An Important Mission

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Your P.O.V

"SHUT UP YOU STUPID CLOCK!" I jolted out of bed and to my alarm clock. I picked it up, and threw it at the ground.
"Well, problem solved." I walk out of my room to come across a delicious smell. I follow the smell to find Cana at the stove cooking my favorite breakfast food, (f/b).
"Yes! Thank you Cana!" I squeal in excitement.
"Don't mention it!" As I sit down at the table, Cana takes the spatula, gets out a plate, and puts my breakfast on it. Then, she places it on the table and I dig in!
"Soooo," Cana says slowly. "We should get to the guild to start the search soon."
"Good idea," I say with my mouth full. "Just lemme eat first."

Time skip to the guild. Boom.

We walk through the guild doors and everyone looks at us. I give a slight wave and everyone waves back.
You can do this... Just believe. I think to myself. I clear my throat and tiptoe up and on to the stage.
"A-Attention, everyone." I stammer. Nobody heard me, better try again.
"A-ATTENTION EVERYONE!" I yell. Everyone looks over at me.
"Hey!" I heard someone say. I looked to see who spoke, and I saw that it was the pink haired dude.
"Are you gonna sing a song or something?" He asked.
"No," I loudly spoke. "Now is not the time. I need everyone's attention. When I left last night to go home, I walked in my apartment and everything was wrecked." I heard a few gasps. "There were scratch marks on the walls and I looked for my exceed, June, but I could not find her! She might be lost or hurt or in big trouble, and I need help looking for her. Can anyone, maybe just a few people, help me find and save my friend? Please?" I hold up my picture of her. She was smiling and jumping into my arms in the photo. Man I miss that.
I heard loud chatter and expected no one to raise their hand, but then someone's hand popped up out of the mass of guild members.
"I will!" It was the blue haired girl, I think her name was Lula, or something. "I'm good at tracking and I can crack codes." She proudly said. Then another one came. It was the pink haired dude, Natsu or something.
"I'm good at burning and melting stuff, and I can fight! I'm also good at tracking by picking up someone's scent!" I smiled. Then came three more hands. Gray, Blondie and— oh my god— Erza!
"We are all good at fighting and we would love to help!" They said in unison. I smiled and giggled at their kindness.
"Thank you! Thank you for volunteering to help me find June!" I yelled happily. I trotted down the side steps of the stage and went down to greet my helpers. They were in a group at a table with Cana. I ran up to them and squealed with happiness. I went and hugged down the line. First it was... oh yeah! Levy!
"Thank you so much! I'm so glad that you are helping me!" I said.
"It's a pleasure!" She replied. Then I went to the next one. Natsu.
"Thank you so much! It will be a pleasure having you help me!"
"I'm ready as ever!" He said as a ball of fire appeared in his hand. Then, Gray.
"Thank you so much for helping me!" I said as I smiled. His face turned a slight tint of red.
"I'm happy to help!" He said quickly. Then there was Lucy and Erza.
"Thank you so much! I have a feeling that with you, all of you, we can find my exceed and all return home safely!" I put my hand in the middle of the table. Soon enough the caught on to what I was doing and put their hands on top of mine.
"Ok, on the count of three, we all say, 'Let's go find June!' Got it?"
"Yup!" They say.
"One, two, three... LETS GO FIND JUNE!" Our hands shoot up and we all laugh and smile. I have a feeling, a strong one too, that we will find June, and be happy forever.

It's TIME for a TIME skip!

(A.n) now is the time where there will be different p.o.vs 👍

Lucy's P.O.V

The group practically skipped to wherever (y/n) was taking us. Speaking of that...
"Hey (y/n), where are you taking us?" I asked.
"Oh I'm sorry! I bet that no one even knew where we were going!" She laughed. "We're going to the train stati— oh god we are going to the train station."
"Yeah, what's wrong with that?" Levy asked.
"Well you see, there are two people, one of them being myself, have a bad case of motion sickness."
"OH COME ON!" All of us (except Natsu) exclaimed.
"I have a feeling this is going to be a long train ride..." Erza said. Then we boarded the train. And set off on our way to wherever we were going to find June.

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