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Harry's P.O.V

            "Oh fuck Harry." Draco yelled through gritted teeth. "When we get done here I'm gonna castrate you with a cutting hex."

"Worry about that later." I told him. "Just focus on your breathing."  He took a deep breath and then the healers fed him another potion.

"Alright Mister Malfoy, it's time. Those babies are really upset in there." She said and Draco gripped my hand.  "One push should get one baby out, I reckon they're tiny." She said and the other healers gathered around to get prepared. "Go ahead." She said and Draco gave a scream as he pushed. I was in the perfect spot to comfort Draco but to watch my children be born. The first one came out, all bloody, and I let out a cry of happiness.

"We have a girl Draco! A baby girl." I sniffled.  She was so very small.  The baby was handed to another healer as Draco was getting ready to push again.

"Hurts too much." He cried squeezing my hand tightly. So tightly he might have broken it.

"I know, just once more." I assured. He nodded and gave another scream. He pushed hard and the little bloody baby slipped from him. "W-we have a boy." I told him kissing his head. They took the baby away. He rested against the pillow and started sobbing. "Shh, I'm so proud of you." I assured.

"They're three pounds each." The healer said gravely. "They're alive but they need Harry's magic to feed off of. We're rushing them to the NICU." She said and I nodded.  I looked to Draco who was still holding me tightly.

"I-I can't leave Draco." I said torn.

"Mister Potter it is impeccable you come with us." She commanded.

"Please don't leave me." Draco cried.

"Mister Potter now!" The healer said and I gently kissed Draco before parting. The last thing I saw was them giving Draco a calming draught.

We rushed to the NICU and they babies were put in little incubators. There was a chair I was pushed into.

"They need human contact with you." I was told as she was healing my broken hand. The babies hadn't cried once so I nodded. I placed one hand in each incubator and from the moment I touched their tiny hands, they began to cry. I let out a cry myself as they stared wailing. 

"Will they be okay?" I asked tearfully.

"Hopefully." She said and I nodded. I took in my daughter. She was wearing a pink hat and a diaper already. She had little puffs of blonde hair. Her skin tone, being pink from the breathing, was more my color than Draco's. She had Draco's chin but my nose. She had yet to open her eyes so I would see that later. I looked at my son and he looked exactly like his sister. He was wearing a blue hat and a diaper. They were perfect. I could see my magic was working because they had a glow to them. My daughter stopped crying first than her brother. With one sniffle, they opened their eyes and I gasped. They both had each one colored eye that matched mine and the other matched Draco's. "They're beautiful." The healer told me and I looked at her through my tears.

"Thank you." I said.

"They'll be needing a feeding soon. They seem healthy enough to eat on their own. We'll mix in small doses of things that will help them develop quicker. They'll need to stay here until they're at a good weight."

"What would be a good weight?"

"Six pounds." She said. "Three pounds doesn't seem much to you but they tend to lose weight while defecating." She told me and I nodded. As she exited, I started cooing to them softly and ran a hand over their tiny ones.

            "Welcome to the world baby Potter's." I told them. "I'm sorry for your lack of names, Mummy and I thought we had more time. But we'll have the best names for you. I promise."  There was a knock at the door and I looked up. The healer walked in with freshly made bottles.

            "Do you want to feed one?" She asked and I looked at how tiny they were. I looked back to her and she gave a kind smile. "It'll be fine." She said and I nodded. She walked over to my daughter so scooted closer to my son. I was given the bottle and I stuck it through the little window putting it to his lip. He smacked his lips together and took the bottle. I was giving him a little and then he moved his hand to mine. I swallowed my cry as he was holding me. He ate a bit and I looked to see the healer turning my daughter on her side to burp her gently. I did the same and when he let out a tiny burp, I smiled. "They're gonna sleep now so you can go see Draco."

            "Is he alright?" I asked.

            "He is just fine. The babies suffered the brunt end of the hex but after the birth we gave him a calming draught and bloody replenishers."

            "Okay." I nodded and I stood up. "Thank you."

            "You're quite welcome Mister Potter. And Congratulations." 

            "Thank you." I nodded my head and went through the hall. Narcissa was standing there demanding to find where Draco was.

            "Cissy!" I called and she looked up. "Draco's over here." I told her and she rushed over to me.

            "And the babies?"

            "We have a son and daughter. They're in the NICU." I said and she nodded. We walked into the room together and found Draco sleeping. She rushed over to his side as did I on the other side. She was petting his head as I grabbed his hand.

            "What happened? I got a call from the healer and she said Draco was hurt. And that he was in labor."

            "He was accidently hit with a hex." I told her. "From my understanding, he was excused from the lesson so he was on his way out when a Ravenclaw didn't block it in time and it hit him belly on."

            "Oh goodness."

            "They're alive. Three pounds but I can feel that they'll pull through." I explained and she smiled softly.

            "If they're anything like you, I am positive they will." She told me and I smiled.

            "Thank you."

Draco's P.O.V

            I felt hands running through my hair so I moaned and leaned in the touch.

            "Draco?" I heard and I slowly opened my eyes. I was still really sore from giving birth so I groaned softly. I was met with Harry's green eyes and he smiled. "Hey there baby."


            "Hi love, how are you feeling?"


            "I reckon." He laughed.

            "Are the babies okay?" I asked and he nodded pressing a kiss to my forehead.

            "They are perfect." He told me. "Both them have each of our eyes. They're a perfect combination of us." He said and I let out a cry of happiness.

            "When can I see them?" I asked.

            "Whenever you're up for it. Your mother is up there, she thinks they're beautiful."

            "Mother is here?"

            "Yes, she came to see you. I brought her up to see her grandchildren." He said and I smiled. "Draco?"


            "We need to name them." He told me and my face fell. "I've been calling them baby boy Potter and baby girl Potter." He said and I smiled.

            "We'll come up with something." I said and he nodded. "I want to see them now."

            "Okay, let me get a healer." He told me and I nodded. He left the room and came back with a healer moments later.

            "A congratulations is in order Mister Malfoy." She spoke and I have a smiled. "Let me check you over and then you can see your children." She told me and I nodded. She waved her wand and nodded having the quill write it in my records. She summoned a wheelchair and then had Harry help me into it.

            "Why do I need this?" I asked as he lowered me in.

            "It's procedure. You can walk again later." She told me and I nodded. The healer and Harry wheeled me to the NICU where my mother was. She gasped when she saw me and embraced me in a hug.

            "Congratulations." She told me and kissed my head.

            "Thank you mother." I told her.

            "They are just so precious. I'm gonna floo call Severus and let him know everything is alright." She said and I nodded. She gave Harry a hug and then left the room. I chewed my lip nervously as I was wheeled to me in the middle of the incubators. When my eyes landed on my children, I gasped.

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