Life of an Agent (Transformers Prime Seasons 1 & 2) Chapter 26

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"Are you sure they were here Ratchet? I don't see anything strange." said Madalyn over the com-link. "Yes, according to my scanners, there should have been activity from the Decepticons." replyed Ratchet. Madalyn was in a nearby forest on an investigation. Apparently, the Decepticons were here. But Madalyn couldn't find a single trace of them. "Well, I'm either in the wrong forest or I'm colour blind, because I can't find them. I'll keep looking for a few more minutes, but I think this investigation is a bust, Ratchet." said Madalyn. As Madalyn was walking across the dirt road, she unexpectedly steped into a puddle. When she heard the slash, she looked down at the ground to find a blue like liquid substance all over the ground and on her boot. "What the?" thought Madalyn as she steped back from the puddle and knelt down next to it. She stroked her finger across it and held her finger up to her face and examined it. "Is this, energon?" thought Madalyn. Then she looked up in the distance down the path to find a broken tree and more linking energon. "An energon trail?" whispered Madalyn. Madalyn ran and followed the path. As she was following it, she found a big choped off spider leg, with energon leaking out of the opening. "What on earth?" thought Madalyn. Madalyn picked up the spider leg and kept following the energon trailto a dead end with rocks blocking the path. "What happened here?" thought Madalyn. She looked to her left and saw a white line of some sort, blowing slightly in the wind. She walked towards it and grabed a hold of the line. It was white and alittle sticky. "A spider web?.. but no spider makes webs this big except for... Airachnid!" said Madalyn. Madalyn tugged the web off the rocks, and took a sample of the spilt energon. "Ratchet, bridge me back to base. I think I know who was here." said Madalyn.

"You guys won't believe what I found!" said Madalyn as she walked into the base through the ground bridge. "What is it?" asked Bulkhead as he, Bumblebee, Ratchet, Arcee, and Optimus gathered around. "Alright, I found three things while on my investigation. Item #1, spilt energon." said Madalyn as she placed a conaister of energon on the floor "#2, a spider leg, with more split energon. And last but not least, A giant, spiderweb." she showed the Autobots the last two items "Now class, who do you suppose these belong to?" "Airachnid!" answered Arcee with narrowed optics. "Ding, ding, ding, give the Autobot a prize!" joked Madalyn. "But what was Airachnid doing there?" asked Bulkhead. "That question might remained unanswered." said Optimus. "Well, I'm just guessing, but from all the split energon I found, it looked like Airachnid may have gotten into some kind of trouble." suggested Madalyn. "With Megatron maybe?" asked Ratchet. "It's a possibility. With Megatron having trouble with his ranks and all." replyed Arcee. "But now we have two rouge Decepticons to worry about." added Madalyn. "Beep bop bop beep beep 'Yeah, don't forget about Starscream.'" said Bumblebee. "That is true. Arcee, Bumblebee, come with me. We will return to the coordinates and see if we can find anymore information about this conflict." ordered Optimus. "Right." replyed Arcee. "Bulkhead, Ratchet. Remain here with Madalyn. Just incase you pick anymore Decepticon signals." suggested Optimus. "No problem." replyed Bulkhead. Ratchet activated the ground bridge and Optimus, Bumblebee, and Arcee ran through it.

Half an hour had past, and Optimus, Bumblebee, and Arcee have reported anything yet. "Man, I'm so bored! Can't we just say Airachnid is dead, and be done for the day?" asked Madalyn. "We don't know for certain, if that's the case Madalyn. That's why we must keep looking to know for sure." answered Ratchet. "Fine." replyed Madalyn in annoyance. A few seconds later, Ratchet's computer starts going off and he starts recieving a message. "What is it?" asked Bulkhead. "Yes! Saved by the beep!" cheered Madalyn as she ran towards Ratchet and Bulkhead. "A high frequency signal, with a message." said Ratchet. "Again?" replyed Bulkhead in annoyance. "Let me guess, Starscream?" asked Madalyn. "Starscream." answered Ratchet. "Dang! I'm on fire tonight!" said Madalyn in amazment. "I have obtained information of extreme interest to you. Bring medical kit." said Ratchet as he read the message. "He's hurt again?!? You might as well leave your medic kit with him!" joked Madalyn. "Even still, let's check it out." replyed Ratchet. Ratchet typed in Starscream's coordinates and opened up the ground bridge. "Madalyn, come, but stay with Bulkhead." ordered Ratchet. "No problem." replyed Madalyn as she slid down the ladder and ran in between Bulkhead and Ratchet. "Let's go." said Bulkhead as they all walked through the ground bridge.

At the otherside of the ground bridge, Bulkhead comes out first and let's Ratchet and Madalyn know that the cost is clear. "Clear!" yelled Bulkhead. Madalyn ran out while Ratchet walked behind her to find Starscream laying against a rock with energon leaking out of his right leg. Madalyn and the 'Bots crowd around him. "Alright Starscream, start talking." said Madalyn. "Andmake it fast." added Ratchet. "It would appear like myself, Airachnid's gone rouge." explained Starscream. "What's it to us?" asked Ratchet. "Yeah, if youask me, it's one less 'Con to worry about." said Madalyn. "She isplaning to retailiate against Me... Man kind. I can provide you with her current location." explained Stacream. "Airachnid... against human kind?" said Madalyn curiously. "I don't believe you." said Ratchet to Starscream. "why wouldn't you? I directed you to the location of the Decepticon space bridge. So you could rescue Orion Pax, didn't I?" replyed Starscream. "Yeah, but then you helped M.E.C.H. steal Bumblebee's T-Cog!" stated Bulkhead. "Not cool, 'Scream." commented Madalyn. "So?!? He got it back didn't he?!?" asked Starscream. "Come on boys, he isn't worth it. Let's get out of here." said Madalyn as she and the 'Bots turned around and started walking back to the ground bridge. "I edmit!" yelled Starscream as he got up "Aillinging myself with those vial humans was a error in judgement!" "Your point?" asked Madalyn as she turned to Starscream. "But I am alone, I do what I must to survive!" explained Starsream as he got down on his knees "But I have paid the price. I am now the one that's missing his T-Cog!" Madalyn, Ratchet and Bulkhead had shocked looks on their faces. "Your grounded?!?" said Bulkhead with shock. "Thus of little or any threat to you. But, Airachnid and her Insecticon intend to..." explained Starscream but was interupted by Ratchet. "An Insecticon?!? On Earth?!?" asked Ratchet. "Oh no, not that transforming bug again!" complained Madalyn. "How?" asked Bulkhead. "I would have asked, I was too busy, squeezing through a narrow hole, trying to keep the vermain from chewing my leg off!" explained Starscream "While Airachnid watched."

Once Ratchet finnished repairing Starscream, he, Madalyn, and Bulkhead made it back to base. Ratchet then inserted Airachnid's coordinates, into the main computer, and the location poped up on the screen. "There she is. Northern area of South America, just of the coast of the mexican border." said Madalyn. "The coordinates Starscream provided are within n abandon Decepticon mine." explained Ratchet. "Hold on! You just fixed him up, and sent him on his way?" asked Arcee with an angry expression. "Beep bop? 'Why?" asked Bumblebee. "What were we suppost to do, take him back here?" replied Bulkhead. "Beside's Arcee, he lost his T-Cog. Curtisey of M.E.C.H." added Madalyn. "Not that I wouldn't jump at the chance putting Airachnid down, but she isn't the only one who's robbed me of a partner!" said Arcee acting abit angry. "Cliffjumper..." whispered Madalyn. "You weren't there Arcee! Starscream was weak! Defenseless!" explained Bulkhead. "And learning of the Insecticon could prove highly tactical." added Ratchet "Starscream's intel has been proved credible in the past." ""Sure! When he wasn't stabbing us in the back!" yelled Arcee. Then Madalyn heard some big footsteps coming into the room, and looked up to see Optimus walking in. "Without the resources we possesed on Cybertron, we lack ready means of capturing or imprisoning our enemies. None the less. I do not condone the termination of any defenseless life form." said Optimus. There was silence in the room for the moment. "Couldn't have said it better myself." thought Madalyn.

Once everyone was ready, Madalyn (In her Autobot form), Optimus, Bumblebee, Bulkhead, and Arcee went through the ground bridge and arrived at Airachnids coordinates. At the otherside of the ground bridge they arrived at the entrance of a mine. Outside it was late at night, and it seemed that a lightning storm was going. Once everyone was through they stared at the entrance of the mine, with the sounds of lightning in the background. "Proceed with extreme caution." ordered Optimus. Everyone proceed down the rocky wall like path, going deeper and deeper into the mine. At one point, they made it to a slight cliff, and the rest of the walkway was below them, so they all had to jump. But Madalyn, looked down and she had a slight fear of heights. When she looked down, she steped back slightly as, Bulkhead, Arcee, and Bumblebee jumped down. But Optimus didn't jump. He stood next to Madalyn, and turned her head towards her. "Madalyn, something wrong?" asked Optimus. "Huh? Oh it's nothing Optimus, just a slight fear of heights. Don't worry I'll jump... eventually." explained Madalyn but whispered the last word so Prime wouldn't hear her. "Madalyn, it's ok, if your afraid." said Optimus as he walked towards her. "May I?" asked Optimus as he extended his hand. Madalyn nodded and took Optimus's hand. Next thing she knew, she was in Optimus's arms being carried by him, and while holding her, Optimus jumped down the cliff. As they were falling, Madalyn got scared alittle from the fall, and hide her face in Optimus's chest. Once they landed at the bottom, Optimus let her down. "Thanks." said Madalyn with a smile. "Your welcome." replyed Optimus smiling back.

Once Madalyn and the Autobots made it to end of the tunnel, they arrived in a big open area. Here they found Airachnid, stnading at anyother tunnel entrance at the other side of the room, and the Insecticon battling.. Megatron! "Finnish him!" yelled Airachnid. "Whoa! Starscream never mentioned Megatron!" said Bulkhead. "This was a setup!" said Madalyn. "It would seem that, Starscream orgistrated this event, in his convergence, in the hope that all of his enemies, would destroy each other on his behalf." explained Optimus as they all watched the fight. "And I fell for it!" said Bulkhead with a dissapointed expression. "Correction, we fell for it." added Madalyn. "Well you can have whateer's left of Megatron! Airachnids mine!" said Arcee. "Arcee! No!" yelled Optimus. But, too late. Arcee transformed into her vehicle mode, speeded and flew of a rocky ramp, and tackled Airachnid to the ground, and both them fought each other down the other tunnel. "Great, guess all we can do now, is watch the show." thought Madalyn as she turned her attention back to the fight.

Madalyn watched Megatron and the Insecticon battle it out. It was like something out of a gladiator movie. Except with robots instead of humans. ANd instead of it being in an roman arena, it was in a abandom Decepticon mine. Which is a HUGE cowencidence because Megatron was a gladiator before the war. "Wow, gotta edmit, Megatron's good." whispered Madalyn. Then Megatron threw the insecticon over his head, and it crashed into the wall. He stoped fighting for a moment, and looked up at the ledge where Airachnid was, but she wasn't there. Then he turned and saw Optimus, Bulkhead, Bumblebee, and Madalyn (Aura). "Uh oh" thought Madalyn. "So many surprises today." said Megatron as he smirked at them. Thenhe heard charging footsteps behind him. He took out his sword and slashed the insecticon in the chest. Madalyn and the Autobots watched as Megatron grabed the Insecticons wrist, and with all his might, he kicked the Insecticon in the chest, while still hanging on to it' hands, causing Megatron to literally rip the insecticons arms off! "Whoa!" whispred Madalyn. The insecticon cried out in pain. And as it was distracted, Megatron threw away it's arms, took out his sord again, charged at the Insecticon and cut it's head off. The Insecticons head fle across the air, then crashed to the ground, as the insecticons body, llifelessly did the same. Megatron breaths heavily then lifts his arms in the air. "Let that be a warning to anyone who crosses a gladiator of Kaon! Let it be Decepticon.." yelled Megatron, then Madalyn and the Autobots jumped down and surrounded Megatron, with their blasters out and aimed at him. First came Bumblebee, then Bulkhead, and lastly Optimus and Madalyn who landed nearly infront of him. "Or Autobot." finnished Megatron. As Megatron started walking towards Optimus, there was a rusting like sound coming from his right knee, and he collapsed to the ground, landing nearly infront of Optimus, with Madalyn standing behind Prime. "Looks like he took some serious damage." said Madalyn to Optimus. Megatron took a breath then looked up at Optimus. "It would seem that I am unarmed and at your mercy. So tell me, Optimus. Do you intend to take me alive, or end this here and now?" asked Megatron.

There was slience all around the room again. Bumblebee and Bulkhead looked at each other, with their blasters still aimed at Megatron, thinking about what Optimus would do. Optimus stared at Megatron, then without a second thought, he transformed his hand into a blaster and aimed it at Megatron's head. "It's really happening! We could win this war right now!" thought Madalyn. Then out of nowhere, energon blaster fire came crashing down all over the floor as Decepticon troops came flying in, transforming in midair, landing on the ground, and aiming there blasters at Madalyn and the Autobots. "The surprises never siese." said Megatron as he glanced over at Optimus and Madalyn. The Autobots focused one blaster on Megatron, and the other on one of the troops. Then, Dreadwing came flying in, transformed in mid air, landed on the ground, and brought out his machine gun and aimed it at Optimus. "Dreadwing." said Madalyn with narrowed optics. "Oh scrap." whispered Bulkhead.

These next few moments to Madalyn were like a mexican sdandoff from those classic cowboy movies. Everyone was on high alert awaiting to see what happens next. "Deliever Megatron to us, and I will allow you to live." said Dreadwing. "We give them back Megatron, and we walk out of here alive? Sounds like a done deal to me." whispered Madalyn. "Never trust a 'Con! Kick bucket head's bucket!" yelled Bulkhead as he aimed one of his blasters at Dreadwing. It soudned like Bulkhead wanted Optimus to finnish of Megatron. Optimus looked down at Megatron who had a evil, and angry glare at him. Then he turned to Dreadwing. "Dreadwing, do I have your word?" asked Optimus. Madalyn looked around to see Dreadwing and Bulkhead with serious expressions on their faceplates and saw more Decepticon troops up on the entrance ledges. Then she looked over at Megatron, then Bumblebee, who also had a serious expression. Then finally looked to Dreadwing. Dreadwing at last brock the silence by putting away his weapon and looked towards Optimus. Optimus responded by transforming hisblasters back into hands, and he allowed Dreadwing to help his master up."Guess he's going with the deal." thought Madalyn. "My leige." said Dreadwing as he slowly helpedup Megatron, as Bumblebee and Bulkhead walked past them andregrouped with Optimus and Madalyn. "Dreadwing may have givin his word, but I did not!" said Megatron as he pointed a finger atthe Autobots "Destroy them!". Right at that command, all theDecepticon drones started shooting aat the Autobots, but they fired back. With all the commotion going on, Megatron and Dreadwing transformed into their jet modes and flew out of the mine. "There making a break!" yelled Madalyn as she shot down 3 drones. "Well never catch them at this rate, Aura." said Bulkhead. "Concentrate your fire power on these Decepticons!" ordered Optimus.

Madalyn and the Autobots looked all over the place, while shoting at every Decepticon drone in sight. Afew of the drones even tried to charge at them, but Madalyn intercepted them, by throwing a few punches and spin kicking the last drones head off. Literally. Once all the drones were taken care of, the blaster fire fell silent. "Well, that takes care of them." said Madalyn. "That was intense!" commented Bulkhead. "Tell me about it." replyed Madalyn. "Beep bop bop beep bop 'Let's get out of here and find Arcee." said Bumblebee.Optimus and the others nodded in agreement nd proceeded running down a near by exit tunnel. "Arcee, what's your stasis?" asked Optimus over the com-link. "In need of assist, but alive." replyed Arcee "And so is Airachnid." "At least Megatron took care of that other bug problem." said Bulkhead. "Yeah, one less bug to worry about." replyed Madalyn.

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