Chapter Five

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"Yes dad,everything is fine alhamdulillah. The house is so dull without you .please come back soon"Amina was having a phone conversation with uncle mujaheed and she enjoyed every bit of it,he teased her and told her about his business and how much he missed her and the girls.

"Alright dear,I'm glad that you are okay,take care and remain blessed. Assalamu Alaikum"Mujaheed says.

"Ameen and you too dad,waalaikumussalam"she felt better talking to her dad because she is hundred percent sure that he loves her so much .She decided to write in her diary which she started keeping since age twelve.

Dear ry.

I had a conversation with a man who is hard to find in this era,whoever get to know and live with him is lucky because he is the kindest, funniest,generous, and charming man in the whole wide world. He makes me happy in a million ways and he fills the void of my long lost parents whom I never get the chance to know but I still love and miss them. Afra still hates all of us ,but I really don't care anymore because I've got my girls who make me forget all the worries in the world. And it gets better,not now but eventually. I LOVE MY DADDY.

She then decided to join the girls in the kitchen who were busy preparing dinner when she saw Kubrah crying .

"What happened dear,are you sick?" She asked with concern.

"No she is fine and bubbly when the witch came and said something bad about her parents! She called her dad a thief and her mom a pathetic gold digger" Hasny narrated what happened to Amina who was shocked and angry,minutes ago she is happy and carefree,she wanted to tell the girls that she called her dad and he says hi,she also want to chat with them ,crack some jokes as they always do but the witch won't let them be,every time they are happy she has to come into the picture and ruin their day.

She patted kubrah's back and squeezed her hands,a gesture which shows that she shares her grief. They finished cooking and went up to their rooms to eat.


"Ohhh childhood memories are cool" Aysha says with dreamy eyes typing on her phone"

"uh uh someone remembers how she used to cry out for mommy" Waheedah teased

"Shut up! I am having a nice chat here and I was talking to my self not you miss" Aysha continued typing and smiling like an idiot

"Like seriously this has to stop,besides we all have phones, don't sit there chatting and talking out loud and expect us to keep quite" Hasny says looking annoyed

"See me see trouble ,It's a free world ma'am " Backfires Aysha

"ohh really? Since it's a free world I'm gonna party tonight in this room and don't you dare open your smelly mouth and say I'm disturbing you" Hasny stated matter of fact, Aysha's eyes widened and she dramatically went down on her knees.

" I'm really sorry senior Hasny, I will never do it again please forgive me" she made a puppy dog face and they all burst into a fit of laughter.

"Senior Hasny seriously Aysha ? You just gave her the green card to feel like a boss and start bossing us around" Kubrah says making a disgusted face.

" Hahaha funny! I'm already the boss ,no need to make a fuss about it kubcy,I know you are older but I'm more competent" Hasny says with a smirk and pretended to feel sorry for Kubrah.

" That's enough! Before you kill us with your yucky drama, drama queens" Waheedah and Amina said at the same time.

" Are you twins? If you're then I will be honest to tell you that you are the worst twins ever!" Hasny looked horrified and they all laughed out loud. The evening went well,they watched mean girls2 and studied before they finally go to bed.


They were at lunch when Hasny called out to Aysha "hey nerd can you please spell monkey for me?"they all looked at her like she has grown horns.

" Okay but why" Aysha asked.

" I'm having difficulty remembering the correct spelling ,so I thought you could help" Hasny calmly explained.

"m-o-n-k-e-y" Hasny started laughing so hard they thought she had gone mad.

" I think that's the correct spelling of Afra' s name ." She says while still laughing ,when it dawned to them what she meant,they all started laughing

" witchy witchy witch is also a monkey " Waheedah says and they doubled over with laughter.

"Umm Waheedah" Kubrah leaned towards Waheedah' s seat.

" Let me recite the multiplication table for you and don't interrupt until I finish"Kubrah said sternly and Waheedah just nodded ,finding it ridiculous that a university girl isn't yet very much familiar with it.

"2×1=2,2×2=um,2×3=uhum,2×4= ehen..." They all burst out laughing hard with tears in their eyes

"you gotta be kidding me!" Waheedah exclaimed looking amused while Kubrah faked a hurt face

" I said you should not interrupt " she pouted.

" Alright cupcake, that was hilarious, let us get back to class,see you later love you all" Hasny said while hitching her bag and walking towards the entrance of the restaurant with a wide smile. The rest followed suit,giggling and clasping hands like they have no problem in their lives.

" Hy aunty Hanipha ,it is good to see you after such a long time" Amina called out to their next door neighbor. An elderly woman who is nice and caring.

"Hi Amina, its good to see you too,how is your mother? Hanipha traveled abroad and Amina had no idea she is back until she saw her going out of her house,she is a very nice woman who had been a friend a mother and an adviser to Amina. Now that she's back ,Amina can't wait to introduce her to the girls.

"I will come and visit you later aunty ,I hope you brought something for me"Amina said with a smile."of course my dear! Till you come and we have a lot of catching up to do" Hanipha answered back with a smile.

I'll love to keep it short as usual. It will get longer and more interesting  as the story progress.

Thank you.

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