Life of an Agent (Transformers Prime Seasons 1 & 2) Chapter 40

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"Optimus, what is Alpha Trion saying?" asked Ratchet. Optimus was so focused on the sword he cancelled out all the noises around him, and focused on Alpha Trions voice. "It's like he's in another world or something." said Madalyn. Madalyn climbed up Optimus's side and stood on his left shoulder. She carefully climbed and slide down his arm to get a good view of the sword. "Madalyn, be careful!" warned Arcee."I'm alright." replyed Madalyn. As the sword glowed, Madalyn's comunicator started flashing. "Huh?" thought Madalyn. Being curious, Madalyn reached out and touched the Star Saber with her hand. She felt a strange surge of energy coming through the sword. And then, out of nowhere, an image flashed before her eye's. It was the face of an ancient autobot. It was there for a few seconds then it vanished. "That was weird." thought Madalyn. Then she noticed the Star Saber powering down. "Hey, I think Prime's coming back." said Madalyn. She jumped down from Optimus's arm and backed away as Optimus regained conciousness and lowered the sword. Ratchet came to his side while the other AUtobots and Madalyn crowed around. "Easy Optimus." said Ratchet. Optimus regained focus and stood back up with the sword still in hand. "So, did Alpha Trion ask about me?" asked Smokescreen. "What was the message?" asked Bulkhead while shoving Smokescreen out of his way. "It is imparamount that we aquire the finale four relics, The Omega Keys." answered Optimus. "Keys?" asked Arcee. "To what?" asked Ratchet. "To the regeneration of our home planet." answered Optimus. "You mean Cybertron?!? Are you serious?!?" said Madalyn.

15 minutes later, Optimus was getting to work on decoding the final Iacon coordinates to figure out the locations of the Omega Keys. Meanwhile, the Autobots were clebrating. "Pack your gear! Cause were going to Cybertron!" cheered Bulkhead. "Beep bop bop beep 'Serously? I don't believe it!" said Bumblebee. "Ha, ha, ha, ha! Well believe now Bumblebee! Civilazation at last!" said Ratchet. "But I just got here!" said Smokescreen. "Remember oil baths? First thing I'm gonna do is soak for a whole solar cycle!" said Arcee. "Ha, ha, ha, I can't wait to tell Miko!" cheered Bulkhead. "And, Jack." added Arcee sadly. "Bee bop bop beep bop 'And Raf and Cole'" added Bumblebee in dissapointment. Madalyn and Smokescreen walked away from the group, towards Optimus who was hard at work. "So its really happening, huh?" asked Madalyn. "Looks like it." answered Smokescreen "Optimus, keys open doors. But can they really revive an enitre planet?" "How is that even possible?" asked Madalyn. "While I am unfamiliar with the lore of these Omega keys" said Optimus while turning towards them "Alpha Trion knew many secrets. And the acients possesed technology that has long been lost than we reconsider, modern science." Then the other Autobots stoped talking and gathered around. "Whatever their function, this much is certain. We cannot restore Cybertron without all four Omega Keys in our possesion." explained Optimus. "Which means we can't afford to lose a single one. We can't let Megatron get them." said Arcee. "An entire planet is at steak here. Let's make this count." added Madalyn. "Four sets of coordinates remain incirpted. It is logical to conlude that these four sets indicate the locations of the four OmegaKeys." explained Optimus "I must not weaver untill I decode them all. The future of our homeworld depends on it."

An hour has past, and Optimus was almost done decoding the first set of coordinates. Bulkhead, Arcee, Bumblebee, Smokescreen, and Madalyn were talking about going home to Cybertron while Ratchet making a case for the Star Saber. "You will require a means of carrying such a blade." said Ratchet as he got back to work. "So the time has come. You guys are actually leaving." saidMadalyn with a sad tone. "I feel funny saying this but, I'm not sure I wanna go back.""Who know we'd ever get so used to our new home." replyed Bulkhead. "Beep bop bop beep bop 'I don't wanna leave Raf and Cole.'" said Bumblebee. "Yeah, I don't think I'd ever wanna leave Miko." replyed Bulkhead. "Or Jack." added Arcee. "And that includes you too Madalyn." added Smokescreen. "We've made friends here. Family." said Arcee. "We could always, text them?" suggested Ratchet. "Besides, I've been fighting so long, I don't know if I could do anything else." said Bulkhead. "You could go back into construction." suggested Ratchet "The power of the scients may breath life back into Cybertron's core, but there will be plenty of cities that will need rebuilding." "I wouldn't pack our bags just yet, we still have to locate these Omega Keys and secure them before the 'Cons do." said Arcee. "Yeah, like that would ever happen. Optimus has the Star Saber now. Megatron's end is in sight." pointed out Smokescreen. "He's got thatright. Were get those keys before the 'Cons can even blink." saidMadalyn.

A loud beeping noise went offin the command centre and Madalyn turned her attention straight to the main computer. There was a section of the writing in redand it was flashing repeatedly. "Autobots, I have decoded the fist location of the Omega Keys." said Optimus. "Alright!" cheered Madalyn. "Divide into teams in the event that I decode a second set and one team is unable to return." explained Optimus. "I'm on team one. Who's with me?" asked Smokescreen. "I'll go." answered Arcee was she walked past him towards the ground bridge. "After you sir. Ma'am. Commander?" said Smokescreen. "This might be interesting." said Ratchet was he typed in the coordinates. "Ratchet? Where they headed?" asked Madalyn. "The pyramids of Cario, Egypt." answered Ratchet. "Really now.." said Madalyn. "Hey guys! Wait up!" Arcee and Smokescreen stoped at the ground bridge and waited for Madalyn who ran towards them. She activated her communicator and transformed into Aura. "I'm going too. With where you guys are going, your gonna need a guide. I've been inside those pyramids and temples before." said Madalyn. "Alright then, let's go." said Smokescreen.

The three of them arrived in Cario in their vehicle modes. Once the bridge dissapeared and the coast was clear, they transformed into robot mode. "Welcome to Egypt guys." saidMadalyn."First one's here." said Smokescreen. "I'm picking up the locator becon. Which means the relic is still buried. Right about there." said Arcee as she pointed to the entrance of a tomb, alittle buried in the sand, but still visible from a mile away. "I've been in that one before. I did my research, and it looks like the acient egyptians found a strange artifact thinking it was given to them by one of their gods. In honnor of them, they created this tomb and buired it there. When me and some archilogists went there, we found some pretty cool treasures, but not the artifact. But one of them secertly told me that he found a marking on one of the tomb walls that wasn't from the egyptians. With any luck, that's where the key is." explained Madalyn. "Perfect, lead the way." said Arcee. Arcee and Smokescreen followed Madalyn proceeding to the temple. There was silence for awhile, but Smokescreen broke it. "Uh, Arcee? I owe you an apoligy. I never intended to put Jack and Madalyn in danger." explained Smokescreen "Humans squish easily, I get that now." "This isn't just about them. Team Prime can't afford any cassulties. Human or Autobot. I've already lost two season partners, I don't want to add a rookie to my score card." said Arcee as they proceeded inside the temple. " Not gonna happen. Elite Guardsmens honnor. Wait, you lost two partners?" asked Smokescreen as he ran and caught up with the girls. "Cliffjumper and Tailgade. Great 'bots." answered Madalyn.

The three of them proceeded through the tunnels of the tomb, with Madalyn leading the way. "How's the signal looking Arcee?" asked Madalyn. The the indicator noise on the tracker Arcee was carrying got faster.and faster. "It's getting stronger." answered Arcee. "Then were on the right track." replyed Madalyn as they kept going. "Huh. Kinda nice of the humans to pile all of these rocks ontop of our relic." said Smokescreen."This way." said Madalyn, as they turned to the left through another tunnel. As they proceeded down the tunnel, the energon tracker beeped faster and faster untill they reached the end of the tunnel. There was highrogliffics all over the wall and a picture of a strange looking key was in the center. "This is it." said Madalyn. "Pretty much spells things out doesn't it?" joked Smokescreen. "Come on, help me move this." said Arcee. Smokescreen and Arcee grabed a hold of to parts of the wall and pulled with all their might, a big brick out. Once it was out of the way. Madalyn crouched and peeked inside and grabed the key. "Bingo. What do you know, I wsa right." said Madalyn. "Nice jog, kiddo." replyed Smokescreen.

"When you said the acients thought the key was a gift from the gods Maddie, you weren't kidding." said SMokescreen. "Did I tell ya, or did I tell ya?" laughed Madalyn. "And in a sense, they weren't wrong." added Arcee. Once they reached the tunnel that leaded outside, they someone waiting for them outside. Not Autobot, but a Decepticon. And out of all of them, it was Megatron himself. "Uh oh." said Madalyn. Once they got outside, Megatron was only a few feet away. "The relic, now." ordered Megatron. "Three against one? We can take him!" said Smokescreen. Then they watched him pull our a dark purple sword with pointy edges all around it, and small purple fire was glowing all around it. "Um guys, why does Megatron have a new sword? And a new ARM?!?" asked Madalyn in worry. Megatron's right arm was red with yellow highlights and a black hand just like Optimus's. "Ratchet ground bridge now!" yelled Arcee over the com-link. But it was too late. Megatron spung his sword around and a purle strike of light shot out of it towards Madalyn and the Autobots. The same move the Star Saber has. "Look out!" yelled Madalyn. But the beam hit all three of them knocking them over the temple and crashing into the sand acouple feet away. Arcee and Madalyn landed ontop of each other, while Smokescreen crashed not too far behind while dropping the key. Madalyn got off of Arcee and looked up to see Megatron just a few feet away. Smokescreen got up than charged towards Megatron while firing energon blasts at him. "We can't him get the relic!" yelled Madalyn as she transformed her hands into blasters. Arcee joined in as well. But Megatron bloacked all their blasts with his sword, then spung it around again, and a beam came flying towards Smokescreen. "Smokescreen! Look out!" yelled Madalyn. But before he could move out of the way, Smokescreen got hit by the blast and all the girls could do was watch as Smokescreen crashed into the pyramid, and vanish to dust. "Smokescreen!" scream Madalyn & Arcee in unison. Once the dust cleared, there was nothing but the brick tiles of the pyramid. "He... he's gone." said Madalyn as she and Arcee looked away. Megatron walked towards them and picked up the Omega Key. "What matter of treasure did Iacon sent us this time?" asked Megatron. He moved the tip of his sword to Arcee's chin to make her face him. "I'd slice you in two right now, but I need you to deliever a message." explained Megatron. Then right next to them, a ground bridge opened up. "Tell Optimus Prime if he wants to ever see the relic..." explained Megatron as he then moved his sword and jabed it into the ground blocking Madalyn's path "Or Aura again, he must come and claim them himself!" He threw the relic to the ground inbetween him, Madalyn and Arcee. Arcee looked at the relic then up at Megatron. She took a quick glance at Madalyn, nodded then ran through the ground bridge.

Arcee's P.O.V.

"And then Smokescreen was just, gone. Like he turned to dust." explained Arcee sadly. "Poor kid." said Bulkhead. "And what makes matters worst, Megatron is hold the Omega Key AND Madalyn hostage." added Arcee. "Arcee, don't blame yourself. It could as easily been you." explained Ratchet. Their conversation was interupted when Bumblebee and Bulkhead transformed their hands into blasters. "Well I say we go claim a peice of Megatron's miserable metal hide!" said Bulkhead. "Beep beep bop! 'Yeah! Never mess with an Autobot!" added Bumblebee as they both started walking away but Optimus stoped them. "No. We have already lost one of our own today, I won't risk anymore lives." said Optimus "Given what Arcee just witness, it would stand to reason that Megatron now posses might equal to the Star Saber. Meaning I am the only one who can defeat Megatron, retrieve the Omega Key, and get Madalyn back safely." "The fate of Cybertron, and Madalyn rests in your hands Optimus." said Ratchet. "Wheaver Megatron knows it or not." replyed Bulkhead.

Madalyn's P.O.V.

Madalyn was sitting next to the Omega Key in the middle of the dessert not too far from the Pyramids of Giza. Bricks and pieces of acient ruins and temples layed everywhere. She had a pair of stasis cuffs on her wrists, awaiting rescue from the Autobots. Just then she heard the noise of a ground bridge go off, and watched as Optimus Prime emerged from the sand hill with the Star Saber. "Prime!" cheered Madalyn with a smile on her face. "Come and claim your prizes Optimus." taunted Megatron as he emerged from the other side of the battle field "If you can." Optimus saw Megatrons new hand and looked at him in horror. "By the alspark Megatron! What have you done?!?" said Optimus. "This? I find it a forms me certain advantages. Such as the use of the Forge of Solus Prime." answered Megatron. Then he took out his sword from his back and lifted it up into the air. "my first creation, fashioned from the very blood of Unicron. I call it the Dark Star Saber." explained Megatron as he then got into a battle stance "Slayer of Primes if you will." Then Megatron charged full speed towards Optimus who in return but his face mask on, drawed out the Star Saber and charged at Megatron as well. "Rahhhhhh!" Megatron yelled. That's when Madalyn realized as they were running towards each other, she was caught in the middle of the battle. "Oh scrap!" yelled Madalyn. She grabed the Omega Key in her hands and back fliped out of the way of the battle just intime. Once she landed on her feel, she staggered abit and rested against wall watching the battle against the two leaders taking place. She watched at firs as they launched light beams at each other. Megatron bloacked them by cutting them in half. Optimus dodge Megatron's attack by either slicing them aswel or jumping over them. But finally the two of them clashed swords with each other. And everytime the two swords struck each other a powerul energon barrier would form around them. Madalyn couldn't help but think of it like a lightsaber battle from Star Wars.

"Ugh! At last we take our rightful places Optimus. As gods! We wield the power of the cosmo's." said Megatron as he grabed Optimus's neck and pushed him against an old sand stone wall. "Optimus!" yelled Madalyn. "I am but a soldier Megatron. And you, are a prisoner of your own twisted illusions!" replyed Optimus. Optimus struck Megatron in the chest with the Star Saber sending him flying back, landing on his back. Megatron got up to his feet, And launched another beam of light at Optimus. Optimus barral rolled out of the way of the beam as it destroyed the wall, but also split the entire pyramid in half! "Oh, my, gosh..." said Madalyn. Then the two Cybertronians charged at each other again, clashing swords. Then Megatron slashes Optimus in the shoulder forming a big black cut just under his Autobot insignia. "My Dark Star Saber has tasted one sparktonight,it still thrist for that of a Prime!" said Megatron. They clashed swords again, then Megatron wacked Optimus in the face, making the Prime sping and land face fist to the ground. "No!" yelled Madalyn. Just then Madalyn felt a tab on her shoulder she turned around to see Smokescreen hiding in the corner on the other side of the wall. "Smokescreen!?!" said Madalyn. "Hang tight, I'll get you out." replyed Smokescreen. Smokescreen blasted the cuffs off Madalyn then helped her up to her feet. "Can't forget this." said Madalyn as she gave Smokescreen the key. They turned their attention back to the battlefield to see Optimus at Megatron's mercy. With the Star Saber shattered and in half. "And so it ends! Just as how I invisioned it! With your head next to my new trophies." said Megatron as he raised his sword to perform the final blow. "Oh you mean these? Finders keepers." said Smokescreen as he waved it in the air with Madalyn resting her arm on Smokescreen's shoulder. "You snooze you lose Megs." taunted Madalyn. Optimus took the advantage and punched Megatron in the face and grabed a hold of his wrist with the Star Saber. "Prime!" yelled Madalyn as she and Smokescreen ran towards them. "Smokescreen! Aura! Fall back!" ordered Optimus as a light beam appeared towards them, but the two of them jumped out of the way.

They watched as Optimus pushed Megatron to the ground using all his strengh he had to keep him there. But Megatron pucnhed Optimus in the face forcing Optimus to let go and fall back abit. As Megatron raised his sword to deliever a beam of light towards Optimus, Smokescreen activated the Phase Shifter and took Madalyn's hand. "Come on!" said Smokescreen. Madalyn took his shand and they both ran towards Optimus as Megatron launched the beam. Smokescreen grabed a hold of Optimus's shoulder and the beam went right through all three of them, feeling no damage or pain what so ever, and the light dissipeared. "Ratchet! Ground bridge now!" ordered Optimus through the com-link. "What?!? No!?!?!" yelled Megatron in shock. "Missed us." taunted Smokescreen. Then a ground bridge opened up behind Madalyn and the Autobots. "That's our ride home!" said Madalyn. The three of them proceeded to run through the ground bridge while Megatron tried launching another beam at them, but the three of them made it through just intime.

Back at base, Optimus was the first to arrive through the ground bridge. Ratchet guided him to the medical bay for medical treatment while Madalyn and Smokescreen walked in. "Beep bop bop beep bop! 'Madalyn! Your ok!'" cheered Bumblebee. When Madalyn transformedback into her human form and the other Autobots saw Smokescreen, they were speechless."Smokescreen?!?" asked Bulkhead in shock. "And Omega Key number one!" added Smokescreen as he showed them the key. "But how?!? I mean I saw you!" said Arcee. "I, uh, decided to borrow thePhase Shifter." answered Smokescreen. Ratchet was scanning Optimus's shoulder when he heard the converstaion. "Again?" asked Ratchet. "Again." answered Madalyn with a smirk. "And good thing too. The wave from the blast hit me like a wreaking ball. The impact must have activated the Phase Shifter. I don't know how long I was unconcious for, but when I made my way outside, Optimus and Megatron were deep in an epic throwdown. With Madalyn and the Omega Key caught in the middle of it. I waited for the right moment to make my move." explained Smokescreen. "Your learning." replyed Arcee with a smile. "So can I keep it?" asked Smokescreen "I mean it has been really working out for me!" "Fine, fine." answered Ratchet. "Yes! Signature weapon!" cheered Smokescreen. Smokescreen walked away towards a white block, but stoped when he say the shattered Star Saber resting on top of it. The others joined him. "You may have got yours, but Optimus lost his." said Bulkhead. "The balance of power shifted again." said Arcee. "Will this ever end?" asked Madalyn. "While Optimus has only weild the power of the sword for only one day, Optimus does not require it to be the mightest of warriors." explained Ratchet as the Autobots looked towards Optimus who was at the computer working on decoding the Iacon database. "He's perfect just the way he is." thought Madalyn.

1 hour later

It was1030at night and most of the Autobots were already asleep. Optimus was finnishing up his shift when Madalyn was getting ready to go. "See you tomorrow Optimus." said Madalyn. "See you in the morning Madalyn." replyed Optimus with a smile. As Madalyn walked away, she remember something and turned back towards Optimus. "Optimus? Can I talk to you about something real quick?" asked Madalyn. "Of course." answered Optimus. He closed the computer and faced Madalyn "What is it?" "Well, its about earlier today, when you were recieving your message from Alpha Trion. My communicator was acting weird. When I went up and touched the Star Saber, I felt this weird sense of energy all of a sudden, and then this image flashed before me. It looked like some acient Autobot or something. Oh! And my communicator started flashing all of a sudden." explained Madalyn. As she lifted up her wrist to show Optimus the communicator, it started flashing again like it did before. "Just, like, that." said Madalyn. Optimus had a confused and curious look on his face, as he looked at the communicator. Then on the other side of the room, they both saw the Star Saber flashing in unison with Madalyn's communicator. They both walked towards it to see what was going on. Then a beam of light from the Star Saber sprang out and surrounded Madalyn. It lifted her up into the air and it started shining brighter and brighter. "Um, Optimus, whats happening?" asked Madalyn nervously. Then the communicator came off her wrist and it evaporated and a green light from it started surround her aswell, but it spun alot faster. Then the lights got brighter and brighter, and Madalyn started transforming. But this one was differet then the other times she's done it. It took alittle longer, and for some reason it was painful. She felt all the orgons inside her changing and watched as her skin turned into metal, and her heart changed into a beeping spark. When the transformation was complete, she was no longer Madalyn, but Aura. She feel lifelessly to the ground then the light dissipeared. "Madalyn!" yelled Optimus as he picked her up in her arms. "No, this can't be happening. Aura was, a human?" thought Optimus.

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