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Draco's P.O.V

            My babies. They were so tiny. So very tiny! I didn't get to see them after the birth because they were whisked away with Harry.

            "Oh merlin." I whispered.

            "You can't hold them just yet. Just touch them." She told me and I nodded. I wheeled over to my son first and touched his little hand. He was sleeping so when I touched him, he moved closer to me in his sleep.

            "They're feeding from your magic sweetheart." Harry told me. "If they feed from both of our magic, they will be out of here in no time." He told me and I nodded.

            "He's beautiful. He looks just like us." I rasped getting choked up. "When do you think they'll be ready to leave?"

            "It depends on how fast they gain weight. You're both pretty powerful and they responded well with the bottles. They can leave maybe in two weeks." The healer said and I smiled.

            "Really?" Harry asked.

            "Yes. I take it you two aren't at Hogwarts anymore?"

            "Well you see, we were. But we've made arrangements to live with my mother for a bit." I explained and she smiled.

            "Sounds perfect." She told us. "I'll let you all have some time alone."  She left the room and Harry sat on my lap. I buried my face into his chest and let a quiet sob.

            "Hey shh, why are you crying?" He asked.

            "They're so tiny." I told him. "So very tiny."

            "Shh it'll be okay."

            "I know." I sniffled. "But they so small. How are we gonna do this?"

            "We're gonna do this just fine."  He assured and pet my hair. A few moments passed where I calmed down. "We need to name them." He told me. "I promised them we'd give them good names."

            "You did?" I smiled and he nodded. "We can think of good names. Maybe we can name them after someon-"

            "No they deserve their own names. I have an idea."

            "We can name the babies after the initials of our parents. Like I name one of them and their name begins with a J and their middle name is an L. For you it would be L and N."  He suggested and I smiled.

            "I like that idea."  I said. "Can I name the boy?" I asked and he smiled.

            "Sure. I'll name our little girl."  He wiped a stray tear away from my eye. He got off of me and then helped me stand. He walked me over to our little girl who was awake now but just awake moving her tiny arms and legs.

            "They seem to be strong for being so tiny." I said and Harry wrapped an arm around my waist. "If they're so tiny, why did I have such a belly?"

            "Cause of the water weight." The healer came back in the room. "We need to change them. I would suggest, if you want, you leave."

            "Why?" Harry asked.

            "After we need to see how much they weigh. See how much they've gained or lost."

            "And you don't want us to panic." Harry said.

            "Exactly." She told us and we sighed.  "You probably have some people to talk to."

            "Okay come on love, we can call Blaise. He was really worried about you." He told me and I nodded. He wheeled me back to our room, helped me on the bed and he grabbed a mirror out of his sock.

            "Hey." He spoke softly. "Hermione." He said and then miraculously Granger's face appeared.

            "Harry?! Is everything okay?" She asked and he sat in the chair next to the bed.

            "Everything is okay." He told her. "We have one little boy and a little girl." He told her and she gasped.

            "Harry, that's great." She piped. "How is Draco?"

            "He's a bit sore." He told her. "But he's well." We heard other people walked in and then all of our friend came into view. Harry handed me the mirror and kissed my head before walking out.

Harry's P.O.V

            I walked out of the hospital and somewhere that I couldn't be seen. I put silencing spells around me and I just let it out. I cried and screamed. It wasn't fair. Why did everything happen to me? Why couldn't something just go right for once?! I sat there for about ten minutes before wiping my eyes and canceling the silencing spell. I walked back into the hospital and towards Draco's room. When I walked in, he was finished speaking in the mirror and resting. I sat next to him and he looked at me.

            "Where did you go?" He questioned.

            "To get fresh air." I told him. He studied my eyes so I cleared my throat. "What did they say?"

            "They're all gonna visit tomorrow. The healers told me I have to stay a bit because it was a premature birth."


            "Mother got a hotel room and you can stay with her."

            "I'd rather stay with you." I told him and he smiled.  "Maybe we can use the time to think of names."

            "Okay." He sighed. "I'm sure they have baby books here. Can you get one?" He asked and I nodded. I got up and went to the station. Sure enough they had a book so I brought it back to my boyfriend.

            "What's today's date?"

            "January 14th, why?"

            "It's our twins birthday!" I told him and kissed his cheek. "Now we need to get charms for each of them. Um with their names."

            "When we find good ones. Remember I'm naming the boy." He reminded and I smiled.

            "How could I forget?" I teased and he scooted over so I could sit with him. I opened the book of names and he rested his head on my shoulder.

            "Why were you crying?" He asked.


            "Before. I know you were crying because your eyes were all puffy."

            "I'm fine."

            "Please tell me?" He pleaded so I sighed.

            "It's just a lot to take in." I admitted. "Nothing ever goes the way I want it to. Nothing ever goes right." I told him and small tears slid down my face. He gently wiped them away and kissed my neck.

            "Things may not go how we plan but we can make it work as much as we can." He said and I nodded not trusting my voice. "Harry, don't worry alright? We'll take it day by day."

            "And what happens when we can't?"

            "Hey none of that talk honey. We're Potter's. We can get anything life throws at us."  He told em and I smiled.

            "I love you."

            "And I love you." He said. I hoped he was right. Life from now on wasn't going to be easy but we were strong enough to get through it.

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