Life of an Agent (Transformers Prime Seasons 1 & 2) Chapter 41

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Optimus Prime's P.O.V.

"Madalyn! Madalyn, can you hear me?" asked Optimus. She said nothing, just resting lifelessly in his arms. "No, not again. This can't be happening. Not again." said Optimus "Ratchet!" Ratchet came running in and saw Madalyn 'Aura' in Optimus's arms. "What happened?!?" asked Ratchet. "I'm not sure. It was the Star Saber, there must have been some power of the matrix left inside it. "Bring her over here." said Ratchet. Optimus picked her up and sat her down on the medic bed. Ratchet attached a heart/spark meter to her, to measure her heart beats. "Good news, she's still alive, but mearly trapped in a sleep mode if you will." explained Ratchet "What exactly happened Optimus?" "It's probably best, if I show you." answered Optimus. He walked over to the computer and activated the security cameras. It showed the entire incident. "By the allspark! It actually happened! Optimus, are you saying that all this time, Madalyn was Aura?!? I mean really Aura?" asked Ratchet. "My best guess would be when Aura's coffin was launched in space, it stands to reason that it crashed here on Earth, and came into contact with a human, and Madalyn was the result." answered Optimus. "Unbelievable. All this time, Aura was with us the entire time. Traped in a human body. I thought we lost her after that, tragic day." said Ratchet. "So did I old friend, so did I." replyed Optimus. Then they heard some mumbling noises coming from the medical bay. They turned around and found Aura 'Madalyn' shifting and talking in her sleep. "Must be waking up. Do you think she regain her memories back?" asked Ratchet. "I believe we'll find out out soon." answered Optimus.

2 hours later

"So let me get this straight, all this time, I was a Autobot/ Cybertronian Princess trapped inside a human body?" asked Aura "All this time, Aura was real?" "I'm afraid so." answered Ratchet. "But why now? Did you guys know about this?" asked Aura. "We didn't know about any of this. We, didn't even know Aura, you, were still alive." explained Ratchet. "What? What are you, talking about?" asked Aura. "Aura." said Optimus. He walked towards her and sat beside her on the medic bed. "Do you remember the final day of the Invasion of Iacon?" asked Optimus. Aura closed her optics and thinked more a moment. She started getting flash backs of the invasion. Explosions everywhere, fighting everywhere, not a single moment of peace. Until, that moment. Aura running towards Optimus, her taking Megatron's blast for Prime, it all happened in slow motion, and finally, that final moment she had with Optimus Prime, her best and closest friend. "Aura? Are you alright?" asked Optimus. Aura snapped back into reality and looked at Optimus with a shocked look. "I, I remember everything. Everything from when we first met, when you became a Prime, the war going on, and, when I took Megatron's blast for you." explained Aura speechlessly "I, I'm just glad to be back. With you guys." "And we are glad. We thought we lost you forever, Aura." said Ratchet. "But now, with your return, we are one step closer to winning this War. We've missed you." said Optimus while placing his arm around her shoulders "I missed you." "I missed you too Optimus. It's good to be back." replyed Aura with a smile.

The next morning Optimus was working on decoding the Iacon Database, while Aura was with the other Autobots. Ratchet had already informed the others about what happened. "I don't believe this! This is unbelievable!" said Bulkhead. "We'll believe it!" replyed Aura. "First we find out we can restore Cynertron and now we find out your Aura! This is amazing!" said Arcee. "I know right. Looks like I'm on my way home too. What do you think Smokescreen? Smokescreen?" asked Aura. Smokescreen was ignoring the conversation for a moment watching Optimus. "I'm gonna be a great warrior someday. Like Optimus." said Smokescreen. "Well if you train hard enough, and gained some wisdom along the way, it could happen." said Bulkhead. "Oh it will. It's my destiny!" said Smokescreen as he turned and faced the others. "Careful with that word Smokescreen. Destiny is not to be messed with." warned Aura. "Beep bop 'Oh yeah?'" asked Bumblebee. "How so?" asked Arcee. "One minute I'm on security detail on Iacon. Next thing I know, I wake up on the other side of the galaxy to find myself under Optimus's command!" said Smokescreen."I mean what are the chances?!? These things happen for a reason!" "We get it Smokescreen, your special, were lucky to have you." said Arcee being alittle annoyed. "All I'm saying is, that this is an opportunity that I don't want to mess up. Take Aura for example. One minute she was a human, being an agent of the Pentagon, and now we find out she's Princess Aura of Cybertron!" replyed Smokescreen. Then a buzzing noise went off and they all turned to Optimus. "Autobots! I have decoded the new set of coordinates. Ratchet! Activate the ground bridge." said Optimus. Ratchet walked over to the ground bridge controls and typed in the coordinates. "That key is so ours!" cheered Aura. "Last one there has to wash the energon tanks for a week!" dared Smokescreen as he raced for the ground bridge. "Didn't know we were keeping score." said Arcee. "He's just excited." replyed Aura. Smokescreen was getting ready and doing stretches when Optimus spoke. "Arcee, Bumblebee, prepare to roll out." commanded Optimus. "Beep bop bop beep beep 'Alright! Mission time!" said Bumblebee as he and Arcee walked towards the ground bridge. "Aww but what me?" asked Smokescreen. Bulkhead faked coughed to get his attention. "And Bulkhead and Aura?" added Smokescreen. "The three of you will remain here, just incase I have decoded another set of coordinates." explained Optimus. "Optimus is right. Considering the very fate of Cybertron is at stake, response time is critical." added Ratchet as he opened the ground bridge. "Keep your engines idling kid." said Arcee "Come Bee, destiny awaits." "Beep beep bop 'You got it'" replyed Bumblebee. Arcee and Bumblebee transformed into their vehicle modes and drive through the ground bridge as it closed. "We call it a pit stop." said Bulkhead as he gave a big pat on the back. More like slap really. "We'll get back in the race." added Bulkhead.

"Don't worry Smokescreen. You'll get your chance soon enough. Besides, Prime is working on decoding the next set. He should be done in no time." said Aura. "But I was so ready for this! I could have pwned those Decepticreeps and got that key easy!" explained Smokescreen."Ratchet! We need a ground bridge." said Arcee through the com-link. "That was quick." thought Aura. Ratchet activated the ground bridge and Arcee and Bumblebee came walking slowly. They were damaged pretty badly. Bumblebe had cracks all over his chest, and Arcee kept her arm around her stomach. "What happen?" asked Aura as she ran towards them. "Knockout happened, that's what." answered Arcee. "In the medical bay. Now." ordered Ratchet. Aura helped Bumblebee inside the energon healing chamber while Ratchet sat Arcee down on one of the white blocks. Ratchet began scanning Bumblebee for any serious damage. "I'm sorry Optimus." apoligized Arcee "Knockout was there, waiting for us. Seems the 'Cons are getting better at their decoding skills." "And with two keys seperated, no one currently posseses the means to revive Cybertron." explained Ratchet. "Don't lose hope yet, at this rate it's anyone's game, but we gotta step it up a notch if we want the last two keys." said Aura. "Aura's right. While our quest to restore Cybertron may have reached a stail mate, securing the remaining keys is still the most positive course of action." added Optimus. "Man! It must have been crazy with Knockout going all sonic! I wished I'd been there, I would have..." said Smokescreen enhusiasticly. "Would have what? recovered the key like you did with the first one?" asked Arcee with an angry tone. "Maybe? Who knows. I just want usto be firing onall cylinders! You know, now that the Star Saber is gone. And I have a pretty good track record so far." answered Smokescreen. "Ugh." groaned Arcee in annoyance as she got up from the block. With her wings down and her right hand holding her left elbow as walked with her head down past Smokescreen Aura and Bulkhead. "Look Smokescreen, Arcee and Bumblebee are no slouches. And Optimus managed just fine for eonswithout the Star Saber. Of course you wouldn't know about that, because you've been locked in stasis for the whole time we've been fighting this war." said Bulkhead. "Exactly! Which is why I want to make up for lost time!" replyed Smokescreen. "When Optimus says your ready. Your gonna be in this for the long haul." replyed Bulkhead."You can't always jump the gun and make things move too quickly. Slow and steady wins the race." said Aura.

The main computer started beeping again and a section of writing appeared blinking in red. "The third set of coordinates have been decoded." said Optimus. "That means there's only one set left to decode." replyed Ratchet. He typed in the coordinates and activated the ground bridge. "It's show time boys." cheered Aura as she ran to the ground bridge. "On it boss!" said Bulkhead as he pounded his fists together and walked to the ground bridge. "I'm gonna get that key!" cheered Smokescreen as he swung afew punches in the air. Then he looked over at Arcee and just stoped and walked to the ground bridge. "Uh Bulk'? Aura?" asked Arcee. The two of them looked over to Arcee. "You two forgetting something?" asked Arcee as she held an energon tracker in her hand. Being slightly embarrest Bulkhead rubbed the back of his head as he and Aura walked up to Arcee. As Bulkhead began pulling the tracker away from Arcee's hand, she let it go, grabed Bulkhead's wrist and pulled him closer to her face to tell him something. "Make sure you two keep an eye on destiny's child ok?" asked Arcee. "Compared to watching Miko? Piece of cake." replyed Bulkhead with a thumbs up as he walked back to Smokescreen. "Destiny's child huh? I gotta remember that." said Aura while giggling. "You becareful too Aura. This your first mission as a full time Autobot." said Arcee. "I'll be ok, Cee'. You can count on us!" replyed Aura as she regrouped with the boys and the three of them ran through the ground bridge.

The three Autobots arrived in an autumm forest deep in the woods of British Columbia. Red maple leafs were falling from the tress and it looked like the sun was starting to set, even though it was only early afternoon. "Stay close, and stay focused." said Bulkhead. "No problem." replyed Aura. "Gotcha." replyed Smokescreen. "I mean it Smokescreen." said Bulkhead. "Me too." replyed Smokescreen as he faced Bulkhead. "Wait guys! Shh!" whispered Aura. They stoped talking for a moment and heard a beeping noise. "What is that?" asked Smokescreen. Then they heard some footsteps coming from the top of a hill. They looked up to see Dreadwing emerging from the tree's. "One of the last sounds, you'll ever hear!" answered Dreadwing. "Dreadwing!" said Bulkhead. "Why I'm I not surprised?" asked Aura in annoyance. Then Dreadwing transformed into his jet mode and chraged at the three Autobots. "Whoa!" yelled Bulkhead. "Get down!" yelled Aura as they jumped and tackled to the ground just intime as Dreadwing flew right past them. As they got up pushing the falling leaves off them, they all heard that beeping noise again. "There's that noise again." said Aura. She and the others got up from the ground and started looking around. That's when Aura and Bulkhead realized that Dreadwing had placed bombs everywhere, around them attached to the trees. "Run!" yelled Madalyn. "We gotta get out of here! Now!" yelled Bulkhead as he grabbed Smokescreen's shoulder and ran with him. Tree's were blowing up everywhere around them. It was an all out forest fire out here. As they were running they came towards a cliff. "We gotta jump!" yelled Aura. Once they jumped off the cliff, a huge explosion came out of nowhere from the last bomb, and the force from the explosion sent the three Autobots flying into the air and rolling and thumbling down the hill and face planted into the ground at the bottom of the hill.As the three of them got back up, Dreadwing came back, transforming back into robot mode in mid air, and glaring at the Autobots. "Smoke'! I'll handle Dreadwing! Go get the relic!" said Bulkhead as he tossed him the tracker. "On it!" replyed Smokescreen as he took off running. "Aura! Go with him!" ordered Bulkhead. "But, your not the only one that has a score to settle with this 'Con!" pointed out Aura. "I know, but I need you to help Smokescreen! Now go!" replyed Bulkhead. Aura hesitated for a moment while looking at Dreadwing, then nodded in agreement and took off after Smokescreen.

"Any luck Smokescreen?" asked Aura as she caught up to Smokescreen at the end of a path, and he was digging away at the cliff. "The tracker picked up a signal. Help me move these rocks." replyed Smokescreen. Aura sat beside him and started helping him move some rocks out of the way. "Smoke', Aura, I'm on my way." said Bulkhead through the comlink. "Copy that Bulkhead." replyed Aura. As they kept moving more rocks out of the way, they found the relic container. Aura picked it up and opened the container, and out popped the Omega Key. Smokescreen picked it up in his hands and looked at it with a smirk on his face. "Destiny." said Smokescreen. Suddenly Aura felt a strange rush of wind coming from behind her and Smokescreen. Before she could ask Smokescreen what was causing it, they both got struck in the head and feel to the ground. Smokescreen was out cold, but had her optics open long enough to see someone walking past them, then everything went black.

"Smokescreen! Aura! Wake up!" yelled a voice. Aura slowly opened her optics to see Bulkhead kneeling next to her and Smokescreen. "Huh? What happened?" asked Smokescreen. "That's what I wanna know." replyed Bulkhead.They both got up slow and steady, then Smokescreen realized that something was missing. "THe Omega Key!" he said shockingly as he despretly looked around for it "I had it! Untill I got sucker punched from behind." "You mean we hand it andgot sucker punched frombehind." pointed out Aura. "Dreadwing must havebrought backup." said Bulkhead as he turned on his comlink "Ratchet, send us a bridge." "But I, I, promised Optimus I'd bring back that key.." said Smokescreen. sadly. "My firstmission as a full time Autobot was a failure! Some Autobot I am." said Aura while kicking the ground and crossing her arms. "Hey, hey, calm down you too." said Bulkhead as he placed a hand on both of their shoulders and a ground bridge opened up infront of them. "Alpha Trion said we needall four keys to revive Cybertron remember? We just gotta hold on to the one we have, and find a way to get the others back from Megatron." finnished Bulkhead. "Bulkhead's right. We still have a chance Smokescreen." replyed Aura. Then the three of them proceeded through the bridge back to base.

When they arrived back at base, Optimus was busy decoding the final set of coordinates to locate the last Omega Key. Meanwhile Aura was having a conversation with Smokescreen, Bulkhead, and Arcee about the mission. "Smokescreen and Aura got sucker punched. It could happen to anyone." said Bulkhead as he placed a hand on Smokescreen's shoulder. "But I didn't! Because I'm the one who droped his guard! I was the one who blew it!" statedSmokescreen. "Smokescreen, you can't just keep beating yourself up like this." said Aura. "Some great warrior I'm turning out to be." muttered Smokescreen. "You still don't get it, do you?!? Acouple of victories won't make you a legend.And now every mission ends in success. Not for Me, Bee, not even for Optimus." said Arcee. As she was walking Aura noticed Optimus turning his attention to Arcee's lecture. "We've gained relics and we lost some. We've also lost friends. We even lost a world! But this is one time that we get a do-over. We have a chance to bring back Cybertron, and everyone in this room needs to be in synce. This sin't about you or your destiny!" lectured Arcee. Smokescreen looked down at the floor while listening to Arcee. "Arcee, you have made your point." said Optimus as he turned to face her. "Optimus, he needs to hear this." stated Arcee, then she turned her attention back to Smokescreen. "You might ctually become a great warrior one day, and I sincerly hope you do. But greatness begins and ends with putting the team first. Not your personal score card." continued Arcee. "There's nothing I wouldn't do for you guys." replyed Smokescreen. "Then stop being a hero, and start being an Autobot!" stated Arcee. To Aura, that statement Arcee made seemed to hurt Smokescreen. He looked around the room then back at Arcee. "You know what? Maybe I'm just not good enough!" said Smokescreen as he ran for the exit. "Smokescreen wait!" said Aura. But before she could catch him, Smokescreen transformed into his vehicle mode and took off out the base. "Next time Optimus advises you to stop, perhaps you should listen." suggested Ratchet. "Arcee no offence, but I know you haven't really seen eye to eye with Smokescreen, but was that really nessasary?" Aura asked being alittle angry. "Relax, I'll bring him back." said Bulkhead as he walked to the exit, but Optimus stopped him. "Smokescreen is young Bulkhead, and he has much to learn. But right now, he needs to clear his thoughts." explained Optimus "And I need to finnish decoding the final Iacon coordinates."

Aura watched as five Cybertronian symbols on the computer alined with each other blinking repeated. "Ah, the final relic has been decoded." said Optimus as he faced the Autobots. Then they all heard a strange beeping noise coming from the computer. "Has it?" asked Ratchet as he stared at the computer. They all watched to see red, purple, white, and blue square dots moving around all over the screen, screen creating something. "Hm, perhaps it's a another layer for me to decode." suggested Optimus. "The coordinates are forming an image. But why?" asked Aura. "Maybe it's a picture of the relic?" answered Bulkhead. "What good will that do if we don't know it's location?!" said Ratchet. "I trust that Alpha Trion had his reasons." replyed Optimus. Once it was complete, the coordinates showed a picture of, Smokescreen. "Smokescreen?!?" said Bulkhead. "Smokescreen is the final relic of Iacon?!?" asked Aura. "Is this that hotshot's idea of a joke?" asked Arcee. "Beep bop bop beep 'I don't think so'" answered Bumblebee. "Maybe he knows where the key is!" suggested Bulkhead. "And never bothered to mention it?" asked Arcee. "Or perhaps, Smokescreen is the key without knowing it." answered Ratchet. "In any event, Smokescreen could be in grave danger." said Optimus as he turned on his comlink "Smokescreen return to base." There was silence for a few seconds. "He may have turned off his comlink." said Ratchet. "Ratchet, activate the ground bridge and lock on to his coordinates." ordered Optimus. "I'll scout ahead and take the road. See if I can catch up with him." suggested Aura. She transformed into her vehicle mode and took off out the base after Smokescreen.

As Aura was driving down the open highway, it was very late at night. After driving for what seemed like hours, Aura finally managed to locate and catch up with Smokescreen. "Smokescreen! Wait up!" yelled Aura. "Aura! Get out of here!" yelled back Smokescreen. Then energon blaster fire came out of nowhere from the sky. They both transformed back into robot mode and looked to see Laserbeak. "You picked the wrong day to mess with me 'Con!" said Smokescreen. Just as he was about to shoot down Laserbeak, a strange sonic blast came out of nowhere from the side, sending the Autobots flying and crashing to the ground. All Aura saw was Soundwave dragging her and Smokescreen through a ground bridge before blacking out completely.

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