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Harry's P.O.V

            "Hunny, I'm home!" I yelled when I walked through the house.

            "We're in the kitchen." Draco yelled back. I walked into the kitchen and Draco, with the help of Kreacher, was feeding the twins. When they saw me they both started to reach out for me. "Hi baby."

            "Hi love." I pressed a kiss to his lips. I patted his three month belly and then went over to the twins.

            "So I was thinking." Draco started as I allowed Kreacher to hand Liam over to me.

            "Yeah?" I questioned as I gave Liam the rest of his bottle. "What about?"
             "I want to meet your family."

            "What?"  I asked looking at him.

            "I want to meet those muggles who raised you."

            "I told you no." I shook my head.

            "But how bad could it be?" He asked and I sighed.

            "They hate magic Draco. They think it's freaky."

            "But I want to meet them. I was the son of Lucius Malfoy, I can take it." He told me and I still shook my head no. "Is it cause you're ashamed of me? Are you ashamed that you're married to such a fat gross bastard?!" He started crying so I quickly stood up.

            "No no." I assured. "Draco I would never be ashamed of you. I love you."

            "Then let me meet them." He cried. "I want to meet them. They are, after all, the only family you have other than me."


            "Harry Potter!" He yelled. "I WANT TO MEET YOU FAMILY IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK?!" He yelled and then started crying. The babies instinctively started crying as he did so I sighed.

            "Okay okay." I put my hands up in defense. "We can meet them this weekend." I said and he sniffled.

            "Are you just saying that or do you really mean it?" He asked.

            "I really mean it. The twins can spend the day with one of their godparents and we can go to Surrey." I told him and he took a gulp.

            "Okay." He sniffled. I sighed and kissed his nose.

            "Don't let them get you down." I told him. "Okay?" He agreed by nodding his head. I just hoped this surprise visit wouldn't get any of us three, the fetus mostly, hurt.


            We knocked on the familiar door of four privet drive. Draco's bump was mostly covered by his robes and I let my hand slip in his waiting for either of them to open the door.

            "I hope you ate before we left because they aren't going to offer you anything." I told them and he looked at me.

            "They can't be that bad. Not as bad as my late father Harry." He told. "But yes, Kreacher made me a nice bowl of mixed veggie soup for lunch." He licked his lips and I smiled.

            "I'm glad for that." I patted his back and then the door opened a crack. Uncle Vernon's eye peered out and it grew wide when he saw me. He swung open the door and he glared at me.

            "What are you doing here Potter!?" He yelled.

            "We're just here to talk." I assured.

            "We're?" He asked and I looked over to Draco. "Another freak I presume."

            "Yes I suppose, may we come in?"

            "Why should I let you?"

            "I just want to have a conversation with you and Petunia. After all, you are my last living relatives on my mother's side."

            "Fine, one hour you have." He told us and then allowed us in. We walked into the kitchen and Aunt Petunia was there. Her eyes widened and she glared at us.

            "What are you doing here?"

            "Nice to see you too." I mumbled. "May we speak?" I asked. She looked at Vernon who grunted and then sighed.

            "Fine yes. Go on sit." She shooed us to the table. I pulled Draco's chair out and he very carefully sat down. They sat across from us and then looked at us.

            "Well talk." Vernon barked.

            "I've come here today because my husband wanted to meet my relatives. My muggle relatives." I added. They both looked like they paled considerably and Petunia gulped.

            "Husband?" She whispered in horror.

            "Yes husband. We've been married for a month now." I told them.

            "And why would you want to meet us?" Vernon asked Draco.

            "Because I've heard stories. I just wanted to meet the people who housed the boy who lived." He said.

            "Well he was nothing but a freaky nuisance if you asked me." Petunia hissed. "Always bringing those other weirdos with the red hair."

            "The Weasley's." Draco supplied. "They are very weird." Draco added.

            "Anyway." I cleared my throat. "Draco here wanted to meet you. I've tried to tell him otherwise but he has it stuck in his head."

            "Other than a freaky nuisance, he had to have been a help around the house." Draco looked around sneering slightly at everything around.

            "Well of course he had a list of chores." Vernon grunted. "No supper unless he finished them." He said and Draco's eyes widened.

            "You were neglectful?"

            "Not neglectful." They shook their heads. "Those were the rules." Just as I was going to cut in, the door opened and closed. We turned and Dudley just walked in.

            "Oh hey it's Potter." He taunted.

            "Nice to see you again Dudley, I see you're still living with your parents."

            "Ah at least I got those." He said and I winced. I felt Draco's hand tense in mine at the familiar insult.

            "Yes but I'm living on my own with a husband and two children with one on the way." I sneered. "Who really turned out great?"

            "Wait, did your beluga of a son need to do chores?" Draco asked.

            "No dudikins was all too precious to do such things. Now what do you mean 'another on the way'?"

            "Well Draco is pregnant." I said.

            "Males can't get pregnant dipwad." Dudley argued.

            "Pureblood wizards can." I said and all their faces scrunched up in disgust.

            "That is the freakish thing that ever is!" Vernon blew up. "Out! Out of my house and never return with this... this freak!" He yelled. I rolled my eyes and grabbed Draco. But before we rushed out of the house I stopped at the cupboard and turned around.

            "Remember how you locked me in here because Dudley needed two rooms? Yeah not neglectful at all." I hissed and pulled Draco out.  We portakeyed back home and Draco glared at me.

            "How could you not tell me they were neglectful?" He yelled.

            "I did sort of!" I told him.

            "They locked you in a bloody cupboard! And made you do all the chores!"

            "Well I survived didn't I?"

            "Barely!" He yelled. "They practically starved you! No wonder you was so skinny!" He yelled. He seemed livid about this part of my life. "Gods Harry! Even their whale of a son was horrid to you!" He yelled and then doubled over with a groan.

            "Draco?" I asked and he grabbed his belly.

            "It hurts." He told me and I kneeled in front of him.

            "Can you take a deep breath?" I asked and he tried but gripped my shoulder. "Okay, we're going to the hospital." I said. I stood up and carried him bridal into the floo hoping that the baby wasn't harmed.

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