Chapter Thirteen

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Assalamu alaikum readers !
Yeah I know it has been long when last I update and it's so unlike me ..I sincerely apologize for that .Hope you're all doing good and will continue to support my story .


Life have it's ups and downs but the faith and belief that everything that has a beginning must have an end keeps us going. Every faithful believer should know that every soul shall taste death because each day new babies are born into this world ,thousands of souls are also taken which brings grief ,sorrow and anguish to the loved ones of the deceased .That's exactly what happens with Hasny's family .After unsuccessful attempts of chemo and other medical stuffs for cancer ,her little sister finally answer the call of the Most High, who gives and takes away at the times He wishes ,not because He don't love us but because He is testing us and the patient ones will surely earn His reward .

Hasny cried her heart out and they all share her pain .

"It has been a week Hasny, please stop crying already and pray that she's in a better place" consoled kubrah who is wiping away stray tears on Hasny's face.

"I will miss my little pumpkin so much kubrah ,I will miss her and that's what hurts .Her memories are hunting me and it just hurts like hell to lose her " Hasny cried out in frustration.

"Don't you know that those who have faith in Allah and tell Him their problems are rewarded and Allah ease their pains and change their lives for the better? " asked Amina soothingly. They keep on showing her the effects of crying and the benefits of leaving everything in the hands of Allah for He never lets His servants down .

Since it is late, almost three in the morning Aysha and Waheedah helped Hasny to perform ablution and they all faced the qiblah to offer night prayers each of them bowing down before the most High and telling Him their problems ,thanking Him for his blessings and also praying for the deceased Muslims who passed away before us.


"What on earth am I seeing ?do you know what time it is? This is not your father's house I'm not gonna tolerate this nonsense!" Afrah shouted on top of her voice as she entered their room to find them all sleeping soundly at noon.

The truth is she hasn't heard their normal noise downstairs every morning when they are either making breakfast ,chatting or playing games ,she hate to admit even to herself but she love them all ,they've turned her boring lifeless house into a lively one full of love and laugher .Instead of waking them up politely ,she decided to shout at them which makes them all wake up with a start .Seeing that she's the cause of the noise that wakes them all up ,they start their early morning habit, dashing to the bathroom because they all hate waiting .Hasny was the first to reach followed by Aysha who whined as to how fast and wicked Hasny is .They forgot about Afrah who is standing by the door looking at them like a zombie ,finally ,having enough of the girl's banter ,she said something that not only surprised the girls but herself too 'get ready and come down for breakfast ' .As soon as she closed the door behind her, Waheedah squealed.

"wow I'm in LA LA LA land it's gonna rain with ice today ,like seriously?come down for breakfast ??"

"Because of the strong love and bound we share, I think we are now dreaming the same dream because that's exactly what I heard" Aysha says with an amused smile while Amina was too shocked to utter a word .

"Get ready fast before she change her mind ,it's not every day you get an offer of breakfast from the boss herself " says Kubrah who was trying to tie her scarf .Hasny comes out of the bathroom and she dramatically fainted ,hyperventilating hysterically saying that a miracle has happened . They all laughed out happily because she's getting back to her normal self and they can't wait to see her out of her shell.

After breakfast ,they all went out to the garden to sit and study. Over the period of their stay in Mujaheed's house they've made his garden their favorite study place.

" I can't wait for the semester to end so that I will fly home " says Aysha dreamily .

"Ouch ! That hurts you know? You mean to say you can't wait to stop seeing our faces ?" Asked Waheedah dramatically horrified .

" you're dumb sometimes Waheedah ,the bear is in love ,she can't wait to see her man" says kubrah with a wink .

" Yah Allah ,so many surprises for the day, don't kill me please " says Amina laughing .

" Aysha is in love? As in love love love? The kind of love I know ?like a relationship ??" Hasny asked.

"You girls should shut up ,it is a lie , I am not in love for the record " shouted Aysha with exasperation.

"Hahaha ,either you tell us or I investigate your phone " says Hasny .
They all laughed and joke around for a while before turning serious and studying their respective books.


Shorter than usual I know. Just manage it please.

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