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Third Person P.O.V

            Harry and Draco spent their last day of their vacation just lounging around. They shared a bubble bath and talked for hours. Both were reluctant to leave because after the honeymoon, Harry would work full time at Weasley's Wizard Wheezes with Fred and George. Fred was around three months pregnant and in his fifth month he'd go on leave until the baby was three months old. After the bath the two moved to snuggle in the bed.

            "Harry?" Draco whispered.

            "Yes my love?" Harry turned on his side in the bed a bit.

            "Can we make love?" Draco asked. "But I want to top."

            "Are you sure?" Harry asked.

            "Yes, I miss topping you." Draco said and Harry smirked.

            "Okay baby." Harry said pulling Draco closer. He kissed Draco lovingly and placed him on his lap. "Go for it." Harry whispered. And he did. They made love... twice and Draco collapsed onto Harry feeling more content than he's ever felt. He yawned and checked the time. It was only nearing 4:30 but he sure was hungry. He patted his belly and bit his lip.  "Are you hungry sweetheart?" Harry asked.

            "Yes so much so." Draco groaned.

            "Okay we can have an early dinner, what do you feeling like eating?"

            "Mmmm a turkey and roast beef sandwich with pickles, ketchup and mayonnaise." Draco licked his lips and Harry grimaced.

"Um okay." Harry said and then laughed. "Will you be okay here alone while I go for the food?"

"Can't you just um get someone else to do it?" Draco asked.

"There is no one else. I'll only be ten minutes. Watch TV or something."
"TV?" Draco cocked his head to the side. "Is that what the box is for?" He pointed to the

large television across from the bed.

            "Yes." Harry got out of bed, put some clothes on, and handed Draco the remote. "I'll be right back." He pressed a kiss to Draco's head and walked out. Draco sighed and sat up against the headboard and pressed the power button. The TV powered on and he was flipping through the channels when he came across a movie. Marley and Me. He decided that even though it seemed to be in the middle of the movie he'd watch it.

            When Harry came back into the room, Draco was a sobbing mess.

            "Drake? What happened?" He placed the sandwiches on the table and rushed over to his husband.

            "T-the golden animal thing was murdered! Why would someone get that on camera?!" Draco cried and Harry sighed. He sat on the bed and pulled Draco into his chest. He ran his fingers through Draco's hair and soothed his back.

            "Hey shh it's okay Draco. It's fake." Harry assured. "They're pretending and the dog isn't really dead." Harry said.


            "He's alive. I promise you." Harry said and Draco looked up.

            "Are you sure?"

            "I am positive. Are you ready to eat?" He asked and Draco nodded. Harry pulled Draco out bed, allowed him to put some boxers on, and they sat at the table to enjoy their meal. Draco took one bite of his meal and moaned at the taste.

            "So good, thank you baby." Draco murmured with his mouth full. Harry laughed and took a bite of his meatball hero.

            "So are you excited to see the twins tomorrow?" Harry asked. "We'll check out and then I have a portakey."

            "Yes of course! My babies, they must miss me so much." Draco cooed taking another bite of his sandwich.  He swallowed and then whimpered. Harry heard and he looked to Draco quickly,

            "What?" Harry asked standing up to check Draco over.

            "I-I miss my babies!" He burst into tears. Harry sighed and hugged Draco. He knew the poor man would be emotional but the mood swings always got to him.

            "We will see them tomorrow." Harry assured.

            "I want to see them now!"

            "Shh." Harry hushed. "We can check out first thing in the morning."

            "O-okay." Draco sniffled and Harry sighed.

            "Come on baby, you need to eat." Harry said and Draco nodded. They continued eating in silence. Draco was thinking of how much he wanted to be with his babies as Harry was thinking life would start getting hectic.


Draco's P.O.V

            We got home in the morning, as my mother and Sev were giving the babies breakfast, and I immediately picked up Jay. She giggled and snuggled up to me.

            "Nice to see you." Mother greeted. "How was the trip?"

            "It was so nice." Harry said. "We went scuba diving."

            "Oh that sounds fun." Mother agreed. "And I bet you couldn't wait to come home to hold you little babies again."

            "Yes we've missed them so much." I said cuddling in Jay. Harry had picked up Liam and pressed a kiss to his forehead.

            "Well it's good that you're home. We have some news." Mother said. Harry stood next to me and his hand slipped in mine.

            "Oh is that so?" I asked.

            "Yes." Severus answered. He grabbed my mother's hand and took a deep breath. "Your mother and I are courting."

            "What?" Harry asked. Severus suppressed a sneer and took a deep breath again.

            "We are courting." He said again. "Soon enough we shall marry." He said. We were both rendered speechless and I felt sick. I promptly vomited all over the floor getting it on Sev's shoes.

            "Oh dear." Mother said as Sev cleaned it up. 

            "How long?" Harry asked rubbing my back soothingly.

            "We've been courting for a few months now. Around Christmas time we started getting close and then right after the twins were born, he asked to court me. I accepted and now we're here." Mother answered and I was just speechless.

            "Well I guess a congratulations is in order. For the both of you." Harry said and they both smiled. Mother looked over to me and took Jay away giving her to Sev. She embraced me in a hug.

            "It's better this way Draco. I hope you can understand." She said and I hugged her back.

            "I'm happy for you mother." I kissed her cheek. "Really, I am."

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