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Third Person P.OV

            Draco and Harry were almost giddy with excitement. Their babies were now around five pounds and they were allowed to hold them.  They walked into the nursey ward, the twins were deemed healthy enough to leave the NICU, and sat in a private room. Draco grasped Harry's hand as they waited for the healer to bring them their children.

            "They're already two weeks old." He said to Harry. Draco had been discharged after three days so he and Harry moved into the hotel for the time being.

            "I know! And then hopefully soon we can take them home." Harry whispered and then the healer walked in with two little bundles in her arms. She gave them a huge smile and handed a baby to each of them.  Harry got the boy as Draco held his daughter. They were both awake and staring up at their parent.

            "Have you two thought of names?" She asked.

            "Yes." Harry said cooing down to his son. He started to get choked up and looked up at the healer.

            "Good. They wouldn't be able to leave the hospital if that was the case." She smirked.

            "Does that mean we can take them home?" Draco asked and she smiled.

            "You may. I'll have their birth certificates made."  She said. "What are the names?"

            "Well here we have Liam Nolan Potter. It means Strong mind and Famous." Harry said and Draco smirked.

            "Very nice." The healer smiled. "And your little girl?"

            "She is called Jay Leanne Potter." Draco told her. "It means various and beautiful." Draco shifted her in his arms. He leaned down and kissed her nose.

            "Are you ready to take them home today?" She asked and they grinned.

            "We can?" Harry asked and she nodded.

            "Then yes we are. Mother has the manor already for them." Draco cooed.

            "Excellent." She told them. "They'll be discharged in about an hour." She explained and then walked out.

            "Harry." Draco gasped. "We're really doing this." He rasped and then put his forehead against his little girl's. "Hi princess, mummy loves you." She wrapped her little hand around his finger.

            "You should let your mum know we're coming back. We can get settled and I'll go to the hotel to get our stuff."  Harry told his boyfriend. He leaned down and kissed his son who was squirming.  "Ah you're an active little boy." Harry cooed. Another healer walked in and Harry asked her to call Mrs. Malfoy and she was kind enough to do it for them. She arrived quickly as the two switched babies.

            "Ah I'm so excited!" She squealed. "May I hold one?" She asked and Harry nodded.

            "This is little Jay."

            "Just a pretty name." She cooed and cradled the baby in her arms. Jay was sleeping so Narcissa gently swayed. "It's been far too long since I held a baby. Draco was the last baby I held and to think I'm holding his daughter is so exciting."

            "Yeah yeah." Draco laughed holding Liam. "We're both mummies." Draco said and Narcissa kissed Draco's head.

            "I'm so proud of you Dragon."

            "Thank you mother." Draco smiled.

            "Are we ready?" Harry asked and they nodded. "Let's go then. Cissy, you good holding the baby?"

            "I am." She nodded. The trio walked out and into the fireplace. Harry floo ahead to catch the pair in case they stumbled. They came out flawlessly and the twins didn't wake up once.

            "Welcome home my little angels." Harry cooed taking his son.

            "Their room is right next to your old one Draco." Narcissa said handing their daughter over to him. Draco nodded and then the pair made their way upstairs.

Draco's P.O.V

            "Harry?" I asked placing down Jay in her crib.

            "Yes?" He asked bringing me into his arms.

            "Can you ask one of the house elves to get our stuff? I don't want you to leave me."

            "I'll only be gone for a few minutes. I'll apparate to the hotel get our stuff together and then leave."

            "Please?" I asked and he nodded. He kissed my neck so I snapped to get a house elf. One appeared and I asked it to get the stuff.

            "Come. They'll be sleeping for some time. Let's go rest."

            "Okay." He pulled me out of the room and into our bedroom which was now filled with our stuff. We got into bed and he pulled me into a feverish kiss. I devoured his mouth and started suck on his bottom lip. We pulled away and I smiled.

            "Merlin Draco." He spoke and I kissed his neck.     

            "Harry." I started to suck on his neck leaving a love bite. I rolled over on top of him and started to kiss him again. I let my tongue slip into his mouth and he moaned. I moved slightly and that was enough to cause friction. Friction that made me want to take him right there. And I would have if it weren't for a tiny pair of lungs that started to sound. I growled as he groaned in frustration.  I walked into the nursey and picked my crying son. "Shhh." I hushed him and went to accio a bottle. However he rolled closer to my chest rubbing his face against it. Curiously I took off my shirt still holding the crying baby and put him closer to my nipple. I had noticed they had engorged a bit since I gave birth but paid no mind to it. He started to suckle and I gasped. "Harry! Harry come here!" I yelled and he ran in.

            "Draco? Is everything- what?" He stopped.

            "I can breast feed!" I told him. "The healer never said anything about that."

            "That's amazing!" He said and then kissed me. As my son finished, I burped him and then put him back in his crib. Just as I put him down, Jay started to cry. I groaned and picked her up repeating the same action. Harry laughed and kissed my cheek.  "Welcome to twin parenthood." Harry chuckled. Jay finished eating and I burped her but she just about kept her eyes open. I placed her down in her crib and put my shirt back on. I winced,

            "They're sore now."

            "I'm sorry." He pressed his lips against mine.  "You'll get used to it." He said and I smiled. 

            "I love you."   

            "And I love you."

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