Life of an Agent (Transformers Prime Seasons 1 & 2) Chapter 25

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Madalyn, Jack, Miko, and Raf were at the Autobot base, in the TV area. Miko, Raf, and Madalyn sat on the couch, while Jack was sitting on the chair. They all had their laptops with them and they were playing an online game called 'Everlot'. "You've been here for awhile Maddie, I thought you had dinner with the family tonight?" said Miko. "I do." answered Madalyn as she tookout her backpack and pulled out a burito "Thus, the 'Pre-dinner' dinner is crutical." "Sounds interesting, care to share?" asked Jack. "Fowler is bringing home experimental astronaut food he got from some friend who works at N.A.S.A." replyed Madalyn. "Ugh! That's nasty!" commented Raf. "Oh yeah, but this time, I'm bringing safety goggles." replyed Madalyn as she took a bite out of her burito. Then Cole drove into the base on his motorcycle. He parked it, took his helmut off, said hi to the 'bots and walked up to the TV area. "Hey guys, what'cha playing?" asked Cole. "Were playing 'Everlot'." answered Raf. "'Everlot?'" asked Cole. "It's an online game." replyed Madalyn. "Really? Sweet, I'm all about the virtual world." said Cole as he watched Jack play on his laptop. "So who is this Wrathmaster guy anyway?" asked Miko. "No one knows, but he's smoking Everlot!" said Raf. "Wrathmaster? Who's he?" asked Bulkhead as he and Bumblebee walked towards the kids. "He's another player on Everlot." replyed Jack. "At least you guys got to see some action! I'm traped in the 'Magnesium Throne Vog'!" complained Madalyn. "How could you be traped? Your one of the top rated players in the game! Your a She-Warrior of the Ice Mountains." stated Jack. "And you got the Sword of Elsirnaut'!" added Raf. "I know! I'd slam the Wrathmaster if I could just get out of the Vog!" said Madalyn. "Heh, this Wrathmaster guy, kinda reminds me of Megatron." said Bulkhead. "Beep bop bop bop beep beep bop 'Yeah, in a medival sort of way.'" said Bumblebee. "Ha! You got that right." said Madalyn. "Yeah, they say he's the most powerful player in the game." said Raf. "Yeah, but he's just some goon ruining everyone's game." said Miko. "Maybe so, but they say that he's practicaly destined to rule Everlot. Practicaly every player in the game is talking about it." said Jack. "Yeah but Maddie is a she-thing... from the icey whatever.... with the sword of who-se-whats-it, she could take on the Wrathmaster!" said Cole. "True, but only if I could just get my hands on the Asper-wand of New-Forest!" stated Madalyn. "Which is WAY better than the Asper-wand of Old-Forest." commented Cole. "Dude, you actually have one?!?" asked Madalyn excitedly. "You know, virtualy speaking." replyed Cole. "That rocks!" cheered Madalyn. Then her alarm on her communicator went off, and she turned off her laptop. "Tell you what, after dinner, meet me on 'Everlot', at the Vog." said Madalyn. "No prob." said Cole. Madalyn put her laptop in her backpack and walked up to the elevator, and went inside up to the helicopter pad, and Agent Fowler picked her up from the base.

"Uh, Cole, do you even play 'Everlot'?" asked Jack. "Um, I dable from time to time." replyed Cole nervously. Miko gave him a serious look. "You don't really play 'Everlot' do you?" asked Miko. "Um.... no. But I really, really, wanna help Madalyn. You think you guys can teach me how to play?" asked Cole. "Sure thing, let's get started." said Raf.

"So how is 'Everlot' coming?" asked Miko. "Extremely tough!" complained Cole. "Heh. and I thought you were the king of video games?" teased Miko. "Yeah, when it's racing and shooting stuff! 'Everlot' is like this whole complicated world." explained Cole. "Which Raf is in." said Miko. Cole watched Raf as he setted up Cole's account and started the game as the logo appeared on the screen. "There you go, Cole. Your accounts all set up." said Raf as he passed him his laptop. "Thanks buddy. I'll take it from here." replyed Cole as he took the laptop and placed it on his lap "Buckle up 'Everlot'! Cole Kendrick has arrived!". On the screen it should a blue sky and a valley with a dirt road in the middle. And on the screen, Cole's avatar popped up. It had blonde hair, green eye's, and wearing peasant rags. "Uh, what's with the peasant threads?" asked Cole. "Your a knive, Cole. It's where you start in the game." answered Raf. "Ok, now to get me, some magic stuff." said Cole as he moved his character to run across the road "Oh! I found a treasure chest! Score!" "Wait Cole don't open it!" warned Raf. But it was too late. Cole made his avatar open the chest, and a bunch of octopus tenticles came out of the chest, tangled up, Cole's character, and pulled him inside the chest. The screen went black, then it reappeared back into the valley. "That wasn't a real treasure chest was it?" asked Cole. "Um, no. Some treasure chests in the game are fake and may contain monsters." explained Raf. "Oh! Try talking to that dwarf. If your lucky he'll give you a rare item!" said Miko. "Alright, let's see." said Cole. Cole commanded his avatar to walk up to the drawf and talk to him. But howver, the drawf threw a fireball at Cole's avatar and it lit on fire and burned to ashes. "Ouch! ok, that didn't work." commented Miko. "Gee, ya think?" said Cole. Then Cole's avatar walked into a field full of purple fowlers. He picked one up, but a giant vine came out of it and wraped itself around his avatar and choked him to death and the screen went black again, and he respawned at the beginning of the valley. "Ok... I need some more help." said Cole as he sloutched on the couch.

Miko took out her Cell phone. "Let me make a call." said Miko. She activated Skype on her laptop and used it to call Jack. "Hey Miko, what's up?" said Jack when he answered. "Know anything about 'Everlot'? asked Miko. "Currently the fastest growing multiplayer game around. Uses a fuzzy logic highlighter ocu-miler adaptor...." rambled Jack. "Nerd Alert!" yelled Miko "Ok, let me rephrase that. Do you know HOW to play it?" "Yep. Why?' replyed Jack. "Coloe said he'd meet Madalyn in 'Everlot'. But he's having trouble surviving." explained Miko. "No problem, I can help. I'm already logged into the game." said Jack.

In the game, Cole and Jack's avatar's met up in the valley. Cole found another treasure chest, and was about to open it, but Jack stoped him. "Don't open it! Trade it with the drawf." said Jack. "For what? The fire ball?" replyed Cole. "No! he's got a watering can!" said Jack. Cole's avatar picked up the chest and handed it to the drawf, who in return, gave him the watering can. "Then, use the watering can to water one of the purple flowers and it will grow a tree." said Jack. "Got it." replyed Cole. Cole's avatar did exactly what what Jack told him to. And a giant purple tree grew right out of the ground ANd out fell from the bushes of the tress was a wand. It had a wooden handel and a pink jewel at the top. "That my friend, is the Aspen Power Wand of New-Forest," said Jack. "Boo-yah!" cheered Cole. "Now to meet Madalyn at the Vog." said Raf.


"You sure you don't want some more, Madalyn? There's still some dehydrated Watermelon left." said Fowler. "That's ok, dad. I'm good." said Madalyn as she quickly ran down the hall back at the Miliatry Base to her room. She walked inside, closed the door and imediatly went to her computer. "Alight, time to play some 'Everlot'." thought Madalyn. Madalyn signed in to the game, and her avatar appeared in the Vog. Her avatar began slicing away at the giant thron vines blocking her path, when she heard a splash noise behind her. SHe turned her character around to see another player come out of the water. "Hey Maddie!" said the player. Madalyn reconized the voice easily. "Hey Cole. Right on time. Let's use our weapons to blast our way out of here." said Madalyn. "Right, if we combine the wand and the sword together. It should be enough for the vog trap to dissapear." said Cole. Madalyn placed her sword on the ground and Cole placed his wand on top. "And now to say the magic words!" said Cole. "And what is the magic words?" asked Madalyn. Cole coughed for a moment. "Traconna Mcoidies!" cheered Cole. Then there was this giant blaze of light coming from the two weapons. It shun around the entire vog. Once the light vanished, the vog was gone with it. "It worked! Thanks Cole!" said Madalyn. "That was so cool!" replyed Cole.

Then Madalyn and Cole heardsome footsteps of a horse coming towards them. On the horse was another player with black armour, and a flaming fire sword. "The Wrathmaster!" said Madalyn. "Sorry dude, gotta go!" said Cole as he and Madalyn's avatar tried to run away. "wait, how did you escape?" asked the Wrathmaster. "Maybe you haven't noticed, but me and Madalyn here are kinda a team." said Cole as Madalyn grabbed her sword and got into a battle stance infront of Cole's avatar to protect him. "Knave! You'll pay for your insolence!"roared the Wrathmaster. "Wait, wait, wait!" cried out Cole as he grabed the wand and started banging the tip on the ground like a mad man "Vog open! Vog open! Open! Open! Open!" Then a beam of yellow light bursted out of the ground under the Wrathmaster and his horse, and they collapsed through the ground and fell to the bottom. "Noooo!" cried out the Wrathmaster. "You... you.. you defeated the Wrathmaster! A knave can't do that!" said Madalyn with shock. "I'm no ordinary knave." replyed Cole. Cole and Madalyn jumped over the hole as they ran out of the Vog, the Wrathmaster emerged from the hole. "You'll pay for your tertory knave!" called out the Wrathmaster.

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