Carlos have been taking good care of me. How's Fowler doing?" asked Cole. "Doing good. He got me a job at the Pentagon, so I could hang out wit him." replyed Madalyn. "Really? That's awesome! I had no idea you and Fowler lived here in Jaspear!" said Cole. "Well, sort of. We live at a miliatry base just outside the city." explained Madalyn "It's so great to see you again!" "Same here. Whoa, nice bike!" said Cole as he examaned it. "Thanks, that's a Nakamura Firehawk V4. The best of it's kind." said Madalyn. Madalyn looked into one of the reer-view mirrors on her bike and saw the two Decepticon twins, pulling up into the drive-way. "Scrap!" thought Madalyn "I don't want to get Cole in danger. But I can't let the 'Cons get him, now that they see me with him." Just then the two cars shun their light's at us. It blinded them slightly. "Whoa! What's their problem?!?" asked Cole. Then the vehicon's started coming faster, so Madalyn popped her helmet back on, and got on her bike and started it. "Cole, hoop on!" said Madalyn. "Wait, what?" asked Cole in confusion. "Hurry!" yelled Madalyn. Cole hooped on behind Madalyn, and she driffed around the 'Cons and drove out the lot at high speed, while the 'Cons drove after them. "What ever you do, DON"T LET GO!" yelled Madalyn. "You don't have to tell me twice!" replyd Cole. Each of the two car's drove up right next to us, and tried to squish the kids. So Madalyn slowed down, out of the trap, and the 'Cons missed. Then Madalyn drove past them at high speed, while the 'Cons were still ganging. "Let's see what's going on with those two." thought Madalyn. She pushed a button on the side of her helmet, and on the glass part, it turned into a mini computer screen, but was still big enough for Madalyn to see the road. She used it to hack into the Decepticon's com-link. "Lord Megatron, target aquired. Accompanied by another human youth." said one of the drones. "Destroy them both!" commaned Megatron. The transmission ended, and Madalyn pressed the button on her helmet again, and it went back to normal. "Who the heck is Megatron?!? And who are those guys?!?" asked Cole. "Megatron, is the leader of an evil alien robot race called the Decepticons. And those 'guys' are one of his followers." explained Madalyn.

Madalyn drove into an alley, and stoped to let Cole off. "Alright, I'll distract them long enough for you to run out of here. Now go!" said Madalyn. Cole nodded and ran into another alley, and Madalyn kept going straight as the vehicons came in. Madalyn looked into the reer-view mirror and saw the other vehicon turn into the alley Cole ran into. "Scrap!" said Madalyn. Madalyn made a tight drift to turn around in the opposite direction toward the vehicon that was following her. She performed a wheelie, then used the power of the bike to jump over the vehicle and speeded down the road and turned into the alley Cole, and the other Vehicon went in. She saw them straight ahead. Cole was starting to slow down, so she speed up and moved in. "I didn't see anything!" shouted Cole. Then Madalyn drove past the vehicon and beside Jack. "Hoop on!" yelled Madalyn. Cole hooped on, then Madalyn drove off, out of the alley and back in the main roads. The vehicons followed them, then each brought out two energon blasters and started shooting at them. "Ahh! Why are they shooting at us?!?" asked Cole. "It's me their after Cole, not you! I gotta get you someplace safe." replyed Madalyn. They pulled into the highway entrance, and speeded down the highway driving past all the cars. The vehicons put away their blasters as the entered the highway, and tried to catch up with them. Just then Madalyn heard some beeping noise on her communicator. It was Raf calling. "Madalyn, where are you? Me and Bumblebee have been waiting almost half an hour." said Raf. "Sorry for the wait Raf! I ran into some trouble with the 'Cons." replyed Madalyn. "Hang tight, I'll get Bumblebe to come find you." said Raf as he ended the transmission. "Ok, now who is Bumblebee?!?" asked Cole. "I'll explain later! Backup's on the way" answered Madalyn. Madalyn looked in her reer-view mirror and saw Bumblebee drive into the highway through another enterance. He drove up beside the vehicons, and rammed into them, making the vehicons run into each other, and crash. Bumblebee drove backwards, to check the damage, then he turned and drove up behind the teens. "I take it that's Bumblebee? He a friend of yours?" asked Cole. "Yep, he's Family." said Madalyn.

The Vehicons regained control, of themselves and caught up with Bumblebee, but Bumblebee kept blocking their path, so they wouldn't get to Madalyn & Cole. But the 2nd vehicon drove up beside Bumblebee and ramed him into the wall, causing him to spin slightly out of control. "Cole, what's happening?" asked Madalyn. Cole looked behind him, and saw, Bumblebee spinning out of control, and the vehicons catching up. "Bumblebee's in trouble, and those twin cars are gaining on us!" replyed Cole. Madalyn, drove up into another highway entrance, but nobody was driving in it, because it was under construction. "Hang on Cole! Were taking a slight detour." said Madalyn. Madalyn saw an opening, of the unfinished high-way, so she made her motorcycle jump over the highway railing and ride down a hill, then flew of the edge of the hill and landed inside the open turrent way, drifted and stoped the bike. And sure enough, it was the same turrent where, Madalyn was suppost to meet Raf and Bumblebee. Raf was standing at the left side of the turrent, and when he saw Madalyn, and Jack land the motorcycle, he had a shocked look on his face and he dropped his toy car controller. "Whoa." said Raf. "You have no idea." said Madalyn. Madalyn and Cole got off the motorcycle, while Raf got his backpack and ran over to them. "You alright Madalyn? Who's your friend?" asked Raf. "Raf, this is my Brother, Cole. Cole this is my friend, Raf." said Madalyn. "Hey." said Cole. Then they all heard engine sounds, they looked at the top of the hill, to see the two vehicon's in vehicle mode. Then they drove down the hill, and as they flew of the edge of the bottom of the hill, they transformed into robot mode, and aimed their gun's at them. "Ahhh! Madalyn, what the heck is going on?!?" asked Cole. "Remember when I mentioned earlier about Decepticons? Well, there's two of them!" said Madalyn. Raf took off his backpack and took out a new and improved wrist communicator. "Madalyn, use this!" said Raf as he tossed it to her "It's from Ratchet, he says that this new comunicator allows you to turn into an autobot!" "Whoa, your serious?" asked Madalyn. They hear the vehicons charging their weapons and aiming them at the kids. "A quick test drive won't hurt!" said Madalyn. She took of her original one, and put on the new one, and turned it on. "Push the middle button, that allows you to transform!" explained Raf. Madalyn pressed on the button, and a aqua blue light shun around Madalyn. She felt her whole body changing, and everything. When the blue light vanished, Madalyn was an autobot. (She is an aqua blue version of Transformers Animated Elita-1. Sorry I couldn't get the photo.)

"Whoa, this is incridible!" thought Madalyn as she looked at her hands, and arms. Then she looked up at the vehicons, who had no idea what was going on, but after a few seconds, they aimed their gun's at Madalyn thinking she's an autobot. "Alright then! This ends here 'Cons!" said Madalyn as she did a battle stance then charged at the vehicons. The vehicons tried shooting at her, but kept missing. Then Madalyn jumped up in the air, and kicked a vehicon in the face. Then she did a back flip to dodge a shot from the other vehicon, then spin kicked him, in the face. "So let's see if I got this right, those twin car's are called Decepticons, they're the bad guys, and they are fighting another group of robots called the Autobots, and they all can transform into vehicles? And did Madalyn just turn into one?" asked Cole. "Yes, yes she did." said Raf, as the boys focused their attention back at the fight.

Madalyn knee kicked a vehicon, then she kept punching him in the face with her fists a couple time's. "This, is, for, Bumblebee!" yelled Madalyn as she performed the last punch. The vehicon backed up slightly with his head back. Then he turned his head back to Madalyn and his one eye glowed bright red. Madalyn glared at him, then Vehicon brought out his gun again, and started shooting at her. Madalyn performed a couple backflips to get away, but as she did her last one, she got hit in the chest. Her back slamed into the floor, and grinded on the cement for a second. "Ow, now I know how the 'Bots feel." said Madalyn. Then she and the boys heard another car engine coming from the bridge on top of Madalyn. That's when Bumblebee drove out of the side of the highway, and as he was falling, he transformed into robot mode, landed ontop of one of the vehicons, then pucned the otherone in the face. "Alright Bee!" cheered Raf. "Beep beep beep bop bop beep 'This ain't over yet Raf.'" said Bumblebee. While Bumblebee was distracted with Raf, he got shot in the face, from one of the vehicons. Bumblebee landed on his stomach, and when he tried to get up, a vehicon stomped on his face, to make him stay down. Bumblebee turned around, to see both Vehicons aimming their guns at Bumblebee. Under the bridge, Madalyn got up, and saw Bumblebee at their mercy. "Oh no Bumblebee! Ok, think, how do they activate their blasters?" thought Madalyn. Madalyn formed her hands into fists, and her hands transformed into blasters. "Well, what do you know!" said Madalyn "Yo, ugly's! Leave him alone!" Madalyn used her blaster's and shot down the vehicons. Then she ran over to Bumblebee and helped him up as she put away her blasters. "Bumblebee, are you ok?" asked Madalyn. "Beep beep bop 'I'm fine.'" answered Bumblebee. The vehicons got back up and started walking towards them. Madalyn helped Bumblebee up, then they both got into their battle stances. Raf and Cole ran behind them for protection from the vehicons. Then a set of car light's shun on them from behind. Madalyn, Bumblebee, Raf, and Cole, turned around to see a green offroad car driving towards them. It was Bulkhead. He transformed into robot mode, and battle stanced behind Cole & Raf. "Who's ready to rumble?" said Bulkhead as he pounded his fists together. The vehicons transformed back into vehicle mode, and drove off in the opposite direction. "Yeah, you better run!" yelled Cole. "What took you?" asked Madalyn. "Traffic." replyed Bulkhead.

Then all of a sudden, the autobot insignia on Madalyn's chest started blinking. 'Beep' 'beep' beep' 'beep' 'beeeeeep'. Then the blue light showed up agin, and Madalyn felt her body change again. When the light vanished, she was her human self again. "Hey! I'm me again! How did I do that?" said Madalyn. "That wasn't you, it was the communicator." said Raf as he pointed to Madalyn's wrist watch communicator "Ratchet told me the transformation only lasts for a certain amount of time. When time's up, your autobot insignia starts blinking, and you turn back into your normal self." "He and Optimus wants you to use it if you run into the Decepticons, and were not their to protect you." said Bulkhead. "Well tell Ratchet, thanks. I have a feeling this will really come in handy." said Madalyn. Madalyn turns off her communicator, then walks over to Cole. "Cole listen, I'm really sorry I got you into this." said Madalyn. "Are you kidding me? That was the greatest experience of my life! Listen sis, I haven't seen you for almost a year. And if this is what you do, everyday, Then I want in!" said Cole. Madalyn had a surprised look on her face then smiled, and looked up at the autobots. "So what do you think? Can he come with us?" asked Madalyn. "Sure why not." said Bulkhead. The kids cheered, and Madalyn hugged her brother. "Welcome to Team Prime, Cole. Lets head back to base. Wait, where's my bike?" asked Madalyn. Raf pointed to the left and Madalyn saw her bike head been blown to bits. "AHHH! My bike! Nooo! Dang it!" yelled Madalyn. "Ha, ha, that's my sister. Always cares about her bike." said Cole

Cole and Raf, were wtih Bumblebee, while Madalyn was with Bulkhead. They drove into the entrance of the base, and Bulkhead and Bumblebee let the kids out. "Here we are." said Bulkhead. Cole looked all around the base. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. "Whoa! This place is huge!" said Cole. "Wait till you meet the rest of the team!" said Madalyn. "There's more of them?!? Seriously?!?" asked Cole. "Yep, come on, I'll introduce you to them." said Madalyn. Madalyn, Cole, and Raf ran over to Ratchet's medic lab, and sure enough he was there. "Ratchet, say hello to our newest member of the team! This is Madalyn's brother Cole." said Raf. Ratchet heard him, then he looked down at the three of them. "Another human? By the allspark, not again!" said Ratchet. "Another human?" asked Cole in confusion. "Ratchet, isn't really use to humans yet. But don't worry, he likes us. Just give him some time, he'll come around. Hey Ratchet? Have you seen Optimus?" said Madalyn. "He's out on patrol with Arcee. They should be coming back any moment now." replyed Ratchet as he went back to work. "Who's Optimus and Arcee?" asked Cole. "Arcee is another scount on the team. She's really tough. And Optimus Prime, is the leader of the Autobots. He's also my Autobot guardian." explained Madalyn. "What's an Autobot guardian?" asked Cole. "An autobot guardian is an autobot that is assigned to you as your partner. They hang out with us, when were not here at the base, and they drive us to school." explained Raf. "Except for me, I don't have to go, I'm home schooled at the military." added Madalyn. "Your home schooled? LUCKY!" said Cole. Just then, the kids, and the other autobots, heard truck horn noises at the entrance. A red and blue truck, and a dark blue motorcycle, drove into the base and transformed into robot mode. Cole was mostly looking up at Optimus. From what Madalyn could tell, Cole's head was almost bent all the way back. "Whoa, he's big." whispered Cole. Madalyn giggled alittle bit then ran over to Optimus and Arcee. "Cole, this is Optimus, and that's Arcee. "Guys, this is my brother Cole. I ran into him earlier today, and we got spotted by the Decepticons. I couldn't just leave him there, so I had to take him with me." explained Madalyn. "Madalyn, you taking Cole along with you, was the right thing to do. If you haven't done so, he would have become a prisiner of Megatron. Well done." said Optimus. "Oh! And thanks, for this new communicator. They way I can transform into an Autobot is incredible!" said Madalyn.

Optimus explained to Cole about the war on Cybertron between the Autobots and the Decepticons and how they ended up here on Earth. He explained to him that Megatron was the leader of the Decepticons, and that he would stop at nothing, to take over our planet. "Whoa that's some story. So, if Megatron get's his hands on all the energon, he's use it to fuel his army, and conquer Earth?" asked Cole. "That is correct, Cole. It is our number one objective to fight the Decepticons, and stop them from destroying your world." explained Optimus.

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