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Twins Age 11

Harry's P.O.V

            Draco and I walked the twins into Kings Cross with their stuff. Severus was also with us but he wasn't going to Hogwarts just yet. Severus was still our youngest and it seemed that we were only gonna have three children. We had gotten pregnant when the twins were seven, however in Draco's second month, he lost it due to an accident he had with falling down the stairs. He happened to be walking, lost his footing, and tumbled down the stairs. He was devastated, we bother were, but we decided after that, it was best we just stuck to having three kids.

            "What if we get separated?" Jay asked as she held Liam's hand. The two were inseparable and the thought of them being separated, scared them.

            "Well I'm sure you'll be in classes together then. And Grandpa Sev will allow you to sit with each other. He is the headmaster after all." Draco answered allowing their stuff to be taken to be put on the train.

            "Are you sure?" Liam asked and I smiled.

            "Yes." I answered. "Well this is where we leave you." I told them.

            "We'll write every week." Jay promised and hugged her mother first. Draco was a near mess. He hugged her tightly as Liam hugged me goodbye. Then we switched, then they both hugged Severus tightly. Then they boarded the express and Draco hugged me tightly burying his face into my neck.

            "I'm gonna miss them." He sniffled and I rubbed his back.

            "I know I am too." I admitted. "But now you can spend as much time with Severus as you want."             I told him and he uncurled himself from me and lifted up Sev. Sev was pretty small for his age which made me think he really was my mini me.

            "Mummy can we get something to eat?" He asked and Draco smiled.

            "Yes love, where do you wanna go?" I asked him and he bit his lip.

            "Umm I don't know." He blushed and Draco placed him on the ground to hold his hand instead.

            "We can go somewhere close." I suggested. "Come on." I grabbed Draco's hand and we waved to the twins one last time before walking out of the platform and towards the floo.

            We settled on a tiny wizarding dinette near our home and Severus sat in his own booth as Draco and I shared one. He put his head on my shoulder as we awaited someone to take our drink order.

            "What house do you think they'd be in?" Severus asked. "I think um Gryffindor for Jay and um Ravenclaw for Liam."

            "So you think they'd be separated?" Draco asked and he nodded.

            "Yes." He grinned. "I want to be an um Ravenclaw." A waitress came by and took our drink order. "What do you think I'd be?"

            "Maybe a Slytherin." Draco commented. "You did stay in my tummy for an extra week and a half. AND I was in labor for eight hours."

            "Well maybe I was just cozy." Severus retorted with a cheeky smirk.

            "I think Gryffindor." I butt in. "And for the record if you're grandfather saw that cheeky look on your face, he'd give you detention in a heartbeat." I laughed and he pouted.

            "But I want to be a Ravenclaw."

            "Well we'll see in a year." Draco sighed.  We got our drinks and ordered. Draco ordered Severus some chicken tenders. For himself he just got a chicken salad sandwich and I order a turkey club.

            "What kind of food do they have there?" Severus asked. "Like good food? What if they don't like any of it?"

            "Trust me, they're gonna like some of the food." I answered.

            "Is there a lot?" He questioned.

            "More than you know." I laughed. "You might come home as a big as Hagrid." I teased and he gasped.


            "Harry don't tease him. Sweetie, you'd get sick with too much food. I'm sure you'd like something but when the time comes, you won't eat too much. After all you'll be playing quidditch." Draco told him and he pouted a bit.  Draco saw this and gave him a small smile. "Only if you want to though." Our food came and Draco smiled. "Eat up."


Draco and I were just getting ready for bed after telling Severus to sleep for the hundredth time. He was so very curious about Hogwarts and it was cute because we knew he couldn't wait to go there himself. Draco was just stripping into his boxers when a tapping at the window made him stop. He opened the window and the twin's owl swooped in. Draco took the letter and handed the owl a treat.

            "Read it aloud." I told him and he nodded.

"Mummy, Papa, and Severus. We didn't get separated! We're in the same house and I know you're wondering what house it is. Well papa, we got your old house! We're Gryffindor's!" Draco stopped and huffed. I laughed and crawled next to him in bed. "We're very happy here and hope you're happy too. We love you all and we'll update you next week!" Draco finished and he looked up at me. I smiled and kissed his lips.

"We'll write them in the morning." I told him taking the paper out his hands and placing it on the table.

"I'm happy for them." He told me sleepily. I put my arm around him and he curled around so he could place his face in my neck. A way we've been sleeping for years. "You know I love you a lot right Harry?" He told me and I kissed his head.

"I know. I love you a whole lot too." I whispered and he lifted his head. He pressed his lips against mine and the kissed started out slow. He swiped his tongue on my bottom lips and I moaned wrapping my arms around him tangling my hands in his hair. He pulled away and gave me a flushed smile.  "Goodnight Draco. I love you." I told him and he remained lying on me. I didn't mind cause he was light so I just held him.

"Night, I love you too." He whispered and I fell asleep, with Draco on my chest, in complete bliss.

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