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Twins Age 18

Draco's P.O.V

            "Scorpius, get down from there and eat up. Your sister is coming over to talk to us." I instructed my six year old. I pulled him off of the counter and sat him down at the counter. I got pregnant with Scorpius when the twins were 12. Harry and I thought were we were only going to stay with three kids but I got pregnant... again. As for the twins, they moved out into a flat after they graduated.

            "Mummy, is she bringing Penny with her?" He asked me. Scorpius looked like Harry and me. A perfect combination. My eyes, his hair, my chin, his nose.

            "Yes she did say she was bringing her, why do you ask?" I asked him. I placed some veggies in front of him and he shrugged.

            "I saw them snogging." He told me and my eyes widened.

            "What?" I asked and he shrugged again.

            "I'm home!" Jay called. She walked into the kitchen with Penny. Liam was with them and he smiled.  "Hi mum, where's pa?" Jay asked. She gave me a hug and a kiss.

            "He took Severus to the store. Apparently he needed a new cauldron." I scoffed and Penny giggled.

            "He blew his up accidentally. For a Ravenclaw, you'd think he knows what kind of ingredients goes into a Draught of Peace." She informed and I nodded.

            "We're home."  Severus called. He walked into the kitchen and he smiled.

            "Jay, Liam, Penny!" He called and hugged them all.

            "Hi Sevy." Jay hugged her brother. "And Scorp." Jay smiled.

            "Oh we're all here." Harry said walking into the kitchen.

            "Yes, can I talk to you two for a minute?" Jay asked.

            "Yeah we'll go into the living room. Um Liam watch Scorp." I instructed and he nodded.   He walked over and helped Scorpius down then held his hand.

            "Come Sevy." Liam instructed and he rolled his eyes but left too. Jay and Penny started to leave to the living room. Harry was right behind but I grabbed him so he couldn't move.

            "Drake? What's wrong?" He questioned.

            "I think she's gonna come out to us." I whispered to him and he looked at me oddly.

            "What? What makes you say that?" He asked.

            "Scorpius just told me he's seen them snogging."  I told him and his eyes widened.


            "Mum? Papa?" Jay called.

            "Be right there." Harry called back. He looked at me and smiled. "Well we'll support her no matter what."
             "Yeah okay." I said. We walked into the living room and the two girls were hugging before they spotted us and pulled away. Jay motioned for us to take a seat so we did. She took a deep breath before looking at us.

            "I love you two so much." She said.

            "We love you too." Harry spoke up. "What do you need to tell us?" Harry asked. Tears filled in her eyes before she blurted it out.

            "I'm a lesbian." Then she promptly let out a sob. Penny quickly embraced her before we got to her. She took a deep breath and composed herself. "And I am dating Penny."

            "Well Jay, we support you." I spoke up. "You know we do." We got up and gave her a big hug then a kiss.

            "I was just worried. I know you're gay but I-I thought you'd have plans for me." She answered honestly and we hugged her tighter.

            "Whatever we have planned for you, it has nothing to do with who you are as a person." We told her and she sniffled.

            "Thank you." She let go of them embrace. "Fred and Jamie don't know. We were gonna go tell them now. Unless you want us to stay here."

            "Go on.  But we'd love it if you'd come home for dinner tomorrow. You and Liam." I told her. "And you too Penelope."

            "Thank you." They smiled.  "We'll see you later."  They left the house and Harry rested against my chest.

            "I don't know about you, but that was tiring for me." He told me and I laughed.

            "Getting old there Potter?" I teased and he gasped.

            "I am only 36 mind you." He told me and I kissed his lips.

            "I know that." I told him. I kissed his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

            "Can you believe it?" He asked. "How our life is?"

            "I do believe it's a good one." I said.

            "Our princess is really our princess. Stuck in a house full of princes." He said and I laughed.

            "I'm the king Potter."

            "No I believe I'm the king. That makes you the queen." He pressed his lips against mine.

            "Okay I am." I said.

            "Papa! Papa!" Scorpius squealed. We pulled away to see Scorpius' hair bright green and Severus was chasing after him.

            "What happened?!" I asked picking him up.

            "Well um Liam and I were shooting spells as each other and well I didn't block him quick enough and Scorp got hit."

            "A Ravenclaw missing a spell is how Liam and Jay were born." I pondered and Severus looked horrified. "Well you see we were in Defense and I was leaving, they threw a stinging hex, I got hit and it distressed the babies much that I went into labor."
             "Merlin." He whispered. Harry fixed Scorpius hair and Scorpius giggled.

            "Mummy when can I go to Hogwarts?" Scorpius asked hugging my neck.

            "When you turn eleven sweetheart." I told him and rubbed my nose against his.

            "I can't wait to go!" He told me and I mocked hurt.

            "You don't want to stay Mummy's baby forever?" I asked and he gasped.

            "But I am your baby!" He told me kissing my cheek. "I won't leave you until I'm ready." He told me and I smiled

            "I'm happy to hear that. Now let Sevy go take you outside and play."  I told him placing him down.

            "Okay mummy." He said and trotted over to Severus who grabbed his hand. The duo walked away and I turned to Harry.  He smiled and hugged me.

            "We have a great little family, Draco. Thank you so much for giving them to me." He said and I smiled.

            "You may have helped a tad." I blushed and kissed his lips.  "But you're welcome."

            "Prat." He said and I laughed.

            "But you love me."

            "That I do." He said. "That I do."

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