Chapter Four

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"Wakey wakey sleepy head" Kubrah whispered in Hasny's ears,she woke up with a start and runs after  her round the house.

" I will kill you today " Hasny shouted while Kubrah kept laughing and running for her dear life.Suddenly,Hasny bumped into Afra without knowing that she's on the way.

" I'm sorry aunty,I didn't know that you are coming this way" Hasny pleaded.Afra glared at her and pretended to shrug it off then she turned and jerked Hasny by the collar of her pyjama blouse and gave her a resounding slap.She smiled evilly and left Hasny clutching her cheeks which had turned red and Afra's hand prints were visible.

" Yahsalam Hasny am so sorry,it was my fault she slapped you .I shouldn't have wake you up in the first place" Kubrah apologised examining Hasny's face.Aysha ,Waheedah and Amina came out and they all sympathised with Hasny, she told them that they should not worry she's fine. They made breakfast and left for school.


Aysha was having a very serious headache and she has an assignment to submit the next day by eight.Although she is feeling dizzy and feverish she went into uncle Mujaheed's study to do some research and type the assignment. She succeeded in doing so but she was so tired to print it out .so she saved the document and went up to sleep.

Afra had been watching a movie for almost four hours, as she was about to retire for the day,she saw Aysha coming out of the study ,her curiosity as to what kept Aysha awake made her went into the Library to check .She logged into the computer and her instinct told her to check Microsoft word document ,and she found Aysha's assignment which was well organized and precise.she smiled evilly and deleted the document .

Aisha was late the next morning, " Aysha hurry up please we are late"Waheeda shouted shaking her up.

"Yahsalam what says the time?" Aysha sleepily asked wiping her eyes.

"Thirty minutes past seven ,you better hurry"Waheedah informed.

Aysha got up abruptly and dashed to the study and to her utter dismay ,she can't find her assignment .she was sure she had saved it before going to sleep.she searched frantically but she still can't find it.she was on the verge of shedding tears when an idea came to hear head, she checked the recycle bin and she heaved a heavy sigh of relief. She quickly print out the document and dashed to the room to prepare for school.

During lunch at school, the girls meet at their favorite lunch spot but they can't find Aysha, they called her phone several times but she didn't pick. Half way through the meal,she came in looking very angry and exhausted.

"Aysha what happened where have you been?"they all asked her with concern.

"it is about that assignment I told you guys about, I saved it but couldn't find it in the morning ,I later found out that it had been deleted.It was due for submission by eight and the lecturer punished me for that. I was in his office begging him to accept my work"she narrated her ordeal.

"it is the work of aunty Afra am sure"says Amina with a sigh."take heart dear,it will come to pass" adviced Kubrah.

They discussed more on school stuffs and how to avoid Afrah and her wrath before dispersing to their respective lecture halls.

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