Chapter Twelve

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You make me happy ,you make me smile ,you make everything OK. You're the highlight of my life ,the one my world revolves around like the planet does the sun.
Amina smiled at the text sent to her by Fahad as she came out of the lecture hall. All the stress disappeared and she is just eager to go home and prepare for a date with him .They always go out with one of the girls as a chaperone or meet at aunty Hanipha's house because Afra is still not aware of what's going on between them and Amina use to feel guilty sometimes because no matter how cruel she treats her ,she still consider her as a mother.

"Should I wear this or this ?" Amina showed Waheedah two abayas , a beige colour and a purple one.

"I think the purple will do " says Waheedah without even glancing at the abayas .

"Seriously Waheedah ?you didn't even look at the clothes " says Amina getting annoyed and impatient.

"Sorry bush ball,I know the colours that suits you that's why I didn't look up " apologized Waheedah who's typing on her laptop. Amina huffed in annoyance and went into the bathroom to freshen up.

An hour later,Fahad ,Amina and Waheedah were at the park with a picnic basket that contains their favorite foods. When Waheedah is occupied with her phone chatting with God knows who,Fahad whispered to Amina that she looks beautiful as always and purple looks great on her. She made a mental note to thank Waheedah later for giving her the advice to wear the abayah.

Fahad spotted a couple of almost seventy years of age and it warmed his heart to see them still in love over the years ,the obstacles, the misunderstandings, hurt and regrets. He want to have that with Amina ,he want to spend a life with her where he will be her knight in shining armor ,he will be the Romeo and she the Juliet ,a life where they will become best of friends and raise their kids according to the dictates of Islam. A life where they respect each other and bring the best out of each other because that will be the best life one could ever wish for.

"Earth to Fahad " Amina said loudly for the tenth time. Fahad smiled at her and turned his attention towards her.

"Sorry I zoned out,I was imagining my life with you in shaa Allah" he says with so much love in his heart that he won't be able to express even if he want to. Amina felt something pierced at her heart ,what had she done to deserve him ? A guy who makes her crazy and happy all the time? A kind person that knows what she likes and avoid hurting her ? He has always been gentle, warm and loving. She prayed that they will be together forever in jannah in shaa Allah.

" Fahad I am thankful to Allah for making our paths cross in life, without you I am an empty shell. You've brought so much love and laughter in my life I think I forgot how to cry. Whenever I think of you ,I use to smile because you're really a wonderful person that brings colour into the lives of those who are blessed to know you. To have known and love you is the greatest gift and I could never ask for more" says Amina softly not knowing that Waheedah had turned her attention towards them.

"Wow! That was wow Amina ! I wish I can say that to someone someday ,you're lucky to feel this way about him. May Allah continue to bless your relationship .Ameen " says Waheedah while Fahad sat there speechless with a million dollar smile only Amina had ever seen etched on his features .


Hasny never go to the library because to her she hates it when she can't talk whenever she wanted. But she don't have a choice except to go there and find a secluded area to cry out her heart. Life is not fair, she love her sister more than herself , why does cancer affect her sister not her? The child is too young ,just eight. She called home few hours back and she was told that her health is deteriorating and what frustrates her is that she can't do anything about it even if she wanted to ,as a big sister she want to protect her little one from all harm but not all you wanted you get in life.

She broke down and cried to her heart's content not knowing that Aysha had seen her going into the library and decided to follow and tease her about it.

"Subhanallah Hasny what happened ?why are you crying ?did someone die?" She asked with concern because she knows that whatever made Hasny cry is something serious. Hasny didn't respond to Aysha's concerned questions ,seeing that she is not ready to talk ,Aysha engulfed her in a warm tender hug, squeezing her hands to show her that she is there.

After a while ,they went home with the rest of the girls. Aysha told them what happened at the library and they all forced her to tell them what is bothering her. She told them everything including the truth about Afra , her sister and her dad. They understood her and sympathized with her.

Amina called Mujaheed and narrated everything to him excluding the part of the fight they had and Afra's mischief. He told her not to worry and assured her that in shaa Allah he will help Hasny's family to his last kobo.

"Alright dear, pass the phone to Hasny " says Mujaheed after his discussion with Amina .

"Assalamu alaikum uncle good evening" says Hasny with a shaky voice afraid that he will scold her for not telling him .

"Wa alaikumusalam dear, please stop crying , Allah has destined it to be so and he is testing you ,so be strong and pray for her because that is the only thing that will show you truly love her. I will talk to your dad and see what I can do to help ".


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