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Mature Content

Harry's P.O.V

            You know, I had been up for days at a time. Defeating Voldemort and all. So I thought the lack of sleep you get from a new baby would be a piece of cake. I was wrong. When one baby was asleep, the other was awake. When one of them needed a diaper change, the other wanted to be fed. Draco was now breast feeding the twins. His mother told him it will help him bond better with them.  I was holding a crying Liam trying to calm him down.

            "Draco. I think he's hungry." I urged as Draco changed Jay.

            "No that's not his hungry cry. That's his 'I want mummy cry'." He told me.

            "Then take him from me." I told him in disbelief. But he shook his head and lifted Jay.

            "He can't always get what he wants Harry." He told me.

            "He's barely a month old!" I defended. He sighed and put Jay back in her crib. He took the crying baby from me and gently rocked him.

            "Aww shh mummy is right here." Draco cooed then looked to me. "I can't always be there to take the baby. You need to bond with them too."

            "I'm trying me best."

            "Well you need to try harder." He said and then put Liam, who fell asleep, back in his crib.  He walked over to me and kissed my cheek.  "Come, let them sleep. I know you're exhausted but we have time alone." He winked and I smiled. He pulled me out of the nursery and into our room. He pinned me against the wall and started to kiss me. "Hop up." He said and I hopped up wrapping my legs around his waist.

            "Can we do this standing up?" I panted and he nodded. He spelled off our clothes and put a lubrication spell on himself.

            "Want to be prepped?" He asked and I shook my head. He nodded against my neck and started to inch in. I chewed on my lip because it hurt like bitch. I guessed Draco could sense that because he stayed put. "You good?"


            "I can still prep you." He suggested and I shook my head. I took a deep breath and nodded for him to go. He started to slowly rock into me. He let a low moan and I gasped.

            "Faster." I panted and he went as fast as he could while standing. "Harder." I told him. He started to go harder but then he hit something that made me yelp. "Ow fuck hold on. Ow." I told him. He stopped immediately.

            "What's wrong?" He asked and I winced.

            "I'm in pain."

            "A lot?" He asked and I tried to shake my head but ended up nodding. "Okay, I'm gonna pull out." He told me and I nodded. He slowly pulled out and I winced. He let me put my feet on the ground and then gasped. "Harry, merlin you're bleeding."

            "S'fine." I told him and look down. Blood was seeping down my bare leg.

            "No it's not!" He yelled. "Come on and lay down." He said and I took a step but wobbled a bit. He grabbed my waist and gently brought me to the bed. "Lay on your belly Harry." He told me and I did. He cleaned the blood up and I took a deep breath. "Are you still in pain?" He asked and I nodded.  "Okay, let me see if we have any pain potions."

Draco's P.O.V

            At Harry's grunt, I walked out of the room after putting on boxers. I ran towards the bathroom only to hit into someone.

            "Draco, I understand this is your home but please do watch where you're going." Severus said.

            "Uncle Sev why are you here?" I asked and then shook my head. "Um do you so happen to have a pain potion on you?"

            "What's happened to Potter this time?" He asked opening his cloak to pull the vile out.

            "Well he and I were being intimate." I blushed heavily. "And well I've seem to have made him bleed." I told him and his eyes widened.

            "Draco, this is much more serious. He could have severe damage to his anal cavity." He said and I bit my lip. "Well take me to him." He said and I nodded. We walked off to our room after I checked on the sleeping babies, and walked in.  Harry was, of course, naked faced down on the bed but Snape paid no mind to it.

            "Mister Potter." He sneered.

            "Snape?! What are you doing in here?" Harry squeaked and I sighed.

            "Sweetheart. Severus fears I have hurt you internally. He's gonna check you over to see if that's the case."

            "Oh merlin." Harry muttered.  "Okay." He waved a hand. Snape rolled his eyes and quickly scanned Harry. As parchment came out of the wand, Severus took it and read it over.

            "Just as I thought." He said. "Mr. Potter it seems you've tore your anal wall." He said and Harry's face turned crimson. He buried his face into the pillow and I looked at Sev.


            "So I will give him a potion to heal it but that means no sex for six weeks."

            "Six weeks?!" I yelled and he scowled along with Harry.

            "I just need to brew it and it should take about an hour. Stay like this." Sev said and then sauntered out of the room with his cloak swaying behind him.

            "I told you I should have prepped you." I swatted him arm.

            "Please, I'm embarrassed enough." He said and I sighed. I rested my head on his shoulder blade.

            "I'm sorry."

            "It's not your fault love." He said. "Come try and get some sleep now that we have time."


            Harry and I each had a baby on our chests. We were on the sofa as we gently played with them. I was making faces at our daughter and she was just staring at me intently.        

            "You know my little princess, if you get pregnant while you're still in school, I may just have to kill you." I cooed and I heard Harry gasp.


            "Aw come on Harry, you know it true."

            "And what if Liam gets another person pregnant? What then?"

            "Then he will need to pick up the responsibility."

            "Such a double standard." He mumbled and I kissed Jay's nose. I sat up and then handed her to Harry who in turn handed me Liam.

            "And you my prince, if you get someone pregnant, I'll probably castrate you."

            "Draco!" Harry scolded.

            "Oh you're so hostile Harry. I'm only teasing." I defended. "I couldn't hurt any of my children." I pressed a kiss against my son's nose and then wrinkled mine. "Smells like someone made a stinky. Papa is gonna take care of that for you." I said and Harry rolled his eyes.

            "Fine." He huffed and stood up. We switched babies again and he kissed my lips. "You get the next one."

            "Oh no. I pushed them out and you need to change dirty diapers until they're one... or until we have another. Whichever comes first."

            "Whatever you say." He laughed walked away.  Jay was slowly falling asleep and I smiled feeling myself doze. "I love you my princess, I can't imagine my life without you." She a cooing sound and then we fell asleep together.

So my best friend is at Harry Potter World with his boyfriend and I'm so jealous.

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