Life of an Agent (Transformers Prime Seasons 1 & 2) Chapter 39

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As Madalyn was running down the hill, she heard the sound of a tree falling. She stoped and turned around to see a huge tree, fall to the ground with Jack running away from something. Then she heard a screeching noise of an insecticon. "Oh no!" said Madalyn. Up at the top of the hill, there were three insecticons after Jack, but one of them spotted Madalyn and chraged at her instead. "Great..." thought Madalyn. She transformed her hands into blasters and began firing at the insecticon. The insecticon got closer and closer and tried to swing a punch at her face. But she back fliped to dodge the attack, then took out one of her daggers and threw it at the insecticon, striking it in the shoulder. It cried out in pain, but then he pulled the dagger out, with split energon leaking down from it. "Well, it sorta worked." said Madalyn. The insecticon chraged at her again, alot faster this time, and wacked Madalyn in the face sending her flying back and spining, and landing face first to the ground at the bottom of the hill.

As she sat up alittle she watched the cable from the ship starting to lift up the giant boulder containing the Star Saber, and it went up into the air. "Well, well, if it isn't Aura. So many surprises today." said Megatron. Madalyn turned her attention to Megatron when she heard his voice. "Bring them to me." ordered Megatron. Two vehicons picked up Smokescreen by the arms and the insecticon grabed Madalyn's arm and the both were dragged towards Megatron. The Decepticons threw them to the ground and made them face Megatron. "A pleasure to set eye's on you again, Aura. Now tell me, who is your Friend here?" asked Megatron. "Why? Who wants to know?" taunted Smokescreen. That mad Megatron pretty angery. He raised his fist in the air to smack Smokescreen in the face, but then he turned around to see blaster firing coming from behind him. Amerging from the smoke was Arcee, Bulkhead, and Bumblebee. They were blasting and firing back at all the vehicons they could see. "Where's Optimus?" asked Megatron. He and Madalyn looked up at the mountain to see Optimus running, jumping, and even driving up the scale of the mountain, going after the warship to reach the Star Saber. "You were saying about surprises, Megatron?" taunted Madalyn. "Rah! Keep Prime from the relic!" yelled Megatron. He, and 4 vehicons transformed into their jet modes and flew after Optimus, leaving Madalyn and Smokescreen behind free from their grasp. "Oh no you don't!" said Madalyn as she and Smokescreen transformed their hands into blasters and aimed them up in the sky at Megatron. But they heard the noise of a blaster charging and at the corner of their eye's they looked to see a vehicon aiming his blaster at Madalyn and SMokescreen's head's. But then a blue energon blast came from the side, and blasted the vehicon out of the way, and Bulkhead ran towards them. "I got your back." said Bulkhead.

They watched as Bumblebee and Arcee took out the last remaining vehicons when they heard two insection cries. "Oh no! Jack!" realized Madalyn. They found the two insecticons moving boulders out of the way of this small cave. When the entrance cleared, Jack was hiding inside, and was about to become insecticon chow. "Jack!" yelled Madalyn. Madalyn and the Autobots ran towards the vehcions. Bulkhead picked up a giant rock and threw it at the insecticon who tried to grab Jack, quishing his upper body, and killing him. Then arcee ran in and upper cut the over one out of the way of Jack, while Madalyn, and the others blasted it to pieces. "Arcee!" said Jack. "What could you have possibly been thinking?!?" asked Arcee.

They all looked up into the sky to see Megatron and a few of his vehicons blasting and firing at something at the top of the mountain. "It's Optimus!" yelled Madalyn. They watched as Optimus sppeded towards a rock like ramp and soared into the air. As he was flying, Optimus got hit by one of Megatron's blast, causing him to spin out of control and transform into his robot mode. "Oh no!" thought Madalyn. But luckily, Optimus managed to grab a hold of the handle of the Star Saber, and he was dangling up in the air. "Alright! He got it!" cheered Madalyn. The Star Saber started flashing and a blue light appeared all around it as Megatron and his followers retreated back to the warship. The Star Saber then started moving, and Optimus pulled it out of the boulder with ease and as he starteed free falling towards the ground. Optimus along with the Star Saber crashed to the ground with a thud, and smoke filled the air around him. Madalyn, Jack, and the Autobots had worried looks on their faces, but when the smoke cleared, Optimus was down on one knee with the sword stabed into the ground. He stood up pulling the sword out of the ground, and gripping it with his hand. "I loosened it for him." said Smokescreen. "Heh, nice try Smoke." replyed Bulkhead. Madalyn without any thought ran towards her Autobot guardian. Now possesing what appeared to be the most powerful Iacon relic, ever. "Optimus! That was incredible!" cheered Madalyn with a smile on her face. Then she heard a crashing noise, and looked up to see the giant boulder from the mountain, fell from the cable, and started rolling towards her and Optimus. She heard the yells and screams from the other Autobots a few yards behind them. "Optimus! Look out!" said Madalyn. Optimus turned around and say the boulder tumbling towards them. Madalyn braced herself and hid behind Optimus. But Optimus stayed put. And with a swing of the Star Saber, he cut the ENTIRE mountain in half, making it stop rolling and go inbetween him and Madalyn. Madalyn opened her eye's to see the boulder in half, and she looked up at Optimus with a speechless look. "Did you just...." said Madalyn still speechless. Optimus just simply nodded at her. Then he looked up at the Decepticon warship, charged forward, spung the sword around with a battle cry, and a blue flash of light soared from the sword and stroke the back of the Warship. "Whoa!" said Madalyn "That was awesome!". "He can do that?!?" asked Smokescreen.The Warship flew away from the battlefield leaving the Autobots to themselves. "Now the Decepticon's face their darkest hour." said Madalyn.

"How epic was that!" cheered Smokescreen. Madalyn, Jack, and the Autobots arrived back at base via the ground bridge. "It was unbelievable!" cheered Madalyn as she transformed back into her human form. "I saw it with my own optics!" said Smokescreen as he mimiced the spin move Optimus did "But I still don't believe it!" "You know what I don't believe? After all you've learned, you still put a human at risk! Two of them!" said Arcee. "Arcee, it wasn't his fault...." explained Jack. "Yeah we shouldn't have..." explained Madalyn but was interepted. "Don't start with me you too. We'll talk tomorrow." said Arcee with anger. Madalyn held her hands behind her back and looked down in dissapointment. "Send Jack home." ordered Arcee. Ratchet activated the ground bridge again. "But I.." hesitated Jack but stoped when Arcee gave him an angry expression Jack walked towardsthe ground bridgebut stoped at the entrance then turned and looked at Smokescreen. "Green for go." said Smokescreen with a smile. Then Jack looked towards Madalyn. "You probably should get going. I'll be ok." said Madalyn. Jack nodded then proceeded through the ground bridge. "We've been needing another Autobot in the field. Not another child." said Arcee. "Look Arcee, I was wrong to take Jack and Madalyn with me. And I'm sorry. Again. And if you need to kick me off Team Prime....." explained Smokescreen. "Disregard for human safety, or anyone's safety, will not be tolerated." said Optimus with a strict edge in his voice "Do you understand?" "Fully sir." answered Smokescreen. "We must never lose sight of the fact, that upon this Earth, we are titans. As such power, must be used wisely." explained Optimus. Then the Star Saber started glowing bright blue again and flashing repeatedly. It was making a strange high pitched noise. "Um, Optimus?" asked Madalyn. Optimus picked up the sword in both hands and turned it to facehim. As Optimus looked at it, his optics colour changed. "Whoa!" said Bulkhead in shock. "Optimus! Speak to me." said Ratchet. Optimus looked at Ratchetthen looked back at the sword. "Optimus?" asked Ratchet. "I am recieving a message." said Optimus.The Autobots gathered around Ratchet. "From who?" asked Ratchet. "Alpha Trion." answered Optimus. "No way...." whispered Madalyn.

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