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Draco's P.O.V

"Draco my love." Harry started. I was feeding Liam as he was changing and dressing Jay. "Why don't we take the twins and go get some lunch?" He suggested and I pondered a bit. I rubbed my belly and nodded.

"Okay I think that's a good idea. No muggle places though." I warned and he nodded.

"The three broomsticks then?" He questioned and I nodded. Liam stopped feeding so I burped him and he looked at me with his giant different colored eyes. He placed his hand on my belly.


"That's your baby sibling Liam." I told him placing my hands on his. I felt a little kick and I gasped as Liam withdrew his hand.

"What happened?" Harry asked.

"The baby kicked." I explained. He was next to me in a second and placed his hand to my belly. The baby gave a little jolt and I smiled as Harry gasped.

"Oh finally!" He exclaimed. He kneeled down and kissed my belly. He stood back up and looked at Liam. "Come on pooper, let's get you changed." Harry insisted and picked up Liam. I placed my hands on my belly as Harry finished changing and dressing Liam. Liam and Jay were conversing together in baby talk and giggling.

"So what do you plan on eating?" Harry asked me and I sighed.

"I was thinking those really good chip things you introduced me into." I told him. "With the cheese and meat and those really hot pickle things."

"Nachos." He supplied.

"Yeah nachos and um maybe a chocolate milkshake." I suggested. "With fries."

"Alright sounds fine." He laughed. He finished dressing Liam and summoned the double stroller. He placed both babies in it and then sighed. "Ready to go?" He asked and I nodded. I lifted myself out of the chair and stood near Harry. I let him push the babies in the stroller as I waddled behind them. We walked into the floo and then floo to the Three Broomsticks where we sat down immediately. The twins clapped as Harry placed them in high chairs.

"What can I get ya?" The waitress by the name of Mitsi asked.

"I'll take an order of nachos with fries and a chocolate milkshake." I ordered and she looked me over before rolling her eyes. She took down my order and then looked to Harry.

"I'll just take a burger with a side of fries. And a water." He ordered and she nodded. She looked at the twins and her sneer turned to a small smile.

"They're beautiful." She told Harry who smiled.

"Thank you." He answered and then she walked away. Harry looked at me and laughed.

"You're gonna have such bad gas later." He told me and I gasped.

"Will not!" I defended. "Malfoy's don't pass gas." I crossed my arms glaring at him.

"Well it's too bad you're a Potter." He pointed out and I stared at him.

"Merlin you're right."

"Yeah it's only been two months." He shrugged and I scowled at him. Our drinks arrived and I started to suck on the straw. Harry groaned and I gave him a look.

"What's with you?"

"Been so long." He groaned and shifted uncomfortably. I laughed and continued to tease him as I used my tongue to grab the straw. "Draco." He groaned and then twins started to giggle.

"Mummy likes to tease papa." I told them and then our food arrived, much to Harry's relief. We dug in and I was happily eating my food. And maybe teasing Harry along the way with my mouth gestures and even my foot from under the table.


Harry's P.O.V

Draco was in our bed as I was in the shower. The twins were sleeping in their nursery when I heard Draco's groan of pain.

"Draco? Are you alright?" I asked.

"I don't feel well." He told me. "I feel weird." He yelled back. I stopped the water and spelled myself dry. I rushed into the room and threw on boxers. He was groaning as he was in the fetal position.

"What are you feeling?" I asked gently putting my hand on his belly. "Any pain?"

"Yes." He groaned. He moved my hand to the area of pain. "Here." It was his lower abdomen.

"Does it feel like labor pains?" I asked and he groaned again.

"I don't know. Kind of."

"Do you need me to take you to the hospital?" I asked and he groaned but nodded. "Okay but I need to get someone to watch the twins." I said and then sent a patronus to Snape and Cissy. I helped Draco get up as he double over. I added Snape and Cissy to the wards so they appeared quickly.

"What's going on?" Snape asked as we limped into the hall.

"I feel pain Sev." Draco groaned.

"What kind of pain?" He asked and Draco groaned.

"Like sharp." He groaned. Snape's eyes widened as he rushed over to help me with Draco. As we were just getting to the floo, Draco let out a big fart. His face turned crimson as I tried to hold back my laugh.

"Are you alright now Draco?" Snape asked and Draco nodded. "Gas was probably not passing though. I'll brew you something to help with that."

"Thank you Sev." Draco mumbled.

"Don't be embarrassed. It happens to most pregnant people." He explained.

"Okay thank you. I think I'll just go rest now." He said straightening out and walking away. Snape looked at me and rolled his eyes.

"Were you in the middle of something Potter?" He asked and I looked down. I was still only in my boxers.

"I was showering." I told him and he gave me a pointed look.

"In your boxers?" He asked.

"I rushed out when Draco said he was in pain and put these on. What are you insinuating?" I asked.

"Think Mister Potter." He sneered. "Narcissa, come. Draco is alright and we can leave." He called out. Narcissa walked out of the nursey, gave me a smile and apparated home with Snape. I walked into the room and Draco was blushing furiously.

"I told you you'd have gas." I smirked and he shot me a glare.

"Shut up Potter."

Because I forgot to do this at the time, i'd like to thank NoelleWB for helping me with the twins names. Thank you a ton Dutchie :*

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