Part 2

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She sighs; eyes scour the text book. Using her hand she props her head up. All of the studying she's been doing is making her really tired. Eyes slowly drift close; thoughts drift. It's been a week and she wonders how her Taeyeon's doing, how Tiffany's doing, and Jessica, Sooyoung and even more the baby. Her laptop screen lights up, causing for her to look at it. She watches as Yuri closes her bedroom door before taking a seat in front of her own computer. "You're beginning to develop dark circles," states Yuri. Yoona shrugs her shoulders. "Is something wrong?" She shakes her head no. "Yoona..."

"I'm fine, I'm just tired," responds Yoona with a yawn.

"Oh... well I'll let you go to sleep," before Yoona even had a chance to respond the screen goes black. With a groan, her hand releases her head allowing for it to drop onto the textbook. How stupid can she get? That was the first time she's had contact with anyone other than her parents and she screwed it up. Even more so it was Yuri.

"Yuri," she groans, "I know you can hear me. All you did was cut the webcam off." The computer lights up and Yuri reappears on the screen. Turning her head she faces the computer. "How was your day?" she asks lazily.

"Yoona you've sacrificed enough by attending that ridiculous school. I can wait another day to talk to you. Heck I've been waiting for a year to get you to finally go out with me. Change out of your uniform and go to sleep. I'll be back on tomorrow." Yoona shakes her head no. "Yoona- "

"How's everybody doing?" questions Yoona.

"Tiffany's out of the hospital. She and Sooyoung are bunking in Taemin's room for the time being." Yoona nods her head; her eyes slowly drift close again. "Go to sleep Yoona. I'll tell you the rest tomorrow, okay." Yoona finally gives in and nods her head once again. "Okay then, bye Yoona." Yoona lazily waves goodbye and cuts her computer off. Spinning in her chair, she stands and trudges her way to her bed. Her body falls flat; she presses her head into her pillow.

"Hopefully everyone's happy," she mumbles.


A hiss is released; she sits up and looks around her small room. Fumbling out of bed she heads straight towards her desk, turning the computer on. As it boots up she heads for her closet to switch out of her uniform and into something more comfortable. It was the weekend, so there was no need for her to be in the uniform. "God, Yoona!" She jumps and turns looking at her computer screen. "At least have the decency to make sure you're not on the camera when you decide to change. What if my sister or cousin walked in here?"

"You're the idiot for leaving the window open," mutters Yoona as she finishes changing.

"You're not even going to shower?" questions Yuri coming into view on the screen.

"You try showering at a boarding school, an all girls boarding school." She heads back to her desk taking a seat. She looks at the girl on the screen, "Bad enough when most of them are... you know frustrated."

Yuri silently laughs at Yoona's statement. "So that means you're hiding you body for only me to see?"

"In your dreams, Nerd."

Yuri rolls her eyes. "Tiffany says hi; she wants to know when you get to have your next visitor. She wants to tell you thank you face to face. Plus she wants to beat you senseless for making Taeyeon super depress and everything." A frown appears on Yoona's face. "But don't believe her words. Tiffany is probably exaggerating." Yuri bites her lips; she disappears from the screen. Yoona watches her computer curiously wondering where the older girl went. Moments later Yuri reappears with her phone in hand. "Sorry. It's the group. We're supposed to be meeting today since it's the night of our junior prom. And none of us are going, so we're going to hang out at Taeyeon's place. I'd take my laptop but... how long are you on break?"

"I have extracurricular activities later this afternoon. I don't know when they're done since it's my first weekend," states Yoona.

"Oh... alright then. I should go before Jessica shows up and drags me over there."

"Oh, okay... " Both girls get quiet unsure of what to say next. Yoona leans back in her chair starring at the screen. A small smile crosses Yuri's lips. "What are you smiling about?"

"You're staring at me," remarks Yuri.

"Don't get your hopes up. You're still a nerd, a very disgusting nerd."

"That you like." Yoona rolls her eyes. "I'll talk to you later Yoona." Yoona waves her off and closes her eyes. "I love you," states Yuri; once again Yuri startles the younger girl, sending her toppling over and crashing into the floor. Yuri's laugh echoes throughout the room. "Oh my god you should have seen your face! Anyways bye love!"

"I'm not your- " The screen goes black and Yoona releases a sigh.


Two sets of eyes watch the two girls in the apartment, curiously. The younger girl leans her head on the older girl's shoulder. She grabs hold of the older girl's hand. "Are they sleeping together or something?" The older girl turns and looks at her. "What? I'm asking a very serious question. Look at them." She points at the two girls sitting on the couch, looking very much like a couple. Taeyeon shrugs her shoulders. How in the world is she supposed to know who her sister is sleeping with? Was she supposed to place her ear against the door and listen? She shudders at the thought of it.

"You making me think inappropriate thoughts and that's my sister," mutters Taeyeon, while shifting a little. The railing against her back was beginning to make her uncomfortable. Jessica lifts her head up, making it easier for Taeyeon to get comfortable. "Have you spoken to Yuri?"

"Worried about Yoona?" questions Jessica in return. Taeyeon nods her head, "I'm sure she's fine. If the girl can take down a group of thugs on her own, then she can handle boarding school. And believe me when I say I don't think she would want for you to constantly worry about her." Taeyeon sighs deeply and tilts her head back, absorbing the sunlight. How is she not supposed to worry? That was her baby, baby sister. And she has no clue where she's at. She can't even get in contact with her. Sure Yoona is more than likely being pampered by attending a prestigious school, but still all she could do really is fret.

Jessica cups Taeyeon's cheek with her free hand forcing for the older girl to look at her. Taeyeon's eyes slowly drift open. "Want to go for a walk and clear your mind?" Taeyeon shakes her head. "Alright then, what do you want to do besides sit on the balcony and watch those two interact with one another?"

"Nothing... I'm quite comfortable like this," mumbles Taeyeon. "Besides if I leave, there is a possibility of Siwon storming the place." She releases Jessica's hand; she changes her position so that her head was resting on Jessica's lap; her face faces Jessica's stomach. "You and Sooyoung had a thing in the past?" she questions remembering why Sooyoung was staying at her place.

"No," remarks Jessica with a laugh. "Sooyoung's my best friend. We just used each other to practice kissing. Sooyoung is as straight as can be... I think. I mean she was bi-curious back in our freshman year. I don't know about now though. But no, I never had a thing with my best friend. It was weird enough kissing her, since she's like a sister." A small smile crosses Taeyeon's face. "So you have nothing to worry about... okay."

"Who said I was worrying?" mutters Taeyeon, "I was just curious." Jessica scoffs and rolls her eyes. Did Taeyeon really believe that she would believe that? "You don't believe me do you?"

"No, I don't. I can tell that you're worried that I'm going to leave you. I'm not going to break my promise," Taeyeon sits up and faces Jessica. A look of uncertainty flickers in her eyes. "Why would I leave the person that I like?"

"You're a teen, that's why. Something will catch your attention sooner or later, Jessica. And you're going to like it more than you like me. And that's when you- " Jessica leans forward silencing her with a quick kiss. Taeyeon blinks when Jessica pulls away.

"What were you saying?" questions Jessica with a triumphant grin.

"You're going to leave me," states Taeyeon, wiping the grin off of Jessica's face. Jessica scoffs and rolls her eyes again. "You'll break up with me one day."

"If that ever happens, we will remain friends," states Jessica. She abruptly stands, wiping her pants off. Holding a hand out, Taeyeon grabs it and she lifts the slightly smaller girl onto her feet. "Yoona's departure is making you all emo and whatnot. Let's go buy you a pack of cigarettes and maybe you can pickpocket."

"Are you telling me that I can steal?" Jessica just flashes her a smile, "my girlfriend is enabling me to steal... aren't you supposed to tell me that I shouldn't be doing things like that?" The younger girl sighs. There is no way to fix this girl. "How about we just go in my room and watch some television?"

"You don't want any cigarettes?"

Taeyeon shakes her head no. "The smell sticks to my clothes and everything else. I need to make sure that the house is cleared of its smell when he's released from the hospital. And you told me to quit."

"So you're listening to me now?" she responds jokingly. Taeyeon gives her a light shove and slides the screen door open, startling the two younger girls on the couch.

"I see that you two have upgraded to pecks on the lips," states Tiffany with a wide grin. "I told you that you'd fall for Jessica. And I told you that she's nothing but a sensitive girl underneath that tough exterior," she directs her statement towards the girl entering from the balcony. Jessica waves them off, making her way to Taeyeon's bedroom. She returns moments later with two pillows and takes a seat on the floor.

"I thought- "

"You've been cooped up in the room since Mr. Im explained that Yoona has decided to attend private school in exchange for him paying the bills. It's about time you spend some time with your other sister." Taeyeon looks off to the side. "For now, forget that she left... please. You're hurting others by wanting to be locked away." She pats the seat beside her. "Sit."

"No." Taeyeon walks away to her room, leaving the three younger girls alone. A frustrated groan emits from her girlfriend's mouth. Jessica wants nothing more than to bash her head into the floor.

"I don't know what to do anymore," she mutters while falling over sideways. "When you left she got drunk. When Taemin left she practically destroyed the whole room. And now with Yoona, she is so silent and wants to be alone... I don't know what to do." She sighs. "I think I'm just going to go home," she mumbles. Hands pressed flat against the floor, she pushes herself up and heads to towards the door.

Tiffany elbows Sooyoung, motioning for the taller girl to do something. "Sica, you can't leave," states Sooyoung. "We're all supposed to be hanging out today and whatnot. Yuri's coming over later and so is Hyoyeon." Jessica's response was nothing more than a mere headshake. She slides her shoes on and grabs her jacket. "Sica..."

"I'm going to go home and spend some time with my family. I've been kind of neglecting my sisterly slash daughterly duties. I'll catch you guys later." She opens the door and walks out. The door closes with a click and she leans against the wall. Exhale. She sighs. Maybe she should take a step back as being Taeyeon's girlfriend and just go back to being friends? She shoves her hands into her pocket. Pushing off of the wall she begins her walk home. She pulls her phone out of her pocket. Thumbs make quick work of the keys and she slides the phone back into her pocket.

Slowly but surely she makes her way to the stairs. The door behind her flings open, "Jessica what's the meaning of this text." Jessica stops in her tracks. She wasn't too sure how to explain herself. She listens to the footsteps as Taeyeon approaches her. Arms wrap around her waist; Taeyeon's face becomes buried in her back. "I'm sorry for being really... you know," she mumbles. "I'm... confused and I don't know what to do. Everyone's gone; everything I worked for is falling apart. I have half a mind to run away right now and never return. To go somewhere and return to the life of crime... that way I wouldn't have to worry about anyone." She hears Taeyeon sigh, "Maybe my mother was right when she told me not to get involved in my siblings' life. But I just... I wanted a family. I wanted a real family that would love me and never leave like how she did..." Jessica's hand overlaps Taeyeon's. "I'm sorry..."

"Why are you apologizing?" questions Jessica.

"Tiffany told me that I upset you." Taeyeon releases her embrace and walks around to face Jessica. She wasn't so sure what to do; her eyes dart all over the hallway. "I... "

"The text message meant nothing," states Jessica. "I wrote it because I was upset. You didn't upset me; it was all me. I mean I've tried talking to you as a counselor, helping you as a friend and spending time with you as a girlfriend. And none of it worked. All you want is to sit in your room." She pauses for a moment, "I'm at a loss, Taeyeon."

The older girl cups both of Jessica's cheeks, pulling her in closer. Her lips ghost over the younger girl's. "I'm sorry... I don't know what to do." She backs away; her gaze drop to their feet. Her hands leave Jessica's cheeks and take their normal place in her pockets. "I just feel so weak... " admits Taeyeon. "I'm ready to give up. I'm tired of attempting to climb this ridiculous hill only to fall, only to have the hill get bigger." Her shoulders hunch, "I give... "

"You don't really mean that, Taeyeon," whispers Jessica. "You've been working too hard to give up. I'll admit its best right now for you to let Yoona and Tiffany live with their choices, but you still have Taemin. You still have to make sure he's safe and taken care of. And giving up right now isn't an option." She grabs Taeyeon's arm, "let's go for a walk."


"Sooyeon... can I talk to you?" She lowers her book; eyes dart for the door, locking onto her sister. She shrugs her shoulders and returns to her book. There was no need for a direct answer. Not after what Krystal did to her: the lashing, the accusing, and not to mention the running off and staying out late. Her bed dips and she lowers her book again.

"What do you want?" she asks; annoyance clear in her voice.

"Fine... never mind I don't want to talk to you," huffs Krystal as she stands up. Jessica rolls her eyes as Krystal takes a seat on the bed again. "I need some help with some stuff."

"Ask you're delinquent friends." Krystal huffs again, crossing her arms.

"Sooyeon I really need help... please," Krystal turns and faces her sister. "I owe Key some money." Jessica lifts her book up and continues reading. "Sooyeon... please... you told me that you were going to help me get out of the bad crowd."

"Yeah well that was before you decided to become a nut case," remarks Jessica. Krystal groans and snatches the book out of her sister's hand, "paper cut!" She sends a glare at her sister. "What do you want me to do, huh, Soojung? You've lashed at me, accused me of things, and ran away. You've gotten a stupid piercing; you sneak out, come home drunk and smelling of weed. And I keep getting the backlash. I'm the one who has to suffer from it, Soojung." She takes a deep breath, "so tell me why I should help you."

Krystal sighs, "I... you always help those two no goods. Why can't you hel- "

"Get that dog!" Mrs. Jung voice echoes throughout the house. The Jung sisters both look at each other before clamoring off the bed and into the hallway. "Yunho! Catch that mangy mutt!" The girls listen to the sound of chairs toppling over and glass shattering, "Jung Yunho! Watch out it might have rabies." They head out towards the kitchen and Jessica automatically recognizes the dog. She watches as Yunho approaches it, receiving a growl.

"Dog sit!" she demands. The dog turns its head in her direction. Ignoring her command Dog runs over to her. "What are you doing here?" she questions. She kneels; both hers and the dogs eyes connect, "how'd you get here?" Where is Taeyeon? If Dog was here then where was her owner? Where is Jessica's girlfriend? Fingers rake through Dogs fur.

"It was tied to the front porch," states Yunho while catching his breath. "Someone knocked on the door. I went and answered and found her sitting there. I untied her to get a better look at her col - "

"You know who this dog belongs to?" questions Mrs. Jung. Jessica nods her head. "Well return it to its owner before your father gets home. You know he's afraid of dogs and even worse is allergic to their fur." She rolls her eyes and stands.

"Come on, let's go to the room." She begins walking away with Dog following after her.


"I'm getting my shoes and a jacket. Unless you want me to end up sick in the morning... oh wait you probably do, since I'm not Soojung or Yunho," she calls back. Upon entering her room, "Where's Taeyeon?" A small whine leaves the dog's mouth as it lies on the floor. A vibration in her pocket makes her pull her phone out. "Hello?"

"Jessica? Have you seen Taeyeon?" rings Tiffany's voice through the phone., wavering just a little.

"I was actually on my way there to return Dog, why?" questions Jessica in return.

"She's not in her room; a chunk of her clothes are missing, along with her backpack and what not. And she left her phone behind... " The rest of Tiffany's explanation gets drowned out. Jessica stares off into space. Taeyeon wasn't home. Taeyeon's clothes are gone. Dog's here.

'I give up.'

'I have half a mind to run away.'

"Jessica?" questions Tiffany.

"I'll be right there Tiffany," She hangs up, quickly slides on a pair of shoes and jacket before sprinting out of the house with dog on her heels.


'Get out', 'I hate you', and

'Stop it' reverberate from the apartment that was up another flight of stairs. She was running out of breath, but she forced her body to keep running up the stairs, "next time I'm telling a friend to get a room on the second or third floor, not the fifth," she wheeze. The sound of glass shattering plagues her ears. She pushes her body to move faster even with the risk of passing out. Making it to the fifth floor, she forces her way through the people gathering in the hallway and barges into the apartment to find Siwon hovering over Tiffany.

Dog releases a low growl; teeth plainly visible. Siwon looks over his shoulder at Jessica and Dog. "Hello Jessica," he states while backing away from Tiffany.

"What are you doing here? You know Taeyeon doesn't want you here," questions Jessica suspiciously. Eyes drift around the apartment, taking in the mess. "Where's Sooyoung?"

"She had to use the restroom or something of that matter," he states while wiping his hands off on his pants, "and I'm visiting my fiancée. I haven't seen her since she went into labor. You remember how she wouldn't let me in the room and everything. I was just wondering how she was doing." Dog crouches and snaps at Siwon. A small smile makes its way across Jessica face. Taeyeon must have taught Dog to hate who she hates. "I'll just be leaving." He makes an attempt to pass by Jessica only to have her place her hand on his chest. She can either let him go or make him stay.

"You're not going anywhere," she states. Dog barks in agreement. "My girlfriend's house is a complete and utter mess. And it wasn't like this when I left, earlier. Furthermore, visiting Tiffany would mean being all lovey dovey and what not. Not having her tremble in a corner full of fear. Also I shouldn't have heard screaming on the third floor. And no it wasn't from any of the tenants on the third floor. It was Tiffany's, and yes I can tell. The girl has a distinct voice." She pushes him back a little. "So you're going to take a seat... and begin explaining things."

"Jessica," whispers Tiffany, "just let him go, please." Jessica looks over at the younger girl. "If he wants to leave then let him go... Jessica... "

"No." Siwon raises a brow. Was this small girl really going to step in his way?

"I think you should listen to Tiffany. She knows what's best," he states bending over slightly to look Jessica in the eyes.

"And I'll tell you what's best. Back away from me and take a seat on the couch before I allow Dog to bite you and make it so that you won't have another child, ever," counters Jessica. Siwon looks at the dog then back at Jessica.

"You wouldn't dare."

"Let me tell you about things I wouldn't dare do. One I wouldn't dare become friends with a bunch of lowlifes. I did. I wouldn't dare have dated one. I did. I wouldn't dare have given up on my sister. I practically have. So don't you dare tell me what I wouldn't dare do. Now sit your ass on the couch or Dog is biting off a precious part of your body and making it a chew toy." Siwon scoffs; he turns his body as if to follow Jessica's orders, only to turn back around. His hand wraps around her wrist, pulling her closer. Dog growls and makes for his arm; He quickly let's go of the girls wrist.

He leans a little and whispers, "I liked you better when you learned to stay out of other people's business." Jessica rolls her eyes and walks around him to check on Tiffany. Dog runs around him, positioning herself in front of Jessica and Tiffany. "This mutt," he mumbles while looking at the girls, oblivious to the bathroom door being opened. "Tiffany get your sister's dog, or else."

"Look here Siwon," states Jessica while checking the younger girl over. "I don't know what exactly is going on between you, her and my best friend. But making her cower in a corner isn't going to help the situation. I can only imagine what you did to make her not want you around during the birth." He chuckles a little. Jessica is definitely naïve to not see what's happening. "So how about we talk it out."

"You really naïve aren't you? What makes you think I want for you to know what my business is?" he questions. "Mind you own business, Jung."

"This is my business. The moment you walked in here and decided to destroy the apartment that I co-signed on, made it my business."

"Just go," states Tiffany. "Sooyoung doesn't want to see you. I don't want to speak to you. Just leave Siwon... please before Taeyeon gets back."

"That's what I was going to do until Jung decided to 'talk' things out," he looks at Jessica, "there is nothing to talk out. Both of them know what they did wrong. And they better fix it or else."

"Or else what, huh?"retorts Tiffany against her better judgment. He inhales loudly. She wants to know; he's going to show her. He picks up the dining room chair and throws it at the glass sliding door. Shards fly everywhere.

"L-Leave them a-alone," stutters Sooyoung while stepping out of the corner she was hiding behind. Siwon turns and looks at his younger sister. "You're being irrational." A small laugh escapes his lips; feet clunk against the floor as he approaches Sooyoung.

"You've crossed the line... in fact you're so far away from it that... " he grits her teeth. "Tiffany is my wife... he is my child... " Sooyoung timidly nods her head. He takes a step back and repeats himself, "Tiffany is my wife! That is my child! Not yours... " He walks around in a circle, "you have no damn right be placed as the father." He looks at Tiffany, "you have no right to put her name there." Jessica blinks. Is this what the whole ordeal is about? Whose name is on the birth certificate? Does it even matter?

"I have every right," fights back Tiffany. "Sooyoung was more of a father then you ever were Siwon!" He charges in her direction skidding to a stop when Dog crouches, ready to pounce again. "Just get the hell out!" She pushes herself up into a standing position, "leave before I call the police." His body slackens. She wouldn't call the police, would she?

"Miyoung," he calls out softly; his voice begins hypnotizing her. "You don't mean it. I understand we have some issues we need to work on. But how are we supposed to do it when you're hiding out here?" She blinks. "I'm sorry... I finally get it. I should have been there for you... but I was more worried about making sure that we were prepared for the worse." He takes a step forward ignoring the dog. "Miyoung..."

Tiffany shakes her head. She shouldn't be falling for his charms anymore. "Go home, Siwon... right now is not the time for us to be talking." She rips her eyes away from his. "I have far more important things to worry about right now." He nods his head.

"Give me a goodbye kiss," he states. Tiffany's eyes slightly widen. "Or I'm not leaving. And none of you will be leaving also." She shakes her head no. That was too much of a ridiculous request for her. "Miyoung..."

"Go home." She turns her back to him. As long as she couldn't see his eyes, his smile, him practically she won't be able to cave in. An arm wraps around her neck; she begins coughing and sputtering. Nails dig into the arm.

"I thought I made it clear that you have to listen to me," he whispers into Tiffany's ear. His eyes catch Dog's movement. "Jessica tell it to back down, now." His grip tightens even more. Jessica's fingers automatically latch onto the collar; she wasn't stupid. His grip loosens. "Now listen to me. Tomorrow, your bags better be packed and ready to move back in with me, understand?" She nods her head. "Good." Turning her around, he places a light kiss on her lips. "I'll see you tomorrow." He turns and to leaves. Tiffany drops to her knees; fingers head straight for her throat.

"No," calls out Tiffany. Siwon stops in his tracks. Eyes peer through her hair, glaring straight at the older male. "I'm not going back. I'm sick and tired of the way you treat me and the way you treat your sister. You're nothing more than a sick and twisted person, Siwon... " His body turns; eyes fall straight on her form. One step forward and the female Choi mimics his movements. Eyes tear themselves away from Tiffany and lands on his sister. A small smirk falls on his face.

"Both of you are absolutely... stupid," he states. He looks Sooyoung straight in the eyes. "Are you really going to go against me Sooyoung?"

"I..." her eyes drop to the floor.

"Siwon if you touch her... I swear," starts Tiffany as she watches the two Chois. "I will not only call the police but I will also file for full custody of him. I will deny you of all parental rights. I will file an order of protection against you..." He growls a little. Eyes dart to the side.

"We're not done talking Tiffany." Tiffany scoffs. She holds her hand up; all fingers curl except for the middle. "You say that now because you're friends are here. I'll see you tomorrow. And I mean it." He turns and walks out of the apartment leaving the girls alone.

"What the hell is going on?" questions Jessica releasing Dog. "Since when has Siwon been like that?" She looks up at her best friend.

"A while. He's good at hiding it," states Tiffany while massaging her throat. "It's the reason why Tae hates him with a passion. It's the reason why Sooyoung is staying here. It's the reason for a lot of things, Jessica." She looks up at the older girl, "But that's not important. I take it you haven't seen my sister."

Jessica shakes her head no. "My brother said that there was a knock on the door. When he opened it he found Dog tied to our porch. You sister was gone by then," states Jessica. "I should have paid more attention to her words." She buries her face in her hands. "I've got to be the worst counselor slash friend slash girlfriend on earth."

"Sica," states Sooyoung while kneeling beside her two friends.

"She hinted earlier that she's giving up. That she just wants to drop everything and run away. That she wants to return to a life of crime so that all she has to worry about herself." She shakes her head and looks at Tiffany, "on our walk she told me that she felt so weak and that she was tired of it. That she wants to go back to being strong." She bites her lip. Just thinking about their conversation was making her frustrated; it was making her hate herself. "I should have- "

"Done nothing," states Tiffany with a heavy hearted sigh, "I understand that you're the one that's been taking care of Taeyeon these past few months... but this is Taeyeon. When Taeyeon says that she's a criminal she means it in full. She's stubborn, naïve, headstrong and willing. But like any other criminal when things get too tough are hard she's going to flee like a coward." Her hands slightly curl. Taeyeon isn't a coward. Sure the girl's scared but Taeyeon is far from a coward. Taeyeon is the bravest person that she has ever met. The girl was willing to defy the odds just for her family. "Just like her aunt stated... Taeyeon is nothing more than a mere replica of her mother."

Tiffany's body slams into the floor. She looks up to see Jessica hovering over her. "I don't care if she is your sister or not... but do not compare Taeyeon to that woman. And if you think that this is your sister... then you know nothing. She's weak because of you. She's a coward because of you. You leaving her shattered her tough exterior. It made her paranoid, weak." She crawls off of Tiffany. "And because of that I told her something today that made her cave." She stands and rakes her fingers through her hair. "Where's her phone?"

Tiffany digs in her pocket, pulling out the device and showing it to Jessica. Jessica snatches it. "You two go to sleep. I'm going to go for a walk with Dog. Lock the door and call me if she comes back." Jessica heads for the door; she grabs Dog's leash and exits the apartment.


Eyes stare up at the ceiling. Her mind was wandering. Where was Yuri? She left her a message telling her that she was done with her activities. "Yoona?" Rolling onto her side she looks at her computer screen. Yuri's face comes into view. "Yoona?" she calls out. Crawling out of bed she takes a seat in front of her computer. "There you are... god... one second..." states Yuri while trying to catch her breath.

"You look like you ran a mile or something," comments Yoona.

"How about something like two straight miles," remarks Yuri. "I ran all the way from the center- "

"I could have waited," states Yoona.

"No... what I'm going to tell you isn't something that you could have waited for." The older girl takes a deep breath and slides into her chair, "Jessica came by today... she was looking for your sister. It seems Taeyeon's ran off... away."

"What?!" shouts Yoona. She freezes slightly and looks at the door. She lowers the window on her computer screen and opens a random window. Eyes never leave the door. When no one barges in she brings the window back up. "What do you mean that my sister ran away? Where in the world could she have run off to?"

"That's just it. No one knows. I don't know the full story but I guess you deciding to go to this boarding school were the final toll. That and I guess Jessica told her something... I don't know. All I know is that Jessica is out looking for her." Yoona slams her head against her desk. Hands ball up tightly; knuckles turn white. Teeth clamp down tight on her bottom lip. She wants nothing more than to just jump in front of a speeding train.

"This isn't what I wanted," whispers Yoona. "I just wanted to help. I didn't want to be the sister that couldn't do anything..." He voice wavers slightly. "I just wanted Taeyeon's life to be much easier. I... I thought that... that if I did this her life would be stress free, you know." Yuri could only watch helplessly from her room. "I know that Sooyoung would take care of Tiffany, you know. She's been doing it. So I figured... I figured," she repeats blinking her eyes in an attempt to fight the tears, "I figured that if I did this for the baby there would be nothing for her to worry about besides Taemin. That... that she could just focus on him." Her fist slams into the table top. Her defenses crumble. "This isn't what I wanted. Two years... I thought that maybe two years would be enough. Two years... I graduate and I can see them again. I'll be an adult... " She turns and looks at her computer screen. "I didn't want to hurt my sister... maybe I should just flunk out since this was all for nothing..."

"Yoona..." Yuri calls out. "Listen to me, alright. Continue going to school, alright. You want to help your family? Get your diploma... by the looks of things you're more than likely going to be the first amongst your siblings to do so. Don't worry about Taeyeon, alright? Jessica is on it. You know she is... she's too much in love with your sister." Yoona nods her head, sniffling. With the back of her hands she wipes away her tears. "Go get some sleep... I'll talk to you tomorrow or something."Yoona nods her head and turns the monitor off. With a heavy sigh, she forces herself back into her bed.


Her feet trudge slowly through the streets following after the domestic animal that was leading her on this walk. She sighs in frustration. Where in the world could she have gone, especially on feet? Yuri hasn't seen her since they've got back from their walk earlier. And she has no clue where the older girl would hang out at. She knows none of her girlfriend's old friends. Jessica sighs again and turns a corner. "What do we do when we don't find her?" questions Jessica towards Dog. "Do I go and take you to her aunt and let her aunt take care of you? Or should I drop you off back at the apartment and let Tiffany take care of you?" Jessica shakes her head, "I think Soo and Tiffany has enough to deal with don't you?" Another sigh, "maybe... I should take you to the Ims? That way when Yoona comes home to visit she can have something that belongs to Taeyeon. What do you think about- " She abruptly stops talking as a pair of familiar shoes come into view.

"Jessica?" She looks up, coming face to face with Taeyeon. "What are you doing out here?" Jessica ignores Taeyeon's question and looks around at her surroundings. Why didn't she think of this earlier? The one place that Taeyeon runs to: the library. Jessica walks around the older girl and takes a seat on the steps.

"What are you doing here?" she questions. Taeyeon shrugs her shoulders and takes a seat beside her girlfriend. "Taeyeon..."

"I don't think I can do it anymore," mumbles Taeyeon. Her shoulders slump; eyes gaze at the floor. "This feeling of being weak... I don't like it, you know." She looks at her girlfriend. "I've never felt weak before. And with everything happening I just can't help but feel it. It makes me wonder... that maybe if I left things the way they were... if I had left Taemin alone, let Yoona steal, and I myself remained stealing... "

"So you're thinking that maybe life would have been fine if I didn't step in?" questions Jessica. Taeyeon freezes slightly.

"That's not what I - "

"I know Taeyeon... I was joking around." She turns and looks the older girl in the eyes. "Talk to me... please."

"Isn't that what I'm doing?" remarks Taeyeon. She leans back and looks up at the sky; eyes searching for the stars. "I want to run, but I want to stay. So I packed and left. I left my phone behind so no one could call me, so no one could stop me. I took Dog to your place, tied her down, knocked on the door and ran. I figured that if I do leave, Dog can stay with you. That you'd be able to take care of her since you did so well with Yoona." She sighs. "But this is as far as I got. I started thinking about Taemin and what would happen if he couldn't reach me. I thought about Yoong and what would happen when she comes back from school. And Tiffany and my nephew..." Her eyes reconnect with Jessica, "I thought about you and all the stuff that you didn't have to do for me, but did so anyways... so I came here." Jessica scoots closer to her. "I want nothing more than to just leave... but I want to stay."

"Then stay."

"But if I stay I'll remain weak... and if I leave I'll look weak. You know on the streets being weak is a huge no. It just like asking for a beating." She sighs in frustration. "I'm at a loss..." fingers ghost over her hand, interlacing themselves with her own. "Jessica..."

"This is life Taeyeon," remarks Jessica. "It's not going to be rainbows, sunshine and unicorns. It's nothing like what television makes it out to be, what books and magazines make it out to be."

"I know that. I'm not a complete idiot you know," remarks Taeyeon. "I think I'm going to leave... are you okay with that?" Jessica shrugs her shoulders. She has no right to say no. They've only been dating for like a week or so. And Taeyeon is nearly an adult. "I think I need to leave... and get away from everything for a while. Just get away from all of this."

"If that's what you want..." mumbles Jessica.

"Aren't you supposed to argue and fight with me?"

"This isn't a movie or some stupid drama Taeyeon, this is real life. And I'm not going to stop you from making this decision if this is your final one. Even if it is a really stupid decision." Taeyeon looks at the younger girl, confusion written across her face. "What you're doing is going to have the exact same effect as when Tiffany left, as when Yoona left. You're going to hurt so many people by doing this..." She swallows thinking of the right words. "I went by the youth center... I've spoke to Yuri about your disappearance. Now think about what Yuri is going to tell Yoona when they talk again. She's more than likely going to put the blame on herself." Taeyeon bites her bottom lip. "I know I'm going to have some guilt... after my stupid text message... and Tiffany is going to feel some guilt, since she's the first - well not really the first but she left. And then Taemin... what's he to do, huh?" She tightens her grip on Taeyeon's hand. "But if you want to leave... you can."

She digs in her pocket pulling out her phone and not Taeyeon's. She removes her hand from Taeyeon's and replaces it with the phone. "Jessica?"

"I'll hold on to yours just in case Taemin calls. And you can have mine. Like I said I'm not going to leave your side. No one will be able to contact you really except me." She stands and takes one last look at Taeyeon. "At least remember to call once a week or something... you know. That way I won't be worrying over whether or not my friend is alive. I don't want to have to wake up to a news report talking about a death of a teen. And I definitely don't want to plan funeral arrangements any time soon." She gives the older girl a soft smile. "Bye Taeyeon." She turns, tugs on Dog's leash before walking away, leaving the older girl to ponder in her own thoughts.


Opening the door slowly, she allows for dog to enter first before following the four legged animal. "Sooyeon," she sighs and looks at the couch to find her mother sitting on it. Television was off which meant that she was more than likely waiting for Jessica to come home. "I see that you couldn't find Taeyeon."

"How'd you- "

"Sooyoung and a young girl by the name of Tiffany called, wondering if you had found her," interrupts her mother. "I'm guessing that Taeyeon is the owner..."

Jessica with a yawn remarks, "Dog does belong to Taeyeon. The reason why Dog was sitting on our porch was because she was giving Dog to me. She says she's leaving," She yawns a second time, "I'm really exhausted and tired. I want nothing more than to sleep right now. I'll keep her in my room." Jessica begins walking away when her mother grabs her wrist. The sudden touch from her mother startles her. Mrs. Jung pulls Jessica in closely, hugging her daughter tightly.

Her mind freezes. She doesn't know what to do. Why in the world was her mother hugging her. "I love you," she whispers, releasing Jessica, "I just want you to know that." Jessica raises a brow and stares at her mother with heavy eyes. "I know about you and Taeyeon... I'm not totally oblivious to what goes on in your life." She sighs. "Go to sleep... we can talk in the morning." Jessica nods her head and heads straight for the room that she's sharing with Krystal.

Ignoring the thoughts of changing clothes, she climbs into her bed; Dog follows after her. "I shouldn't be worried. This is her choice," she states while looking at Dog. "And there really isn't anything I can do about it. People runaway everyday... all I can do really is hope that she's safe... you know?" Her voice wavers a little. She swallows the lump that's formed in her throat. She rolls onto her back. Dog climbs up on the bed beside her. "Let's just sleep and hope she decides to stay."


"I... I was going to leave you a text, but I figured that a text wouldn't suffice. I mean if I had texted you I can always take back my decision... so I guess you can say I'm leaving you this voice message instead. I've decided to leave, Jessica. I've decided to make a run for it... I know that this will affect everyone the wrong way... but I'm sure that everyone will begin to adjust. Yoong has Yuri and Seohyun. Miyoung has Sooyoung... and well Taemin, Taemin will have you when he calls..." She sighs, "The bus is getting ready to leave... I have to get ready to board..." Another sigh, "Ah... thank you, Jessica. I'm really grateful to have had you as a friend. I promise to keep in touch... in fact I think I will return for the next school year... and yeah I know that since I didn't really pass the first semester and I'm not going to be here for the ending of the second that I will have to repeat my junior year... now I'm rambling. Anyways thank you, Jessica... and bye."


She stares at the phone; Taeyeon's message replays in her mind again. So that was it then. She's lost a biological sister, a 'sister', and now her girlfriend. She bites her bottom lip, wanting nothing more than to call her cell. But that's ridiculous. What's she going to say when Taeyeon answers? She let her go; she let the older girl make her own decision.

With a yawn, she clamors out of bed and makes her way to the kitchen; Dog hot on her heels. "Let's see what's to eat, hm?" she questions, stretching. A small yelp was Dog's response. "I know you'd agree with me." She begins sprinting down the hall at the smell of her favorite breakfast. Skidding to a stop she takes a look at the table: there was no father, sister or brother, and her mother was cooking. The elderly woman was cooking everything that she liked. "What's going on?" she questions, eyeing the table.

"Nothing," answers her mother while keeping her back to her oldest daughter. "I'm just making breakfast for my daughter. Take a seat Sooyeon." Jessica eyes her mother before walking over to the cabinet and pulling out a box of cereal, "Sooyeon..."

"I want to eat some cereal," she states while looking for a bowl.

"I made you breakfast."

Jessica stops looking for a bowl and looks at her mother. "Can I know why you're making me breakfast?" Mrs. Jung stops and looks at her daughter. "I'm just curious... I'm not Yunho or Soojung." Mrs. Jung sighs and rolls her eyes.

"Sooyeon... put the cereal and bowl away, take a seat at the table and eat the food I cooked. We'll talk later like I said." Jessica scoffs and does as her mother says. She takes a seat at the table; eyes look the food over. Something wasn't right. Her mother never cooks for her, at least not since Krystal was born. Setting the last dish on the table, Mrs. Jung takes a seat across from Jessica. "Eat."

"I'm not hungry," responds Jessica. She grabs a piece of ham and feds it to Dog.

"You're going to let all this food go to waste?"

"No," answers Jessica with a head shake, "Dog will be more than happy to eat it; I can assure you." Mrs. Jung huffs; she abruptly stands grabbing plates, "what are you doing?"

"Cleaning up... since you're not hungry and don't you dare look for something to eat," states Mrs. Jung, "you can leave." Jessica watches her mother before standing and leaving the room. A small whine from dog causes for both Jung women to stop. Jessica waits for Dog before continuing on her way to Krystal's room. She rounds the corner, entering the room. Eyes automatically lock on the person standing in the middle of the room.

Hearing Jessica's footsteps, they turn around and look Jessica in the face. "T-Taeyeon?" questions Jessica. Confusion was evident. What was this girl doing here? Did she not leave a message stating that she was leaving? "What are you doing here? How did you get in here?" She closes the bedroom door, leaving her back to the older girl.

"The window," answers Taeyeon. Jessica looks to the far side of the room. The window was open and screen was popped out. She rolls her eyes. "And I got curious. I was already on the last bus leaving the terminal last night when you had gotten a text message from Sooyoung saying that things were fine and Siwon didn't return." Taeyeon pauses. "What happened last night? What did she mean by Siwon didn't return? Did he do something to my sister?"

"I don't really know what happened. I got there; they were arguing. He threatened them; Tiffany gave him the finger and threatened him in return... It's really complicated." She hears a hiss escape Taeyeon's mouth. "Don't worry about it." She turns back to Taeyeon. "So you... you really are nothing more than a delinquent, choosing yourself over your family, friends... relationships. I guess the saying is true a leopard can't change its spots."

"I came back... that must mean something right?" questions Taeyeon as she watches the younger girl walk around the room.

"Let me ask you something Taeyeon... if curiosity never got the best of you, if you never decided to check the message... would you have came back? You said that Yoona is being taken care of, so is Tiffany and that you wished of me to take care of Taemin... so would you have come back?" The older girl was becoming confused. "Never mind... ignore my questions... I shouldn't be taking my anger and whatnot out on the wrong person." Jessica stops walking and looks at Taeyeon, "are you here to stay? Or are you going to leave now that you know what happened to Tiffany?"

Taeyeon shrugs her shoulders. She wasn't so sure what she was going to do. Being back here was making her feel lost again. "Do you think I should stay?" Jessica shakes her head with a small smile, "why not?"

"I wasn't saying no..." she takes a seat on the bed, patting the spot beside her. The older girl takes the seat, "Taeyeon... I can't tell you what to do - I mean I can, but I'm not. I'm only here to offer advice, remember? That and a shoulder to lean on; I'm also here to lend an ear to listen to your thoughts, your problems." Taeyeon nods her head; how could she forget that she and Jessica ended their short relationship? That's right, her and Jessica were nothing more than mere friends again. Gaze drops to her hands. "Taeyeon..." Jessica watches the older girl curiously. "Taeyeon what are you thinking about?"

"Nothing... just thinking about what I'm going to do." She stands and looks at the window, adjusting her backpack. "I think I'll head out for a walk and get some air. Can I rely on you to relay a message to Tiffany, even more so to make sure that Yuri relays the same message to Yoong?" Jessica nods her head. "Alright then... let them know that I'm fine. More importantly please let Yoong know that it's not her fault. I got curious and read the email that she sent you."

"Alright then." Taeyeon heads to the window. She tosses her backpack out into the yard. Hands press flat against the pane; knees bend, ready to launch her through the window. Pushing off her makes it halfway through the window when the door opens and Mrs. Jung enters.

"Sooyeon - Why is Taeyeon climbing through the windows? Only delinquents use windows as..." her voice trails off, "oh god... what Soojung said is true. I didn't want to believe it," she mumbles with a heavy sigh.

"Didn't want to believe what?" questions Jessica. She looks at her mother before turning back to Taeyeon who was sitting in the window.

"I didn't want to believe this!" shouts Mrs. Jung while pointing at Taeyeon. "Last night when you were out and about looking for her, Soojung and I had a talk. She told me that she was acting this way because she was mimicking you. That you were hanging out with delinquents who steal, drink and what not. I didn't want to believe it. I thought that you were doing things right. I mean I get I'm hard on you but at least I know you were doing the right thing. But this!" Mrs. Jung looks at Taeyeon, "And you were dating her?! I let her in my house! Sooyeon... you know how I feel about people like them..."

Jessica rolls her eyes. Leave it to Krystal to mess things up. "I approved of her... I boasted to my friends that even though you were a lesbian... that you found someone worthy. I said that your girlfriend was hardworking, had a job and her own place to stay!"

"And you believe the daughter who cut and dyed her hair? The one who stayed out late, didn't call in, and let me say I found her smoking a cigare - "

"Don't lie on your sister," interrupts Mrs. Jung, "And what are you still doing here?! Get out... get out now before I call the police and report you for breaking and entering!" Taeyeon didn't need to be told twice. She hops out the window, scoops her backpack up and takes off running. "You!" Mrs. Jung attention turns back to her oldest daughter. She huffs; her nose flares.

"I didn't do anything wrong," states Jessica in response, standing her ground. She looks off to the side, "Is that what the breakfast was about?" Mrs. Jung rolls her eyes. "I can't believe it! Soojung is the **** up around here and yet... and yet you treat me like I'm..." Jessica stands quickly. She past her mom and enters her room.

"Sooyeon," she ignores the elderly woman, "Sooyeon I know you hear me calling you." She stops walking and looks at her mother. "What do you expect me to believe? You, who's been hiding out with delinquents and keeping it a secret? Or Soojung, my daughter who's becoming corrupted because she copies her older sister?"

"Obviously not the one playing you and everyone else for attention!" shouts back Jessica. "I'm not hanging with delinquents! Why would I do that after what happened to Krystal? Why would I hang with people who hurt my baby sister... the thing that I actually cherished, huh? I... I don't want to talk about it." She grabs some clothes out of the dresser, quickly changing into them. She storms past her mother again and heads to the bathroom, washing up as fast as she can.

"Sooyeon - "

"Stop calling my name! I said I don't want to talk about it anymore!" Tossing her toothbrush carelessly, she exits the bathroom and heads towards the front door. Dog yelps and follows after her new master. Feet slip into shoes; she tosses out the idea of tying them. Her hand reaches for the doorknob when the door opens, revealing Yunho, Krystal and her father. She pushes past them and takes off running down the street with Dog right beside her.


No phone, no watch, no way of telling the time except for the fact that the lights are on outside and the stars are out. Eyes dart to her walking companion, making sure that the dog was still with her and not somewhere else. They round the corner coming onto the street where her house is located. "Are you ready to go back?" she asks looking at the dog. "I know I'm not... but since I didn't have a wallet, we haven't eaten at all today. And I know... we could have went to Taeyeon's but that's a bus ride away... and why am I talking to a dog? It's not like you can understand and sympathize with me. Then again your owner did treat you like garbage, just like how my mother is... I should really stop talking to you." Dog just tilts her head to the side. "Yeah... yeah go on thinking that I'm a nut case... you wouldn't be the first."

She sighs; hands delve into her pockets. Her foot connects with pebble, sending it skipping along the concrete. "Now I see why Taeyeon decided to run for it. I would too if I had the chance." Head tilts back and she looks up at the sky. "I wonder if what she said is true, you know? What if we had left things the way they were? What if I decided not to get involved in her life? Would her family be fine? Would mine? Would I still have the strong urge to strangle my family member known as Krystal and be willing to throw her under a bus?" A frustrated groan escapes her lips as she begins thinking of her sister. "When I see that good for nothing..." He voice trails as she and Dog stop outside the Jung House. "Ready?"

A small bark is what she got as a response. They slowly trudge up the yard and the porch stopping right outside the door. A heavy sigh, her hand envelops the doorknob giving it a turn. Pushing the door open slowly she peeks inside checking for anyone. "The coast is clear... come on."

Slipping inside, Jessica and Dog make their way to the room. "Sooyeon." She stops and looks inside the kitchen area, finding her family all sitting at the table eating. "Come eat."

"Not hungry and would rather starve then sit at the table with that little liar," responds Jessica, ignoring her stomachs call for food. Krystal rolls her eyes; Jessica catches it and releases a low growl.


"No. It's final. In fact I'm moving back into my bedroom."

"Where is Yunho supposed to sleep?"

"I don't know. How about he sleeps on the couch, or in the hallway? He can go back to college... or better yet he can sleep with his girlfriend. All I have to say is that I'm not sleeping in the same room as her, unless you want to wake up in the morning with one less daughter."

"I wouldn't be surprised if you decided to run away," retorts Krystal.

"I was talking about suffocating you, you little attention w****," remarks Jessica. Krystal scoffs.

"Daddy... Sooyeon is threatening me. I say you ground her and make her stop hanging out with those lowlifes." Jessica turns towards Dog.

"If you bite her I won't do anything, promise," she whispers. She looks back up at the table. "You are so dead. I hope Taeyeon and her criminal friends climb through the window and beat the crap out of you. And yes I threatened her... and I could care less if you ground me." With that she takes off walking towards her bedroom. She grabs Yunho's bags throwing them out into the hallway, slamming the door shut. Body slides onto the mattress; head falls onto her pillow. "God it smells like Yunho," she mumbles throwing the piece of bedding across the room.

She sighs again and looks at dog. "God I can go for some food," she mumbles.

"I know," turning her head to get a view of the door, her eyes lock onto Yunho. "Here," he walks over to the bed handing her a plate. "Wanna talk?" Jessica rolls her eyes and snatches the plate out of his hand. Splitting the dinner roll in half, she hands a piece to Dog.

She looks at her older brother while shoveling food into her mouth. "You really waiting for me to talk?" she questions, spewing food everywhere. Yunho groans.

"Chew and swallow, Sooyeon," he states while staring at Dog. "And yes I'm waiting for you to begin talking. I don't know what's going on with you, mom and Soojung... but whatever it is I don't like it. I left for college and everything was fine... I come back and the house has turned into a battlefield. What's going on?"

"Besides the fact that Krystal's a mere attention w**** and liar," she shakes her head, trying to think of something. "Nothing much." Yunho groans again. "What do you want me to say? The girl's like a mini devil running through the house. She has everyone wrapped around her stupid fingers..." She huffs, "you know she told mom that I'm hanging with delinquents and I'm the one doing bad? I haven't drank even though I was offered some alcohol. I haven't smoked anything. I don't stay out late. I may forget to call but I'm always in a house when the street lights begin to come on. I'm helping people while that little b**** is running around getting piercings, smoking, drinking, partying and what not. She's not even in freaking high school yet!" Yunho places his hand on his sister's shoulders in hopes of calming her down.

Jessica looks at his hand then looks at her brother. "She's a little party animal. God I can't wait to hear about her college days."

"Get out. You're not helping." She pushes him off the bed.

"I thought we were talking."

"Get out before I allow Dog to bite you in the a**," she states while setting the rest of her food on the floor for Dog to eat.

"You're really going to make me sleep on the couch?"

"I'm not making you do anything but get out of my room, Yunho," answers Jessica while dropping back on her bed. Eyes slowly drift close. Inhale. Exhale. One eye cracks open to see Yunho still standing in her room. "Yunho... you have to the count of five to get out or Dog is going to seriously leave a mark on your behind. One." He stares at his sister, "Two." One step forward. "Three." A smile. "Four... screw counting. Dog get him!" Dog stops eating and looks at Yunho. She crouches down, teeth bare. A low growl escapes Dog's mouth.

"Alright, alright... I can see when I'm not welcomed," he turns and heads for the door. "Just remember Sooyeon. Not everyone is wrapped around Soojung's fingers. I can see that she's a little devil in the making." Pushing herself up, Jessica looks at her brother, watching as the oldest Jung leaves the room.

"Worthless family members," she mumbles. "You can go back to eating." She stares up at the ceiling, listening to Dog eat. "I wonder how Sooyoung is doing?" She looks at Dog, "I should have let you do something last night, huh?" She shakes her head again, "Why am I talking to a dog?"

"Because you're a complete idiot," She sits up again to see Krystal standing in her doorway.

"What do you want?" Her voice is full of annoyance.

"I want to talk." Jessica laughs and falls back on her bed. Talk, really? Did her sister really expect for her to talk? "Jessica..." She rolls her eyes. "Sooyeon."

"I'm going to give you a fair warning. If Dog bites the crap out of you it's not my fault; Dog doesn't seem to like you very much. Isn't that right?" Dog looks up from her position on the floor at Krystal.

"I bet if I was Taeyeon or Yoona you'd be willing to talk," counters Krystal.

Jessica sits up and looks at her younger sister again, "let me fill you in on something. No matter how tough you try to be, no matter how 'badass' you try to be Soojung, you will never be like Taeyeon or Yoona. At least they learn when enough is enough, and they never... never betray or turn their backs on their family." She drops back down on her bed, "now get out of here. I don't want to see your ugly face."

"So that's it? You're going to leave me hanging like this?"

"Do you really expect me to help you?!" questions Jessica, while sitting up once again. "After everything you've done?! You're lucky I'm even wasting my time talking to you right now, Soojung!" Her voice rises with every word. "I... Get out of my room!"

"Technically this is Yunho's room-"

"Get out Soojung and don't even try talking to me ever again. And I mean it. As from this point forward I don't have a baby sister anymore." Her body drops backwards, before flipping back up, "In fact I do have a little sister. I have two. One by the name of Sooyoung and the other goes by the name Yoona. And since neither of those are your name, get out."

"You're really-"

"Get out of my room, or dog is going to bite you. Ask Yunho... she's almost done it to him." Krystal rolls her eyes. She tosses the item that's been in her hand at Jessica before leaving out of the room. Jessica looks at the item that landed on her bed: Taeyeon's cell phone. She turns back to dog as her body drops. "If one more person comes in here to talk... we're going to spend the night on Taeyeon's bed." The spot besides her vibrates; she quickly picks up the phone answering it. "What?!"

"Jes-Jessica?" The voice was too familiar. She sits up, pulling the device away from her ear. Eye's land straight on the screen.

"Taemin?" she questions, replacing the phone by her ear.

"Hi Jessica... Where's Taeyeon?" questions Taemin.

"Good... very good question. But you know what's a more important question? Where the hell are you?!" she hisses into the phone. Clamoring out of bed, she stumbles to the door, closing it. She didn't need a certain eavesdropper making up some wacked out story as to why she's talking to a boy. "Hello Taemin-"

"I heard you, Jessica," responds Taemin. "I was making sure my dad wasn't around. I don't know where we are exactly, but I do know that we're not living alone. He's got a wife and she's got a child... Where's my sister? Anyone of them I want to talk to them." She bits her lip and leans against the door. She was confused as to what to say to him. "Jessica?"

"Taeyeon's not in right now. She went somewhere... I think she has my phone by mistake if you want to call her. As for Tiffany she's probably in the NICU area taking care of your nephew."

"Neph-Nephew?" he stutters. A smile crosses Jessica face.

"Yeah a tiny little nephew. And Yoona's been out of the loop for about a week now. No one can really contact her. The Ims shipped her off to some boarding school." She pauses, "How are you feeling, Taemin? Are you okay and everything?"

"I'm fi - I have to go, Jessica." Before she was able to respond Taemin had already hung up. She looks at the phone.

"Should I let Taeyeon know that Taemin is looking for her?" She sighs. "Speaking of that midget... where did she go?"


Hand flat against the wooden door; the other turns the knob. She forces the door open and looks inside to find her sister and twin sitting on the couch watching some reality show. Both of her younger sibling hear the door open and automatically look her way. "Mom! Sooyoung's home!" shouts her sister. Footsteps echo through the house; her mother and Siwon emerges from the kitchen. Sooyoung catches the dark look that Siwon was giving her.

"I was wondering when you were going to come home," remarks her mom, pulling her into a tight hug. "Have you been eating? You smell nice so that must mean that you've been showering." Mrs. Choi backs away and looks at her daughter. "Are you hungry? Me and Siwon were just finishing up making dinner, and your father should be home anytime- "

"I just came to get some extra clothes. Then I'm going back to Taeyeon's place," states Sooyoung. "With Jessica's help we've been bringing our grades up and what not. I want to continue working on that," she states while walking around her mother. "Sulli want to help me?"

"I'll help," comments Siwon. She stops; her body becomes very tense.

"Siwon don't be ridiculous. Your sister is more than likely going to be packing her personals," states their mother. "And you're supposed to be helping me in the kitchen." Siwon gives Mrs. Choi one of his charming smiles, "Not going to work. Jinri go help your sister pack some more clothes." A wave of relief washes over the oldest Choi daughter, and she continues towards the room that she shares with Sulli. Sulli follows behind closing the door.

"Is it true?" questions Sulli while taking a seat on her own bed.

"What true?" remarks Sooyoung, confused.

"You know... that you're sleeping with Siwon's fiancée? That's all anyone's talking about. They said that she's cheating on him with you, which is the reason why you're at Taeyeon's place all the time. They question me about it. But all I can say is I don't know." Sooyoung shakes her head. "Really?!"

"You believed it?" responds Sooyoung.

"Well duh... people have to be blind to not see that you're seriously crushing on Tiffany," answers Sulli. "Siwon and Tiffany are a cute couple and everything. And I should really be supporting my older brother, but Siwon's an ass and everyone can see that. Besides... from what I've seen you take much better care of the pregnant chick than he did." She leans back on the bed. "You're like the perfect gentleman... I hope when I get a boyfriend they're at least as romantic as you are." Sooyoung makes a barfing noise. "I'm being serious."

"Well no dating til you're a senior in high school. After witnessing what Baby Jung is turning out to be... stay away from boys." Sulli just smiles. "I mean it Jinri. Speaking of Baby Jung... you two still hang out?" Sulli shakes her head no. "What happened?"

"She's been hanging out more with Key and Minho and some others. I've decided to go back to hanging out with our original friends. I don't like the person she's becoming and I don't want to be in the same downward spiral as she's in." Sooyoung nods her head. "So are you going to do something about Tiffany?" Sooyoung laughs and shakes her head no.

"We're just friends." She stops packing and looks at her little sister. "Want to go meet your nephew?"

"She gave birth already?!" questions Sulli.

"You didn't know?" Sulli shakes her head no, "yeah... want to go see him? I'm sure Tiffany wouldn't mind." Sulli nods her head, "alright let's go. I've got enough clothes." Standing both of the Choi daughters exit the room heading towards the front door. They stop at the kitchen. "Hi," mumbles Sooyoung while waving at her father.

"Don't I get a hug from my little girl?" he questions while standing. Sooyoung sheepishly nods her head; she walks over to the elderly man. Her arms wrap around him, holding on to him tightly. "How are things? Are you okay?" whispers Mr. Choi into her ear. She nods her head. "Are you sure?" She nods her head again. "Sooyoung..."

"I'm fine," she states while backing away. "I'm going to be heading out. Me and Sulli are going to see the baby in the hospital. I'll bring her back by tonight before I head over to Taeyeon's apartment." She waves goodbye and heads for the door.

"Sooyoung come eat dinner with us. We haven't seen you in about a week," calls out her mother.

"She's fine. Let her go," responds Mr. Choi as his eyes fall on Siwon. "Let her go study," he turns to Sooyoung, waving the two girls off. "Call if you need anything Sooyoung," calls out Mr. Choi after his two daughters. She stops, nods her head and waves once again.


She bites her bottom lip and looks at the clock hanging on the wall, "I knew it was a bad idea allowing for her to go home alone," she mumbles. Her eyes dart back to the television as she tries to clear her mind. "Come on Sooyoung. Get some clothes and come back here... that's all you had to do." Feet lift off the floor and she curls up on the couch. "Maybe I should have gone with her... or maybe she went to check on the baby." Eyes pull away from the television and lands on her phone. "I can't call if she's visiting the baby since phones aren't allowed in the NICU." Tiffany releases a frustrated groan, stopping halfway through when the door to the apartment opens. "Oh my god Sooyoung I thought I was - Taeyeon!" she shouts while turning around.

Taeyeon gives her sister a small wave. Tiffany stumbles off the couch, running over to her older sister. She pulls the older girl into a tight embrace. The hug only last a while before Tiffany steps back smacking her sister in the head. "What the-"

"Do you know how worried sick I was?" interrogates Tiffany. "Do you know what kind of stress that you've added to Yoong's already stressful life? And not to mention your girlfr-"

"Jessica and I broke up," states Taeyeon. "Or at least I think we did... it's really complicated. And no, I didn't know I made you guys worried. I thought you'd be fine with Sooyoung and that Yoong wouldn't really know." Taeyeon's gaze drops to the ground as she rubs the side of her head. "But I'm back. That's something right?" Tiffany walks away from Taeyeon, not answering her question. "Tiffany?" She follows after Tiffany, "Miyoung..." She watches as her sister takes a seat on the couch. "Something wrong?"

"Sooyoung left to go home and she hasn't come back yet. After what happened last night with Siwon I'm really, really scared."

"What did he do?" questions Taeyeon.

"You think I'm going to tell you?" responds Tiffany. "You may have changed your ways, but I'm not stupid. I'm going to handle things on my own." She looks at her older sister. "Come sit... we have matters to discuss."


She moved around blindly in the apartment. There was no use in cutting lights on if all she was doing was heading to a bedroom. Arm extended, hand out in front of her like a crutch was. She fumbles a little; a hiss leaves her lips as her foot collides with a piece of furniture. Hopping on one foot, she makes her way down the hall and into the bedroom. Standing in the doorway she begins to contemplate on whether or not turning the light on was a good idea. "I'll leave it off and change in the morning," she mumbles. She heads straight for the bed, sliding underneath the blankets once her body hits the softness of the mattress. A groan can be heard from the sleeping lump besides her.

Sooyoung's head turns; her eyes cast upon the sleeping lump known as Tiffany. Her mind travels back to the conversation that she had with her sister. Is it obvious? Are her feelings that obvious? Can Tiffany tell that she's developing a crush on her? Eyes watch as the older girl tosses and turns in her sleep for a quick second before settling back down. Sooyoung shakes her head. What is she thinking? Tiffany is her brother's girl; she's the mother of her nephew. Tiffany won't see her as nothing more than a friend or a care giver.

Rolling onto her back, Sooyoung looks up at the ceiling. A heavy hearted sigh escapes her lips. Arms slide behind her head. She's being ridiculous, just thinking about it. She's not what Tiffany would want. What Tiffany had said a few weeks ago about dating her was just in the heat of the moment of her being totally pissed at Siwon. She groans and shakes her head. "Stupid Sulli and her stupid comments." One of her feet moves back and forth. "Why the hell am I-" Mouth stops; body freezes as Tiffany snuggles in closer to her.

"Sooyoung," mumbles Tiffany half asleep, "where the hell have you been?" she questions, tilting her head back slightly to the younger in the face. Sooyoung tilts her head slightly, looking at the older girl's half-lidded eyes. "Huh?"

"I was spending time with my sister," answers Sooyoung. Her eyes rip away from Tiffany's and returns to look at the ceiling. "We were talking and whatnot."

"About what?" questions Tiffany with a yawn. Sooyoung shrugs her shoulders. It wasn't important, so no point in telling the older girl. Tiffany looks at Sooyoung; eyes now open. She knows that the younger girl is hiding something; she could sense it. But the matter was should she press on and make her spill whatever it is she's hiding or should she just keep quiet and let Sooyoung be? Teeth tug on her bottom lip. Forcing herself up, she looks at Sooyoung through the dark. "Sooyoung..." Sooyoung closes her eyes. "Sooyoung."

"Did I wake you? If I did I'm really sorry. I'll try to be quieter next time," remarks Sooyoung while rolling over onto her side. "You can go back to sleep Tiffany. I should be sleeping also since I have school in the morning. And you do also. You also have to get up early to travel on the bus just to make it in time... so just go back to sleep okay?" Tiffany sighs and falls back on the bed. A small frown forms on her face; eyes bore into Sooyoung's back. Face scrunches up; hand press flat against Sooyoung's back, shoving the younger girl off the bed.

A groan escapes her lips the moment her body collides with the ground. "Sleep on the floor tonight," states Tiffany. She flips over to rest on her opposite side. Sooyoung lifts her body off the floor and stares at Tiffany in disbelief. Why did she push her onto the floor? Ignoring Tiffany's demand, she crawls back into bed. "I said-"

"My talk with Sulli isn't important," states Sooyoung while returning to stare at the ceiling. "We just talked about what my family's been up to. I took her to see the baby and we talked about that. It's just as simple as that, Tiffany." She looks at the older girl's back. Hand reaches out, touching the older girl's back. "And I had a talk with my dad and whatnot. Nothing more than that really." Tiffany turns back over.

"And Siwon?" Sooyoung shakes her head. Tiffany sighs scooting closer to her. "Okay... let's go to sleep." Sooyoung nods her head in agreement, closing her eyes. Only to open her eyes as a knocking noise echoes throughout the apartment. Both girls look at each other. Same thought runs through their mind: who in the world is knocking on the door? The knocks come more frequent seeming more urgent. They slip from underneath the covers and head to the bedroom door running into a half awoken Taeyeon. "Tae... get the door please." Taeyeon looks at her younger sister; sleep etched in her face. "That way if it's some burglars or something you can beat them."

Taeyeon lazily nods her head, releasing a small yawn. She walks blindly towards the front door, snatching it open upon reaching it. "What?!" she mutters; eyes returned to being close. "Why are you knocking on my door at this time of night... morning... whatever it is?" She opens her eyes, trying to figure out who it was on her doorstep.


"Krystal?" questions Taeyeon confused. "What are you doing here?"

"Aren't you going to invite me inside or are you just going to make me stand in the hallway?" Taeyeon steps to the side allowing for the younger girl to enter the room. Krystal eyes the older girl while entering the apartment. "How can someone like you afford this?"

"I have a job," answers Taeyeon while closing the door. Hand moves straight to her neck and she begins rubbing it. "Is there something that you need?" She turns and tilts her head back a little to look Krystal in the eyes. "Or did you come to get me even more on your family's bad side?"

"My mother was going to hate you sooner or later," remarks Krystal while looking around the apartment. "Sooyeon's been neglecting her duties and what not... and there's the fact that you make money illegally." Taeyeon sighs and closes her eyes. If this is what Krystal wanted to talk about, then she can leave and comeback tomorrow or something when she's fully awake. "But I want to talk to you about my sister." Krystal's tough act drops suddenly, along with her shoulders. "I think I've gone too far."

"Really?" questions Taeyeon slightly uninterested.

"She says I'm no longer her sister. I didn't mean to do what I did, honestly. I just... I don't like the fact that she goes running to you every single time you have a problem. Who does that leave me with, huh?" states Krystal; her eyes land back on Taeyeon.

"Why are you telling me this? In fact, why are you here? You hate my guts, Krystal."

"I have no one else to talk to. And since you took my sister away from me, you're going to listen to my problems." Taeyeon sighs and leans against the wall, eyes drifting close. "Hey!" Eyes quickly open at the young girl's outburst. "Fine, don't listen... but tell me how to get my sister to talk to me."

Taeyeon shakes her head while yawning. "I can't help you in that department," she mutters. "I can't even hold a simple conversation with my own sister..." She pushes herself off the wall. "Krystal, its super late... and you should be home in bed. Don't you think you've caused enough trouble?" Krystal rolls her eyes. "You're mom is going to get upset and worried-"

"I sneak out every night Taeyeon. I climb in and out of my bedroom window. My mom has stopped performing her late night sweeps. I'm fine." Taeyeon shakes her head, inhaling deeply. "What?"

"Can I ask you one thing?" responds Taeyeon, "I'm the way I am because I don't... I didn't have a loving family and siblings who cherished me. You on the other hand have a mother and father who will pamper and baby you, an older brother who will protect you and a sister who cherishes you above everything else. Why are you destroying that?"

"I don't have to answer that," states Krystal. Taeyeon mentally face palms herself.

"Krystal I really don't have time for this. I've got school and I have to return back to work. I need all the sleep that I can-"

"Can I borrow some money?" interrupts Krystal. A look of confusion crosses Taeyeon's face. "Long story short... because of some stupid choices that I've made, I now owe someone some money, and if I don't give them it, I get the living daylights beat out of me. It's why I've wanted Sooyeon to pay attention to me." Taeyeon sighs again.

"How much?"

"A few hundred." Taeyeon groans and walks away from Krystal, heading towards her room. She returns moments later with a shoe box. Opening it, she pulls out a few bills and shows them to the younger girl.

"We make a deal before I hand anything over," states Taeyeon. Krystal nods her head; eyes locked on the cash. "I'm only giving you about two hundred. It may or it may not cover whatever it is you owe, since you won't tell me the exact amount. Anyways, you have to pay this back in full, got it?" Krystal nods her head, "not only that... you have to quit whatever it is you're doing. Go back to being the baby of the family. Apologize to your sister also." Krystal nods her head again. She places the bills in Krystal's hand, only to snatch it back. "I mean it Krystal... I still listen to the streets. If I catch any sound of you not doing what I said..." She doesn't finish her sentence; she knows that Krystal caught on to what she was trying to say. Instead she gives the younger girl the money and pushes her towards the door. "Go home, go to sleep and talk to your sister."


She's feeling antsy, really antsy. All she wants is to just open her mouth and have a conversation with the girl standing next to her. But she knows that her idea is completely idiotic due to the fact that the girl next to her despises her. Eye cast a sideward glance at her older sister. She nibbles on her bottom lip. Maybe she should do something to get her sister to acknowledge her existence. She rolls her eyes at that thought. That's what she's been doing and so far it's done nothing but cause a huge riff between them. With a heavy sigh, she opens her mouth, "I-"

"Shut up," responds Jessica, immediately, not allowing for her sister to speak. Krystal sighs and stops walking, causing for Jessica to stop walking. "Soojung... unlike you I'm not trying to be late for-"

"Yell at me! Hit me! Push me! Spit on me!" shouts Krystal. Jessica flinches slightly at the younger Jung's outburst. "I don't care what you do... just don't ignore me," mumbles Krystal. "I understand that what I've been doing is wrong... but I just... I want my sister. I don't want to share her with some other people who shouldn't even matter. I..." Her voice trails off; gaze drops to the concrete beneath them. Hand exits from her pocket, curling around the backpack strap; a frustrated groan exits her mouth.

What is she doing? Her stating this doesn't matter; it wouldn't matter. Her plead isn't going to be heard by her sister; Jessica isn't going to listen. Krystal had crossed the line when she revealed Taeyeon's past to their mother. She crossed the line when she decided that she'd rather get Jessica in trouble in order to be able to spend time with the older girl. "I'm just going to go ahead and leave. I'll probably meet up with some friends and go on to school instead of being a nuisance to you." Krystal takes a step forward when Jessica pulls her back.

"You think I'm stupid or something? I'm not going to get in trouble if you don't show up to school. We're going. I'm taking a photo and I'm texting it to Yunho to show mom that I dropped you off." The walk becomes quiet and awkward again, making Krystal wonder on whether or not her sister had heard what she said. Eyes drop to the concrete for a quick second; she looks up and spots that Jessica was looking at her. "I don't know what I'm going to do with you," mumbles Jessica. "Don't expect me to walk you to school tomorrow." She huffs and releases her little sister.

"In all reality I didn't expect the evil demented older sister to walk me this morning," counters Krystal, flinching slightly at her own response. It wasn't supposed to come out like that. She shakes her head and stops again. Jessica groans in response and looks at her sister.

"I don't want to be late," states Jessica, obviously displeased with her sister's actions. Inhale. Exhale. Jessica attempts to calm herself down.

"Think I care what you want?" Once again, not the type of response that she wanted. Jessica huffs. All she wants is turn around and strangle her sister. She hears the younger girl take a deep breath. "I... I snuck out last night."

"I know. You suck. I heard you. I hope you don't want to be a ninja in the future. You wouldn't make it with those horrible skills." With that the oldest Jung girl begins walking again. Krystal groans and chases after her sister.

"I... I was trying to tell you something," states Krystal remembering Taeyeon's words. Jessica turns her head slightly. "I snuck out and went to talk with Taeyeon." Jessica stops walking, giving the younger girl her full undivided attention. "I... I said those things to mom because..." She looks off to the side. "I..." The words won't spill forth from her mouth. Her mind was forming the correct letters, syllables, phrases, but nothing would leave the tip of her tongue. "Forget it." Krystal looks up, "I'm leaving and if you attempt to drag me back, I'll scream and cause a scene." Krystal turns and crosses the street, hoping that Jessica would follow, only to be disappointed.

She looks over her shoulder, finding that her sister had already walked off. Adjusting her backpack again, she continues walking towards the middle school. Her foot connects with an empty can, sending it down the street. Gaze lowers to the concrete, even though she knows she's supposed to pay attention to where she's going. A deep sigh, neck cranes back and her gaze moves to the sky. "I've got to be the world's biggest idiot," she whispers aloud.

"I agree." Feet stop moving. Head turns and looks at the person leaning against the wall. "Baby Jung."

"Hey," was all she could produce, ripping her eyes away from his form. She adjusts her backpack once more. He pushes off the wall and walks to stand in front of the girl. "What do you need, Key?" she questions; eyes connect with his.

"You know exactly what I'm looking for," states Key. Krystal rolls her eyes; hands delve into her pockets pulling out the cash that Taeyeon had given her the night before.

"I'm done, right. I give you this and I'm done. I'm no longer-"

Key snatches it from her hands and counts it. "No... we had a deal. You pay me back in full for everything that you've destroyed. This isn't even half of it," he looks up at the younger girl. A quick nod of his head and hands wrap around Krystal's torso, pinning her arms at her side. "You owe me... and either you pay the worth in cash or you get me my merchandise." He leans in closer, "I mean it Baby Jung. Or else, right Minho?" Krystal turns her head; eyes meet her ex's. "You have 'til the end of next week, since we go on summer break and I have plans. Understand?" Krystal vigorously nods her head. "You can let her go... we have to make it to class." Minho releases Krystal; his fingers linger upon her back. "Let's go." Krystal releases the breath that she didn't even know she was holding as the two older boys disappear.

"I'm so screwed," mumbles Krystal.


She lays there, eyes taking in the clouds, face taking in the sun's rays. She inhales deeply ignoring the ruckus going on around her. It was her lunch break and she was going to spend it how she usually does when her sister's were attending school with her: lying in the middle of the courtyard until she feels the urge to ditch or steal. Eyes slowly drift close. "Taeyeon!" Eyes open. Using her elbows, Taeyeon props herself up and watches as Jessica walks her way.

"Huh?" responds Taeyeon, as the younger girl takes a seat beside her. "Did I do something?"

"Yeah... how about not informing me that the evil serpent with the forked tongue, who goes by the name of Krystal, showed up at your apartment last night?" questions Jessica. "I had the decency to inform you of Taemin calling and looking. You could have done the same!" She lifts her hand and slams it into Taeyeon's stomach. "We had a deal didn't we? To help improve each other in being good sisters we were to inform the other of some things-"

Taeyeon places her index finger on Jessica's lips, silencing the younger girl. "Krystal informed me that you've practically disowned her, Jessica. I didn't really see it as a big deal. And it was nothing. She came for some help with something. I gave her a deal. It's nothing. Everything is taken care of." Jessica sighs, "Want to explain why you'd even care if she's no longer your sister?"

"It's just like you not caring about Tiffany, Yoona and Taemin," remarks Jessica while swatting Taeyeon's hand away. A small laugh escapes the older girl's lips. "So how long are you back?" questions Jessica switching topics. Taeyeon shrugs her shoulders; her body falling back on the grass. "If I were to tell you not to leave, would you listen?"

"Do I ever listen to you?" remarks Taeyeon. Jessica exhales loudly. Eyes land on the smaller girl's face. "Want something?"

"I... I want to take back my message and decision," states Jessica. "I did some thinking and I like you. And yeah..." Eyes tear away from Taeyeon's face landing on the grass; fingers move, tugging and pulling on the small green blades. Mind begins to wander; anxiety begins to set in waiting for the older girl's response. She takes a peek to find Taeyeon's eyes close, signaling that Taeyeon was thinking. Teeth tug on her lip; body slightly fidgets.

Taeyeon laughs silently. "You're mental aren't you?" she questions, opening a single eye. "We talked it over... we're not meant to date." She opens her other eye and turns to look at the younger girl. "Jessica," Jessica turns her gaze back to Taeyeon, "we can try again... I guess. But seeing as we only lasted a while before..."

"I wouldn't even count the last time as the real deal," states Jessica. She leans back a little and looks up at the clouds. "So are we really going to do it?" Taeyeon breaks out into a laugh. Jessica scrunches her face, before widening her eyes; realization dawns on her. "I didn't mean that you idiot!" She hits the older girl once again, "now whose mind is in the gutter."

"You left yourself open for that," states Taeyeon while rubbing her stomach, "and quit hitting me there. It's already upset because I haven't eaten."

"Why not?" questions Jessica. Taeyeon shrugs her shoulders; she just didn't feel up for eating lunch today. "Let's go." She watches as Jessica stands, "we still have enough time to get you something from the vending machine." Taeyeon shakes her head and follows after the stubborn younger girl.

"I'm fine," mutters Taeyeon, falling beside Jessica. "I'll more than likely pick something up on the way to work." Jessica ignores Taeyeon and continues walking towards the nearest vending machine. Taeyeon sighs; hand reaches out, wrapping around Jessica's small wrist and giving the taller girl a tug.

"Something?" questions Jessica. Taeyeon shakes her head; there was nothing that she needed; fingers ghost down the younger girl's wrist, interlocking themselves amongst Jessica's.

"I'm not hungry, really. Let's just walk," suggests Taeyeon. She pulls Jessica away from the machine.


The pen drops onto the table, startling the girl across from her. "Sorry Seohyun," she mumbles. Fingers wrap around the pen once again. Eyes drop back to the paper that she was writing, but for some reason she hasn't been able to concentrate. Lunch is only about 40 minutes not counting the time needed to return to class. And yet she's spent at least half of her lunch period feeling very, very paranoid. That feeling of being watched is exactly how Sooyoung feels right now.

Lifting her head up, eyes scan the library once again. There was no one in sight that she would need to run from. The only people, she's able to recognize are Seohyun, Yuri who is on the computer, Sunny and Hyoyeon who are searching through the shelves and that's about it. In fact the library's about empty save for those few who have a report as their final and need to finish. She sighs and leans back in her chair. "All this unnecessary worrying is going to stress me out," she whispers to herself. "Maybe I should have took Jessica's offer and spent time with her and Taeyeon for lunch." Yawning and stretching, her gaze lowers back to her paper. "I still need one more source." Pushing her seat back, she stands and looks at Seohyun. "I'll be right back, okay Seohyun."

The mute lifts her head; eyes lock with Sooyoung and she nods her. Sooyoung gives her a small smile before disappearing in the shelves. Eyes scan the numerous spines looking for one that would relate to her subject matter. Feet stop moving. A small frown graces Sooyoung's face. "There is way too many-" She never got to finish her sentence as her body collides with the nearby wall. Eyes close in an attempt to reduce the pain.

"Hello," Sooyoung's heart skips a beat at the sound of the voice; eyes open slowly taking in her brother's face. He flashes his sister a smile, trapping her between the wall and his body.

"I-Is there something you n-need?" she stutters, closing her eyes. Siwon's hands slide down the wall and land on her hips. "S-Siwon..."

"You hid from me when I went looking for you at the short girl's house. You got away since mother decided that Jinri would be better help," he whispers. Eyes rip away from his sister's form, looking around to make sure no one would sneak up on the two of them. His grip tightens on her hips; his nails digging into her skin. "Tiffany is mine, do you hear me?" She nods her head; he laughs a small laugh. "I don't think you understand though... I told you..." He pauses, hearing some rustling noise close by. "Forget it... come home today and I mean it, or else... do you understand?" Sooyoung nods her head again; he releases her and backs up. "And leave Tiffany alone... I mean it."

"N-No," responds Sooyoung. Her eyes slowly opens, locking with Siwon's dark pupils orbs again. "No... I'm n-not going to l-listen to you anymore."

A small chuckle, "who told you to say that? Tiffany?" He takes a step forward, "Taeyeon?" Another step. "Jessica, maybe?" He traps her again, "or was it good old Dad?" His hands press flat against the wall trapping her again. "Hm?" Sooyoung drops her gaze again. He leans forward, "are you going to listen to them Sooyoung? I mean... you don't have the guts to tell them what's been happening, right? You can't even tell your best friend and how Tiffany found out amazes me. Everyone is going to think that you're sick and demented. You'll destroy our family and stuff. Do you want to do that? Are you going to go against me?" Sooyoung shakes her head. He inhales deeply and takes backs away; fingers come through his hair. "Home. Today. After school. Understand?" Her head shoots up; she looks up at him wide eyed. "No... I'm not going to attempt to cure you anymore. You've proven that you'll be forever sick and demented when you took away my fiancée and my son... no, it's something totally different now. So come home, understand?"



Eyes slowly close; memories of what happened a week ago flood her mind. Legs bend and her knees meet her chest. Eyes tighten. The memories begin to play out; she watches the torture over again. She remembers the way he forced her down upon the work bench. The way he bound her hands with their fathers duct tape, trapping them above her head.

She shakes her head, lowering it. Arms wrap around her legs pulling them in tighter. Tears threaten to spill from the closed eyes. Disgust and shame begin to build up again. She lurches forward; bile makes its way up the esophagus. She bursts up and takes off to the bathroom, heaving all her stomach contents into the toilet. Because of her lowered defense, the tears escape, flowing down her face. Body drops to the floor beside the toilet, curling into the fetal position. Her cries echo throughout the room; her body shakes from the sobbing. She hates herself. She hates herself for not standing up, for falling for his manipulations, for being at fault. If she didn't let Jessica kiss her back in middle school none of this would have happened. If she never developed those ridiculous feelings for Tiffany then none of this would have happened. And more importantly if she didn't allow for Tiffany to make those ridiculous mistakes, then maybe, maybe these bruises wouldn't exist. Maybe she wouldn't have suffered.

Her cries become louder, blocking out the sound of the front door opening and closing, blocking out the sound of shuffling feet. Eyes remain closed, never noticing the person at the door. They watch her lie on the floor, crying her eyes out and Tiffany wasn't too sure what to do. Tiffany in fact hasn't had a clue what to do; Sooyoung has been keeping a distance between them since a week ago. The younger girl chose to sleep on the couch rather than the bed with her. She wouldn't stay in the same room alone with Tiffany and was always out on the balcony.

But Tiffany wasn't clueless. She saw the bruises and the fear in Sooyoung's eyes. She knows what and who is making Sooyoung suffer the way she is. But Tiffany wasn't sure what to do. Threatening Siwon wasn't working. Telling him he's losing all parental rights wasn't working. Nothing is working and because of it Sooyoung is suffering.

With a sigh, she approaches the younger girl. Hearing the light footsteps, Sooyoung's eyes snap open, landing Tiffany. "Go away," she mutters, wiping her tears with the back of her hand. Tiffany sighs and stops, taking a seat on the counter.

"You really going to listen to your brother and push me away?" questions Tiffany in a whisper, "I'm not the one hurting you, Sooyoung. And we're friends... you're someone I can confide in since my relationship with Tae is not so strong. And..." Her voice trails off; eyes lower to the tiled floor. She listens carefully to Sooyoung's sniffles. Now that she thinks about it, maybe her older sister was right. Maybe she should have stayed away from Siwon and his charms. Would things be like this if she had? Another sigh and her eyes head straight for Sooyoung who was sitting up now. "Sooyoung... tell me what happened please. I want to help. I don't like seeing my friends like this. And Taeyeon's worried and so is Jessica. We're all worried about you."

Sooyoung shakes her head. Why were they worried? This doesn't deal with them. This doesn't affect them, only her. This is all because of her, because of her stupid feelings and her stupid preference. "Just leave me alone," mutters Sooyoung while staring at the toilet. Tiffany doesn't respond; she doesn't move either. She sits there; eyes still upon Sooyoung.

A couple of minutes pass and Tiffany whispers, "I just want to help."

"You can't help," hisses Sooyoung. Her fists curl again, disgust taking over again. "Whatever is happening is my fault. I don't need help." Head turns; eyes lock with Tiffany's. "I'm to blame for what's happening to me. It's not normal... I'm not normal. We're not normal." She blinks, pausing. Mind searches for the correct words. "I shouldn't have my name on the birth certificate. I should fall for boys, not girls... and definitely not you," the last bit coming out as a whisper. She breaks the gaze and looks elsewhere around the room, hoping Tiffany would just leave her alone. "I'm... going to go home, and stay there."

"No you're not," remarks Tiffany. "Why go back to that? Why go back to allowing him to torture you and beat you for a stupid reason, huh? At least here, we can protect you." Sooyoung rolls her eyes. Tiffany just wasn't getting it, was she?

"Because it's my fault," growls Sooyoung full of frustration. She didn't want to explain anymore. Tiffany sighs and stands. She wants Sooyoung to talk, but it isn't something that Sooyoung wants to do. So she takes one last look at Sooyoung before exiting the bathroom, leaving the younger girl alone.

Entering the hallway, Tiffany makes her way to the living room, taking a seat upon the couch. She curls up, grabbing one of the seat cushions, hugging it. Tiffany sighs, closing her eyes. "Why do I feel like crying?" she mutters to herself, burying her face into the pillow. "Stupid *****," she mumbles thinking about Siwon. "Why do you have to be so freaking dominate and in control? Do you really have to control your sister's life?" she mumbles to herself. Opening her eyes, she stares at the blank television screen.

Releasing a silent sigh, Tiffany stands and heads for the door. She needs to do something. "I'm going out. I'll be back!" she shouts out. Slipping her shoes back on, she looks up to see Sooyoung leaning against the wall.


"I'm just going to pay my boyfriend a visit," states Tiffany dropping her gaze back to her shoes.


"Listen," remarks Tiffany. "Whatever he has you believing isn't true, alright. You liking girls... there's nothing wrong with that. Sure it maybe against some people's religion and views, but love is love. It shouldn't be held within certain criteria. You should be able to fall in love and love whoever it is you wish regardless of gender, race and whatnot... though age is a different thing all together." She sighs and turns back to Sooyoung, "Siwon has no right to make you suffer, because of whom you like, Sooyoung. And I'm not going to stand by and let it happen anymore, okay?"

"Why?" questions Sooyoung.

"You did things for me without me asking. You're taking care of me, of my son. I don't even think my pregnancy would have lasted this long... long enough for him to still be able to make it, if it weren't for you. And I want to pay you back however I can and even more than I can, okay? I mean what I'm about to do might not get him off either of our backs but it's worth a try." Tiffany opens the front door. "Stay here. I mean it. And you better be alive when I come back. I also don't want to see any self mutilation either. The only cuts and bruises on your body better be the ones he gave you, understand?" Sooyoung nods her head, "good... wish me luck." She exits out of the house, closing the door softly behind her.


The air around them is awkward; it's been awkward since they met up at the bus stop early in the morning. She was fine, but the girl beside her seems tense. She takes a glance at the younger girl; the frown was still on her face. It was beginning to make her feel slightly uneasy. Because if the frown was still evident, then it meant she hasn't been doing her duty as a girlfriend. With a sigh, her finger rake through her short locks. "I know you said nothing was wrong, but you've been frowning since we've left the bus stop. So either Krystal or you mother has said something... or you dislike the fact of hanging out with me. And considering the fact that you're the one who wants to retry this whole dating thing, I highly doubt that I'm the reason," states Taeyeon, stuffing her hands into her pockets.

"My cousins are coming over later," mutters Jessica. Head turns a little; eyes connect with Taeyeon's. "As much as I love them to bits... they're worse than Krystal. And one of them hangs with my ex... and yeah." Taeyeon shrugs.

"You're the one asking to redo this. What is there for me to worry about?" responds Taeyeon. Jessica sighs, turning her attention away from the older girl. "What? It's true... you asked me out the first time, and this time. So I shouldn't have to worry. I mean if you didn't like me... you wouldn't have asked."

"In others words you just that confident in me not cheating?" remarks Jessica. Taeyeon shrugs her shoulders in response. "Really?"

"I'm not confident... there is so many others out there that is more than capable of being with you. I've told you it before. I've questioned it before. But you're so stuck on being with me... that I don't think I have anything to worry about." Taeyeon stops and looks at Jessica, "I don't right?"

"There's nothing you should worry about," reassures Jessica. Her arm slips around Taeyeon's, linking them; head falls against the older girl's shoulder. Taeyeon looks at her quizzically and all she could do was flash the older girl a smile as they resume walking. "Summer's break is coming... we have to figure out what we're going to do during that time. I think Yuri said that Yoong will be back. We can sneak off somewhere with her." Taeyeon shakes her head no. "Why not?"

"I have a lot of important things to do this summer," answers Taeyeon. "I've got to redo Taemin's room, making room for the baby. I've got to locate Taemin. He hasn't called back since that night. I've got to get things situated with my mom. And on top of that, I have this feeling that I'm going to need to help a certain someone with a problem." She breaks the eye contact. "Too much to do..."

"And where does spending time with your girlfriend fit in?" questions Jessica.

"Somewhere between showering and working... I think there's enough time," answers Taeyeon jokingly. Jessica rolls her eyes; her arm untangles itself from Taeyeon's and she slaps the older girl. Taeyeon fakes a groan.

"Oh shut up. I know that didn't hurt," remarks Jessica while crossing her arms. Taeyeon stops again and looks at Jessica. Did she hurt the younger girl's feelings? She was only joking, or at least she thinks she was only joking. Does Jessica believe her? "I'm going home."

"Jessica," calls out Taeyeon as the younger girl turns and begins walking home. "Jessica." Her hand reaches out; fingers wrap around Jessica's small wrist, pulling her back. "I was joking... why wouldn't I have room for you? Even if we're friends, I'd still have time to hang out." Taeyeon turns and begins walking, dragging Jessica along behind her, "Come on... I need a cigarette."

"I thought you quit."

"Yeah... that didn't go so good," she looks over her shoulder at Jessica. "So let's go find one of my friends and get me a pack, and maybe some beer. After that we can do whatever it is you want."

"You'll be drunk," states Jessica.

"But I'll be a willing participant," adds Taeyeon with a smile. Jessica rolls her eyes, slapping the older girl for a second time. A hiss and Taeyeon immediately rubs the spot where Jessica's hand had landed, hoping to sooth the pain. A frown forms on her face as she stares at Jessica.

"You deserve both of them," comments Jessica knowing full well what the smaller girl was thinking. "Why do you have to act like that?" questions Jessica. "Everything is either a joke or depressing."

Taeyeon sighs; hands return to her pockets and she continues walking. "Because life is like that," she answers solemnly. "It's either a joke or it's depressing. Happy times are for those in denial, for those who just can't accept the truth." Jessica remains silent; her mind couldn't form a response. "You'll notice it, if you actually took a look at the world."

"So you're saying I'm blind and can't see my surroundings?" Taeyeon's last sentence has angered her a bit.

A silent sigh escapes the older girl's lips, "No... What I'm saying is... your vision of life is blurry."

"You just couldn't leave it at no." Taeyeon shakes her head. "You just like hurting my feelings."

"I don't," responds Taeyeon, a confused expression crosses her face. "My words may seem like it, but it's not intentional. You should know that."

"Yeah well I figured it would have changed by now, since we're dating."

"That's a dumb thing to figure," mumbles Taeyeon in response. Jessica groans; her head tilts back. "I... I didn't mean it like that." She grunts in frustration. "My words more than often don't mean what you think they mean... they way they come out are just my way of speaking. It's never intentional for me to hurt your feelings... or at least now. It was back when we first met..." She falls quiet, waiting for the younger girl to respond. Seconds become minutes and she looks to her side to see if Jessica was still with her. She was, so why wasn't she responding? "Jessica?"

"I'm sorry," mumbles Jessica. "I..."

"It's okay." She pulls the younger girl in closer, "let's just find some cigarettes and stuff. What do you want to do today?"

"Can't I just hide at your place, like I've been doing all week?" answers Jessica, linking arms again. The older girl nods her head, "good. And we can check up on Sooyoung and Tiffany. After all that has happened last week, we need to keep an eye on those two."

"Or you could let me kick Siwon's ass and get it over with," responds Taeyeon. Jessica rolls her eyes; free hand connects with Taeyeon's arm. "Ow."

"No fighting. If you fight, that's just going to give Krystal some stupid idea that she can begin fighting people." Her face scrunches up with a look of disgust, causing for Jessica to laugh. Taeyeon turns and looks at her girlfriend. "I'm serious. No fighting. And didn't Tiffany say she wants to handle this on her own?"

"Yeah, but Miyoung is scared and wants for me to do something. It's just that Tiffany thinks she knows everything and thinks she can handle things on her own," counters Taeyeon. They come to stop, waiting for the light to change.

"You say that as if, Tiffany has to different personalities."

The light changes allowing for them to cross. Taeyeon grunts in response, trying to think of the correct words. How do you explain that like her Tiffany is different; that the Tiffany everyone sees is just a fake mask? "Tiffany is the American girl; she's hardheaded and stubborn. Like I said she thinks she knows everything. That's the side of Stephanie that Stephanie wants you to see. And then there's Miyoung: the girl who's scared," she explains. Jessica pulls away slightly; eyes ghosting over Taeyeon's face, trying to figure out if the older girl was joking or not. "I'm not joking. All of us have a different side. Just different people bring them out."

"Like how Yuri is the only one that can make Yoong soft?" Taeyeon nods her head, "and me with you?" she nods her head again. "And Sooyoung with Tiffany?" A brow rises. "Oh come on you have to be a complete idiot to not see that those two have something going on."

"You're reading too much into things," states Taeyeon. "Tiffany is in love with that imbecile, Siwon. She and Sooyoung are just friends." Jessica scoffs and shakes her head. Was her girlfriend, really that blind that she couldn't see what was going around her? "What?"

"Please tell me that you can see that there is like some mutual attraction between your sister and my best friend." Taeyeon slows down her pace, thinking. Was there an attraction? She shakes her head no. "Taeyeon... they like each other."

"If they like each other... why aren't they doing anything about it?"

"Think about their situation, Taeyeon. Tiffany's been dating Siwon for a while. She has a son by him. And then there is Sooyoung, Siwon's sister. It would be really awkward for them to even think about dating each other." Taeyeon shrugs. "Anyways... as we were discussing, Sooyoung brings out another side to Tiffany. And you can't deny it."

"I won't." Silence falls over the two girls as they walk along the streets, looking for Taeyeon's delinquent friends.

"By the way, you're only allowed two cigarettes in the day: one in the morning and one at night." Taeyeon stops walking; head turns and eyes search for the younger girl, finding that she had already took off running. A small smile appears on her face, and she takes off after Jessica.

Catching up to the taller girl, her arms wrap around Jessica's waist pulling her back. "Got you." Jessica just flashes a smile as a response, "and what do you mean only two? If you were in my situation you'd want more than two."

"Maybe you need a new stress reliever." Taeyeon's smile grows, "get your mind out of the gutter!" She breaks free from Taeyeon's embrace. "Are all delinquents perverts?"

"I don't know. Why don't you ask Krystal?" Jessica stops walking and turns, glaring at Taeyeon. Taeyeon gives her a smile.

"Not funny."

"Okay, sorry," mumbles Taeyeon, "won't happen again." Jessica sighs; fingers wrap around Taeyeon's wrist giving it a yank. Taeyeon stumbles forward, stopping when their faces were centimeters apart. "Jessica?"

"I forgive you, for now. Let's go." They continue walking in silence, not that it bothered either girls. They were comfortable with the way things were. Finger's interlock together; arms link with one another again. The younger one's head rests upon the older one's shoulder. That's how they were walking.

Within minutes, the two of them have crossed from the safety zone and into a dangerous neighborhood. Jessica tightens her grip; eyes flicker over everything, scanning the area. Taeyeon could sense how tense, nervous and paranoid her girlfriend was. She tightens her grip on Jessica's hand, signaling that she was going to be alright. Jessica eases up a little. "You'll be fine," mutters Taeyeon. She abruptly stops walking. "They're right there." She points a towards the end of the block, "you coming with me or- "

"I'll wait here," finishes Jessica. She releases Taeyeon, giving her a forced smile.

"Okay. I'll only be a second." Jessica nods her head and watches as Taeyeon walks away, leaving her alone. She slips her hands in her pockets. Her teeth clamp down on her bottom lip, tugging on it. Maybe she should have walked with Taeyeon? Head shakes; hair whipping back and forth. What is she thinking? Last time she joined Taeyeon, she made the older girl out to be a fool. Taeyeon had almost lost all street cred and that would've put them in danger. She's made the right decision. Besides Taeyeon said it'll only be a second.

She looks over in Taeyeon's direction. Eyes watch curiously as Taeyeon shakes everyone's hand in the group, talking to them. A sigh and she continues watching the exchange for a pack of cigarettes. A small smile forms, knowing that Taeyeon would be returning and they can leave the area, but it disappears the moment one of the girls in the group back hugs Taeyeon. The hands in her pockets curl as her eyes take in the girl whispering something in Taeyeon's ear. She grunts and turns her back to the group. She didn't want to see anything else. She couldn't see anything else, or she was going to turn into some jealous freak. And Jessica did not want to become some jealous freak.

Eyes drift close even though she knows it's against her better judgment. But Jessica could care less at the moment. She just wants to erase the memory of another girl back hugging Taeyeon, her Taeyeon. Arms wrap around her waist; eyes pop open. Using her peripheral vision, she notices that it was Taeyeon hugging her. "Ready to go to my place?"

"Can we visit the Center first? I want to see Seohyun and Yuri first." Taeyeon nods her head; she releases Jessica, grabbing her hand, leading her out of the neighborhood. Silence falls over the two though Jessica wants to speak. She wants to know who the girl was and what they were whispering to each other. Looking over at Taeyeon, she bites her lip again before sighing. Maybe it was just a reunion. She shakes her head, erasing the thoughts and continues following after Taeyeon.


Dark orbs gaze upon the technological device on her desk. A quiet sigh leaves her lips. Mind begins to wander; thoughts begin to form. It's been a week, seven days, since she's last had any type of connection to the world outside the school. She knows she shouldn't be like this; it's cram week and Yuri is - well Yuri needs all the time she can get to study.

Another quiet sigh and Yoona leans back in her seat. She props her feet up on the desk; eyes drift close, missing the fact that her computer has lit up. Yuri appears on the screen and a mischievous smile appears on her face. "Hey Love!" she shouts startling Yoona once again. The younger girl tips back while thrashing in her seat, slamming into the floor. "Yoona?!" calls out Yuri as Yoona disappears from her sight.

"What the hell, Yuri?" groans Yoona as she forces herself up. "Why must you always do that?" She fixes her chair, taking a seat once again. "One of these days I'm going to break my butt or something."

"Well technically you can't really break your butt, but you can break your tailbone. But that's okay... it's a bone that's just there and serves no meaning and - " Yuri stops talking the moment she catches the dark look on Yoona's face. "I'll just stop right there and... Sorry," she mumbles. "You were just sitting there quietly and I thought - "

"I'd probably do something like that also," interrupts Yoona with a smile. She shifts slightly trying to get comfortable again. "So... what's been happening?"

"Well I just got done having lunch with Seohyun, Taeyeon and Jessica. From what I've gathered, Sooyoung's ill. Tiffany's gone off her rocker. Taeyeon and Jessica are going out again. Seohyun's fine. Taemin's called and Taeyeon's looking into that and the baby is fine and healthy," states Yuri. Eyes scrunch as she contemplates if there was anything else she needed to explain. "Yeah... that's about it. Jessica and Taeyeon say hi. Oh and Jessica was wondering if you were coming home for summer?"

Yoona shakes her head, "I transferred so late into the year. The headmistress wants for me to stay during the summer and catch up on the school curriculum. I would ignore her demands but that would put him at harm. So I'm going to be sitting in the room with a text book for summer." Yuri's face drops. "What? You'd expect for me to come home and for us to hang out?"

"Well duh," comments Yuri, "I'm busting my butt transferring information back and forth. Not to mention that I listen to you whine about school, or the fact that I'm the one sitting here listening to you cry. I'd expect that you'd at least you know... hang out with me. Is that a little too much to ask for?"

"It depends on the relationship," states Yoona. "If we hang as friends, then no it's not a little too much to ask for."

"But if it's more than that you don't want to hang out."

"Bingo." Yuri rolls her eyes. "What?"

"I thought we got pass that," states Yuri, annoyance clearly noticeable in her voice. Yoona's body stills. Eyes connect with Yuri's. "I... never mind. I have to study. I'll talk to you later or something." Yuri disappears from the screen. All the younger girl could do was blink. Finally realizing that she had hurt Yuri, her shoulders hunch and she releases a frustrated groan.

"Me and my stupid mouth." Sitting up, she scoots the chair closer to the desk. Fingers begin work, opening a new window, typing in her email. She knows that talking to Yuri through webcam won't work, but there was always the possibility of email. Well there wasn't a possibility, she knows for a fact that Yuri would check her email. She does so every night before she goes to sleep and every morning when she awakens. With a small smile she finishes typing her apology and clicks send before leaning back in her chair. A knock erupts from the door. She looks over her shoulder at door, "Yeah?"

"Come on Yoona, we're going to be late."

"Here I come." She looks at the computer screen one last time before standing and walking towards the door.


She stands before the front door; knuckles tap against the wooden entry. Eyes close. Inhale. Eyes open. Exhale. She continues to stare at it, waiting for someone to come along and answer it. She leans back and looks around. Someone has got to be home right? The Chois' got four children. One of them has to be home. The brass door knob jingles, catching her attention; the door slowly opens revealing Mr. Choi. "Hi... Mr. Choi, is Siwon home?" Sooyoung's father steps to the side allowing Tiffany into the house.

"He's in the garage," he states, shutting the door. Tiffany nods her head and makes her way to the room that Sooyoung fears. "Stephanie," he calls out. She halts her steps; head turns and eyes connect with the elderly man's. "Can I speak to you for a second?" She nods her head, "In the kitchen. I was just making myself something to eat when you knocked." She nods her head for a third time, following Mr. Choi into the kitchen.

"Is there something that you need, sir?" questions Tiffany. He nods his head, motioning for her to take a seat. She does; her eyes remain on his figure, watching as he pours himself a cup of what looks to be tea. Inhale. Yup, her eyes didn't deceive her. He was definitely drinking tea.

Mr. Choi takes a sip, walking towards the table. He takes a seat across from Tiffany; his eyes bore into her. "I want to talk to you about Sooyoung." A look of confusion crosses her face, "and Siwon." Heart skips a beat; she blinks. Mind goes into chaos. Does this mean that he knew about it? If he did why hasn't he done anything to stop? Why has he allowed it to escalate this far? One of his children is suffering and he's done nothing to prevent it. "I bet you're wondering how I know?" She nods her head remaining quiet. "To make a long story short... I don't know what's going on between my two oldest children. All I do know is Sooyoung fears Siwon and she will no longer enter the garage. I have a hunch but I'm not really sure. And that is why I want to talk to you."

"You think that I know?" questions Tiffany. Mr. Choi nods his head.

"It's either you or Sooyeon who knows. And I haven't seen Sooyeon lately, mostly because Sooyoung's been staying at your place. So she really has no reason to come over anymore. In fact I don't see Soojung either, but that's something different. And since you're here, I thought I'd ask," he explains taking another sip of his tea.

"You want to talk about this, here?" whispers Tiffany while looking around.

"Don't worry... my wife isn't home; she went out to buy groceries. And Jinri believes that Siwon is nothing but a jerk. And Minho... well he's never really home. There's nothing to hide right now."

Tiffany takes a deep breath, contemplating. Should she spill Sooyoung's secret to Mr. Choi? She shakes her head. What is she thinking? Telling this man across from her would mean losing the support she receives from Sooyoung and more importantly losing Sooyoung as a friend. But hiding it would mean not getting either one of the Choi children the help they need. Inhale. Exhale. A frustrated groan and her head drops.

"I take it that there is something going on between the two of them," Tiffany's head pops up, nearly giving herself whip lash. "You've been sitting there thinking and arguing with yourself. If there was nothing going on between my children then you'd have spoken already." A frustrated sigh escapes the elderly man lips. "I wish I knew what to do... you'd figure being their father I would have a clue. But it's quite the opposite. I'm at a loss with the both of them."

"Have you tried getting either one of them counseling?"

"We've tried with Siwon back before any of this started. He experienced something and he wasn't the same since. At least to me he wasn't."

"What do you mean he experienced something?"

"Siwon... One evening we hired a baby sitter to watch the four of them. It turns that the baby sitter abused Siwon sexually." Mr. Choi takes a deep breath, swallowing the lump in his throat. "We didn't learn about it happening until a year later. During which, the abuse continued. And trust me; we've tried to get my son help. The therapist said he was fine. He seemed fine and then one day he snapped I guess. And since then Sooyoung's been this timid little thing." He gazes down at the tea in his hands. "I want to help both, but neither will speak."

"And what does this have to do with what he's doing to Sooyoung? How does he experiencing something like that, equal him abusing Sooyoung?" Tiffany shakes her head, "I don't understand that."

"You've dated my son," states Mr. Choi, "you know that he's a control freak. One of the reasons is according to some psychological help is that he's like that because he couldn't control the situation before. So now Siwon needs to be in control." He takes another deep breath; hands lift the cup to his lips and he takes another sip. "I know about Sooyoung's preference. She came to me one day after talking to Sooyeon about it. She wanted to know my beliefs and views on things."

"So?" questions Tiffany.

"Sooyoung likes girls. The baby sitter who abused Siwon was a man." Tiffany's eyes widen slightly. "It felt wrong to Siwon, made him feel disgusting. Now think about it, Stephanie. That changed his views. He saw same sex relationships as nothing but wrong and disgusting. And then... then he finds out his little sister that he favored likes girls. It pushed him over the edge a little. He had to fix things; he had to get in control and fix things." Tiffany pushes her seat back and stands. He lifts his head to meet her gaze. "Stephanie?"

"I can't say anything. Not without Sooyoung's permission. As for now... I'm going to go and speak to the father of my son, Mr. Choi. I'm really sorry I couldn't be of any help." She walks away and heads for the garage. Taking a deep breath, she opens the door to see Siwon standing in the middle of garage. "Siwon," she calls out breaking the older boy out of his trance. He shifts slightly and looks at Tiffany. "We need to talk."

"Nothing to talk about," remarks Siwon, turning his back to her. Tiffany sighs, but continues standing in the doorway. She looks around the garage; her eyes fall back upon Siwon.


"We have nothing to discuss. Now leave," states Siwon.

"Are you sure there is nothing to talk about? Because I have plenty of things to talk about, like why Sooyoung is puking her guts out in the bathroom and wishing to return back here." Siwon turns and fully faces Tiffany. "Siwon...what you're doing isn't right." She slowly takes a step into the garage. "Siwon... this isn't right. I know it and you know it. You can't treat Sooyoung this way all because of what happened to you. So one person did something... that doesn't make everyone wrong and evil, you know." She stops in front of him, tilting her head back to look him in the eyes. "Has Sooyoung ever did something wrong?"

"She took you from me. She took my son from me," states Siwon. "She's made out with Sooyeon. She's ruined father's chance for a promotion, made him the end of all jokes-" Tiffany raises her hand, placing her index fingers against his lips.

"Sooyoung didn't take me away from you. I went to her on my own accord because of your spontaneous outbursts. She didn't take your son; I put her name down because she's done more than you ever did. From what I've been told, she and Jessica kissing is a mutual thing. And it's not her fault that people do not respect her and the way she is. It's not her fault that people make fun of your father because of it. He's okay with it because that's his daughter. You on the other hand should be there for her not-" Her sentence comes up short as Siwon grab hold of her wrist.

"You're wrong. Very Wrong Tiffany," he states, walking forward causing for Tiffany to walk backwards. They continue moving until Siwon traps her between the washer machine and his body. Her body tenses slightly, unsure of what Siwon was going to do to her. Eyes dart everywhere besides his face. She didn't want to look at it; she couldn't look at it. "Miyoung," he calls out in a whisper. She shakes her head. "Miyoung."

"Siwon," she responds. "Siwon, let go." His grip does the opposite; a hiss escapes her lips. "Siwon," she states in a louder voice. "Choi Siwon let go of me now!" Eyes finally fall on his face. It was blank, expressionless. "Siwon stop." Surprisingly, Siwon releases his grip, moving his hands towards the washer machine and still keeping Tiffany trapped. "You need help Siwon. What you're doing to me, to your sister is wrong. And keeping everything in is making you unstable and a danger to your family." She takes a deep breath, "think about your son. What am I supposed to tell him, huh?"

His hand raises up and slams down upon the machine; a snarl echoes throughout the room. "Really?" He turns his head to the side ignoring Tiffany, "Really? That's all you have to say? Just going to let your temper reign free?"

"Shut up," he hisses; hands curl.

"No, Siwon. You need to listen," remarks Tiffany. "Your sister is damn near on the brink of destruction. I can see it and the thought of Sooyoung ending her life scares me. But you know what scares me more? The fact that it's because of my son's father and the way he abuses her." Siwon tenses, "I understand that you may hate and fear people because of what has happened to you in the past... but that doesn't justify nor give you the right to abuse Sooyoung like that, Siwon."

Her hands reach up, landing on his face, forcing him to look at her. "This is Sooyoung's life. It's not like she woke up one morning and decided to just date girls. This isn't a choice of hers." She pauses, "Sometimes you just can't help but to fall in love with certain people. And this... this is Sooyoung," she shakes her head, hoping that the correct words would form.

"So you're saying it's okay to be disgusting?" He grunts, "You're fine - "

"It's not disgusting," interrupts Tiffany, "nothing about it is disgusting. There is nothing wrong with loving someone, Siwon." Siwon scoffs. "So, me falling for you a year or so ago, is disgusting?"

"It's not the same."

"Right because I'm a female and you're a male. Let me try again. So your mother loving your sister is wrong? Your father loving you is wrong And you growing to love your son is wrong?"

"That's not the same," he repeat; he slams his fist against the machine. "You don't understand! She shouldn't be with a girl!"

"For the simple fact that your male babysitter abused you?! Siwon, that's not right! Sooyoung can't help it, okay! And who are you to dictate things, huh?!" she shouts back. "Sooyoung isn't the one who harmed you! So why should she suffer because of it?!" Her hands slide down his face, neck and lands on his shoulders giving him a hard shove. He stumbles backwards a bit, before taking a step closer. Finger wrap around Tiffany's neck; their grip tightens by the second. She gags and her hands immediately seek his in an attempt to pry them off. Nails dig in his skin as a second attempt; eyes roll backwards and her vision becomes blurry.

Siwon presses her hard against the machine; his eyes scale over her face, taking in the way she looked. With trembling hands, he releases her, taking a step back, surprising not only Tiffany but himself. She sputters a series of coughs; her lungs expand as much as they could, trying to receive air. Hands immediately land on her neck and her fingers massage the pain ridden area. There was definitely going to be a bruise this time around.

"Th-this," she stutters, still attempting to gain her breath, "W-we are done. And I mean it this time, Siwon. I know I shouldn't abandon you since you need help... but I can't stay in something like this." She looks down at her feet; fingers rake through her locks. "I can't do this..." She stumbles away, heading for the door, "You really need help Siwon," she states, stopping at the door. "And I recommend you get some before you come near me, near our son, and even more so near Sooyoung."


One week. It's been one week and she still hadn't apologized and made up with her sister. She's tried on numerous occasions but her pride, her spiteful pride would not let the words flow free from her lips. Instead the words stay behind on the tip of her tongue, peeking out but never fully leaving. The only thing to leave is a sigh, in which she had just released as she looks up and down the street. Eyes searching for older sister who was out on a date with her girlfriend. Fingers skim over the wooden floor of the porch, making designs, tracing over the markings. Another sigh and she sits up as the front door opens. "Soojung, what are you doing?" She turns and looks at her older brother, unsure of what to say. Would he believe that she was waiting on Jessica to return? Would he laugh at her and call her an idiot if she believes that Jessica will talk to her? Or would he just walk away like last time? Shoulders move up and then down; eyes cast downwards again; fingers resume their activity. "Really... I believe you do know."

"It's none of your business, Yunho... go bug someone else, yeah?" remarks Krystal. Annoyance being crystal clear in her voice. Yunho laughs a little and takes a seat next to his baby, baby sister. "Yunho... leave... you're totally cramping my style right now." He head shakes back and forth; a small smile graces his lips. "Yunho..."

"You have no style, Soojung," states Yunho. "You're only in middle school."

She groans and rolls her eyes, "I was in middle school. I'm going to be a freshman." It was Yunho's turn to roll his eyes. "You don't understand... and you wouldn't. Just leave me alone... I'm waiting for someone and I don't need you around when they get here. You'll just ruin things."

"Alright then... but knowing Sooyeon, she's probably spending time with Taeyeon, even with that being against mom's wishes," he shrugs his shoulders, stuffs his hands into his pocket and walks down the steps and out the yard. "I'll be back later, Soojung." Krystal groans and leans back. Another attempt of hers to speak to her sister ruined by the very person who she made a deal with. How in the world is she supposed to complete her end of the deal if Taeyeon keeps taking Jessica away from her?

"Stupid, no good Taeyeon," she mumbles, releasing a loud groan. Her face scrunches up. "Maybe I should pay that no good delinquent a visit... and tell her that I need to speak to my sister and she needs to quit hogging her." Another groan and fingers run through her hair. "What's the point? Sooyeon isn't going to speak to me..."She tilts her head to her side, allowing her fingers to massage it. She sits there quietly for a few minutes before standing and stretching. "Screw this... I'm going to find that midget." She heads out of the yard, making her way towards Taeyeon's apartment.

Pulling her ear buds out of her pocket, she groans looking at the tangled mess. "Why must you do this?" she hisses, attempting to untangle her head phones. Finally fixing the mess, she slips the buds on and turns her mp3 player up to full blast. Hands enter her pockets, taking on Taeyeon's posture and eyes lower to the ground against her better judgment. Feet continue moving her body down the pavement.

Minutes pass and songs pass, and Krystal remains oblivious to her surroundings. And for mere on lookers and pedestrians point of view, that would seem like a miraculous feat considering the mere fact that she has a hoard of people following her. The word "hoard" might be exaggerating (at least a tiny bit), but Krystal nonetheless has a group of teens following. The group has been following since she had gotten about three blocks away from the Jung residence.

A hand reaches out grabbing hold of Krystal and pulling her into a nearby alleyway. Eyes close shut as he body collides with the wall. She slides down to the ground, hissing in pain. Pulling the ear buds out and opening one eye at a time, she looks up to see Key hovering over her. "Baby Jung," he states. She blinks a few times, hoping that all of this is just a mere imagination due to some sort of concussion that she has just experienced. "I'm real," he states while backing away from her. "It's been a week... so where's my money?"

"I'm working on it," mutters Krystal as she forces herself up.

"Working on it?" questions Key; his voice full of disbelief.

"Yeah... I was on my way to get it, swear," answers Krystal while rubbing her head.

"And I'm supposed to believe you? You can be saying that just so I can let you go." Krystal grunts a little. That was exactly her plan. "Where are you getting it from?"

"A friend."

"Call them and tell them to deliver it here," he states crossing his arms. Krystal looks at him, "you're not leaving until it's delivered directly to my hands. Even if it takes all night... so I hope you don't have to use the restroom." Krystal sighs. Who was she supposed to call? No one right now would be willing to fork up the money she owes. Jessica's not talking to her. Yunho's probably off with his girlfriend. So what does that leave her? "I'm waiting Baby Jung. That faster we get this stuff over and done with the better, I do have other things to do you know." She pulls her phone out of her pockets and automatically scrolls through her contacts list. There had to be someone on the list that would help her out. Finger stops, scrolling stops and her eyes fall upon a certain name.

Pressing a single button, she places the phone beside her ear. No answer. With a huff her fingers quickly type a message, sending it off. Key watches the younger girl curiously, wondering if it was a good idea to allow for her to contact anybody. "If the police show-"

"They won't," states Krystal a little boldly. Her phone vibrates, "they're on their way." The atmosphere gets quiet and semi awkward. Her eyes flicker over the faces in Key's group. A silent sigh escapes her lips. Hopefully when all is said and done, she can go back to a normal life. Eyes cast downwards as she leans back against the wall. The music from her mp3 player was the only noise in the alleyway. She closes her eyes, feeling very nervous under Key's gaze.

Seconds become minutes and so on. "If they're not-"

"Krystal!" Krystal straightens up as footsteps enter all of their ears. "Yah! Krystal quit playing around! I know you dislike me, but I had to lie to your sister to get here... so-" Krystal peeks her head out of the alleyway motioning for Taeyeon to enter. Taeyeon sighs and enters; eyes widen slightly at the view of how many people were surrounding the youngest Jung. She eyes them carefully before taking a stance beside Krystal.

"Got my money?" questions Key a little impatiently.

"I've only got a few hundred," states Taeyeon while checking Krystal over, making sure the younger girl wasn't injured. "It should be enough to get you off her back for the time being right?" She turns and looks at Key with a questioning look. "If not... I could care less; take it and leave her alone. Do you understand?" Key scoffs. She turns and looks at the boy, "You must be new to not know who I am, but here," she shoves her hands into her pockets, pulling out some bills, "take this and leave now." Key snatches it out of her hands and begins counting.

"Two weeks," he states looking at Krystal, "two weeks is all you have and then I want the rest or you pay, Baby Jung." He takes a step closer only to be stopped by Taeyeon. "Understand?"

"Get out of here before I make you," answers Taeyeon for Krystal. Key groans and signals for his group to follow after him. Once Taeyeon was sure Key was long gone, she turns towards Krystal. "Speak now... I want to know what kind of trouble you're getting yourself into. He might not know who I am, but I know who that is." Krystal turns away from Taeyeon, "you're hanging out with a drug lord, Krystal." Krystal continues ignoring her. "Look... hate me, and despise me all you want... but do not ignore me when you asked for my help. You want it; you have to start answering my questions." Taeyeon sighs, "Are you doing drugs?"

"That's none of your business," states Krystal, turning back to Taeyeon.

"It is. Jessica told me you smoke cigarettes and weed, but have you done anything else? Key is a pretty known pill pusher-"

"No. I haven't touched any of it. I've only smoked a cigarette and some weed, mom," answers Krystal sarcastically. "And I've drunk some beer. I'm not an idiot. I've seen what that stuff can do to people." Krystal sighs; her right hand begins rubbing her left arm. "I was just a transportation person. I delivered his goods that he gets from Sunny. And one day I was being chased, so I threw the backpack with the items. The stuff inside got wet and whatnot. So I owe him for everything inside," explains Krystal. "I just want to get this over and done with."

It was Taeyeon's turn to sigh. She looks off to the side, "how much?"

"I don't know. He keeps saying it's not enough." Taeyeon sighs a second time.

"Whatever... let's get you home."

"No. I want to speak to my sister. I'm keeping up my end of the deal." Taeyeon nods her head and leads the young girl out of the alleyway.


She blinks; her fingers continue to press the button, making the pictures change upon the screen. A yawn escapes her lips and she looks down at the girl resting on her lap, playing with her free hand. Eyes connect with the younger girl and a small smile appears on her face. The younger girl frowns and turns away. Hand releases the remote; fingers begin playing with the younger girl's hair. "I'm back and yet you're still ignoring me. I told you I had to do something. I did and I found your sister and brought her here," she states.

"Yeah whatever, Taeyeon," mumbles Jessica slightly. Jessica's eyes fall upon Krystal who was watching the television with them.


"Shut up... I'm watching the television." Taeyeon sighs. Jessica hears it and looks at the older girl, "I'm sorry," she whispers, "but I think I have the right to be upset with you, since you didn't inform me where you ran off to." Taeyeon rolls her eyes, "you think you don't have to tell me?"

"Jessica, I went to handle some business that is all. I ran into Krystal along the way, and she was with me the whole time. I didn't do anything, right Krystal?" Krystal nods her head.

"And I'm supposed to trust her?" interrogates Jessica even more. Taeyeon nods her head. "Fine... if you say so." She turns back to her sister, "what are you doing here? Trying to create another crazy story to get me in trouble?"

Krystal shakes her head no; eyes rip away from the television and lands on her older sister. Nervousness kicks in. Was her pride going to kick in and ruin things or was she finally going to get the chance to speak to her sister and apologize. She sighs and notices how impatient Jessica was becoming. "She wants to talk," states Taeyeon. Jessica turns back to her girlfriend. "I think you should hear her out." Jessica moves to open her mouth, but Taeyeon pinches her lips together, "you made me reconcile with Tiffany. I believe it is only fair for you to follow you own advice and reconcile with your own sister." Taeyeon pushes the younger girl up, "go... out on the balcony so I can keep an eye on you two and talk. You'll feel a whole lot better." Jessica stares at Taeyeon. Taeyeon flashes her a smile and pushes her away.

With a groan she stands up and heads to the balcony with Krystal following close behind. She turns and closes the sliding glass door after her baby sister exits, but not before sticking her tongue out at Taeyeon. She receives a laugh from the older girl and with a huff she turns and looks at Krystal. "You've got five minutes to speak, Soojung," states Jessica while crossing her arms.

Krystal's gaze lowers to the ground as she leans against the railing. Tongue slides across her lips. "I want to say that I'm sorry," whispers Krystal. She swallows the lump in her throat and eyes remain on the ground, "I didn't mean it... any of it really. I just wanted," she pauses and takes a deep breath, "I just wanted to have your attention." She turns and looks over the balcony, "You were always with Yoona and Taeyeon. Always with them... and it made it seem as if I wasn't... I wasn't your priority anymore."

Jessica sighs, unsure of what to say to her sister's statement. In fact she was caught off guard when Krystal apologized; she thought that the younger girl would lash back and they'd end up fighting. "I guess you're wondering why I would stoop this low. I guess because in my mind you would rather spend time with a bunch of delinquents... I thought that if I became one you'd turn back to me. That you'd pay attention again... and I guess I got out of hand. And I'm really sorry, Sooyeon."

Jessica turns and looks at Taeyeon hoping that the older girl would give her some sort of guidance, only to be met with an arguing Taeyeon and Tiffany. Her face scrunches up; hand presses against the glass. Should she open the door and walk in on the argument or should she just stay out here. "Sooyeon..." Krystal turns and looks at her sister before looking back in the house. "Go ahead," she mutters.

"I don't need your permission Soojung," states Jessica. "And I would say apology accepted, but I can't. You've done so much damage that I can't forgive you this easily, understand?" Jessica looks over her shoulder at the younger girl. Krystal nods her head, "good, but I'm sure in some time I'll be able to fully forgive you." She slides the glass door open interrupting the fight.

"Jessica, do something with your girlfriend!" shouts Tiffany.

"Stay out of it!" shouts Taeyeon, while taking a quick look at Jessica. She turns back towards Tiffany, "Why are you so stupid and stubborn?! He could have hurt you!" Tiffany cast her eyes away from her older sister, "And don't think about saying he didn't mean it! If he didn't mean it Miyoung, you wouldn't have hand prints around your neck!" Taeyeon growls in frustration. She walks away from Tiffany and heads towards the couch, grabbing her jacket.

"Where are you going?" asks Jessica, entering the living room.

"To kick that b*****d's ass," mutters Taeyeon while slipping her arms into the sleeves.

"Taeyeon, don't be ridic-"

"Shut up," states Taeyeon as she looks at Jessica, "This is the last of my family. And I'm going to do what I have to, to protect it. So just shut up, sit on the couch and watch some damn television and leave me the hell alone." She adjusts the piece of clothing and makes her way to the door. Tiffany side steps intervening. "Miyoung," growls Taeyeon.

"He's gone. He's done messing with me and Sooyoung," states Tiffany. Her eyes flicker to the side, watching as Sooyoung emerges from the hallway. "Just calm down, Taeyeon. I handled things."

"You handled things?!" Taeyeon turns away from the younger girl, "you can't handle things on your own, Miyoung. If you were able to handle things on your own, you wouldn't be in this stupid mess to begin with." She turns back to Tiffany, "I'm done talking it out. Either let me handle this or don't come running to me when something like this happens again. Your choice."

"I can't let you hurt him, Tae," states Tiffany. Taeyeon rolls her eyes; her frustration builds. "I'm being serious. Tae, he's not right in the head."

"Got that right," huffs Taeyeon.

"Tae... he's needs some help, some psychological help. And you attacking him isn't going to do any good. Let things be. I said I took care of things." Tiffany slouches a little. "Give me some credit, Taeyeon. I've got things under control."

"Fine whatever," Taeyeon pushes her to the side and storms out of the apartment, slamming the door shut behind her.


Place the cigarette between her lips; she takes a quick puff before passing it to the person sitting beside her. A small puff of smoke exits her mouth and she turns to the person beside her. "So are you going to duke it out with the Choi?" She shakes her head no, reaching for the cigarette, "really? That's a surprise. That's not really something a 'Kim' would do, don't you think?" She shrugs her shoulders and takes another puff of the cigarette. "You're really not going to do anything?"

"She says she handled it and I gave her a choice," mumbles Taeyeon in response. She turns her head slightly to get a better glimpse of the girl beside her. "Why should I even care anymore? Miyoung's a ****ing adult and if she wants to make stupid mistakes after mistakes, then I'm not going to interfere anymore."

The girl shrugs her shoulders, taking the cancer stick from Taeyeon and taking a puff. "But you do know," she states allowing the smoke to leave her mouth, "you're sister is an idiot to believe that a guy like him is done with her. I wouldn't be surprised if the nutcase storms your apartment-"

"Already did that," states Taeyeon as she leans back and looks up at the sky, "the day you dropped me off at the bus terminals. My girlfriend, you know the girl that was with me, interfered." The girl beside her chokes, "what?"

"You're dating that girl?!" exclaims the girl. Taeyeon nods her head, "Wow... Kim has snagged a good girl. If the rest of the guys heard this..." Taeyeon rolls her eyes, "so since you're now taken, what are you doing here, smoking a cigarette with me? Shouldn't you be confiding with your girl?"

Taeyeon releases a small laugh, "She's best friends with Siwon's sister. And I sort of told her to shut up, watch some damn television and to leave me the hell alone," answers Taeyeon. She tilts her head a little; thoughts form. Did she hurt Jessica when she said those words?

"I know that look... you're thinking. Well my advice," Taeyeon turns back to her friend, "we finish this off and you head on home to your girlfriend and apologize. She's a middle class girl and that's like... wow!" Taeyeon playfully pushes the girl, "and don't worry about Baby Jung. I've heard about her; I know what she looks like and I'll keep a close eye on her, until we get old Kibum off her back, yeah?" Taeyeon nods her head, stretching. "Speaking of which, why do you care about Baby Jung?"

"She's my girlfriend's baby sister," mumbles Taeyeon. She leans forward a little; eyes dart down, staring at the dirt beneath her shoes.

The girl beside her shakes her head, "Kim... what are you thinking? You shouldn't be getting involved in something like that. She's in no way related to you and you're not even married to her sister. And yet you've paid that ass, Kibum, for her." She shakes her head again, clicking her tongue.

"Jessica's already done so much for me... it's only right if I do the same." Foot moves, making designs in the dirt. "Besides... it's like a secret. Jessica already doesn't like the fact that Krystal's became like this. I believe it would be better to keep it all a secret and work things out without Jessica's knowledge."

"Is that really something you want to do? I know you," Taeyeon turns; eyes connect, "you're nothing but a selfish little girl. We all are... so what are you getting out of this? Or should I assume you're getting into something along the lines of pants and a certain - hey!" Taeyeon pushes her again, "alright I get it. But no seriously, what is my friend getting herself into?"

"Nothing..." She turns her attention away from her friend, "I like Jessica... a lot."

"So you're going to cough up hundreds just to keep her sister out of trouble, because you like her?" The girl shakes her head in disappointment. "I knew hanging out with Tiffany was a bad idea. You know, I prefer Yoona if you were going to hang out with a sister. At least with Yoona, you wouldn't be doing something like this. Speaking of Yoong, where is the Alligator? I miss watching her get drunk."

"Boarding school and I would be doing something like this. Yoong's taken a liking towards Jessica," answers Taeyeon, "I need a beer... know anyone-"

"Say no more." The girl reaches for her backpack. Unzipping it, she sticks her hand inside, pulling out a can of beer and handing it to Taeyeon. "Though it's the only one I got, so I hope you wasn't planning on getting drunk." Taeyeon shrugs her shoulders again. One can is better than none at the moment. She pops the can open and begin chugging the liquid inside. "Slow down before you choke." Taeyeon lowers the can and stares at her friend. "Or drink to your heart's content... but when you drown, you drown. I'm not going to do anything but wait 'til you croak and then take everything that's on you."

Finishing off the can, Taeyeon smashes it and tosses it to the side. "I'm going," states Taeyeon as she pulls out another nicotine stick out of her pocket.

"Alright then Kim, go home."

"I'm going to go get some more beer and then I'll head home. I'd rather be drunk when I face a screeching Miyoung then sober." He hands slides into her pockets. "I'll see you later. And don't forget to call when you get some information." She turns and begins walking away; her mind returns back to her thoughts. Would Jessica be upset with her when she returns? She didn't mean what she had said, but Tiffany can make her so irritated sometimes. She pulls her phone out of her pocket, looking at the numerous miscalls she's received. A deep sigh, should she call them back or just ignore it? After starring at the phone for a little while longer, she shoves the phone back into her pocket.


Three days; it's been three days and she has yet to have heard from her girlfriend. She fiddles with the phone in her hand, waiting for some sort of reply. Seconds become minutes and she sighs. No reply. She turns to the animal that was curled up on her bed. "Where's your master, huh? Why does she have to run off when things don't go her way?" she questions, sliding her fingers through the dogs fur.

"Maybe, cause she's an idiot?" She looks up and at her door.

"What do you want Krystal?" Irritation was clear in her voice.

"Nothing. I was on my way out when I heard you talking to the mutt," answers Krystal. Krystal stretches and yawns, "I'm headed out with Sulli and the group. I'll be back, later."

"Why are you telling me?"

"You're the adult here, or did you forget that Yunho had a date tonight and our parents went out tonight to that stupid banquet that dad's work is holding?" Jessica's face scrunches. In fact she did forget that tonight was the night that she was supposed to be watching her baby sister. "Well I'm out."

"Get back here," calls out Jessica as Krystal disappears from her line of sight. The younger girl reappears. "You're not going out." Krystal attempts to speak, "listen to me, Krystal. It's night time. And they put me in charge. You might say that you're hanging out with Sulli and that group, but I can't believe you. And it's your fault that I cannot believe you." Krystal huffs.

"So what am I supposed to do? Sit here and be bored?" Jessica nods her head. "I can't believe you. I apologized and everything."

"So what, you apologize Soojung and now you think I'll let you do whatever it is you please?" responds Jessica. "I can't do that. "Last time I let you hang out with friends you ended up at the park... and then you started going downhill. I'm not falling for that anymore. You may say you're not going to do that type of stuff again, but I'm still not going to allow the possibility of it to happen. So either go to your room or go in the living room and watch some television. Now go." Krystal scoffs and rolls her eyes before storming away from the doorway. Jessica shakes her head and looks down at Dog, "I don't understand teenagers." Dog just tilts her head in response.

Eyes drop back to her phone and a frown forms on her face. How many more of her phone calls and texts must go unanswered? She prepares to throw the cellular device across the room when the screen lights up. She stares at the picture displayed for a few seconds before answering with, "Kim Taeyeon! Where they hell are you and why haven't you been answering my calls?!"

"Jessica... whisper please," mumbles Taeyeon in response.

"You're drunk. No scratch that, you are experiencing a hangover!" shouts Jessica into the phone, "I thought we were giving up heavy drinking!"

"Jessica," groans Taeyeon. Jessica scoffs. She knows her shouting into the phone would cause for Taeyeon's hangover to become worse, but she could really careless at that moment. Taeyeon disappeared for three days and finally shows up drunk. If anything Jessica was going to make this experience much worse.

"I don't want to talk to you," states Jessica.

"Bull crap," mumbles Taeyeon. "You've been calling nonstop. You want nothing more than to talk to me Jessica... so talk."

"Where are you?" questions Jessica, "and you better answer before I start yelling again."

"I'm..." Taeyeon pauses, "I'm on your street, walking in the direction of your house... and stopping Krystal along the way. What's your sister doing out?" Jessica hops off the bed and runs around the house, looking for her younger sister. Not finding the younger girl, she releases a growl. "Jessica are you still there?"

"Yeah, bring her home, and let her know that she's dead the moment she walks in the house." Jessica hangs up and walks back to her room, throwing the phone on her bed. She looks at Dog, "wanna bite Krystal in the ass?" Dog lifts her head and climbs off the bed, walking in the direction of the living room. A small smile appears on Jessica's face as she follows the four-legged animal. Exiting the hall, the front door opens revealing both, Krystal and Taeyeon.

Taeyeon flashes Jessica a smile, before walking away from the two Jungs. Jessica crosses her arms waiting for an explanation. Krystal's gaze drops to the floor. Her mind couldn't form a reasonable excuse. "Soojung."

"I snuck out," states Krystal honestly. "You wouldn't let me leave, so I climbed out the window." She raises her head slowly and looks at Jessica, "I just wanted to hang out with Sulli. It's been a while since I've done that, and you won't even allow it. We weren't going to be doing anything other than hanging out at the Choi house and watching movies. It was going to be me, Sulli, Luna, Amber. And Mr. Choi was supervising. I don't see why I can't go, besides the fact that you have trust issues."

"I have trust issues?!" Jessica's hands curl; Krystal nods her head and Jessica growls. "Go to your room now!" Krystal begins moving, "No... go to the kitchen and sit at the table. You better not move until mom gets back, hear me?" Krystal nods her head, and with a sigh she heads into the kitchen area. Inhale. Exhale. And repeat. She needs to calm herself down. Dog looks up at her before disappearing into the kitchen after Krystal. She bites her lip just as arms wrap around her waist. "You're being hard on her, don't you think?" Jessica rolls her eyes.

"She snuck out after I said no." She quickly turns around and looks at the older girl, "and you." Hand pressed flat against Taeyeon's shoulder, giving her a shove. "Disappear for 3 days! What the hell is that crap?!" Taeyeon flinches at the outburst, grabbing hold of her ringing head. "And you didn't even have the decency to answer your damn phone. And then show up at my house with a stupid hangover." Taeyeon blinks a little. "What do you have to say about that?"

"Tiffany was getting annoying and the only way to deal with her was to drink until I can tolerate the words that were coming out of her mouth. And I didn't disappear; I've been at the hospital, preferably the NICU, spending time with my nephew. You know they don't allow phones in that area of the hospital." Taeyeon steps back from the younger girl, "I'm sorry."

Jessica scoffs. Taeyeon grabs hold of her hand, leading Jessica to the couch. She sits, pulling Jessica down beside her. Leaning forward, her hand wraps around the remote, turning on the television. She leans back and pulls Jessica's head down upon her shoulder, "let's just watch some television." Jessica scoffs again, "and to let you know... I don't have a hangover. I'm just a little buzzed and I've been experiencing a headache for the last two days." Jessica bolts up and stares at the older girl's profile. Fingers graze Taeyeon's head lightly.

"How bad are they?" ask Jessica, tossing all ideas of being mad at Taeyeon out the window. Taeyeon shrugs her shoulders.

"I've been managing," mumbles Taeyeon, keep her eyes on the television. Jessica sighs and resumes her position on the couch with her head on Taeyeon's shoulder. Her head grabs hold of the older girl's; fingers begin playing with the one's on the other hand.

"Next time," whispers Jessica, "answer your phone, please. Your outburst at Tiffany left me a little worried. I had no clue what to expect. I was half waiting for a phone call from the police or something." Taeyeon nods her head, turning away from the television. Eyes lock with the crown of Jessica's head. "And stop drinking... it's not good for your headaches. It's just going to make things worse." She nods her head again, "and quit starring at me, it's creepy." A small smile forms on Taeyeon's face as Jessica looks up at her. "So how is you nephew? Has Tiffany chosen a name yet?"

"He's fine and no not really. She's still debating over a last name. I say just name him Hwang. She shook her head and said that it's not that simple. She could give him Hwang after her and our father, Lee after Taemin and their mother or Choi after Si-Sooyoung," states Taeyeon avoiding Siwon's name.

"You know saying Siwon won't make you burst into flames or anything," jokes Jessica.

"Yeah, but it'll make me want to punch the closest thing... and I don't want to hit you," counters Taeyeon.

"You can always hit Krystal... speaking of which, Soojung!"

"What?!" comes Krystal's voice from the kitchen.

"Come here, that's what!"

"You said not to move until mom gets back. I'm not moving, just so you can get me in trouble!" Jessica stands and walks to the kitchen leaving Taeyeon alone. Taeyeon looks around the room, curiously. She looks down and grabs hold of her head. The pain was increasing slightly. Maybe Jessica is right. Maybe she does need to lay off the alcohol for a while, but that also means that Tiffany would need to lay off the constant nagging. She shakes her head; she'll just go visit Sunny on her way home and see if the little dealer had anything to help with the constant headaches. A sharp inhale and she tilts her head back, starring up at the ceiling. Her eyes slowly drift close. Yeah that's what she's going to do. Get some pills for the headache and probably sleep it off. The couch dips beside her and a cold wash cloth appears on her head. Eyes open and she turns to see Jessica starring at her worryingly.

"Here," Jessica hands her a few pills and a glass full of water, "take these." Taeyeon nods her head and follows Jessica's orders. "Come on," mumbles Jessica as she stands, pulling Taeyeon up. The towel drops and Taeyeon looks around. "We're going to the room," mumbles Jessica. "I've decided to let Krystal visit the Choi house." Taeyeon nods her head and follows Jessica to her room with Dog at their heels. Jessica leads the older girl to her bed, pushing her down. Hands begin peeling Taeyeon's jacket off of her.

"So you drugged me, kicked Krystal out and is now undressing me?" questions Taeyeon. She raises her brows and stares at Jessica, receiving a hard slap.

"Mind out of the gutter, now. And we haven't even been dating that long," states Jessica. She hovers over the older girl and pulls the blankets back, making a spot for Taeyeon to lie down on.

Taeyeon's hands grab hold of her Jessica's waist, "so we will at one point?" Jessica looks down at the girl underneath her; her face turning red. Teeth clamp down on her lip, tugging on it slightly. Taeyeon's face lights up a little; she momentarily forgets about her headache. Jessica's hand slips causing for her and Taeyeon to fall back. Her face reddens even more; all she could do was blink. Taeyeon laughs a little before moving Jessica off of her. "You're blushing real bad," she states while sitting up. She looks over at Jessica who had rolled over onto her stomach, hiding her face in the blanket. "Did I embarrass you?" Jessica nods her head, and Taeyeon laughs loudly. "Really? I figured you've done it already, so why are you embarrassed?" Jessica groans into the bed. "Is it because I'm your girlfriend?" Jessica nods her head again. "Really? Talking about sex with your girlfriend is awkward?"

"Duh!" shouts Jessica as she turns and looks at Taeyeon. Taeyeon laughs even more. "Shut up! Isn't your head supposed to be hurting?!"

"You made me forget," states Taeyeon as she lies back upon the bed again. She turns her head and looks Jessica in eyes. "So am I right?" Jessica shrugs her shoulders. "I see... I let you know about my dating experience and all you tell me is that you've dated a few people." Jessica scoots closer to Taeyeon.

"That's because it doesn't matter," mumbles Jessica, "they're in the past and we are the present." She places her hand on Taeyeon's cheek for a quick second before sitting up. "Now climb under the covers and go to sleep. I'm going to call the Choi and see if Krystal made it. And then I'm going to shower and what not, okay?"


Eyes stare at the meal on her plate, wanting to close. She releases a yawn; one hand combs her hair away from her eyes and the other picks up her eating utensil. She blinks away the sleep from her eyes and yawns a second time. "Yuri if you're still tired go upstairs and go back to sleep. No one is making you wake up this early," states her mother while cooking the rest of the breakfast for her family.

"You know Yuri's an over achiever, isn't that right little Yul?" questions her sister while taking a seat across from her.

"Shut up, Boa," mumbles Yuri as she picks at her food. She flings some food across the table at her older sister.

"Respect your elders," states Boa while flicking the piece of food off the table.

"When you grow a few inches maybe I will," counters Yuri while stretching and finally fully awakening. She begins eating when a knock on the door interrupts the Kwon females. Mrs. Kwon looks over at her two daughters motioning for them to see who it was. Yuri and Boa, both sigh and stand, heading for the front door.

"Who is it?" calls out Boa; her hand reaches out, grabbing the metal knob.

"Probably your idiot boyfriend," states Yuri jokingly.

"Shut up," mumbles Boa, opening the door. Yuri freezes; her mind shuts down temporarily. She blinks repetitively, trying to get her mind back and running.

"Hi, Yuri," comes from the person at the door. Boa looks at her younger sister and then back at the girl at the door. A small smile crosses her lips.

"More like your girlfriend," she states walking away.

"Can I come in?"

"Y-Yoona?" was all Yuri was able to say.


She couldn't believe her eyes. She wouldn't believe her eyes. There was no way that this girl was standing across from her in her bedroom. Maybe she was still dreaming. That would explain everything, since she's practically dreamed of Yoona returning. Reaching across her body, her right hand pinches her left arm; she releases a hiss. Nope not dreaming, definitely not dreaming, unless it's one of those dreams when she could feel that pain. Her face scrunches up. "Summer courses," states Yoona, breaking her chain of thoughts. Her head snaps up and looks at the younger girl. "Because of my excellent behavior, the headmistress has allowed me to go home under the circumstances that I complete my summer courses. And since you're the only nerd that I know," Yoona begins removing her backpack, "you're going to be my tutor." All Yuri could do was blink; her mind wasn't registering anything. "Think of it this way, you get to spend time with me and I can get nothing lower than B. Easy trade off right?"

"D-does Taeyeon, know you're home?" questions Yuri finally speaking. Yoona shakes her head no. "Why not?"

"Taeyeon cannot, and I mean she cannot, know that I am home. It would make my deal with my father null and void. He'll stop paying the medical bills. Besides, she has Jessica to keep her company."

"Yeah but your appearance can lower the stress that she's feeling at the moment," Yoona stops digging in her backpack, taking a look at the older girl. Yuri walks to her bed, taking a seat, "Siwon... I don't really know how the story goes but I do believe that he nearly killed Tiffany. And Taeyeon's quite upset with it. And Tiffany's not allowing her to do anything. And then there's her constant break up to make up with Jessica, not to mention Mrs. Jung now discriminates against her. Taeyeon's going to blow one of these days. I think just seeing you at least once would do her some bit of good, you know?"

"I'll think about it." Yoona heads towards the older girl's bed taking a seat beside her. She pulls her schools books out and hands them to Yuri, "so let's get started."

"Wait... you weren't joking?" questions Yuri as she looks over the books.

"No. I was being serious. They gave me a chance to go home; it was my adopted sister's doing really. But have to complete the entire packet and receive nothing lower than a B as the final grade. The old man was going to hire some stupid private tutor... but I told him that I know this over achieving nerd who could tutor me." Yuri groans at the word 'nerd'. "So here I am... now let's get started."

"He didn't question about me?"

"Yeah he did. Wanted to make sure I wasn't lying and trying to sneak off to see Taeng and Fany," answers Yoona while stretching. "I told him not to worry about things. That you were too big of a nerd to even want to stray from anything that deals with school work," she falls back on the bed. Yuri begins opening the books slowly; eyes scan over the subjects. Raising her head, she looks at Yoona. "What is it too complicated for you?"

"A book, too complicated for little Yul?" Both girls snap their head in the direction of the door. "Since when has over achieving Yul not been able to comprehend a book?" A scowl appears on Yuri's face. "Oh don't make that face, you little nerd." Yoona laughs a little.

"What do you want?" questions Yuri, snapping the book shut.

"Nothing. I'm bored. Mom's off to her nursing duty, and dad's off to the office."

"Well go find your idiot boyfriend." Boa rolls her eyes and enters the room, much to Yuri's discretion. "Leave... I don't barge into your room."

"That's because I'm your elder," states Boa, "anyways it's your turn to wash the dishes, Nerd. Get to it, or I'll inform mom of your disobedience."

Yuri sets the books to the side and stands; she walks past her older sister muttering something along the lines of, "short annoying sister" and "one of these days". Boa smiles and watches as her sister leave the room. Once the younger Kwon was out of sight Boa's head snaps in the direction of Yoona. A small smile forms on her lips.

"I don't think we've had the proper introduction, I'm Little Nerdy Yul's older sister, Boa," states Boa. Yoona nods her head. "And by the way my sister acted earlier I take it you are the Yoona chick that she's been talking to on her computer. I must say I'm surprised that you're not a nerd or some older pervert." Yoona grabs one of her books and avoids looking at the older Kwon child. "Am I bugging you?"

"In a way, yeah," mumbles Yoona honestly.

"I'll leave you alone once you answer one itty bitty question, okay?" She moves the book, setting it down upon the bed and giving the eldest Kwon her most undivided attention. Doe eyes connect with the older girl's. "My sister likes you a lot. So I wonder what's it going to take to get you to go out with her.

"You're sister is a nerd and I don't do nerds," states Yoona bluntly.

"And why not? Nerds are the ones who got like billions in their bank accounts. My sister is going to be very rich in the future-"

"Your sister is a straight A, 4 point 4 GPA, over achieving nerd. She's going to go off to college after next year. She's going to leave and become somebody as long as she doesn't allow the stress to get to her." Yoona pauses to gather her thoughts, "I'm... I'm nothing more than the adopted daughter of the Ims. I'm a daughter of a thief and a murderer. I'm a thief and I'm not going anywhere. I'll be here, living in my sister's apartment, making minimum wage while my older sister remains a janitor. I'll barely be getting by." She breaks the eye contact, exhaling loudly. "I can get pass the fact that Yuri's a nerd. She's showed me that when we went out on a date. But I can't get pass the fact that we're different."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't want people to talk about Yuri behind her back," fingers rake through her locks, "and I don't want her to miss opportunities all due to the fact that she's associated with me and my sisters." Her statement catches Boa off guard. "It's why I pick on her and continuously tell her that she doesn't stand a chance. I want for her to give up on me, but at the same time I want her to only want me."

A deep sigh, a deep frustrated sigh escapes her lips, "so the reason why I won't date the nerd is because I don't want to hurt Yuri." She looks p and looks at Boa, "Now that I've answered your question, you can leave before the atmosphere gets anymore awkward. And I'd rather not have that since I need to study and get a B on my summer course."

Boa nods her head and turns, exiting Yuri's room. With a soft sigh, the eldest Kwon makes her way to the kitchen. Eyes land on the tall girl that was busily scrubbing dishes. "Yul," she calls out softly. Hands stop; head turns and the Kwons' eyes connect. "I'm heading out, so remember that if you leave to lock up the place. Oh and feed the fish, yeah?" Yuri nods her head and turns back to washing the dishes. Boa watches her curiously; a small pout makes its way on her face. Her feet move and the next thing she knew, she was taking the plate out of her sister's hand. "I'll wash them, you little nerd. Go back up stairs and help your 'badass' girlfriend."

"She's not my girlfriend," mutters Yuri while walking to the fridge. "We're friends."

"And I'm 6 feet tall," retorts Boa while scrubbing a spoon. "I'm not an idiot. I was a high schooler once, also..." She turns and looks at her little sister, "you like her, so make her yours."

"That's easier said than done."

"Yoona told me she's a delinquent," Boa pauses for a moment, "From what I've learned during my college courses, Yoona's going to be selfish and hold on to something precious to her."


"Has she ever claimed you in public?" Yuri nods her head, thinking about the time Nichkhun was asking on Taecyeon's behalf. A small smile forms on her lips as she remembers Yoona's outburst. "Well then she's as good as yours. So get two water bottles and some snacks and head upstairs and spend time with your girlfriend. I'll finish these and then I'm leaving. Go!" Yuri nods her head for a second time, grabs the some snacks and makes a dash towards her room.


She lies on the bed; her eyes ravaging over the skin of the girl that was changing. She knows that she shouldn't be starring at the older girl like she was a piece of meat, but she just couldn't help it. And it doesn't help that Tiffany had just finally ended the one year relationship with Siwon. A groan and she rolls over onto her back. "Something wrong?" questions Tiffany as she turns and looks at the younger girl. Sooyoung shakes her head no. Shrugging her shoulders, the older girl resumes changing only to suddenly stop. "Oh," was all that came out of the smaller girl's mouth.

Tiffany collects her stuff and exits out of the room, leaving Sooyoung alone. Another groan emits from the younger girl; eyes slowly drift close. Inhale. Exhale. Eyes open. She didn't mean to make Tiffany leave the room. In fact Sooyoung feels as if she should leave the room. This wasn't exactly her room (not that it was Tiffany's either) and this definitely wasn't her house. So she should be the one to leave. But it was always the other way around. Ever since she admitting to liking Tiffany, every time the older girl remembers it things would get really awkward between the two and Tiffany would end up leaving. "I'm so stupid," mumbles Sooyoung.

"You're not stupid, so stop saying it," she turns her head, watching as Tiffany enters the room. The older girl walks dumps her clothes in the hamper before approaching the bed; it dips under her added weight. "Want to tell me why you think you're stupid?"

Sooyoung freezes; her body becomes tense. The only thing that she was capable of doing at that moment was blinking. Should she tell Tiffany why she believes she's stupid? She's not exactly bright, blurting her feelings out. What did she really expect at the time? For Tiffany to return them? As if the older girl would. Sooyoung's nothing; she's just a friend, a sense of support for the older girl. Why would Tiffany even have feelings for her? Wasn't the older girl straight? She sighs and eyes close again. "I'm stupid because... because," she opens her eyes; they automatically lock with the smaller girl's, "never mind."

"Sooyoung, talk to me. I want to know what's going on with you, what's going on inside your head." Teeth clamp down on her bottom lip as she thinks, "I don't like it when you keep everything in, you know. So talk to me please. We're friends... nearly best friends, though I don't think I'll ever really be able to take that title away from Jessica, but I want you to be able to tell me anything."

Sooyoung sits up; she breaks the eye contact and stares at the dresser, "would you ever... you know, date a girl?"

Tiffany's face scrunches up. Would she be willing to date a girl? She's straight; she's been straight for as long as she can remember. So would she date some one of the same gender. "I'm straight, Sooyoung. Though I will admit I think about what it would be like at times. I'll also admit to joking about it with Taeyeon and Yoona, but I'm straight. Who knows... maybe if I go off to college I might begin experimenting." She shrugs her shoulders. "Who knows? So why'd you ask?" Sooyoung turns and looks at Tiffany. The intensity of Sooyoung's gaze makes Tiffany flinch. "Oh..." Eyes tear away from the taller girl's; Tiffany abruptly stands. "I have to go and meet with the doctor's about the baby's health. If Taeyeon comes back, tell her I'll be home la...ter." Sooyoung's fingers wrap around Tiffany's wrist, applying light pressure. "Sooyoung... we can't really talk about this right now. I have an appointment with your

nephew's doctors," states Tiffany, emphasizing on the word nephew.

Sooyoung's grip loosens; Tiffany slips away. "I have to go." The older girl takes a step back and walks towards the closet, grabbing a jacket. "I'll be back later." Tiffany disappears out the room; Sooyoung falls back upon the bed.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid," chants Sooyoung while slapping her forehead. "You're an idiot, Choi Sooyoung. Tiffany Hwang isn't going to go for you. You're her son's aunt. That would make things weird." Quickly sitting up, Sooyoung walks to the closet, picking up her duffle bag. She didn't want to creep Tiffany out anymore than she already has. So if that means going back home permanently, then Sooyoung was going to go home and stay there. Stuffing all of the clothes, dirty and clean, in the bag, she quickly zips it up and heads out of the room. She passes by Tiffany who was in the living room and heads straight for the door.

"So-Sooyoung?" questions Tiffany confused. The taller girl ignores her calls and exits out of the apartment, closing the door softly. A soft groan leaves Tiffany's lips and she drops the documents that were in her hands. Eyes drop to the scattered papers. "Why do things have to be awkward now?" She mumbles to herself. The sound of the door knob jingling echoes throughout the living room; she looks up and over at the door, hoping that it was Sooyoung. The door opens, revealing her older sister clutching onto her forehead. "Taeyeon?" questions Tiffany.

Walking around the couch, the younger girl approaches Taeyeon. "I'm fine," mutters Taeyeon. "It's just a headache given to me by Jessica's mom. I'm fine, Tiffany." Taeyeon releases her head and looks at Tiffany, "I just saw Sooyoung and she looked quite upset. Did something happen?"

"No. Nothing," states Tiffany, while walking back to her papers. She quickly scoops them up and makes her way back to the door. "I'm gone to the appointment. Take some pills and water. I said water, Taeyeon. And get some sleep. If anything worsens call Jessica or the hospital. Do not go out and find a cigarette."

Taeyeon rolls her eyes; a flick of the wrist and she signals for her sister to leave. Tiffany sighs and steps out of the apartment. The door closes with a click and she looks at the documents in her hands. She bites her lip once again. Was she ready to do an appointment all on her own, without Sooyoung's support? A hand slips into her pocket, gripping the phone, but never pulling it out. Would Sooyoung answer if she calls or text? The younger girl wouldn't even answer her when she was leaving.

With a heavy sigh, her hand slides out of her pocket and Tiffany begins her journey to the hospital.


A groan interrupts the words that were spewing forth from her mother's mouth. "Am I making you frustrated? Bored?" She nods her head; it was now her mother's turn to groan. "I don't know what to do with you anymore, Sooyeon!"

"How about you do nothing?" mutters Jessica.

"You really expect me to do nothing while you act up? How am I supposed to do nothing when you've kicked your little sister out of the house, when you let the girl that I disapprove of in and slept with her?!"

"You're yelling for no reason again. And correction," states Jessica. Her hand raises; fingers curl except for the index. "Krystal went to the Choi house last night to hang with Sulli and she spent the night. I in no way, shape or form kicked the brat out of the house. Nor did I sleep with Taeyeon; she was sick. I gave her some pills and made her sleep on my bed. We slept side by side, not together. And lastly you didn't disapprove of Taeyeon before the little demon decided to tell stories."

Mrs. Jung's face scrunches up. With her nose flaring, she exits out of the room and into the kitchen. Within seconds the sounds of pots and pans banging echoes throughout the Jung house. Jessica rolls her eyes at her mother's immatureness. The woman had to be in her forties and yet there she was throwing a fit like some sort of teenager. "Women and their hormones," mutters Jessica. She leans forward picking up the remote that she had set down minutes earlier and begins channel surfing.

A small chuckle enters her ears; she turns and looks at her older brother who was laid out on the recliner. "You two are so much alike," states Yunho.

Jessica's expression drops. "No, we're not."

"Yes, you are. You're like a younger version of her. It's why you two can't get along." Yunho stretches and turns to his younger sister, smiling. "You're like mom's mini-me." Jessica makes a gagging noise; hand shoots out, picking up a pillow and flinging it full force. It slams into Yunho's face and all that left Yunho's mouth was an 'oof'.

"Shut up, you block head," states Jessica. Yunho nods his head, rubbing his face. Both of them calm down and return to watching the television, allowing silence to take over.

Yunho takes a quick look at Jessica before turning back to the screen. "Sooyeon, can I as you something" questions Yunho. His sister nods her head. "What exactly is wrong with Taeyeon?"

Jessica's eyes rip away from the drama; they land on her brother. Yunho looks her way, and she shrugs her shoulders. "She's got some headaches that come and go; that's all. Why?"

"She just seemed extra pale today when she left this morning. I'm just a little worried for your girlfriend. You did say that she lives with Taemin, but Taemin's no longer here. So that must means she's alone." He turns back to the television, "I just don't think a sick girl should be alone, you know what I'm saying?"

"It's just a couple of headaches, Yunho," reassures Jessica. "She's had them for a while and nothing else so far."

"She's had them for a while" questions Yunho, turning back to the middle child. "Sooyeon, has she had any other symptoms? Something along the lines of blurred vision and neck pains?" Jessica shakes her head. "Are you sure?" She shakes her head again.

"I don't know what's wrong with her besides the fact that she has headaches and that her cure to it consists of drinking and smoking cigarettes."

"Is she under a lot of stress?" Jessica nods her head. "How long and how often does she smoke?"

"She started when she was younger I believe. And she smokes every day." A suspicious look appears on Jessica's face. "What are you getting at, you wanna be doctor? What make believe disease is you diagnosing her with?"

"A brain aneurysm. They're deadly if the rupture, you know? They either end with a stroke or death. You should really get Taeyeon-"

"She can't afford a doctor," interrupts Jessica. "Not when she's working minimum wage as a janitor and has to pay rent and buy groceries all on her own, Yunho. Besides this is Taeyeon; if she can look people twice her size in the eyes and kick their ass, then she can fight off some stupid headache." She can do that right? Taeyeon's not sick, right? Jessica takes a deep breath and shakes her head. What is she thinking? Of course the midget wouldn't be sick. How in the world could she believe Yunho's words? The boy wasn't even a doctor; he's nothing more than a college student. He's not even in med school yet.

She stands, tossing him the remote to the television. "Where are you off to, Sooyeon?"

Jessica makes a face and crosses her arms. "Where do you think?" A small grin appears on Yunho's face. "Thanks for planting stupid thoughts and ideas in my head, you idiot."

His grin widens. "Just doing my duty as the older brother." He waves goodbye, watching as Jessica head to the front door. "Make sure you tell Taeyeon I said hi." Jessica rolls her eyes; her hand encompasses the doorknob, turning and pulling the door open. "Oh... you might want to hurry. Who's knows if it rupt-" The door slams shut, interrupting his statement. A small chuckle escapes his lips as he leans back. "You're all mine now," he mumbles to himself, while looking at the remote. The door opens and looks up to see Jessica reenter the house. With a raised brow, his eyes follow as she disappears down the hall, emerging minutes later. "Forget something?"

"Yeah," states Jessica. She bends down by the door fixing her shoe when Dog emerge and approaches her. "Ready, Dog?" Dog barks, her tail wagging. "Alright then," Jessica fixes her collar and hooks on the leash before standing. "Alright now, I'm gone." Yunho gives her a smile and waves; Jessica snarls in response. She opens the door, allowing Dog to leave first before following after. She closes the door and looks around. Dog takes a seat, tilting her head. "We're going to go see Taeyeon. I'm sure you want to see your owner, right?" Dog lies down on the porch, rolling onto her side. "Or not. Why don't you want to visit your owner?"

Dog lazily barks, rolling onto her other side; tongue slips out and she closes her eyes. "You don't like Taeyeon much, do you?" A yelp resonated from Dog's mouth. "And why not?" Jessica takes a seat beside Dog, forgetting all about her plans to visit Taeyeon. "Is it because she doesn't take care you and doesn't show her love?" Dog's only response was to look at the middle Jung. "I understand... sometimes she gets her priorities all mixed. But I can assure you, if her family wasn't full of crazies and whatnot, you'd be a priority. Did you know she thought you were cold last night?"

"Are you talking to the dog again?" Jessica looks up to see the youngest Jung standing in front of her. "Are you sure you're not the crazy one?"

"Hello to you too, Soojung," states Jessica. She stands and tugs on the leash, "come on... I could care less about you not wanting to see her. And I can't leave you in the house with that raving lunatic who's my mother... I might come home to find you buried in the back yard. Now let's go." She tugs a little harder; Dog reluctantly stands and begins walking.

"Where are you going?" asks Krystal curiously.

"To visit Taeyeon. Mom's being annoying again and Yunho's doing Yunho type things again. I'd rather be somewhere peaceful then here. Why?" replies Jessica as she stops walking.

"Do you mind if I tag along?" asks Krystal; her head drops; eyes look at the ground beneath her feet. Jessica shrugs her shoulders. She didn't need to speak. She knew that either way Krystal was going to tag along, like how she's been doing for the past few days since she apologized. She turns and continues walking dog with Krystal running after them.

"Why aren't you at the Choi's? You said you were staying another day."

"There was a lot of arguing this morning. Sooyoung has returned home also. So that means she's taking her bed back." Krystal looks at her sister. "So I left. It was getting a little awkward." Jessica nods her head. Hand slips in her pocket, pulling out her phone. Fingers make quick work of sending Sooyoung a message. She slips the phone back into her pocket. "Who were you texting? Your girlfriend?" questions Krystal. Jessica rolls her eyes.

"You know what I liked it better when you weren't kissing my ass as a way for forgiveness. You were less annoying then you are now," states Jessica bluntly. Krystal bites her lip; she lowers her head for the second time. What is she to do now? Jessica hasn't been letting her make things up, so what does she do now? Krystal stops walking, causing for the older girl to follow suit. "Soojung."

"I'm just going to go back home since I'm so annoying," states Krystal. She turns on her heels and takes off running, not giving Jessica a chance to respond. A groan escapes the older girl's lips.

"I just screwed things up again, huh?" mutters Jessica to herself. Dog barks in agreement. "Who was talking to you?" states Jessica turning to look at the canine. A low growl emits from the animal. "Oh growl at me all you want. You won't be the first person to bark at me today, may I remind you." Dog sits and turns her head away from Jessica. "Stubborn just like your owner."

"Jessica, are you arguing with a dog? More importantly are you arguing with Dog?" Jessica looks over her shoulder to see Tiffany approaching her. A smile graces Tiffany's lips as she kneels, petting her older sister's pet. "You need a bath," states Tiffany as she looks at her hands, "you're shedding." She turns back to the older girl.

"What are you doing way over here?" questions Jessica.

"I actually went to your house to find you, but your brother, Yunho is it?" Jessica nods her head, "he told me you were walking Dog and was on your way to visit Taeng," explains Tiffany as she pushes herself up into a standing position.

"Why were you looking for me?" They begin walking.

"I wanted to know if Sooyoung was okay. She kind of stormed out of the apartment this morning with her bag full of clothes." Jessica takes a side wards glance at the younger girl. "I know what you're more than likely thinking. What happened? And what did I do to your best friend? I didn't do anything really." Tiffany takes a deep breath. "She... Sooyoung really has feelings for me, doesn't she?"

"I can't really say," answers Jessica honestly. She just couldn't because she doesn't really know what's going on Sooyoung's head. "But if I was to say based off the fact that I'm her best friend and I know her the best out of me and you... yeah Sooyoung might have developed some sort of feelings for you. It's only natural..." Jessica turns fully and looks at Tiffany, "You're pretty hot, Tiffany. And if I was in Sooyoung's place I'd more than likely develop something for you."

"But you're gay," states Tiffany. "Sooyoung's not really gay... right? I mean she said the kiss you shared was purely, um... experimental. So Sooyoung's not really gay." She turns and looks at Jessica.

"Sooyoung is gay... bisexual the least. Sooyoung harbors feelings for girls, Tiffany. You know that. I know that. The Chois know it." Jessica's face scrunches lightly. "Are you denying the fact that Sooyoung is in love with girls because she likes you?"

"You don't think it's going to be awkward if we date? I mean I dated her brother for a year and some months. We were engaged. I have a son with him. And then I turn around and date her... people will start talking, Jessica. I don't think I can deal with that type of negative attention. And Sooyoung won't be able to."

"But I think you like Sooyoung," states Jessica. "You dote on her. You continuously check up on her, making sure she's okay, that she's eaten and slept correctly and what not. You've put her name on the birth certificate. If anything you can call your relationship with Siwon a lie. Say that he was a cover up with Sooyoung and that Sooyoung is really the person that you were dating. You can say that Siwon was just a donor for yours and Sooyoung's relationship. I mean there is so much you can do, Tiffany if you really like Sooyoung, which you do by the way but is too stubborn to see it. Sort of like Taeyeon." Tiffany stops walking and looks at her hands.

Does she like Sooyoung as more than a friend? Is that why she's avoiding the talk and has been since Sooyoung admitted her feelings. Inhale. Exhale. Her slender digits slither through her locks. But she's straight. She's been straight since she could remember. There is no way for her to have developed feelings for a girl. "Having doubts?" Tiffany looks at Jessica. "From one gay person to another. You are gay."

"How would you know?"

"Once again. From one gay person to another you, Tiffany Hwang, are gay. You've pinged my radar just like your sisters." Tiffany's face falls blank. "Don't believe me?" She shakes her head. "Well you can stay in denial and go live your life miserably or you can embrace it." Jessica slings an arm around Tiffany's shoulder, "There's nothing wrong with being gay. The make outs are hotter. The couples are undeniably hotter. Besides gays have all the fun." Tiffany shifts a little, feeling uncomfortable. She pushes Jessica arm off. "What... disgusted now?" Jessica's statement catches her off guard. Was she disgusted?

Tiffany backs away, looking at her feet. "I'm... I'm going to go and visit Seohyun at the center." She turns and takes off running away from Jessica, never answering her question. Jessica sighs and looks at Dog.

"That's the third person that I've chased off today. I must be on a roll or something, huh?" Dog turns her back to Jessica, "Oh you're just mad because I'm taking you to see Taeyeon. You and your owner have to get over your differences. Now let's go."


The door closes softly, clicking lock. Shoes slip off her feet; she kneels and removes the leash from Dog's collar. Standing, she looks around the apartment for any sign of her girlfriend. Not seeing an, she heads straight for the balcony, slipping it open and giving Dog enough space to exit and enter. Turning on her heels, Jessica heads straight for Taeyeon's room since that is where she'll most likely be.

Knuckles rap against the door and she waits for an answer. Not receiving one, Jessica opens the door and slips inside, closing it shut behind her. Eyes automatically fall upon the small body on the bed. Jessica crosses the room quickly, taking a seat immediately upon the bed. She leans over; eyes ghost over Taeyeon's flushed face. "Maybe you are sick," she mumbles. Fingers lightly trace over Taeyeon's face. The older girl's face scrunches and she swats Jessica's hand away. "Taeyeon... are you awake?"

"No... I'm sleeping," mumbles Taeyeon as she rolls away. Jessica rolls her eyes.

"How are you sleeping and answering my question at the same time?"

"Sleep talking," mumbles Taeyeon. A small laugh escapes the younger girl's lips.

"You seem pretty conscious about what you're doing," mumbles Jessica as she leans over Taeyeon, taking a look at the older girl's face again. One eye opens and stares back at her. A smile forms on her face. Taeyeon closes her eye.

"What are you so happy about," mutters Taeyeon into her pillow.

"Nothing," states Jessica. "How are your headaches?" she asks; fingers slide into Taeyeon's hair, playing with it. Taeyeon mutters something but the pillow ends up muffling it. "What?" She opens both eyes and looks at the girl who was leaning over her.

"I said they're fine, now as long as no one comes in and ruins my peaceful moment. Why?" Jessica sits up. She shrugs her shoulders; she didn't really want to admit that she was worried about Taeyeon. That would make things weird, at least from her view it would. She and Taeyeon had just restarted dating and being extremely worried for her would be kind of creepy wouldn't it? And not to mention, Taeyeon would probably get a laugh out of it and end up embarrassing her once again. "I think you do know," states Taeyeon, while rolling back over to look at Jessica. She sits up; eyes look over the younger girl's profile. "Jessica."

"My brother is an idiot," states Jessica in a huff. "You've got nothing but a headache." Her face scrunches and she crosses her arms. One of the older girl's brow rises. "What?"

"I could ask you the same thing," Jessica huffs for a second time, "so what are you doing here?"

"I came to see if you were feeling any better." Taeyeon shrugs her shoulders. She's been feeling off and on. Sleep did help but only a little. A yawn escapes as she stretches. Pushing back the covers, Taeyeon slides out of bed. "Where are you off to?" questions Jessica.

"Bathroom, you're more than welcomed to join," answers Taeyeon. Jessica's face falls blank; a pink tinge spreads across her ears and cheeks. A laugh echoes throughout the room, causing for the younger girl to growl. A hand wraps around a nearby pillow, flinging it at Taeyeon. The smaller girl ducks before sprinting out of the room.

"You pervert!" shouts Jessica. Taeyeon's laugh echoes throughout the house. "Stop laughing... that wasn't even funny!" The younger girl stands and walks to the bedroom door, peeking her head out. Her head turns and eyes look down the hall, connecting with Taeyeon's. The older girl waves and disappears into the bathroom, slamming the door shut. Jessica sighs and exits the bedroom, heading straight for the couch. Her body falls back onto the piece of furniture scaring that animal that resting on the other end. Dog raises her head and looks at Jessica. A low growl emits from her before she sets her head back down. "Shut up," states Jessica, "or else I'll leave you here when I go home."

"Who are you talking to?" asks Taeyeon while emerging from the hall. She walks around the couch; eyes automatically fall upon Dog. "Oh...." Taeyeon takes the seat beside Jessica, receiving a growl from her pet. She turns and looks at Jessica. "Your dog, your problems." Taeyeon's face goes blank; head turns and she looks at Dog.

"Jessica's mine," states Taeyeon as she leans against the younger girl. Another growl emits from Dog. "Yeah, yeah growl all you want. Remember who here supplies your food. You might sleep at Jessica's house and on her bed. But I'm the one who supplies her with your food and snacks, you stubborn mutt - Ow!" Taeyeon turns back to Jessica. Her hand shuts straight for her head, rubbing it, "what in the world was that for? Trying to give me another headache?"

"Dog is not a mutt," states Jessica. Her hand pushes Taeyeon's away and begins massaging the older girls head, "so don't call her that. And you wonder why she growls at you. You need to treat her more nicely, you know. Out of everyone who will come into your life, she's going to be the only one that will stay by your side."

"Are you saying you're not?" questions Taeyeon, catching Jessica off guard. Her hand slips and lands on Taeyeon's cheek. "So I take that as a yes, you won't be there." Taeyeon's hand grabs hold of Jessica's pulling it away from her cheek. Eyes connect. "Well that's okay," states Taeyeon, "it's bound to happen anyways. People come and go in life... so you leaving shouldn't be that big of a deal, right. I mean we're just casually dating, nothing serious." She sets Jessica's hand on Jessica's lap and stands. "Cigarette break." Heading towards the shelf, she picks up the pack of cigarettes, pulling one of the cancer sticks out and slipping it between her lips. She steps out onto the balcony, closing the glass door.

Jessica sighs. She looks at Dog who was looking back at her. "I said something I shouldn't have, huh?" Dog rolls over. "I guess I should apologize." Dog's tongue slides out of her mouth. "You're not paying attention to me, are you?" Dog climbs off the couch and heads in the direction of the kitchen. "How are you going to walk away from me?" Dog stops for a quick second before continuing. Jessica huffs and crosses her arms. "Just like your stupid owner."

"So you think I'm stupid?" Jessica's head snaps in the direction of Taeyeon. She shakes her head. "But you just said that Dog is 'just like your stupid owner'. That must mean that you think I'm stupid." Jessica opens her mouth to justify herself when Taeyeon breaks out into a laugh. "You should see you face." Jessica puffs her cheeks; a pout forms.

"And here I was thinking I hurt your feelings, you stupid meanie," mutters Jessica. "And all you can do is crack a joke. No scratch that - that is all you can do. Everything is a joke - "

"I like to joke," states Taeyeon. "You should take me joking around as something positive. It means that I'm officially comfortable being around you." She smiles and crosses the room. "I don't mean to hurt your feelings, honestly." The younger girl huffs once again. "Jessica," calls out Taeyeon. "Jessica." The younger girl turns away. Taeyeon takes a seat on the couch beside her. "Jessica." She slides off the couch. "Sica," she calls out. Jessica freezes slightly at the nickname, but then she quickly resumes ignoring the older girl. Taeyeon sighs. Maybe she did go a little over board with the playful behavior. "I am really sorry, Sooyeon." Hearing her Korean name, Jessica freezes again. Her mind temporarily shuts down and all she could do was breath and blink. "I guess I went a little over board and stuff. And if I hurt your feelings in any way, shape or form, then I am truly sorry."

She moves in front of the younger girl's, sitting on her knees; eyes head straight for Jessica's face, looking for any sign that the Jessica had accepted her apology. Jessica slowly turns her head, "You are mean and evil."

"Says the girl who called me stupid," counters Taeyeon. "I wonder what else you call me behind my back." Taeyeon stands and turns looking at the television. Fingers rake through her hair, "I didn't mean that. It was a natural reflex," she mutters. " am I the mean and evil person? I've never did anything mean intentionally, not even when we first met. In fact I believe I behaved like a normal civilian and it was Yoong who was the outspoken one. Yes? And I also believe you were the mean one... so how could I be mean?" She turns back to the younger girl, "huh? Can you answer - " She pauses and grabs hold of her head. A hiss comes from her.

Jessica quickly pushes herself onto her feet. She places a hand over Taeyeon's. A sense of guilt overcomes her. Did she just cause for the headaches to return? "Sorry," she whispers. "I didn't mean to call you stupid. It just sort of came out. And I don't talk about you behind your back; in fact I sit there and defend you from others. But Taeyeon, there really are times when you act mean; you are always joking and embarrassing me." Taeyeon tilts her head back and their eyes meet again.

"Sica," whispers Taeyeon.

"I like it better when you said: Sooyeon. I like the way it rolls off your tongue. Much softer and much more delicate then the way my family says it. Theirs is always harsh... since I'm always getting yelled at. It's a nice change for once," rambles Jessica. She gives Taeyeon a soft smile; her hand falls, grabbing hold of Taeyeon's free one. "I'll forgive you, if you promise to call me Sooyeon."

Taeyeon's face scrunches up. "Is that a no?"

"I... that's like an intimate name, right?" questions Taeyeon. "I mean everyone calls you Jessica. And I heard Sooyoung say Sica, which is why I said it. But when you didn't answer I thought maybe Sooyeon would work. But... to continuously call you by that intimate name... I - "

"What makes you think it's intimate?"

"Only your family calls you that. I just thought that... Are we even at that... " A look of confusion spreads across Taeyeon's face, as she continues holding onto her head. Jessica's smile grows.

"I want my girlfriend to call me by that name. She's going to call me by that name, understand?"

"Did they call you by that name?" questions Taeyeon, releasing her head. "You know... Hara, Donghae and them. Did any of your exes call you by - " Jessica shakes her head no. "Oh..." Jessica laughs a quiet laugh; her grip on Taeyeon's hand tightens.

"We'll work things out later. For now, let's work on that headache. Do you have any pills left to take for your headache or do I have to go out and buy some?" questions Jessica.

"In my room there should be a few left." Jessica nods her head; she pulls Taeyeon in the direction of the bedroom. The older girl stumbles a bit, trying to keep up with Jessica's pace. "What's the rush?" questions Taeyeon. Jessica ignores the question. "Are you trying to drug me and get me in bed?" Jessica releases Taeyeon's hand. "It was a joke... you need to loosen up." Jessica enters the bedroom. She quickly turns around; hands shoot out, grabbing hold of the older girl's shirt, pulling her into the room. One hand releases her, slamming the door shut, before reclaiming its place.

Taeyeon's eyes quickly close; her back collides with the door. "Jessica... I mean, Sooyeon," states Taeyeon while shaking her head. One eye opens followed by the other, only to quickly widen at how close Jessica's face was to hers. "Soo-Sooyeon?" The slightly taller girl takes a step closer; their noses touch. Jessica's dark orbs meet Taeyeon's before dropping to the smaller girl's lips, which break into a grin. "You know if you wanted a kiss you could have just asked." The younger girl's eyes automatically meets Taeyeon's once again. She releases Taeyeon and backs away.

"You weren't..." Taeyeon breaks into a laugh. She pushes herself off the doo; feet move her body slowly towards Jessica. Jessica, noticing Taeyeon coming towards her, takes a step back for every step Taeyeon takes. The back of her legs collide with the soft mattress.

"Checkmate," states Taeyeon with a grin. Jessica's face drops; the color drains. Her body shakes. Taeyeon laughs even louder. "You should totally see your face right now," she states. One hand grabs her side; the other points a finger at Jessica. "Priceless..." Jessica snarls. Raising one hand, it curls and slams into Taeyeon's shoulder. "Ow!" Jessica ignores the outburst and continues swinging on Taeyeon. "Jessica!" The younger girl puts more force behind her hits, "Ow! Jessica, stop! Sooyeon... that hurts!"

Taeyeon moves back a little; Jessica's hand shoots out and grabs hold of her shirt, pulling her back in. Taking a deep breath, Taeyeon's hand attempt to stop Jessica's since Jessica wasn't stopping on her own. They struggle, trying to overpower each other. They fall back on the bed; Taeyeon on top of Jessica. Using both of her hands, Jessica forces Taeyeon off of her. She climbs back on top of Taeyeon and continues hitting her. "Sooyeon!" shouts Taeyeon, while grabbing hold of Jessica's hands and stopping the fight. Both chest rise and fall quickly; pants and heavy breathing fills the air. "That should be enough, right?" comments Taeyeon. Jessica rolls her eyes; her hand pulls Taeyeon's up to her mouth; teeth close down tightly on Taeyeon's hand, "Ow! Jessica!"

The door bursts open, "Taeyeon are you... oh... Oh!" The older girls turn and look at Sooyoung who was starring at them wide-eyed. "I didn't mean to interrupt anything." The door quickly closes and Jessica crawls off.

"She thinks we were doing it," states Taeyeon, laughing. Jessica grunts and slaps Taeyeon on the thigh,

"Ow! Are you always this violent? If so... I should have befriended you a long time ago. We could have used a person like you in our group."

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm not a delinquent."

"Right, cause Krystal is." Jessica grunts a second time, slapping her again. "Alright... alright... I get it." Jessica leans over Taeyeon, grabbing Taeyeon's glass of water and the bottle of pills. Waiting for Taeyeon to sit up, she hands hr the glass prior to opening the bottle of pills.

"Here," she passes her two and watches as Taeyeon takes them. "Now... sleep."

"I was doing that before someone came to visit," counters Taeyeon.

"You don't want me to visit?"

"I like it when you visit." Taeyeon turns and looks at Jessica. She lies down, pulling the younger girl beside her. "When you visit... I forget about things for a while, you know. Nothing's important when you're around really. It may seem like it, but it's not." Jessica scoots in closer to Taeyeon; her hands begin playing with the older girl's." She takes a deep breath and looks at the crown of Jessica's head. "After break, it's our senior year," mumbles Taeyeon, "promise after you leave to college that we will still remain friends." Jessica tilts her head back.

"There is nothing to promise, Taeyeon," responds Jessica. She gives Taeyeon a smile, "I can't actually believe that I'm saying this to a delinquent, but I don't think I'd ever want to lose your friendship, even if we do break up." Her smile widens as she leans in placing a kiss on the corner of Taeyeon's mouth. Her gaze drops back to their hands. "Now no more thinking, go to sleep."

"But Sooyoung's here and she and Tiffany are fighting."

"Sooyoung likes your sister. Your sister is unsure what she feels towards Sooyoung. Your sister is also gay and in denial," states Jessica, "and we are not going to interfere. Let them work things out on their own. Besides jumping into their problems is going to make you more stressed out and affect your headaches.

Taeyeon sighs. "Tiffany's gay?"

Jessica nods her head. "Trust me on this... Tiffany pings my gaydar. Not a lot really, but enough to assumes that she is at the very least bisexual. And Tiffany has feelings for Sooyoung, but with everything that's happened in their life... she's a little confused and going through some sort of identity crisis. She'll come around sooner or later. If she's drunk, then much more sooner." Taeyeon nods her head, feeling a little drowsy. She pulls Jessica in closer, allowing her eyes to close.

The room gets quiet, except for her breathing and the soft breaths coming from Taeyeon. She looks back up at the older girl, finding her asleep. "Yunho is definitely a block head," she murmurs, placing a quick chaste kiss on the sleeping girl's lips. Her head drops to Taeyeon's chest and she resumes playing with Taeyeon's fingers, waiting for the older girl to wake up.


She blinks repeatedly trying to erase the image that was implanted in her head. How can she be so stupid to burst into Taeyeon's room without knocking? She closes her eyes tightly and shakes her head. She should have known that they were more than likely doing something and that Taeyeon wasn't in pain. The older girl was clearly calling Jessica's name. Her eyes open and she freezes; her face heats up. "Oh god," she mumbles. Her speed increases; she runs around the room picking up the items she left behind, flinging them in her backpack. Stopping in the middle of Taemin's room, she looks around the room; eyes scanning to see if she was missing anything. Seeing nothing of hers, she picks up her bag.

Slinging it over her shoulder, she turns and exits the room. Walking down the hall, she stops in front of Taeyeon's door. With a deep breath, her knuckles rap against the door. Not getting an answer, she closes her eyes and opens the door sticking her head in. "Tae-Taeyeon?"

"Open your eyes, Soo," calls out Jessica. "We're not doing anything. And we weren't doing anything." Sooyoung slowly opens her eyes; blinking, she spots Jessica lying beside Taeyeon. "What do you need?"

Sooyoung shakes her head, "nothing. I was just getting the stuff that I left behind. Can you let Taeyeon know that I'm heading back home permanently? Oh and that I'm very thankful that she allowed me to stay here." Jessica's face scrunches slightly. She wasn't so sure she wanted Sooyoung to return back to the Choi house. But remembering her words that she told Taeyeon, she keeps quiet. "Oh and I left some cash on the counter top in the kitchen in a white envelope. It should cover for the time I spent her, as well as cover anything needed for the baby." She turns to leave when she hears the bed creak. Stopping she turns back, finding Jessica sliding off the bed. "Need something, Sica?"

"Just walking you out and locking the door. Oh, your spare key?" Sooyoung stops, patting herself down.

"I think it's in the envelope," states Sooyoung. "If not I'll drop it off at your place later on tonight." Jessica nods her head; both girls stop just before the front door. "That's all." Jessica nods her head, "so... you guys weren't- "

"NO!" shouts Jessica, slapping Sooyoung on the arm. "Seriously why is everyone I hang out with a bunch of pervs?" She groans, "And what would make you think we'd be doing that? We haven't even been going out that long."

"I just...well after walking in on you and Har-" Jessica's hand quickly covers Sooyoung's mouth. She places the index finger of her free hand against her on lips, signaling for Sooyoung to be quiet. Sooyoung nods her head; Jessica slowly removes her hand and looks down the hall. "You haven't told her?"

"No... that's not something you tell your girlfriend. I mean it is, but you just doing bring it up without a cause." Jessica shakes her head, crossing her arms. "Never mind... forget I even asked that question. I'll swing by your house later tonight on my way home." Sooyoung nods her head; her hand grabs the door, opening it. "Alright, I'll see you later." Jessica turns and heads down the hall with Dog on her heels.

Sooyoung sighs and exits the apartment. She closes the door softly, heading towards the staircase. Her foot barely makes it to the second step when Tiffany comes in to view. Her breath hitches. Should she run? Should she continue walking as if Tiffany doesn't exist? Or should she speak. Tiffany continues walking up the stairs, stopping right before her. "Um... Sooyoung is it okay if we- " Sooyoung takes off sprinting down the stairs, going two by two. Tiffany sighs and takes off after the taller girl. "Sooyoung!" Sooyoung ignores the calls and continues running down the stairs.

"I know you hear me you giant!" shouts Tiffany. Sooyoung stops in her tracks; her eyes close. Sooyoung looks over her shoulder. She swallows the lump in her throat at the sight of Tiffany's intense gaze. "So you're going to stop talking to me and stop acknowledging me as your friend, Sooyoung?!" Sooyoung turns away from Tiffany and takes off running down the stairs, again. Tiffany sighs in frustration; she takes a seat on the stairs. "I'm not gay," she whispers to herself. "I like Sooyoung but only as a friend. I can't like her anymore than that. I mean I'm straight, so there is no way that I could have feelings for her. Besides she's my son's aunt." Another frustrated sigh and she looks up the stairs towards Taeyeon's apartment. "Taeng's gay... maybe she can - " She shakes her head, "What am I thinking? I'm not gay. I, Stephanie Hwang Miyoung, am not and will never be gay. I'm straight, damn it... I'm straight." Both hands slide into her locks. "I'm straight," she repeats. Inhale. Exhale. Repeat. How could she doubt that she's straight? She's straight. She is straight, right?


Fingers trace over the incubator; eyes stare down at the baby boy inside. A sigh escapes her lips. "Has your daddy come to visit you lately?" asks Tiffany while starring at her son. "And I don't mean Siwon... we both know he's not allowed in here... even if he has decided to get help." She looks up at the machines, "I'm talking about your daddy, Sooyoung. Has she come to visit you? Or has she left me on my own to figure things out with you?" she questions. "Five days, you know... five days since I've seen her on the stairs. And we have another meeting with your doctors to figure things out. I don't think I can last another meeting without her there."

Her eyes drop back on her baby, "Do you think I made a mistake when I ran that morning? Maybe I should have stayed. But what good would that be? I mean...I'm not like her, or your Auntie Taeyeon, or Jessica. I'm not gay. I'm straight. I know I am." Footsteps echo throughout the NICU center; she turns half hoping it would be Sooyoung, only to have the hope diminish at the sight of her son's nurse.

"How's he doing?" questions his nurse, as she examines the machines.

"He's good," answers Tiffany, "say... has um the girl that usually visits come lately?"

"Short or tall?" The nurse asks while writing down his information.

"The tall one?"

"Nope, haven't seen her lately." The nurse sets her pen down and looks at Tiffany. "Have you chosen a name for him yet? Or are we staff members going to continue calling him Baby Hwang?

"It was Sooyoung's choice... or at least it was a joint decision. So no, not yet," answers Tiffany while crossing her arms. She watches as the nurse washes her hands and applies hand sanitizer. "What are you doing?"

"I'm just going to adjust some of his tubes and wires. It's nothing that Mommy should worry about." Tiffany's dark orbs watch curious as the nurse opens one of the small hatches and sticks her hands inside, adjusting what she said she was going to adjust. "You know its okay for you to touch him. His immune system is getting stronger, but you'll still have to wash your hands and apply some hand sanitizer." Tiffany nods her head. She knows. In fact she's known for a while, but she's always decided against it, wanting him to get as healthy as possible with no interference. The nurse removes her hand and closes the hatch. "Well that's all. I'll be over there, call if you need anything, Mommy." Tiffany nods her head again. Her eyes drop on her son; she takes a deep breath.

Placing her hand flat against the incubator, she smiles a little, "I'll be back. If not me then maybe Auntie Taeyeon will visit you later. Right now... I have to find a summer job to help your aunt with the bills. I love you," she says. She backs away from her son, turning and heading for the exit. Walking through both sets of doors she runs into Sooyoung. Sooyoung freezes at the sight of Tiffany again. Tiffany gives her a smile and continues walking. She wants to stop and go back to Sooyoung, but that would make things even more awkward between the two of them. She sighs, stopping her tracks. Why did things have to become so awkward between them?

"Hi," she looks over her shoulders at Sooyoung who was waving. She forces her smile to widen, only to frown. Did she just say 'hi'? After five days she's finally shows up and says 'hi'?

"Now you want to say hi?" questions Tiffany crossing her arms for the second time. "Why wait five days? Why didn't you say hi to me on the stairwell, huh?"

"I didn't want to make things anymore awkward then they already are," states Sooyoung, honestly. "What was I supposed to do after what happen that morning, huh? I freaked you out. I made you uncomfortable. It's why I left. It's why I packed my things and left. I didn't want you to be uncomfortable." Sooyoung sighs and ruffles her hair.

"So you ignore me for five days?"

"I... I figured you wanted some space. You've been in an abusive relationship with my brother for over a year. You break up and I accidentally spill my feelings. I... if I was in your shoes it would be too much to handle. So I was just trying to make things more comfortable for you. What else was I to do, Tiffany? You ran. You put emphasis on the fact that I'm nothing but an aunt." Sooyoung takes a deep breath calming herself down. "I... I'm fine with the idea of you not liking me the way I like you. It was something I should have expected since you're straight. I'm fine..." She looks off to the side. "I'm just going to give you some space and give myself some space, but we can stay friends, right?" She looks up at the smaller girl.

Tiffany frowns. Friends? Could she really be friends with Sooyoung? "I see," Sooyoung's words snap her out of her daze. "Friends, is too much to ask for." Sooyoung sighs; she ruffles her hair again. "Um... I'll leave then. You can let me know when he's able to go home... that's only if you want to. I mean I don't want my name on the birth certificate and not be able to provide." Sooyoung begins walking in Tiffany's direction, trying to pass by her.

Tiffany reaches out to grab hold of the taller girl's arm, only to have Sooyoung pull away. "Sooyoung." Sooyoung ignores her and continues walking away. "Sooyoung. Choi Sooyoung, I know you hear me calling you!" Sooyoung stops; Tiffany takes a deep breath. "I'm sorry I can't like you the way you like me. Believe me. I've thought of every plausible thing. I really have. I even spoke to Jessica and she had this wild idea of me being gay. I spoke to Seohyun and Seohyun believes that I fell in love with a personality and not a gender. I've done everything I can... but I'm not gay. I can't... I can't be gay." Sooyoung nods her head and continues walking. "Sooyoung!"

"If you don't like me... if you don't want to be friends and if you are not gay, let me leave, please," whispers Sooyoung loud enough for Tiffany to hear. "Since I'm not going to visit him... I might as well head out to my counseling session."

"Counseling?" questions Tiffany.

Sooyoung nods her head. "I attend therapy with Siwon at different times though, but we do have the same therapist. It's what I've been doing the past five days. I've been giving you a break and I've been helping myself." Sooyoung turns and looks at Tiffany. "What kind of parents would either I or Siwon be, if we were what we were?" She looks down at her feet. "Is that all?" Tiffany nods her head. Sooyoung turns back, walking away once again.

Tiffany wants to call out after her again. She doesn't know why but she doesn't want Sooyoung to leave her again. Her mouth opens but no words come out. She closes her mouth as Sooyoung rounds the corner disappearing from sight. Tiffany turns her gaze towards the nearby wall, wanting to smash her face into it. "What did you just do?" she mumbles to herself, "you not only lost a friend but some sort of support, you idiot. You're no longer Taeyeon's priority. You have to remember that." She sighs and slinks to the floor; her back against the wall. "What now?" she whispers. What now? Hands slide into her hair, tugging on it. She feels like crying; she bites her lip to hold back the tears. "What is wrong with you, Stephanie?"


Arms stretch up; a long yawn escapes her lips. She blinks and turns looking at her tutor. "Confused with something, Yoona?" Yoona shakes her head. "Alright, are you hungry or thirsty?" The younger girl shakes her head again. Yuri looks up from checking over Yoona's paper and finally looks the younger girl in the eyes. "Do you need something?"

"Nothing," states Yoona. "I'm just taking a break. My mind can only process so much. You should know that by now. Go back to editing my work, so I can rewrite that one."

Yuri sighs and turns her attention back to the paper, well aware of Yoona's eyes still on her. What could Yoona possibly find so interesting about her, in this state right now? She's not wearing anything fancy; in fact Yuri was just wearing a tee and some jeans (that Boa picked out, stating something along the lines that it would catch Yoona's attention). So was it the clothes? She shakes her head. Yoona wouldn't find this interesting. Did she have something on her face? Her free hand slides across her face. But Yoona's eyes don't budge.

A sigh and she sets the pen down; head raises and eyes connect again. "Yoona why are you looking at me like that?" Yoona shrugs her shoulders. She doesn't know. Ever since her talk with Yuri's annoying but funny older sister, she's been constantly looking at her. She huffs and crosses her arms. A pout forming on her face. "Yoona?"

"What's your dream, Yuri?" asks Yoona curiously. "I mean... ugh, never mind forget the weird question." Yoona turns in her seat, directing her eyes to her other assignment.

Yuri nods her head and goes back to editing, "I don't really have a dream," whispers Yuri. Yoona's hand stops moving. "Dreams are something that only happen every one in a million. But I do have some goals. Would you like to hear one of them?" Yoona nods her head. "I want... I want to... it's quite complicated to explain really, but one of my goals is helping people." She turns and looks at Yoona. "I want to show people that they can become more than what they seem on the outside, you know?" She smiles a little and leans back in her chair. "I volunteer at the Youth Center because so many of the people there are broken. My goal in life is to be a person that shows them they're not broken. That even if they think they are, as long as there are people willing to help them, then they are not. Do you understand?"

"Calling me stupid?" mutters Yoona as she too leans back, propping her feet on the Kwon's kitchen table. Yuri shakes her head no. "So you want to be something along the lines of a therapist?"

"Social worker," states Yuri. "Not exactly a high paying job, but someone has to do it."

"You'll suck at it," mumbles Yoona. Her eyes close. Yuri will definitely suck at it. She wants to make people feel better about themselves, yet here she is, making Yoona feel bad about her background. And it's not even intentional. Yuri's smile fades.

Would she really suck at it? She blinks. But she's doing such a good job at the Center that they've hired her on. She now earns a pay check. "Become something, better Yuri, yeah? You're smart enough. You've got the brains to become someone. Watch you become like the next Bill Gates or something. And then you can leave this crappy neighborhood."

"But that's not what I want," states Yuri. "I want to go to school and become a social worker, so I can live in this crappy neighborhood. So I can help people in this neighborhood, Yoona." Yoona opens an eye. "Those are my goals."

"Screw goals and dream big, yeah?" Yuri shakes her head. "Yuri... come on, use your humongous brain. You don't belong in this neighborhood. Everyone knows you don't belong here. Come next year, you'll be graduating with Taeng, Jessica and even Tiffany. You'll be that boring old valedictorian giving off that boring speech. And then that's it. You'll go to college, get a bachelors, a masters and even a doctorates degree. You'll become a CEO of your own company. You'll be Kwon Yuri, the girl who grew up in this town. They'll make a movie about your life and - "

"Stop!" shouts Yuri, startling Yoona. The chair tips back; the younger girl spills across the kitchen floor. "Yoona!" Yuri quickly turns and looks at Yoona, making sure she didn't crack or break anything.

"Everything okay?" Yuri looks over her shoulder as she slips out of her chair and kneels beside the younger girl. Eyes land on her sister. "Is Yoona okay?"

"I'm fine," groans Yoona, "not the first time." She looks at Yuri, glaring at the older girl. Boa approaches the table taking a seat across from Yuri's seat. Yoona stands and so does Yuri. "Ow... there's going to be a bump," mumbles Yoona while rubbing the back of her head.

"No sleeping for a while," states Yuri as she straightens Yoona's chair. "I've learned that sleeping after a head injury can be fatal. You might have given yourself a concussion. Or you might have injured you brain." She moves standing in front of Yoona. "How many fingers am I holding up?"

Yoona blinks and stares at the long slender fingers before her. "Four?"she questions. Yuri sighs; her free hand grasps a pen. She lifts the writing instrument in front of Yoona's face.

"Follow this okay? Without turning your head."

"I'm fine. I just bumped my head. I'm not drunk or anything," states Yoona, pushing Yuri's hand away. "Let's just finish working." She pushes Yuri out of her way and takes a seat. The youngest Kwon sighs again and takes her seat.

"So what are we working on?" questions Boa, even though she could really care less at the moment. The only reason why she entered the room was because she heard her sister yelling.

"Nothing. Don't you have something else to do, maybe like your boyfriend?" Boa rolls her eyes. "He dumped you huh? I was wondering when he'd finally figure out he was chasing after the wrong girl," comments Yuri.

"Like you." whispers Yoona quietly. "I've got to go." Yoona stands and begins sliding things into her backpack, messily. "The school is sending someone to check up on me." She looks at Yuri. "I'll see you around, Nerd." She quickly exits out of the room and house, leaving the Kwon sisters alone. Yuri sighs. Her shoulders slump; head falls upon the table.

"What are you doing?" questions Boa. Yuri lifts her head slightly. "You are hopeless. Go catch up and walk her home." She lifts her head all the way and stares at her sister. "Yuri... you are an idiot. You want her, make her yours. Go walk her home. Hold her hand, her bag... anything. Just don't let this opportunity slip. Now go!" Yuri quickly stands and runs out of the room, following her sister's orders. A triumphant smile forms on Boa's face. "I'm good."


She slips her phone out of her pocket; fingers move quickly, dialing Taeyeon's number. "Come on Kim. You better answer." The phone rings; Taeyeon never picks up. With a growl she leaves the message, "Kim... you have an emergency. Call me back asap." She hangs up and slips the phone into her pocket.


One hand forces the door open; the other reaches down beside her and grabs the overly large trash bag. With a sigh, she steps out of the building and out into the alleyway behind it. The gravel crunches beneath her work boots as she makes her way to the large dumpster. A grunt escapes and she tosses the bag into the bin. "Stupid low paying job," she mumbles to herself. She backs away from the horrendous smell and leans against the wall. Fingers make quick work of pulling off her glove, pulling her pack of cancer sticks out of her pocket, slipping one out and immediately lighting it. Another sigh exits, this one being more content. Eyes close and Taeyeon begins enjoying the cigarette.

One eye opens and she pull out her phone checking for any new messages. After the first one stating that there was an emergency, she's been on some sort of high alert. Seeing nothing on the screen, she sighs again. Her eye closes. She takes another puff of the cigarette. "I wonder what could possibly be the issue," she whispers to herself. "It's not Krystal. I've already contacted her. And Sooyeon should be fine... she should be on her way with my lunch. Tiffany's fine." Her face scrunches up and she looks down at her boots.

The door opens; she lifts her head, finding Sunny. She rolls her eyes. "Do you need something?" questions Taeyeon, irritation clear in her voice. Sunny laughs it off, walking towards the older girl. "Need anything Sunkyu?"

"Really? You're going to call me by my full name?" questions Sunny in return. "Taeyeon... Taeyeon" Sunny stops in front of her; the younger girl's hand shoots out, shoving Taeyeon against the wall. "You work for me, remember?" She leans in a bit. "I got you this job, remember that. And since I've got you the job that means, you owe me a favor." Taeyeon rolls her eyes. Favor after favor. That's all these people want. How in the world could Krystal have wanted a part of this?

"What?" mumbles Taeyeon. Her fingers accidentally allow the cigarette to slip from her fingers. A grunt escapes her lips. "Damn it," she states looking down at the cigarette, "that was a perfectly good one." She looks back at Sunny, glaring. "What?"

"Key owes me money. And I haven't gotten it." Taeyeon's glare drops and she stares at Sunny with a blank face. "I know you know something. I'm not an idiot. You worked for me before remember?" Taeyeon shrugs her shoulders. "Whatever. Just listen. Your girlfriend's little sister wants to play bad girl, she can play. If I don't receive my cut for the stuff I provided, I'm going after her. Understand?"

"How much exactly does Krystal owe?" questions Taeyeon. Her fingers wrap around Sunny's wrist, pulling the small hand away.

"More than you can provide, Taeyeon. You'd have to rob a bank, which I highly doubt, Kim would do. Hasn't Kim gone good?" remarks Sunny. Taeyeon rolls her eyes for a second time. She adjusts her work clothes. "Just get me the money. Either she can deliver it - no, scratch that. She's delivering it to me. It's the only way she'll get off the hook." Sunny backs away. "Midnight, tonight, Taeyeon. I want it delivered here by midnight tonight." She walks back to the door. "I'll text you the amount."

"And if she doesn't pay?" questions Taeyeon, slightly worried.

"You know how these things go." Sunny disappears behind the door. Taeyeon sighs and slides against the wall, all the way to the floor. Fingers slide through her hair.

"What the hell did you get yourself into Krystal?" she questions quietly to herself. The door opens again and Taeyeon looks up; eyes meet with Jessica's smile. "Sooyeon." Jessica's smile widens.

"I was waiting for you in the lobby, but Sunny said you were out here smoking a cigarette," states Jessica while entering the alleyway. "I was just delivering your lunch." Taeyeon stands as Jessica walks over to her. "It's just a sandwich and some water. Nothing special." Taeyeon smiles. "I said it was nothing special." Taeyeon looks Jessica in the eyes; Jessica automatically sees the distress in them. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," states Taeyeon shaking her head.


"Sooyeon, nothing is wrong. Unless you count the fact that rent is due soon, and I don't have all of it. Or the fact that Tiffany going through some issues concerning my nephew not to mention the fact that she's having an identity crisis. Or the fact that my mother can show up at any moment. I believe everything is fine," rants Taeyeon, ending with a huff. Jessica's hand reaches up, caressing Taeyeon's cheek. "Stop... that's gross," mutters Taeyeon, pushing Jessica's hand away. Jessica blinks. "And I'm at work."

"Alright, what the hell is wrong with you?" states Jessica; hands immediately move to her hips. "Kim Taeyeon, spill it now."

Taeyeon sighs and looks at the bag in Jessica's other hand. "I... it's complicated. I can't seem to get anything done when I want to be good," Taeyeon slinks down on top of the stacked boxes. Jessica takes a seat beside her girlfriend; her hand grabs hold of Taeyeon's. "I'm trying to be good. I'm trying to help someone without being selfish. Without wanting something in return, you know? I don't want this to be a selfish deed."

"What is it?"

"Someone I know is in trouble with some of the local dealers. I've been helping them. And the situation's getting out of hand. I want to give up. I do, but at the same time I don't. Because they came to me for help." Taeyeon sighs; her fingers slither through her locks again. "I'm at a lost."

"What did Krystal do?" questions Jessica in a whisper. Taeyeon's head snaps; her eyes fall on the younger girl. "It's Krystal right? Tiffany, Yoona and Taemin know how to handle those types of people. Your friends are those types of people. All that's left out of the people that I know, would be Soojung." Jessica takes a deep breath, mental preparing herself for the news. "So what did she do?"

"I have no clue what Krystal's done." Jessica raises a brow at Taeyeon's lie. "I really don't. What has she been up to lately?" Jessica releases her hand. "I'm serious, Jess - I mean Sooyeon. Krystal hasn't done anything. No one's seen her hanging out with the bad crowd lately. They always see her with a bunch of nerds. Krystal's fine. Besides this friend is a delinquent... sort of." Jessica sighs. Maybe it's not her sister.

"You can't keep giving them money, Taeyeon. You still have yourself that you need to take care of. You're an idiot if you lose your apartment. It'll make not only you and Tiffany homeless but also your nephew and Taemin."

"Taemin has a home."

"For all we know Taemin can be living out of a box," states Jessica. "Be real Taeyeon. You have no clue where the boy is. None of us do... and you losing that apartment will be the most stupid thing you've ever done." Taeyeon grunts. "I'm just being honest. You need to set this problem aside." Jessica pauses for a moment; her eyes land on their entangled fingers. "Taeyeon..."

"I understand," states Taeyeon. She reaches over and grabs her lunch. "I've already wasted most of my lunch break." Her fingers slip opens the bag, pulling out the sandwich from inside. Jessica takes the sandwich from her and unwraps it. "What are you doing?"

Taking half the sandwich, her hand raises the piece of food and gently taps it against Taeyeon's lips, "eat."

"Are you feed - " Jessica ignores the half stated statement and shoves the sandwich in Taeyeon's mouth.

"Eat." Taeyeon bites down on the sandwich. "Here," Jessica grabs Taeyeon's hand, "you can feed yourself now." Taeyeon rolls her eyes and grabs hold of the food. "So if it's not Krystal. Who is it?"

"A friend," mutters Taeyeon while chewing on the sandwich. "You made this?"

"No, Dog did," replies Jessica sarcastically. "Who else is going to make you a sandwich? Tiffany's busy doing who knows what. So all that's left is me." The younger girl clicks her tongue. "Who'd you expect to make it? Some mistress?"

Taeyeon laughs a little. "As if I have time to find someone to cheat on you with. I'm lucky enough to have a girl like you," states Taeyeon while taking another bite. She stops halfway and smiles as a deep blush spread across Jessica's cheeks and ears. Feelings Taeyeon's eyes on her, her hand shoots out pushing Taeyeon away. Taeyeon laughs, "Embarrassed?"

"Eat your lunch. You've only got a few minutes to spare." Taeyeon nods her head and continues eating the meal that Jessica had prepared for her. They sit in silence, Jessica watching her eat. The door opens again; one of Taeyeon's coworkers sticks their head out.

"Hey Taeyeon... we've got a major spill." Taeyeon sighs. She wraps the rest of her meal up, slipping it into the brown paper bag that Jessica had it in and hands it to the younger girl. She stands; her fingers run through her hair one last time prior to her slipping her gloves back on.

"Want me to come back tonight?" asks Jessica while standing. Her friend hand adjusts Taeyeon's work clothes. Taeyeon shakes her head. "Really?"

"Yeah, I'm just going to go home and sleep," lies Taeyeon. "I'll visit you tomorrow." She walks Jessica back into the clinic and down the hall to the lobby before disappearing to the room with the spill. Jessica sighs and looks around the lobby heading for the desk.

"Sunny," she states setting the bag onto the counter. Sunny looks up from the computer and directs her gaze to Jessica. A bored look crosses her face. "Is it okay for us to talk?" Sunny nods her head. "I don't think our conversation would be very appropriate in the office. Can I speak to you somewhere privately?"

"Working... but you can always text me and I'll have whatever it is you want delivered to your place by tonight, unless you want it delivered somewhere else," whispers Sunny in response, turning her attention back to the computer.

"I don't want any of your stuff," hisses Jessica in a low voice. She leans over the counter. "I want to talk to you about whatever is going on in Taeyeon's life. And I know you have something to do with it. You're the only supplier in this town."

"I'm the only one you guys know of," remarks Sunny. She looks the older girl in the eyes. "Jessica Jung... I'm not afraid of you and your empty threats. Now if you want to see how a real threat works, I'll be glad to show you." Jessica snarls a little. "Now listen... whatever Taeyeon is in... is Taeyeon's business. You're her girlfriend, not her wife. Besides my business with my customers, is confidential." Her father's enters the lobby, walking around behind her. "Good day, Jessica. I'll make sure Taeyeon finishes the rest of her lunch." Sunny grabs the bag and gives Jessica a fake smile.

"Fine if you won't speak, I'll visit Hyoyeon." Jessica puffs her cheeks; she turns and storms out of the doctor's office.


Her legs pump as hard as they can, trying their hardest to get her to catch up with the girl a head of her. "How in the world did she get that far ahead?" puffs Yuri. A small groan escapes her lips, "definitely have to start attending those dance classes with Boa." Her hand grasps the side of her abdomen. "Yoona!" The younger girl stops allowing for Yuri to catch up. The youngest Kwon skids to a stop before the younger girl. She bends over, gasping for air.

"Someone's out of shape," teases Yoona.

Yuri rolls her eyes; she pushes herself into a standing position. "You walk really fast." She takes one last deep breath, exhaling through her nose. "Anyways, let me walk you home?" Yoona's face scrunches; she quickly turns and walks away. Yuri sighs and rolls her eyes when the phone in her back pocket vibrates. Pulling it out, she looks at the message, "Really, Boa? Where the hell are you?" questions Yuri to herself while looking around. Not seeing any sign of her older sister, she chases after the younger girl again. "Yoona," she states, falling in place beside the Yoona. Yoona turns and looks at Yuri. "Come on, let me walk you home." Yoona's pace increases. Yuri reaches out grabbing hold of Yoona's backpack, pulling her back.

"You can't walk me home," states Yoona. "It would cause suspicion. I really don't need my adopted sister and her friends picking on me. I've finally earned their respect and if I get caught with a nerd like you, well then all my hard work goes out the window." Yuri loosens her grip, only to have her phone vibrate in her other hand. Her grip tightens and she looks around for Boa again.

"No," states Yuri. "I want to walk you home. I'm going to walk you home." Yoona sighs; she slips her backpack off and flings it at Yuri. Yuri takes it as a sign to go ahead and walk Yoona. With a smile, she slips the bag over one shoulder.

"Why must you walk me home? I'm not some baby. I can handle walking home alone. If anyone tries to kidnap me... well then I'll just kick their ass."

"I'm more worried about other people," teases Yuri. Yoona grunts in response, crossing her arm. "Oh come on... your usually more playful then this. And now you're all silent, brooding and worrying about school work." Yuri pauses, "is everything okay?" she questions worryingly. Yoona looks at Yuri then turns away. "I'm serious Yoona. I mean I know you don't like talking about personal feelings and thoughts unless it's Jessica or Taeyeon. But you can't even see them. Talk to me please. Is everything okay?"

"Everything's fine," hisses Yoona.

"If you say so," responds Yuri reluctantly. She didn't want to give up but she also didn't want Yoona to run off. "I say you speak to someone if something is bothering you, alright. Speak to Taeyeon or Jessica. Speaking of which have you gone and seen your sister?"

"Have you given up chasing after me?" questions Yoona in response. Yuri remains silent, "well then that's your answer." Yuri scrunches her face. She turns and stops in front of Yoona. Yoona groans and sidesteps only to have the older girl mimic her movements. "Yuri, I really don't have time for games. I need to get back home, before the school comes. I have to obey their rules and-" Yoona's sentence gets cut short by Yuri's lips upon hers. Her eyes widen slightly; hands press against Yuri's shoulder, shoving her back. "What the hell?!" shouts Yoona. She spits and wipes her mouth with the back of her hands. "You know that's a sexual assault. I can have you arrested."

"You wouldn't," responds Yuri. "You need me. I'm you only chance towards freedom. If you have me arrested, you'd have to study with some boring old tutor." Yuri runs her fingers through her hair, "I like you. You obvious like me. What's the problem, Yoona? Don't say it's because I'm a nerd. I might have believed that awhile ago, but I do no longer believe that excuse. There's got to be more to it. You want me to dream big. So I know there's more to it." Yoona sighs and looks off to the side. "Im Yoona."

"Open your eyes Yuri," states Yoona. She turns back to the older girl, "You're Kwon Yuri, the nerd, the only person who will have the highest chance at leaving this hell hole and becoming someone. You'll be rich and famous, Yuri. You don't need to be dating a girl like me, especially not when you're about to enter your last year of high school. You need to keep your mind on studies, not stupid meaningless dates. You need to spend your free time raking in those community service hours and visiting colleges, not telling lies to the police to keep me out of trouble." Frustration was starting to kick in on the younger girl. "We're not Taeyeon and Jessica, alright. Jessica's lazy; she'll go to a community college and stay here in this crappy town with Taeyeon. You're going to go off. So it's just better that way, alright." She sticks her hand out. "Can I have my backpack? I can walk the rest of the way from here."

Her fingers lightly touch the backpack strap and she shakes her head. "Yuri."

"Yoona, I already told you what I plan on doing. I'm staying in this city. It's my home and I'm not going to leave it just because other places offer a better education and a high paying salary. Yes, those are things that some people want, but it's not what I want." Yoona's gaze drops. "I thought when you made that sacrifice for Tiffany that you matured, but it's the opposite. You're still as immature as you've been." She pulls the backpack off and sets it on the sidewalk, walking away from Yoona. She takes off into a sprint; she looks over her shoulder every so often to see if Yoona had disappeared from her view. Once she has, Yuri returns to walking. Her phone vibrates and she throws it in a nearby yard. "If you have something to say Boa, then shove it!" she shouts to no one in particular. "I'm done taking your advice. It's horrible! In fact I'm done... I'm done waiting for that blockhead to come around and date me!" Boa sighs and jumps out of a tree, binoculars in hand.

"What am I going to do with you," states Boa shaking her head at her little sister. "Come on, you're a Kwon... and your smart. Use that brain of yours." Boa climbs over the fence retrieving Yuri's phone. She hops back over and hands it to her sister. "Don't give up. You guys like each other too much to do nothing." Yuri groans and kicks the tree that Boa had jumped out of, "Hey! That tree did nothing to you."

"Shut up," orders Yuri.

"Respect your elders, Nerd."

"Don't call me that."

"Because that was Yoona's nickname for you?"

"Shut up."

"Make me." Yuri turns around, preparing to tackle Boa when the eldest Kwon pins her to the tree. "You really are dad's child."

"Cause I got the tall genes?"

"Haha," retorts Boa, "no because you give up easily, you stubborn thing. Yoona is insecure. I can see it. And I know you can finally see it. And she's selfish. All delinquents are. And you're giving her what she wants. Don't you think it's time for you to stop being the Giving Yuri and become the Selfish Yuri?" Yuri tilts her head to the side and stares at the smaller girl with a blank face. "Don't look at me like that. I can't believe you're my sister."

"I don't have time for this."

"Yuri, listen to me. I know what I'm talking about. Go to the Im's house. Apologize, even if you did nothing wrong. Make up and become friends again. Then call me. I'll lead you through the rest."

"No." Yuri frees herself from Boa's grasp. "I'm done chasing after her. And I'm done waiting." She walks away from her sister. Boa heaves a sigh and flings her hands in the air.

"Why is she my sister?!"


Tiffany sighs and stares at the blank television screen. She grabs one of the pillows on the couch and hugs it. She was bored and everyone was too busy to do something with her. Well everyone except for Sooyoung, but she wasn't going to call the taller girl anytime soon. She bends over to grab the remote only to stop when her phone lights up. "The Hospital?" questions Tiffany curiously. She looks at the phone unsure what to do next. Do she answer it or let it ring?

With a deep breath she grabs the phone, pressing the answer button she places it beside her ear, "Hello?"

"Hello? Is this Tiffany Hwang?"


"Hello, Tiffany, its Dr. Jang." There was a slight pause. Tiffany could tell by the way that he introduced himself that whatever was going to be said was going to be bad. She swallows the saliva that has collected in her mouth. "I'm in charge of the NICU Center down at the hospital. We need you down here immediately."


Eyes blink. Her mind should be concentrating on the words that the doctors were spewing from their mouths, but she couldn't. Not with the mother of her 'son' walking in circles. Her bottom lip gets clamped between her teeth. She was unsure what to do. Her head snaps in the direction of the doctors that were talking. "What do you think?" Tiffany stops walking and stares at the doctors with a blank face.

"You said his immune system was getting better," states Tiffany with a wavering voice.

"We know what we said last time," responds Dr. Jang while starring at the two girls. "But there are always setbacks, Ms. Hwang. This is just a minor setback. All we need is both yours and Ms. Choi's signature and everything will be fine." Tiffany shakes her head and returns to walking in circles.

"No. You just said that there are chances of him becoming sicker. No" She continues shaking her head. Sooyoung releases a sigh and turns her attention towards Tiffany.

"Tiffany," calls out Sooyoung. The older girl stops walking. "I think we should sign it. He's sick... they said the chances of him getting more sick after the procedure will be slim."

"They were slim to begin with," hisses Tiffany, "until that stupid nurse thought that she should stick her hand in the incubator. He was fine." She turns and looks at the doctors though she continues speaking to Sooyoung. "And think about how high the bill will become. Taeng's short on rent money. I'm... he won't have a home to go to."

"My place," Sooyoung offers.

"No," she shakes her head again. "He's sick. Isn't there some medicine that should be given? Why must you poke and prod him with those stupid needles and crap, huh?"

"For the simple fact that he's premature and underweight. And this isn't like some cold infection, Ms. Hwang. Your son has an infection that should be dealt with immediately if you want him to live.

"An infection that one of your staff members caused," she turns and points a finger at the elders in the room. "He was fine when I saw him earlier. He was sleeping. Monitors were fine and everything. And then your stupid..." She couldn't finish her sentence as the tears that she was holding spills. Sooyoung automatically shoots up from her seat. She walks over to the older girl, wrapping her arms around Tiffany's frame.

Dr. Jang folds his hands watching the girls curiously. "Can I ask how old you young ladies are?"

"We're in high school," states Sooyoung while looking at the crown of Tiffany's head. "Is that a problem? You're not going to discriminate against us because of our age?" She shakes her head, "How is our age relevant?"

"I've seen a lot of teen girls come in here, none of which are like Ms. Hwang. Most could care less about their children. But Ms. Hwang here... is something truly different." He scoops up his documents. "Ms. Hwang," Tiffany peeks up, "We'll try something less drastic first. If there are no signs of young Baby Hwang getting better, then we'll have to operate. I hope you understand." She nods her head. "Alright then, we'll get started immediately. It was nice meeting you, Ms. Hwang and Ms. Choi; though I wish we could have met on better terms." The doctors all file out of the room, leaving the two girls alone.

They stand there in silence with Tiffany in Sooyoung's grasp. That is until Tiffany pushes Sooyoung away and wipes her tears. She walks over to the table and picks up her jacket sliding it on. Sooyoung could only watch in silence as Tiffany picks up her wallet and phone. Tiffany attempts to walk pass Sooyoung without looking at her. "Tiffany." The older girl stops. "I..."

"I have one thing to say," states Tiffany in a whisper. Sooyoung flinches at the seriousness in the smaller girl's voice. "I can't move in with you, Sooyoung. Not after what I've been through with Siwon. And definitely not with the way our relationship is." She continues walking to the door; her hand envelops the doorknob when Sooyoung calls out for her a second time.

"Our relationship is this way because you didn't want to agree to be my friend. Am I really that disgusting? I mean you had no problem with my choice of preference when you were with Siwon. But now that you know I like you... you look at me sometimes like I'm so walking human flesh eating disease," states Sooyoung. "I'm sorry, Tiffany. I really am, but I can't be to blame. I can't help who I decide to like or not, alright. And this time it just happened to be you." Tiffany's grip tightens.

"I'm not disgusted with you," responds Tiffany. "I would never be, Sooyoung. You're the most amazing person that I've met... well besides my older sister. But believe me, Sooyoung, you don't disgust me. I'm just..." She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. "Never mind. I have to get home." She opens the door and steps out leaving Sooyoung alone. The tall girl sighs; left hand rubs her right arm.

"I messed up again," she mumbles to herself. "I scared her off."


Her hand pounds against the door. It stops and she shouts, "Hyoyeon!" before resuming pounding against the wooden obstacle. The doorknob jingles and she takes a step back. Door slowly opens revealing Taeyeon's aunt. "Hi..."

"Taeyeon's girlfriend, right?" questions Taeyeon's aunt. Jessica nods her head. "How much do you need to bail her out?" Jessica's eyes widen and she shakes her head.

"Tae-Taeyeon's not in jail," she sputters out, waving both her hands in front of her. The elderly woman gives her a questioning look. "Really she's not. She's at work, well more like she's probably getting off soon and heading home for the night. Look I came here to see your daughter. Is Hyoyeon home?"

"What do you want with Hyoyeon?"

"I want to kidnap her and hold her hostage," responds Jessica sarcastically. "What do you think I came here for? I want to talk to her." The aunt rolls her eyes.

"Children these days have no manners." Jessica scoffs in response. "My point exactly." The elderly woman steps to the side allowing Jessica inside her house. "Hyoyeon is more than likely in her room. It's down the hall two doors away from Taeyeon's room." Jessica nods her head, preparing to walk when noise from the kitchen stops her. She turns and looks at the kitchen curiously.

"Hey sis, who was it?" Jessica completely freezes. Footsteps echo throughout the house and an elderly woman emerges from the kitchen. Jessica eyes widen again as they take in the appearance. "Who's this? A friend of my niece?" Hands clasp down upon Jessica's shoulders.

"This is the young girl who's dating Taeyeon," speaks Taeyeon's aunt while kneading Jessica's shoulders. "Jessica, this is Taeyeon's mother." Jessica looks over her shoulder at the aunt. "Say Hi."

"I'd like to, but I don't like women who abandon their children," states Jessica bluntly. "Anyways I'm going to find Hyoyeon." She breaks free from the elderly woman's grasp, walking away briskly. Eyes search the hallway for the room; she suspects it to be the one that the loud music is ringing from. Knuckles rap against the door; the volume for the music lowers and the door swings open moments later. "Can we talk?" asks Jessica as she receives a confused look from Taeyeon's cousin.

"Sure," responds Hyoyeon unsure of what to expect. She allows the older girl into the room, closing the door behind her. Lifting the remote in her hand, she completely turns off the music. "What do you need?"

"I want to talk about your best friend," states Jessica. She takes a deep breath and looks around the room. "I think Sunny is hunting Taeyeon and I want to know if it's true. If it is, I want to know why." She hears Hyoyeon sigh. "I take it that Taeyeon's in a mess?"

Hyoyeon throws her remote across the room towards the bean bag chair in the corner. "Not Taeyeon," was her response. She stretches and walks over to the desk top. Jessica watches Hyoyeon curiously as the younger girl picks up what looks to be a cigarette and putting it in her mouth.

"Do all of you smoke?" questions Jessica. Hyoyeon rolls her eyes.

"Live in this hell hole of a family and you'd learn to smoke to," responds Hyoyeon. Jessica crosses her arms. "I know what you're thinking. I've harassed Taeyeon because of her behavior and antics and yet here I am doing the same. Hypocrite, right?" Hyoyeon shakes her head, "I just smoke. It's a relaxant and a stress reliever. I'm not my cousin who steals, fights, smokes, and drinks. And I've never been arrested. I'm the total opposite." Hyoyeon walks over to the bean bag chair taking a seat. "Anyways... it's not Taeyeon that Sunny's after."

"Who is it? And if you know why aren't you doing anything about it?"

"It's someone that Taeyeon knows. And because Sunny's business is Sunny's business. If it's not affecting me or my family then I'm don't care what Sunny does." Jessica clicks her tongue. "It's not affecting Taeyeon anymore than Taeyeon wants it to affect her. Taeyeon got involved by choice. Taeyeon knows what she's dealing with, since her and Sunny and the rest of the gang were a tight knit group."

"So you're just going to let your best friend harass your cousin?" interrogates Jessica while crossing her arms. Hyoyeon rolls her eyes and leans back in her seat.

"You don't get it, do you? You have no clue who it is that you're dating, do you?" The younger girl sharply inhales. Jessica stares at Hyoyeon with a blank face. "Never mind then. Look, Jessica, I have no clue what to tell you, alright. All I know is Sunny lost some important merchandise and she wants her money for it and Taeyeon volunteered to get herself involved." She looks up at the older girl. "If you're worried about Taeyeon, then you're not giving my cousin enough credit. Even I know when credit is due. Taeyeon can handle herself. If she can outrun police officers, fight people twice her size and work around the justice system, then Taeyeon can handle some drug dealing business with Sunny."

"You are no help."

Hyoyeon laughs, "can't believe you expected me to be of some help to begin with. I couldn't help stop my uncle from taking Taemin. I couldn't help Taeyeon get him back. I couldn't help Taeyeon pay hospital bills for Tiffany. I just can't help. Sometimes it's not family members that can help others." Jessica turns around and heads for the doors, "I learned that one from Taeyeon. Anyways tell my cousin I said hi and I miss picking on her. Also would you mind telling her to come visit, so I have someone to harass?"

"As if."


She turns on the picnic bench, resting her back against the table top. Her head tilts back and eyes close. She has six hours; six hours until Krystal has to return to the Dr. Lee's Doctor Office with more money than the younger girl can probably count. She releases a frustrated sigh; her head drops moves forward and her eyes open. Fingers slide through her hair, tugging on it a little. She has six hours to come up with the money or Krystal could seriously be injured. "Sunny doesn't joke when it comes to the money," she whispers.

The table shakes and Taeyeon looks up over her shoulder. "You know, when you tell someone to call in case of trouble or emergency, you should really answer you phone."

"I was at work," answers Taeyeon turning her direction away from her friend. "Anyways what was it about? And if it has to do with Sunny wanting her money, I already know."

"Nope, your emergency has gotten even worse," states her friend, taking a seat. Taeyeon freezes. How could her life possibly get any worse than it already is? "Taemin." Taeyeon quickly turns and looks at her friend. "Yeah that was my same reaction." She pulls out her water bottle taking a sip, "anyways... I've located Taemin on accident. He's not doing so well Kim. The area he's in isn't for him. You need to get him back before something drastic happens." Taeyeon closes her eyes and scoffs. Easier said than done. "I know what you're thinking. There's no way for you to get him back. But I've looked into it."

"What are you getting out of this?" Taeyeon turns away with a small smile. "I know you; you want something for this type of information." Her friend laughs a little. "So what is it?"

"Nothing much... in a way." Taeyeon rolls her eyes. "I just want to see you happy." Taeyeon freezes for a second time. "Ew... Taeyeon quit thinking like that. We've tried. Didn't work, remember? Or has your brain stop functioning." She teases, tapping Taeyeon on the head with her index finger. Taeyeon hits her. "Just kidding. But in all seriousness, get Taemin out of that neighborhood. Back here he was Kim's little brother. There he's a nobody... someone can only stand the abuse for so long."

"He's been abused?" questions Taeyeon, setting all joking aside.

"Stepmom's are always evil. Are they not?"

Taeyeon shrugs her shoulders, "Never met mine, so I can't tell you. Remember now, she left Miyoung and Taemin and went back to the America. Anyways, stepmom number two is abusing him?" It was her friends turn to shrug her shoulders. "What do you mean you don't know?"

"Look, I heard from someone that Taemin's been seen being very depressed; bruises are everywhere on him. I've heard that some kids in his neighborhood sort of cornered him and beat him bad. Look Kim, I don't know about you, but your brother can not defend himself in that type of situation." Taeyeon sighs. Another problem to add to her list.

"I'll work on it after tonight, I guess," mutters Taeyeon.

"What's going on tonight?" questions her friend confused.

"Krystal has to show up in the alleyway behind Dr. Lee's clinic tonight, by midnight with over 5 grand," mumbles Taeyeon. She buries her face into her hands. "Or Sunny's going to kill her." Her friend blinks, releasing a long whistle. "Yeah that was my response... in a way."

"Baby Jung is screwed, unless somehow someway a miracle happens and 5 grand shows up on her porch. What are you going to do?"

"I have no clue. All I know is she's not going tonight. Even if I have to reveal to Jessi - I mean Sooyeon," her friend raises a brow, "She wants me to call her by that name. Anyways I'm not letting her go even if I have to reveal things to Sooyeon. Krystal was already in the hospital due to some stupid pricks. She's not going again because she made some stupid foolish mistake." Taeyeon exhales loudly through her nose. The noise of a twig snapping causes for both girls to turn and find Krystal standing behind them. "That would have gotten you killed."

Krystal rolls her eyes. "What?" she asks rudely, crossing her arms.

"Sit," states Taeyeon patting that seat beside her. Krystal eyes the older girl before taking the seat. "I want you to listen to my words carefully. You, Krystal Jung, are in some deep... very deep ****." Taeyeon's friend giggles; Taeyeon rolls her eyes. "You owe them over 5 grand, or at least you owe Sunny that. I have no clue how much Key wants off of you." Krystal looks down at her hands. "And Sunny wants it all tonight. She wants it delivered by your hands tonight by midnight."

"I don't have that," states Krystal.

"We already know that," comments the friend. Krystal scoffs.

"So what happens if I don't show up?"

"You know how in the movies the drug lord goes after the person who owes them money and begins killing off family members one by one before torching said person?" questions the friend. Krystal nods her head, "yeah... that's what's going to happen. Your mom, your dad, your sister... you've got a brother, right?" Krystal nods her head, "your brother will all be killed because you wanted to play - " Taeyeon slaps her hand over her friend's mouth.

"Ignore her; she's more than likely high or drunk right now," Taeyeon sighs. "We'll figure something out. I just want you to promise me that you won't show there tonight, Krystal." Taeyeon turns and looks at her girlfriend's little sister. "Krystal, promise me."

"I won't," states Krystal defiantly. "This is my problem. I should deal with it, Taeyeon. I think I've done enough when I asked to borrow money from you. I shouldn't keep asking you. Hearing Sooyeon complain about how you're short on money and stuff has already made me feel guilty, Taeyeon. I'm going to show and you can't stop me."

"Krystal, you're not thinking. Sunny will have you killed on the spot if you don't have the money. This isn't a game anymore. You don't need to be bad to get Sooyeon's attention." Taeyeon sighs, "now promise me that you won't show up."

Krystal slowly nods her head, "Alright, I promise."

"Good. Go home. Stay home. Keep all doors locked, windows closed and locked," orders Taeyeon. "I'll handle this alright. And tell Sooyeon that she can't sneak out to visit me tonight. And if she argues... well then I guess tell your mother some stupid crazy story and get her grounded again. She'll understand later." Krystal nods her head again. "Alright then, she's going to walk you home."

A hand slaps Taeyeon's away from the girl's mouth. "What?!"

"You heard me. Walk her home," orders Taeyeon. She turns and looks at her friend. "Walk Krystal home."

"Yeah, yeah," Her friend's hops off the table, "come on Baby Jung. Let's get you home before the midget drug lord... lady decides to shoot at us." She looks at Taeyeon, "stay out of trouble. I know you. Don't you dare think about robbing a bank or something." Taeyeon rolls her eyes. "I'm serious Kim." Krystal looks at Taeyeon curiously. "Think about your siblings."

"I am... I will," states Taeyeon shooing them off. Her friend sighs, taking one last look at the lost girl. With a click of her tongue, she turns and walks away with Krystal trailing behind her.

"You're going to let her do this alone?" questions Krystal while looking over her shoulder at Taeyeon.

"Think I'm stupid? I've got a plan."


Inhale. Exhale. Hands slip into her pockets. One emerges with her phone. Eyes scan the screen of the electronic device. "Eleven thirty," she reads aloud. With a heavy sigh, her feet move, taking the first step into the alley way. The gravel underneath her feet crunch with every step she takes. "Sunkyu," she states as Sunny enters her line of sight.

"Taeyeon, I thought I told you that Krystal Jung was to show up," states Sunny a little irritated. Her hands position themselves on her hips.

"I know what you said, Sunkyu," responds Taeyeon as she looks around at the people that were surrounding her. "She's young; she made a mistake. Just let her off the hook. It's not like she lost it intentionally. I mean come on... she was getting chased. How many times did we fling stuff while being chased?" Sunny exhales loudly; annoyance was starting to kick in.

"She owes me money, Taeyeon. We both know how important money is. And well I want my cut. I could care less if Key gets his. But that was my stuff that I stole from my father," she walks closer to Taeyeon. "Taeyeon." Taeyeon turns her attention back to the girl standing right in front of her. "Krystal needs to be taught a lesson. You know it. I know it."

"She's learned her lesson," responds Taeyeon. "The girl is scared for her life and her families."

"Fine do you have my money instead?" Taeyeon shakes her head. "What do you mean no? I said I wanted it and I wanted it by tonight." Sunny releases a frustrated groan. "I... You!" She points and finger at Taeyeon and nods her head; an arm wraps around Taeyeon's neck tightly. Gagging noises emit from the older girl; her hands struggle to release her from the death like grip.

"Fine... since you want me to lay off of her, I will. And since you showed instead of her without my money it's only fair you take her beating. Fair trade, right? I mean you were already paying for her care less mistakes. You take the beating, and if you survive I'll let her off the hook. If you just happen to die here in this alley tonight, then well my debt wasn't paid. And I'll go after her." Taeyeon grunts; she was having trouble staying conscious. Sunny turns and walks out of the circle. "Have at it." Taeyeon's eyes begin to drift close; her movements become slow.

The arm releases her and her body falls to the ground. Feet, hands and blunt objects deliver powerful blows to her body. Hands press flat against the ground; Taeyeon attempts to lift herself up when a blow to her back sends her back to the ground. A groan escapes her lips followed by a cough and some blood. "Hey!" Everyone stops and looks down the alleyway. "Sunny!" Yoona emerges from the darkness. "Leave my sister alone." Yoona forces her way through the crowd. She stands besides Taeyeon's limp body with a bag in her hand. She tosses the bag by Sunny's feet. "That should pay for everything, right?" Sunny bends over and looks inside the bag. She looks up at Sunny.

"Rich sister to the rescue," mutters Sunny. "Alright, both Taeyeon and Krystal are off the hook. Nice doing business with you Kim women. I'll see you around, right best friend?" Taeyeon could only groan. "Let's go." Sunny takes off walking down the alleyway leaving Yoona alone with her sister. The taller girl crouches down; fingers trace over bruises that were forming on her older sister's face.

"Playing hero now?" questions Yoona. "I swear... Tiffany and Jessica are making you soft." Taeyeon turns her head and looks at her sister. "Once again the useless tossed aside Yoona comes to her older sister's rescue." A small grin forms on Yoona face. "Makes you wish you'd pay more attention to me, huh?"

"What are you doing here?" questions Taeyeon as she forces her body into a sitting position.

"Your friend came looking for me. Broke into the Im house and everything. She said that you were more than likely going to do something stupid and that I'd be the only one to help," answers Yoona. "Why'd you come out here alone, huh? And you didn't even put up a fight." Taeyeon wipes the blood away from her mouth with the back of her hand.

"How'd you get all that?"

"Did you forget already? The Im's adopted me. I have my own bank account. I withdrew it all earlier, but I had to wait for the right time to sneak out. We're not supposed to be talking to each other, remember? Or our little nephew's hospital bills won't be paid for," Yoona sighs and helps Taeyeon to her feet.

"Thank you Yoong," whispers Taeyeon. She looks up at her baby sister; a small smile forms on her lips. "I really have no clue what I'd do without my partner in crime." Taeyeon blinks, "but what are you doing here. Shouldn't you be hanging out with snobby pampered kids in that boarding school."

"My adoptive sister spoke with the dean about my good behavior and they let me go home as long as I complete my summer courses with the help of a tutor. That was Yuri but I think I'm going to need a new one." Yoona shakes her head, "we'll talk more later. I need to get you home and myself home before they find out that I snuck out. I've been on good behavior you know... and then you show up and influence me to sneak out and meet with dealers in dark alleyways. Such a bad sister." Taeyeon laughs and so does Yoona. The smaller girl leans against the taller one, using her as a crutch as they leave the alleyway together.

"Thanks again, Yoong."

"Anything for my big sister. We're family, remember that."


Eyes stare at the remaining bruises on the sleeping girl's face. Her face scrunches; one hand sneaks under the loose fitting shirt, lifting it and allowing her eyes to look at the bruises on the girl's body. The fingers, on her free hand, ghosts over the bruises, cuts and scratches. "So Soojung wasn't spewing lies this time. She really did have problems with the dealers and you really did go out and save her." She removes her hand from underneath Taeyeon's shirt and sighs. "Why didn't you just tell me?" The older girl rolls over in her sleep. Jessica sighs for a second time and stands.

She quietly walks towards the door when the words, "where are you going?" enters her ears. A small smile forms on her lips and she turns around. "You can't leave," states Taeyeon while sitting up, rubbing the sleep away from her eyes. "Today is supposed to be my day off and that means it's the day I spend the most time with Sooyeon." Jessica's ears turn a light pink. Taeyeon looks up at Jessica and blinks. "You're not backing out are you?"

"You've just received a beating by Sunny's people. You should sleep."

"I received the beating about...three days ago?" questions Taeyeon as she looks around for something stating the date. "I slept and rested enough thanks to the alcohol," one brow arches on the younger girl's face, "Tiffany wouldn't shut up with the nagging. I dare you to sit through it and try not to drink."

"Under one condition," states Jessica. Taeyeon gives her a confused look, "I will stay under one condition." The older girl's mouth forms an 'o' and she nods her head. "Why did you take the beating instead of letting Krystal? And why didn't you let me know. I could have helped."

Taeyeon shakes her head; eyes land on her lap, "Jessi - I mean Sooyeon, I don't mean to be mean but you couldn't have helped. You're views on people like me may have altered a little but it's still the same. I didn't want you to be mad at Krystal. She's trying now and she doesn't need to screw it up. Besides, Sunny was an old friend... best friend. She wasn't going to kill me." Jessica crosses her arms. "Sunny can't kill me." She looks up at Jessica and smiles.

"I don't think you should be smiling."

"I'm fine, Krystal's fine, I say I should be smiling," responds Taeyeon while grinning widely. Jessica rolls her eyes. "Come sit," Taeyeon pats the bed beside her. Jessica reluctantly follows the older girl's orders and takes a seat by her. "I'm sorry," mumbles Taeyeon. "But family is important to me, and I wasn't going to let something like this ruin yours." Jessica stares at Taeyeon, blankly. "Say something." Jessica remains quiet. "Okay, well then," Taeyeon stretches, pushing the blankets off of her legs. She slips out of bed and heads to the door.

"Where are you off to?" questions Jessica, finally speaking.

"Bathroom, wanna join?" responds Taeyeon only to receive a pillow to the face, "Ow!" Her hand rubs her nose. "I changed my mind. You can't join me."

"Like I wanted to," huffs Jessica. Taeyeon shrugs her shoulders and disappear from the room. Jessica sighs for a third time; she stands and heads out to the kitchen. Entering the small cooking are her eyes lock onto her sister's body. "She's up; don't forget to apologize."

"Yes, Sooyeon," states Krystal while sitting at the table.

"Are you hungry?" asks Jessica while opening the fridge and pulling out some ingredients to make a sandwich. Krystal shakes her head, concentrating on Dog. "Are you sure?"

"Why are you being nice?" asks Krystal bluntly. "Last night you called me a nuisance. The day before that I was an ass kisser, and before that I was an idiot and before that I believe I was something along the lines of annoying. So why did you invite me to go with you? And why are you being nice? I could have came on my own and thanked Taeyeon." She looks up at her older sister. Jessica shrugs her shoulders.

"Isn't this what you wanted? To spend some time with me?" questions Jessica in return. "You did all that stuff for my attention and now that I'm giving it to you, you want to question it?"

"It's forceful," states Krystal. "You're not paying attention to me because you want to but because you feel obligated to do so. It's not the same. I don't like it." Jessica stops preparing a sandwich for Taeyeon, setting the knife down. "Before you would invite me and we'd spend time together, just me and you. You'd buy me things, listen to my problems and help me with them." She stands and pushes her chair in. Turning her eyes lock with Taeyeon's. "Taeyeon." Taeyeon flashes Krystal a smile. "I guess I should be saying thank you for what you did."

"It's okay," responds Taeyeon waving it off.

"Oh, well at least let me give you this," states Krystal. Her hand slips into the pocket of her jacket pulling out an envelope. She walks closer to the smaller girl, handing the white envelope over. "It's all I've got." Fingers slowly open the envelope, revealing the bills inside. Taeyeon looks up at Krystal handing it back. "But your rent?"

"I'm fine on rent. Besides I didn't have any money when I went there." Both Jung sisters look at Taeyeon with a questioning look. "Yoong showed up with a duffle bag filled with her savings. She's the one that paid Sunny off for you. If anything you should pay Yoong, back."

"Okay," Krystal slides the envelope back into her pocket. "I'm going home."

"Not by yourself, you're not," states Jessica.

"Yunho's downstairs waiting for me. I called him while you were in the room, playing stalker." She turns, heading towards the front door. She opens it and exits the apartment leaving Jessica and Taeyeon alone.

Taeyeon turns and looks at Jessica, "what are you making?"

"A sandwich for myself to eat."

"What about me?" Jessica shrugs her shoulders. "So you come to my house and eat my groceries and don't even bother making me something to eat."

"My sister comes to your house asking to borrow money, ends up getting death threats by dealers and you didn't even bother telling me," counters Jessica as she resumes making the sandwich. She gives Taeyeon a small smile prior to looking down at the ingredients.

"You're not going to let this one go, are you?" Jessica shakes her head no. Taeyeon huffs; she eyes the sandwich slice that Jessica had cut. Looking around, she surveys the layout of her kitchen before breaking into a sprint. Sticky fingers grab a slice and the small girl makes off running towards the bathroom.

"Hey!" shouts Jessica running after her. Taeyeon just laughs, slips inside the bathroom and locks the door.

"You're the one who wanted to date a sticky finger bandit," remarks Taeyeon from the other side of the door. "After all the money, Yoona pick pocketed off of you, you should have learned to never leave yourself open." Jessica rolls her eyes.

"You're an idiot," she looks at the door, "the sandwich was for you to eat. I already ate before I came." A smile graces her face again, "but whatever... since you want to lock yourself in the bathroom, I'll just give the rest to Dog. I'm sure she'll be more than happy to eat it." A click echoes throughout the hallway, signaling that Taeyeon had unlocked the door. It slowly opens revealing Taeyeon, eating the slice she stole. "You're unbelievable. And how can you run with those bruises."

"It's nothing," responds Taeyeon while swallowing. "You get beat up once and everything's just eh." Jessica shakes her head in disbelief. Fingers interlock with Taeyeon's free hand pulling her out of the bathroom. "Huh?"

"Come on so you can finish the rest of your meal." Taeyeon nods her head and follows after her girlfriend, happily chewing the slice that she stole. "So Yoona's back. How do you feel about that?" Taeyeon shrugs her shoulders taking a seat on the counter top.

"It's weird," states Taeyeon, "when Tiffany left and came back I was pissed, but with Yoong... I don't know. I'm not mad at her or anything." She looks at the food in her hand. "Is that a bad thing?" Jessica shakes her head while making another sandwich.

"Tiffany left you and it wasn't for the better like she believed. Yoona on the other hand left and improved herself," answers Jessica, "its only natural for you not to hate Yoona as much as you hated Tiffany." She looks at Taeyeon, "and when Taemin returns, you won't be mad or indifferent. You'll probably be overjoyed since he left by force." She picks up the other half of the sandwich that she was making earlier and places it against Taeyeon's lips. "Bite." The older girl takes a bite. "You're mom's back," states Jessica as she sets the slice down.

Taeyeon stops chewing; their eyes connect. Taeyeon searches for any sign that Jessica was pulling a prank. Not seeing any, she hops off the counter and leaves the kitchen. Jessica sighs; she sets the knife back down on the counter top and follows Taeyeon out onto the balcony. She watches her curiously as she lights a cigarette. "Are you sure?" questions Taeyeon while leaning on the railing.

"Yeah," whispers Jessica.


"Your aunt's. I'm not sure if she's staying there or not. But when I went there to talk to Hyoyeon about you, she sort of came out of the kitchen and your aunt introduced us." Taeyeon inhales; her free hand slides through her hair. "Taeyeon... if you don't want to see her you don't have to. If you ask me I think you should act like the women doesn't exist. She left you plenty of times. Maybe it's time for you to leave her." Jessica moves, standing behind Taeyeon; arms wrap around the older girl's waist, securing her in a tight embrace. "No one will blame you."

"She's going to affect things, Sooyeon," whispers Taeyeon. "Not only me, but Yoong's back. If Yoona knows..." She shakes her head, "and then there's Seohyun who was affected terribly because of her." Jessica rests her head on Taeyeon's shoulder.

"What happened between her and the Seo's?" questions Jessica, curiously.

"I told you already. She killed someone," states Taeyeon, "it was Seohyun's dad." Taeyeon closes her eyes, "that faint scar along Seohyun's neck... was all due to her." Inhale. Exhale. Taeyeon turns her head slightly and looks at Jessica. "I'm never going to get any rest am I?"

Jessica pouts in response. She had no answer. Would Taeyeon really be able to finally get some sort of peace of mind? She pulls Taeyeon's smaller frame closer against her body. "Forget about her. Today is our day, remember?" Taeyeon nods her head, closing her eyes for a second time. Only to open them when she feels Jessica's lips on her cheek. "Finish up and then you can finish eating and we can watch some television or take Dog for a walk."


She quietly walks down the stairs of her house, adjusting her backpack with each step that she takes. Eyes search the living room for any sign of her adoptive parent. "Im Yoona!" Her adoptive father's voice rings throughout the house. Yoona flinches slightly at the anger in the voice. "Im Yoona!" She turns and attempts to make a run up the stairs. "Yoona," she stops and turns back around. Leaning over the railing she looks at her father. "What is this?" he waves some papers around.

"It looks like paper. What else could it be?" answers Yoona, causing for her adoptive sister to laugh.

"Don't get smart, young lady," state Mr. Im. "You withdrew of five thousand-"

"Oh that... yeah I donated to charity," interrupts Yoona. "Yeah it went to saving some girl's life." She continues down the stairs. "No big deal, right? It went to charity." He stops her at the foot of the stairs. "What?"

"You're grounded. Go to your room and work on you assignments alone." Yoona's mouth falls open. "Don't give me that look. You think I'm blind to what's going on?" Yoona nods her head. "I know what you did Yoona." She crosses her arms. "You saw her didn't you?"

"She needed help," states Yoona. "What was I supposed to do? Let her die? I know what I agreed to, but sometimes deals and promises need to be broken and that was one of those times."

"Five thousand, Yoona! I didn't put that away for you to give away. That was to secure your future."

"What future?! " she points at her sister. "You adopted nothing but a thief," her adoptive mother steps out of the kitchen. Yoona grunts in frustration. "My sister was going to die and you're saying you'd rather I not interfere? I'm just supposed to let my big sister die in an alley and all she was doing was protecting someone?" She looks away from her father and at her mother. "If this is what it means to come from a well off family, then I don't want it." She digs in her backpack pulling out a piece of paper. "Here." She hands it to her mother. "I've had that for the past year now."

"What is that?" questions her father; his eyes remain on Yoona.

"She wants to emancipate herself from us," whispers her mouth. Her hand shoots straight to her wavering lips, covering them. "Yoona... no," states her mother shaking her head. "I'm not signing any such thing. I took you in off the street; you are my daughter."

"I'm your prisoner. You treat me so harshly, yet you don't do anything with miss cutter over there," counters Yoona. Her sister freezes slightly. Eyes land on the other girl for a quick second before returning to Yoona. "I have to give up my freedom just to get you guys help my sisters. She says one word and you buy all of her friends a yacht to have a party on. I can't even see my sister and yet she gets to invite friends over at two in the morning." She pauses. "You guys don't want me hanging out with them. I can't do anything. I just want my sisters." She looks at her feet. "Please just sign the papers."

"You'll be on the street."

"I'll be staying with Taeyeon in her apartment," states Yoona, "It will be me, her and Fany. I'll have a place to stay. I'll be with family."

"We are your family now," hisses Mr. Im. His adoptive daughter was frustrating him to no end. His nose flares. Yoona scoffs in response. He turns to his wife, "She's being ungrateful. Do something with your daughter!"

"Ungrateful?" questions Yoona. "I've always thanked you for taking me in. I never stopped until you decided to put shackles on me. You're just overreacting because I spent your money on helping my sister who you hate for no reason. She's not all that bad you know," argues Yoona. "Taeng does what she has to provide for all of us."

"She doesn't need to provide for you. I do enough of it."

"You don't provide for me, not like how a family is. You give me money and tell me who I should be friends with. 'Better connections mean an easier life.' You tell me what to do; you make my decisions for me. Never once have you thought how I..." Her voice trails off and she looks to the side. Confusion crosses her face. "Is this how the nerd feels," she whispers to herself. Grunting, she takes the last step and walks pass her parents.

"Im Yoona!"

"I'm going to tutoring," responds Yoona. She exits out of the front door and takes off in a sprint. "Taeng, you really are a bad influence," she states while turning a corner. "I meet you and I begin talking back once again." She shakes her head; her legs pump harder as she picks up momentum. "I hope she's still there." She turns another corner; her legs move slower, and fatigue starts kicking in. Breathing heavily she continues pushing her body in the direction of the bus stop where Yuri would more than likely be.

It comes in sight and so does Yuri. "Yuri!" The older girl looks up from her book; her head turns and Yoona's direction and she scoffs, returning back to her book. Yoona stumbles into a stop right before her. "Yuri... I... can we talk?"

"No, can do. Bus," was her response as she points at the oncoming vehicle.

"Yuri, please." Yuri ignores her. "Yuri." She slides her book into her bag and steps onto the waiting transportation. Yoona could only stare as the doors close and the bus takes off. "She couldn't have given up already, could she? She wouldn't let the last two years go to waste. She just wouldn't."

"Yeah the nerd is," Yoona turns and looks at Boa who was walking down the streets holding hands with some male. "You screwed up big time. But this is what you wanted right? For my sister to give up on you. She's doing it now." Yoona bites her bottom lip. Sure this was what she wanted, but she also wants for Yuri to only remain hers in a sense. "So what are you going to do now, huh? Yuri doesn't want to remain your tutor because that would mean she'd have to spend time with you. So now you're out of a tutor and a future girlfriend. Ouch."

"Boa," whispers her boyfriend, "be nice." Boa sighs and blinks.

"Yoona... she's at work. She works at the center now as an employee not a volunteer. I'll call and tell her to listen to you. But this is your only chance, understand. After this... I can't help either one of you." Yoona nods her head. "Here," Boa digs in pockets pulling out some cash. "That should be enough for the bus."

"What makes you think I need money?" questions Yoona while starring at Boa's hand. Boa doesn't answer. Instead she places the cash into Yoona's hand giving her a smile. Boa tightens her grip on her boyfriend's hand before turning and walking away.

"Remember you little criminal, one more chance."


She huffs and lips puff out blowing away the hair that was blocking her view. Eyes look down at the cardboard box by her feet. Her hand slips into her pocket pulling out her issued box cutter. She bends over; with a flick of her wrist, she slices through the tape. Setting the sharp instrument on the ground, she pulls open the flaps and stares at the can goods that she should be stacking on the shelves. A grunt leaves her lips. Picking a few of the cans out of the box, she straightens out and turns to the shelf. Stretching fully, she attempts to place the can on the shelf when a hand enters her view taking the can from her and placing it in the spot she was struggling to reach.

Turning her head slightly, Tiffany's eyes connect with Sooyoung's. "You might want to get a step ladder or something, since you can't... you know reach that high," mutters Sooyoung while backing away from the older girl. She turns to her sister, taking the small basket out of the younger girl's hand, and prepares to walk away when a hand wraps around her wrist. She looks up at the owner of the hand.

"I've got to fill the shelf... um, can you help?" asks Tiffany while looking at the box by her feet.

Sooyoung could only blink in response. "I mean you don't have to if you're busy. I can just call for a fellow employee." She shakes her head releasing the taller girl. "Never mind, I'm sorry to bother you." She turns back around to the shelf and attempts to place another can on it. Sulli nudges her older sister; Sooyoung turns and looks at her.

"Help her, you idiot," whispers Sulli. "I'll go find the rest of the ingredients that mom needs. Don't mess this up, understand? I want Tiffany as a sister... she's fun." Sulli takes the basket back and walks away leaving Sooyoung standing in the middle of the aisle and Tiffany struggling with her work. Sooyoung looks around; her hand massages the back of her neck and she takes a step forward, taking the can from the older girl again and placing it in its designated spot. Tiffany backs away from Sooyoung a bit.

"You can hand me the cans... and I'll stock them I guess," Tiffany nods her. She bends over picking up a few cans and hands them to the younger girl. They work in silence, not that either one of them cared really. "There's no more room," states Sooyoung breaking the silence. Tiffany looks up at the shelf and then down at the box. "Is something wrong?"

"Can you fit one more?" asks Tiffany while picking up the lonely can.

"No," Sooyoung backs away from the shelf and takes the can out of Tiffany's hand. "It's why we came down this aisle." She sighs and looks off to the side. "I... I guess I'll see you at the next appointment." She flashes Tiffany a small smile and turns to find her sister. Tiffany bites her lip.

"Sooyoung!" she calls out. Sooyoung stops. Tiffany takes a deep breath and looks at her hands. "Can we talk after... um I get off? If that is okay with you, I mean you probably don't want to hear what I have to say, and I know you're busy with your sessions and what not." She fidgets a little. "Never mind... forget that I even brought such a thing up." Tiffany bends over and picks up the box and her box cutter; she turns and heads for the back of the store.

Sooyoung turns and looks at the older girls retreating figure. A frown forms on her face. Did Tiffany really believe that she didn't want to talk or at least listen? Her head turns and eyes lock with the items placed on the shelf. She blinks. Did she really mess things up by revealing her feelings? Did she just lose the last and only person she could confide in? "Why are you starring at those things?" Sooyoung looks over her shoulder to see her younger sister approaching with a full basket. "So... how'd things go?" Sooyoung shrugs her shoulder, dropping the can into the basket. "What could a shoulder shrug possibly mean?"

"It means..." She pauses, thinking for the correct word to describe things. "There was no progress." Sulli groans a bit. She looks at her older sister.

"Well maybe things weren't supposed to be that way. Maybe you were to remain as her friend." She pats her sister's shoulder. "If Tiffany doesn't want you... then that's her lost. And she's an idiot at that too, after all the effort you put into making sure she was healthy and the baby was." Sulli grabs hold of Sooyoung's hand giving it a tug. "Let's go before mom starts calling our phones non-stop." With one final tug the youngest Choi gets her sister to follow after her. Sooyoung takes a look over shoulder, peering through the shoppers in an attempt to catch a glimpse of Tiffany. She sighs and turns to Sulli. "It's okay," whispers Sulli as she rubs circles in her sister's hand. Sooyoung nods her head. Is it okay?


"Thank you," whispers Yoona while looking up from her work. She smiles at the girl sitting across from her. "I hope I was bugging you when I asked you to help me study." The girl shakes her head. "Are you sure? If I was you...I'd probably slam the door in my face considering the fact that I haven't contact you." The girl nods her head; she reaches across the table grabbing an extra piece of paper, quickly scribbling something on it.

'Its fine, Yoona.'

"Well if you say so Seohyun," answers Yoona while shrugging her shoulder. Yoona leans back in her chair; her hand wraps around her smoothie. "So... how have you've been? I'm pretty sure once I left the group stopped hanging out with you." Seohyun shakes her head again. Pencil meets paper.

'I still speak to Yuri and Tiffany. Sooyoung sometimes to.'

"Really?" questions Yoona while taking a sip of her drink. Seohyun smiles and nods her head. With a sigh, the younger girl takes one last look at the paper she was correcting before passing it back to Yoona. Yoona takes a peek at her paper. She sets her cup down and frowns. "I missed that many?" The younger girl nods her head again. "I'm hopeless." Her head drops down upon the table.

Seohyun rolls her eyes at Yoona's antics. She grabs her paper and scribbles something, dropping it on Yoona's head once she was finished. Yoona grabs the paper; she lifts her head and looks it over.

'You're not hopeless. You're just distracted. Want to talk about it?'

Yoona scrunches her face and shakes her head. She didn't feel like openly talking about her issues concerning her love life and her family, at least not so openly in this building. A sigh and she closes her eyes, letting the paper slip from her hands and land on the table. A pout form as her thoughts wander to a certain older girl who she's hurt. She opens her eyes and exhales loudly. Propping her head onto her open palm she looks around the small café while Seohyun looks over her other papers. Eyes scan familiar faces and new ones before landing on two elderly women who had just entered the building.

Head tilts a little. One was familiar; she was so familiar that Yoona believed it to be her aunt, Taeyeon's aunt. Getting a better look at the woman, a small smile formed on her face. "Definitely auntie," whispers Yoona. "So if that's auntie then who's..." The color slowly drains from her face; her expression drops. "N-no... way," she whispers to herself. "Seohyun," she taps the table and looks at the younger girl. "Doesn't that woman look like Taeng?" Seohyun lifts her head.

Her own eyes scan the small café and just like Yoona, her face becomes blank. Fear takes over; her hand shakes slightly. Heart races and breaths become quick. "Seohyun?" questions Yoona forgetting all about the woman for the second she catches a glimpse of the fear in Seohyun's eyes. "Hey... is everything okay?" Seohyun shakes her head; then pencil falls between her fingers and rolls off the small table. She abruptly pushes her seat back and stands, causing all eyes to fall on her. Feeling the woman's eyes on her, Seohyun spins and runs for the door leaving behind a speechless Yoona.

She quickly gathers her things, throwing them in her backpack. She could care less at the moment if her papers become folded. What was important was finding out what scared Seohyun like that. She stands and turns bumping into her aunt. "Yoona. Aren't you going to say hi to me or something?" Yoona feigns a smile before taking off after the younger girl.

"So that's her," questions the woman. "That's my other daughter, right?"

"Yeah... that's the other trouble maker that you spawned," answers Taeyeon's aunt.

"She looks so much like her father."


Ignoring the presence of another person in her room, the youngest Jung keeps her eyes on the movie that she was watching on her computer. A couple of minute pass and she turns her head, finding that her sister had pulled her own chair out of the her own room and is now sitting beside her. Fingers slowly grab hold of her head phones, pulling the large item off her head. "I'm fine without the sound," states Jessica while looking at the screen, "you can put those back on." Krystal wasn't too sure what to do. Her sister was sitting in her room, not bugging her, not interrogating her and definitely not belittling her. All the youngest Jung could do was stare at her sister in disbelief.

Jessica slowly turns and looks at her baby sister. "Yes?" Krystal shakes her head; one hand reaches and unplugs her head phones allowing for the sound to ricochet around the room. "You didn't have to do that. I was fine with just watching on silence. I've already missed probably half of it."

"Not really I had turned it on about twenty minutes or so ago." Krystal's eyes slightly widen. She didn't expect that she would be able to answer her sister so easily. She turns her attention back to the computer screen. "Nothing really happened. Just some shooting, car crashes and police chases... to be quite honest this movie is proving to be very boring."

"Really? Because you were quite into it," states Jessica.

"I was ignoring you." Krystal pauses the movie, "I get it now. After talking to Yunho, I get it." She turns and looks at her sister. "Things can't be the same between us. I can no longer fight for your attention. I have to grow up. You have a life now, Sooyeon and I shouldn't be jealous of it. It's just that you're growing up and then after this year you're done. You'll leave just like our brother and I'll be stuck here with arguing parents." Krystal's eyes become warm and blurry. She blinks, trying to fight back the tears threatening to spill. "I just wanted some time with you before you go. You spent so much time at the end of the school year with Yoona and Taeyeon. I was tossed aside and I didn't like it. But I understand now. You've got friends and a girlfriend, both of which are going to take up your time now." Her voice begins to waver a little.

"Just because I have more friends to hang out with and a girlfriend doesn't mean anything, Soojung." Krystal turns and looks at her sister. "Believe me... there were times when I wanted to spend all of it on you. But you've started disappearing and then the next thing I know you've pierced your belly." Jessica shudders a little, remembering what it was like to touch her sister's abdomen. "And then you started drinking, smoking and staying out late. You began to disappoint me. So I gave up trying."

"Yoona and Taeyeon do the same thing."

"Yoona and Taeyeon did the same thing. Yoona's attending a private school. And Taeyeon got a job." The younger girl's shoulders rise and fall with her sigh. "But just because they've done it, doesn't mean you had to. Do you know how stupid you made me look when Taeyeon told me about the piercing... especially after I bragged about how I'm the better sister out of the two of us?"

"You must have been dumbfounded," Krystal giggles a little, "I can totally imagine your retarded face." Her head tilts back, giggles turning into a full blown laugh. "Oh... how I wish I was there to see that." Jessica pouts before slapping her sister on the thigh. "Ow!"

"Looks like some people have finally made up." The Jung girls turn to look at the door finding their older brother leaning against its frame. "Took you two long enough... so does this mean that I can have the room back and no longer sleep on the - Ow!" Jessica turns to look at Krystal; eyes widen and brows rise. Her lips were tightly shut. Krystal tries to keep a straight face, but breaks into another laughing fit. "Jessica... books are for reading... not throwing them," groans Yunho while rubbing his nose.

"I know I was just trying to help you see the words a little better," remarks Jessica with a triumphant grin.

"Women," grunts Yunho while turning around and walking away.

"That was a good one," comments Krystal while wiping away her tears of laughter. "That definitely deserves a high five." She raises her hand, waiting for Jessica to respond. Jessica looks the hand over. Her fingers gently wrap around it and bring it closer to her eyes. "Sooyeon?"

"Soojung... when's the last time I took you out to the nail shop to get your nails done?" asks Jessica curiously. Krystal shrugs her shoulders. "How about I call up Sooyoung and Jinri and we go out... just the four of us?"

"R-really?" questions Krystal with a surprised expression. Jessica smiles and nods her head. "I-if you say so then. You're paying right?"

"Who else was going to pay?" Jessica pushes her chair back and stands. "Get dressed."


She jumps, startled about the noise echoing throughout her house. Sitting up on the couch she rubs her eyes and looks over the back of the piece of furniture. Eyes lock onto her sister's back watching as the younger girl open the door. "Who is it, Tiffany?" calls out Taeyeon from the couch.

"Taeng!" Taeyeon's eyes open all the way at the sound of Yoona's voice. Yoona sounded angry and irritated. She climbs off the couch and walks towards the door. Taking a stance beside the Tiffany, the smallest girl tilts her head back to look her baby sister in the eyes. "You!" Yoona points a finger at Taeyeon. "She's out. She's here and you didn't tell me?" Taeyeon looks at Tiffany for some sort of answer. "I'm talking about our mother." Taeyeon quickly turns and looks at Yoona; Tiffany's eyes move back and forth looking at both her sisters.


Eyes drift close; head tilts back at the sensation of lips against her neck. Her hand grabs a fistful of the shirt in front. The other crumples the paper cup in her hand. A soft hiss exits her lips and her body presses tightly between the one in front of her and the wall behind her. "I'm so glad you decided to join me at this party tonight," comes a gruff whisper from the lips against her neck. Another hiss leaves her lips. "Doesn't it make you happy that you're finally dropping your nerd title, Yuri?"

If she could answer she would, but the only thing she could do at the moment was drop the cup full of alcohol. The lips on her jaw turn into a smile. "Yuri," the words come out playfully. She squirms a little against the body. Lips pull away and eyes meet. "How about we find somewhere more private yeah?" She watches as the head in front of her turns and looks at the rest of the party goers. Head turns back and eyes reconnect with hers. "Yeah?"

Even with all the alcohol that was pumping through her blood, she shakes her head no and attempts to slide away from her date. "Yuri," a hand grasps her wrist tightly.

"No," responds Yuri; her words slurs slightly. "Taec?"

"Come on, Yuri," counters Taecyeon, pulling Yuri back to him. "Don't be like that, yeah?" The index finger traces along her jaw line. "Nothing's going to happen...I promise." Yuri blinks and shakes her head no once again, "'re going to act like that Yuri? I haven't hurt you, yet."

"I'm just," responds Yuri. She breaks free from his grasp and slips away into the crowd in the middle of the room. She looks around at everyone in the house while making her way towards the backyard. She can honestly say, drunk or sober, she barely recognizes anyone at this party. Sliding the screen door she slips outside into the yard. She inhales deeply allowing the fresh air to fill her lungs. "Is this what you wanted," she whispers to herself, "for me to become something...and start making connections, huh?" Arms cross and eyes direct themselves downwards to her shoes.

Arms wrap around her body and just by the smell of the cologne she could tell who it was. "Taecyeon..." she mumbles while moving her body.

"Nothing, just thought I'd hold you. Is that okay?" questions Taecyeon; his grip tightens. "We're dating. I like you. You like me..." She squirms, turning and facing the boy who she agreed to date as a mechanism to forget about a certain juvenile delinquent. "It's not a problem is it, Yuri?"

"No, it's just we haven't been dating that long," answers Yuri, shaking the haziness from her head. Her hands press flat against his shoulders, resting her head against his chest. "I have work in the morning." She moves away from Taecyeon only to be grabbed again. "Taecyeon," she calls his name, "I have work in the morning," she repeats, "that means I need to go home and get some sleep."

"One more drink and a dance yeah... it shouldn't hurt should it? Or we can sit with my friends and have one more drink. Afterwards I'll walk you home okay?" Yuri nods her head and allows for Taecyeon to lead her back into the crowded house. They head for a corner and he takes a seat on the couch, pulling her down onto his lap. Eyes scan the familiar faces in the corner and she waves to his friends. Taecyeon smiles widely at his friends who all grin back in return. She leans back against him, releasing a sigh. "Khun," calls Taecyeon as one of his friends stand. "Can you get Yuri here something to drink also?" Nichkhun disappears in the crowd and Yuri sighs for a second time. "Come on, one more drink," whispers Taecyeon in her ear as his arm slides around her waist. Yuri nods her head and Nichkhun appears with two cups. He hands her one and takes a seat back in his chair looking around the room. "Drink up," whispers Taecyeon.

Yuri looks inside the cup and squirms a little: more alcohol. She blinks and looks at Taecyeon. "There wasn't this many bubbles last time," she whispers to Taecyeon. Taecyeon shrugs his shoulders. "I'm not drinking this."

"Oh come on, Yuri... don't be such a buzz kill. It's probably a different kind of know how these parties go. Everyone brings something different. Drink it," states Taecyeon. Yuri eyes Taecyeon curiously; she then turns and looks at Nichkhun who for some reason wouldn't look at her. With a sigh of reluctance, Yuri brings the cup to her lips and takes a sip. It burns a little sliding down her throat and she coughs handing the cup to Taecyeon. "Finish it..." She shakes her head. She didn't want to drink anymore. In fact this night was the first time she's done such a thing. "Yuri."

"I don't want anymore," coughs Yuri. She abruptly stands and turns to look at her the boy she's been dating.

"Yuri...don't be a nerd, a buzz kill. Finish the drink and I'll walk you home like I said I would." Yuri wasn't too sure if she should heed his words. She knew enough not to go anywhere private, but should she follow through and drink the rest of this stuff in the cup. She looks at the cup Taecyeon's hand; her head turns and eyes scan the room to see everyone staring at her. "See, you're ruining the atmosphere of the party."

"Taec, if she doesn't want to drink, don't force her," comments Nichkhun from his seat. Yuri turns and looks at him only to find his gaze elsewhere.

"Mind your own business," grunts Taecyeon in return. "Yuri, finish the cup and I'll take you home." Peer pressure gets the best off her; Yuri slowly takes the cup back and downs the drink as quickly as she could without gagging. She hands the cup back to Taecyeon. A disgusted look crosses the Kwon's face.

"," she states while wiping her lips with the back of her hand. Taecyeon stands and looks at Yuri before grabbing her hand and leading her out of the house. "That was gross...why'd you make me drink such a thing?"

"You told me that you no longer wanted to be a nerd, remember?" remarks Taecyeon while pulling Yuri closer to his body. "This was the first step...getting smashed at a party that is going to be the biggest hit of the summer...until the Im throws hers." Taecyeon looks at Yuri and smiles. "That's all you had to do was drink that...I'm not going to make you drink anymore, okay?" Yuri nods her head, believing in his words. "And you were so reluctant to date me."

"You don't exactly have quite the rep," remarks Yuri, her words slurring more than before.

They continue walking with small chuckles and giggles filling the air and feet tripping over each other. Minutes pass when her sight becomes slightly fuzzy and she profusely blinks attempting to regain focus. Taecyeon watches her curiously. "I...I don't feel so good," mumbles Yuri while grabbing hold of her head. Her body leans in one direction, heading for the ground. Arms reach out and secure Yuri.

"It's the alcohol," he states. "Let me just take you to my place instead since its closer." Yuri nods her head. "Alright, let's go."


She watches her two older sisters carefully. She wasn't too sure what to expect from either one of those girls. And it was all due to the simple fact that they lied to her. She crosses her arms. "I'm waiting, you two...start explaining," she demands.

The oldest of the girls sighs; her fingers comb her hair away from her face and she looks at the youngest. "Take a seat on the couch, Yoong," orders Taeyeon while walking away from the youngest two. Yoona looks at Tiffany who shrugs her shoulders. Yoona enters the apartment and heads straight for the couch. She takes a seat as Tiffany closes the door and joins the other two in the living room. "You can't say this came as a surprise, Yoong," states Taeyeon. "You were there when she called my phone the first time. It was only a matter of seconds, of time before they released her for her behavior." Taeyeon looks at the blank television.

"You could have at least offered to inform me. I mean I did risk everything to save you from Sunny's claws. And you don't even have the decency to inform me about something like this," counters Yoona.

"I just found out today also," states Taeyeon. "Jessica ran into her at our aunt's house. That's where she's been crashing, or at least that's where I assume she's been staying, Yoong. And I don't have your number...and contacting you can jeopardize everything."

Yoona rolls her eyes, "right cause Miyoung always comes first." Tiffany flinches at how Yoona states her name.

"Not true Yoona," remarks Taeyeon. "Tiffany is no longer a priority in my life. At least she's not the top. I have you to worry about; I have Taemin to worry about and I have our nephew. What do you want me to do, huh?" With another sigh, she reaches out grabbing her half smoked cigarette. "I...what do you want me to do?"

"You lied to me," states Yoona. "I had to learn things from Seohyun the first time and when I asked about swept everything under the rug. If I was Miyoung, you wouldn't have lied. You tell her all the time that her mother doesn't want her or Taemin. That she upped and left them for a normal life back in America."

Taeyeon takes a deep breath, "Yoong... what did you want me to do, huh? Growing up it was me and you for a few years and when we were younger...our mother was your hero. And then she ups and does something stupid. Your dad comes and takes you away. And all you had about us was that picture of her. Do you know what it's like to have your sister show up in your life years later...with the same thought about our mother?"

"So you lied to me?"

"I wanted to give you some sort of happiness," states Taeyeon. "That's all I could give you at the moment. You live with the Ims. I was a delinquent who was in and out of court, Yoong. So I lied...I said our mom was away because she stole and did drugs like I did. All so you wouldn't lose faith in her. Did you want me to destroy everything and tell you that she's nothing but a stupid, ignorant woman who put others before her own children?" Tiffany takes a seat on the floor in front of Taeyeon, grabbing the older girl's hand. Yoona looks off to the side. "Do you?"

"What do you think?" huffs Yoona.

"Fine...our mother is a complete and incompetent fool, who didn't give a damn about what happened to me or you. And that is why your father came and got you. Because you wasn't in a safe environment. She didn't care about us, Yoong. To her, her friends, her life and money were much more important. She didn't even notice that you were gone. She didn't care. And then one night...she ends up drunk and high...thinking that she could rob someone on the street," spats Taeyeon, angrily. She curls her hands. "Her and her stupid friends stumble upon a man and his little girl. They attempt to rob him and he puts up a fight. So what happens, one of them pulls out a knife and stabs him and when his girl screams they slice her throat. Left both of them out in the middle of the street to die." Taeyeon looks at her sister. "Happy now?"

"Tae," calls out Tiffany quietly. She removes her hand from Taeyeon's noticing how white her knuckles had turned. "Calm down...want me to call Jessica?" Taeyeon snatches away from Tiffany and stands. She grabs her set of house keys and makes way for the door. "Tae...don't leave." Taeyeon opens the door, "alright at least let us know where you are headed. The library? Jessica's?"

"To see mom," was the response before the door closes shut, leaving Yoona and Tiffany alone.

"You comeback...make her happy and then take all the happiness away," comments Tiffany as she directs her attention to her younger sister. "Yoong...why couldn't you let things be, hm?"

"I go to a café with Seohyun to study," explains Yoona, "and then this woman who looks like Taeyeon walks in with our aunt. If you would have saw Seohyun's face and the way she ran, you too, would have not let things be. Besides I'm not a little girl anymore, Tiffany. I deserve to know the truth about my mother as much as you deserve to know the truth about yours."

"You say that Taeyeon favors me...I don't think so," Tiffany stands and dusts her pants off. "Taeyeon broke my dream for me as quickly as she could. But for you and Taemin...she'd spew lies left and right, just to see the two of you smile." Tiffany makes her way to the kitchen, "sure she'd spend more time with me...but that's because she didn't want to show weakness in front of you. She also didn't want you or Taemin following down her path. It's why she continuously kept forcing the Ims upon you, you know." She remerges with two cups, " much as Taeyeon didn't show it...she cared about you the most, for the simple fact that she knew you as her baby sister and watched you disappear before her eyes." She hands a cup to Yoona, "I'll be right back."

Tiffany turns and heads down the hall to Taeyeon's room. Yoona takes a moment to sigh and look around the apartment. Eyes cast downwards and she looks at her cup. She takes a sniff, smelling nothing. "Water is all you have to offer."

"It's all we drink, besides Taeyeon occasionally finding a beer somewhere," comments Tiffany as she enters the room taking a seat on the couch. "With the two of us working minimum wage, we can barely afford paying all the rent and buying food." Yoona looks at Tiffany's hand; eyes ghost over the cup in one and what looks to be pictures in another. Tiffany sets her cup down on the coffee table; she passes Yoona the pictures.

"What's this?" questions Yoona as she looks over the two items.

"One is of me and Taemin...see how perfectly new it looks even though we are quite young in that picture," Yoona nods her head. "She put that one in a frame. Now the other is a picture of you and her before your dad came and took you." Yoona looks at the other picture noticing how tattered and worn out it was becoming. How the edges were bent and small tears were forming. "Taeyeon keeps that one in her wallet. Or at least she it's in her bedside drawer. So like I said even if Taeyeon 'favors''s you who she favors. She doesn't have to watch over you. You're don't need her help in anything."

"I - "

Tiffany holds up her hand, signaling that she was still talking. "Taeyeon worries about me, because I was sheltered...because she sheltered me. And that is why I had her attention constantly." She pauses slightly, "so if you are jealous about anything...I say it's all for a stupid reason: to be jealous over a very dependent person. Ridiculous if you ask me."

"But she was always..."

"She trusted me with her secrets, Yoong nothing more. She just took care of me. Made sure I was fed, Taemin was fed, that we had a roof over our head and clothes on our back. Taeyeon was doing what an older sister is supposed to do. You know we can sit here and debate about everything all night. But I can tell you Taeyeon favors you because she didn't have to do any work. It hurt her when Jessica told her that you were jealous; she was even more hurt when you said it."

"She got drunk when you left."

"And she destroyed the room when Taemin was taken. But for you...she went quiet. She didn't say anything; she practically didn't do anything. And then she packs her clothes and disappears in the middle of the night. Yoong...just listen to me. You are her favorite sibling. She can bond with you much more than she can with me. You're both delinquents. The both of you fight, steal and what not. You're both gay and you two share a special bond with Jessica. I have none of those traits or qualities." Tiffany grabs her cup and stands, "I'm heading towards Taemin's room. I need to sleep since I've started working. You are going to crash on Taeyeon's bed and that's an order." Yoona's phone goes off, causing for Tiffany to stop walking. She turns and looks at her sister carefully, watching as Yoona's expression changes. "Is everything okay?" The younger girl places the device beside her ear, listening intently.

Yoona shakes her head and stands. "I...Yuri's in trouble," states Yoona while looking at her sister. "Tell Taeng...that I'm sorry, will you? I don't know when I will be able to see her." Yoona runs towards the door, pulling it open and exiting out of the apartment.


Dog lifts her head; eyes lock onto the shadow at the window. A low growl emits from her as the window opens. She stands and sniffs the air, automatically recognizing the scent. She lowers her body back to the ground allowing for her owner to enter the room. Taeyeon lands swiftly on her feet; she turns and closes the window prior to heading towards Jessica's bed. "Aren't you supposed to be protecting her," whispers Taeyeon as she kneels in front of Dog. "You're just going to let me climb in the window? You really are a useless mutt." Dog barks loudly, startling the sleeping girl on the bed.

Jessica rolls over and cuts on her bedside lamp. A content sigh escapes the younger girl's lips as her eyes take in the sight of Taeyeon and Dog. "Sooyeon!" calls out her mother. Taeyeon looks at Jessica before darting for the closet. She slips inside and slowly closes the door just as Jessica's bedroom door opens revealing her parents and brother. "Oh...I heard that mutt bark and thought something was happening," states Mrs. Jung while giving Dog a disgusted look.

"She probably saw something outside the window like a bird or something," responds Jessica, "and she's not a mutt." Her mother clicks her tongue. "I'm going back to sleep." Jessica lies back down on her bed, waiting for her parents and brother to leave. Once the door closes with a click, she slips out of bed and heads towards her closet. "Taeyeon," she whispers. The closet door opens revealing Taeyeon. "What are you doing here?" Taeyeon shrugs her shoulders. She really doesn't know what made her come to the Jung house. She was supposed to be on her way to see her mom, when she chickened out. She ended up smoking the rest of the cigarette and next thing she knows she was climbing through Jessica's window.

Jessica sighs and grabs Taeyeon's hand pulling her towards her bed. "Want to talk about it in the morning then?" Taeyeon shrugs her shoulders. They stop beside the bed and Jessica helps Taeyeon remove her jacket. "Okay then...what happened between you and Tiffany tonight?"

"Not Tiffany, Yoona," answers Taeyeon while flinging her jacket towards Jessica's chair. The owner of the room nods her head and slips back into bed. Taeyeon kicks her shoes off and slips in after, pulling the blankets over their bodies.

"What happened between you and her?" questions Jessica. Taeyeon ignores the question, positioning herself closer to the younger girl's body so her face could be buried in Jessica's neck. "Taeyeon."

"Not now...thinking about it will only get me more upset and I left my cigarettes at the apartment," mumbles Taeyeon. Her arm wraps around Jessica's waist, securing her in her spot. Jessica nods her head; she turns to face Taeyeon. "So how'd things go with making up with Krystal?" asks Taeyeon.

"It went...good." She smiles lightly. "We did some sisterly bonding and harassed old times." Taeyeon nods her head. "Thank you," whispers Jessica. The older girl looks her in the eyes. "For forcing me to spend some time with Soojung...I sort of missed it. And now I have my baby sister back." Taeyeon nods her head. A small smile makes its way across her face. "Maybe you are the better sister."

"I know I am," states Taeyeon jokingly, "Ow!" Jessica breaks free of her hold and scoots away, turning her back towards Taeyeon. "Sooyeon...I was just joking you know...well not really...I am the better sister." A small grunt leaves her lips as Jessica hand collides with her stomach. "Sooyeon."

"Go sleep on the floor with Dog. I'm done talking to you and I wish to go to sleep." Taeyeon stares blankly at Jessica's back. Her arms slide out; hands take hold of the younger girl's waist, pulling her back so that she was fit against her body. "Taeyeon..."

"Go to sleep," whispers Taeyeon against the back of Jessica's neck. She hears a content sigh and smiles a little. "And I'll stop joking...but only a little." Fingers dance across Jessica's waist and abdomen, allowing for her arms to secure her in place once again. Silence takes over say for the snores coming from the four legged animal on the floor; her eyes remain locked on Jessica's neck. "Sooyeon," whispers Taeyeon.


"Is it a bad it bad to lie to someone you care about, just so you can preserve their image of a hero?" questions Taeyeon; a frown forms on her face.

"I guess it depends...why?" Taeyeon remains quiet. "Taeyeon?"

"I lied to Yoong a lot," mutters Taeyeon. "I...I'd always swept things under the rug. I avoided certain topics just so she'd still believe that our mom was the best. I told her mom went to jail because she was like me with the stealing and whatnot. But the truth was because she was an accomplice in a murder." She tenses a little as guilt starts to set in.

"No," states Jessica, "in this case telling a lie wouldn't be bad. It's like telling kids about Santa, or the tooth fairy and what not. It's giving them something to believe in. You did what you had to, Taeyeon. No one should fault you for it, not even yourself. Hell...Krystal still believes in such ridiculous things because I'm afraid to crush it." She pauses and shifts slightly. "'s not bad."

"But she's mad," remarks Taeyeon.

"Yoona is going to be mad. Taeyeon, did she learn from someone else about your mother?" She feels the older girl nod her head. "I see...give it some time. Yoona's not going to stay mad at you forever...who else will she run to when things get hard at the Ims? Yuri told me that she's no longer talking to Yoona. And all that's left is you."

"You. Yoona likes you."

"But I'm with you most of the time."

"Oh." Jessica laughs a little.

"Well...just forget about it for now. You'll stress you self out and then want to end up drinking or smoking and mind place is not the place to do it. So forget about it, yeah?" She feels Taeyeon nods her head for a second time. "Alright then...let's get some sleep and we can worry in the morning when my mother barges in the room and begins her lecture."

"Lock the door."

"They removed the lock...well more like my mother decided to have Yunho change the locks that way she can spy on me." A dissatisfied grunt echoes throughout the room. " that why you want the door locked?"

"I'm just going to assume you think my mind is in the gutter again. When in fact most of the time your mind is in the gutter since you always find a different meaning for my words. Ow!"


Tears that continuously flowed down her cheeks come to halt; she buries her face in her hands. She takes a deep breath and attempts to wipe away the remains of the tears. Her head tilts back and she gazes up at the stars. Maybe a certain alligator was right. Maybe it is time for her to give up mediocre goals and dream big. Maybe she's not cut out for this neighborhood. Footsteps echo; her head snaps in the direction of the noise catching a glimpse of a walking Yoona. She swallows the lump in her throat. Hands pull her phone out of her pocket and she checks her reflection on the dark screen, using one hand to adjust and fix her hair. "You're crying, no point in trying to hide it," she freezes, as Yoona takes a seat beside her.

Her head turns slowly and looks at Yoona. "Who took my job? Who made you cry?" asks Yoona as she looks up at the stars. "I wanna know so I can punch their face in." Yoona curls her hands slightly.

Yuri shakes her head. She wasn't exactly willing to say what happened. In fact she's quite surprised to see Yoona sitting beside her. After ignoring her, she'd figure Yoona would have returned to her behavior. Teeth tug on her bottom lip. "Not going to tell me?" Yoona clicks her tongue. "Fine...I'll just ask around and beat the crap out of everyone until I find the right person...and then I'll beat them to a pulp."

"For someone who wants no relationship with sure are quite protective," mumbles Yuri in response. Yoona smiles a little.

"You're mine," states Yoona. Yoona looks at Yuri with a serious face. "A selfish person...a delinquent has something that they want to hold and cherish...Jessica taught me that a while ago. Taeng holds onto the idea of family. Tiffany holds onto her mother necklace. And I," Yoona pauses; she wasn't too sure she was ready to reveal things.

"So why won't you act upon it?" questions Yuri as she rests her head upon her knees. She didn't need for the younger girl to say anything. She understood all she was supposed to.

Yoona shrugs her shoulders. "So what happened? Why'd you call me?" asks Yoona turning her attention back to the stars.

"He...I..." was all Yuri could muster up. Yoona blinks and nods her head. It was that needed to be said really. Maybe it was time for her to stop pushing Yuri away? She shakes her head lightly. What is she thinking? Yuri only deserves the best. But forcing her wouldn't suffice would it? It would be exactly like how her parents are treating her. She looks down at the street.

The older girl scoots closer and rests her head upon Yoona's shoulder. Yoona tenses a little. She turns her head and looks at Yuri. "Can I just have this?" questions Yuri feeling doe eyes upon her. The younger girl head slowly moves up and down. She inhales deeply, catching a whiff of alcohol.

"The nerd was drinking?" states Yoona in disbelief. It was now the older girl's turn to nod her head.

"I was tired of being known as a nerd...and he said that drinking at tonight's party would erase the label," Yuri's eyes slowly drift close, "but know what? I don't think I want to lose that title." Yoona blinks.

"A few days of dating this guy and you're drinking," whispers Yoona, "I think I preferred bug eyed Minho. At least then you weren't doing something so stupid and reckless. And Minho is friends with Key who works for Sunny. So that saying something. And with him you were still my nerd." Fingers begin playing with each other. "A-Are you going to go back to him?" A small scoff and a laugh invade her ears. "I take it you broke up with him?"

"Did you really think I'd be that stupid and stay?" answers Yuri in a whisper.

"You were stupid enough to drink and let him do whatever he did to you." A growl emits from Yuri and Yoona laughs. "So I guess the perfect nerd does make mistakes huh?"

"Yeah and one of them was falling for an inconsiderate, insensitive, jerk."


Yuri lifts her head, taking a deep breath. "Must you ruin my moment?"

"Not like you'd remember. You words are slurring slightly and you're drunk out of your mind," Yoona smiles widely at her. Yuri rolls her eyes and scoots away from the younger girl. Arm reaches over, draping across Yuri's shoulder and pulling her back. With a surprised look, she turns and faces Yoona. "You wanted this moment yeah? You were crying earlier because of some stupid ass...don't think I'm going to be an even bigger one and kick you while you're down." Yuri leans into Yoona, resting her head back upon Yoona's shoulder. "You have to tell me in the morning what happened. Or at least tell your scary and creepy stalker..." The Kwon shifts and looks up at Yoona. "Your sister." A small almost silent laugh leaves the older girl's lips.

Silence takes its place amongst the girls as they sit there under the street light, stargazing and watching as cars come and go. Light snores make their way to Yoona's ear; she turns and eyes fall upon Yuri's sleeping face. With a sigh, she shifts, moving Yuri upon her back. Using everything she has, she stands making sure Yuri never fell. "Let's get you home before your sister decides to chase me down. And threaten to beat the crap out of me.


Hands tug on her jacket trying to seek some warmth for her body. A yawn leaves her lips. "Yoong leaves. Taeyeon leaves. And what am I left with? A dirty kitchen, a messy living room and no way of sleeping," mutters Tiffany while looking around the street. Looking straight ahead, her eyes connect with Sooyoung's. Feet slow down and she comes to a full stop in front of the hospital. Sooyoung stops in front of her; they continuously look at each other. "Can't sleep?" asks Tiffany.

Sooyoung shakes her head, "I usually visit around this's much more quiet and peaceful since everyone's gone home say for the nurses." The taller girl turns on her heels. "Um...I'll leave since you wish to visit him. You should spend this time alone with him. You've been working and since you are...his mother."

"You're his father." Sooyoung stops moving. "Or did you simply forget?"

"I...I didn't forget it," musters Sooyoung. Head turns and she takes a peek at the older girl. "I'm just..." A frustrated sigh leaves her lips. Her sentence falls short, leaving them in a semi-silent and tense atmosphere.

"You asked to be friends a while ago," states Tiffany. "I...won't it be weird going back to that after you admitted to have feelings for me?" Sooyoung shrugs her shoulders. "What do you mean you don't know?"

"I...I liked you for a while," explains Sooyoung. "The relationship wasn't weird. So why should it be now? Besides everyone says it was painfully obvious that I started to like you. You were the only blind one out there to have not seen it. Even Siwon noticed something. So how would things be weird? You forget about it and I'll forget about it." Tiffany looks off to the side. It can't be that easy, can it? Just going back to how things were and forgetting about someone's feelings. She blinks a few times. But how is a person supposed to just forget that someone in possibly in love with them. Scratch that, they are in love with her, so how is she supposed to forget such a thing? "I guess it would be weird on your end."

Tiffany shakes her head. "It's just want me to forget about your feelings, Sooyoung." Right arm crosses over her body; her hand rubs her left arm. "I..." She pauses trying to create the right sentence. " like me...and I can see that it isn't some sort of puppy love or a simple crush, Sooyoung. You're sort of in love with how am I supposed to forget that? In the future, every time you do something for me or my...our son all I'm going to think about is how you are in love with me, and I can't do anything in return." A deep sigh, "And when you do finally date someone...all I'm going to think about when I see you is how I crushed your feelings. I - this isn't something to be easily forgotten, you know?"

"So what then?" All the older girl could do was shrug her shoulders in response.

"A stalemate," whispers Tiffany.


" know like in chess." Sooyoung gives her a weird look, "my mom use to teach me. You know before she left me and Taemin." Tiffany shakes her head to erase the oncoming thoughts. "It means no moves can be made. We can't go forward as of now and there's no turning back. Our relationship...well whatever is left of's over."

Sooyoung shakes her head; she didn't like that idea. She's fine with the idea of being friends. And she's okay, well she semi-okay with how things are now, with the awkward tension and what not. But to completely say it's over is something different. Would that mean that they are no longer going to talk to each other? It's not like they've known each other forever, but Sooyoung's gotten comfortable having Tiffany around. And she's damn sure that Tiffany has gotten comfortable with her presence. "Sooyoung?"

"I...I'm going to be like your siblings for a moment and become selfish," mutters Sooyoung. "Friends or not I don't care. But I'm not going to say that I want it to be over. That's just...ridiculous. can't really end a relationship when a child is involved." Inhale. Exhale. "I...don't mean to be immoral and bring him into this...but think about Tiffany." Tiffany puffs her cheeks. "I...I'm going home. You can choose what you want, but I'm not going to agree to ending everything." With an exhausted sigh, she continues walking away leaving Tiffany alone in front of the hospital.

"Choi Sooyoung!" calls out the older girl, cupping her mouth. The taller one stops again. "I...friends will be weird. Being acquaintances is awkward. So what do we have left, huh?! Ending things would be easier for the both of us." Sooyoung turns quickly, sending a glare in the Hwang's direction.

"Ending things would not be easier," huffs the Choi. "I told you to forget because it would be easier for you. But do you honestly think that I'd be able to forget the feelings I have for you."

"Time and distance will help."

"So you want me out of your life? Really? After everything we've been through together?" questions Sooyoung. "And what about him, hm? You're no longer a priority in Taeyeon's life. She's got other things, other priorities you know? Like Jessica and work and Taemin." Fingers slide through her hair, tugging on it a little. "I'm not trying to be mean Tiffany. I would never be mean to you...I like you too much to do so. But are you really going to get rid of me?" Tiffany shrugs her shoulders. She doesn't know, but what she does is that she doesn't want Sooyoung to continue hurting. And she doesn't want to really lose the older girl either. But her not hurting is more important than anything else.

"I just don't want you to hurt anymore," mumbles Tiffany.

"Really?" questions Sooyoung. Tiffany nods her head. "I'm not hurting. I will did hurt my feelings when you um...walked out on me that morning...but you know I kind of got over it a little. With the help of therapy, Jinri and doesn't matter as much anymore. What does is the fact that you constantly will not talk to me. Why? What is there to be afraid of?" Tiffany blinks; Sooyoung watches her curiously. Her eyes slowly widen. "I get it now." Sooyoung turns and runs across the street, turning around a corner and disappearing from Tiffany's sight.

Tiffany bites her lip. What could Sooyoung possibly get?


"Is this even a good idea?" The older girl shrugs her shoulders, setting the groceries down beside the door. Hands slip into her pockets searching for her key to the apartment. "She lives here you know." The older girl nods her head. "What if she's inside?" Turning her head, a brow arches. "I mean...what if she's in there, you know? The atmosphere is going to be extremely awkward, don't you think? Sica?" A small laugh leaves Jessica's lips as she pulls out the keys from her pocket. Shaking her head, she unlocks the door, pushing it open.

"Sooyoung, calm down. It's been what a week since you two met outside the hospital?" responds Jessica. She bends over and picks up the bags. "Things are going to be fine. Besides this is Taeyeon's place...not Tiffany's. And Taeyeon wanted us to go grocery shopping for her. So you have every right to be here." She enters the apartment with Sooyoung on her heels. "And if she's here...shouldn't that be a good thing? We've all come to the conclusion that Tiffany Hwang is in denial of her feelings for you." The older girl heads for the kitchen setting the bags on the counter. "So I would say use this time...if she's here to the best of your abilities and get the Hwang to come out of her shell."

Sooyoung shakes her head. "Forcing her wouldn't make things any better would it? I mean she's scared enough as it is...forcing her would just make our relationship really over. I mean our friendship, and it's only hanging on by a mere thread." Jessica nods her head; hands begin removing items from the bags. "What's all this food for any way? Those two are never really home."

"Tiffany's birthday is coming up. Taeyeon wants to at least celebrate it with a dinner. Also celebrate Yoona's since she never really got the chance to do so. Or at least that's the idea. Though I think she should wait off on the Yoona thing, since that little no-good being is extremely pissed." Sooyoung blinks as she pauses in putting away the food in their respectful places. "Long story short, Taeyeon lied about something and now Yoona's upset." Sooyoung nods her head.

"Taeyeon?" Both girls freeze. Heads slowly turn and their eyes connect. "Taeyeon? Is that you...oh, hi Jessica...Sooyoung." Jessica and Sooyoung look over at Tiffany who had emerged from down the hall. Sooyoung blinks before quickly resuming putting away the groceries. Tiffany enters the kitchen and heads towards the fridge to get a bottle of water. "Taeyeon has for us again?"

"Yeah," answers Jessica. "I have to use the restroom. Stay and talk to each other okay? No biting and hair pulling." Jessica pats Sooyoung on the back; she smiles at Tiffany and disappears out of the room leaving Tiffany and Sooyoung in an awkward situation. Tiffany opens her bottle and takes a sip prior to smiling awkwardly. Sooyoung swallows the lump that has collected in her throat and resumes her task of making sure everything was put away.

"I...I've been thinking," whispers Tiffany as she sets her bottle on the counter. Her body leans back and against the counter. Sooyoung nods her head, waiting to hear what the older girl has to say. "Say...if I do have some feelings for you, as more than friends...aren't you the least bit worried about what people will say about us? I mean...I was with Siwon for the longest time. And then to turn around and date his younger sister...I...the labels that would be placed upon me..."

"It shouldn't matter what other people think," comments Sooyoung as she takes a small look at Tiffany. "Taeyeon doesn't care and neither does Yoona. And yet you're the only one who cares what people see you as. I don't care. I mean I do care...but some things, you learn to get over." Arms cross over Tiffany's chest; she releases a huff.

"But...Sooyoung. Some things you can't get over, you know? I mean its bad enough I'm young and have a child...but to be in a relationship with said child's biological aunt."

"He's not Siwon's...or did you forget," whispers Sooyoung a little harshly; the smaller girl flinches. The cabinet, in which Sooyoung was just placing stuff in, slams shut, startling Tiffany even more. "I'm done. I'm going home." She turns to leave; fingers slowly wrap around her wrist. Eyes peer over her shoulders, locking onto the older girl's. "Tiffany."

"I''s can't possibly...I can't be..." Tiffany struggles with her words. Nothing was making sense to her anymore. Nothing was logical. A frustrated grunt and fingers rake through her hair, tugging on it a little. "I..." Sooyoung frees herself from Tiffany's grasp. She turns fully; eyes take in Tiffany's confused face.

"Mi-Miyoung," starts Sooyoung. Is it okay for her to use Tiffany's name that way? Or would the older girl get mad? Tiffany blinks and looks at Sooyoung, even more confused than before. Teeth fasten down on the bottom lip, tugging on it. She looks off to the side. Sooyoung had called her by the name that Yoona, Taemin and Taeyeon use. Anybody else and she'd normally lash out, and yet here she is not doing anything. She's not even saying anything. In fact her brain couldn't, can't even process a response for her. "Tiffany?" Head snaps back in Sooyoung's direction. "Let me explain, please."

"Explain what?" questions Tiffany.

Sooyoung holds up her index finger. "I...when I said I liked was because I was in that damaged state. I don't expect...I never did expect you to respond back to it. I mean, I'll admit that I sort of hoped for something. But I'm not going to force you to be with me. It was never my intention. I was damaged...and it slipped. And that morning when I wanted us to talk, it was because you kept distancing yourself away from me. I just wanted to talk about that. And when you emphasized on the word nephew frustrated me. And that is why left and went home. You tell me I'm the father and then when we get too close you call him my nephew. Which is it? Am I the aunt or am I the father? I mean I know I'm not technically the father but still."

Tiffany looks away. "I understand." Sooyoung inhales. "We...we're just mere acquaintances then." Sooyoung backs away, heading in the direction of the door. "Tell Sica I went home."

"Sooyoung!" Tiffany grabs her bottle of water. "You are his father. You've been there for him since the moment you found out. You're the father...I just..."

"I'm not forcing you to do anything, Tiffany," states Sooyoung all over again. "If you're feeling guilty or anything, then I'm sorry. But it wasn't my intention. I feel as if I should explain I'm not expecting anything from you. You were my friend and I'm a little mad and hurt that my feelings are... what are ruining this friendship."

"When..." states Tiffany, "a week ago, when you said you got it. What exactly did you get?"

"That you like me...but it's hard for you to accept it," answers Sooyoung honestly. "I mean Jessica's told me you like me. Jinri says the same thing. My dad believes that you have feelings for me. I didn't believe it, because you were so sure that you were straight. But when you told me that you cared for my started to click. It wasn't until I really looked at you face, at your eyes, that I came to the conclusion that none of them was lying."

Silence sets among the two of them. Sooyoung fidgets a little. "Where the hell did Jessica disappear to?" questions Sooyoung in a whisper.

"It's not possible for someone to wake up one morning and be gay, is it?" questions Tiffany. Sooyoung's face scrunches up. Was she supposed to answer that? "I mean...I know it's not possible. I even told Siwon that you didn't wake up one morning and decided that you'd rather date a girl then a boy. I told him that I wasn't a choice. But...I've dated boys my entire life and then...there's you." Hand strangles the bottle of water, causing for the cap to burst off and water to overflow. "You show up...and attempting to rid me of your family, and then you started taking care of me...and..."

"So..." Both girls jump at Jessica's appearance. "Sooyoung, you put everything away. Thank you."

"You said you were going to use the rest room. Not disappear into another universe and return moments later," comments Sooyoung.

"Excuse me for taking a very important phone call," counters Jessica.

"Taeyeon should be working not calling her girlfriend," argues Tiffany.

"Wrong sibling." The air around them thickens. Tiffany sets her damaged bottle down; her eyes look at Jessica skeptically. Something just didn't feel right. She prepares to question the oldest girl in the room only to have Jessica speak. "It was Taemin," comments Jessica, looking everywhere but at Taemin's older sister. "We need a car. And it's either: Yunho, Siwon or Yuri's older sister who can drive for us."

" What in the world is going on?" questions Tiffany. Jessica shakes her head. "What does that mean? Someone calls you about my brother and you won't even tell me?"

"I...I believe it's best to explain everything to all three of you at once," states Jessica. "I...let's just get a car and pick up Yoong and Taeyeon." With that Jessica heads towards the door leaving Sooyoung and Tiffany speechless. Tiffany looks at Sooyoung; all the older girl could do was shrug her shoulders. With a heavy sigh of reluctance Tiffany disappears to her room to get a jacket.


Head tilts back; eyes scale the house in front of her. Why did they have to live in a two story house? It only means more work in attempting to sneak in. Looking in all directions, orbs look out for any nosy neighbors. Seeing none, she makes her way to the fence leading towards the backyard. Hand comes in contact with the handle on the gate, giving it a jingle and finding the door extremely locked. A grunt and she looks around for a way over the fence.

She notices that one of the windows was located closely to the fence. She walks over to it and examines the distance between the fence and the window. "I haven't tried leaping this far in a while," she mutters. Grabbing hold of the sill, she pulls herself up, grunting in the process. One foot plants itself firmly against the fence. Eyes close momentarily; one hand removes itself from the sill and grabs hold of the top of the fence. Pushing off the sill, the other hand grabs the wooden obstacle. Another grunt and Taeyeon pulls herself over the wall, landing with a thud on the grass.

Eyes close automatically; pain courses through her body and foul words leave her mouth. One eye opens followed by the other. Taeyeon looks around at her surroundings again. It's been a while since she's snuck into the Im's house. She stands and stumbles, making her way around the side of the house to the backyard. Feet stop moving and once again her head tilts back as she looks up at the window to her sister's room. Shadows come and go, signaling that there was definitely someone in the room. As for if it was her sister, the only way to find out was to climb the tree and sneak in.

"I'm going on a spree tonight," mutters Taeyeon as she walks to the tree. "I'm definitely out of shape and spending time lying around with Sooyeon isn't helping it."

"You're not going to make it up the tree." Taeyeon stops walking. "What are you doing here? Do you know what you're risking?" She spins on her heels; eyes connect with those of her sister's. "Or do you not care what happens to our nephew?"

"I...It's been a week," states Taeyeon. "It's been tempting to not come and check on you since you showed up in the alley way with your savings. But after our talk last week...I couldn't fight temptation anymore. I want to be able to see my sister."

"You weren't this eager when I left."

"It was easier since you were out of the area. But you're back and I know where you stay. What room is yours and how to get in. Do you really believe I was going to...I'm a thief, you know that. So I'm going to get what is mine and what's tempting me and deal with the consequences later."

"My father can show at any minute and everything deal will be void. He'll stop paying the bills," states Yoona while crossing her arms.

"So don't want to see me?" questions Taeyeon hesitantly. Yoona flinches a bit. Was what Tiffany was telling her true? Was she the favorite sibling this whole time? "I..." Taeyeon exhales loudly; hands slip into her jean pockets. "Alright then. You're grown now...well not an adult but you're grown nonetheless. If you no longer wish to see or speak to me, then who am I to disagree, huh? I...I just wanted to say sorry. I...I now understand that I can't treat you any more different then how I treat Tiffany and Taemin...and you deserve to know the truth." Feet collide with the ground. She blinks and stares at the taller girl who was watching her intently. "Um...that's it, I guess."

Taeyeon turns and heads back to the fence that she climbed over. "Tae..." Her foot stops midair. "Tiffany told me a week ago that I'm the favorite. Is it true?" Eyes grow slightly. Did her personal diary spill her secret? She blinks. A scowl appears on Taeyeon's face. She makes a mental note to punish Tiffany prior to turning around and facing her youngest sister again. Doe eyes stare back at her curiously; she also catches a glint of hope. Head slowly moves up and down. "Really?"

Swallowing nothing, fingers skim through her locks. "You're my right..." She shakes her head, "you're my left hand man and have been since we were in diapers. What else could you possibly be, Yoong?"

Yoona shrugs her shoulders. "Why your left and not your right?"

"Right hand title is for those who come and go. But left is for those who stay loyal no matter what," answers Taeyeon. "You've stuck by me even after you disappeared for years. You came back into my life, grasping onto a picture of our mother and demanding that I accept you as my sister. And you've stuck by my hip ever since, disobeying the Ims, helping me with providing for Tiffany and Taemin. You've done everything...and never once did you ask for anything in return. Tiffany...Miyoung, she asked for help, for protection. She continuously tried to rid herself of me and force me into dating, wanting to be independent when in fact she's a very dependent person. And you..." She pauses; eyes look off to the side, "like I said you stuck by my hip, never wanting to let me go, Yoong.'re so independent that it's ridiculous. I use to wonder what could I do to make you happy, but the fact was just hanging out with you made your smile, made your eyes light up like when we were little."

"If I was your favorite why did you tried to get rid of me?" questions Yoona.

A sigh escapes Taeyeon's lips. She looks at the younger girl, knowing that lying wouldn't be the best choice in the matter. She takes a seat upon the grass; Yoona mimics her actions. "I...I didn't want you to become like me, like our mom. Your father took you away from all of lifestyle and gave you a chance at something that I wasn't sure either one of us was going to get. And then the Im's came into your life. And I saw how good they were...well Mrs. Im was for you. And I knew you were going to make it in this hell hole of a town. So that's why. I mean I'm already barely floating. Miyoung was going to become something and then she got caught up with that ***** Siwon. And Taemin...Taemin is...he had a chance too." Fingers play with the blades of grass. "I guess you can say I wanted you to succeed in life. You didn't have to become a doctor or a lawyer, but you just had to succeed where I failed." The smaller girl shakes her head. "That didn't make sense."

"Why didn't you come look for me, huh? If I was the favorite."

"I'm just a teen Yoong, barely even an adult. Do you know how many strings Sooyeon and I had to pull just to get an apartment? I came into my life freshman year or something like that. At that you possibly think anyone would be willing to help a child that's been in and out of the legal system, huh? Besides I had no clue where to start. I barely even attended classes to learn anything. Most of what I know is from hanging out with people. You know that." Her voice laced with small amount of irritation. Why must she question everything? Isn't it enough that she admits that Yoona is her favorite sibling? That Tiffany revealed it was really her? So does she have to continue questioning everything? A frustrated sigh fills the air.

"I'm irritating you, aren't I?" A shrug was all she could do. "You do know. Stop's why we're like this in the first place."

"You are irritating me. I came to apologize, to get my little sister back who I cherish above everything else. And yet she sits in front of me, questioning everything I say, even after what Miyoung explained to her...showed her." Eyes gaze at Yoona. "Yes I know that she showed you the picture. It wasn't in its original spot."

"I want to say that you lied to me I shouldn't trust you. But you're right; Fany did show me the picture. And it confuses me a little, Taeyeon. I'm the favorite but I was never treated like it. In fact there are times when it seems like you don't really want me." Yoona leans back on her arms; head tilts back and eyes examine the cloudless sky. "But...I'm sorry," Taeyeon lies back on the grass arms behind her head. "I shouldn't have yelled at you like that. I just hate the way you treated me differently from Tiffany. From my point of view you were favoring Tiffany, not me."

"You're right. You should have slugged me," mumbles Taeyeon.

"And knock you unconscious? Come one're kind of weak now. You even struggled to climb a fence that you were able to clear in seconds. Me hitting you would just cause trouble for all of us," responds Yoona jokingly. Taeyeon laughs a little. A small smile forms on the older girl's face. "Hey!" Taeyeon sits up and stares at her younger sister. "Maybe I should beat you and teach you a lesson about lying to Im Yoona."

Silence falls on them, but it didn't really matter to them. Inhale. Exhale for both of them. Yoona stretches prior to falling back onto the grass behind her. The noise emitting from Taeyeon's phone fills the air. Hands pat down her sides, feeling for her phone. Finding it, she digs it out of her pocket and stares at the screen. Thumb presses a button; hand places the device beside her ear, "Sooyeon?"

"Where are you?"

"Yoong's backyard. Why?"

"Meet me at the corner down the street from Yoona's house. Me, Sooyoung, Tiffany, Yunho and Krystal are on our way to Yuri's house. We thought that's were Yoona would us there, yeah?"

"Um...okay?" The line goes dead. Eyes look at the phone before flickering over in Yoona's direction.

"I have to meet - " She stops and looks at her phone again as the screen lights up, "Never mind...we're going to Yuri's house."


She watches her girlfriend curiously. The girl was fidgeting and mumbling incoherent under her breath. Something was definitely bothering her girlfriend. And it was more than the usual bother, since all her girlfriend ever did was giving people an invisible finger and tell them what she truly believes. Or the girl got quiet and in a thinking mood. And this was neither. A hand lifts and motions for her girlfriend to join her on the Kwon yard with everyone else. "Sooyeon," she calls out, earning a disgusted look from the youngest Jung and a Cheshire cat like grin from the oldest.

Jessica treks through the rest of the crowd and takes a seat on the grass beside Taeyeon. Head turns and she rest s it upon Taeyeon's shoulder; her warm breath tickles the older girl's ear. "I...I got a call about Taemin," whispers Jessica. The Kim's body tenses; face falls blank. "He...he fell to the depression." Hands curl collecting the green blades and pulling them out of the ground. "He's fine. A broken wrist and what not."

"When?" whispers Taeyeon; head turns and eyes connect with Jessica's.

"The call? Earlier fact right around the time I was dropping off groceries. His injury? About a few days ago." Eyes close a deep sigh escapes her lips. If it's not her mother it's a sibling. If it's not one of her siblings it's another. And if that's not then its someone, a friend in need. Lips gently place themselves against the corner of her mouth in an attempt to calm the older girl down. "It's why we got Yunho and came to Yuri's place. The Kwon's have a van that's big enough for all of us. We're going to get Taemin and that'll be the end of things."

"Mom." The words come out in a whisper.

"Ignore her. She's not important right now. You know where she's at. But your can't cave in now, Taeyeon. When I first got whiff of you, you were a girl...a stubborn delinquent who'd break the law ten times over to provide for your siblings. Well...I can't believe I'm actually going to whisper this to you, but screw the law. You deserve to have him in your care...and so we're going to get him. All of us." Eyes open.

"What are you two love birds whispering about?" question Yunho only to receive a slap from Krystal.

"I'd like to know what's wrong with Taemin," states Tiffany while crossing her arms.

Taeyeon nods her head, allowing for Jessica to speak. "Taemin is very, very depressed. And he attempted know. He doesn't like it where he's at. The constant nitpicking and degrading he goes through with your step-mom not to mention being a new person in a school," explains the middle Jung; her eyes focus on Tiffany's face. " know Taemin's kind of looks feminine." A snarl infiltrates her ear, "Anyways...his attempt failed. Left him with a broken arm and wrist and an extremely low...and I mean low esteem. He has to continue living with a constant reminder of his failures."

"Why did he call you and not us?" questions Tiffany. Her eyes lock onto Taeyeon's even though the question was directed towards her older sister's girlfriend.

"He didn't want you three to do something stupid. And I don't blame him. Yoona would probably end up arguing with Ims or something. You'd more than likely go into a panicky overemotional state and since you have no one to lean on'll make Taeyeon's life living hell. And Taeyeon would more than likely storm your guys' father's house and beat the crap out of everyone there. really shouldn't matter who he told this too...what should matter is how we're going to get him back here and safe."

"Is the second goody two shoes, Jessica Jung, suggesting kidnapping?" asks Yoona with a small grin. Her eyes light up, "what happened to abiding by the law? And following rules so others wouldn't get hurt and stuff huh?" The middle Jung's head snaps in the direction of Yuri, Yoona and Boa. The smile that had now appeared on her face mimics Yoona's.

"Out of all of Taeyeon's siblings...I like Taemin the most. He's at least smart to know right from wrong and to know when to give up," answers Jessica. Yoona's smile drops. "Anyways..."

"I want for all of you to stay here," states Taeyeon. All eyes land on her. "I'm going to handle this alone." She looks at Yoona followed by Tiffany; eyes finally land on Jessica. "Thank you for informing me...and thank you for attempting to kidnap my brother. But I'm not going to allow any of you to get into any trouble. I'll handle things."

"Taeyeon," whispers Jessica. Taeyeon shakes her head and stands up.

"I'm going to handle this...go home tonight, Sooyeon, yeah?" She turns and looks at Tiffany, "and you...go spend the night with Sooyoung. I don't care if you two are fighting. I'd rather you be somewhere where I know you'll be emotionally fine." Eyes land on Yoona, "Stay out of trouble...with the cops, with Sooyeon, with Yuri and with the Ims understands?" Yoona nods her head. "I'll be back tomorrow, hopefully with Taemin."

Tiffany and Yoona watches as their older sister takes off jogging down the street.

"Jessica, do something," states Tiffany as her eyes land on the older girl. Jessica shakes her head no. "Why - "

"Have a little faith in your sister." Jessica stands and looks at her siblings. "Well then...let's get home before mom freaks out about us taking the car. We all know who's getting blamed for it. And I'd rather worry about Taeyeon without her constant nitpicking."


Head tilts back; eyes examine the house prior to dropping to the paper in her right hand. "I guess this is it," she mumbles. Feet carry her body to the front door. Left hand raises and knuckles rap against the wooden obstacle. Minutes pass and no answer. With a grunt her index finger abuses the doorbell. She pauses for a second; head leans in and she presses her ear against the door waiting for an answer. No noise enters her ears. "Is this damn thing broken?" She walks backwards off the front porch and looks at the house. "Is she even sure that this is the house?"

She walks around to the side of the house and into the backyard. Eyes fall upon a screen lying in the middle of the grass. Orbs scan the building for the lone window without a screen. Finding said thing, she approaches the window. Hand presses flat against the glass. Struggling with it, she finally forces it open. Hearing movement she freezes, unsure whether or not to back away or stay. Eyes want to blink but she was too afraid to do so. For some unknown reason fear was setting in. Feet take a step back and something hops through the window.

A bark and a growl sound throughout the yard as her body collides with the ground. She closes her eyes and hiss emits from her. Eyes open and she comes face to face with fangs. The dog snarls teeth snapping. Hands wrap around the dog's muzzle. The head of the canine swing back and forth in an attempt to remove the hand. Succeeding, it barks and snaps again at the intruder. The light cuts on and a head appears in the window. "Dog? Hyoyeon?!"

The Jung scrambles out of her bedroom window. "Get off her now!" she shouts. Dog growls and reluctantly backs off of her owner's cousin. Jessica rolls her eyes and points to the window. Dog walks in a circle breaking into a sprint. Paws land on the window ledge; hind legs push off the wall and she slips back into Jessica's room. Jessica turns her attention to Hyoyeon. Extending her hand out, the girl upon the grass grabs it and she helps her to her feet. "What are you doing sneaking into my bedroom?"

"I knocked. No one answer so I rung the doorbell and still, no one answered," explains Hyoyeon.

"That's because the doorb- "

"Sooyeon!" Jessica groans and rolls her eyes. She turns and looks through her window. Eyes meet those of her mother's. "What are you doing out back...and why was this mutt causing so much noise?"

"She thought she saw a squirrel or something. I'm just checking to make sure it was nothing. Go back to bed," answers Jessica. Her mother eyes her; the elderly woman turns on her heels and leaves the room. The middle Jung child turns back to her girlfriend's cousin. "Anyways what were you doing breaking and entering? I thought you didn't do what Taeyeon does?"

"I don't. As I said no one would answer the door. So I decided to come around back and hoped that you were awake. The light was off but I recognized some movement. Opened the window and your... Taeyeon's dog decided to attack." Hyoyeon wipes her shoulders off.

"Taeyeon told her to protect me. She's going to do it, you know," comments Jessica while crossing her arms.

"Yeah...yeah. Look I'm here because my idiot of a cousin got into some trouble." The other girl's heart skips a beat. Her only two responses where her eyes blinking and her tongue sliding across her lips. Finally her mouth opens but Hyoyeon continues talking, "she called the house because she didn't want you to learn that she has been arrested. But it's not like I can bail her out on my that's why I am here."


"Her story is her second stepmother had her arrested." Jessica groans. She turns back to her window, coming face to face with a grinning brother.

"Taeyeon's in jail...interesting," states Yunho; his grin widens. His sister rolls her eyes ad groans for a second time while sticking her head in. With a snap of the fingers and a point of an index, the girl had Dog bringing her, her shoes. Dog turns around grabbing hold of Jessica's wallet that was at the foot of the bed and her phone.

"Thank you," she states petting Dog on the head. "Now go to sleep, got it." A whine and the pet spins around, heads straight for the foot of the bed and lies down.

"I want to come." Jessica looks at her brother. "Let me rephrase that," he sticks his hand in his pocket, pulling out a set of car keys. He dangles them in the middle child's face. "I'm coming...since I can drive. And someone needs to keep an eye out on you."

"Whatever...let's just go," was all she could say while slipping her shoes on. Yunho heads for the light switch, basking the room in darkness. Seconds later the eldest Jung hops through the window. They quickly close and make a dash for the front of the house where the car was parked on the street. "We're going to the Choi's first."


"Are you sure it's okay if I stay in here, Sulli? I don't want to be imposing are anything," asks Tiffany while holding on tightly to her backpack. Sulli turns and looks at Sooyoung only to receive a shrug from her older sister. She looks back at Tiffany and nods her head, smiling. "Really? Cause I can always go home. In fact I think it's best if I go home...I mean I have to get up early for work and what not..."

"Not imposing Tiffany. It'll be just like old times, right? When you were dating Siwon instead of Sooyoung." Both of the older girls freeze. "So can stay." Sulli turns away from them and pulls her laptop out from under her bed. "So make yourself comfortable." Tiffany sighs and turns towards Sooyoung who was setting up a place on the floor for her to sleep on.

"Sooyoung, dear...who's that for?" All three look at the door, at Mrs. Choi.

"Tiffany," answers Sooyoung.

"Pick those up right now," orders Mrs. Choi entering the room. The elderly woman begins picking up the blankets and pillows. "You will not make Stephanie sleep on the floor." She tosses them onto her eldest daughter's bed. "Your bed is big enough for the two of you. And you two use to sleep beside each other. So why are you forcing her onto the floor."

"I didn't want to impose," states Tiffany. Mrs. Choi looks at her, a smile framing her face.

"Nonsense. You're not imposing or anything," counters Mrs. Choi. A small groan leaves both Sooyoung's and Tiffany's lips. Just because they made up didn't mean that they can return to sleeping in the same bed. Baby steps, it's what they're doing and this is definitely not a baby step. "Besides you two don't have to hide anything from me," she looks at her eldest daughter, hitting the tall girl with a pillow. "Forcing your girlfriend onto the floor. The shame...I thought you were horrible when I found out that you made her fake a relationship with Siwon to hide things from me. And they ended up sleeping together...and look where that led." Tiffany's eyes widen. She looks at Sooyoung, whose face mimicked hers. Mrs. Choi turns back to Tiffany. "So go ahead, climb into the bed. And if she makes you sleep on the floor let me know." She makes her way for the door muttering something along the lines of: Sooyoung being a horrible, disrespectful girlfriend and that Tiffany should have stuck with Siwon.

Once the elderly woman was out of the room, Tiffany quickly closes the door and turns to Sooyoung. "You told her we were dating?"

"What?!" questions Sooyoung in return. "No. Why would I do something like that?" The eldest Choi female's head turns and looks at the youngest Choi. A scowl appears on her face. She lunges across the room, knocking Sulli's laptop off of the younger's girl lap. She pins the younger girl beneath her. "What did you do?"

"You two were so pitiful. So when I heard from Soojung that she was coming over...I sort of told mom a small little white lie that consisted of Siwon being a beard for your relationship and that her grandson was a mistake due to your carelessness. And that you and Tiffany were quite serious," admits Sulli while closing her eyes.

"You what?!" exclaims Tiffany, dropping her bag.

"I told them that you were dating. Siwon even backed me up. He said he was covering for you...and that you and him ending up in bed was a huge mistake which was why Sooyoung was definitely avoiding you for a while. Minho was being arrogant Minho. She even asked Dad and Dad said that it would explain the way you two behave around each other when Tiffany was staying here. So she bought it," explains Sulli, opening one eye. She looks up at her fuming sister. " liked I thought - "

"You thought wrong," huffs Sooyoung.

"Wrong? How can I be wrong?" bites back Sulli. "You two are practically in love with each other. The only reason why she would declare you the father is one...she's a greedy money hungry ***** or she's in love with you but is too blind to see it. Other than that, she should have left that part blank on the certificate...good don't you guys watch any of those stupid American shows?" Sooyoung loosens her grip on her sister's wrists.

"And how do you know about this and American shows?"

"Soojung...we watch them all the time on her laptop." A groan escapes Sooyoung's lips and climbs off her sister. Eyes turn towards the oldest girl in the room.

"I'll sleep on the floor," states Sooyoung.

"Your mom wouldn't agree to that. I'll just go home," counters Tiffany. Hand reaches down and picks up the bag. "I shouldn't even really be here."

"You leave and my mom will think we're fighting or something. You were kind of loud with your exclamation. And then she'll think we've broken up or something."

"But we are broken up... I mean," corrects Tiffany shaking her head, "We're not even together, so there should be nothing to worry about. Besides I'd rather be in my bed, home when Taemin and Taeyeon walk through the door. Staying here is just going to make me worry even more and I don't want to cause any source of yeah." Tiffany turns to leave when the door opens revealing Mrs. Choi and a tray filled with cookies. Tiffany turns back to the two sisters an eye brow raised.

"I was bringing you girls some snacks. Your father told me to leave you girls be in here and allow the boys to have the living room. So I brought cookies. Stephanie what are you doing still standing by the door holding that bag? Sooyoung! Get over here and take your girlfriend's bag..." Sooyoung jumps out of bed, walking briskly in the direction of Tiffany. She takes the bag from the older girl's hand; free hand laces with Tiffany's and she drags the older girl towards her bed. "I'm going to leave these here." She walks over to the desk in the room setting the tray down. "Treat her right, Sooyoung." Sooyoung nods her head.

Mrs. Choi leaves the room for a second time; the door closes with a click and hands separate. "You two are screwed. Might as well get comfortable in the bed," comments Sulli, as she climbs off her, heading for the cookies. Sooyoung picks up one of the extra pillows flinging it at the younger girl. "Hey!" shouts Sulli as the object misses her head.

"Jessica's right, Krystal's the devil in disguise and you're her demonic little helper." Sulli grins; eyes momentarily disappear. "You think you're so cute."

"I don't think...I know," retorts Sulli. Sooyoung groans and Tiffany giggles at Sulli's response. Turning, Sooyoung crawls across the bed and lies down beside the wall.

"You can have that side since you have to work in the morning. I'm just going to go ahead and go to sleep." Arms slip behind her head. Tiffany turns and looks at Sooyoung. She then turns and looks at her bag that was sitting beside the bed. Eyes finally fall upon Sulli who was busily texting.

"I'll be back," states Sulli while shoving a cookie in her mouth. She slips her shoes on, pulling the cookie out of her mouth. "I'm heading to the Park house to meet up with Soojung, Amber and Luna. I'll be back after the movie...have fun." She flashes the older girl's a smile and heads out the door.

An awkward tension envelops the two girls. Tiffany begins playing with her hands; Sooyoung stares up at the ceiling. "Your sister is crazy," states Tiffany in an attempt to break the silence. Sooyoung grunts. "No really...who comes up with theories and little white lies like that. And that wasn't even a little white lie, you know?" Sooyoung nods her head. A frown appears on Tiffany's face. "Why aren't you responding?"

"Because there's nothing to argue," answers Sooyoung. "It's the truth." Silence takes over again. The older girl bites her lip. She was all out of ideas of small talk. Maybe they should continue their discussion from earlier? Eyes fall on the girl lying in the bed. Is what Sooyoung said true? Did she really have some sort of feelings for Sooyoung? Sooyoung looks at her; a brow arches. "Something?"

"I'm...I'm confused," whispers Tiffany lightly. The tall girl sits up. "I...I'm straight, right?" Sooyoung blinks.

"This would be the part in those corny stories or horrendous romance movies where the best friend kisses the main lead to prove that the lead is indeed in love with the best friend," mutters Sooyoung, ruffling her hair. A look of confusion spreads across the older girl's face. "But I'm not going to do that, because such things don't work that way...and reality is that would be sexual harassment or assault. Instead," Sooyoung slips off the bed. "Let's go and find a true gay person." Tiffany eyes the younger girl. "Jessica...she's the one that helped me." A hand extends and Tiffany grabs it just as the door bursts open, revealing Jessica and Hyoyeon.



"Put some shoes on lovebirds and come on," orders Jessica while looking at the two younger girls. "Yunho's outside in the car and if we don't get in and get it off the street within the next few minutes the Jung house will become a war zone." Tiffany and Sooyoung look at each other; they turn back to Jessica and Hyoyeon. "Long story short...I will reveal the rest later, but Taeyeon is in jail and we need to bail her out. Let's go." Tiffany quickly stands; they follow Jessica and Hyoyeon towards the front door.

"Sooyoung? Off somewhere?" questions Mr. Choi from the couch.

"Yeah," responds Sooyoung as she and Tiffany slip their shoes on. "Going out with Jessica...Yunho's watching so everything should be fine." Mr. Choi waves goodbye and the four girls slip out the door.

"How in the world did my sister get arrested?" ask Tiffany as they jog down the steps and out the front yard. Slipping into the backseat and taking the seat in between Hyoyeon and Sooyoung, she leans forward towards the two older Jungs.

"Hyoyeon, explain," was the female Jung's response as she slips on her seatbelt. "We need to find Yoong. I highly doubt we have enough to bail Taeyeon out. Taeyeon's sitting in jail in the next town over. And Yoona's at home or the Kwon's residence." Her statement was direct to her brother. Fingers move quickly across the keys of her phone. The screen lights up, "Yup she's at the Kwon residence."

Yunho slides the car into drive and looks at the gas gauge. "Are we even going to be able to fit all of them in the car?" asks Yunho, stepping on the gas. "And someone needs to cough up gas."

"I got the gas," comments Tiffany while digging in her pocket.

"Yeah, Yoong and Yuri will be able to fit. This is an SUV. They can sit in the back," states Jessica.

He sighs. "Females," he mutters. Turning and looking at his sister, he smiles, "I guess they can sit back there as long as they keep their head down. I don't need to get a ticket while using mom's car." Jessica rolls her eyes. She turns and looks at Hyoyeon, signaling that Taeyeon's cousin can finally speak.

"Your stepmom had Taeyeon arrested for trespassing and what not. With Taeyeon's background history of crime, the arrested her and we now have to bail her out of jail. Well that's really the point of the story," explains Hyoyeon while leaning back in the seat. Tiffany looks at her 'cousin'. "She didn't do anything ridiculous...or so she claims when she called me. She found Taemin...they were talking and walking. They ended up at un...uncle's place. And your stepmom went ballistic and had her arrested. She claimed that Taeyeon was robbing them and dealing drugs and...yeah." The Hwang leans back in her seat; head drops upon Sooyoung's shoulders and arms cross.

"She should have let us travel with her instead of going alone. And now she's in some cell," mumbles Tiffany. "That stupid idiot...she's always doing things on her own."

"As if you'd be any help," comments Jessica from the front seat. "What could you possibly do? You weren't even there when, Yoona, Hyoyeon and Taeyeon tried to fight for your brother. As we argued with police officers and Taeyeon went toe to toe with her father to keep Taemin under her control. So what help could you possibly be? Moral support? I think'd do nothing but stress her out."

"Jessica...quit being harsh." Eyes look in the rear view mirror at the Choi in the backseat.

"I'm not being harsh. I told her to join us earlier because I figured she deserved to know what's happening with her little brother. But...she wouldn't be of any help to any of us if we all went together. She'd just get in the way."

"You don't like me do you?" asks Tiffany.

"If I had to rank my favorites of Taeyeon's siblings and family members...then it'll go something like this: Yoona, Taemin, Dog, Hyoyeon and," answers Jessica bluntly. "You do nothing but cause her stress. She's doing everything she can to provide a home for you and you've done nothing but nag and nitpick. You lecture her for hours when she does something...and never take the time to listen." Jessica turns and looks at Tiffany, "So no...I really don't like you. But I'm going to put up with you because you are her sister and I know how much family means to Taeyeon."

"Well then...I can't wait for you to leave and go to college. Maybe then you'll find someone else and leave my sister, cause honestly I can't stand another second having my sister date a nosey no-good girl like you," retorts Tiffany.

"I thought you liked her," whispers Sooyoung.

"I did...but now I don't since she obviously dislikes me...and Dog ranked higher than me!"


She stumbles backwards, ignoring the calls behind her. Hand rise to her lips; the back of it slides across the corner of her mouth attempting to erase the blood that was there. Eyes lock onto the taller man before her. A smirk crosses his face; he raises his fist. "You got lucky last time, Im." She scans her surroundings. She was in need of some sort of opening like last time.

"Last time wasn't luck. And after this time you idiotic big eared monkey," counters Yoona, "after'll be lucky to even walk again." Taecyeon walks towards her with his cocky grin on display. Yoona scoffs.

"Give up haven't laid a hand on me. Just admit it. Admit to the rumors that you and Kim have gone soft," Yoona shakes her head. There was no way she'd admit that her she's gone soft and most definitely won't admit that her sister has gone soft. The damage that would cause was too big. He stops a foot away from her. Eyes look over the Im's shoulder and straight at the girl who was watching the whole ordeal. "Yuri."

He leaves himself open; she swings. One hit, two. He groans and looks at her. Her fist slams into his jaw. Another punch lands against his chin. "Don't you ever say her name again," mutters Yoona. Long slender fingers slide into his hair. She pulls his head down, "a ***** like you doesn't deserve to." His head shakes; she brings it down to meet with incoming knee. A strangled noise emits as blood covers her pants. She lets go of his head. He drops to the ground as pain begins eating away at his body, starting with his now damaged nose.

Her phone goes off and she takes a moment to look at the screen. Fingers work their magic and she slips the device back into her pocket. "You live to see tomorrow...I have some business concerning my sister. But if I catch whiff of you harassing and assaulting what's mine'll pay." Spit leaves her mouth; it lands in his hair. She turns and looks at Yuri who had a look of disapproval on her face. "What?" she questions while approaching the older girl.

"Taeyeon said to stay out of trouble."

"He was the one who decided to show his ugly face and harass you while I was walking you home. Mind you I could have left you, Nerd and made you handle things on your own. But I didn't and you should be happy...I didn't kill him. He's probably got to get some plastic surgery on the ugly nose of his." A grin crosses the younger girl's face. She grabs hold of the Kwon's hand and begins dragging her away from the moaning male.

"Which sister?" questions Yuri while looking at their entwined hands.


She nods her head and looks up at Yoona's profile. Eyes spot the now forming bruise on the younger girl's face. A sigh and she stops causing for the younger girl to stumble a bit. "I don't approve of you beating everyone up when they do something to me." Yoona's face scrunches. "And you just can't claim me. I'm not yours unless you are mine. And you're not even that. You're just the girl I tutor."

"Shut up," states Yoona. She turns and begins walking again, dragging Yuri behind her.

"You can't tell me to shut up."

"I can and I did. What are you going to do about it? Date some other ******* in an attempt to forget that I exist, end up getting drunk and then allowing the guy to have access to you?" Yoona looks over her shoulder. "You're an idiot. You can't forget about me. You've been chasing me for too long. And the whole concept of dating another person to make someone jealous is cliché, don't you think. In fact I really didn't care that you were dating. At first I was upset...but after a while a person moves on." Yuri's face drops. "And I can claim you and I will. Kwon Yuri belongs to Im Yoona. And if anyone has anything to say I'm more than happy to introduce them to Right, Left and Knee."

"You're the idiot," mumble Yuri. "I wasn't trying to make you jealous. I told you...I'm done chasing you. Dating Taecyeon was nothing...he promised to help me erase the title of being a nerd."

"And you believe that *******?" scoffs Yoona.

"Excuse me for turning to the one person on campus that is known for transforming the stupid loser into something amazing. And in my defense...I didn't know that the drink was drugged. Unlike you I don't get wasted every time the opportunity arises. I'm not the one with father issues, mother issues and a sibling complex." Yoona lets go of her hand.

"You're're not the one who's living a hard life. And I'm sorry for attempting to keep it from becoming like that. All I've been called is selfish...and you're actually too blind to see that I'm trying to make things easier for you in the future. It's why I want you to leave this hellhole. But you know what?" She looks at the older girl, "screw everything! Do what the hell you want? And next time some guy takes advantage of not call my number. In fact erase it from your phone."

"Who's going to help you with your studies? If I don't recall Seohyun hates your guts. Who wants to be friends with the daughter of their father's murderer, huh? I wouldn't." Hands curl. Yoona wants nothing more than to hit the girl in front of her. She never knew that Yuri would turn out this heartless. She blinks and exhales loudly through her nose.

Yuri stares back at the other girl with one thought entering her mind: An angry Yoona was a hot Yoona. She shakes her head. She shouldn't be thinking such thoughts especially not in the middle of an argument.

"I can't believe you," whispers Yoona, uncurling her hands. "My family isn' shouldn't..." She looks off to the side; her thoughts need to become coherent.

Yuri blinks and realization kicks in. She touched upon a sensitive subject. Hand shoots straight for her mouth covering it. "I'm...I didn't mean-" A car pulls up and Jessica's head appears out the window.

"Who's coming?" she asks. Yoona nods her head. "There's no room, Yoong...sorry. You can try sitting in the back. The hatch is unlocked." Yoona nods her head again. She heads for the back of the car. "Are you coming to Yuri?" The youngest Kwon shrugs her shoulders. She wasn't too sure if sitting in the back with Yoona would be a good idea. "Well make up your mind. We need to get moving."

"No." Yoona stops midway climbing in.

"God...not another fighting couple. Get in the back," orders Jessica as she climbs out of the car. Yuri shakes her head. "Get in the back and sit beside Yoona, now." The taller girl once again shakes her head no. "Either you get in the back and sit beside her...or you pay the consequences for making my favorite Taeyeon sibling upset."

"I thought it was Taemin," was Yuri's response.

"I lied. Taemin comes in second. Now get in the back." Jessica pushes the taller girl towards the back of the SUV. "Slide in right beside Yoona. In fact Yoona put your back against this side. And you put yours against the opposite side so you are facing each other." She pushes Yuri into the car. Once the two girls were settled, Jessica closes the door and heads back to her seat in the front. She slides in and shuts the door. "Alright to the police station to pick up Taeyeon."

"My sister's in jail?!" comes Yoona's voice from the back.

"Long story short...the idiot got into some trouble with her stepmother and landed her butt in prison. And we are the rescue committee that's going to bail her out," explains Hyoyeon for the third time that evening. Yunho reaches over and turns on the radio.

"How about some travel music?" All the girls groan at the station he chose. "Females," he mutters while shaking his head.


All seven of them file into the police station. Her eyes locate one young man standing - fidgeting amongst the busy law enforcement officers. "Taemin," she calls out hoping that it was indeed her younger brother. His hair was styled differently but his profile matched that of her brother's. The young man turns; a smile dons both of their faces. Both pairs of eyes light up. She charges towards the young man. Arms wrap around his frame, embracing him tightly. "Taemin," she whispers into his shoulder.

"Miyoung," whispers Taemin in return. His good arm pulls his sister closer to him. A sense of relief washes over him as he eyes everyone else that came. Tiffany pulls away and she looks him the eye smiling widely.

"Are you okay?" she questions grabbing his hand. Head shakes back and forth, "what am I asking. Of course you're not. You're arms in a cast." Eyes fall upon the light blue cast. Her fingers lightly graze it; head lifts and she looks her younger brother in the eyes. "What are you doing here?"

"I was with Taeyeon when she got arrested. Right now all I'm trying to do is to get them," he points in the direction of the adults, "to no press charges against Taeyeon." The youngest of Taeyeon's sibling's turns to the group. "I take it you guys are here to bail her out?"

"Yeah," answers Jessica. "How are you doing?" He shrugs his shoulders. He nods his head. "We'll be right back. We're going to talk to someone about releasing Taeyeon. Let's go Hyoyeon." The two of them walk away from the crowd heading towards the front desk.

Tiffany gives his hand a squeeze; Taemin turns and looks at his sister. No words were spoken amongst the group, but it wasn't as if they cared really. They finally got to see Taemin. Tiffany got a chance to hug her brother. Yunho stretches. "Well I'm getting bored. I'm heading outside."

"I'll join," states Yuri. They leave the group and Tiffany stares at Yoona curiously.


"Don't act like that. We heard Jessica. What's going on between you and Yuri?" interrogates the oldest person left in the group.

"Nothing. Just the usually."

"One step forward. Two steps back?" asks Sooyoung as her eyes lock onto Tiffany's.

"Yeah, but I can handle mine problem without interference from Jessica," Yoona grins as she looks at Tiffany. She yawns and stretches.

"Is that blood?" asks Taemin while staring at the dark spot on Yoona's knee.

"Yeah...came from Taecyeon's nose."

"You got into a fight?" groans Tiffany. "Did you not listen to Taeyeon? She said stay out of trouble."

"I did," counters Yoona. "I didn't go looking for it and I wasn't trying to get in any trouble. He came out and started harassing Yuri. So I stepped in. He swung and I defended myself and Yuri." Hands slide into her pockets and she rocks back and forth on her feet. "So that's what happened." Tiffany rolls her eyes and shakes her head. How could this possibly be Taeyeon's favorite sibling and Jessica's favorite sibling?

The phone in her pocket vibrates. The Im pulls it out and looks at the screen. "I'm going outside." She turns and back towards the entrance. Opening the door, her eyes lock onto Yuri's. "Well..."

"I...what was said earlier, Yoona. I didn't mean any of it. You're just so freaking frustrating." The older girl walks towards the brick wall; she takes a seat upon it. Yoona follows her taking a seat beside her. " am I not supposed to respond like that when you make things that?" Yoona tilts her head back, eyes scanning the starless sky.

"I claim you because - "

"You like me," finishes Yuri. "I get that Yoona. You gave me flowers. You apologize when you make me upset. You do everything and anything except admit that you actually like me." Yoona rolls her eyes. "What are you so afraid of?"

"You tell me. You're the one who says I have father issues, mother issues and a sibling complex. You must know. If not you then your sister since she's studying psychology, right?" A frown forms. "Like I told your stalker of a sister," explains Yoona, "I want to give you a chance to live life. I...never mind."

"You need to listen sometimes Yoona," she looks over at the older girl. "I...I don't want to go anywhere but back to our neighborhood and continue doing what I'm already doing. I don't have any high expectations. Never did. And I don't have any high expectations about what it'll be like to date you. I figured it'll probably be like Jessica's and Taeyeon's relationship. We just hang out nothing more, nothing less, you know?" Her hand creeps over and grabs hold of Yoona's. "So there's nothing you have to worry about, okay?"

Yoona turns away from Yuri. Nothing to worry about? There's a lot she should worry about. "Quit over thinking things. It's why you miss so many problems on your worksheets. Besides I'm a nerd. I know what I'm talking about." Yoona turns back; the doors open and out steps Taeyeon followed by the rest of the group excluding Taemin. Yoona hops off the wall and briskly walks over to her sister.


"We can't get Taemin," mutters Tiffany, frowning. Taeyeon's head lowers in defeat. She exhales loudly and begins walking away. "Taeye- " Jessica pushes through the bodies and takes off chasing after the older girl. "She's going to beat herself up over this...stupid ******* of a fath-" Her sentence falls short as the doors open again and out steps her father, brother and stepmother. She turns and faces them, wanting nothing more but to speak, but the fear that the elderly man had induced upon her takes over.

She bites her lip and tugs on it. The small family walks past them, heading for a car parked on the other end of the parking lot. Where was blunt Jessica when they needed her?

"Hey!" shouts Yoona, getting the family's attention. "You!" she points an index finger at Mr. Hwang. "What kind of crappy father are you, huh?" Mr. Hwang stops walking, giving the doe-eyed girl his full attention.

"Yoona," whispers Tiffany grabbing hold of the younger girl's wrist.

"No. He needs to hear what I have to say." She breaks free of the grasp and approaches the old man. He gives her a questioning look. "What do you think you're doing, huh?" Feet move her within two feet of the man. "What kind of father are you?"

"I don't have time for this," he turns.

"You do have time for this and you will listen to what I have to say. I may not be one of your three children that you obviously have no passion or heart in raising. But they are my siblings. So as I said you're going to listen to whatever crap I've got to say, hear me old man?" She pauses. Heart rate increases; she begins breathing heavily through her nose. "You don't deserve to have Taemin. In fact I can't seem to wrap my mind around the fact of why you came back for him. He was fine with us. You never cared before. It was me and your eldest child Taeyeon, who provided for them. Made sure they had food, clothes and a house to live in. We broke our asses off trying to get money for those two...and I don't even like Tiffany."

"Want a round of applause or something? Cause I could honestly care less about what you have to say. Taemin is my son and he will live with me. It's final."

A scowl appears on Yoona's face. If she had something in her hand, she'd more than likely throw it at the back of the man's head. "Then why not take Tiffany huh? She's your daughter. Or how about Taeyeon? Or did you forget that you have another daughter who's older than Tiffany?"

"Tiffany's an adult. And I don't have a - " She didn't give him a chance to finish his sentence. And she didn't care about being sued for assault. She charges and tackles the older man.


She doesn't hit him. She just sits on his back. "You stupid alcoholic ****." Palm lands on his upper back and she applies pressure. "You know're right. Taeyeon doesn't have a father like you. And she doesn't need one like you. And you're also right, Tiffany's an adult and I can honestly say I like the fact that she doesn't go chasing after you. And if Taemin was anything like his sisters...he'd learn that he doesn't need you in his life and all he needs is us." She stands up and walks back two steps. "Now if you don't mind...I have an older sister to find." She rotates and begins sprinting in the direction that Taeyeon and Jessica had disappeared in.

"Your sister has guts," comments Yunho as he appears.

"Someone needs to...Taeyeon's gone soft."


It's been a few minutes since Taeyeon, Jessica and Yoona have walked off. IN fact it's been nearly an hour. Yoona has returned but Taeyeon and Jessica is still missing. Eyes drift to the girl standing beside her before looking over at the older boy leaning against the SUV. She watches as Yunho pulls the phone away from his ear, slipping the small device into his coat pocket. "Taeyeon and Jessica are crashing at one of Taeyeon's friends place for the evening. Taeyeon wants for you two," he points at Yoona and Tiffany while approaching the group, "to go home...or someplace safe for the night. She says that she and Jessica will be back tomorrow in the afternoon or something. She wants sometime alone, which is stupid since my sister is joining her, but I'm sure you females understand what alone means."

"Are you some sort of sexist?" remarks Yuri; she stands up and dusts her pants off.

"I have a girlfriend," responds Yunho.

"You can still be a sexist," comments Yuri.

"I'm also the one giving you a ride home. Now, you can be quiet and enjoy the ride or you can stay out here in front of the police station." Yuri crosses her arms and Yoona breaks into the giggles. "Alright then, everyone in the car. I don't care how you sit."

"I got the front seat," states Hyoyeon. "The couples can sit in the back." Everyone begins crossing the parking lot, except for Tiffany who remains rooted in her spot. She looks around at the police station; her head turns and eyes scan the area that Taeyeon disappeared in. A sigh and eyes blink. If only there was something for her to do, to bring a smile to her sister's face. To prove to everyone that she's not just measly in the way Tiffany. Teeth pull on her bottom lip; her hand grips her phone. She looks at it. Maybe there is something that she can do.

"Tiffany?" calls out Sooyoung.

"Give me a minute, please," Yunho nods his head, slipping into the car. She sighs for a second time. Fingers make quick work of contacts list in her phone, stopping upon a single number that she hasn't called in forever. Who knows if the number still works? Closing her eyes, she dials it, placing the phone against her ear.

It rings a few times. "Hello," rings a female voice. And even though she hasn't heard it in a while she was able to recognize it. A smile crosses her face.

"'s Stephanie," she mumbles into the phone, half hoping that the woman on the other end wouldn't hang up.

"It's too early to be calling-"

"I know! I know...I just...please listen. I don't ask for much. In fact I haven't called you in forever," interrupts Tiffany. She hears the woman sigh. "I just..." She pauses. "I want some information. Taemin was taken from me...and I want him back. But I can't because the police say he's in your ex's custody." She hears another sigh. " I said I don't call you...ever. All I want to know is how I can get my brother...your son out of the hands of an alcoholic and abusive man, before I end up having to bury him. I'm not asking you to fly halfway across the world. I'm not telling you to drop your career and or latest boyfriend to come sit in courts for days or months. I just want you to help me get him back. Just tell me what I have to do."

There was a long pause that Tiffany actually believed that her mother hung up. "I have custody of you and your brother. You two were to return back here with me, but your father said no to it. He said I could have you but Taemin remains. I told him that the only way Taemin was to remain was for you to stay also. He has temporary custody over the two of you as long as you two remain there. The easiest thing would be for you to come live with me."

"As if you'd like that," remarks Tiffany, "You haven't cared about our wellbeing for the last few years. In fact if I don't recall the last time we did talk you called me a mistake that ruined your career. Besides, I want to stay here. I have family here. I have a sister - no two sisters, a little boy and..." She looks up and over at Sooyoung, "and a person who loves me dearly. I'm not going to live with you, so you can ignore and abandon me again. Just tell me what to do."

There was another pause. "Stephanie...I can hand custody over to you, but you are under my care and guidance. At least to the courts you are."

"Meaning?" questions Tiffany, brining her fingers up to her lips.

"You would have to emancipate yourself from me."

"Is there any way you can allow for Taeyeon-"


"His eldest child...her name is Taeyeon. Taeyeon's been raising us for the last few years. She's been paying our rent, buying us groceries and what not," explains Tiffany. "When the house was seized and we were evicted, she moved out of her aunt's house and got an apartment to put us in. Taemin was under her care when he took us. We just want him back. Is there a way you can turn custody over to Taeyeon?"

"Taeyeon...I can file some paper work and have him taken from your father and placed in Taeyeon's care. But when I think about it, Taeyeon would be that Kim's daughter would she not?" Tiffany doesn't answer, "I take that as a yes, Stephanie. So isn't that the same Taeyeon who's delinquent?"

"She's not a delinquent? She's an older sister who took care of us when you and dad turn your backs on us. She has a stable job and she goes to school. She's no more delinquent than me. So is there a way for you to - "

"Yes, Stephanie, there is a way. I'll work on it in the morning. Now is that all?" She doesn't answer; she hangs up and slips the phone into her pocket. With a triumphant grin, Tiffany begins moving towards Sooyoung and the SUV.

"Everything okay?" questions Sooyoung.

"Everything is fine," answers Tiffany. A grin breaks out on her face. "I just got Taemin back." Yoona sticks her head out the window and stares at Tiffany. Tiffany nods her head, not even allowing for Yoona to ask her if it was true. "In a few days to weeks, Taemin will be under Taeyeon's care and back living with us...legally."

"How'd you - "

"My mom."


"The most I can offer you, Kim, is the couch, again. And as you know it doesn't exactly pull out into a bed but...I think it's big enough for you and Baby Jung's older sister." She grips her girlfriend's hand tighter; the other hand holding on tightly to the older girl's arm. It didn't matter if the person in front of her and Taeyeon was a friend that Taeyeon trusted. And it didn't matter that her girlfriend is a delinquent, she Jessica Jung is still wary of other delinquents. "Tell your girlfriend to calm down, yeah... I'm not going to bite. She's not even my type." Taeyeon looks over her shoulder to find a blank faced Jessica.

"Sooyeon," whispers Taeyeon.

She loosens her grip a little. "So yeah you two can have the couch. And help yourselves to whatever is in the fridge. I'm out..." Taeyeon's friend walks past them heading towards the door. It closes with a click and Jessica exhales loudly.

"She wouldn't hurt you, Sooyeon," mutters Taeyeon, leading the younger girl over towards the couch.

"Who is she?" asks Jessica while looking around the dark, nearly destroyed apartment. Taeyeon takes a seat on the couch before lying down and stretching out. Jessica looks at her, waiting for an answer.

"My right hand woman who comes and goes," answers Taeyeon. Taeyeon scoots closer to the edge, creating space between the back of the couch and her. Taking that as a signal to join her, Jessica climbs over the smaller body taking the space. An arm automatically wraps around her waist. She shifts a little, turning to face the back of the couch allowing Taeyeon to bury her face into her back. "She's someone I grew up with. And she helps me out with getting alcohol and cigarettes when I need it." Taeyeon pauses, "she's also the girl that I sort of...kind of dated." She feels the Jung tense up. "Relax," she whispers into the back of Jessica's neck. "Nothing is going on between us...honestly."

Jessica blinks profusely. Should she relax? She is laying on a couch, in the middle of who knows where, in an apartment of a delinquent who dated her girlfriend. Taeyeon pulls her closer to her body. "Sooyeon...I said I wouldn't cheat. I mean...I'm lucky enough to have someone like know. So why would I know attempt to ruin it?" Taeyeon swallows the lump in her throat. Fingers dance across the younger girl, searching for Jessica's hand.

"You don't like her?" questions Jessica.

"No. I like you." A small smile forms on Jessica's face. Her body shifts until she was face to face with Taeyeon. She leans in, planting a small kiss upon the older girl's lips. Taeyeon's face scrunches up a little. "Gross," she mutters. Jessica rolls her eyes.

"I can hold your hands, kiss you on the cheek and the corner of the mouth, but the moment I kiss you on the's gross?" Taeyeon nods her head; she rolls her eyes for a second time. "I will never ever be able to comprehend how yours and Yoona's mind works." Taeyeon closes her eyes; a hand raises and fingers gently trace over the curves of Taeyeon's face. Eyes finally notice the bruise on Taeyeon's cheek. "What happened?"

"Nothing," answers the girl in front of her while shaking her head.

"It was something, Taeyeon. That wasn't there earlier." One eye opens.

"He hit me...that's all," mumbles Taeyeon.

"You're father?" She nods her head, "did you hit him back?" She shakes her head. "Taeyeon..."

"I was going to," admits Taeyeon. "I wanted to...he treats me like nothing. But hitting me was the final straw. My fists were curled and I was ready to strike back, even with sluggish movements. But then I thought about how much worry it would cause for Yoona, Tiffany and even Taemin. I even thought about the stress I would put you under. And I did nothing. It's why I didn't fight back when the police arrested me..." Her eye closes. "You're making me extremely soft, Sooyeon. And I'm not sure if it's a bad thing or a good thing. Maybe it's both." Jessica just nods her head. "I mean...if we weren't...if I wasn't doing this, being good, I'd probably still be in jail. I'd be able to defend myself and my family. But that would put them...I don't know..."

They lie there quietly. One's eyes are closed; the other busily watching Taeyeon. Fingers continue to trace over the forming bruise. It's no wonder how Taeyeon could hang on desperately to the idea of family even with everything she's gone through. A useless mother, an alcoholic father, two evil step-mothers, a dependent sister, an independent sister, a depressed brother, anyone with that type of family would have caved by now. Or at least if it was Jessica she would have caved. She can barely stand living at home with an overprotective, blinded and bias mother, a nonexistent father and a clingy sister. She blinks; her hand moves lower and fingers graze Taeyeon's neck, causing for Taeyeon to shiver. "Sorry," whispers Jessica.

"It's okay...that just caught me off guard," was the response.

Silence blankets the room again. The slightly taller girl exhales through her nose. Her eyes begin to feel heavy but for some reason she didn't want to sleep. Call it whatever you want, but Jessica wasn't ready to close her eyes. "Hey," she calls out waking Taeyeon who had started to fall asleep.

Eyes open and Taeyeon looks at her with a sleepy face. "Are you...okay?" Taeyeon nods her head, eyes closing. "Really? I mean...usually you'd want to talk about what happened but you're like really quiet. Sort of like when Yoona left...and honestly, scares me."

"We won't. I won't..." mutters Taeyeon quietly. "He has two legal guardians," explains Taeyeon. "And even if he doesn't wish to be with his - our father. There is still his and Tiffany's mother. I'm just third in line. And considering the fact that I'm under the care of my aunt...he won't go to me. He'd disappear to an orphanage somewhere like Yoona did." She takes a look at Jessica, "it's either he stays here or he goes to who knows where since I'm not becoming an adult any time soon." A loud sigh spreads throughout the apartment.

"And that's all if you abide by the law," comments Jessica in a low voice. "Taeyeon...if we weren't together, how would you have handled things?"

"Like I said...I'd probably beat the crap out of the old man and kidnap Taemin...only to end up in front of a judge and have my aunt bail me out," answers Taeyeon earnestly. A small nearly silent laugh emits from the smaller girl. "Like I said I'm becoming soft." Eyes close again. Jessica pouts a little, shifting even closer to the older girl. Her head finds a spot in the crook of Taeyeon's neck. "Yes?"

"Nothing." Another moment of silence, "But...Taeyeon, no one is going to hate you if you can't get him back. All that matters is you tried. We tried. We've been wondering about his whereabouts for days, weeks. And we've got it all. Tiffany got to see her brother. You got to spend time with him. So...cheer up, please, if not for me then for your siblings."

"You know, sometimes I feel as if I'm just not cut out to do the law-abiding stuff. I feel as if I can't get anything but stress and constant headaches from it. I'm drinking more heavily now. I'm smoking more cigarettes now. Even my clothes reek of it. And I want to give up at times. So many times that I just want to disappear in the night and return to nothing but a petty thief."

"But you haven't."

"It's like I said, I worry about Yoona, Tiffany and Taemin." She pauses, "and I worry about you at times." She pulls Jessica closer, closing the gap between them. "Is it odd that I worry about you?"

"If that's odd...then I must be some sort of obsessed crazed stalker." The younger girl's words come out muffled. She lifts her head; eyes trace of Taeyeon's profile. She leans in, placing a small kiss on the cheek in front of her lips. "But...we can save that for tomorrow...I'll let you return back to sleep, Taeyeon." Taeyeon nods her head, tightening her grip around Jessica's waist.

Minutes later light snores enter Taeyeon's ears. Eyes open and she sighs loudly. Her grip tightens even more on the younger girl in her arms. Is it bad that she's got a death grip on Jessica? Is it bad that she doesn't want to let go, ever? "You won't leave...yet, right?" whispers Taeyeon.


The SUV pulls up in front of the Kwon's Residence and Yuri climbs out of the back seat. "Wait!" hollers Yoona as she climbs over the seat that Yuri was just in slipping out behind her. "I'll walk home from here." She looks at Tiffany, "Promise," she quickly adds. Yunho nods his head; she slams the door shut and takes off after Yuri who was heading towards the front door. "I said wait." The older girl stops in her tracks; her back remains facing Yoona. "" Yoona slips her hands in her pockets. How in the world was Taeyeon able to admit to liking Jessica?

"If you have nothing to say Yoona, then please allow me to enter my house. I'm tired. The car ride was tiring, even sitting in the cramped back with you on the way there was tiring. And really all I want to do right now is sleep. And maybe call-in in the morning and let them know I'm not going to be able to make it," retorts Yuri.

"I do have something to say. It just won't come out. Well it will, but probably not the way you would want to hear it," rambles Yoona. A scowl appears on her face. Great, now she's a rambling fool. Is this what Taeyeon and Tiffany feels like, twenty-four seven and especially when they're around Jessica and Sooyoung. She kicks her foot, scuffing the bottom of her shoes. "About am I not supposed to over think things?"

"Are you saying that you like me?"

"I'm saying that if there is a possibility, how am I not supposed to over think things? With a brain like yours...Yuri you should be doing some of the most spectacular things in the world. You could be that one scientist that finds cures for all the diseases. You could be great. And is it bad that I want for you to go ahead and do something like that? I just don't want to ruin another person's life." Yuri blinks; she looks over her shoulder and at the younger girl who was busily staring at the ground. "Seohyun's smart too, you know. She's just as brainy as you are. But she won't be able to do the things you do, because my family ruined things for her. I don't want that to happen to someone else. Call it selfish if you want, but it's the truth." She lifts her head and looks Yuri in the eyes.

"You're not listening," whispers Yuri. "You won't ruin anything because there's nothing for you to ruin. And I don't want a chance like that. Why try for something impossible when I can stay here...and do the possible. Do you know how many kids I've helped? Do you know how many of them came to the Youth Center barely knowing how to read, write and do math? And because I spent about three hours of my day there...they can now do those things. And the people who attend school with us...their grades are improving because I take the time to help. This is what I want Yoona. Not the fancy white coats or suits and large pay checks with multiple zeros. It's not's not what I want." She turns fully. "Not even Boa wants that...she wants to become a therapist. I just want to be a social worker. I'm fine with that idea of being here." She pauses waiting for Yoona to say something. When the she doesn't respond, Yuri turns back towards the front door. She slips the keys out of her pockets, unlocking the wooden object pushing it open.

"Are you sure?" whispers Yoona carefully. Yuri freezes again. "Are you one hundred percent sure? I don't want to do something wrong. What am I talking about? I'm a delinquent...of course I want to do something wrong. I just..."

"You're not a delinquent and you never were one, Yoona. You just tried to be one just so you can have Taeyeon. But yes...I'm sure." She turns for a second time to find Yoona smiling a little, "why?"

"I'll stop being like the Ims," answers Yoona in a whisper. "I'll quit forcing things upon you, since you are sure that that is what you want in the future."

"And what about us?" Yoona shrugs her shoulders. "What do you mean you don't know, Yoona? You claimed like me. I know you do. Why don't you just admit it? What's wrong with it, huh? If Taeyeon can date Jessica then what is wrong with you dating me? It's not like you won't enjoy had fun on that one date..." Yoona gets quiet. "I'm not going to wait forever, Yoona. I've attempted to move on once...I can do it again. And when the summer is over and you leave back to-"

"I told you," interrupts Yoona, "that there are things that delinquents hold onto. That they cherish above all else. Well...surprisingly enough...I started to cherish you above everything else, the moment you decided to try and fix me. People gave up over the years saying that I've gone bad, like Taeng did...but you didn't want to give up. So I gues you can say...I'm...I'm scared." The last bit comes out lightly, barely even a whisper. She shakes her head. "Just...just forget it. I'm going to just go home and get yelled at for coming in late...and yeah." She turns around and walks out of the yard and away from the Kwon house.

"You know," Yuri jumps; she looks behind her to find Boa sitting at the bottom of the stairs. "Romance movies really are stupid. I was sitting here wondering if either one of you were just going to confess and run into the other's arms all because of those cheesy flicks and then I remembered that Yoona's a good for nothing lowlife. And even more I remembered that she was supposed to make up with you."

"She did." Yuri enters the house and shuts the door locking it. "And as much as I am happy to have my older sister helping me in my life...please stay out of my love life, yeah? Your ideas failed stay out of it."


"You promised!" She groans; eyes close and fingers pinch the bridge of her nose. She was in desperate need of a cigarette, but those were off limits now. "And what is he supposed to sleep in, Taeyeon? He comes home later on today and there is no bed!" Another groan escapes Taeyeon's mouth; her head tilts back. "Taeyeon!"

"I know what I said Tiffany, but I've been busy. You know that. I've got work. You work a few measly hours at the grocery store. I have to clean up the Lee's office. Take out and dispose of stuff properly. And I'm tired."

"So where is he supposed to sleep?"

"He can sleep in your bed, not like you're going to need it. I'll put the crib together tomorrow on my day off," states Taeyeon opening her eyes. She turns and looks in the direction of the kitchen. "And why can't either of his father's put the damn bed together? Why is it I have to? And who the hell bought that thing? He needs a crib not a day bed and spa." She sits up straight.

"Sooyoung's busy and so is Siwon. Besides you promised. You can't break a promise," Taeyeon rolls her eyes; she turns and looks at her other sister who was busily studying on the floor. Tiffany exits the kitchen she takes a seat on the couch besides her older sister. "And today is your day off, Taeyeon."

"I know...but I really want some rest, Tiffany. Three weeks in and out of family courts, work and a moody Sooyeon...I just want to rest today. Let him sleep in your bed and I'll put the stupid thing together tomorrow."

"It's not stupid. It's the bed in which your nephew is supposed to sleep in."

"Then why don't you put it together? You're so worried about where he's going to sleep," huffs Taeyeon, exhaling loudly through her nose. "You don't work today either. And it's simple enough if you follow the directions on the paper. And you know where I keep the tools." Tiffany smiles and shakes her head. "And why not?"

"Because I have to pick him up, or did you forget?" A third groan, is there no way that she'll be able to get out of putting the crib together? And it's not even an easy assemble type of bed. No, the Choi's went out and bought the most ridiculous bed ever. It's a huge crib that folds and transform into a day bed for when he becomes a toddler. "So put the crib together."

"Miyoung," groans Taeyeon, "I've been working nonstop to cover the rent. I even went shopping after work buying bottles, diapers, wipes, and pacifiers. I even got him that!" Index finger points to the corner of the living room where a stroller and matching car seat sat. "Can't I just get a break? I'm the auntie and I'm forking over more than Siwon, who is his father."

"Sooyoung is."

"Well whatever. Those two should be doing a whole lot more than me," Taeyeon stands and looks down at the middle child. "And you should be making them do these things, Tiffany. Not me. I'm not the one that got you pregnant. And it's not my name on the certificate. I'm your older sister and I think giving him a home should be enough. If not that then the items and that expensive piece of crap in the corner should be enough."

"Someone needs nicotine," comments Yoona from the floor. She looks up at her older sisters, "I'll put it together Tiffany. But you'll owe me."

"No," states Taeyeon; she quickly looks at Yoona. "You study. School starts up soon for all of us. And you need to get a B on your work. She'll call Sooyoung and make Sooyoung come put the crib together."

"Sooyoung is coming with me to pick him up."

"Sooyoung can bring herself here and put the crib together," states Taeyeon. "They only need one parent. You go and pick him up. And Sooyoung puts together the crib that her parents bought. I'm going to sleep because you're seriously making me want a cigarette and I haven't had one in three weeks, Miyoung. And Yoona is going to sit there and do her schoolwork." She begins to walk away when Tiffany reaches out and grabs hold of her wrist. " Stephanie, figure it out. But I'm not doing anything."

A frown appears on the Hwang's face. Why wouldn't her sister just put the bed together? Why does she have to call the Choi's, Sooyoung or Siwon? They can do this on their own. "We'll put it up later tonight, Tiffany," states Yoona as she turns back to her studies. "Let Taeyeon go sleep before she beats the crap out of us since her body is running really low on nicotine." Tiffany releases the older girl; she slouches and arms cross. "Go get some sleep, Taeng, and calm your nerves, yeah?" The oldest of the siblings disappear down the hall and into her room, slamming the door shut. "Fany, must you stress her out?" asks Yoona.

The pencil drops upon the table; eyes cast up at the pouting girl on the couch. "I wasn't stressing her out."

"Fany, she was going to snap if that had continued," remarks Yoona. "Taeng's been tired you know. But she's been doing everything that you've asked of her without complaining. She bought you the matching stroller and car seat even though none of us has a car. She's gone out and got bottles and other needs for him. And all of that was money for lunch for the past few weeks and upcoming ones, you know. And Jessica's been having a hard time bringing her stuff since school is starting up and Mrs. Jung is pressuring her to get into a good college after this year." Yoona leans back onto her elbows. "And not to mention all the work that she's doing to cover the rent, or the fact that she's been in and out of the family courts working on emancipating herself and getting your brother back. She's worn out. And I agree with her, even though I said I'll do it, but why can't Sooyoung put it together?" Tiffany shakes her head and stands.

"I'm going to the hospital," was all that the middle child said; she stands and heads towards the front door. Stopping to slide on her shoes, she exits out of the apartment, leaving Yoona alone in the living room. The youngest of the sisters sighs. This wasn't what she was expecting when she snuck out of the house to get some quiet time to finish up her work that Yuri and Seohyun had edited. All she's really wanted for the last few weeks since they've all came back from bailing Taeyeon out was some quiet. But instead she got the total opposite with her adoptive father keeping tabs on her. Lectures after lectures would invade her ears and thinking space. And as any normal human being would figure, Taeyeon's house would be the quietest since the two people living there would be at work. And now it's quite the opposite or well it was.

She pushes herself up off the floor and heads for the kitchen to find either something to eat or something to drink, which ever the empty kitchen possessed. Opening the fridge, she glances around finding nothing but milk, a few water bottles and two can of beer. A small crosses her face, "Taeyeon! Whose beer is this?"

"It's not yours, so don't touch it. Drink some water, Yoong," comes Taeyeon's voice from the room. Her smile drops; she slams the door close and decides to look in the cabinets. One by one, hands pull the knobs opening the cabinets and finding them just as empty as the refrigerator.

"How do you two live with no food?" asks Yoona. Footsteps echo throughout the place; she looks over her shoulder to see Taeyeon enter the kitchen area.

"We manage to get by," mumbles Taeyeon while ruffling her hair. "We eat take out with whatever spare change we can scrape together. But the cabinets and stuff should begin to fill up since he comes home today and we've already stocked up on supplies for him." She yawns and heads for the fridge, opening it and grabbing one of the cans. "And since we won't have to hire a baby sitter since Mrs., Choi says she'll watch him while we attend school and work, we won't have to worry about expenses save for the bills." The door closes and Taeyeon heads the counter taking a seat upon it. "Finish your schoolwork?"

Yoona shakes her head and continues searching the cabinets. "I have a few pages left to correct and I have to add the finishing touches onto my report," answers Yoona. She reaches into the cabinet that she was currently looking at finding a box of cereal. "Look what I've found." She waves the box back and forth.

"Is that any good?" asks Taeyeon with a skeptical look.

Yoona shrugs her shoulders, "it hasn't been open." She flips the box around looking for some sort of date. "One more month to go," she states happily. Setting the box down, feet move her body in the direction of which the bowls were stored.

"Are you going back to the boarding school?" asks the girl upon the counter. Her eyes never leave the taller girl's form. The can in her hand pops open with a hiss. Yoona stops and looks at her older sister for a second; she nods her head. "Oh..."

"Being selfish again Taeng?" questions Yoona as she resumes making herself a bowl of cereal. "As much as I'd like to say I'm re-enrolling back into a public school, I'm not. Or he won't let me." She sniffs the milk checking to see if it had spoilt. "Besides, you'll have Sooyoung, Tiffany, Yuri, Seohyun, our cousin - well your cousin, and Jessica to hang out with." Taeyeon nods her head; the can in her hand comes in contact with her lips and she takes a sip. "And you'll be so busy studying with Jessica and working that you won't even realize that I'm gone again."

"Do you like it there?"

"It's alright. I have my own dorm room to myself. I met a few people and what not." She nods her head again. "Hey, have you spoken to our mother yet?" asks Yoona carefully. Taeyeon tenses and Yoona sense it through the atmosphere. "Oh...I thought that maybe you have by now, you know? I mean I've started talking to Seohyun again and yeah..."

"Why are you asking?"

"I was just curious...and I sort of wanted to see her before I go back. I mean I've already seen her, but this time I want to talk to her," She puts the milk back into its original spot. She climbs onto the counter beside her sister and begins eating.

"Don't do it," states Taeyeon, "you're on the right track Yoong. You're getting a private education. You're staying out of trouble...more. You don't need to see her or speak to her. Allowing her back into your life will make your life a complete and horrible mess. And you do not need it. It's why I haven't gone to see her. Things are fine as they are now, and I don't want to mess it up."

Silence overcomes the two girls; feet wing back and forth as one eat cereal and the other sips from her can. The older of the two exhales loudly through her nose. Eyes peek at the girl beside her. "So, um... Sooyeon explained that you and Yuri were having some problems." Another sip, "But I'm assuming since you guys are talking and she tutoring you...that you made up?"

Yoona laughs a little, while scooping another mouthful of cereal. "When did she tell you this?"

"About a few days ago when she called. She was wondering if you guys had made up. I told her I didn't know anything about it." Head turns, "Do you want about it?"

"Trying to play big sister?" questions Yoona with a mouthful.

"I want to..." her face scrunches up; what were the words that she wanted to say. "I wanted to ask you earlier but Tiffany was breathing down my neck. And I'm curious...and I want to help, but I didn't want for Tiffany to throw a fit, because I was willing to help you and not her." She ruffles her hair again, setting the can down between them. "And I want to...I want to be able to do something, to help you before you go back, Yoong. You've done so much for us, me...and I promised not to treat you differently."

"Well, in that case..." Yoona sets her bowl down beside the can. "It's nothing big really." She sighs and stretches a little. "Yuri wants me to say I like her...but it's not that easy. You know it's not that easy, Taeng. We're a like, so I know you've felt that fear...the fear I'm feeling now." She struggles a little with the thoughts that were forming in her head. "Kwon Yuri is a nerd. Nerds are gross. We like gross. I like gross. I like nerds. I like Kwon Yuri." A pout, "but what if Kwon Yuri doesn't want the me that's going to be nothing in a year's time? What if the ambition and temptation becomes too much, huh? And she decides to chase it? I'd rather be able to treasure her from afar then to be crushed the moment she leaves." Taeyeon nods her head. Yoona words were exactly right. They are alike and she knows exactly what Yoona is going through. Those exact thoughts haunt her also. "And then there's the possibility of me becoming like you...or more like you. You've lost your skills; you've become soft. And I don't want that. I can't want that, can I?"

"I'm unsure what I want to say," whispers Taeyeon. She shakes her head. Fingers wrap around her can, lifting it to her lips. "I want to agree with your methods. But then again I don't want to Yoong. Sooyeon's done something to my head, because half of me find you to be very selfish. And like I said the other half agrees because we are selfish people. Yuri's liked you for the longest and she's been the most patient person in the world when it comes to you and your antics. I think you owe her enough to consider telling her that you really do have some sort of feelings." Eyes dart to the balcony, "I'm scared...just like you. I can't believe I'm going to admit it... but I'm afraid for this school year to end and it hasn't started Yoong. But I know once it ends, mines and Sooyeon's relationship will end. And that scares me. So three weeks ago when we disappeared and stayed the night somewhere, I held on to her tightly that night. Very tightly, in a vice like grip."

The both laugh a little, "Who would have thought that the two of us would have a fear. We steal, fight, vandalize. We've face danger countless of times and you death multiple but when it comes to two stress inducing women we're scared."

"It was bound to happen with our ruined homes," answers Taeyeon. She tilts her head back. "But Yoong, tell her. And it'll give you some sort of comfort...the both of you. Maybe with a year under your belt...maybe she will stay behind and choose you. Why am I saying maybe? I know Yoong, Yuri will choose you over everything." She smiles a little prior to hopping off of the countertop. "Well then might as well put the bed together."

Yoona jumps down; she sets her bowl in the counter. "Go take a nap," states Yoona. Taeyeon stops in her tracks. "I'll be right back. I'm going to go and check up on a nerd."


Body comes to a halt; they bend over. Hands pressed flat against her knees and lungs attempt to gather as much air as possible. A grunt of dissatisfaction leaves her lips. "I can...cannot become like Taeng," she mumbles to herself. Shaking her head, she straightens out and scans her surroundings. "Continue running for a few more blocks and through this crowd or take a short cut through the alley..." Teeth pull on her lip a little as she contemplates her choices. "Alley it is." She looks around for an entrance; finding it, her feet move her across the street and to the opening.

Eyes flicker over the dirty passage way, taking in the trash, puddles of dirty water and stacked cardboard boxes and crates. She moves quickly, keeping an eye out for any sudden movements. Loud heavy footsteps infiltrate her ears; the hairs on the back of her neck stand. Maybe she should have stuck with running the rest of the way or mere public transportation. But no, she had to prove to herself she wasn't losing her skills like her older sister. The steps become even louder and she ducks behind a large dumpster. "I'm blaming Taeyeon," she mutters to herself, mad at the fact that she was hiding rather than facing whoever it is in a head on collision. Peeking over the top, orbs examine the group of males who had followed her into the alley. And judging by the colors of their clothes and they way it hung off their body, she easily assumes them to be the group from the park. Her eyes finally land the one in the front, "****...its Key," she mumbles. A soft groan leaves her lips, just her luck to get stuck in an alleyway with not only thugs but a drug dealer as well.

She ducks back down and looks around. She could run or attempt to, but the probability of getting caught was high, especially with a dealer involved. And who knows if she's fast enough to evade them. A thief can evade a cop but can it evade a thug, more or less a whole clan and a dealer? She shakes her head; maybe she should just crawl a distance and hide behind something else before taking off in a sprint? Nodding her head to that thought she turns and ducks down; her phone rings and echoes throughout the passageway. Eyes immediately close. Hands clench. Teeth once again tug on her bottom lip. "Told you she went this way," states one of the males. "Come out," he calls.

Pupils enlarge; blood flows to her major muscles. Her body prepares for fight like usual. But for once she'd rather choose flight. "We're going to give you one more chance to come out or we come over there and you will not like it." She straightens out, keeping her back to the group. They walk towards her. "Are you sure that this is Kim's sister?"

"Yeah, I was there when she paid Sunny off with a duffle bag filled of cash," rings Key's voice. She counts slowly; her body switches from fight to flight. Crouching down a little, she breaks into a sprint towards the exit. And the chase begins.


Tossing the bags across the room, she jumps and slips into her bed, burying her face into her pillow. Feet automatically begin kicking the shoes that she forgot to remove off. Dog lifts her head and walks over to the discarded items, picking them up and taking them towards the closet. A soft sigh escapes Jessica's lips and smile forms on her face. Finally she was done spending time with her siblings and mother and could retreat to her bedroom. "Sooyeon," the smile drops and groan depart from her lips. "Sooyeon," she lifts her head and stares at her mother with a tired expression. "Have you worked on those applications like I asked? You can't get into an American University unless you put in the effort."

"I know," mumbles Jessica; her words come out muffled due to her burying her face back into the pillow.

"So have you?" asks Mrs. Jung.

"Not yet," was the oldest daughter's response.

"Well get to it, Sooyeon. We're trying for the American Colleges. You know how hard it is to get into those. Get your application in now, let's go." Jessica groans even more, shaking her head back and forth. "What do you mean no? Sooyeon..."

"In a few, I'll fill the application out in a few. I'm tired. We've been out back to school shopping and those crowds and stuff...can't I just rest and I'll fill them out later."

"And Soojung is already getting ready for school, and Yunho is packing to return back to the dorms. So no, get up and fill out the application." She walks into the room; her hand wraps around her daughter's ankles, giving them a yank. "Up, Jung Sooyeon, now..." She groans again and attempts to slip under the blankets. "Sooyeon..."

She huffs and sits up, "fine...fine," she slips off the bed and walks to her desk in the corner. Flipping the laptop open, she cuts it on and takes a seat. "I'm doing it...happy?"

"Yes, but cut the attitude." Mrs. Jung turns and leaves the room, leaving her oldest daughter alone. Jessica leans back in her chair; a yawn leaves her lips prior to them forming a pout. She pulls her phone out of her pocket and checks to see if anyone called her. More specifically, she was checking to see if her girlfriend had called. They haven't exactly had a real conversation in a while. The last one that she can truly recall resulted in her only asking about Yoona before both of them having to hang up.

Pressing Taeyeon's speed dial number, she places the cellular device against her ear. A few rings and the call heads straight for Taeyeon's voicemail. She pulls the phone away from her ear and frowns. Maybe the older girl was busy? She sets the phone down upon the desk, starring at it, waiting for a phone call back or a text. A few minutes pass and nothing. With a sigh, Jessica turns her attention to the laptop. Elbow on the desk; head propped on her hand. She begins fiddling away on the computer. Even more minutes pass and still nothing.

She picks the phone up again and dials the number for a second time, getting the same answer. Exhaling loudly through her nose; the phone is set back down on the desk and the hand that was holding it closes the laptop. Why wasn't Taeyeon answering? This wasn't normal. Not when the older girl would call back or text within minutes of missing her call. Her head tilts back and over the chair. Could the older girl be at work? She shakes her head. Today was supposed to be Taeyeon's day off. Maybe she's in the NICU with Tiffany since the baby was coming home? But she could have sworn that Taeyeon wanted nothing to do but rest. Maybe she's at the court offices? A scoff and eye roll. Taeyeon doesn't like visiting that place alone. So what could she possibly be doing?

"Sooyeon!" She ignores the calls. "Sooyeon!" She stands and exits the room, heading towards the kitchen where her mother was more than likely located.

"Yeah?" she questions tiredly.

"Put the groceries away," orders her mother as the elderly lady washes the dishes. "You're father's coworkers are coming over to have dinner with the family before Yunho ships out to college." Jessica rolls her eyes and heads for the table holding the bags. Another groan and she slowly begins putting the contents in the bag away. "Afterwards I'm going to need you to do something with that dog. I know your father has found a way to deal with his allergies but I have no clue about his coworkers. They can either be allergic or scared and I'm not going to allow something bad to happen tonight."

"What's happening?" questions Jessica curiously.

"Nothing. Just put the food away and get the dog out of here. And then work on that application," understand?" Jessica nods her head. A deep sigh and she moves a little faster just to get out of the room and away from her mother. Her mother takes a small look at her, "Sooyeon," Jessica stops, "your father's boss is also coming over tonight. I need you on your best behavior, alright?" Arms cross over her body defensively. "Your father is working on getting a very important promotion. It could help our relationship and this family, which is why I need you on your best behavior, understand? Do not ruin this, Sooyeon."

"Did Soojung and Yunho get the prep talk also? Or are you just giving this to you horrible out of control daughter?" questions Jessica; right foot taps against the tiled floor. Mrs. Jung scoffs and rolls her eyes. The middle Jung child cringes, remembering how her older brother said that she and her mother are alike.

"Soojung and Yunho already know about this. You would too if you were to spend some time with the family instead of that mutt and your good for nothing friends. And don't question me young lady, you're living under my roof-"

"Yeah, speaking of that...I've been thinking about moving out. I'm going to be a senior this year and what not. I don't actually have to live here anymore," remarks Jessica. "I can live with Taeyeon. It's just her and her sister. And I'm sure she wouldn't mind me moving in."

"As if I'd allow that Sooyeon quit being ridiculous and do what I asked of you." She stops and looks at her oldest daughter. "As long as you're still in school, you follow my orders, Sooyeon." Jessica scoffs and rolls her eyes, only to cringe again.

"Stupid Yunho and his theories," she mutters. "What do you have against Taeyeon? You adored her before you slapped a stereotypical label on her. 'Taeyeon is great'. 'Taeyeon is so hardworking', 'you should be more like Taeyeon'...You use to flaunt her in front of all your friends saying how I found the perfect girlfriend, and the moment big mouth opens her yap you decide to hate her. She's the same hardworking girl that you met."

"She's a delinquent and must I remind you of what happened to your sister under your care. And now is not the time to discuss such trivial manners."

"Why can't we discuss this? It's not like either of us is extremely busy. I'm putting away the groceries and you're preparing dinner."

"Because it isn't the right time, Sooyeon. We'll talk later." Jessica scoffs. Was she truly supposed to believe that? That they were going to talk later?

"There won't be a can we discuss this now?" asks Jessica in an annoyed tone. "The girl is my girlfriend. Don't you want to discuss this? Shouldn't you be willing to discuss this? Isn't a parent supposed to talk to their children about this type of thing? You did it when Yunho brought what's her face home."

"I don't have time right now Sooyeon to discuss that, like her."

"It is never the time to discuss my friends and what not. Soojung can wake you up at midnight and you'd talk to her. Yunho will interrupt you at work and you'll listen. When will it be my turn?!" snaps Jessica. Nose flares; hand slams down upon the table causing for it to tremble. "I'm your child also! And yet you never treat me like one! All you can ever seem to do is judge me, criticize me, and be little me. And doesn't even look at me..." She shakes her head, "know what...forget it. I'm not even part of this stupid family. Soojung could put the groceries away and Yunho can clean his mess. In fact I'm going to Taeyeon's for dinner, that way I don't ruin Mr. Jung's chance at a promotion." She rotates on her heels leaving the rest groceries on the table.

"Sooyeon!" She ignores the calls for her attention, entering her bedroom.

"Come on," she calls out to Dog, while slipping on her shoes, "let's go visit Taeyeon." Dog slowly walks over to Jessica, nuzzling her head against the Jung's thigh. Yunho steps into the doorway and watches his younger sister, sympathetically. Both Jessica and Dog senses him; they turn and look at him. "Shut up," was all Jessica could say while looking for Dog's leash. Finding it, the two of them exit the room and the house, leaving Yunho still in the hallway.

He slowly makes his way towards the kitchen where the whole argument started. "Can I talk to you?" he asks their mother. His mother disregards him, "Mom. Mom, I know you can hear me." Mrs. Jung stops. "What did you say to Sooyeon?"

"Nothing," answers Mrs. Jung, "She wants to talk about Taeyeon. And we do not have time to talk about that little delinquent. I have to get the house - "

"What do you mean you don't have time? She's your daughter," argues Yunho. "You know when she tells me that you do nothing for her, I normally respond by saying it's because she's becoming an adult. But she's right; you do absolutely nothing for her. All you can seem to do is compare her to others, to Soojung and then treat her like she's nothing. And then you get mad when she doesn't listen to you; why should she respect someone who doesn't respect her?"

"Yunho - "

"No...I went away to college and this family was semi normal. I come back and it's ridiculous. Soojung's walking around, partying, smoking, drinking like it's nothing. She has piercings...and not on her ears. She's got in trouble with some dealers...and all you can seem to do is ground Sooyeon left and right. She's not Sooyeon's daughter. She's her sister. She shouldn't be responsible for everything that stupid girl does. Soojung should be responsible for her own actions," he shakes his head, "I didn't come in here to talk about Soojung...Sooyeon deserves to have you treat her like a member of this family." He inhales deeply, trying not to really stir up his emotions.

"Yunho - "

"Just because Sooyeon isn't our father's doesn't mean you of all people have to treat he like she's some sort of disease. So what if she's a child of rape? So what if she is the cause for you and dad to be having a divorce?!" It was now his turn to slam his hand down upon the table. "I'm sick and tired of it."

"Now listen here, Yunho. You will not raise your voice to me," spats his mother, "And this is none of your concern. Now go and pack your belongings so you can return to college peacefully."

A growl and Yunho turns on his heels, stopping momentarily, "Fine, but just remember mom, once he divorces you, all that will be left is Sooyeon. I'll be busy with school and he's going to take Soojung since Soojung is his pride and joy. All that's left is Sooyeon, and you'll be lucky if she sticks around long enough." He exits out of the kitchen leaving the elderly woman to her thoughts.


"What do you mean I should go into the room and kiss her senseless?" shouts Taeyeon into the phone as she stares down the hall at where her girlfriend had disappeared to. She quickly pulls the device away from her ear, makes a disgusted face at it, and places it back in its spot.

"You called me after snapping at me earlier asking for help on how to deal with a moody and depressed Jessica. My advice to Taeyeon is to kiss her senseless." Taeyeon groans at Tiffany's advice. "Okay fine don't do that...but go in the room and check up on her. Don't let her cry alone, that will just make you look like some insensitive jerk. I know you're not good with words but at least your presence will put her at ease. Just go in there, slide in your bed, and hold her like how she holds you some times. Stroke her back, caress her hair or something and tell it everything is going to be fine."

"And if that doesn't work?" questions Taeyeon skeptically.

"Well then be yourself and threaten to kick some ass; be masculine then," advises Tiffany. "And if that doesn't work, well then...there has got to be something wrong with you."

"You're not helping the situation," growls the older sister.

"Look Taeyeon, I'm just stating the easiest thing to do. I don't know how far along your relationship with the evil woman has gone. I mean...I've seen you guys give each other light kisses, small pecks. You two hold hands, link arms, regular hugs, back hugs, sleep together in the same bed, and hold each other and what not. You guys are intimate and not so fact you two have a weird relationship. And because of that I can only tell you to just hold her and let her know you're there for her. What more could I possible tell you Taeyeon, without messing something up?" The older girl groans and shakes her head. Why must things be so hard? She takes another look down the hall.

"Tiffany...are you sure?" she whispers into the phone, "are you one hundred percent positive that this is going to work?"

"Tae, out of all of us...I'm the only one with dating experience. And yes it was a half crappy half majestic relationship, but yes I'm sure. Just hold Jessica...from what I've witnessed the girl rarely cries...and if she's doing so now it's got to be something really hurting her. Just hold her, Tae, alright? I have to go." Taeyeon sighs for a second time. She hangs up and slips the phone back into her pocket. Eyes fall upon Dog who was lying on the floor, whimpering.

"Ah...she's affected you to, huh?" asks Taeyeon. Dog doesn't respond. "Well, let's attempt to try and fix things, yeah?" Dog raises her head, looking up at her owner before standing. Taeyeon heads down the hall with the canine at her heels. A hand wraps around the knob, twisting it; the other hand lies flat against the door, forcing it open. "Sooyeon?" she calls out softly, only receiving sniffles in return. Taeyeon turns back to her pet, "we've got our work cut out for us."

They quietly enter the room, closing the door behind them; making their way across the room, Taeyeon slips into the bed behind Jessica. Arms quickly wrap tightly around Jessica's form, pulling the younger girl against her body. Jessica stops sniffling for a moment, tensing. She shifts and spins in Taeyeon's arm so they were fact to face. "T-Taeyeon?" questions Jessica with a confused face.

"I...I um..." mutters Taeyeon unsure of what to say. Eyes close briefly. "You always do this when I'm I thought since you were crying...that maybe..." her sentence trails off. The younger girl leans forward burying her face in Taeyeon's chest. The cotton material absorbs the falling tears; a large spot forming on the front of the shirt. Taeyeon stiffens a little, looking over the body in her arms and at the animal at the foot of the bed. Dog lifts her head, tilting it to the side. Taeyeon rolls her eyes. Teeth clamp down on her bottom lip; one hands slowly moves in an unsure circle across the Jung's back. Jessica freezes for a mere second only to eliminate nearly all of the space between hers and Taeyeon's body.

"I hate her," whispers Jessica; hands grip the older girl's shirt tightly. Taeyeon exhales loudly through her nose; she was unsure of what she should be saying. Eyes close and she inhales.

"Sooyeon," whispers Taeyeon, " can't hate your mother." The girl in her arms peeks up at her. "She's your mother...and no matter how much she frustrates you and angers you, you shouldn't hate her. Dislike, maybe...but hate no. She's your mother; the being that nurtured and raised you. Yes it may seem like she's not...she's not doing her job correctly...but that's not enough to hate the woman." Eyes open connecting with Jessica's. "I can't even hate mine. Yoona can't hate her. And Tiffany doesn't hate her mother. Both of which should receive the awards for worst mothers in history."

"Well I hate mine," mumbles Jessica burying her face back into Taeyeon's chest. There was a huff, "Okay maybe I don't hate the deranged woman...but still. Taeyeon...she treats me like I'm lower than dirt. And I'm not. I know I'm not."

"You're mom is a complete idiot for not seeing what type of person you are," remarks Taeyeon. She sighs deeply. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to say that...but she is, Sooyeon." Taeyeon fidgets a little not sure what to say next without sounding overly cheesy or gross. "I...I..."

"You what?" questions Jessica as she turns so her back was against Taeyeon's chest; hands wipe away her tears. Once she was sure there was no more left, her fingers begin their dance with Taeyeon's.

"You're very special," mumbles Taeyeon. It was now her turn to bury her face, doing so in Jessica's hair. "And your mother is a fool to not see it. You're not're way above it. Who else would go from viewing me and my family as nothing to becoming someone we can rely on, huh? I hated my existence and now you're my girlfriend...that says a lot. It shows how open-minded you've become. How patient you are and how willing you are."

"Not really one with words are, you?" asks Jessica while she continuously plays with Taeyeon's fingers. "But that's okay. I understand...and thank you, Taeyeon." She leans her head back, craning her neck and placing a kiss on Taeyeon's chin. "This must be have been hard for you, huh?"

"A little," answers Taeyeon quietly. "I called Tiffany for are you okay now?"

"Just a bit...let me stay the night, please. I'm not ready to return home, yet." Taeyeon nods her head. "Thank you again." She places another kiss to Taeyeon's chin. "Let's sleep."


Eyes look at the two parts in her hands before looking up at her sister who was walking around with her nephew in arms. Eyes flicker and land on the tall girl sitting on her couch. "Why am I doing this? Sooyoung's here," she grumbles flinging the parts onto the floor. Tiffany rolls her eyes at her sister antics.

"Not this again," she responds, "Why stop? You're half way through." Taeyeon's eyes land back on her, shooting the middle child a glare. "What? Jessica, tell your girlfriend that there is no reason for her to do half of the work and then quit." Jessica shrugs her shoulders in response, leaning forward to pick up the remote control.

"It's alright. I'll finish," states Sooyoung, sliding off the couch. She sits directly across from Taeyeon and begins putting together the rest of the crib.

Taeyeon leans back on her elbows; eyes remain on Tiffany. Eyes tear away from her sister and lands on her phone. "So can I please know now why Sooyoung had to go to the hospital instead of helping with the bed?"

"Mr. Choi couldn't drive us," explains Tiffany while adjusting the baby in her arms, hoping that it wouldn't cry. "So it ended up being Siwon." Taeyeon sits up; Sooyoung tries to concentrate on the instructions in front of her and Jessica turns the volume down on the television. "I know what you're thinking, but nothing bad happened promise." Taeyeon's eyes land on the youngest girl in the room. Sooyoung flinches under the strong gaze.

"I don't know," mutters Sooyoung while examining the pieces in her hands. She looks up and at Taeyeon. "I was in the NICU and they were out in the hallway talking. I had checked him out and got all the things he would need for staying at home. And by the time we got to the hallway they had finished talking and Tiffany was rubbing her wrist." Taeyeon raises a brow, forcing herself into the standing position. She walks over to her sister, noticing the panic that was spreading across the younger girl's face.

"Arm," demands Taeyeon with her hand out. Tiffany shakes her head. "Why not?"

"The baby," whispers Tiffany.

"Give him to Sooyeon," orders Taeyeon.

"Okay fine," mutters Tiffany, "We got into an argument out in the hallway. All he did was grab my wrist, Tae." Taeyeon stays in the same position with her hand out. " I provoked him. He grabbed my wrist only to realize what he was doing and he let go, really. I know I should defend him, but he did nothing. The bruise is my fault."

"I believe it," comments Jessica while channel surfing.

"Well I believe that no one asked what the Jung believes," counters Tiffany.

"Think I care what you believe?" argues Jessica, setting the remote down. Sooyoung turns noticing the change in Jessica's voice. Taeyeon's girlfriend rotates her body on the couch so that she was facing Tiffany.

The Hwang shakes her head. "In fact I don't think you care about anything really," remarks Tiffany, "I mean why else would Sooyoung have to go through what she went through by herself, huh? Some best friend you are. And let me not get started on the fact that your sister had the notorious dealers of our town chasing her." Jessica growls.

"As if befriending you is any better...all you're good for is nagging and getting pregnant." Sooyoung looks at Taeyeon who was standing still in disbelief.

"At least I've only slept with one person my whole high school career. You know Donghae has some really interesting stories." Jessica's fists curl; a triumphant smirk crosses Tiffany's face. "So it must be true since you're not denying it." The Jung stands and stares hard at Tiffany.

"If he wasn't in your hands - "

"You'd what? Hit me? How do you think Taeyeon will take you hitting - "

"Enough!" shouts Taeyeon, finally breaking out of her temporary daze. The sleeping baby wakes up and all eyes land on her. "So what Hyoyeon said was true...that my girlfriend and sister can't get along." Eyes zoom to Jessica then to Tiffany. "I'm not stupid. I know sometimes a sibling won't like whoever their brother or sister is dating...I just...never mind, forget it." She waves them off, "kill each other if you want...I'm too tired to interfere and play referee." Taeyeon walks away from the two girls heading towards the kitchen.

"We're all out of food, remember?" shouts Tiffany from the couch; eyes remain on Jessica, "and this is your fault. No one wanted your commentary." Jessica scoffs and rolls her eyes.

" quiet," mumbles Sooyoung as she resumes putting the crib together. Jessica motions to laugh, "And Sica shut up." Jessica mouth closes and a frown forms on her face. "You two are two very important people in Taeyeon's life. Can't you guys just set aside your differences? We all know that Tiffany is the mother hen and we all know that Jessica's a little oblivious to her surroundings. It's nothing new...and it shouldn't be a reason for Taeyeon to force an ending to one of the relationships." She looks over her shoulders at the two girls. "We all know who's going to lose."Jessica grunts and looks off to the side knowing that Tiffany probably will rank higher than her.

With a sigh, Jessica resumes her seat on the couch, slouching. Sooyoung shakes her head and turns back to the crib. A knock on the front door startles all of them since none of them really knock on the front door. Taeyeon exits the kitchen; a confused expression dons her face. Feet shuffle across the floor, stopping in front of it. Her right hand slowly reaches out enveloping the door knob and giving it twist. Pulling it open, she comes face to face with Yuri. "I didn't want to barge in...sorry if I interrupting anything," states Yuri with a sheepish grin.

"Why not? Everyone else just barges in," mutters Taeyeon.

"I guess I'm not like everyone else," answers Yuri while entering the apartment. "Have you guys seen Yoona? I've been calling her phone and I haven't gotten an answer." Taeyeon closes the door and blinks.

"She was going to visit you," answers Taeyeon. She glances over her should at Yuri.

"Really?" Taeyeon nods her head, "that's strange because I haven't seen her all day."

"Have you tried, Seohyun?" questions Tiffany from the couch.

"Yeah...and Seohyun hasn't seen her."

Jessica pulls her phone out from her pocket; fingers quickly form a message and send it. Within seconds her screen lights up, "Yunho says she hasn't been at my place." Taeyeon bites her lip. Something was off. Something was real off. Yoona has never gone under the radar, not even when she left to boarding school. She always keeps contact with someone. Turning on her heel, Taeyeon quickly heads down the hall to her room, reemerging with a jacket and her shoes. "Where are you going?" asks Jessica.

"To find my sister," answers Taeyeon, exiting through the front door.



Feet get caught in old newspapers; she stumbles a bit. A quick look over her shoulder and a hiss escapes her lips. Key and his thugs were still on her tail. Her stamina falters; the one leading closes the gap. She steps falter some more. Head snaps forward. A burning sensation spreads throughout her lungs; an eye closes and cramps build up. Jumping over some boxes she staggers for the umpteenth time and ends up tumbling a few feet.

Gravel and shards of glass carve through her skin forming cuts and scratches of various sizes, joining the others. Yoona quickly recovers, pushing herself back onto her feet. Now wasn't the time to worry over trivial things. Footsteps get louder, giving her more of an incentive to stand. Limping a little, the terrified girl takes into another sprint. Blood flows freely from the seemingly large gash on her knee; red mixes with the blue of her jeans. Teeth grind against one another. "No pain. No pain," she chants for a second time.

A few more jumps and stumbles and eyes scan the alley. A small smile crosses her face. The Im knocks over a stack of crates prior to disappearing into another alleyway. Another peek over her shoulder; eyes widen. The leading thug hops over the crates and continues pursuing her. Legs pump harder. She lunges forward, climbing onto a large dumpster. Jumping a second time, hands grab hold of the ledge along the roof. Arms struggle to pull her up.

A large calloused hand wraps around her ankle. "Let go!" she shouts; feet and leg flinging every which direction. Hands slip giving her more of an incentive to free herself of his grip. Left foot collides with his a nose; hands release the ledge and Yoona lands back onto the dumpster. With the thug momentarily dazed and distracted, she quickly turns on her heels and jumps off the large bin taking into a sprint again.

"She's getting away!"

"F***!" Another look over her shoulder; the mob was catching up. "S***, s***, s***, s***, s***," she chants, breaking towards an exit. She dashes out of the damp area and onto the sidewalk. Turning, she forces her way through the crowds.


"Watch it!"

"Inconsiderate, ungrateful, no manners brat!" Yoona looks over her shoulder, spotting Key who was forcing his way through the same crowd. She smiles as he gets caught up in a bunch of elderly folk.

Legs pump harder. She needs to disappear; she needs to get away, far away. If not that, then Yoona definitely needed to create a large distance between them and herself. Trying to fight all of them off again would only mean more wounds. Besides they were armed with pocket knives, razor blades and what not, while she on the other hand had nothing but her fists.

Hunching a little she weaves in and out of the crowd; eyes trained on searching for an exit. Finding another alleyway across the street, Yoona runs out into the street. A car comes to a screeching halt. Profanity flings from the drivers mouth and all she could do was ignore it. She avoids becoming road kill by three more then ducks into the next alleyway.

She runs a few more yards prior to coming to a stop. Leaning against the brick wall she draws in deeply allowing her lungs to gather air. Eyes flicker scrutinizing the area. She knows for a fact that she shouldn't stop yet. The pile of boxes, crowds of pedestrians and traffic can only slow them down for so long. Breathing heavily, the young girl limps throughout the alley trying to recover her stamina. Hand slides across the walls giving her support. Feeling light headed, her foot work becomes sloppy; eye lids become heavy and her breathing doesn't even out. She slides down.

Shaking her head, she forces her body onto two shaking legs. "Can't stop," she mumbles. Feet slowly trudge through the trash.

"Found her!" Ears perk; a groan escapes.

"Again?" she mumbles. She takes off into a slow run, picking up momentum.

More crates and boxes get toppled over. They finally catch up to her agian; They struggle and she frees herself and the cycle repeats itself. Cheeks red; lungs ache. Yoona turns another corner entering the parking lot of the local grocery store.


Bags fill in the back of the SUV one by one. A soft sigh leaves the elderly woman's lips. Eyes tiredly stare at the groceries. She doesn't even know why she's gone shopping again. Maybe it was to clear her mind. Or maybe she went again because she was worried about her daughter. Another sigh emits as she remembers the words that her eldest had stated to her. "My children and their abundance to speak their damn mind," she whispers. Turning she grabs the last few bags and places them in the back of her car. Slamming the hatch close, she turns and grabs the cart, pushing it out of the way of her car.

Feet shuffle across the parking lot and Mrs. Jung returns to her car. Pulling the keys out of her pocket, the elderly woman walks to the driver side when someone - well, something slams into her. Startled she looks around finding a friend of her daughter leaning against the passenger side, breathing heavily and clutching her side. "Yoona?" she questions worryingly noticing how pale the girl is. Sure Yoona was pale to begin with, but now the girl was deathly pale.

"Are...are you leaving?" huffs Yoona. Eyes dart around the parking lot searching for the group that's been playing cat and mouse with her. Catching her and then setting her free only to chase her again. Doe eyes land on the older version of Jessica. Mrs. Jung nods her head. " the doors." Mrs. Jung fumbles with her keys; slipping the small item into the lock, she twists it and pulls the back passenger door open. Yoona slips in, closing and locking the door. Mrs. Jung climbs into the front seat, shutting the door. "Don't ask questions...just," orders Yoona.

The young girl twists; the top of her head peeks appears over the back seat. Eyes gaze through the window, surveying the parking lot. Mrs. Jung watches the young girl curiously while slipping the key into position.

Ignition kicks; the SUV reverses out of its parking spot. "Taeyeon's going to be pissed."

"You know Taeyeon?" questions Mrs. Jung; the car turns out onto the street.

"Taeyeon's my older sister," answers Yoona. Jessica mother slams her foot down on the break, causing for the girl in the back to lunge forward. "Whiplash," groans Yoona while rubbing her neck. "What the hell were you thinking, slamming your foot on the break? Hello you have a teenager in the back seat."

"Taeyeon's your sister?" questions Mrs. Jung not wanting to believe it. Taeyeon's a delinquent and Yoona's attends a private boarding school. Yoona nods her head, "But..."

"But what? She's a delinquent and no good?" questions Yoona. A scoff, "You know I thought Jessica was bad when we first met...but from what I've heard...I've got to say you beat out you own daughter." She shakes her head; arms cross her body defensively, "Taeyeon's not bad. My sister isn't bad, Mrs. Jung. You've seen it. It's just in the past Taeyeon and I had to do things differently in order to provide for our family. She's not some demon that comes out in the night. She doesn't steal more than what's necessary; she doesn't convict vicious murders for stupid or no reasons at all. She's not going to rape your daughter," Mrs. Jung tenses, "and what not. Taeng's changed for the good. She can't even run or climb anymore. It's always work and bills...she's practically became a normal citizen...and all thanks should go to your daughter." Yoona blinks and looks at the elderly woman, noticing how white her knuckles were becoming.

"I'm not going to steal your can loosen your grip." Words go ignored; loud honks from the cars behind them sound throughout the street. "Mrs. Jung...we've kind of have traffic...Mrs. Jung, are you okay?" questions Yoona as she witness tears flowing down the woman's face. "Mrs. Jung," she reaches forward; her hand comes in contact with Mrs. Jung shoulder. A loud shriek resonates throughout the car. "Mrs. Jung! It's just me Yoona...Jessica's friend." Mrs. Jung shakes her head quickly breaking out of her daze.

Hands remove the tears and the car begins moving again. "Mrs. Jung...are you okay?"

"I'm fine." There was a small silence, "Am I taking you to the Im house, Yoona, or do you want to go to Taeyeon's apartment?"

"I was actually going to go to the Youth Center...I was on my way there when I ran into some trouble," admits Yoona. She turns and gazes out the window. Hands search her pocket only to find it missing, "Damn," she hisses, "I guess I can go back to the Im house for the night," she states as a light drizzle appears out of her window. The woman driving nods her head. "Mrs. Jung...if I said something that hurt you...I'm sorry. It wasn't intentional. I just don't like people belittling and degrading my sister and me when they don't completely understand the story."

"I know how you feel."


"Damn this girl." Feet slam into the forming deep puddles; water splashes in every direction. Eyes squint trying to peer through the heavy sleet of rain. Hands tug on the jacket a bit as her body attempts to seek warmth. "Ugh...Taeyeon you better be sitting on those stupid steps out front of the ridiculous library or else," she threatens a loud. Slipping a bit, Jessica rounds a corner and continues dashing towards the front of the library. A small smile forms on her lips as she makes out a shadow upon the steps. "Taeyeon!"

The shadow shifts, standing, "Sooyeon?" The smile widens for a quick second before turning into a full on frown. She marches through the rain, taking a stand in front of her girlfriend.

"What are you doing out here?" she questions. The older girl turns her head, avoiding her gaze. "Taeyeon...I know you know that Yoona has been found and is what are you still doing out here in the rain?" Taeyeon shakes her head; she didn't want to talk about it, about things. Sure she knew that Yoona had been found like the rest of them, but did they know that about an hour after her sister was dropped off at the Im's house that Yoona fainted. That her sister just collapsed to the floor barely breathing, did they know that? And did they know that she was bleeding and had cuts and bruises all over her body?

She shakes her head again. What was she thinking? They don't know, because they're not some ridiculous girl trying to play older sister to someone who doesn't need them. They're not her. A step back and Taeyeon turns away from her girlfriend. "Taeyeon...what's wrong?" She shakes her head again. "Do you honestly think I'm going to believe that lie? You should know by now that I'm one of the few people who know you the most." Jessica pauses; eye bore into the smaller girl's back. "What's wrong? What happened to Yoona?"

"Nothing," whispers Taeyeon, "she's safe and sound. She's with her family."

The younger girl exhales loudly through her nose. As if she was going to believe another one of those ridiculous lies. If Yoona was with her family that means she'd be sitting in the apartment with Tiffany watching over the baby, or she'd be out running around in the rain like a chicken with her head cut off looking for this idiot right here. Fingers pinch the bridge of her nose. She couldn't understand why. Jessica just couldn't understand why. Why is it every time she does something to make her girlfriend's life easier and bearable that something has to happen to ruin it? " to me please." The hand that was pinching her nose reaches out and grabs the frail wrist in front of her. "Talk to me...that's what I'm here for. You can give me the details as if I'm just a friend. Or as if we're at the youth center or here at the library and I'm your counselor. Or talk to me like you usually do since we've started dating."

"I can't protect them." Four words and Jessica had barely heard them. But that was really all she needed to hear.

"Let's get out of the rain before we both end up extremely sick." She tugs on the older girl's wrist and pulls her towards the entrance of the library. They enter quietly, wiping their shoes off at the door. Jessica looks around; feet begin shuffling towards the back of the quiet building. Eyes gaze up and down the aisles of books looking for a nice comfortable place for them to sit and talk.

She finally finds one, a small couch with a view of the rain. With one hand she pushes Taeyeon onto the couch then quickly takes the seat beside her. "What happened to Yoona? Is she really okay like we've been told...or is she really hurt?" Neck turns and she once again avoids her girlfriend's gaze. Jessica exhales loudly again. Chin props itself upon Taeyeon's shoulder and she stares at her. "Taeyeon..."

"Yoona's in the hospital." Yet, another low whisper. Taeyeon finally turns and looks at her girlfriend. "It's my fault that Yoong's lying in a hospital bed suffering from scratches, cuts and bruises. Not to mention that my sister collapsed from fatigue. And all because I wanted to play big sister."She shakes her head, hair whipping back and forth. Hand curl into fists. Gaze lowers to her hands. "Who am I kidding, Sooyeon? I'm not this; I'm not Taeyeon...I'm Kim a thief, a delinquent who likes to drink and smoke. I'm not a big sister...I've never been a big sister."

"You are of the best," whispers Jessica as earnestly as she can. She leans forward placing a light kiss on Taeyeon's cheek. "You are Taeyeon...not Kim. That's not who you are any more...this is who you are. This is what you are. And yes, Taeyeon, there will be times when you want to give up...but that doesn't mean you should. Look at everything we...the whole group...has gone through to get you and your family to this point. Don't let some stupid idiot who hurt your sister ruin it."

"I'm not...I'm just...what if - "

"Exactly...what if can't change the past...Taeyeon," Fingers grab hold of a chin, turning the head so their eyes can meet. "And you must either be ridiculously stupid or you must think that I'm really blind and ignorant, if you think I'm going to allow you to go back to that person. So which is it, huh?" Tongue slides across her lips; shoulders lift and fall, "Taeyeon..."

"I think it's quite obvious," mumbles Taeyeon in return. She turns and looks back out the window. "I'm the stupid one..." Silence befalls them; ears tune into the sound of pages turning, pens and pencils scratching across paper and fingers typing on keys. The Jung shifts a little in her seat; fingers coax the older girl's into playing. Taeyeon turns back to Jessica; one brow arches questioningly. Her only response was a smile. They continue to stare at each other before a sigh drops from Taeyeon, "I'm sorry..."

"It's okay." Jessica leans in capturing Taeyeon's lips with hers. The Kim freezes causing for Jessica to reluctantly pull away. With a roll of the eyes, she leans back in her seat and arms automatically cross. A tiny pout makes its way across her face. Instead of silence it was now awkwardness that fell upon them. Until Jessica's phone decides to vibrate startling both girls.

"Something important?" asks Taeyeon curiously.

"Probably your stupid sister wanting to know if - Taeyeon, we need to get back to your apartment." Jessica quickly stands and looks at her partner. Taeyeon could only blink and stare at Jessica. "My mom - Mrs. Jung is there looking for me according to Sooyoung." The smaller girl nods her head and stands. Jessica's slips her hand into Taeyeon's, pulling her towards the exit.

Two different feet take a step out into the rain and it was then Taeyeon's phone's turn to ring. They both stop and stare at each other. She fumbles with her pockets and pulls the device out. "Hello?"

"My house or the hospital now. We have some matters to discuss...Taeyeon." With that the dial tone infiltrates her ears. Teeth slightly pull on her bottom lip; eyes cast downwards at her feet.


"I...I have to go to the hospital. I'll be home later." Feet turn on their heels; legs begin to pump and Taeyeon becomes a blurry shadow in the rain. Jessica stares at the retreating figure. Something didn't feel right. And she wasn't too sure on whether or not she should follow. Help Taeyeon deal with her issues or to deal with her own. Both had their pros and cons but which one was really worthy of her attention. The silhouette disappears.

"I guess dealing with the devil reincarnated it is."


"You what?!" Eyes close and a groan escapes her lips. When she entered the apartment, she figured she'd deal with her mother and then go climb into Taeyeon's bed to wait for the older girl. Not get dragged to the couch and be questioned by Taeyeon's idiot of a sister. "How could you let her go alone to face Mr. Im?" Tiffany paces back and forth; panic takes over her face. "You're supposed to be Tae's girlfriend. You claim you know her more...and yet you let her face Mr. Im."

"Your sister takes on meaner and harsher people before. This...this should be no different."

"Wrong!" shouts Tiffany. The younger girl stops and stares at Jessica. Index points at the older girl. "Mr. Im...he's the only person on this earth that Taeyeon fears more than her mother. This isn't some old man that she could beat the crap out of and evade. Mr. Im has leverage over Taeyeon...the tables are in advantage.

"What nonsense are you spewing?"

Tiffany growls before storming off towards her room. The door slams shut; walls shake and windows rattle. Jessica turns and looks at her best friend who was busily drying her hair. "What kind of girlfriend - " Tiffany reenters the living room. "Mr. Im...Yoona is Taeyeon's favorite sibling and is willing to risk more for Yoona. You said that Yoona is injured...well what do you think they're going to talk about huh? How much rain we're going to receive by tomorrow morning?!" She stops in front of Jessica again. "I know I'm not the most useful member in this family...but you must not forget that I know Taeyeon. And right about now...we're losing Yoong. Mr. Im will more than likely manipulate the situation so that Taeyeon will abandon Yoona..." Tiffany pauses; hand ruffles her hair in frustration, "I'm sure you can figure out the rest."

"Yoona will be broken and so will Taeyeon," mumbles Jessica with uncertainty. Tiffany nods her head.

"Our family will fall apart. And do you honestly think that your girlfriend, my sister will stick around long enough after she gives up Yoona? Do you Jessica? Like I said...I might be useless but I still know more stuff about this family than you do." Jessica leans back and her seat; head tilts back draping over the back of the couch. She stares up at the ceiling. Maybe she should have went and dealt with Taeyeon's problem first. "Don't worry...everyone makes the mistake of forgetting about Taeyeon's and Yoona's bond." Jessica head snaps and she looks at the younger girl who was fumbling with her shoes.

"Where are you off to? You have a son," lectures Jessica.

"To provide some sort of stability for my sister. You can stay here and discuss with things with your mother," answers Tiffany while pointing at the elderly woman who was sitting in the kitchen. "And Sooyoung can watch her son until I return." Tiffany slips out of the door leaving Jessica alone with Sooyoung, Yuri and her mother.

"I'm going to go," mutters Yuri while heading towards the front door. "I need to do some things with Boa." She waves goodbye and exits the building. Sooyoung stands and heads towards Tiffany's room leaving the two Jung's alone.

"What are you doing here?" asks Jessica; her voice laced with annoyance and anger. "Shouldn't you be making your husband his dinner so he can kiss ass and get a promotion?" Neck cranes a little allowing for her to look over at her mother. "Why are you here?" she questions again.

"Why else would a mother go and look for her daughter, Sooyeon?"Jessica rolls her eyes, turning her attention towards the blank television screen. "You said you wanted to here I am, let's talk."

"You're only doing this because of what Yunho said," mumbles Jessica. "Let me tell you something that Soojung told me. This is forceful. You're not doing this because you want to but because you feel obligated. It's not the same...and as of now...I really don't want to talk to any of you in that house, save for Yunho."

"Sooyeon - "

"No." Jessica stands and turns fully facing her mother. "Obligation or shouldn't come here because your precious son decided to grow some balls and tell you off. It shouldn't take me leaving and him setting things straight for you to want to become my 'mother'."

"I am your mother!" hisses Mrs. Jung, standing herself. "All of, your brother and your sister," her index finger points at her daughter; hand shakes slightly, "all of you think you understand what's going on in our house, but none of you truly do. None of you know what's going on!" Jessica blinks and stares at her mom. "I have my reason for the way I treat all my children. You don't think that I don't see that Soojung is a spoilt little brat, or that Yunho's been slacking off on his work at college and damn near, near the point of dropping out? You all think that I'm this dumb ditzy woman! I'm not blind Sooyeon..." She stops and catches herself, taking a deep breath, "I came here because you wanted to discuss Taeyeon...and I spoke with Yoona earlier today. Speaking with Taeyeon's younger sister has made me come and form an opinion of my own about Taeyeon and her relationship with you. I'm not here to belittle or degrade anyone. That's not my purpose right now. Are you okay with that?" Jessica turns and looks at Dog who had entered the room once voices were raised. "Alright then," Mrs. Jung pushes her chair in, "I'll be at your grandparents if you want to talk."

"Why not at home?" questions Jessica.

"I never cooked your father his meal. In fact...I left an hour after me and Yunho spoke. And went grocery shopping. There's now some food in what used to be Taeyeon's empty fridge if you're hungry." Mrs. Jung leaves the apartment. Jessica sighs; head shakes.

She doesn't understand anything that happening anymore. Her mother came here to form her own opinion? But wasn't her opinion on delinquents the same and has been since Jessica was born and probably before that? Even more, she wasn't blind? And she knows her children aren't all saints? "Something's not right," mumbles Jessica looking at Dog. Dog tilts her head to the side. "You know something don't you? And since you can't speak like us humans I'll never know huh?" Dog barks once and walks away. "Whatever..." With a heavy sigh she heads for Taeyeon's room.


"'s nice of you to join us. We we're just discussing Yoona." She looks at the elderly man sitting across from her sister; eyes zoom and land on the hunch shoulders of her sister. Something was wrong; something was off and she could tell just by the smug smirk on Mr. Im's face and the noticeable fidgeting movements that her older sister was doing. Feet move forward slowly; Tiffany moves behind the chair Taeyeon was sitting in. Her hand lands on the smaller girl's shoulder, causing for Taeyeon to flinch. Head tilts back and eyes connect. She gives her sister a soft smile; squeezing her shoulder a bit. "Taeyeon," both sisters look at Mr. Im, "So do we agree? Not that I need you to do so."

"You're making a mistake," whispers Taeyeon. "But...what right do I have to disagree? You are her father...I'm nothing." A sour expression forms on Tiffany's face. She hasn't even heard the discussion but based off of what her sister was saying she could only assume that they've discussed Yoona leaving. Hand squeezes the shoulder harder, trying to convey a message to the sitting girl. "No...Tiffany..." Tiffany takes a step back. Did Taeyeon just say no? That couldn't be right, right? Taeyeon wouldn't be giving up Yoona so easily.

"No!" All eyes land on the young girl. "Are...are you kidding me, Tae?!" Taeyeon looks away from her younger sister. She wasn't kidding. In fact she was serious. Mr. Im is making a mistake, but she truly had no right to stop him. What could she possible do? He is her legal guardian. He is her father and he makes all the rules and decisions until Yoona becomes an adult. "'re not just letting him make Yoong, our Yoong leave."

"Don't jump to conclusions Miyoung," states Mr. Im. He leans back in his chair; eyes watching the sisters attentively. "I'm not making Yoona leave permanently. This neighborhood, this society isn't a place for Yoona. Not when I know what my daughter is capable of. I'm sure both of you know what Yoona is capable of if she puts her mind into it." He leans forward. Hands cross, landing on the table that was separating him from the sisters. "And all I want from Yoona is to become successful. And she can if she'd steer clear of any and I mean any distractions-"

"Me and Taeyeon," interrupts the younger girl with a scowl upon her face.

"Yes, You and Taeyeon. Yoona was a B average student on her way to A's until she met the two of you. And so...I want her to spend some time away from here studying. And I've come to the conclusion that once Yoona becomes an adult she can do as she pleases. But as long as she's an Im, under my guidance ad under age she is to abide by my rules. Which means none of you; you're nothing but a mere distraction, a pastime for Yoona. You two are the thing that is ruining her future, a great future. Just having my last name has given her so many opportunities."

"I still say no. I may not be Yoona's sister by blood...but she is my sister and I'm not going to allow you to ruin our family," grits Tiffany. " may be able to intimidate Taeyeon with your power to take away what's precious to her and to threaten her with something like jail time...but you can't intimidate me. But after what I've been through nothing can scare me...and definitely not a man like you." A small smirk comes into her view and a growl emits from the back of her throat. "You're an arrogant ***** of an a******, do you know that? Only an ass would do something like this. Do you not see how much Tae means to Yoona and vice versa? You think we're ruining her future?"

"Isn't that what I already said?"

"Did I tell you to answer my question? Besides it was rhetorical, you *******. But back to what I was saying. You think we're ruining her future? Have you not notice the change in both Taeyeon's and Yoona's behavior? They've matured and become better people. And you sir are about to ruin all of it with your immature wish of separating us from our sister. Yoona's going to rebel and I'll be losing an older sister, because Taeyeon is too selfish to stay behind once whatever we have crumbles," rants Tiffany. There was a moment of silence with Tiffany looking at her feet as a means to compose herself. "Can I ask you a question? Do you honestly believe that separating us would make Yoona talk to you and listen to you?"

"She'll come around."

"You think she will...but Yoong wants an emancipation," all expression drops from his face, "yeah...Yoong and I have talked about it. She doesn't want to be an Im anymore. So instead of forcing that title upon her why don't you just set her free?"

"She's my daughter; she's my wife's daughter and I'm not going to hurt her by telling her to toss Yoona out on the street. And why would I let her go? So she can live with you? As if the two of you will be able to keep that apartment for a long time. You won't be able to afford rent and Jessica Jung will not be able to help you two for forever." Taeyeon looks up the moment her girlfriend's name leaves the man's lips. "From what I've heard, her parents are divorcing and her mother is sending her to America."

"How do you know about Sooyeon?" asks Taeyeon.

"There is such a thing known as teenage gossip." Eye brows rise on both girls face, "Don't think I don't eaves drop on both of my daughters when they do that ridiculous thing known as web chatting. But that's not important. Why is it that you two just can't let things be? Like I said...I don't need your agreement, but I think it'll be easier for Yoona to adjust if she knows that her sister has agreed."

"Like Yoona would believe it!"

"Listen...I've already told Taeyeon that it'll be Yoona's decision when she becomes an adult."

"That's in like two years...two years!" Tiffany walks around and stands beside her sister. " can't be serious...two years, Taeyeon. She'd be gone for two years. And you just got her back. I don't know about you, but Yoona and Jessica are what's keeping you stable. And I'm sorry but I can't have my older sister lose one by mere force and intimidation. You don't deserve that. None of us deserve that...besides think about how many people are going to be affected. Not just you, but I'm losing a sister. Jessica, Sooyoung and Seohyun are losing a friend. Though Hyoyeon barely hangs with us, she's still losing her cousin...and Yuri...come on Tae."

"I've lived most of my life without her, Tiffany..."

"So...that was the past and this is the present. You think I'm going to be able to survive with an unstable sister? I have my son to raise, Tae...and if you fall in a depression, it's just going to add more onto things. Do you obviously think any of us will stay afloat, huh? And will fall into a depression. And Jessica...think about Jessica for a second. Don't make things worse for your girlfriend. I mean sure I don't like her...but...just listen Taeyeon. Do you think Yoona's going to like it when she hears that her older sister is abandoning her?"

"What do you want me to do?" questions Taeyeon in a strained voice. Hands curl; frustration sets in. "I can't do anything."

"Yes you can. You can fight. You can stop giving in so easily. This isn't what I wanted when I wanted you to stop being a menace. I want for you to be strong...hell I'd give anything to have the old you back, the one who kicked ass and asked questions later. And if Jessica could see you right now, she'd be saying the same thing. Don't become soft on us now...not when we need someone to protect us."

"But that's just it! I can't protect any of you! Just look out how things have turned out. Our father has Taemin and Taemin's attempting suicide! You were abused, broken and raped and I couldn't stop any of it! Now...Yoong's in the hospital! I just can't protect you so maybe it's time for Mr. Im to do it without my assistance," argues the older girl.

"You can protect us! You just give up to easily now. You don't fight back anymore!" snaps Tiffany in frustration. "I wonder what your friends would think when they hear that Kim's gone soft. That the legendary Kim has gone so ****ing soft that she can't even face this arrogant *****!" Jaw clenches; knuckles begin turning white. "What happened to all that bull crap about not being soft, huh? What happened to your promise of being there when you got a girlfriend, huh? Was it all a lie?" Nose flares, "what happened to you holding on to family?"

"I can't even get Taemin!" shouts Taeyeon, snapping. "They won't give him to me...I fight and I fight day in and day out, Stephanie and I can't get him. So what's the point of fighting him," she points at Mr. Im, "when the odds are already against me, huh?!" She stands and looks her sister in the eye. "I'm not an idiot. I know when I should forfeit and right now is the time. And if you don't like it, you do something about it."

"Complete and utter bulls*** sister would fight right now. Fist with be thrown and arrests will be made just so you can get her. How many times did you get arrest just so you can make sure me and Taemin were alright. How many times did you allow Yoona to get off scot free and take her tickets and jail time?" She shakes her head; hand ruffles her hair. "Tae, listen to yourself."

Taeyeon sighs. Teeth clamp down on her lip, nibbling on it. She's at a definite lost. It wasn't like she didn't want to fight, but what good would it be for her to do so when she knows she's going to lose. And that's why she agrees; in two years time her sister could decide. And all Taeyeon could do during that period would be wait and pray that Yoona would come back into her life again. It wouldn't be hard for her baby sister to find her. It wasn't as if she was leaving the neighborhood. Fingers slide into her locks tugging on the roots. She groans loudly; eyes dart to the ground and neck bends forward. "Well I already have my answer," Mr. Im stands. He was leaving and the moment he disappears so does Yoona. And could she really live with that? Would she really be content with just prayers? Was Tiffany right? Head shakes; hair whips. What is she thinking? Tiffany's wrong. There is nothing wrong with her doing this. Besides it's her decision. She turns on her heels and walks out of the small area leaving Tiffany speechless.

Jaw drops. Mr. Im spins and faces Tiffany with a wide smirk. "She's making the wrong decision. Once she gets it through her thick skull she'll wipe that stupid smirk off your face."

"Taeyeon...wouldn't even stand a chance. Like she said...the courts won't give her, your brother. What makes you think that she'd win a chance of getting Yoona from me?"

"We're not getting Yoona from you," states Tiffany carefully, "You're going to hand her over."

"Am I Miss Hwang? Or are you living in some sort of fantasy land? Be reasonable, Miyoung. You have a son and you've named his aunt the father. Now...with Taeyeon as weak as she is and the Jung family collapsing what good would come out of me handing Yoona over to you and Taeyeon, hm? You would just drag her under with your family. Now if you ask me...I believe the best thing in this situation is for Yoona to stay with me. I also believe that you should go and live with your mother. That way I know all my money went to good use in helping the poor boy. Like Taeyeon said, she can't protect you. Now if she can't even do that what makes you think she's capable of providing for you? School's starting up soon and everything, Miyoung."

"You're evil," hisses Tiffany through her teeth. "What do you have against my sister to even suggest that I abandon her? I know I'm not the most useful but I'm not going to leave her...not when me and my son are the only family she has left."

"Correction, she has an aunt from what I'm told. And the only reason she moved out was to provide a place for you and your brother to live. And look how great that's turned out, Miyoung." He takes a small step in Tiffany's direction. "You're a bright young girl Miyoung, especially from what I've heard during conferences with the counselors and principals. Why stay here and ruin a bright future for someone like Taeyeon, hm?"

"Because we're family," answers Tiffany, "Taeyeon is my older big sister, my best friend. And I'd do anything to keep her happy. I was fortunate before my mom left for the states. But unlike me Taeyeon's never had the chance to enjoy what having family is like. And I'm not some selfish person who's going to take that away from her. Believe me...I use to give her my mom's necklace as a parting gift when things got to hard for me after my mother left. I'd contemplate about jumping off one of the nearby bridges and never coming back. But then I'd remember my big sister and how much it'll hurt her when I'm gone." She blinks and looks at the man in front of her. "I'm more than willing because we're family, plus it means seeing Taeyeon happy. Sure she never shows it. And yeah there are times when she wishes I'd leave but it's not true. She'll cry and think of herself useless like before. And this is exactly why you're going to hand Yoona over."

"We've been over this - "

"Think I care? I've been told I'm really stubborn...really really stubborn and that I get super annoying until I get what I want. In fact I was sort of spoiled when I was don't think that you're going to be able to walk away from here without handing Yoona over."

"I haven't finished paying off all the hospital bills Miyoung. Plus I know your living situation so do not test me..." Tiffany snarls a little. What kind of man would use that as leverage? Hands curl tightly; veins appear on her arms. She looks over to the side mentally cursing the old man. She was also mentally cursing herself for letting him get to her. It wasn't part of her plan when she left the apartment. She didn't plan to fall for his traps so easily. And yet here she was. "Nice to see you backing down, Miyoung. Smart choice I must say. I guess this is goodbye."

"It's people like you who are making life unbearable for others."

"You're talking about the money aren't you?"

"Money has nothing to do with anything. It's the simple fact that you believe that you're untouchable and don't have to abide by any rules. You're nothing but a greedy douche that doesn't deserve everything that's given to you." Tiffany looks him in the eyes. "And I hope karma comes around and bites you in the ass along with my parents and Taeyeon's." With that the young Hwang storms past him, not before purposely walking into him.

"Very mature Miyoung."

She stops, "You don't have the right to call me that. If I hear you use that name again...I will cut your tongue out myself and shove it where the sun doesn't shine." She sends a death glare over her shoulder and resumes storming out of the small area that they were sitting in. Mr. Im could only chuckle to himself, head swinging back and forth. A small smile graces his face. Straightening his clothes out as his chuckle dies down, he makes his way back towards the room that his daughter was currently lying in.

A few minutes pass and Mr. Im ends up leaning against the doorframe staring at his two daughters and his wife. Arms cross over his chest; eyes blink as they land on the girl in the bed. Nose flares some and he looks off to the side. "How'd it go?" speaks Mrs. Im.

"Taeyeon is considering the deal...but the other girl, Tiffany is a little stubborn," he answers pushing off the frame and entering the room fully.

"You should have known as much," comments his biological daughter from her seat. Tearing her eyes away from her phone, she gazes momentarily at her parents. "I may not look like I understand the situation...but you're taking away their family member...a sister. And that's something big to Taeyeon and Tiffany from what I've overheard during Yoona's conversations with her friend."

"So are we doing the right thing?" questions his wife, turning to face him. "Y-Yoona's not happy with us...she doesn't stay home. She doesn't want to live with us. What if making her move is not the right thing to do?" There was a hesitant pause. "When we move...we go far away from here. When Yoona disappears at night...I'd rather," chokes the elderly woman, "I'd rather know she was in the care and protection of a girl like Taeyeon then out and about in a city that none of us knows."

"Taeyeon...protect her?" A laugh echoes throughout the small room. "She's like this because of Taeyeon."

"Not true," counters Mrs. Im, "Yoona's always had a rascal like side. You were just never around to see it. It's in her blood. But I'm serious..." She looks back at Yoona; fingers ghost over the pale girl's face, tucking loose strands of hair behind the ear. "Yoona's my little girl...and I just...I want her to be happy."

"What are you getting at? Are you saying you want to hand Yoona over on a silver platter to a life of hell, huh?"

"When you put it like that - "

"Yoona is as much of my daughter as she is yours. And I'm not going to tell her that she's nothing and can't amount to anything. I'm not handing her over to Taeyeon or Tiffany and its final." Spinning on the balls of his heels, he faces the doors. "I'm going to fill out the paperwork so we can have her home the moment she wakes up."


Inhale. Exhale. It was all she could do at the moment. Eyes just wouldn't lift off the ground. Words couldn't become untangled from her tongue. Her hands, her hands just didn't want to seem to budge from her side. So all that was left was for her was the ability to breathe. Well that and the ability for her to swallow the large lumps that collect at the back of her throat. "You're just going to ignore me aren't you?" She wants nothing more than to shake her head no but her body was unwilling. "It's okay...I get it. You've already gave me away so why would you even bother speaking to me." Her sister's words come off harsh, stinging her. "I mean why would you treat me any different. You haven't...and you've been pushing me away since day one that I've found you."

"Yoona," calls out the middle child who was watching the other two girls. "Ease up on Taeyeon. We all know she's an idiot...but no use in pouring salt on open wounds."

"Mind your own business," states Yoona; her eyes never falter from the oldest girl in the room. "If you're throwing me away like Taemin at least have the decency to tell me why." Tongue slides in between her lips, moistening the chapped flesh. Eyes waver a little only to land back on the topside of her shoes. Yoona scoffs and shakes her head. "I knew all that nonsense that you and Tiffany spewed about me being the favorite was nothing but lies. You don't want me...which makes me wondered if you actually like me or did you just put up with my presence for mere pity. Is that it Taeyeon? You pitied me so in return you spend a few minutes to an hour or two out of you day with me, is that it?"

"Yoona," calls out Tiffany once again.

"I said mind your own business," grits Yoona; she looks over her shoulder sending a venomous glare at the middle child. "What do you have to worry about huh? Taeyeon's willing to do anything for you. She only wants to keep you. I mean...look at you. You're the screw up and she's not casting you aside. Not forcing you to leave with your father and family. She even welcomed you back, even gave you a room and everything else." She turns back to Taeyeon, "If I didn't know any better I'd say that - "

"I..." whispers the smallest girl in the room, interrupting Yoona. Taeyeon looks off to the side; hands curl into loose fists. "I...wouldn't win the fight. If the courts say I'm not qualified for raising Taemin on my own and that my alcoholic father is more qualified...then what makes you think I'd stand a chance against Mr. Im? He has money; he has power. He'd be able to sway the courts. Going up against him would be reckless, Yoong." Feet shuffle a little as Taeyeon walks around the youngest girl. "I'd be walking into a battle that I've already lost from the beginning. Besides you get to decide in two years where you'd want to be. This would be a good opportunity for you."

"Really? You think I want to stay in a place I hate for two years? Home is horrible; the boarding school is no better. So you think that me moving all the way around the stupid globe is going to be a good experience?!" snaps the Im. "I won't have anyone to confide in. I won't have my family, my friends. I won't have tell me do you still think it's a good idea?!" She turns and looks at her sister's back.

"Yoona," calls out Tiffany for a third time.


"Lower you voice before you wake him up," states Tiffany as she forces us into a standing position on the couch.

"Maybe I should wake him up so you'd leave the room and quit jumping into a conversation that is between me and my older sister. And last time I checked you weren't my sister." Tiffany's face falls blank. Eyes dart to Taeyeon who was out on the balcony with a nicotine stick nestled right between her lips. A slight head shake, and the Hwang rotates on her heels heading for her bedroom where her son was currently residing.

Yoona continues staring at Taeyeon back. Teeth nip at her bottom lip. She grunts in frustration and gazes off to the side. Why would her sister give her up? They were family and family is something that Taeyeon treasures above everything. "Yoong," she looks up and at Taeyeon who was now facing her. "I...I don't think it's a good idea. After what Taemin's gone through... I don't think you being a way is a good idea. But...what the Im's are offering you is something I just can't give. Provide. Look at you, at the fading scars and bruises. Under the Im's care you've never...never got hurt like that before."

"So you think me going to who know where is going to prevent me from being injured? Taeyeon are you even listening to yourself? You're sending me to a place full of strangers. There might be all kinds of weirdoes and sociopaths there and you think me living with a family like the Ims is going to save me? I'm only safe under your care. Everyone knows that," counters Yoona; body shakes from frustration.

"You were attacked while under my care if I don't recall," argues Taeyeon. Putting the cigarette out, she enters the apartment, stopping in the middle of the living room. "Lying in the hospital bed due to fatigue...and if it was for Sooyeon's mom dropping you off at home who know where you'd be lying Yoona. Who knows if it would have been fatigue? Whoever was chasing you could have found you again."

"As if Key be willing to chase me all day."


"It doesn't matter," Yoona waves it off. "You don't want me. So I shouldn't even bother to stay away and force you to keep me. Might as well go pack and be off to who knows what located in the middle of who knows where." The taller female approaches the front door. Hand envelops the brass knob, "I've made my decision for what happens in two years," states Yoona; her voice wavering a bit. She closes her eyes trying to rid herself of the tears that were building, " two will no longer be a sister...a sister to me. In fact...I'll have no family. Not you, not Tiffany and definitely not the Ims." With that she opens the door, exits briskly slamming the piece of wood close. Walls shake and cries emit from Tiffany's room signaling to Taeyeon that her nephew was awake.

All the older girl could do was to stare at the door and attempt to drown out the cries. Inhale. Exhale. Repeat.

A deep groan resonates from the back of her throat; fingers slither into her dark locks tugging on their roots. She falls to her knees. Throat tightens; eyes become warm. Tears flow through the ducts building up in the corner only to fall freely. She collapses to her knees and her shoulder heaves with the sobs the escapes.

Tiffany slowly exits her room, son in arms, as the sound of her sister's cries enters her ears. Eyes worryingly gaze down the hallway only to land on her sister's form. Feet stop moving and she watches. She just watches as Taeyeon's world crumbles by bits and pieces. Her heart drops with every second that she witnesses the older girl's tears, with every second that she witnesses the break down. This being the first time she's actually seen Taeyeon cry and breakdown and Tiffany was at a definite lost with no clue as to what to do. Taeyeon had made it clear since they both left the hospital that she wasn't talking to her. So what is Tiffany supposed to do in this situation? She could try calling Jessica, but the Jung's been so busy with her own family problems. Of course there was Hyoyeon but calling the Kim House would mean risking the probability of Taeyeon having to face her mother soon that expected.

The baby shifts in Tiffany's arm. Head turns; small curious eyes flicker around the room trying to find the shadow in which the cries were emitting. Tiffany peeks down at her son; a silent sigh leaves her lips prior to her looking back up at her sister. Eyes close for a brief second. Doing the only thing that she could at the moment, Tiffany turns and heads back into her room leaving Taeyeon to her tears.


Hands were in her pockets with nowhere to go. Yeah she did say she was going home to pack but what's the point when she didn't want to leave in the first place. A few curse words were muttered and Yoona continues walking down the street, head held low and shoulders hunched. She just couldn't believe her sister. Wasn't she the favorite? So why give her up without a fight? Maybe it was all lies. Maybe Taeyeon didn't really want her. Maybe she was right and everything was all out of mere pity. That would explain how Taeyeon can get rid of her so easily. Why Taeyeon didn't care if she went home or not? Why Taeyeon never noticed how lonely she had got. It explains a lot of things. "How could I have been so stupid," mutters Yoona to herself, "They didn't want. Never did. They only used me because I'm an Im. Because I have money and could pay for things...that's all."

Foot collides with an empty bottle sending it skidding across the cement. "Stupid Yoona with no real use, we'll just let her tag along so she could pay for our things and when we don't need her toss her off onto someone else." She scoffs, "I'm so stupid to actually think anyone around here would want me around. My real sisters don't, my adoptive family doesn't, and my own mother doesn't. No one wants Yoona." She blinks away the newly forming tears.

Yoona stops in her tracks. Her gaze turns left, then right, a head and behind. She had no idea of where to go or who to see. No one wanted to be bothered with her right now. Jessica was busy; Seohyun was off somewhere with her mom and Yuri wasn't answering her calls at the moment. She could try Sooyoung but what good with that be. Sooyoung wasn't someone who she could talk openly with. "Since no one wants Yoona, maybe Yoona should just hang herself or jump off a bridge. Not like anyone would ever notice I was gone."

Feet begin moving again. Minutes pass and Yoona stops upon a bridge overlooking the highway. Fingers grasp onto the chain link fence; eyes look upon the speeding traffic. "If I was to jump today would anybody really notice?"

"Whoa...where did that come from?!" She looks up to see Jessica staring at her with a confused face. "I've been calling your name for a while but it was as if you were in your own world. I mean I saw you walk past the building I was in." Jessica sighs and looks down at the blurs below them. "What's going on that makes you think nobody would notice if you became road kill?" She takes a peek at the younger girl through the corner of her eyes.

"I don't know...a lot of things. It doesn't seem like I'm wanted here anymore, you know? Well, now it seems as if I was never really wanted in the first place. As if Yoona is only around for her easy access to money and that's it."

"I've never saw you as easy access to money," comments Jessica, "Neither has Yuri or Taeyeon. We all see you as the tall loud semi-expressive girl with sticky fingers and brain worthy of being used. We all see you as a friend, some more than Yuri. But come on Yoona, you don't honestly think nobody wants you around anymore do you?" Yoona nods her head, "Well trust me it's not true. And I know from experience."

"Yeah but your family isn't sending you half way across the world."

Jessica sighs. Arms cross; she rotates on her heels in order to lean against the chain linked fence. "You're wrong. My mom wants to send me back to America after I graduate." Yoona freezes. Eyes blink repeatedly and she takes a small look at Jessica. "I've been filling out college applications left and right. All the community service I was doing over the summer in between spending time with you and Taeyeon is helping me get in to one of those. And she wants Ivy Leagues....but I'm not sure I want to leave." Tongue clicks, "I mean I have friends here...some really good ones not like the people I hung out with last year before I met you and your sisters. Plus there's Yunho and Krystal. So I do know how you feel, Yoona."

"Do you know why your mom is sending you away?" questions Yoona curiously, wondering if it was the same reason why she had to leave home.

"I have a feeling it's to separate me from you and you sisters." The older girl sighs for a second time.

"So what would you do in a situation like this?"

"If Taeyeon's not fighting for you...then trust her instinct. When has she ever been wrong about anything? She might be oblivious to her surroundings, but trust me on this Yoona. When Taeyeon says something is going to work out it will." The Im's mind crashes momentarily, starting up shortly and being overrun by thoughts. How does Jessica know about Taeyeon tossing her to the side? She never really said anything, did she? Did something slip? "Surprisingly the middle child could be of some help," mutters Jessica. A small smile graces her face and she flashes it at Yoona, "Tiffany called me right after the talk at the hospital wanting me to do something with Taeyeon and Taeyeon's choice. But what is there for me to do? I trust my girlfriend. And you should trust Taeyeon. You should know how hard it is for her to easily give up a sibling...and you should definitely know how much it's eating her up."

She pushes off the fence and looks at her phone. "I have about another hour or so until I have to head home. Want to go and get something to eat like old times, sticky fingers? Who knows I may even let you pickpocket as a way to cheer yourself up."



Hand raises and knuckle rap against the wooden door. The words, 'Hold on' emit from behind the piece of wood. She nods her head, taking a step back. Within seconds the door opens and she comes face to face with Boa. "Ooh...if it's not the delinquent," states the oldest Kwon donning a smile. Her head tilts to the side as eyes take in the fading scratches along Yoona's face, "Ouch...that looks like it hurt. What happened?" Fingers poke and prod Yoona's face.

" Yuri here?" asks Yoona while trying to look around Boa's small stature. Her hand reaches up and pushes Boa's away.

"In the house. Hold on." Boa turns around, "Nerd! Your delinquent girlfriend is here!" The smaller girl turns back to Yoona, "she should be coming down the stairs in 5...4...3...2...1."

"Stop calling me nerd!" shouts the youngest Kwon while running down the stairs. Yuri comes to a halt behind her sister, shoving the older girl. "And Yoona is not my girlfriend, you short evil...person!" The oldest girl smile breaks into the Cheshire's grin revealing a dimple prior to breaking out into a laugh. "It's not funny!" growls Yuri as she continues pushing the older girl around. "I don't go around hollering Shorty or Dumb One. Nor do I announce when your boyfriend arrives. God, I can't wait until you leave tomorrow to go back to college."

"As if I'd stop picking on my favorite sister even when I'm gone," remarks Boa, "but I'll leave you to your, remember kids nothing more than pg-13." With that Boa disappears to a room within the house leaving Yuri standing at the door.

The youngest Kwon smiles a little; hands slide up and down her pants pockets. "So..." starts Yuri, "Did you want to come in...or - "

"I'm leaving," states Yoona, getting straight to the point of her visit. Yuri's smile drops. "Taeyeon doesn't want me and the Im's are leaving not only the neighborhood but the country. So I have to go with." Yoona's hand rises to the back of her neck; her gaze drops to Yuri's bare feet. "And...when I left the other day, you know the day that I ended up in the hospital. Anyways I was meaning to tell you something that day." She pauses for a moment unsure how to say what she wanted to say. Should there be some huge romantic type of confession? Or should she just confess and admit that she wanted to try something with Yuri?

"What did you need to tell me?" questions Yuri with a confused expression.

"I uh...I spoke with Taeyeon earlier," murmurs the younger girl. Yuri nods her head; she takes a step forward, closing the front door behind her. "We talked about you and Jessica...and our stupid feelings that shouldn't exist." She sighs; head shakes back and forth, her hair whipping behind her. "I just..." Another pause and she looks up at Yuri, "Taeyeon thought that maybe I should have given us a chance. And that's what I had wanted to tell you that day. I was going to admit that I liked you and that I figured we might as while had tried."

"Liked me? Had tried? You can still like me and we can still try, Yoona," comments Yuri. She slowly approaches the younger girl; her hand grabs hold of Yoona's.

"There really is no point if I'm leaving, besides now I won't have to worry," counters Yoona.

"About what?"

"About you leaving me since it'll be me leaving you before we even had a chance."

"Well if someone had manned up a little earlier and quit thinking that some people are gross we would instead be talking about which direction our relationship would be heading. But instead we're talking about a relationship that never had a chance." Free hand rises and fixes Yoona's hair, "sometimes I and many people find you and Taeyeon to be a like...and other times you two can be polar opposites. And I usually like the polar opposite side, but now I'm wishing for once maybe you could have been like Taeyeon and admitted to me earlier. You knew I liked for the longest time Yoona, and you never did anything about it...and now I don't know if I should be extremely pissed at the fact that you're finally doing something about it before you leave, or not."

"Oh," was Yoona's response. This wasn't what she had expected when she walked all the way from the restaurant to the Kwon house. In fact she believed that Yuri would have wanted a long distance relationship. She shakes her head, and she was stupid enough to believe it. This is reality not some ridiculous drama on television. It was a miracle in itself that Yuri has even waited this long for her in the first place.

"I have to, I really need to finish up assignments that are due on the first day." The older girl leans in placing a light peck upon Yoona's lips. "Maybe if you weren't leaving we could have gone and seen a movie tonight," states Yuri blinking away her building tears, "I'll miss having you run into the Center with police on your tail. In fact I'm sure a lot of us are going to miss a lot doing a lot of things with you..." Yuri gives Yoona a sad smile; she spins on her heels and walks back into her house, closing the door softly.

Yoona blinks and stares at the door and for the second time she was at a lost. No one was fighting for her to stay. Not Taeyeon, not Jessica and definitely not her last hope. And the tears that she was trying to contain from earlier in the day finally break free and flow down her face. That was it; she really was leaving and no one was stopping it from happening.



Shoes come into view. Eyes trail upwards; neck cranes back and a blank expression falls on her face at the sight of her girlfriend. She sighs; hand ruffles her un-kept hair and dark orbs look off to the side. Maybe she should have gone and sat at the bench and wait around for her friend to show with something to drink. But her feet dragged her all the way here instead. "Do you not want to see me? I mean you disappear in the rain about two months ago and after've been avoiding me. I'm just really curious Taeyeon."

"Sooyeon? "

She removes her back pack and takes a seat next to the smaller girl. Fingers come up and straighten out Taeyeon's hair. "What's going on Taeyeon? You've been avoiding me. Tiffany says you're not talking to her...and you're never home. And to add you're not in school anymore." Taeyeon takes a peek at her girlfriend. "I mean I's Yoona; she's not here...but there are other people in your life."

"I...I've been thinking," whispers Taeyeon, "I've been doing a lot of thinking." Jessica nods her head, waiting for Taeyeon to continue. "School's just not the same. And who am I trying to fool, Sooyeon. I'm not cut out for this learning I think I'm just going to go ahead and drop out. Save everyone a lot of time and effort." A slender hand retracts itself from the dark locks. "You don't approve, do you? But I wasn't just going to become a useless drop out. Like I said...I've been doing a lot of thinking. Working part time isn't enough for me and Tiffany to provide for Kyungsan." She takes a deep breath, "And so I was thinking on taking a full time position at the Lee Clinic. It pays a little more...just enough for groceries and rent."

"You've put a lot of thought into this, didn't you?" questions Jessica, "but no...I do approve. I knew what I was getting into the moment I started to like you." A small smile crosses her face, "and I'm glad that the old you is returning." Hand resumes its work at fixing the older girl's hair. "So you're dropping out of high school...our senior year and in return are going for a fulltime position of a janitor at the Lee Clinic."

"It's a stupid idea, isn't it?"

"Sort of don't you think? I mean a chance to get a diploma recognizing that you have completed all of your schooling and you're giving it all up to mop floors, clean toilets and take out garbage. Really Taeyeon? But even if it's stupid Taeyeon...I approve of it. You're the oldest have to do what you must to provide a stable living environment for Tiffany and Kyungsan. But honestly...this can't be the reason for you to be avoiding me for two months could it? I mean you're avoiding Tiffany because she wouldn't back down to Mr. Im...but I haven't done anything. So why are you avoiding me?" Taeyeon freezes. "Taeyeon? Don't tell me it was the kiss..." Taeyeon shakes her head no. "Well then what is it?"

"I thought...I thought that I had disappointed you," answers the slightly smaller girl honestly. "I didn't fight for Yoona. I just gave her away, and I thought you'd be disappointed in me and my decision." She reaches up, grabbing hold of Jessica's hand and turning fully to face Jessica.

"Why would I be disappointed Taeyeon? It's your life, your decision. I can't force you to do anything. As a friend and a girlfriend all I can do is offer you my advice and give my opinion. It's your choice rather your follow through like you've been doing up until now or make your own choice."

"Because I know that you and Yoona were close. I mean she ran to you to speak about her problems with me, the Ims, Yuri and Tiffany. Yoona trusted you and it was clear that you had begun to see my sister as you I figured that since I made her leave that you'd be disappointed in me, that maybe you'd not like me anymore." Jessica releases a small laugh; she leans forward capturing Taeyeon's lips in a small kiss.

She pulls away and smiles widely at the sight of Taeyeon with her eyes closed. "You're finally okay with it," comments Jessica lightly. One eye opens; a disgusted look crosses her face. "Spoke too soon."

"Don't do that Sooyeon," mutters Taeyeon while wiping her lips with the back of her hand.

"And why not?"

"'s gross."

"Whatever Taeyeon, but no. It's going to take more than that for me to get upset and not like you anymore, Taeyeon. So don't worry okay?" Taeyeon nods her head and Jessica rests her amongst the Kim's shoulder.

"How are things on your end?"questions Taeyeon.

"Fine...I guess. My dad moved out about two weeks ago. He's staying in some hotel or so he says. I guess my mom skipping out on helping him gain a promotion was sort of the last straw. People around the neighborhood are beginning to gossip and he doesn't approve of the negative attention. So it's just me and Krystal at home now...well Dog also. Yunho says he's coming back to take care of us, but I told him to worry about school and that I'd call him when I really need him," explains Jessica. "I guess I'm wrong it's not fine. It's like hell. I have no clue how you're able to do it."

"I forgot about the adults since they forgot about us...and all I think about is how to provide for my siblings," explains Taeyeon while leaning back some. Dark orbs fall upon the crown of Jessica's head. "I just thought about making sure Tiffany and Taemin were eating and they had some where to sleep and clothes to wear. If you forget about your parents and what they are going through and only worry about Krystal it'll change things."

"It's not only that...but my mom's been acting very weird lately. She looks at me weirdly and she sets aside time out of her day to spend with both me and Krystal. It's weird...but she's still pushing for an American college." Jessica looks up at Taeyeon, sensing that the older girl had tensed up. "Don't worry...I haven't been filling anything out. Like I promised...I won't leave you. Maybe the neighborhood or the city to attend college or something...but it'll be close by so you can see me. So I can see you."

"Are you sure?" questions Taeyeon. Jessica nods her head, placing a kiss upon the underside of Taeyeon's chin this time.

"Yeah...maybe I'll skip out on dorm costs and bunk with you and Tiffany. That'll be fun. And then after Sooyoung graduates it'll be me, you, Tiffany and Sooyoung...and hopefully Yoona will return. Because it'll be two years and she'd be able to make her decision."

"She's not coming back," states Taeyeon, glumly. "She walked out of my apartment two months ago telling me that she made her decision. And...and...she wasn't coming back." Her voice wavers. Jessica sits up and faces her girlfriend. "I'm no longer a sister...a sister to her."

"Taeyeon, tell me do you honestly believe that? Huh? That after two years Yoona is going to abandon you and leave you alone? Do you?" She grabs onto Taeyeon's other hand with her free one. "I know you're smarter than that, Taeyeon. You left her to leave with her father when you guys were younger and she returned years later wanting her big sister. And what you did two months ago was the exact same thing." The Kim shakes her head, "Yes it was. And sure Yoona was upset and hurt but you were doing the best you could as an older sister."


"I'm right. Look we can argue about this all evening but we're not. And I know Yoona's coming back." Confusion takes over the older girl's face. "So in one year and ten months time when she comes here...we just kidnap her and take her somewhere where she can't exactly run away."

"That's bad," comments Taeyeon, "You're bad."

"I learned from the best." The depressed look vanishes from Taeyeon's face; a small grin takes its place. The younger one forces herself onto her feet. "Now let's go to your place where I'll make you a lunch to take to work." Her hands sticks out and Taeyeon stares at it. She grabs hold of it and Jessica helps her onto her feet. "Let's go." Their fingers intertwine; Jessica rests her head on her girlfriend's shoulder once again.

"Do you really think Sooyoung is going to move in?" questions Taeyeon.

"Think? I may not see it because you can be oblivious to your surroundings, but these past two months...well your sister and my best friend have been up to something...that I don't want to no more talking, more walking and hopefully I can take a nap before I have to pick Krystal up from her after school activities."

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