Life of an Agent (Transformers Prime Seasons 1 & 2) Chapter 20

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Ratchet has been working turbo charing the ground bridge for quite some time. When he was finnished, he called in Raf, and Madalyn to help test it to see if it was ready. "Rafael, Madalyn, are the test's subjects ready?" asked Ratchet. Raf went into his backpack and took out two romote control car's. He sated them down on the floor and passed Madalyn one of the remote's and they both turned them on, and tested the wheel's of the cars. "They're ready!" said Madalyn. "Long range GPS activated." said Rafael. "I have doubts that my calculations have successfully extended ground bridge range. But there is only one way to find out." explained Ratchet. Ratchet activated the ground bridge and the portal opened. "Here we go." whispered Madalyn. Madalyn and Raf used the remote's to make their toy car's drive into the ground bridge. Ratchet knelt down beside them to watch. "Come on!" whispered Ratchet. Once the car's made it half way through the bridge, the two car's exploded into scrap metal as the ground bridge closed. "Ugh!" muttered Ratchet. "Don't worry Ratchet." said Madalyn. "Beside's it was just the first try." said Raf. "No you too, it was pure folly. A misguided asperation. It takes eoans to master space bridge engineering. And no one is more accomplished then the Decepticons." explained Ratchet. There was a small pause, then Raf started telling a story. "You know, there's this thing in gym class where you have to climb a rope. All the way to the ceiling. It's really hard. And I've never been able to do that." explained Raf. "Oh that? I did that in my miliatry training." said Madalyn, Raf gave her a 'I'm trying to have a conversation' look "Opps. Sorry, you were saying." "Anyways, I told Bee about it, and he believed in me. Which made me practice a ton! Finally, just a couple of week's ago, I made it to the top" finnised Raf. "What does any of this have to do with Gym class?!?" asked Ratchet. "I was just... uh.." said Raf trying to answer but Ratchet turned away. "He was trying to say, that if you keep practicing and believing in yourself, you can do anything." explained Madalyn. "We'll give you some alone time." said Raf as he and Madalyn walked up to the TV area.

Raf and Madalyn walked up the stair's and sat on the coach. Raf looked over to Madalyn and noticed that she was sitting back on the coach resting her head against the cushion. "Hey Madalyn, you alright?" asked Raf. "Sort of. I got alot on my mind right. It's everything from Ratchet fixing the bridge to get me to Cybertron, to me being the only one in existance that can bring Optimus back." explained Madalyn. "I hear you. Hey! How about we watch 'Shake It Up Chicago'? That seems to cheer you up?" suggested Raf as he grabed the remote. "No thank you Raf. I don't that's going to help right now." replyed Madalyn. "Listen Madalyn, I know how you feel about Optimus. I'm worried about him too. If I was in your situation, I would be just as worried. But if there's anything that Optimus has taught me, it's to stay strong. He would want you to stay strong for him, and go to Cybertron and find Vector Sigma. He know's you have the power to do it, otherwise he wouldn't have given the key card to you in the first place. You know what I think? I think Optimus is unbeatable. He may be with the 'Cons right now, but I know that Optimus will pull through. We just need to stay strong and focus." said Raf. Madalyn sat up from the coach and smiled at Raf. "Thanks Raf. I think I feel alot better now. Come on, let's see how the other's are doing with locating the Decepticon Space Bridge!" said Madalyn as she and Raf ran to the communication center.

"How's it going you guys?" asked Madalyn through the com-link. "Just a whole lot of nothing." replyed Arcee. "Beep beep bop beep bop 'Don't see anything either.'" replyed Bumblebee. "Keep searching you guys. Madalyn, can you bridge me back so Ratchet can give me the next quadrant to search?" asked Bulkhead. "Sure thing Bulk'. Ground bridge coming up." answered Madalyn as she activated the bridge and Bulkhead came driving through and transformed back into robot mode once the bridge closed. "No sign of any energon spikes. Any luck with the other's yet?" asked Bulkhead. "Not yet." answered Ratchet with an upset edge in his voice. "Ratchet, you ok?" asked Bulkhead. "Hmm? Yes, let's get you to the next quadrant." answered Ratchet. Then out of no where, Ratchet's computer started blinking. "What the? What's going on?" asked Madalyn as she ran over to Ratchet's computer. Ratchet checked his keyboard to see that he received a message. "What is it?" asked Bulkhead. "A high frequency signal, with an enbeded message. For me!" said Ratchet. "Optimus?" asked Bulkhead. "Optimus sending a message from the warship when having amensia? I don't think that's likely Bulkhead." said Madalyn. Ratchet clicked the message on the keyboard, and a picture of Starscream came up. "It's from Starscream!" answered Ratchet. "What?" said Madalyn as she leaned against the railing to see the message. "I have obtained information reguarding your leader. Bring medical kit, come alone." said Ratchet as he read the message. "Starscream, has information for us? Well this is new." said Madalyn. "For all we know, it could be a trap. I'm not letting you go alone Ratchet." stated Bulkhead. "I know." replyed Ratchet. Ratchet went into his lab and got his medical kit and activated the ground bridge to Starsceams coordinates. "I'm tagging along too guys. If Starscream is damaged then it should be safe for me to tag along. Beside's he said he had information about Optimus. We could use this to our advantage." explained Madalyn. "Alright, but for safety reasons, it's best if you don't activate your Autobot form." warned Ratchet. Madalyn nodded and she and the 'Bots walked through the ground bridge.

Madalyn, Bulkhead, and Ratchet came through the other side of the ground bridge to find themselves in a forest, and infront of them was Starscream laying against a rock with energon leaking out of his right leg. "I told you to come alone!" said Starscream. "And sense when do we listen to you?" replyed Bulkhead as he transformed his hand into a wreaking ball. "Alright 'Scream, time to get down to bussiness." said Madalyn as she took out her pistol and aimed it at Starscream's head "Where is Optimus?" "Patch me up and perhaps I'll tell you." replyed Starscream. Madalyn, Bulkhead, and Ratchet looked at each other then back at Starscream. "Gr, have sympathy! I'm leaking here!" said Starscream. "Then I suggest you speak quickly. Has Optimus been harmed in any way?" asked Ratchet. "He's fine. Can't you see I'm the one that's been harmed!" answered Starscream. "Where is he?" asked Bulkhead. "Where do you think? He's on the Decepticon War Ship." answered Starscream. "Which is located where?" asked Ratchet. "I don't know, now! It's a ship! It moves!" answered Starscream "It took me months to track. Only to get fired upon!" "You wouldn't go to the trouble of calling me here unless you had information to trade. Real information." said Ratchet. "Very well, your beloved leader may have losed his senses. He calls himself, Orion Pax now. And it seems, Megatron has lead him to believing that he is a Decepticon." explained Starscream. "Oh please, tell us something we don't know!" replyed Madalyn. "What? How could you possible know that?!?" said Starscream. "Were wasting our time." said Ratchet. "Yeah, come on boys, let's get out of here." replyed Madalyn as she and the 'Bots began to walk back to the ground bridge. "Wait! That's all I have! Really!" cried out Starscream. "Unless you know where Megatron is keeping his space bridge, you can just stay there and rust." said Bulkhead. Then Starscream had a shocked look on his face and he was almost spheechless. "What? Space bridge... You mean that actuall finnished building it without MY supervision?!?" asked Starscream. Madalyn and the Autobots had surprised looks on their faces. "Ah, ha, ha, ha, it hurts most right here, doctor." said Starscream. "Jackpot!" thought Madalyn.

After repairing Starscream, Madalyn, Bulkhead, and Ratchet headed back to base, and locked on to the location of the decepticon space bridge. Ratchet called Bumblebee, Arcee, and the humans back to base to hear the news. "The Decepticon's space bridge is located right here. Deep within an energon mine." explained Ratchet. "Injased in a raw fuel supply. Clever." commented Arcee "What's are intel?" "Um, a reliable source." answered Ratchet. "So, do we have a consenses?" "Do we know if people can even breathe in your atmosphere?" asked June. "Don't worry June, my Autobot form will protect me. But, it's a slight disadvantage because I can only use it for a limited time." said Madalyn. "Madalyn's right, what if we bring the key card back, and Megtron or some other decepticons is there and she turns back into her human form when time runs out? Or what if she turns back while she's on Cybertron?" asked Cole. "I'll hook Madalyn up." answered Fowler "I still have connectiosn with NASA." "I just think this is too dangerous." replyed June. "June, I know it's hard, but Optimus risked his life to save our planet. And he's not even human. We owe it to him." explained Madalyn. "Madalyn is the only one who can do this June. But I don't want you to think that for one moment that I will not allow her to travel un-chaperond." stated Arcee. "Thanks 'Cee." said Madalyn. "Not everyone is destined for a normal life. Optimus Prime was once Orion Pax afterall." said Ratchet. "I remember when we were little, you used to dream about becoming an astronaunt." said Cole as he placed a hand on his sister's shoulder. "He, he, I still remember that." said Madalyn as she hugged her brother then pulled away "Alright, let's suit up!"

"We will ground bridge directly into the energon mine. And make our way to the space bridge chamber, destroying any Decepticon forces we incounter. Once we secure the space bridge, we'll send for Madalyn." explained Ratchet "Stealth must be an absolute priority. We will most certainly be outnumbered. And if any Decepticons should transmit an alert to the war ship.." "The odds become 400 to 1." finnished Bulkhead. "Scrambling communications upon entry wil certainly provide an edge in this reguard." said Ratchet. "Taking the bridge is the easy part. You three need to hold it long enough for Madalyn and me, to get to Cybertron and back." explained Arcee. "Rafael climbed to the top of a rope in gym class, we can do this." said Ratchet. "He remembered!" whispered Madalyn as she and Raf fist pumped each other. "What does gym class have to do with anything?" asked Miko "And if Ratchet gets to go commando raid, I'm going to!" "Miko, you will help Rafael operate our ground bridge and manage the comuniction hub." ordered Ratchet. "Ugh! Can't go to Cybertron! Can't storm the Decepticon space bridge!" mumbled Miko as she walked away with her arms crossed. "Tough luck Miko." said Madalyn. "And nurse Darby will stand by, incase of emergancy." said Ratchet. June nodded in agreement. "Madalyn, it's time to suit up." said Fowler.

While the Autobot's left to storm the Decepticon space bridge, Madalyn got suited up in her astronaunt gear. "I can't believe I'm actually doing this! I'm going to another planet!" said Madalyn as got her suit on. "Your forgetting something!" said Cole as he tossed her, the helmut. "Thanks, wouldn't want to leave this behind." replyed Madalyn. "I gotta say Madalyn. Ever since you've joined the Pentagon, you've been on some crazy missions. But this one, I have a feeling tops them all." said Fowler. "Tell me about it!" replyed Madalyn. "Now we'll need you to focus and move quickily. Remember, eye's on the prize!" said Fowler as he gave Madalyn back the key card. "Got it." replyed Madalyn. Then the communication alarm went off. "Strike team to base. Objective secured." said Ratchet. "That's your cue." said Fowler. Madalyn nodded at Fowler, then climbed down the stairs and walked towards the ground bridge. She stoped, put her helmut on and turned to look at the others. "Bring me back a souviner." said Raf. "So what happens when you have to go to the bathroom?" asked Miko. "Safe journey Madalyn." said Fowler. "Be carefull." said June. "Take care of yourself." said Jack. Then finally came Cole. He walked over to his sister and hugged her. "Just go already. Optimus needs you." said Cole as he pulled away from the hug. Madalyn nodded the backup a couple steps, and saluted her dad. Then she walked off, through the ground bridge, and arrived at the Decepticon space bridge where the Autobot's were waiting. "Locking on to Cybertron." said Ratchet as he locked on the space bridge coordinates. "You ready?" asked Arcee. Madalyn took the key card out of her pocket and held it in her hand. "Let's do this." answered Madalyn. "I leave the space bridge portal open, In order to eleminate any communication lag over the great distance. And make it easier to locate when your ready to return." explained Ratchet. "Easier to locate?" asked Madalyn "Your not bridging us straight to the big V?" "Vector Sigma's true location is case is sroudded in myth and ruin Madalyn. It is said that the Path of The Primes, leads there. We must be confedant that Optimus, will guide you." explained Ratchet. "Path of The Primes. Got it." replyed Madalyn. Then Ratchet walked back to the space bridge controls, and activated the bridge. "Don't worry, space bridging is just like ground bridging." said Arcee. Then the portal opened up, the space bridge was bigger, and abit louder. "Just alittle more intense!" yelled Arcee. "I got that!" replyed Madalyn. Then she and Arcee walked towards the portal, and walked through it. "Cybertron, here we come." thought Madalyn.

The space bridge portal opened up on the other side, and Madalyn and Arcee walked out, and arrived on Cybertron. From the looks of things, Cybertron looked more like badly damaged ruins, and there was some slight fog, and afew Cybertronian skeletons laying aound. "Wow. I can't believe it! I'm actually on another planet!" said Madalyn happily but turned to see Arcee with a sad look on her face "Arcee?" "This isn't how I wanted you to see my home." said Arcee. "I'm... I'm sorry." replyed Madalyn. "In the fog of war it's hard to see the next leg of the mission. For the next punch in the fight. We did everything to save Cybertron. But when the fog cleared. There was nothing left to save." explained Arcee. "Arcee, Madalyn, do you copy?" asked Ratchet through th com-link. "Roger, were on Cybertron." replyed Madalyn. "Just keep the sight seeing to a minimum huh?" asked Bulkhead. "You got it Bulk'." replyed Madalyn. "Indeed, we don't know if your journey ahead, is 5 clicks or 5000." said Ratchet. "Understood. Were out." said Arcee as she ended the transmission. Then Madalyn took out the key card from her pocket. "Ok, Ratchet said the card will guide us, but how exactly?" asked Madalyn. Then the key card started flashing. She moved the key card in her hand infront of her, towards a path straight ahead of them and the flash brighted stronger. "It's the Path of The Primes!" whispered Madalyn. Then Arcee transformed into her vehicle mode. "Hoop on." said Arcee. Madalyn climbed on, and Arcee drove off in the direction the key card told them to go.

After a few minutes of driving, Madalyn brought out the key card again, and it flashed when she pointed it straight ahead. "That way!" said Madalyn. Straight ahead of Madalyn and Arcee was a bunch of skyscraper buildings. It was the Decepticon Capital, Kaon. "Toward Kaon?" asked Arcee. "The Decepticon capital. Great." said Madalyn sarcastically. Arcee entered the city and stoped at the start of a long bridge. Madalyn got off to let Arcee transform. "Were on foot from here." said Arcee "Don't want engine noise to atract the wrong attention." "'Cons?" asked Madalyn. "Vermain." answered Arcee as she transformed her hand into a blaster, and she and Madalyn walked deeper into the city.

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