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Harry's P.O.V

About a month and a half later, I was eating lunch in the Great Hall. I looked up and Draco hadn't arrived yet which seemed odd because he was always on time for meals. I was just about to tell Hermione how I found it odd when he walked in the hall and stalked over to me.

"Harry." He said to me. "Can you come outside with me for a moment?" He asked and I nodded. I got up and walked out silently with him. When I walked out, he slammed me against the wall and kissed me hard.

"Draco." I moaned against his lips. He pushed himself up against me and I cried out at the contact. I pushed him away slightly so I could pull him into the broom closet. We continued kissing and then we did it. In the broom closet. When we were finished, we slumped against the wall panting. "What was that?" I asked brushing a hair out of his face smiling.

"I've just been horny all morning!" He groaned.

"You say that like it's a bad thing." I chuckled.

"But it is." He told me and kissed me gently. "Like last night I had an intimate dream about us. So realistically I took care of the problem. But then I just couldn't shake the feeling and it was just too much." He told me and I chuckled.

"Well is the feeling still there?" I asked and he shook his head. "Okay then let's go back to lunch."

"Great cause I'm starving." He told me and I smiled. We joined hands and walked into the great hall. I pulled him to sit with me and he came obliged without a fight. We sat down and started eating the chicken.

"Harry, did you happen to do the potions essay that mione won't let me copy?" Ron asked and I looked at him.

"Potions essay? When is that do?" I asked.

"Tomorrow morning. It's three feet on the effects of Amorentia on body and mind." Hermione sighed heavily. "Seriously, do you two ever pay attention?"

"Nope." I said popping the P. I looked at Draco to ask him if I could take his but he turned a ghostly pale. "Draco? Are you alright?"

"I-I don't feel so well." He told me before turning over and barfing on the ground. Everyone jumped away and I vanished the vomit. I rubbed his back as he wiped his mouth.

"Come on sweetheart, let's get you to bed."

"Harry, take him to Madam Promfrey." Hermione suggested and I shook my head.

"No he's probably just under the weather." I told them and helped him stand up. I wrapped my arm around his waist and walked left the hall after saying my goodbyes. We walked to the dungeons and he mumbled the password. I walked him to his dorm and lied him on bed.

"Are you feeling anything other than nausea?" I asked.

"My head hurts a bit." He said and I nodded.

"Get some rest and skip classes for the rest of the day." I told him and he pouted.

"Can you stay with me?" He asked and I sighed.

"I have to go to classes." I told him. "But I'll tell you what. I'll stay with you the entire night."

"Okay." He pouted. I kissed his forehead which seemed a bit warm.

"Get some rest. I love you."

"I love you too." He mumbled and closed his eyes. I walked out quietly and Blaise was in the common room. He smirked at me but didn't say anything as I walked out.


I got back to his room during dinner and he was sleeping peacefully. I had packed a few essentials since I was staying the night and I also brought food with me. I crept closer to his bed and sat on the edge of it.

"Draco." I whispered and he moaned moving in his sleep. "Draco love, you need to eat something."

"G'away." He told me and I sighed.

"No love, wake up." I shook him gently and his eyes snapped open.

"Harry!" He whined. "I'm sleepy."

"Well you need to eat." I insisted. "How are you feeling?"

"Alright. What did you bring me?" He asked and I smiled.

"Some soup." I told him. He sat up as I got it out of the basket. I placed it on his lap and he looked at me with puppy dog eyes. "What?"

"Feed me?" He pleaded and I rolled my eyes but nodded. I took the spoon and blew on the soup before bringing it to his lips. He gratefully took the soup and smiled. I continued the process until most of the soup was gone. "That was good."

"I'm glad you think so." I laughed and then pulled out something for me to eat. It was simple ham sandwich. I took my first bite and that sent Draco running to the bathroom. "Draco?" I called.

"Smells." He groaned. I let him finish in the bathroom as I ate my sandwich. I finished it just as he was coming out. He whimpered as he lied down. "Brush your teeth and then lie down with me."

"Okay." I told him. I walked into his bathroom and brushed my teeth. I stripped from my clothes and got into the bed with him. He curled up to me allowing me to be the big spoon as I rubbed his belly. "Get some sleep."

"Alright. I love you Harry."
"I love you too Draco."

Draco's P.O.V

The next morning I was getting dressed and I was trying to button my trousers. They were not cooperating with me and I groaned.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked walking out in his school robes all dressed.

"My trousers aren't working! I can't button them!" I sighed and he eyed me before smiling slightly.

"You got a small belly going there." He told me and I gasped looking down at my stomach. It was only slightly protruding.

"How do I have a belly?" I pouted and he smiled.

"I don't know but I think it's cute." He kissed my lips gently. "How are you feeling?"

"Better actually." I grinned. "Ready for potions? Have you done your assignment?" I asked and he paled. "I'll take that as a no. Come on, we mustn't be late." I said and grabbed his hands. We walked out and towards potions. We got into the classroom and waited for everyone to arrive. Finally Snape arrived.

"Alright, hand in your assignments then go to your work tables to begin the potion." Severus yelled and everyone scurried to do so. Harry ran to our work table as I handed my assignment in. Severus nodded his head towards me as I did it back.

"Okay, um can you cut the dragon's heart?" Harry asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Fine." I huffed. I took the heart in hands and blood oozed out of it. I got really dizzy and nauseas. I was just about to tell Harry that he should do it before I got really hot. I swayed and hit the ground hard. Harry's scream for Snape to help was the last thing I heard before I lost consciousness. 

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