Life of an Agent (Transformers Prime Seasons 1 & 2) Chapter 19

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"I can't believe this! How could this have happened? Ratchet try to explain the situation to us again." said Madalyn. The humans were up in the communication area next to Ratchet while, Arcee, Bumblebee, and Bulkhead gathered around the command center. "In heinz sight we accomplised what was required. With Unicron's awakening, extreme measures needed to be taken.Enemies became allies. Allies became confedonts. And with the Matrix of Leadership, Unicron was defeated. Though at aun-measurable and personal cost. When Optimus surrendered the Matrix, he lost more then the collective wisdom of the Prime's, he lost himself." explained Ratchet. "But that doesn't follow! Optimus knew Megatron!" said Arcee. "They were like BFF's!" added Bulkhead. "What? He didn't know you, but he knew Megatron? How?" asked Cole. "Beep beep bop bop beep 'How is right, Cole." said Bumblebee. "If Optimus didn't know his own name, then that mean's the title of Prime, hasen't yet been granted to him." answered Ratchet. "What?" asked Jack. "Say again?" said Miko. "With the power of the matrix, no longer within him, Optimus has reverded to his Pre-Prime state. The historical archivist, Orion Pax." answered Ratchet. "Wait a minute! That's it! Don't you see? Don't you remember Ratchet telling us that Optimus was friends with Megatron BEFORE he was a Prime? And Arcee and the other's saying he knew Megatron but not them! It make's sense! He think's he's still Orion Pax!" explained Madalyn as she turned to face her friends. "You mean in his mind?" asked June. "Are you two telling me that Prime think's he's somekind of liberian?!? And a Decepticon?!?" asked Fowler.

"Being a Decepticon is a choice, Agent Fowler. One I believe that Optimus would never make in his life." answered Ratchet. "So if he's riding with the 'Cons..." said Bulkhead. "It's because Megatron is working some kind of VooDoo." finnished Arcee. "Orion Pax may not currenly be an Autobot in his mind. But we must believe that he won't stop being one in here." said Ratchet as he placed his hand over his spark "We must get to work finding him, to know for certain." "Hold up! I have a chip lodged in my behind that let's uncle sam know, when I stop for dognuts! Are you telling me, you just can't track Prime?" asked Fowler."Chip lodged in his behind?" whispered Cole to his sister. "Long story." Madalynwhispered back. "Optimus's signal hasn't re-appeared since he imbarked for Earth's Core. But we must get to work find him,if we have any hope of recovering his contingency plan." "Contingency plan?" asked Arcee. "What contingency?" asked Bulkhead. "What does it mean?" asked Cole. "Is that even a word?" asked Miko. That's when Madalyn realized something, and pulled the key card out of her pocket. "The key card! What's it do?" asked Madalyn. "It grants access to Vector Sigma. The lapository of the wisdom of the Prime's." answered Ratchet. "Is that some sort of super computer?" asked Raf. "So we can just download Optimus's memories back into him? Great!" said Madalyn. "So which on is the big V? Over here? Somewhere in the back?" asked Jack. "Vector Sigma is more than a super computer you too. It's an acient source of mystical power. On Cybertron." answered Ratchet. "Whoa, whoa, back up, it's on Cybertron?" asked Cole. "So that means, if were going to get Optimus back, I would need to go to another planet!" said Madalyn.

"Madalyn Romanoff you will not be traveling to another planet!" ordered June. "I'm in!" suggested Miko as she ran to Madalyn and June. "Your not going either Miko. Not when one of you can!" said June as she glared at the other Autobots. "June as a point. Why send Madalyn to do a 'Bot's job?" asked Fowler. "Because only a Prime, can get access to Vector Sigma. Or, one chosen by a Prime. Optimus gave the key card, to Madalyn. It is now imprinted with her, unique bio-signature." answered Ratchet. "So what your saying is, Madalyn is some sort of honnoray Prime?" asked Miko. "That's actually pretty cool." said Cole as he fisted pumped his sister. "Let's just say, Madalyn is the only one, who can return Optimus, back to the Autobot we knew." answered Ratchet. "But why would Optimus willfully indanger a human? A child!" said June. "June, I'm not a child! I'm 15!" replyed Madalyn. "Maybe Optimus believe's there's more to Madalyn then meets the eye." answered Arcee. "Really?" asked Madalyn. "All of which is mute. The key card is useless without a mean's of even reaching Cybertron. Which at the moment, we do not posess." said Ratchet. "Dude, what about that?" asked Miko as she pointed to the ground bridge. "Miko, the ground bridge barely got the Autobot's in Earth's orbit remember?" said Raf. "But Ratchet built it!" said Miko. "Yeah, couldn't he just, I don't know, turbo charge it?" asked Cole.

Raf, and Ratchet were in the base, working on turbo charging the ground bridge, while Jack went to work, and Miko just hung out with Bulkhead. Madalyn was up on the roof of the base, looking out into the canyon. She pulled out the key card again, examing it, then looked up into thesky and became talking to herself. "Optimus, I know that your suffering from amneshia right now, but if there's the slighest possibilty that yourspark is listening out there, I just want you to know, that I'm not going to give up. You gave me this key card for a reason, at first you told me it was for the ground bridge, but thanks to Ratchet, I know it's real purpose. I promise you I'll bring you back to us. Because to me, you weren't just a amazing partner, guardian, or mentor, but a really, really, great friend. And I don't wanna lose you. That also go's for the others. We'll get you back soon Optimus, I promise." said Madalyn talking to herself. As she finnished she slightly heard footsteps walking towards her from behind. "What'cha doing up here by yourself?" asked Arcee as she walked and knelt down beside her. "Oh! Arcee! Hey, I was just, uh..." said Madalyn being a bit embarrest. "Hey, relax. I thought what you said was, beautiful. Don't worry, we'll get Optimus back." said Arcee. "I know Arcee. It's just, because Optimus gave me the key card, I'm the ONLY one that can bring him back. But I don't know if I can so it alone. Optimus is counting on me and I can't let him down." said Madalyn. "Don't worry, me and the other's will be with you everystep of the way. You can count on that. It's just like you said, Optimus is a good mentor, and a great friend." replyed Arcee. "Thank's Arcee." said Madalyn smiling. "I'm on my way to pick up Jack from work, you wanna come?" asked Arcee. "Sure!" answered Madalyn. Arcee and Madalyn took the elevator pad back down into the base. Madalyn ran in, got her helmut, and met up with Arcee who was waitinf for her in her vehicle mode. "You ready?" asked Arcee. "Yep!" said Madalyn. Madalyn put her helmut on, and hoped on Arcee, and they took off for Jaspear.

"We'll met up with him through the drive through." said Arcee. "You got it." replyed Madalyn. Arcee pulled up to the parking lot of 'KO burger' and went into the drive through and stoped at the speaker. "Welcome to KO drive in. May I take your order?" asked Jack. "5pm Jack, your shift is over. Lets go! By the way, can I get a shake?" asked Madalyn. "Sure, $2.50 up at the window." said Jack. Arcee pulled Madalyn up to the window, where they saw Jack in the window, and Syaira on the otherside. "Uh oh, akward moment." thought Madalyn. "Your mom looks good in that outfit, on your bike." said Syaira akwardly and walked away. "Opps. Sorry Jack." said Madalyn as she took of her helmut. "Didn't mean to ruin your social life." said Arcee. "Not the first time." replyed Jack "Any sign of Optimus?" "No, not today." answered Madalyn putting her head down. "Don't worry, Madalyn. We'll find him. I promised you we would." said Arcee. "Alright, let's head back to HQ, and see if Ratchet found anything." said Jack as he took of his uniform hat and was about to leave the kitchen. "Wait Jack!" yelled Jack. Jack stoped and turned to face Madalyn. "My milkshake?" asked Madalyn. Then Jack's face lit up. "Oh! Right! Right! Right! I'll go get it!" said Jack as he went into the milkshake machine and made it. "Remind me again, why are you getting a shake?" asked Arcee. "What? I was hungary! I haven't eaten for like pretty much all day!" replyed Madalyn.

Later that night, Madalyn was hanging with the Autobots back at base, watching Ratchet work on the ground bridge while Miko, Cole, Raf, and Jack went home. "How's it coming Ratchet?" asked Madalyn. "I'm tinkering with it at the moment. No need to get anyone's hope's up just yet." answered Ratchet. Madalyn nodded, and let Ratchet get back to work. "It's getting pretty late, why don't you get some rest?" asked Ratchet while still working. "That's ok Ratchet, I'm not really that tired right now. Beside's, Fowler is helping me find any signs of the Decepticon activity, just incase, Optimus might be with them." said Madalyn as went back to the computer, and searched a nearby sector of the canyons. Then Agent Fowler, came up on the video screen. "Ratchet! Madalyn! You awake?" asked Fowler. "Agent Fowler, is it Optimus?" asked Ratchet. "It's 'Cons!" answered Fowler. "It looks their hitting the same miliatry lab, they hit two months ago." said Madalyn as she brought up the Decepticon's location on Ratchet's computer. "Beep beep bop beep? 'Why would they go back there?'" asked Bumblebee. "Another space bridge?" asked Bulkhead. "For all we know, Optimus could be riding with him!" said Arcee. "Alright then, it's time to roll out!" said Ratchet as he got up from under the ground bridge, and activated the set of coordinates. "I'm going too!" said Madalyn as she ran, and slide down the ladder, and transformed into her Autobot form. "Let's roll out!" said Arcee as she and the other's transformed into their vehicle mode's and drove through the ground bridge.

The ground bridge opened up on the other side, and the Autobot's arrived at the miliatry lab, to see Knockout and Breakdown, with the power source for their space bridge. The Autobot's transformed into robot mode once they landed on the ground. "Drop the power source!" yelled Bulkhead. "Aren't you missing someone?" asked Knockout tauntingly. The Autobots ran towards them, then stoped afew feet away, transformed their hands into blasters and aimed their blasters at them. "We can do this the easy way, or the hard way." said Madalyn. "Stand your ground, Aura!" said Arcee using Madalyn' Autobot codename. Then they all heard the sounds of jet's coming in, so they looked up into the sky and saw Vehicon's coming in and shooting at them. As they were charging down, Bulkhead shot one of them down. When the Vehicons flew past them to change course, Madalyn, Arcee, and Bumblebee shot them from behind. "Ready for that bridge!" yelled Knockout through the Decepticon com-link. Then behind Knockout and Breakdown a Decepticon ground bridge opened up, and Breakdown imediatly went through. "Well be sure to tell the big O, you said hello!" said Knockout with a smirk and he ran through the ground bridge. "Guess were doing this the hard way." thought Madalyn as she transform into her vehicle mode and drove towards the ground bridge. "Aura! Wait!" yelled Bulkhead. But before he could stop her, Madalyn accelerated through the Decepticon ground bridge just as it was closing.

Madalyn came out on the other side of the ground bridge and arrived at the Decepticon Warship. She zoomed past Knockout and Breakdown, driving out of the ground bridge room, and speeded throughout the hallways. As she left she heard Knockout swear in Cybertronian. Madalyn drove into one hallway filled with about 3 vehicons, who spoted her and tried shooting at her. She dodged the blasts in vehicle mode, then jumped in the air and transformed into robot mode. She did a front flip while shotting down a vehicon in the back. As she landed on the floor, feet first, she jump kicked a vehicon in the face against the wall. Then pushed herself of the wall, to front flip infront of the last vehicon, then upper cutted him in the face, making him fall to ground on his back. Then Madalyn landed ontop of the vehicon and looked at him with a mixed of a serious and angry expression on her face. "Where's Optimus?!?" said Madalyn. But they Vehicon said nothing. So Madalyn brought out her energon dagger from her left forearm and raised it in the air. "Answer me!" yelled Madalyn. Then she heard footsteps from down the hall, and saw a few more vehicons come in for backup. She used the vehicon she stood on for cover from the blaster fire, then front rolled out of hiding and attacked the first vehicon she saw. She slashed him with her daggers twice, slicing his blaster arm off, then after that, did a handstand, grabed the other vehicon with her feet and fliped him, smashing him into the ground. Then for the last vehicon, she kept shooting at him with her blasters, and when the vehicon finally came down, she jumped over him while transforming in her vehicle mode and drove off. As more and more vehicons showed, Madalyn zoomed right past them, dodging their blaster fire. When she turned into a corner, she found Soundwave at the end of the hall. "Soundwave! He know's where Optimus is." thought Madalyn. Madalyn accelarated faster, charging toward Soundwave. Once she jumped in the air to tackle him, Soundwave secertly opened up a ground bridge infront of him, and Madalyn fell through it. Once she was out of the ground bridge, Soundwave had sent her to the arctic. Madalyn transformed back into robot and landed on her feet, slightly sliding on the ice. "What the? Aw come on!" yelled Madalyn.

Ratchet located Madalyn's coordiates and brought her back to base. Once Ratchet was done checking for injuries, Madalyn's Autobot insignia blinked a few times, then she transformed back into her human form. Cole, Miko, Jack, and Raf, were at the base aswell. "You weren't able to determane the Decepticon's location, or see if Optimus was even aboard ship?" asked Ratchet. "I... coulldn't confirm." answered Madalyn. "It's not your fault Madalyn. Were just glad your alright." said Cole. But Bulkhead got into a rage and smashed Ratchet's drill. "Bulkhead! I.." said Ratchet but Bulkhead intrupted him. "What? You needed that? The only thing I need right now is our head hancho back!" said Bulkhead. "You and me both Bulkhead." said Cole. "It's not your fault Madalyn." said Arcee. "But it is! If any of us needed rescuing, Optimus would find a way. I didn't." replyed Madalyn as she jumped off the block she was on, and met up with the other Teen's "Simple as that." Then Fowler came back on the video phone. "Ratchet! What happened out there? Reports indicate at least a dozen wounded. The heat's on me, to provide some explaination. You 'Bots better get your act together, or the Pentagon will shut us down!" said Fowler. "What?!? Shut you down?!?" said Cole. "If you get shut down, I'll lose my job with the Pentagon and never see you guys again!" said Madalyn. "But, where will you go?" asked Raf. "Who knows! Maybe they'll ship us out to some island, or fire us into space, wouldn't that be a welcome relief!" said Ratchet. "I don't blame Fowler. Optimus would have evacuated all humans from the area before ingaging the 'Cons." said Arcee. "Beep beep bop beep bop bop beep 'That's definatily what Optimus would have done.'" said Bumblebee. "Well we wouldn't know what Optimus would do because he's not here!" said Bulkhead. "You pretty good a stating the obvious Bulk'. Anything else you like to mention that we already know?!?" asked Arcee angrly. "Nothing I could say infront of the childern." answered Bulkhead. "Hey! Aren't we looking at one positive?" asked Jack. "Nobodies talking about what the 'Con's just got their claws on!" said Madalyn. "Yes, we manage to allow the Decepticon's to finally acuire a power source for their space bridge." replyed Ratchet. "And how exactly would that be a positive?" asked Arcee. "We let them finnishing building their space bridge." answered Madalyn. "Why? So the 'Con's can bring more zombie's back from Cybertron?" asked Bulkhead. "No!So we can comendeer it. And use it to send me to Cybertron!" explained Madalyn. "Whoa!" said Cole. "That's actually a pretty good idea." said Miko. "Oh-ho, well if Miko and Cole think's it's such a good idea." said Arcee. "Nobodies, saying it will be easy." said Jack "But you've seized a space bridge before!" "We blew one up! That's awhole lot dfferent from seizing and holding one." said Bulkhead. "Beep beep bop bop beep 'But the question is, where is the space bridge?" asked Bumblebee. "Bee's right. We need to find the space bridge first." said Arcee. "Ah, hello? If it's a space bridge, then..." said Miko as she point her finger up. "The term space reffers to it's transport range, not it's physical location!" explained Ratchet "And we've been monitering Earth's orbit sense the last one! We'd know if it were there!" "So that mean's the space bridge could be somewhere here on Earth!" said Madalyn. "Like trying to sing a servo in the scrapyard." muttered Bulkhead. "Then it looks like we better start looking." said Arcee. "But the fact remains, we do not know what the Decepticon's have instore for Optimus. Or if he's truely safe from harm." said Ratchet. "I don't even wanna think about that, right now." said Cole. "Alright, let's get to it. We need to find the 'Con's space bridge, use it to get me to Cybertron, find Vector Sigma, and bridge me back, so we can get Optimus back to us." said Madalyn.

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