If I Want to

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No... no no no, I thought as I stared at the wreckage of our apartment. There were couch cushions and broken glass everywhere. There were feathers from pillows and the walls were covered with scratch marks.
Wait... I thought. Scratch marks... JUNE!
I hastily searched the house, looking for my exceed.
"JUNE! WHERE ARE YOU!" I finally yelled her name but there was no answer. If she was here, she definitely would have heard it and come running to me.
The first happy moment since my dragon had left me was June. Finding her, raising her, sharing secrets with her, crying wth her, she was like a sister to me!
But now that sister is gone.

Cana's P.O.V

I was walking home, just about ten feet away from the house when I saw that the door was open. So I jogged toward it and stepped inside, ran up the stairs, then walked down the hall to another open door that led to our apartment place. When I looked inside our place, I saw (Y/n) on the ground, crying.
"(Y-Y-Y/n)?" I stuttered out. She lifted her head to look up at me. Her face was bright red and wet. Her eyes were blood-shot and her eyelashes were tear-ridded. Her (h/l) (h/c) hair was stuck to her face. I dove down to hug her and she put her head on my shoulder and sobbed.
"W-what happened..?" I asked in a worried tone. She was wheezing and trying to catch her breath, so I went to get her a drink of water. Soon enough I found out that all the glasses were shattered and plastic cups were smashed, so I poured some water into my hands and ran over to her. She took my hands with her shaking ones and gulped down the water. She took a breath then sighed in satisfaction.
"O-ok, so I was w-walking in and I went to turn the handle to our a-apartment when I f-felt this weird sort of regret. A-anyway I opened the door and it looked like t-this. I saw scratch marks on the walls and I looked for J-June b-but I-I—" she started to bawl again.
"I C-COULDN'T FIND HER!" She slammed her head back into my shoulder and cried her eyes out.
"Don't worry, we will find her, I know it! I won't let you down! I promise!"
"What do you mean by we?" She asked with curious but sad eyes.
"Me and the guild of course!" (A/n: please don't say, "no it's the guild and I!" Trust me, I know I'm just too lazy to put it in XD.) "I mean, we are your friends, right? Everyone at the guild loves you! To be honest, your pretty popular!" (Y/n)'s eyes lit up and she smiled. She slowly stood up and looked at my with happy eyes.
"Ok, but you can't go without me! I mean, June is my exceed, right?"
I smiled and hugged her tightly. "Your right, she is your exceed! And the guild will be sad that she was taken, but happy to help!" (Y/n) hugged me back, and we both giggled and stood there in our broken home .

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