Chapter Three

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Things are going on smoothly at school. so far, the girls are not having any problem with their studies and Afra had stopped bothering Amina. As they prepared to go to school ,uncle Mujaheed summoned them to his study.

"Assalamu Alaikum my girls,I hope you are all doing well at school and you are not finding it difficult to adapt?I just want to tell you that I will be travelling to New York later in the day ,probably before you come back from school. It may take me two months before I return ,behave yourselves and Afra is here,don't hesitate to ask her anything, I have credited all your accounts with money and in shaaa Allah it will be enough until I come back. May Allah bless you all"

A look of unease crossed Amina's face and the girls knew what is to come, as Amina had told them that whenever uncle travelled ,she don't use to give her food and send away the house maids so that she will be the one to do everything. They bid him farewell and thanked him for the money before going to school in anticipation of what is to come.

As soon as they come back, they went up to their rooms to observe their siesta which has become a daily routine for them but Afra decided to terminate it by summoning them downstairs to her room. She was lying down with a disgusting look on her face which the girls seems not to care.

"As you all know, I don't like anyone of you and I never will,I hate the sound of your voices and the sight of your ugly faces. That aside, all the house maids are on leave which means you girls are going to replace them until they come back and I want perfection in everything I asked you girls to do,no food for you,maybe you can get it outside or in school or whatever !hope I am cleared?" She said with so much venom in her voice. Hasny tried very hard not to laugh because it sounds funny,Kubrah rolled her eyes ,Aysha smirked ,waheedah frowned and Amina being the respectful one nodded.

Afra is beyond surprised ,deep inside she knows that the girls are kind of intimidating her,she hoped they will not tell her husband because she will be in for it,maybe lose her marriage which she hold so dear.

" That's not a problem aunty,after all it's part of home training,if we don't learn household chores now,whats going to happen if we get married?"says Hasny .

"Yeah ,just tell us what you want and we will do it" Kubrah assured and the rest nodded.

Afra opened her mouth several times to say something but nothing came out of it, she didn't expect them to agree with her without putting up a fight. she inwardly gulped knowing that this time around the tables are turned upside down. She motioned for them to leave not missing the triumphant looks on their faces including the girl she underestimated; Amina.


"Hey! One of you should fry egg and chips for me before going to school" Afra called from her room five days after Uncle Mujaheed's departure.

" Sorry aunty, we are already late for school you can cook it yourself or wait till we come back" Hasny retorted back and they went out of the house not caring to hear her reply .

"We are in for it today, I just hope she is in a good mood" says Amina.

"I don't really care,she could have told us earlier or since yesterday night,I came here to study not to be a house maid,though we can help out with the chores,that doesn't mean it will get in the way of our studies, I can't miss lecture because of her never!"Aysha says with disgust and they all laughed. Hasny high fived Aysha saying "way to go girl! It seems like you're getting some liver" she teased.

Later in the day,they meet at a small restaurant at school that serves special dishes,they all made their order and started eating.

"I think we should find a way to start cooking at home,we can get breakfast and lunch here but what of dinner and during weekends that we are not coming to school?" Waheedah suggested.

"Yeah you are right ,I suggest we buy some foodstuffs and start cooking,we just have to assign someone to tell her" Kubrah answered.

"I will go and meet her" Hasny shot her hand up excitedly and they all laughed because of the way she reacted, knowing she will deliver the message loud and clear.

" I'm not afraid of her you know, I will just tell her my mind" she smirked.

After school, Hasny went into Afra's room. She looked up to her

"what can I do for you ,young lady?" She asked

"Nothing much aunt, just wanted to inform you about the food arrangement we made .We decided to buy our stuffs including gas and everything if that's fine with you"Hasny confidently stated. Afra was shocked,she started nodding her head vigorously and Hasny being Hasny took that as a yes and squealed

"Thanks aunty "before she went out not even bothering to hear her reply. Afra raked her hands through her hair and huffed in frustration.

Short chappie, I know. Bear with me fellaz .Four days to eid in shaa Allah are you excited?
This chapter is dedicated to someone I have known for 5years now,a sister ,a friend and a sweetheart.Love you bae@haniphagidado.

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