Life of an Agent (Transformers Prime Seasons 1 & 2) Chapter 38

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Smokescreen and Bumblebee were driving down the dirt road in the empty space of Jaspear, Nevada. Madalyn with with them, beeing in Smokescreen's driver seat. "Energon signal's getting stronger. About 5 clicks due north." said Smokescreen as he speeded up alittle. "Whoa!" yelled Madalyn. "Beep bop bop beep bop beep bop bop beep bop 'Smokescreen! Watch the spped limit!" warned Bumblebee. "What do you mean speed limit? I have a gag in here that goes up to 150! If the humans who designed this vehicle didn't want it to go that fast, then they shouldn't have given me the option." said Smokescreen. Then he started going faster and faster all the way up to 150 miles/hour. "Smokescreen! Look out!" yelled Madalyn as she pointed her finger stright. Up ahead of them a black truck was headed towards them on the same side of the street as Smokescreen. "Whoa!" yelled Smokescreen as he darteed and spung out of the way of the truck. The truck driveer slamed the brakes and spung around too. Once both cars stoped, the truck driver got out of his car to check for damages. "Stay put. I'll handle this>" said Madalyn as she unbuckled her seat belt and got out. "Sorry about that. My gas pedal was acting up." said Madalyn. "Hey! Indie-500!" yelled the truck driver as he took out a crow bar from his truck. "Uh oh." thought Madalyn as she backed up a bit "When I'm done with you, your gonna need more than pit crew to put you back together!" threatened the drive as he walked towards Madalyn. As Madalyn was backing away, she heard a transforming noise behind her. Sure enought SMokescreen transformed into his robot mode and he knelt down infront of the driver. "Bring it!" said Smokescreen.

THe truck driver was scared as heck! He had a speechless look on his face, and he droped his crowbar and backed away from Smokescreen. "Who's the tough guy now?" taunted Smokescreen. "Smokescreen! That's enought!" said Madalyn. "You know this thing?!?" asked the driver. THey all heard a car honk and saw Bumblebee drive towards them, and he too transformed into his robot mode and pushed Smokescreen away from the driver. "Beep bop beep bop bop beep beep bop 'Smokescreen?!? What are you doing?!?" asked Bumblebee. "Ha, ha, ha, relax Bumblebee! I'm just messing around!" said SMokescreen laughing as he placed a hand on Bumblebee's shoulder. Then the truck driver took out his cellphone and aimed the camera at Bumblebee and Smokescreen. "Beeep! 'Don't!" yelled Bumblebee. But the driver took the picture and took off to his truck. "No wait!" yelled Madalyn as she ran after him. But the truck turned on and it took off, leaving Madalyn and the 'bots in the dust. "Ratchet, is going to kill us!" said Madalyn.

"Found it!" said Jack "Old road rage didn't hesitiate to post your mug shots." Jack found Bumblebee and Smokescreen's photo on the conspericay website. "Raf will get rid of it when he's done house hunting." finnished Jack. "Is this what you learned from serving Alpha Trion?!?" asked Ratchet "I highly doubt that he would condon such behaviour." "Blowing your cover, is not ok." said Arcee. "Sorry guys. I know I reallymessed up." apoligized Smokescreen. "While Ratchet and Arcee are correct, I believe we are all equally responcible for this incident." explained Optimus. "Us?!?" asked Arcee. "How?!?" asked Ratchet. "We weren't even there!" pointed out Bulkhead "But Bee was." "Beep! 'Hey!" said Bumblebee as he hit Bulkhead in the stomach. "Our recent efforts have been so intensely focused on averting crisis, that we have over looked simple matters. Such as teaching Smokescreen how to best function on this planet." explained Optimus. "He has a point." said Madalyn. "It as an oversite that must be corrected." finnished Optimus. "Optimus I'm honnered to train under you. And I'll my best to make you proud." said Smokescreen. "Perhaps the best way for you to learn about the human world, is from a human." explained Optimus. "Smokescreen get's his own partner?" asked Arcee. "Fine by me." said Madalyn. "Please! Isn't having 5 humans here enough?" asked Ratchet in annoyance. All the Autobots, and 2 humans looked at Ratchet with shocked and akward looks on their faces. Ratchet groaned in annoyance and went back to his work. "I was referring to two already amoung us." said Optimus as he looked at Jack and Madalyn. "Um, sure Optimus. Robots in disguise, traffic laws, doppy down humans." said Jack. "We'll bring Smokescreen up to speed." said Madalyn. "We've all put in crib side duty." said Bulkhead as he placed a hand on Smokesceen's shoulder "Part of the gig!" Jack and Madalyn climbed down the ladder and met up with Smokescreen at the entrance. "Alright, let's go for a drive." said Smokescreen as he transformed into his vehicle mode and opened the car doors. Jack got into the drivers side, while Madalyn went into the passenger side. Smokescreen closed his doors and he drove off out the base and headed for Jaspear.

Smokescreen was drivign through the streets of Jaspear, Nevada. "Ok, intersection lets review." said Jack. Smokescreen was driving towards a traffic light, with the green light on. "Light's green?" asked Jack. "Green for go." answered Smokescreen as he drove past it. "Good." said Madalyn. Another traffic light was straight ahead and the light changed to yellow. "And yellow?" asked Jack. "Go faster!" answered Smokescreen as he slamed the gass pedal, making Madalyn and Jack fall back into their chairs. "Uh Smokescreen..." said Jack. Smokescreen got closer and closer to the traffic light. "It's gonna be close!" yelled Madalyn as she braced herself. The traffic light changed to red and Smokescreen hit the brakes and stoped right at the traffic line. "Ha, ha, ha! Just messing around!" said Smokescreen. "Ha, ha." said Jack sarcastically. "Not funny Smoke'." said Madalyn. Then they all heard another car engine noise coming from behind them. Jack looked through the reerview mirror to see a black car with orange flames at the front, and an open roof. "What's up Jack?" asked Madalyn as she looked into the mirror and they both saw Vince's face. "Scrap!" said Jack. "Not good!" said Madalyn as they ducked into their chairs and Jack closed his window as Vince pulled up beside Smokescreen. "What's wrong? 'Cons?" asked Smokescreen. "Just someone from school, that we'd rather not talk to." answered Jack. They waited afew seconds and the traffic light was still red. "Drive!" whispered Jack. "Red light, teach'. No can do." replyed Smokescreen. "Is he gone?" asked Madalyn. Jack peeked through the window to see Vince looking at him. Jack waved alittle, put then Vince threw a burger at the driver side window. Then Vince took off. "Are you kidding me?!?" said Madalyn. "Seriously?" asked Smokescreen eritated. "Just, let it go." answered Jack as Smokescreen began to drive. "Are you kidding me? Where's your self respect?!? We gotta stand up for ourselves!" said Smokescreen. "But we also have to follow Optimus's rule." explained Jack. "Yeah, it's not just about protecting humans, you can harm them either." added Madalyn "Even if you really want to...." Madalyn whispered the last part. "Who said anything about harming?" asked Smokescreen. Jack and Madalyn gave Smokescreen a confused look, looked at each other, then back to Smokescreen.

Smokescreen drove Jack and Madalyn back to the Autobot base with huge smiles on their face. As Madalyn and Jack got out, they were laughing their heads off, while looking at a photo on Jack's cell phone. Smokescreen transformed back into his robot mode and knelt next to them. "I am so posting this tonight!" said Jack as he and the others continued laughing. "Oh, my gosh, SMokescreen, that was the best prank I have ever saw!" said Madalyn "This will be awesome on 'Something Social'!" Arcee, Bumblebee, and Ratchet heard them laughing and looked towards them. "Arcee! Arcee! Check out Vince's car!" said Jack as he held up the phone to Arcee. "The bullet?" asked Arcee as she knelt down infront of him to look at the picture. Vince's car was covered with cheeseburgers. "Wait, wait! Guys I got a good one! Hey Vince! Do you want fries with that?" joked Madalyn. She and the boys began laughing even harder now. "So let me get this straight? You two taught Smokescreen everything he didn't need to know about fastfood?" asked Arcee. "He passed Driver's Ed." answered Jack. "You know the saying, work hard play hard." added Madalyn as she and the boys began walking over to the TV area.. "Yeah, and don't worry. No humans were harmed in the making of these photo's. Honest." said Smokescreen.

The Next Day

Madalyn was at the Autobot base, watching Optimus decoding the Iacon Database. "How's it coming bigh guy?" asked Madalyn. "I'm nearly finnished decoding the next set of Iacon coordinates." answered Optimus. Then a high pitched beeping noise went off and an image appeared on the left computer screen. "You may not need to complete your task Optimus." said Ratchet. "It's an Iacon homing becon." said Optimus. Madalyn ran over to the computer station and locked on to the relics location. "I got it's location! It's north of Bejing, China." said Madalyn. "It seems the Decepticons have already discovered the next relic." explained Ratchet. "Ratchet, lock on to the coordinates Madalyn traingulated, and activated the ground bridge. Ratchet walked over to the ground bridge controls and activated the ground bridge with Madalyn's coordinates. Arcee, Bulkhead, and Bumblebee met up with Optimus at the bridge. "Bring on the 'Cons!" cheered Bulkhead as he pounded his fists. "Where is Smokescreen?" asked Optimus. "Yeah, haven't seen him all day." added Madalyn. "He's out training with Jack again." answered Arcee. "We cannot wait. Autobots, transform and roll!" ordered Optimus. All the Autobots transformed into vehicle form and drove through the ground bridge, making Ratchet and Madalyn the only ones at the base.

"I can't believe this, they ditched me!" complained Madalyn. "Who, Optimus?" asked Ratchet. "What? No! Smokescreen and Jack! I can't believe they left without me!" corrected Madalyn. Then the main computer went off again, and another set of Iacon coordinates came up. "What's happening Ratchet?" asked Madalyn. "Looks like a new set of coordinates. Better inform Optimus." replyed Ratchet. Ratchet activated the com-link system. "Optimus, do you copy? We have detected a 2nd Iacon locator becon." explained Ratchet. But in responce there was only static. "Optimus do you read?" asked Ratchet. And again there was static in reply. "Maybe the com-links are broken?" suggested Madalyn while shrugging. "That is a bit unlikely, Madalyn." said Ratchet "Can you pin-point the relic's location while I try to contact the others?" "Sure thing!" answered Madalyn. Madalyn ran back to the computer center, and connected her computer to Ratchet's computer bring up the coordinates on her screen. "I got the location! Muskoka Woods, Ontario, Canada." said Madalyn. RIght at that moment, Smokescreen came driving into the base. He let Jack out, then he transformed into his robot mode. "Aw dude! My boss is gonna freak!" said Jack. "I know! That thing we put in his car's tailpipe, what's that called again?" asked Smokescreen. "Pizza!" answered Jack and they both started laughing. "I can't believe you guys!" said Madalyn as she slide down the ladder and walked towards the boy boys "I can't believe you guys ditched me like that!" "Sorry Madalyn, I guess we were just in a rush that's all." said Smokescreen. "In a rush to pull another prank?" asked Madalyn while crossing her arms. "Aw come on Maddie! You were all for it yesterday!" said Jack. "Yeah, because we were pulling it on Vince. Jack, this is your boss! If he finds out it was you, you could get fired!" pointed out Madalyn. "Will you three keep it down!" yelled Ratchet. They stoped laughing and turned to Ratchet who was at the main computer. "Arcee? Bulkhead!? Can anyone hear me?" asked Ratchet. "Ratchet! What's going on?" asked Jack. "Our senors detected another Iacon becon." explained Ratchet. "But we can't contact the others. Something weird is going on with their com-links." added Madalyn. "I'll go." said Smokescreen. "Alone?" asked Ratchet. "You have a better option?" asked Smokescreen in reply. Ratchet thought about this for a moment. "Very well." answered Ratchet. He walked over to the ground bridge controls and activated a ground bridge for Smokescreen. Madalyn watched as Smokescreen looked at Ratchet getting ack to his work, then he looked down at Jack and Madalyn. "He says fine. But I don't think he really wants me to go alone." said Smokescreen with a smirk. Jack and Madalyn looked at each other then back at Smokescreen. "Just this once." said Madalyn.

The three of them walked through the ground bridge and arrived at Muskoka Woods. "I can believe this. I just pulled a Miko." said Jakc while facepalming. "Ditto." added Madalyn. Smokescreen was the last to arrive behind the two teens and he punched his fists together. "Let's go get that relic!" said Smokescreen as he ran straight ahead. "Well, I got nothing else better to do." said Madalyn. She activated her communicator and transformed into Aura and ran after Smokescreen with Jack running behind her. They took cover behind some boulders, and they all peeked through the cracks. "There's the relic!" said madalyn is she pointed to it. The relic was stuck inside a giant boulder from a mountain. "Whoa, its a sword." said Jack. "Not just any sword. That looks like the Star Saber. A powerful weapon forged by Solus Prime. As lore would have it. It's said to weild the power of the matrix." explained Smokescreen. "Wow.." whispered Madalyn. "I'm gonna make Optimus proud!" said Smokescreen. "Hold up Smoke'!" said Madalyn. "Not a good idea." added Jack. "Why?" asked Smokescreen. "Because Megatron's here!" answered Jack. They all looked to the right of the mountain and found Megatron ordering his troops around. "The dark lord himself." said Smokescreen "He won't know what hit him!" Smokescreen began getting up from the boulder but Madalyn grab his arm and pulled him back down. "Smokescreen wait! Something isn't right!" said Madalyn. "Madalyn's got a point there. Why doesn't Megatron just take the Star Saber?" asked Jack. "Germaphob?" answered Smokescreen. "Seriously, we should just wait for backup." said Jack while Madalyn nodded in agreement. "You heard Ratchet, backup's not available right now." said Smokescreen as he jumped out of his hiding spot and sneakly ran down the hill towards the relic site. "Smokescreen wait!" said Madalyn. But Smokescreen already took off. "This might not end well." thought Madalyn.

Jack, and Madalyn watched as some Insections moved some rocks and small bouldes out of the way of the relic. "Enough! Comence transport!" ordered Megatron. A giant tow cable came flying down from the ship and afew vehicons attached the hook to the top of the mountain. the cable hardened and straighned out meaning the hook was succesfully attached. "Hurry up Smokescreen, whatever your doing, do it fast!" whispered Madalyn. Then she noticed afew vehicons firing their blasters at something. Make that someone. Smokescreen came out of hidong and blasted all the vehicons who were firing at him. "Who in the pitts of Kaon is that?!?" yelled Megatron. Smokescreen ran towards the relic and grabed a hold of the handle of the sword. He tried pulling it out with all his might but no luck. "Scrap!" cursed Smokescreen as he let go and backed away a bit. "it's really in there tight!" said Smokescreen. But then, he got shot in the back by a vehicon and flew to the ground. as he moved and sat up there were vehcions surrounding him, with their blasters aimed at his head. "Oh no! No, no, no! This can't be happening!" said Jack. "But it is!" added Jack. "Go help him! I'll call Ratchet for backup!" said Jack. Madalyn nodded and got out of her hiding spot, and ran down the hill towards Smokescreen and the vehicons.

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