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Draco's P.O.V

"Harry please." I groaned kissing his mouth hard. I woke up so full of need so I woke Harry up to take care of it. It's not like he was complaining. He pulled away from my lips and nipped at my neck.

"What do you want Draco?" He asked.

"I want to ride you." I told him and he nodded. He spelled our clothes off and he leaned over on the table to grab some lube.

"Lay down baby." He told me and I did. He added a plentiful amount and started to stretch me. He put me in his mouth and I cried out as he prepped me. I grabbed a fistful of his hair from the best of my ability over the giant belly. I cried out as I came and he swallowed. He smirked and moved so I was straddling him. He lifted me up and put me on his dick.

"Harry." I groaned.

"You good?"

"So good." I told him and then lifted myself up slamming back down. I continued this process and then he met my thrusts. We stopped speaking until he met his first and I met my second climax for the day. I slipped off and then lied next to him.

"We have some time. Get some sleep." He told me and I closed my eyes falling asleep in his arms.


Harry's P.O.V

I was in Herbology trying to shred the roots and stem off a flower that could be used in various potions.

"I hate this." Ron mumbled. "Why can't Snape just do this himself?"

"You expect him to shred all these on his own?" Hermione asked.

"Well it's the greasy haired gits job." He mumbled and Hermione slapped him as I chuckled.

"Now it's ours." I chimed in and she slapped me.

"Hey you can't hit me, I'm pregnant." I told her pointing to the belly. Man that thing was heavy.

"You are not. You can take it off at any time. Now Draco, he can't. I wouldn't hit him anyway."

"How long are you going to wear that thing?" Ron asked and I sighed.

"Until Draco gives birth so around another two months."

"Sounds brutal." Ron said and I nodded in agreement.

"Potter!" My heart stopped at my name and I whipped around to face a pale Zabini. "D-Draco, he... he was hurt in Defense."

"What?!" I yelled rushing towards him.

"He was hit with a hex and he was in a lot of pain." He told me and I looked at him frantically. "They rushed him to the Hospital Wing. I was told to get you."

"Well come on!" I yelled. We ran out of the greenhouse and up towards the school. I was getting weighed down by the pregnancy belly so I ripped it off, threw it to the ground and sprinted into school. Zabini was right behind me when we got into the castle. I took a deep breath and ran to the Hospital Wing. I burst through the doors and looked around for Draco.

"Mister Potter, Mister Malfoy was rushed to St. Mungo's." She told me with wide eyes and my heart clenched.

"Why?" I panicked.

"He's gone into labor." She told me and I sprinted off leaving Zabini behind. I ran to the Headmistress' office and she looked at me with wide eyes.

"I need to go to St. Mungo's."

"By all means." She said and I hopped into the floo. I floo there and swayed but caught my balance. I ran to the healers station and caught my breath finally.

"I'm looking for Draco Malfoy." I told them and before they could answer, I heard Draco shouting.

"Potter! I'm gonna fucking kill you!" I sprinted to the direction of the voice. He was all the way down the hall to the left when I got to the door.

"Draco." I gasped bursting through.

"Harry." He growled as I made my way to him. Healers were feeding him all kind of potions.

"What happened?" I asked and he groaned.

"I was leaving Defense because we were doing hexes." He groaned in pain. "Professor said I was excused so I was on my way out when a stray hex hit me." He grit his teeth as a pain potion was given to him. He breathed a few times and started again. "It was only a stinging hex but it was a strong one. It rippled through me." He told me and sniffed a few times. Before I knew it he was in tears. "I-I'm so sorry."

"Hey shh, it's not your fault."

"What if they die?" He asked and I placed my forehead against his.

"I promise you that you'll it's gonna be okay. Just try to relax yourself okay?" I whispered. "I'm gonna let anything bad happen." He groaned in pain as tears ushered down his face.

"I love you." He told me. "I-if I can't be save because of this, it's okay."

"Hey, hey. No one is gonna die." I assured. "I'm not losing any of you, you're Potters and we get ourselves out of these situations." I told him and he chuckled. I wiped away the tears and pulled my forehead off of his. "How long until he delivers?" I asked one of the frantic healers who happened to be fussing in the corner.

"Another ten minutes." She admitted. "We're getting the babies to develop enough for them to sustain a livable environment." She said and I nodded. Draco cursed and grit his teeth.

"I hate you so much." He told me. "This is so fucking painful." He growled and I brushed a hand through my hair.

"I know."

"Do you Potter?" He snapped. "You haven't pushed anything out of a little hole, have you?" He growled and I suppressed a chuckle.

"I know but it's gonna be okay."

"No more after this. I swear." He took a deep breath. "Okay maybe just one more."

"Okay." I chuckled and he placed his forehead against mine. His tears and sweat were wetting my face. I gently petted his hair and he sniffled.

"I'm so sorry."

"Stop apologizing. It may be too early but we're gonna have our babies very shortly."

"I don't want them to die."

"And they won't. Just relax and let nature takes it course." I told him. He gulped but nodded and relaxed against the pillow. I needed to be calm but truth was, I was scared shitless. I looked at Draco who had his eyes closed with tears dripping out the corners. I slipped my hand in his and he relaxed. I kissed Draco's head as the Healer put another potion in his mouth and he swallowed. I gulped and held his hand tighter. "It's gonna be okay."

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