Motivation- By Natsu

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Your P.O.V

"To the train station!" I yelled.
"Umm, excuse me?" Lucy asked in a worried tone.
"We don't know how long this is gonna take, and if it does take a while, I don't have any spare clothes or my whip. If I don't have those, I don't know what I would do!" she cried. I then realized that we went from the guild straight to the train station.
"AHHH! Your right! We don't have clothes or food or even money! We need to go to our homes right now!" I yelled. Everyone rushed in all directions, except for Erza, Gray, Natsu, and of course Cana.
"Don't you guys have to get things from your homes?" I asked. Erza and Gray laughed, and Natsu just stared.
"We don't have our own homes, so we crash at Lucy's place." Gray said, still chuckling.
"Wait, so you're all set?"
"Pretty much."
"Ok then." I said. "I guess that you can come with us..."
So we set off to our house, which before I left for the guild, cleaned until there was nothing left on the ground or on the walls. We walked inside and I immediately went to my room, and Cana to hers. I picked out my regular clothes, skirts, long socks and sweaters.I went very fast, stuffing everything in my bag, not wanting to be late. I grabbed a toothbrush, deodorant, my wallet and June's favorite type of fish, tuna. I put all of that stuff in my mini purse, then walked into the living room to see everyone waiting.
"Ok, I for one know that dragon slayers have a very distinct and accurate smell. Therefore, I give the "sniffing out" job to Natsu." I said. He gave me a weird look.
"But you're a dragon slayer as well, why can't you do it?" He asked me in a confused tone.
"Well, because...uh..." I started. "I kinda have know..."
"Just spit it out already!" Erza scolded.
"Your right!" I flew to the bathroom and spit out phlegm. I came back to see everyone confused.
"You see, I'm kinda...sick." I said. Then I coughed once more and flew back to the bathroom. I came back and everyone was laughing.
"What's so funny?" I asked, a bit annoyed.
"We all were just thinking about how bad the train ride is going to be for you, since you're sick and you have motion sickness!" Gray laughed. Even Erza was chuckling. I stomped on the ground, signaling them to stop laughing, until the saw Natsu standing behind me with a dissatisfied expression. 
"Mhm. And what about me huh?" Gray and Erza went into a laughing fit at Natsu's remark.
"Hey what's so funny?" Natsu asked.
"Yeah why is it so funny that you know we'll be dying on the train?" I pouted. Erza regained her composure, her face returning to its usual expression.
"I am sorry, please forgive me for my foolishness." Erza said. "But why did you keep you sickness a secret?" The best of the group nodded their heads and gave me confused expressions.
"Well, I assumed that you people would make fun of me, and I wasn't feeling tha—" I was cut off by Natsu.
"That's a stupid reason to be made fun of." I felt an arm sling around my shoulder and I tensed up.
"Besides, we would never do something like that. Fairy Tail isn't like that, especially the people who are a part of it. It's cause we're a family." Hearing that statement Gray, Erza, Lucy and Levy smirked. I lifted my head and looked up and spoke.
"Right," I smiled. "Let's do this! I'm ready for whatever life throws at me! Time to find June!"
"Aye!" We said in unison with Happy leading us. Heads turned and we heard comments like,
"Darn those Fairy Tail kids. Back in the day..." And "Wow those kids are weird..." But we didn't care. All I cared about was finding June. So we boarded the train, with Natsu's nose leading the way.

That is, until we get motion sickness and pass out. At least we know where we're going!

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