Part 3

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She tosses and turns trying to get comfortable. With a huff she settles for lying on her back and staring up at the ceiling not to far above her. This was the second week in which sleep wouldn’t befall upon her and so she resorts to her usual methods that she’s been practicing. Putting her mind into a semi-ease state, thoughts begin to form surrounding her family that was miles away from her. How was her nephew? She didn’t really care for her sisters since she knew that Tiffany would be taken care of by Taeyeon. It was inevitable. Taeyeon was going to do everything in her power to make sure Tiffany’s fine and dandy, unlike her. Yoona sighs.

“Some experience this is,” she mutters, turning onto her side. She knew she was right all those months ago. Leaving wasn’t good for her. She wasn’t with any family members save for her sister on the bottom bunk. And even that wasn’t all that good. She’s stuck in another private boarding school where the food wasn’t familiar and there was a language barrier. On top of that, Yoona has to succumb to the ways of being bullied and harassed. And since she wasn’t exactly fluent in the language there was nothing she could do.

A small sad laugh leaves her lips. Being alone and tortured twenty-four seven was supposed to be good for her? “Yeah in helping me off myself,” she mumbles even more.

“Hey, Yoona?” She stiffens, holding her breath. “I know you’re awake, Yoona. I can hear you talking to yourself.” Yoona releases it. “Talking to yourself is a sign of insanity.” She scoffs and rolls her eyes at her sister’s statement. “Anyways…it’s been two weeks now…and every night I wake up to you mumbling some sort of mumbo jumbo crap…”

“So?” questions Yoona. Her hand grasps the pillow beneath her head.

“Thinking about your sisters?”

“I don’t have any sisters,” answers Yoona, curling into the fetal position.

“Then what am I?”

“You?” questions Yoona. She pauses, thinking of the correct words as to explain who the person is she’s talking to. “You’re that annoying person on the bunk underneath mine who’s asking about nonexistent family members. That’s who you are.” She hears a scoff. “What do you want me to say? I don’t have any sisters. Sisters are family and family doesn’t abandon others.”

“Really? If I can clearly recall your mother abandoned you and didn’t your father also abandon you. And yet they’re still you parents right?” There was a slight pause from the girl beneath her. “They left you to survive on your own. Taeyeon and Tiffany…they left you in my hands, in our parents’ hands. They didn’t abandon you and yet here you are months later still claiming that they’ve abandoned you.” Yoona blinks, flipping to face the dark blue wall behind her. “Yoona?”

“What?” was her response.

“No response?”

“No because everything you said is stupid and a lie. My father left me with the people at the orphanage. Taeyeon sent me away to live with strangers.”

“Same thing don’t you think? He left you with people you didn’t know. On the other hand though, Taeyeon left you with us.” Silence befalls upon the two girls. “Know what I think?” asks Yoona sister, never waiting for an answer, “I think you’re still mad so you’d have something to remember Taeyeon and Tiffany. You’re afraid of letting things go and forgiving them, because you’re afraid that at the end of the day they’d become a distant memory in the back of your mind. I also think that deep down your afraid that if you forget them then maybe you’d become lonely again like how you were when mom and dad brought you home the first time.” Yoona listens to the rustling of blankets and sheets. Her bed dips some behind her, causing for her to turn. Doe eyes meet her sister’s. “Well forgive them…and in the process you forget them and become lonely, I’m always here.”

Yoona rolls her eyes, “as if I’d go to the girl who ignored me all these years. Go to sleep Nana.” A brow arches and Yoona rolls back to face the wall.

“Yoona,” mumbles her sister in the dark while staring at Yoona’s back. “I didn’t spend time with you and ignored you because mom favored you; she even spent more time with you. I mean you didn’t even come from a middle class family and that made me mad. But Yoona right now…we’ve only got each other… It’s just us in this school even after seven months.” Nana slides back upon her bed leaving Yoona to her thoughts.

Were her sister’s words correct? Was she really afraid to forgive because she was afraid to forget? More importantly could she really trust this girl who was never a sister to her?

“Nana,” calls out Yoona.


“If…if I depend on you…what are the odds of you not leaving?”

“Ooh…I don’t know. I think it’ll be a very huge odd, considering that we don’t live at home and are in fact staying at this private school and living in the dorms. And we’re the only one who understands each other – but yeah, Yoona…I won’t leave you. It hurt our mother’s heart the first few nights you cried yourself to sleep. It surprisingly affected me.” Yoona sighs and rolls onto her back. “So…um, since it’s still technically dark out and we’re awake…do you want to talk? Ooh…let’s talk about boyfriends.”

“Ew.” A click of a tongue infiltrates her ears.

“What are you…like gay are something?”

“Boys are gross little human beings. Nothing but selfish and perverted little freaks,” states Yoona. “So yes…I’m like gay or something? Have a problem with that?”

“No…being homophobic is stupid…I just figured with all the boys that would visit during my parties fawning over you…that maybe you’d be interested. So girls…anyone in particular?” A lump gathers and her heart constricts. Anyone in particular? How about a nerd who she cherished? “I take the silence as a yes. Was she cute? How far have you guys–“

“We never dated,” interrupts Yoona. “Never really got the chance…I was going to confess and ask her out but our father went and became a mule believing he knows what’s right with people.” Yoona stretches. “What about you? Do you have someone?” A giggle fills the room, “Ew…never mind I don’t want to know. It’s probably something really gross.” Even more giggles, “let me guess…tall dark and handsome with some stupid abs and a charming smile…you know he’s probably gay.”

“Must you always be so pessimistic?”

“Look who’s asking Ms. I-cut-my-wrists-since-daddy-doesn’t-pay-attention-to-me,” counters Yoona.

“Everyone has flaws Yoona.” The girl on the top bunk scoffs yet again. “Anyways to answer your question, I have a lot of suitors.”

“Suitors? Who says that?” A small laugh breaks out, “Well sister I have a tremendous amount of suitors all willing to court me and ask father for my hand in marriage. But none of them can have my attention because the only attention I need, sister, is that of fathers.” Her laugh grows, “no one speaks like that…see this is why I’m against private schools.” The girl on the bottom bunks lifts her foot, giving the top a kick. “Alright…alright…so you have many suitors?” questions Yoona while trying to mask her giggles.

“Ugh…lowlifes…” mutters the other girl, “as I was saying there are plenty of boys asking for my number.”


“That’s it.”


“Yes really. What do you think I’m in a relationship?”

“You had one before right?”

“Yeah…didn’t last long…he was a little weird for my tastes.” Silence consumes them once again. “Hey Yoona?”


“Who was this person that you never had the chance with? I mean what was she like? Was she cute or anything? Was she a good girl or was she like Taeyeon and Tiffany?” Yoona blinks as her thoughts float back to Yuri. A smile graces her face and small chuckles escape between her lips as she remembers the times she had with the older girl. “Someone’s remembering something…can I know?”

“Huh? Oh…no,” answers Yoona shaking her head. “Um…her name was Yuri, Kwon Yuri to be exact.” She sighs deeply, “Yuri was an overachieving nerd with a really funny older sister. So I guess you can say that she was a good girl unlike me and Taeyeon…in fact she was far from it. Yuri never really got in trouble…never went looking for it or anything. School and the Youth Center were her priorities.”

“Sounds boring…even for you. How’d you fall for someone like that?”

“It was a long process,” admits Yoona, “In my eyes Yuri was a little gross nerd who wouldn’t mind her own business. She had this righteous thing about her…believing that she could fix any one and set them on the right path. And one year…I became her target. She thought she could fix me…make me a good little girl. Yuri was the only person at that time who would pay attention to me…who would give up time and spend it with me.”

“Is that why?”

“Well no…it’s a long story…are you sure you want to waste your precious time listening to my life story or something? I mean I know how important your time is…seeing as you never wanted to spend any of it with me.”

“Neither one of us have been getting any sleep lately…so might as well…continue.”

“Before Yuri there was another girl that I had liked. It was a small crush…sort of like a puppy love type thing. I didn’t act upon it. To be more specific…I found Taeyeon walking around one afternoon. She had a phone that belonged to a girl who had gotten attacked at the park one night. I told her she was stupid to return it. Anyways…the next day after returning the phone, Yuri made the girl’s older sister become Taeyeon’s counselor.” She pauses, “Well a few days later I found her and asked her to take me out for some food, since I didn’t like eating with you and the rest of the family…after that I spent as much time as I could with her. I developed some feelings…I even told her I liked her…but I gave up on it.”


“Tiffany thought that she was a perfect match for Taeyeon…low and behold after Tiffany’s disappearance and Taemin being taken away…those two admitted to liking each other. And they’ve been dating ever since. Tiffany was right…Jessica was perfect for Taeyeon. Anyways…Yuri herself began dating. I didn’t like it…not one bit. We went on a date…and after that she kept trying to get us to go out…”

“Why didn’t you?”

“Because Yuri was out of my league,” answers Yoona honestly. “That and I was afraid that she’d leave me for something better. She would tell me all the time that she wasn’t going to. That prestigious universities and large checks weren’t something she wanted. I didn’t want to believe it. So I kept pushing her away…besides Yuri is smart. She’s like super freaking smart that it’s ridiculous, Nana. I didn’t want to hold her back. Not after having my family destroy another person’s chance at success.”

“So what made you want to confess?”

“We got into a fight…and then I had a sibling heart to heart with Taeyeon. Taeyeon told me to risk it…to take the chance. That if Yuri was so set on not leaving me then I owe her as much. And well…I left Taeyeon in search of Yuri only to have some thugs find me…and we all know how things went from there.”

“So let me get this straight. If I’m thinking correctly, Yuri was the girl who’d come over and help you study during our summer break? The really pretty nerd girl who worked at the youth center? And I’m guessing Jessica was the one who would come over for a few minutes and hang out with you. The girl with a stick shoved up her ass?” There was a small moment of silence, “Yoona…sorry to say this, but you’re a stupid sister. You had two good looking girls and you didn’t date either one of them?”

“Thanks that makes me feel so much better,” responds Yoona; her voice full of sarcasm.

“Welcome…but on a serious note…when we go back are you going to go and find Yuri?”

“What’s the point?” Body shifts once again, “she’ll probably already be in a relationship. I mean she claimed that she liked me but ended up sleeping with some big headed monkey.” She grunts remembering how she found Yuri crying her eyes out in the middle of the street. “She graduates this year…and soon…who knows if she’s going to stick around, you know? Why spend time hoping and planning on finding someone when the possibility of never finding them is so high? Would she even want to date me still?”

“Most likely. Yuri’s smart and everything, but the girl is stupid to fall for an idiot like you. No offense.”

“None taken. Let’s just go to sleep.” There was a sigh of agreement and Yoona adjusts her sleeping position again. Eyes close and she evens out her breathing. The room falls silent save for the sound of both girls’ even breathing. “Nana?”


“Thank you for the talk…”

“No problem…isn’t that what family’s for?”


“I don’t care. Stay away from my daughter. I mean it; if you so much as even look at my daughter, walk in the same vicinity as her…I’ll have you arrested. Stay away from her.”

Her mother’s words echo within her mind. It was quite confusing. Who was she talking to? Who was she talking about: herself or Krystal? And why would this mysterious person want to come in contact with them? The oldest Jung daughter adjusts the strap to her backpack. A frustrated sigh leaves her lips.

“Who are you talking to?”

“No one; tell Soojung to hurry up or the both of you will be late for school.”

“If they’re supposed to stay away from us, shouldn’t you at least let us know?”

“It’s not important, Sooyeon. Just finish getting ready for school.”

Why’s her mother so secretive about things? Eyes fall on the girl walking beside her. Was it their father returning for Krystal? Everyone already knew that if the Jung parents were to split, Yunho would be on his own and their father would want Krystal above everything else. “Yeah maybe that’s it,” mutters Jessica while returning to look a head of her.

“What’s it?” questions the youngest Jung while looking up from her phone. Jessica shakes her head. If her mother believes it’s not important, no use in making her sister worry about it, right? “I’m not an idiot. You’re thinking about mom’s conversation this morning, huh?” Left foot stops midair. “She’s been having a lot of those conversations lately. Do you think it’s dad who she’s talking to?”

“It might be, but he was pretty serious when he said he’s no longer talking to her after they signed the papers,” answers Jessica while extending her arm in order to stop her sister from walking into a busy street. “But think about it…if it was dad, why would she be so secretive about those phone calls?” The signal change and the girls begin crossing the street. “Shouldn’t she just say stay away from him? Why did she have to say it was no one and it wasn’t important? When in fact I think threatening to call the cops means it’s important.”

“For her not us,” comments Krystal. She slips her phone into her pocket. “I think you’re overreacting. If it was important she would have said something. And since she hasn’t said anything to us…it’s not important.” Jessica nods her head. Maybe Krystal’s right. Maybe it’s just not that important if her mother doesn’t want to involve them. She looks at her sister again; a soft sigh emits from her. But isn’t it okay to overreact in this type of situation? They have some weirdo out there looking for either one of them and her mother is out making threats.

“I believe I have every right to overreact,” mumbles Jessica. She looks up then both ways. “Come on,” she calls out to Krystal while jogging across another the street. Her younger sister attempts to keep up, only to lose concentration as her phone rings. The younger Jung stops in the middle of what used to be an empty street and checks her phone. “Krystal,” Jessica turns only to witness a car driving in her sister’s direction. “Soojung!” Krystal looks up; her body freezes. Mind shuts down and the phone slips between her fingers, crashing into the asphalt. A crack races across the screen and the car comes to a screeching halt, just inches away from the baby Jung. Jessica runs back into the street, scooping up the damaged phone with her right hand. The left one wraps around her sister’s wrist tugging on it.

Car door opens and the driver steps out looking at the two Jung girls. The elderly man walks around to the front of his car. “I-is she okay?” The older sister looks up; muscles become paralyzed the moment her eyes lock onto the driver’s face. “Is she okay?”

Jessica nods her head, breaking out of her paralyzed state; she stands up straight, slipping the phone into her sister’s backpack. “Come on, Soojung…” She pulls her sister out of the street and onto the sidewalk.

“He…he looks vaguely familiar,” whispers Krystal while stumbling over her feet in an attempt to keep up with her sister. “In fact he looks like you…don’t you think Sooyeon?”

Jessica shakes her head. “What the hell were you thinking?” she questions while looking over her shoulder at the driver of the vehicle, “you could have been road kill.”

“It was from Sulli,” huffs the young girl in defense, mad at the fact that her sister was changing the subject. “Anyways didn’t he sort of look like you?”

“No…and seriously you could have gotten yourself killed, Soojung. I mean seriously…I figured that the stupid side of you sort of disappeared over these few months and instead you go out and stand in the middle of the street pulling out your phone.”

“So I thought it might be important. I wasn’t going to stand in the street forever. I was just checking to see who was calling, besides the street was empty when we crossed.” She swings her backpack off and begins looking for her phone. “It’s cracked.” She waves the device in her older sister’s face. “How am I supposed to use it when it’s cracked?”

The older of the two clicks her tongue, rolls her eyes and resumes walking. “Should have thought about that before you decided on becoming road kill,” answers Jessica with a yawn. “Let’s go Soojung…I don’t want to be late for my classes.”

“Class,” corrects Krystal, “as of right now, you only have one class that you can literally be late for. Afterwards it’ll be I’ve already missed a class and I can’t miss another. And you’re supposed to be a graduating senior in the next three months.” Jessica rolls her eyes again. “I guess it’s not your grades that ia allowing for them to hand over the diploma,” jokes Krystal with a smug smile. “They’re probably tired of you.” She laughs and runs away as her sister begins chasing after her.

Both girls weave in and out of the walking pedestrians before dashing out into the empty street. Hand reaches out, grabbing hold of the younger girl’s backpack. Giggles echo throughout the streets; the Jung sisters being the source as they play fight along the streets. An “oops” or a “sorry” was the only other sound coming from the two girls as they bump into someone along their way.

Within a set few minutes the girls exit out of an alleyway. They both sigh, kneeling over trying to catch their breaths. “Alright, I don’t think I need to walk you anymore right? Or do, since you like trying to become road kill?” states Jessica while huffing; hands stretch high above her head. Krystal rolls her eyes; her tongue clicks against the roof of her mouth. “Alright…alright. Don’t talk to anyone, including dad. Even if mom says it’s not important…you should still be a little wary.”

Krystal nods her head. “Anything else mom?”

“Get out of here, before I kick your ass.” Krystal grins; a kick of the toes and her body spins on her heel as she takes off running in one direction leaving Jessica alone at the exit of an alleyway. The older girl watches her sister waiting for the younger girl’s figure to disappear from her sight. Once it happens, she herself turns only to stop instantly. Eyes trace over the torso in front of her, moving upwards and landing on a masculine version of her face. She blinks and takes one step back. Why didn’t she hear him approaching? Why is he following her?

Mimicking her sister’s movements, Jessica spins and attempts to make a run for it. Arms and hands reach out taking hold of her form, dragging her back into the alley. Mouth opens in a futile attempt to scream only to have a large calloused hand cover it. “Ssh…don’t scream,” he whispers into her ear. “I just want to talk to you.” Body thrashes; feet and legs swing about. Screw his demand of not screaming. Eyes flicker back and forth. Why didn’t anyone see him? Why didn’t anyone see her? “Be quiet,” he whispers

Ignoring his orders, she continues to scream having it muffled by his hand. “Don’t make me use force.” Her shouts cry down; fear spreads throughout her body and Jessica gives up fighting. She didn’t want to get hurt. “Good.” The arm that was pinning hers down tightens its grip as they slowly proceed deeper into the alley. She stops walking realizing that they were going further and further away from the eyes and ears of bystanders. “Must you be as stubborn as your mother?”

Eyes widen; is he the person who her mother was talking to earlier? She swallows the lump that formed in the back of her throat. What if he is? Panic spreads and horrendous thoughts flash in her mind. Not wanting any of those thoughts to become a reality, Jessica’s eyes drift close and teeth bite down upon flesh. “****!” He rips his hand away, slightly loosening his grip on her arms.

Elbow slams into his abdomen; right foot flies up causing for to curl over in pain. She turns and stares at him. Slipping her backpack off, she flings it hitting him. A groan and eyes follow as his body drops to the ground. Backpack lands with a thud next to his head; feet pound against the floor carrying Jessica’s body far away the danger.


She yawns; fingers rake through her hair. Eyes resume focusing on the eggs that were to be scrambled. Noticing that the food was done; she reaches out turning off the stove. Spinning on her heel, her other hand grabs the plate holding a slice of toast and she continues making the plate. “Tiffany! Come eat,” she calls out while setting the plate on the table. Eyes slowly drift close for a mere minute.

The patter of feet awakens her; eyes land on the young girl who was entering the kitchen, “I can’t. I have to find my essay. I can’t find it and I was working on it last night. I had it and now it’s gone.” Tiffany grabs the slice of toast and disappears back down the hall.

Taeyeon groans. This wasn’t something she wants to deal with so early in the morning. In fact, all the older girl wanted was to come from work, take a warm shower and disappear beneath her covers. But since her sister texted her asking for some breakfast, she just couldn’t. “Tae…I can’t find it!” With another yawn, feet drag her small body to her sister’s room. She automatically leans against the doorframe her eye lids drooping close.

Blinking away the sleep, Taeyeon looks around the room at the mess either her sister or her nephew had made. A groan infiltrates her ears. “Where the hell are you?” calls out Tiffany from underneath the bed.

“Where did you last have it?” questions Taeyeon while crossing her arms.

“Like I said…last night. I was writing it out and trying to feed Kyungsan at the same time,” answers the younger girl while crawling out. She takes a seat in the middle of the room, tousling her hair; the corner of her lips move downwards creating a frown. “Tae I really need to find my essay. It’s like a huge chunk of my grade.” Taeyeon sighs, “This isn’t a sighing matter…why am I even bothering? School was never important to you. So you wouldn’t understand.”

“You think I wouldn’t,” counters Taeyeon uncrossing her arms. “Tiffany, I’m tired…I’m extremely tired. I just got off work no less than two hours ago. All I want is to shower and sleep, but instead I made you breakfast and even offered to take my nephew to his grandparents.” She sighs again. There was no point in arguing. It would only stall them, not help them find the report. “Have you checked in Kyungsan’s stuff?” Tiffany nods her head. “Backpack?” Another nod of the head, “kitchen?”

“No.” The Hwang quickly stands and dashes out of the room. The sounds, of the cabinets opening and closing and the noise from pots and pans being tossed around, echo around the apartment. “Found it!” Feet patter against the floor; Taeyeon rotates to face her sister. “Thank you!” Arms wrap around the older girl, “He’s still sleeping and Mrs. Choi is out until 10 maybe 11. You can drop him off at like 10:30 or I could call and have Mrs. Choi come and pick him up.” Taeyeon shakes her head. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah…I want to spend a little time with my nephew. I barely get to see him with my schedule.”

“Alright. I have work tonight so that means he staying at the Choi’s over night. I’ve packed everything he should need…and I think that’s it.” She turns around, stopping, “Right…he’s got a slight fever Tae. I’ve already given him some medicine…and he might not need any more until he gets to his grandparents. Make sure you tell Mrs. Choi – Never mind I’ll call her on the bus. Now that’s it.” She turns and heads straight for the door, “get some sleep Tae. He’ll probably be sleeping for a while.” Taeyeon listens to the front door closing before exiting out of the hallway and into the living room.

Eyes fall on the pink backpack that she had bought her sister earlier in the school year. She shakes her head, walking over to it. Fingers wrap around the strap and the older girl walks to the door pulling it open to find Tiffany standing in front of it. “Backpack?”

“Thank you.” Tiffany grabs the bag only to make a dash for the stairwell. Taeyeon closes the door; she looks around her apartment with sleepy eyes prior to walking towards the kitchen to clean up the food her sister didn’t eat. She gets halfway when a knock resonates throughout the house. She quickly turns back to the door; hand envelops the brass knob pulling the door open.

“Forget something – M-mom?”


The chatter of her fellow peers echo throughout the hallways. Shoulders collide with others as she forces her way through the mass crowd of hormonal and hyped students. Eyes scan the crowd looking for the duo that was supposed to be standing in front of her locker. Within minutes she ends up in front of the rustic metal cabinet, huffing. “Are you just going to stare at me…or do I get a hello?” she asks as fingers begin making quick work of the combination lock. Not receiving an answer, she pulls open the door quickly before looking at the person leaning against the locker beside her.

“You saw me first; you should be the one saying hello, Tiffany.” A smile crosses Tiffany’s face. “So why are you late? Did something happen to Kyungsan?” Her smile widens; head shakes back and forth as she turns her attention to her locker, pulling out the textbooks needed. “Oh…so what happened? Something with Taeyeon?”

“Nope,” answers Tiffany as she adjusts her backpack so she can access her notebooks and folder. “Taeyeon’s fine and he’s okay. In fact they’re both sleeping.” She quickly checks to make sure she grabbed her items that were needed and closes the locker only to face Sooyoung again. “I just sort of misplaced my essay last night and had to look for it. That’s the only reason why I’m running late…” A confused look crosses the older girl’s face, “where’s Jung?”

“You know…I have no clue. I waited for her outside the corner store, but she when she didn’t show after fifteen minutes I assumed that she already came here. So I went ahead and bought some extra diapers and stuff,” answers Sooyoung honestly; she lifts up a white plastic bag. Tiffany rolls her eyes, reopening her locker and sliding the bag inside.

The Choi exhales noisily and a confused look crosses her face. Where was her best friend? Tiffany works nights so she gets the baby, and today would have been one of the days that she and Jessica would meet up at their usual spot: the local corner market down the street from the school. She usually walks Krystal halfway here only to split and meet up with Sooyoung. And Jessica usually calls when she can’t make it and they all meet at Tiffany’s locker; Jessica wasn’t one to ditch and not show. It was the main thing that she harassed Taeyeon and Yoona about last year.

Concerned eyes watch the younger girl. “Krystal!” calls out the smaller girl while waving her hand in the air. Sooyoung snaps out of her thoughts as the youngest Jung child approaches them.

“What?” questions Krystal in an annoyed tone.

“Where’s your sister?” responds Tiffany while leaning against Sooyoung.

“I don’t know…we were walking and then we split since she was supposed to meet you,” Krystal points at Sooyoung. “If she’s not here, then she’s probably ditching to spend time with the delinquent. There really aren’t many places for my sister to disappear to you know…gosh some friends you are.” With that Krystal adjusts her backpack and walks away to join her friends down the hall.

Releasing a heavy breath, Tiffany frowns, “well that was no good. Maybe we should call her?” The tall girl once again shrugs her shoulders.

“I tried that…don’t think I have? I even texted her phone,” there was a slight pause. “Maybe Krystal suggested is true, you know? Sica could be at your place and you probably passed her up on the way here.” Tiffany stretches, pushing off her locker. “Where are you going?” asks Sooyoung while watching as the older girl walks away disappearing into the crowd. Copying her movements, the Choi chases after Tiffany trying to figure out where the older girl was heading. “Tiffany?”

“I thought I saw Yuri,” states Tiffany as she rounds a corner. Hand blindly reaches out behind her, grabbing onto Sooyoung’s hand; fingers interlace and she pulls Sooyoung closer.

“So we’re hunting down Yuri now?” questions Sooyoung confused. She couldn’t quite link the idea of looking for Jessica to hunting down Yuri in the crowded hallways. She stumbles a bit, knocking people into the locker. “Tiffany, slow down.”

“No. Yuri’s been avoiding us and slowing down would mean allowing her to get away.” They stop in the middle of the hallway as it splits into four directions: left, forward, right and back. Head spins in every direction as eyes search the crowd looking for anything that resembled the Kwon. “Be of some help and use your height as a-“ Sooyoung tugs her towards the left stopping in front of a half empty classroom. “What are we-“ She points inside, directing Tiffany’s gaze to the overachiever who was currently sitting in the front row reading her text book.

“Hey, Yuri,” states Tiffany while entering the room and ignoring the looks she was receiving.

Yuri flips mindlessly through the textbook ignoring the older girl’s presence. She’s been doing so since the moment she noticed that Tiffany had spotted her in the hallway.

She knows that the two girls want to talk to her. In fact, Yuri knows that the whole group wants to speak to her, considering the fact that she stopped hanging out with them three months after Yoona’s absence. A silent sigh and she prepares to turn the page of her book when a hand comes into view. “I’m trying to read,” she speaks; head remains lowered as she was too afraid to look up at the two people in which she used to hang out with.

“You’re avoiding us,” states Tiffany while looking at the clock to see how much time she had left before the first bell rang.

“I’m not avoiding any of you. I have school; I have work, Tiffany. I don’t have the time to hang out with you, your sister and everyone else,” the younger girl. The chatter within the classroom falls into a silence as all eyes land on the two girls.

“You made time for us when Yoona was around…and now that my sister isn’t here-“

“Correct,” states Yuri; head tilts up and eyes meet. “Your sister isn’t here. There is no reason for me to hang out with you guys anymore...I mean there is but think about it Tiffany. You’re always with Sooyoung…and Jessica’s always with Taeyeon. I’m like the fifth wheel…and it’s weird and awkward, alright.” She pauses; eyes flicker around the room. “I don’t feel as if we’re friends, really. I never felt it. I was just always tagging along with Yoona…she’s not here so I shouldn’t be there.”

Tiffany’s face scrunches up. Not friends? With a huff, hands snatch the book off the table; Tiffany sends Yuri a glare. “Not friends? We spent the whole summer hanging out, Kwon Yuri. We tried helping you get a date with our sister. We tried getting our sister to date you. You helped us and we helped you…and you don’t see us as friends?” She scoffs dropping the book on the floor. “Let’s go, Sooyoung.” She turns away from the girl at the desk.

Fingers search for Sooyoung’s hand, finding it they interlace giving it a tug. Sooyoung looks at the smaller girl, getting the hint that Tiffany wants for her to walk her to class. “A little overboard there, Tiffany, don’t you think? You didn’t really have to throw her book on the ground.” Brown orbs roll; a scoff faintly sounds.

How can what she did be overboard when Yuri doesn’t even see them as friends? They spent so much time with each other. Yuri was practically a member of their group just as much as Jessica was.

A frustrated sigh and free hand tousles her hair. “Youngie…how could she not see us as friends?” questions Tiffany with a pout. Feet stop moving and eyes look up to see that they were standing just right outside the door to her classroom. Sooyoung just sighs, releasing Tiffany’s hand. “Not friends…what are we not good enough especially after everything? So what if we’re all a bunch of imperfect misfits…it’s why we clicked, you know?” Sooyoung smiles and nods her head; half hoping that it would calm Tiffany down some. “I like her… Tae likes her. Even Yoong sort of likes her…I mean her crush kind of grew after I told her to forget about her feelings for Jessica.”

The bell rings echoing throughout the halls; students begin dispersing into small clumps as they file through the many doors. “Go to class Sooyoung. I’ll see you at lunch.”

“Okay…but loosen up on Yuri. Maybe we didn’t seem like friends to her. I mean she was only around when Yoona was…maybe to her it seemed like we didn’t really want her around,” states Sooyoung while adjusting her backpack.

“I have loosened up in the amount of time it took us to travel from her classroom to mine. I just…it’s frustrating to think that I and Tae have finally found some good friends in our life. And then one of them ups and states that we’re not…but whatever…I’ll loosen up and maybe apologize at lunch.” Feet strain to lift her body on the tip of the toes. Lips meet the flesh of a cheek and Tiffany backs away with a grin. “Go to class.” With that Tiffany disappears into her classroom leaving Sooyoung alone and frustrated.

Why’d she have to do that in public? With the back of her hand, she wipes the spot that Tiffany’s lips touched prior to sprinting down the hall hoping she made it before the bell rings.


They sit staring at each other; neither one of them said a word. But she just couldn’t believe it. Why now all of a sudden? Right when her life was finally getting some stability. They were no longer paying hospital bills, rent was all caught up, and there was actual food in their fridge. Even her relationships were becoming stable. Mrs. Jung was becoming comfortable with her somewhat. Even Krystal likes her now. Everything was going so good. And now, and now this?

Taeyeon sighs; head drops and fingers comb through her hair. Maybe she should have just come home and went to sleep after work. She wouldn’t be in this situation. She’d be sleeping in her bed ignoring the knocks on the front door. But instead she took up offers to do other things. Taking a deep breath, she looks up and at her mother. “Why are you here?”

“Taeyeon, I-“

The front door opens and in steps her girlfriend with a panic stricken face. “Sooyeon?” Why was her girlfriend here? Shouldn’t she be in school? She quickly stands up from her seat and hurries over to the girl that was busily attempting to lock the door/ “Sooyeon?” A slight touch and it sends a scream from Jessica’s lips, waking the sleeping boy in the back room. His cries follow her screams sounding throughout the apartment.

“Oh my god, Taengoo…I’m sorry,” whispers Jessica; her fear is set aside. Eyes soften as she looks at the older girl’s face. “I didn’t mean to…I’m so sorry.”

“No problem,” mutters Taeyeon as she heads back to check on her nephew. Jessica watches as her girlfriend disappears from her line of sight before taking a few deep breaths. Finally calming her nerves she looks around the room; eyes land on Taeyeon’s mother.

“What are you doing here?” Never mind setting her fears aside for the now awoken boy. Jessica practically throws them out the window at the sight of the woman. Feet move slowly carrying her body towards the table that the Kim women were sitting at, taking Taeyeon’s seat.

“I could ask you the same question, Sooyeon was it?” Jessica’s face scrunches. “I’m visiting my daughter. Taeyeon’s been avoiding my calls, so I thought I’d come and see her. I know you don’t like me. You made it obvious the first time we met…I guess the girl’s have told you some things about me. But isn’t it always fair to hear both sides before making a judgment? Taeyeon wasn’t even old enough to comprehend what happened back then.”

“You left a child to live on her own,” states Jessica. “I think that’s calls for enough detail to judge a person’s character.” Footsteps stop the conversation as Taeyeon reappears with Kyungsan in her arms. “He was sleeping wasn’t he?” asks Jessica while standing, watching as the little boy rubs the sleep away from his eyes. “I’m sorry,” she repeats. Taeyeon shrugs her shoulders and looks her nephew in the face.

“He’ll be fine,” answers Taeyeon while handing him over to Jessica. Jessica smiles placing a kiss on Kyungsan’s cheek; she turns and faces Taeyeon. She thinks about leaning in for a hello kiss but seeing as there was an adult in the room and she didn’t want to indulge the woman on their relationship, Jessica opted for taking Kyungsan into the living room to play with his toys, letting the two Kim’s talk. Taeyeon sighs a second time; hand slide up and down her work pants. “Um…where were we?”

“You asked why I’m here. I’ll give you the same answer that I gave your girlfriend. I want to see you; you weren’t answering my calls Taeyeon. It’s not like you…you usually answer and then hang up. I’d rather have that then you not answering at all.” Taeyeon takes a seat. She was unsure what to do. “Taeyeon…”

“What is so important that you want to talk about it?” questions Taeyeon.

“I can’t just come and visit? You’re still my daughter.” There was a moment of silence. “I know I wasn’t there-“

“Wasn’t there?” questions Taeyeon in disbelief. “You left me to rot. You left me and Yoong…and then Yoong’s father just shows up and takes her away. I was on my own. You didn’t want to visit; you didn’t care about me being your daughter so why now?”

“Taeyeon…what did you want me to do in that predicament, huh? I couldn’t do anything, so I did the next best thing. I called your aunt to take care of you, but according to her you just gave her hell.” Ms. Kim sighs, “I didn’t come over here to begin an argument. I just wanted to see my daughter, to see how she’s fairing.” She looks around the apartment. “You aunt did say that you found a nice little apartment.”

“Sooyeon found it,” mumbles Taeyeon. “Sooyeon’s done a lot of things for me…unlike you.”

“I gave birth to you that must mean something.”

“It doesn’t mean anything…or that’s what I’ve learned from Sooyeon. You can be my mother by birthright but that doesn’t mean a thing. Mothers are someone who cares, nourishes and raises their children with love and care. They’d do anything for their child…like what Tiffany does with Kyungsan.” Fingers ruffle her hair.

“You listen to everything that your girlfriend says.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” questions Taeyeon defensively.

“Nothing,” head shakes, “nothing, it was a mere observation.” Ms. Kim stands, “I have to go…can you promise me that you’ll call tonight?”

“Promises are meant to be broken,” states Jessica from her position on the floor. Two sets of eyes land on her figure. “What? It’s true…and you really can’t expect that she’ll call you after unexpectedly showing up in her life again?”

“I’ve been here…and I was giving her, her space. Taeyeon…” Taeyeon waves a hand and the elderly woman leaves the apartment.

Her head drops down upon the table; a groan escapes. “Taengoo,” calls out Jessica softly. She turns and gazes at the woman who was calling for her. Jessica pats the space beside her signaling for Taeyeon to join them on the floor. With a heavy sigh, the older girl does exactly what her girlfriend asks of her. As the older girl sits, the younger one leans over quickly capturing her girlfriend’s lips in a small sweet kiss. Jessica pulls away examining Taeyeon’s face. The older girl is growing accustomed to Jessica’s kisses but there were still moments when Taeyeon would bluntly state her disgust with such things.

Taeyeon looks back at Jessica for a second only to examine her nephew who was playing with his building blocks. A smile grows on the Jung’s face. “Ditching?” questions Taeyeon as she leans up against the couch. Jessica shakes her head. “Thought so…you looked scared when you ran in here. You even attempted to lock all the locks as if someone was chasing you.” There was a small pause, “what’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” answers Jessica as the thought of why she was running returns.




“What? I decided to ditch school and spend time with you. And along the way I thought someone was chasing me,” lies Jessica while avoiding eye contact. Taeyeon observes Jessica carefully. As much as she wants to believe her girlfriend she couldn’t. She has three younger siblings; she’s not exactly stupid. Maybe blind and oblivious towards some things but Taeyeon wasn’t stupid. Something or someone was bothering her girlfriend.

“Why did you think someone was chasing you?”

“Just cause…look Taeyeon it’s not a big deal.”

“You don’t ditch,” states Taeyeon, “you haven’t since your senior year has started. And now all of a sudden you want to ditch and spend time with me? I told you last week that I was supposed to work this morning…and I didn’t tell you that I changed my hours at the last minute…Sooyeon what’s going on?”

“I…” She leans back; head drops onto Taeyeon’s shoulder. Fingers play with Taeyeon’s. “I don’t know,” answers Jessica truthfully. “One moment I’m having fun with Krystal and the next some weirdo who knows my mom is following me.” Taeyeon tenses. “You don’t have to do anything Taeyeon. I don’t need you getting into anymore trouble…especially after what you did to Key.” She pauses. “I just…it’s just…never mind…” She shakes her head. “Just when I thought we’d finally have peace stupid stuff like this happens. It’s as if we’re supposed to be miserable twenty four seven.”

“Where’s your backpack?” questions Taeyeon while trying to process the information that Jessica had revealed?

“Probably lying in some alley covered in blood from that guy’s nose.”

“You hit him in the face?”

“More like bit his hand, elbowed him, kicked him where the sun doesn’t shine and then hit him in the face with my backpack.” A smile crosses her face and she looks up at Taeyeon. The older girl nods her head. “But enough about me…you’re in your work clothes and smell like bleach and other cleaning chemicals. Did you just get off work?”

“Yeah…just a little over two hours ago. I was going to shower and sleep but I told Tiffany I’d watch him,” she points at Kyungsan, “until Mrs. Choi was home and then I’d drop him off.”

“Why would you do something as stupid as that Taeyeon?”

“Because Tiffany says I don’t spend time with my nephew.”

“And that’s to make sure he has a place to sleep at night…one moment I think Tiffany’s actually using her brain and then the next moment she’s dumb as ****.”

“That’s my sister you’re talking about.” Jessica rolls her eyes while sitting up.

“Go shower before he decides to chew on your fingers or something and get sick off the chemicals on your hands.” The older girl sighs and forces herself up off the floor; eyes flicker back and forth between her girlfriend and nephew. “We’ll be fine, Taeyeon…I can handle watching him for a mere few minutes. I did practically raise my sister.”

“And look how that turns out,” jokes Taeyeon. Jessica growls; hands pick up the nearest item which was Kyungsan’s bottle, throwing it at Taeyeon. “Okay…okay…”

“If he’s a delinquent it’s not my fault. Look who his parents and aunts are,” comments Jessica, huffing; arms cross and a stern look appears. “Go shower. Now.” Taeyeon turns on her heels, heading towards the bathroom. “Taengoo…” She stops. “When you um…drop him off…do you mind riding with me out to see my brother? There are some things that I want to talk to him about.” She gazes over her shoulder.

“Did you think I was going to let you walk off with some creep trying to talk to you?”


Head rotates left then right; eyes scan the crowd checking to see if anyone was following her. Right hand presses flat against the door, pushing it open slightly. She slips inside the restroom making her way towards the sinks and mirrors in a means to escape reality. That’s all she wanted; she just wants to escape from hell, from this place.

With a heavy sigh, hands press flat against the cool counter top. Body hunches over. Eyes close; teeth tug and nip on her bottom lip as she fights the urge to cry. Another half a day and she’s already underwent some of the most ridiculous hazing she could endure. Her messenger bag has finally gone missing after being ruined. Textbooks were destroyed, burned and soaked in a liquid that clearly smelled of urine. Her school blazer disappeared for thirty minutes only to be found hanging from a window upon the fourth floor.

But the latest act that happened no less than ten minutes ago was the last straw. She grunts; one hand comes up and fingers slide through her now short locks. Yes, now short. Over the seven months, she decided to let her hair grow out and within two seconds it was now gone. Long became short all by an accident with a pair of scissors. The hand against the counter curls. “What am I supposed to be learning? What is there for me to experience, huh Tae?” A lone tear slides down her cheek. Inhale. Exhale. She couldn’t let anymore escape.

But her defenses fail as even more stream down her face, dripping onto the counter below. That was it; all that’s left is to break down. Tears flow freely; sobs escape and body shakes lightly.

Steps echo throughout the small room. “We weren’t done with your hair cut.” Eyes snap open, automatically zooming towards the reflections in the mirrors. Hand releases her hair, turning on the tap and allowing her to wash her hands before making an escape. She cuts it off and spins; a dainty hand presses against her chest. “Not thinking about going somewhere are you?” Fingers reach up, playing with her hair. “Ah, were you crying?” She didn’t give an answer. “Ah, the little Asian girl is very soft and sensitive. I think we hurt her feelings.” Laughs resonate.

Soft? She blinks. No, she wasn’t soft, right? She was just at a low moment, like how her sister would get. Her frustrations were just getting to her. She wasn’t soft. She’s Im Yoona, baby sister of Kim Taeyeon. She’s faced much worse things than this. She fought people who looked like monkeys, Taeyeon’s father, police and thugs. Taking a deep breath, Yoona swats the hand away.

“Really Yoona?” Her harasser reaches up, pushing Yoona into the sinks.

Snickers fill the room; a bag drops to the floor with a thud. Hands reach out, fisting her blouse and dragging her in closer. The Im could only stare the other girl down. “You shouldn’t have done that.” One of the members in the group walks to the window pushing it open. “You know I was just bent on making your life a living hell, Im. But now…now,” she attempts to haul Yoona towards the window, only to have Yoona end up fighting back.

Feet shuffle; shoes scuff the floor as legs become entangled. Hands tread from clothes into short and long tresses, pulling and tugging upon strands. Both girls plummet to the floor with a grunt. Bodies take blows from knees and elbows as they both fight to be on top.

The door opens revealing another student. Eyes instantly see the two girls fighting.




With a yawn and heavy steps, she follows after the instructor in front of her. Stretching her arms above her head, Nana looks around the hallways. What in the world did her sister do this time? They had just fallen asleep, didn’t they? They were talking about Taeyeon and Yuri and what not. So how did it get from sleeping to fighting in the girls’ restroom at around like 2 o’clock in the morning? Another yawn and they round the corner stopping just outside of the dean’s office. “Go on in.”

Nana watches as the professor walks away before reaching out for the door handle. Twisting it, she forces the door open; eyes take in the sight of her sister’s back another girl’s back and the Dean herself. “Ah…Jin Ah, please take a seat.” Feet move hesitantly upon entering the room and heading towards the chair beside her sister. She takes a quick peek at her sister’s profile, examining the bruising and blood.

The dean turns towards the girl that’s been harassing Yoona, “You may return to your dorm. We’ll finish talking when your parents arrive tomorrow morning.” The bully scoffs and with a roll of the eyes, she stands and storms out of the room, slamming the door shut. The dean sighs; index and thumb pinch the bridge of her nose. Exhaling loudly, all eyes fall on the delinquent in the room. “Yoona,” calls out the headmistress softly, “I saw you earlier and you had such long hair…did you cut it?” Nana’s eyes flicker over her sister’s hair. And just as the dean stated, her hair was definitely cut.

Eyes remain on the hands resting in her lap. She quickly shakes her head no. “Really? Then why’s it now short? Unless you put in some extensions.” Another shake of the head, “so if you didn’t cut it…someone else did?” There was no response. With a sad smile, the elderly woman leans back a bit. “I see…someone did cut your hair? And I understand why you’re not saying anything.” Her head lifts as she observes the woman in charge of this wretched school. “I spoke to your parents when they enrolled you girls into this academy. I was told you were quite the rebellious type Yoona, that you have sisters who are delinquents and that are what you hung out with. And I know about delinquents and the code of the street. Believe me, I have a brother who did nothing but steal all his life and then he did something stupid and landed himself in jail. But we’re not here to discuss that. I know they teach you not to snitch, but Yoona…I can’t help you unless you speak up about it.”

The dean pushes back on her chair, sliding across the floor and stopping in front of a file cabinet. Quickly opening it, she fingers through looking for a certain file. “Let’s see,” she states while pulling one out, “Teachers have come forward on your behalf, Yoona. Messenger bag set on fire. Blazer was stolen. Books were burned also…even some had urine poured upon them. And there’s even more stories and claims.”

“It’s lies,” mumbles Yoona, looking off to the side.

“Yoona,” calls out Nana.

“No…it’s lies. Alright…” She slouches in her seat.

“Yoona, we have a zero tolerance policy. Fighting could result in expulsion. Now, if you tell me that these girls have been harassing and bullying you, I can give you a minimal punishment of suspension. If not, I may have to expel you for fighting with another peer. And that’s not something that I want…you’re very bright from what the counselors and professors tell me.”

“It’s – “

The door slams open, “You! Fighting?! This early in the morning?!” Neither of the girls needed to turn to know it was their father. “What is wrong with you?! It’s zero policy…and this is one of the best private schools – if you get expelled where will you go, huh?” shouts Mr. Im; face red from anger. “No school will take you!”

“Mr. Im, please calm down.”

“Yoona! Did you think if you get expelled that we’d take you back to your pathetic sisters? Did you?!” Teeth nip at her bottom lip; hands grab hold of the arm rests. Quickly standing upon her feet, Yoona pushes past her parents and walks out of the room. “Yoona!”

“Mr. Im…it’s quite early in the morning. I have professors and students who are asleep. Please do not disturb them. Lower your voice and have a seat or I will have you removed from the property. As for your daughter, do not worry I’ll send someone to follow her.” Nose flares as he breathes heavily. He looks at his wife and then at his biological daughter before taking Yoona’s seat. “Thank you…now before you stormed in here, I was just discussing some minor things with Yoona.”

“She’s an idiot,” mutters Mr. Im. “Just expel her and let me throw her out on the street. I can’t handle this anymore.” Thumb and index message his temple. “She wants to live like a poor girl with her sisters than she can. I’m wasting money on her. Just fill out the paper work, please.”

With an arched brow, the Dean takes a glance at Nana who shrugs her shoulders in response. “I don’t think kicking her out will do the job. Trust me…I watched my parents kick my brother out and all it did was turn him into mere nothing. Besides, I don’t think expelling Yoona is the best option, Mr. Im.” Shutting the file cabinet and placing Yoona's file upon top, she quickly slides back to her desk; hands fold and land softly upon the stack of papers before her. “Yoona has been bullied and harassed since the moment she was enrolled. It was only a matter of time before you daughter fought back.”

“Bullied? Harassed? Are you sure? We’re talking about that ungrateful little menace. She’s the one who bullied and harassed others. Stole too,” counters the male Im.


“They torture her, dad,” states Nana. “She can hardly sleep at night. Sometimes she doesn’t. First it was small things that I noticed like just mere teasing and mocking her cause we can’t, she still can’t speak the language well enough. And now…according to the files, her blazer was stolen and they pissed on her books. To top it off, they cut her hair tonight. How they did it I don’t know but they did. Yoona’s done nothing more than what you’ve forced. She studies and does her work; she keeps to herself, rarely even talking to me. This isn’t a place for Yoona.”

“Seven months with her and you think you know what kind of monster she is?” He scoffs. “Fill out the papers…and I’ll sign her damn emancipation ones. And she’s free.” He looks at his wife, “that’s it. I’m done with Yoona and her antics.”

Nana stares at her father; disbelief written all across her face. What is wrong with him? Did he not see the file that was in the woman’s hand? Does he not understand the situation? She stands and leaves the room. “Mr. Im…I’m not signing anything,” states the dean clearly, “but a suspension form. She’ll be suspended for two weeks…meaning she’s allowed to return home with you for those following days. On the fifteen day, I better see Yoona sitting at her desk for her first class…or I will report you. Now, leave my office…the sight of you disgust me.”


A knock sounds throughout the house; the plate that was in her hand slips, shattering upon impact. “****,” was her immediate response. Eyes cast a downwards glance at the mess upon the tiles. With a sigh, she spins on her heels, heading for the source of the sound. Feet stop right in front of the front door; hand reaches out grabbing hold of the brass knob, twisting it slightly and pulling the door open. “Yes?” she questions.

Her daughter’s backpack blocks her view of the person standing on her porch. “I think this belongs here.” The bag lowers; heart skips a beat and eyes become slits. Free hand reaches out and grabs the bag as she prepares to close the door. A foot slips in halting the action. “I did something nice…I think I should be rewarded.”

“You’ve done enough,” hisses Mrs. Jung. “Now leave before I call the police – No…” there was a hesitant pause. Eyes flicker elsewhere avoiding his gaze. He had her daughter’s possession. That means he’s found her. “How’d you get Sooyeon’s backpack?” Eyes dart back to his face.

“She sort of hit me in the face with it,” was his only answer; left index finger pointing at his nose. “I would have returned it, but she disappeared from my sight.” He leans against the door frame peeking his head inside and scanning the living room. “I see you’ve got a dog…that must mean that your useless husband is um…” The finger that was pointing at his nose changes directions and points at Dog.

“The dog is Sooyeon’s and it’s none of your business what he’s doing.” She sets the bag on the floor, “Thank you for returning the backpack…you can leave now.” Mrs. Jung attempts to close the door again, nearly smashing his foot in the process. “I don’t have time for this…can you please just leave.”

“Let me see my daughter…agree to that and I’ll leave.” She sighs; head drops. “I’ve done everything that you told me to do…I have a stable income now. I have my own place…I’m no longer - my records have been cleared…let me see my daughter. It’s not right that you’ve been keeping her from me.” She looks up at him.

“Keeping her from you?!” Her voice slightly rises, “You didn’t want anything to do with her. Your stupid ways were more important than her. All you cared about was being a stupid no good lying dirty thief.”

A smirk appears on his face, “That you fell for.”

“Obvious mistake…now leave before I make her dog attack you and call the police and report you harassing me and my children.”

“I’m not harassing anyone. I came to talk…to you and to my daughter.”

“She’s not your daughter…”

“I helped conceive her.”

“You raped me!”

“That’s bullshit and you know it.” Her grip on the knob loosens. “I never did any such thing. Sure given the fact that I was a thief, a low-life…but I never raped you and you know it.” Mrs. Jung looks off to the side avoiding his gaze once again.

“Lies,” was her only response.

“Oh really? If I don’t recall the correct story went a little something like this. I was there when Yunho was born and I was the one who helped conceived Sooyeon…and when your father comes looking for you, you tell everyone around the world that I raped you…” There was a pause. “Not once did I get angry…not once did I threaten you or anything…and I had to spend some time in jail because of that. Look, I’m not here to argue…I’m not even here for you. I have a daughter, who’s damn near on her way to being an adult. She’s graduating this year…and after that I won’t be able to find her once she disappears into a college or a university. And all I want is to finally see her and meet her. Just let me have that…I think you owe me one for ruining my life.”

She doesn’t answer. All she could do was blink, fighting back the tears that threatened to fall. Her throat tightens; a lump forms. Bottom lip quivers slightly. “I don’t care if you hate my guts now. If you rather stick with the Jung…I want my daughter. Like I said it’s the most you could do since you ruined my life.”

“Ruined? You were nothing…”

“So…I lived in a rundown apartment. And yeah, maybe I did steal and do some drugs here or there. Doesn’t mean anything…I had a chance at redeeming myself when she was conceived…and you threw it all away for your family and an ignorant *****.” He sighs, tousling his hair. “Either you let me see here…or I’ll look for her on my own again…and I’ll tell her everything myself.”

The atmosphere tenses. He stares her down, hoping that the woman façade would drop. It doesn’t and with a sigh he turns on his feet, stepping off the porch. “You have until tomorrow. I mean it.”

“Don’t go near her again. I mean it…do not make me take out a restraining order on you.”

He waves her off, climbing into his car. The passenger window rolls down, “I’m a delinquent. A menace to society…do you really think the police scares me? Remember I spent a chunk of my life in jail because of you.” The window rolls up.

Eyes watch intently as the vehicle starts up before pulling off away from her house. She slowly closes the door, slipping the lock into place. Forehead presses flat against the wooden obstacle. Inhale. Exhale.

Dog stands, moving slowly as she approaches Mrs. Jung. Head tilt to the side; small eyes observe the older woman for a mere second before she nuzzles her head against a calf. Mrs. Jung looks down at the dog a small sad smile forming on her lips. “Let’s hope Sooyeon doesn’t make the same mistake.” She kneels down; fingers slide through fur. “Your owner won’t screw my daughter over now will she?” The canine could only stare; her tongue slipping out of its mouth. A deep breath and she straightens out. “If here backpack is here that must mean her phone is here also…think she went to Taeyeon’s?”


Body slouches slightly; eyes curiously watch her girlfriend and nephew who were busily playing some sort of hand game. “Do you…do you want children?” she questions carefully. Her girlfriend tenses; a confused looks spreads across the younger girl’s face. “I mean…have you ever thought about it? Not do you want to have some with me…god, Sooyeon get your head out of the gutter,” states Taeyeon while crossing her arms. “Besides…I don’t want any. So even if we do get that far it’s out of the question.”

“Well, besides you who doesn’t?” questions Jessica as she takes a quick look out the window of the bus. “But yeah…I’ve always wanted something to spoil. I always wanted a kid so I can raise them differently from how I was treated. To give them the love and care I rarely got.” She looks at Kyungsan, “why don’t you want any? I thought family was something you treasured?”

“I’m not an idiot,” was Taeyeon’s only response.

“Care to explain what that means?”

“I don’t want children. I can watch them…but raise them from the moment they’re in the womb to a full adult?” Her face scrunches slightly, “besides I have like fifty kids to raise now, with Tiffany, Sooyoung, Yoona, Yuri, him…Taemin…your sister…I don’t need kids.” She nods her head triumphantly. “Plus, I’m going to be the auntie who hypes up her nieces and nephews on a whole lot of sugar and buy them noise making toys before discarding them on their parents’ front porch.”

“You’re evil,” Taeyeon grins. A set of warm lips presses lightly against her cheek. “But whatever you say Taeyeon…we’re having kids.” Her grin drops; eyes rapidly blink. A giggle slithers its way into her ears. “Your face…I’m joking, Taeyeon. Who knows if we’re even together as a couple that far along.” Jessica sighs and returns her attention to keeping the boy entertained during the bus ride.

Feet tap against the floor of the bus, “your friend got on,” states Jessica. Taeyeon looks up and sure enough her confident was getting on the bus with a group of her friends. “If you want to talk to her…I won’t mind.”

“Someone might take my seat,” states Taeyeon.

“Kyungsan can have mine and I’ll take yours until you come back. So go, plus it looks like she wants to talk to you about something.” Taeyeon sighs. She wasn’t too sure. Watching Kyungsan was her responsibility and it’s bad enough that she fell asleep while watching him earlier. “Taeyeon…” And what if someone harasses them while she’s at the back of the bus where most of the delinquents sit? A hand presses against her side, shoving her off the seat. “Good, you’re up…now go talk.” Jessica scoots over, taking Taeyeon’s seat before setting Kyungsan down in hers.

Head tilts back staring at the standing girl; a smile dons her face. “We’ll be fine Taengoo. What’s the worst that could happen? Besides you can see us from the back of bus, so you’ll know if anything happened or not.” Taeyeon stares at her girlfriend only to reluctantly walk towards the back of the bus, quickly slipping into the seat beside her friend.

“So I take it the Jung wears the pants in your relationship?” Taeyeon rolls her eyes. “Well…I found my joke to be funny. Anyways, I have some news from the street.” Taeyeon nods her head; eyes remain on what’s hers.

“Is it something I should know?” questions Taeyeon. “I mean…after kicking Key’s ass I figured everything with the streets would be done. Sunny’s paid off and I no longer have to worry about Yoona getting into any more trouble. And Krystal’s gone good.”

“You know that’s not how the streets work. Something is always brewing and happening.” Her friend digs in her pocket pulling out a pack of gum, “want a piece?” Taeyeon shakes her head. “God…the Jung has changed you. You barely smoke; don’t even drink anymore…where’s the fun Kim? I hate to see how things turn out when she moves in, permanently. Not just having half of her belongings there.”

“She didn’t change me,” counters Taeyeon, “I changed myself…and life had a helping hand. Anyways what’s so important that you couldn’t call me?” Head turns and eyes land on her friend.

“Your safety.”

“My what?” questions Taeyeon. Did she hear correctly? Her safety?

“You heard me, Kim. Key’s coming for you. He won’t stop until you either dead or damn near dead lying in the street somewhere. You screwed over a dealer, Kim. He never got his chunk from Sunny. And you kicked his ass after he hunted down the alligator. The boy has like a serious vendetta against you or something.” Her friend looks around the bus, “Plus…the family is looking for you. They haven’t seen you in a while…and what not. Now that you’re getting paid…” There was a pause, “don’t tell me you didn’t think the family was looking for you. Did you forget what kind of family you joined when we were younger?” Taeyeon blinks. Not really. She knew what she was getting into. She even remembers explaining to Jessica back when she thought the younger girl was pregnant that she’s got a large target on her back. But she never thought it would be happening this soon.

“Do you have any idea when they’re coming?”

“I don’t know…they won’t tell me anything because we’re close. But as for Key…he’s going to strike unexpectedly…or so that’s what the family’s sort of talking about. They’re unsure about whether or not they should help the Great Kim’s daughter.”

“And my family? My girlfriend? They’re not coming after them are they?”

“I don’t think so. But I can’t really say anything about Key. He threatened Baby Jung and her family…besides you should know how these things go, Kim.” Head drops; fists curl and a little bit of anger sets in. She was the one who beat Key senseless. Not Tiffany, not her nephew and definitely not Jessica. They didn’t deserve to get hurt because of her selfish mistakes. “Your mom tried talking on your behalf.”

“What?!” She inhales sharply. Is that what the woman wanted to speak about earlier? A snarl and she shakes her head. “To who?”

“The family…they were sort of buying it. Which is why I think all you’ll get is a beating at the most…you know. What I mean is they’ll probably beat you out of the family and that’ll be it. You’ll be free to play breadwinner and auntie.” Her friend leans back, “so at the most you’ll probably get about one serious beating and a bullet wound or something along the lines within the next few weeks or months. Can’t say.”

Eyes fall upon her girlfriend hoping that the sigh of Jessica would calm her down like many times before. And it does; muscles relax and jaw unclenches. So she’ll get jumped out and then have to deal with a drug crazed revenge hungry little punk. She can do it right? This should be nothing to her, nothing. But what if something goes wrong? Her right hand is here but she wasn’t someone Taeyeon could seriously count on. In fact if anything, the only person who Taeyeon could count on was miles away. Gaze drops. So what happens if something does go wrong?

What happens to Tiffany and Kyungsan? To her apartment? What happens with Jessica? “Here,” She looks up at her friend then down at the hand; eyes ghost over the blade that the girl was holding. “For you know protection.” A brow rises, “oh…don’t give me that look, Kim. I know you and alligator prefer fists but this is Key we’re talking about. He tried to shoot alligator…and he even tried to stab you. You need something more than just bare fists.”

“I have a nephew,” responds Taeyeon, warily. “I…I can’t take that. Even if it’s not a gun…what kind of role model will I be by stabbing someone?”

“Not alive if you can’t protect yourself.” She had her there. But still a knife? How is she supposed to explain that item being in her possession to Tiffany? The girl is definitely going to freak out. And more importantly to her girlfriend, to Jessica? She’s supposed to be changing and resorting to weapons isn’t changing.

Taeyeon shakes her head and stands. “Not taking it. And thank you for the information.”

“If you say so.”

“I do.” She walks away heading back towards the front of the bus and stopping beside Jessica. “My seat.” Jessica looks up for a second prior to picking Kyungsan up, setting him on her lap and scooting over. Taeyeon takes the seat only to tense up as Jessica’s head drops upon her shoulder.

“Is everything okay?” Taeyeon shakes her head no. “Want to talk about it?”

“People die all the time right?” questions Taeyeon. Jessica nods her head. “Does the pain they leave behind last longer if it was by natural cause, an accident or mere pride? I mean…let’s say if a person does something reckless, but it’s really not reckless because they’re protecting their family and they die in the process. Does the pain last longer then let’s say they died from some disease?”

Jessica shrugs her shoulders. “I don’t know, Taeyeon. The pain is different amongst people. Not one person goes through the stages of grieving the same way. And neither is the amount the same, you know.” Hand reaches up, cupping the older girl’s cheek and forcing her to look Jessica in the eyes. “But…I can’t say for certain, but if you do die because your protecting your family…I won’t be all that mad and in pain. You did something heroic and that doesn’t deserve a lot of hate. I’ll just be mad because you sort of left me…besides Sooyoung and Krystal, you’re like the first real friend I’ve had…and you’re my girlfriend and I need you around to bug my mom.” Lips place butterfly like kisses along Taeyeon’s jaw line. “Don’t do something stupid…okay? Tiffany needs you…and I do. But if whatever you have to do, has to be done…then go ahead.”

“You were right,” mumbles Taeyeon, as she looks to see if their stop was approaching. “I should have left Key alone. But he hurt my baby sister…and I didn’t like it. And now because of my stupid mistake my family, my friends, and you could get hurt. Why couldn’t he just take the beating and leave it at that?” The younger girl shrugs her shoulders. “If he hurts any of you…I’m going to be forced to place him in a coma.” She reaches up signaling for their stop. “Come on…let’s drop him off and get you to see Yunho.”


Books come into her view, causing for her to set her pen down and look up. “Sorry,” states the girl in front of her while pulling out a seat. “I shouldn’t have dropped your book to the floor, but what you said was quite ridiculous, Kwon Yuri. How could you say you’re not a friend, not our friend?” Yuri sighs and turns her attention back to her work, “Yuri.”

“Apology accepted Tiffany, but nothing will change how I feel, okay?” She reaches for her pen, but the Hwang beats her to it. “Tiffany, can I have my pen back please?”

“No. Not until you explain to me how we’re not your friends? Because to me, you saying that means the only reason you hung out with us was to get close to my sister.”

“You want to know?” questions Yuri as she flings her papers and books into her backpack, “how about the simple fact that none of you people actually invite me out anywhere, not since Yoona left. You guys don’t talk to me, not a simple, hi or a text or anything. The only time anyone wants Kwon Yuri around is to use her brain…so there…that’s why I feel as if we’re not friends.” She stands, zipping the backpack and slinging it over her shoulder. “Keep the stupid pen; I have plenty more.” Turning on her heels, the Kwon leaves the table leaving Tiffany speechless.

Tiffany opens her mouth to call out for Yuri, only to close it so she could pout. Arms cross over her chest. That’s not right, right? They do speak to Yuri on a daily basis don’t they? They never use her for her brain. Eyes blink. “What’s wrong?” Tiffany looks up to see Sooyoung take the seat next to her.

“Do we use Yuri, Sooyoung?” was her response. Sooyoung could only shrug her shoulders while tearing apart her roll, handing half of it to the older girl. “She thinks we do…but I don’t think we do.”

“People have different perceptions of things.” She stops midway from taking a bite of her roll to look at Sooyoung, “it’s something I learned in counseling,” mumbles the taller girl, “but maybe to Yuri we use her, but to us we don’t. Think about it…when’s the only time any of us really spoke to or just plain hung out with her?” Tiffany shrugs her shoulders. “Alright and when’s the last time we asked her if she’s had any contact with Yoona?”

“Last month…I think,” whispers Tiffany.

“See, to her we’re just using her.” Sooyoung watches Tiffany, “but don’t try and force her to be friends with us…it’ll seem like we’re giving her pity,” orders the younger girl, knowing exactly what Tiffany was thinking. “Yuri needs to see that we want to be her friend, but you can’t just shove it down her throat. Remember how well that went when I tried to force you not to see Siwon?” Tiffany nods her head, “yeah well you’ll get the same outcome…so just let it be for now, okay?” Tiffany nods her head again.

“Well then…oh! Yeah I wanted to tell you something. I got Kyungsan to say Momma.”


“Sooyeon? Taeyeon?” questions Yunho curiously. Opening the door to his dorm fully, he motions for the two younger girls to enter. “I was aware that one of you dropped out, as for the other shouldn’t you be in school?” Jessica rolls her eyes. “I see, ditching…anyways, Sooyeon, Taeyeon…this is my dorm mate…Changmin.” Both girls glance in the direction that Yunho was pointing in to find a young male sitting upon the bed with a laptop in his lap. “Changmin, this is my little sister and her girlfriend.” The male’s eyes never leave the computer screen as he waves at them.

“I thought your room mate was – “

“He transferred schools… what are you doing here, Sooyeon?” He closes the door and turns to look at his sister. “Is something wrong at home? Do I need to come back?”

“No…nothing wrong at home,” answers Jessica as she takes a seat on her brother’s bed, “what’s he doing?” she asks while pointing at Yunho’s roommate.

“I don’t know…why don’t you ask him?” He turns to Taeyeon, looking for an explanation as to what his sister was doing.

“A friend of your mother has been following her,” whispers Taeyeon, “I think she wants to talk to you about it.” Both of them turn and look at Jessica to see her attempting to peek at the other boy’s computer screen. “I don’t think they were just following her,” comments Taeyeon. “She beat them with her backpack and left it there. Ran all the way to my place and locked all the locks.”

“Sooyeon, did you recognize the man?” questions Yunho as he takes a seat at the only desk chair in the room. Taeyeon leans against the wall beside the door; her mind wanders elsewhere.

“According to Soojung the man looks like me – wait! Taeyeon never said anything about a man. How’d you?” A scrutinizing look splays across Jessica’s face. “You know something.” Index finger points at her older brother. “What is it? Tell me!”

“I uh…it’s not my place to say anything, Sooyeon. But yeah I know some things,” states Yunho honestly.

“Not your place?! Screw that…mom’s made police threats, some creep drug me into an alleyway and you won’t say anything!” Taeyeon snaps out of her daze; a hard look crosses her face. “If you know something, just say it and quit hiding it.”

“I…I just can’t, Sooyeon,” mutters Yunho, “telling you would change everything. And I don’t want that…my little sister is finally happy. You’re graduating soon; you’re in a serious relationship now…none of that stupid stuff you use to call dating. Look, just let everything fall into place. In the mean time though, stay away from him…I mean it. Don’t let this creep come near you, alright?” He turns and looks at Taeyeon, “I’m trusting you to protect my sister.”

Jessica scoffs, stands, and storms out of the room. Taeyeon nods her head in Yunho’s direction, preparing to leave when the older male calls her back. “I really need you to watch my sister, Taeyeon. I know you’re already shouldered with so much more stuff, but my sister’s sanity and safety is at stake. If he gets near her, everything changes. And I mean everything.”

“What’s so bad about this dude?” asks Taeyeon while sticking her head out into the hallway. Eyes peer up and down the small corridor looking for her girlfriend.

“He raped my mom about a little over eighteen years ago…and nine months after that Sooyeon was born.” Her grip upon the door frame tightens. Face scrunches up in contemplation. “Yeah, Sooyeon’s a daughter of rape…which is why you can’t let him meet her. It’ll destroy her…please.” With a heavy sigh, Taeyeon nods her head. “Thank you.” She gives him a small smile before disappearing into the crowd of college students to continue her search for her fuming girlfriend.

Fingers rake through her hair. Her girlfriend is a product of rape? Brows furrow. If that’s true then it would explain the high distaste Mrs. Jung has for her and why Mrs. Jung treats Jessica like crap, right? Mrs. Jung dislikes her because she’s a delinquent and she’s probably more than likely lumped rapists up with delinquents. Taeyeon rolls her eyes. But it would also explain the treatment Jessica gets. Her girlfriend was a mere mistake; her girlfriend was never wanted. “Sooyeon wasn’t wanted,” she states aloud. No, that can’t be true right? If Mrs. Jung didn’t want Jessica she could have given her up for adoption. In fact she didn’t even have to do that; the woman could have just gotten an abortion.

So if she kept her daughter that must means that Mrs. Jung wants her right? A frustrated sigh escapes her lips followed by, “my brain is starting to hurt.”

“Well it wouldn’t if you stayed in school,” a small smile forms on her lips as Jessica appears in her line of sight. “Let’s get out of here…I want to just sleep everything off.”

“Am I taking you home?”

“As if. I’m crawling into your bed and sleeping.” A kiss on the lips and fingers lace with hers, “let’s go.”


The small brass key slips into the lock; a twist and she forces the door open, “Don’t worry about homework…I’ll wake you up early so you can do it. Just go and get cleaned up before going to sleep, Miyoung.” Tiffany nods her head tiredly, stepping into the apartment. Draping her jacket over the back of the couch, she continues walking towards her room. Taeyeon leans against the door frame, eyes slowly sliding shut. “What now?” she calls out.

Her friend steps out of the shadows, shaking and breathing heavily. “****…you and your sister walk fast.”

“Lay off the cigarettes and you’ll be fine.” Her friend waves her off, disregarding Taeyeon’s statement. “So what are you doing following me so late?” The girl straightens out; all joking is set aside as a sense of seriousness envelops her. Taeyeon’s eyes squints in an analytical way. The air around them thickens. “No,” was all Taeyeon could say, shaking you head.

“Kim – “

“No!” shouts Taeyeon; both hands raise and she shakes them in disbelief, “no…no!” She picks up the nearest item, throwing it across the room. It flies through the air and strikes the sliding glass door, shattering it upon impact. Doors open and footsteps sound throughout the apartment; both Tiffany and Jessica emerge from the hallway, confusion written across both of their face. Taeyeon ignores it and turns back to her right hand woman. “Who?! Who’d he get?!” voice rising.

“The little one.”

“What?!” Hands reach out grabbing the delinquent’s jacket, pulling her close. “My brother?” The girl nods her head slowly. Hands release her and Taeyeon turns around again; right hand covers her face. Jessica watches from the side line, nibbling on her bottom lip. Taking a glance to her side; eyes trail Tiffany’s face noticing that the younger girl was deeply confused about what was happening in front of her. “How?!” Everyone flinches at Taeyeon’s question.

“He was with the Choi boy. It was a set up. From what I got the Choi boy went to pay the little one a visit. And while they were out earlier, Key approached them. They hung out together for a while, smoking a cigarette you know…and then that’s it. Key shot him point blank.”


Knuckles rap against the door frame trying to get the older girl’s attention. It’s been a week since that fateful night when they found out that the older girl’s little brother was gone. They immediately rushed to the hospital that night to see the young man; doctors told them that he was in critical condition. They gave them hope, but the hope was ripped from them within twenty fours when he was presumed dead.

“Taengoo,” she calls out softly, leaning against the frame. “Yoona’s here.” The young girl appears in the door way; doe eyes examine her older sister, who was currently paying them no attention.

“Tae – “

“What are you doing here?” states Taeyeon; eyes remain on the carpet as she addresses her baby sister. “Some ignorant ***** is out there killing people close to me and you fly back? You were much safer over there.”

“I can take care of myself,” answers Yoona with a sigh, “besides…he’s my brother also. We might not share any blood relatives but Taemin was also my brother. And I should be here when he’s laid to rest.” Taeyeon scoffs. Yoona turns to look at Jessica, “I’m going to go ahead and set my bags in Tiffany’s room.” Jessica nods her head, allowing for the young girl to leave them alone.

Exhaling, Jessica pushes herself off the doorframe, entering the room and closing the door behind her. Feet hesitantly carry her body across the room; she sits on the floor directly in front of Taeyeon. Hands grip the older girl’s knees. “Taengoo,” she calls out once again, causing for her girlfriend to look her in the eyes. She leans forward attempting to kiss the Kim only to have Taeyeon turn away.

“Not now,” mumbles Taeyeon.

“Kisses will make you feel better,” mutters Jessica.

“Well they can’t bring him back, so it won’t make me feel better.” Jessica sighs; she leans forward burying her face in the crook of the older girl’s neck. Arms wrap around Taeyeon’s torso.

“Then tell me what to do to make you feel better,” whispers Jessica. “I know I can’t bring him back…I know no one can bring your brother back. But Taeyeon, you being in here alone is hurting all of us.” Taeyeon tenses. “Please, tell me what to do to make you feel better, so you can…so you can be strong for your two sisters.”

Head turns and Taeyeon’s eyes cast off to the side. “Tiffany is hysterical…she’s not even talking to Sooyoung. And there is only so much I myself can do with her and Kyungsan. So Taeyeon, please.” The older girl turns and burrows her face into Jessica’s neck; arms wrap around Jessica’s form holding on tightly to the younger girl.

A gasp escapes from the Jung’s lips; the material of her shirt slowly becomes drenched from tears. The girl in her arms shakes and sobs sound throughout the room. She quietly listens to her girlfriend’s cries and her hand moves in a circular motion along the Kim’s back trying to sooth her.

A knock resonates throughout the room; the door opens seconds later with a soft click. Jessica looks up to see Yoona carrying Kyungsan. “Tiffany fell asleep…and I believe his diaper is full of poop,” states Yoona while making a face. She lifts her arms holding the little giggling boy at arm’s length. “I didn’t mean to interrupt you guys…but where’s his stuff?” She pulls away from Taeyeon.

“Go to sleep, Taeyeon. Take your shoes off, lie down and go to sleep. I’ll be right back. I’m going to help Yoona change Kyungsan and then I’ll be back in here for us to get some sleep, okay?” Using the back of her hand, Taeyeon wipes away her tears, nodding her head. Lips come in contact with her forehead as Jessica pushes herself onto her feet. “Let’s go…I’ll show you where his stuff is located.”

They walk out of the room, “Is she okay?” questions Yoona while looking at her nephew. Jessica shakes her head. “Tiffany was crying her out. I asked if she wanted Sooyoung but that conversation only ended with a pillow to my face. What’s going on? I know Taemin’s dead, but…”

They stop a few feet short from Taeyeon’s bedroom door. Jessica opens the hallway cabinet showing Yoona where all the baby supplies were located. “Minho was in on Taemin’s death. Or at least that’s how the story goes. And Minho and Sooyoung are fraternal twins. I think you’re smart enough to put two and two together, right?” The younger girl nods her head. Jessica reaches into the cabinet pulling forth a diaper and the baby wipes. “Everything is such a mess right now, it’s quite ridiculous.” Closing the cabinet, she signals for Yoona to follow her into the living room, “Please tell me that you’re doing fine.”

“The only reason why I’m here is because I’m on a two week suspension.” Jessica stops walking and looks at Yoona. “Before you start yelling at me for misbehaving and what not…I didn’t really do anything like that.” Yoona lays the young boy onto his back before moving out the way so that Jessica could change his diaper. “I was really taking the whole new school, new life things sort of seriously. I was doing my work and what not. But some girls thought it was funny to harass me and what not. I took everything they did, but then they cut my hair,” fingers unconsciously move to play with a strand of her hair. “So I fought back. One was sent to the infirmary and the other I think is suspended also or expelled. I have no clue.”

Jessica blinks. “I…there’s nothing for me to say about that. I mean you defended yourself from assault. I can’t really lecture you about anything, because you had every right to defend yourself from that.” Making sure the diaper was on securely, Jessica sits Kyungsan up. “But what I can say is don’t worry too much about those girls. Their petty name calling and harassment is just that. Don’t let it affect you too much, okay?” Yoona nods her head, “good. Because in the end they’re nothing but catty little girls with too much time on their hands and self esteem issues. I wouldn’t be surprise that the reason behind their attacks is mere immature jealousy.” She stands. “I’m assuming since you brought your bags that you’re staying the night here. I’ll find you a blanket and pillow for the couch.”

“Actually, Tiffany…well I promised her right before she fell asleep that I’d sleep on her bed to keep her company. I guess she’s used to have someone around…or at least Sooyoung, right?” Jessica nods her head. “So I don’t think I’ll need anything.” She nods her head again and disappears down the hall leaving Yoona alone with her nephew.


The stench of cigarette smoke infiltrates her nose, causing for Jessica to roll over and find the source. Opening her eyes slowly, she blinks a few times to get them to focus and make out the silhouette of Taeyeon who was currently smoking one of the cancer sticks. “Taengoo.”

Taeyeon stops and glances at Jessica. “Hm?”

“Having difficulty sleeping?” She forces herself into a sitting position, propping her chin on Taeyeon’s shoulder. The smaller girl nods her head in response while taking another puff of nicotine. With that answer, Jessica wraps her arms around Taeyeon’s waist.

“Where’s…where’s Yoong?” whispers Taeyeon.

“Tiffany asked her to keep her company, so that’s what she’s currently doing. So she’s sleeping on Sooyoung side of the bed.” Taeyeon just blinks, “want to talk about it?” Head shakes. “Okay…but promise me that you will talk to someone. It can be me, Tiffany or Yoona.”

Silence envelops the room as both girls just sit in the darkness. “It’s my fault,” whispers Taeyeon moments later. “Everything is my fault.”

“It’s not your fault.”

“Yes it is. Because of me…my life and my family’s life is ****ing screwed, Sooyeon. If it wasn’t for me, Yoona wouldn’t have become a delinquent. She wouldn’t have to need some counselor; we wouldn’t have met. And with that Krystal wouldn’t have felt neglected and none of this bullshit with Key would be happening. Because of me…we have to bury Taemin in the morning.”

Fingers reach across the older girl, removing the cigarette from her hands. Putting it out and setting it upon the bedside table, it retracts and both hands cup the older girl’s face forcing her to look Jessica in the eyes. “Not true, Taeyeon. You weren’t the one who made Key pull the stupid trigger. He had a choice and he made it all on his own.” She sighs trying to think of the right words to say. “Taeyeon. Taengoo, please trust me on this. It’s not your fault.” Taeyeon attempts to turn away from Jessica, only to lose in the struggle. “Please tell me what to do so I can momentarily take your mind off things.” Not receiving an answer, Jessica runs her fingers through her hair, tugging on it slightly. “I don’t know what else to do, Taeyeon.” Flinging the blankets off her form she clamors off the bed. “I really don’t want to sound mean, but you’re not the only one hurting here Taeyeon.” She heads for the door, “I’m going to go ahead and sleep on the couch to give you some time to think to yourself.”

Jessica motions to leave when Taeyeon calls out for her. “Don’t go, please.” Jessica eyes remain on the door. “I don’t,” her voice wavers slightly, “I don’t know what I want. I want to forget for a moment to get some peace but then I don’t want to. He’s my little brother. I made promises that I’d keep him safe.” She stops talking to stop herself from breaking into tears. Inhale. Exhale. “I…failed.”

Rotating on her heels carefully, Jessica gradually approaches the bed. She slides up beside the girl; both hands force the older girl to look her in the eyes once again. “Stop saying you failed. Stop beating yourself for it. You didn’t do anything wrong and you didn’t fail at anything. You did everything you could to protect your family, to keep everyone together. That’s not failing, Taeyeon. That is far from it.” Exhaling loudly, she places a light kiss on Taeyeon’s nose.

Taeyeon’s eyes flutter close; her ragged breathing begins to even out. With a soft smile, Jessica slips under the covers prior to pulling Taeyeon down beside her. “Now…sleep. We have a long morning a head of us.”

Eyes open, left one first, only to trace over the other girl’s face. Swallowing the spit that had gathered in her mouth, she scoots closer to the Jung and buries her face into the crook of the Jung’s neck. Lids close once again. Arm drapes over Jessica’s form and a muffled whisper spreads throughout the room. “I…I don’t want to go to the church.”

“Well I won’t make you. If you don’t want to you don’t have to.”

“But…I’ll show up at the graveyard though…to say goodbye.”



Gazing through the tree and headstones, Taeyeon’s eyes settle upon the large crowd in the midst of the cemetery. She moves slowly through the area; fingers slightly ghost over marble stones as she strains to get a better look at the white casket at the front of the crowd. A whimper emits from Dog who was walking beside her. She stops and looks down at her pet. “It’s fine,” she states with uncertainty. “It’s fine.” Tugging on the leash a little she continues her journey to the group of family and friends.

She stops midway leaning against one of the stones. Inhale. Exhale. Index and thumb of her free hand pinches the bridge of her nose. “Maybe it’s not alright,” she mumbles. “Maybe I should have stayed home. I mean, we didn’t exactly show up at the church today. Does it even matter if I show? Taemin knows how much he means to me.” Dog sits and looks up at her master. Head tilts to the left. “I…shouldn’t be here.” Voice cracks; lump forms in the back of Taeyeon’s throat.

“Look at that,” hand swipes out pointing at the coffin. “That’s my failure…”

“No it’s not…didn’t we talk about it last night?” Taeyeon looks up to see Jessica standing a few feet away. With a concerned look, the Jung approaches her girlfriend; arms automatically embrace her. Tears silently shed as Taeyeon grasps at her girlfriend’s dress. “Ssh…” Hand rubs the older girl’s back, trying to soothe her. “You’re not a failure and you didn’t fail.” Her own eyes become warm; tears building in the corner. “Failing means that you aren’t caring for anything. Failing means that even after this you won’t even attempt to protect the rest of us. And you, Taeyeon are not doing either of them. I know you’re not. I know you spent the morning look for Key. We all know.”

The older girl nuzzles Jessica’s shoulder. “Why?” Her question comes out muffled.

“I don’t know…I mean we do know, but why him…I don’t know. Something’s are unknown except to those who are involved. So really the only person who knows is Key, himself,” explains Jessica. Taeyeon shakes her head. That wasn’t enough. If Key has a vendetta he should come after her himself. She should be the one that was gunned down in the middle of the street. Not her brother. She was the one who kicked his ass in the first place. “Taeyeon…”

“No…that’s not good enough,” she pulls away from her girlfriend. “I didn’t even go to look for that ***** today. Instead I went to the police to see if they were doing something. And they’re not because Taemin has a juvenile record.” She wipes her tears. “It shouldn’t even matter if he has a record. He was gunned down!”

“I know…I know,” whispers Jessica reaching out for her girlfriend, only to have the older girl pull away. “Taeyeon…”

“No…you don’t know. Krystal was beat and the police were on it. My brother is shot. Everyone knows who did it and they won’t even lift a finger to solve the case! So no Sooyeon you don’t know! You don’t know what it’s like to have to check over your shoulder all the time. You don’t know what it’s like waiting for some people to come forth with bats and two by fours to beat the living daylights out you. You don’t know what it’s like to work so hard to keep your family safe and going forward to just have it all disappear in a stupid night!” Breaths come out ragged. She turns from her girlfriend.

“Kim Taeyeon,” growls Jessica lowly. Hands reach out grabbing hold of Taeyeon’s wrists. “We talked about it; we talked all the way through the night until you fell asleep and we even spoke some more when you woke up for a cigarette break, remember? I do know it’s not your fault. And I know…I know I don’t truly understand, but there are still some things I can grasp. I’m not exactly an idiot.” She pulls Taeyeon forward, embracing her again. “So please… please, don’t beat yourself up over it. Please…I don’t like seeing you like this.”

“He’s gone…my baby brother is gone…I couldn’t save him.” Cries emit from the smaller girl. Jessica couldn’t help but to cry along with her girlfriend. The priest final words hum in the background as Jessica rocks back and forth, hoping once again for Taeyeon to calm down. “Miyoung probably hates me.” Jessica laughs a little shaking her head.

“Far from it…after weeping her eyes out for a week, Tiffany’s actually worried about you. She’s afraid, like the rest of us, that you might do something reckless. But no, Tiffany doesn’t hate you. Well, she’s a little upset, but she doesn’t hate you. No one has the right to hate you right now, or ever. I mean, my girlfriend was doing all she could to protect her family.”

“I feel like crap.”

“You look like it also.” She pulls back a little; eyes trace over Taeyeon’s face. “I think they’re done…want to go say goodbye?” Taeyeon bites her lip, hesitant to answer. Even if it wasn’t her fault and even if she didn’t fail, saying goodbye makes her feel otherwise. Not to mention the stares she’ll receive from her family. She knows that on her father side she wasn’t exactly the crown jewel. But their presence makes everything even more unbearable. “Ignore your father and everything…besides, I’ll stay with you.” Jessica walks back a few steps, tugging on Taeyeon’s wrist. “Come on.”

Taeyeon follows the younger girl like a lost puppy. Upon entering the mass gathering, she flinches at the stares. If this was any other time, she’d ignore it, but since it’s not. “Ignore it,” whispers Jessica. They stop and Jessica grabs a flower handing it to Taeyeon. “I’ll be right here. Go ahead and say goodbye.” Orbs look at the flower that was now in her hand then back at Jessica. “Go. No one will mess with you promise. If they do…I’ll…I’ll hit them in the face with a brick.”

Feet travel hesitantly, carrying her body to stand in front of the casket.

“Do you see what she’s wearing?”

“Now she shows up after missing everything else?”

“It’s her fault little Taemin is gone.”

“She has no right to be here. And neither does that dog.”

“Ignore it,” calls out Jessica from her position.

Ears begin to drown out the little whispers; mind attempts blocks out the stares on her form. She wasn’t going to let them get to her; she didn’t show for them. She came for her brother, so why should it matter if she was dressed in jeans and a tee? Why does it matter if Dog was sitting right beside her? And why does it even matter if she didn’t show for the wake or the sermon at the church? She here now and that’s all that should matter right?

Taeyeon sighs; eyes lock onto the small white coffin. Right hand delves into her pocket; left hand rises, spinning the white rose left then right and repeat. A loud exhale and eyes drop to the flower. Corners of her lips twitch upwards in a sad smile. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I made promises I couldn’t keep,” she chokes, swallowing back the lump in her throat. Tears stream freely again. Sniffles emit. “I know I promised you the chance to return home. I know I promised I’d take care of you…and to bring you back to the rest of us. And…and believe me…I’ve been trying. Many sleepless nights, court dates and the works. And…and it frustrates me that the court system couldn’t move things along faster…if they had…if…” She pauses; eyes close tightly. Inhale. Exhale. Repeat. Opening the slowly, she looks back at where her brother was lying. “I beg of you as your older sister, let me make one more promise, please.”

She wipes her tears. “I’ll get him,” she whispers, taking a step forward placing the flower onto the casket. “And I’ll make sure he suffers for doing this to you. I promise you, Taemin…he’s going to suffer for this. Even if it means jail time…he’ll suffer.” One step back; head cranes and Taeyeon searches for her girlfriend amongst the crowd. “Bye.” Rotating on her heel, Taeyeon walks towards her girlfriend. “I want to go home…”


Thumb mindlessly presses the button on the remote; pictures and colors change but her mind never absorbs it. With a sigh she shifts changing positions so that she was spread out on the couch. “Can we choose at least one channel, Taeng?” questions Yoona from her spot on the floor. Taeyeon looks at her sister, before tossing the remote across the room. The youngest in the room catches it with ease and continues the channel surfing. Jessica could only roll her eyes as she watches the two sister’s from the kitchen.

“Yoona are you hungry?” she questions while pulling out some ham and cheese for sandwiches.

“A little,” was Yoona’s answer. Taking that answer, the Jung pulls out some extra bread.

“When are you going home?” asks Taeyeon, rolling onto her stomach. Yoona shrugs her shoulders. She knows that she has only two more days left, but she wasn’t exactly sure leaving was the best option. Her family needs all the protection they could receive and the current protector was running low on fuel. Even a blind person could see that Taeyeon barely has any fight left in her. Besides it wasn’t as if anyone could force her to leave, well save for Taeyeon. And the Im’s made the mistake of sending her back here alone. “When do you feel like getting on the plane?”

“After Key is buried,” states Yoona. She crawls across the floor, taking a seat right in front of Taeyeon. She leans back against the couch; a hand raises and fingers gently comb through her hair. A quick glance over her shoulder and eyes meet Taeyeon’s blank face. “Having fun?” The smaller girl shrugs her shoulders. Yoona turns back towards the television, “Taeng…if I really don’t want to leave, you won’t force me right? I mean if I have solid reason for not wanting to go back, you won’t send me, right?”

“Bullies will be bullies,” comments Jessica as she sets a plate filled with ham and cheese sandwiches on the floor in front of them.

Yoona sighs and shakes her head, “There’s more to the story than what I told you.” Finger presses the mute button sending the house into complete silence. “They stole my blazer. They destroyed my messenger bag. They pissed on my textbooks…they even poured piss on me.” She looks at the two older girls, “the reason for my suspension was because I fought back after they cut my hair and assaulted me in the restroom. They threatened to beat me and tried to drag me to the window.” Taking a pause, she grabs a slice. “I don’t like it there. I don’t belong there. Please, don’t make me go back. I don’t ask for much from you, but right now I’m asking you not to send me back.”

Taeyeon’s fingers stop. Yoona drops her head afraid of the expression that her older sister was making. Hand retracts and she sits up, staring at the television screen. “Taeyeon,” whispers Jessica.

“I…no.” Hand curls, closing around the sandwich that was in it. Yoona scoffs. She should have known that was going to be her sister’s answer. Taeyeon never wanted her so why would she after admitting to being victimized and degraded. She stands, dropping the remote.

“Why can’t I stay? All I want is to be with family so why is it you push me away? But Tiffany…she leaves, gets pregnant and you welcome her back with open arms. You gave her Taemin’s room; you buy toys and bottles and diapers for a child with three parents. Tiffany’s the **** up and she gets rewarded with everything. I change; I become a better student, a better person and I get shipped back to the freaking death place where they practically piss on people.” Eyes avoid all contact.

“For the simple fact, I can’t take care of you, Yoona. I’m barely getting by now and I work full-time with Tiffany working part time. Adding another person into the equation is going to cut funds thin. I’m barely scraping enough, now,” argues the older girl, staring at Yoona’s back.

“Then I’ll get a job also; I’ll pay for my part in the rent. I’ll buy my own groceries if I have too,” huffs Yoona as she finally turns and looks at the older girl. “I’m not asking you to support me, like Tiffany. I’m just asking to stay with family – “

“And what happened to not having any family huh? What happened to you not wanting anything to do with me cause I sent you away? If I recall I’m no longer your older sister.” Yoona looks off to the side. She couldn’t believe her sister remembered her words. Yoona thought that Taeyeon might have brushed it all off which was another reason for the constant grudge. But instead her Taeyeon remembers.

“I…fine…” She grabs her jacket, preparing to leave.

Taeyeon leans back; arms cross. She sighs; head shakes left then right. “I just…Yoong think about.” Foot stops midair. “Mr. Im can offer you so much more than I. I’m just you older sister…who’s putting everyone’s life at risk. We just buried Taemin not even three hours ago. I just want what’s best for you. I mean you’re my baby sister…I don’t want you to be a screw up like me or end up pregnant like Tiffany. Or worse, like Taemin.”

“And this is what’s best for me not some dorm in a private academy playing dodge bullies. I have my friends, my sisters here…this is all that I need. Taeng, I grew up with my father’s power, money and influence and that’s not for me. It never has been, never will be. I’d rather be in a rundown apartment with my sisters than in some pent house luxury suite. So please, don’t send me back. Let me stay here.”

“What happens when your father shows?” adds Jessica. “He’ll come for you, Yoona. You are legally his child. Taeyeon could do some serious jail time if he calls kidnapping.” The younger girl doesn’t say anything. Instead she walks away leaving the two older girl’s alone in the room. Jessica blinks and turns towards her girlfriend, “Taeyeon…”

“I don’t want to send her away, Sooyeon. She’s being treated like trash…they pissed on my sister. But at the same time I feel that it’ll be better for her,” whispers Taeyeon, “I don’t…I don’t know what to do.” She closes her eyes, trying to clear her mind. Sighing, the Jung stands and takes the open seat beside Taeyeon. Head rests upon the older girl’s shoulder. “She…she doesn’t want to leave.” Footsteps echo throughout the house and Yoona emerges from Tiffany’s room holding a piece of paper. She hands it to Taeyeon, who cautiously reaches out to grab it.

“My mom signed it…it’s the emancipation papers. She signed it right after receiving the phone call from Mrs. Jung about Taemin’s death. She even bought me a round trip ticket. She said that I could use it to return whenever I wanted, if I wanted.” Taeyeon and Jessica quickly look over the papers. And there it was at the bottom, Mrs. Im’s signature. “I’m my own free person, Taeng. So…even if you don’t want me stay, I’m not going back. I’ll…I’ll crash at Yuri’s if I have to. I’m just not going back.”

“If…and I’m asking a real serious question Yoona, if Taeyeon allows you to stay what are you going to do? You can’t lie around the house all day doing exactly nothing. Not even Taeyeon does that. So what are you going to do?”

“I – “ A knock resonate throughout the house; all three girls glance in the direction of the front door. Dog walks in from the balcony, heading towards the door. She stops a few feet away, crouching low to the ground. Tail straightens; ears fall flat and a low growl is released, causing for the three girls to look at each other.

“I’ve only taught her to growl like that at strangers and Siwon,” states Taeyeon confused.

“I…I didn’t teach her anything,” adds Jessica while standing. She slowly approaches the door, “be quiet.” Dog growls once again, before sitting. Hand gives the knob a twist pulling the door open and revealing Taeyeon’s mother. “Figures,” she turns and looks at Dog, “you deserve a big meal and a nice bath.” Turning back to her girlfriend’s mother, “need something?” she asks in an annoyed tone, “or are you just here to make your daughter’s life even more of a living hell?”

“Actually, Sooyeon – “

“Jessica…only Taeyeon has permission to address me as Sooyeon.”

“Well as I was saying Jessica, I’m here to check up on my daughters.” The elderly woman looks around Jessica and eyes trace over both of her daughters. “Is it okay if I come in…or are you planning on lynching me?”

“As if I’d try to touch you. You’d probably try to slice my throat or something.”

“Is that what Taeyeon told you?” Ms. Kim looks in the direction of her daughters. Taeyeon peeks over the back of the couch only to turn away from her mother a second later. “I see, but in my defense I never harmed anyone. I was imprisoned for being an accomplice and the police never found the real culprit.” She leans against the doorframe.

“What do you mean the police never found the accomplice? You obviously knew them. You should have turned them in instead. You had two daughters to raise,” argues Jessica.

“Jessica, some things are better left a secret. Otherwise you’ll end up being hurt. So can I come in?” Jessica steps back allowing for her girlfriend’s mother to enter the apartment. Jessica closes the door before grabbing hold of Dog’s collar leading her back out onto the balcony. “Taeyeon, Yoona how are you girls handling things?” Taeyeon ignores the question and Yoona shrugs her shoulders before taking a seat beside her sister.

Hand grabs hold of a chair dragging it into the living room. Ms. Kim takes a seat across from her daughters; eyes examining their faces. A small smile graces her face. “You look so much like your father, Yoona.” Yoona nods her head; doe eyes land on her feet. “I take it neither of you want to talk to me.”

“It’s not as if none of us want to speak to you,” admits Taeyeon, “it’s more like how? Or why? Should we get to know our mother to have her disappear out of our lives again? Should we even bother with building a relationship?” Taeyeon props her head upon her hand. “Why’d you talk to them?”

“Was I supposed to let my child be beaten to death, Taeyeon? I may not have raised you but you’re my daughter and I’ll do anything,” there was a pause as the two Kim’s look each other in the eyes, “to protect my family. You should know the feeling.” Taeyeon blinks. She leans back; hands slide up and down her jeans trying to rid themselves of the building sweat. She fidgets a little and both Yoona and Jessica notice as a questioning look crosses their faces.

“It still doesn’t mean you have to get involved.” Fingers slide through her hair. “You’re messing up my rep outside now. They’re going to think that I’m some sort of coward who had to run to her mother for help.” Yoona blinks and looks at Jessica trying to gather some idea of what’s happening. Jessica could only shake her head. “I’ve been doing things on my own for the longest…I don’t need your help, never did.”

“I beg to differ,” mumbles her mother. Taeyeon tenses, frustration evident.

“I didn’t ask for you help…that night.”

“Right because I helped I’m made to be a demon. I’m trying to look past all that Taeyeon, which is why I tried contacting you while I was in jail. I just want to get to know my daughter…daughters. I know I wasn’t around before but I’m here now. And I definitely understand that I can’t make up for lost time, but I believe I deserve a chance.”

“You…you hurt my friend, made her life unbearable. She’s traumatized. You left me…and because of that I went into an orphanage…and you want me to give you another chance?” questions Yoona.

“I thought we agreed that you’d tell Yoona,” states Ms. Kim. Taeyeon shakes her head, standing and walking away towards her room, slamming the door shut. The Im frowns. Something wasn’t right, but she couldn’t really press on about the matter. Not with Taeyeon already upset about her not wanting to leave and with their mother showing up. With a heavy sigh, Yoona herself stands and heads to Tiffany’s room closing the door.

“I think that’s enough for today,” comments Jessica. “Can you please leave before you break Taeyeon anymore than she already is?” Ms. Kim ignores her. “Ms. Kim…”

“I’m leaving.” She stands and advances towards Jessica. “Jessica…since you and my daughter are dating, I…” She stops, trying to formulate the correct words. “You know Taeyeon the best…”

“You want me to tell you stuff about your daughter?” questions Jessica while leaning against the cabinets. Ms. Kim shakes her head.

“No far from it. I just…can you please get Yoona to forget about what we were just talking about. I guess Taeyeon has things set just fine. And you can let them know…I won’t bother either girl anymore.” She prepares to head for the door when Jessica stops her.

“You really seem like a changed woman. I mean what I’ve been told by both Yoona and Taeyeon…your personality doesn’t match their descriptions of you. It really seems as if you want to get to know your daughters.”

“Of course I do. What type of mother would I be if I didn’t want to?” Eyes look around the kitchen. “I know I did wrong in the past. Neglecting my children here or there, but I really was trying to change for the better. I was getting ready to break up with my boyfriend at the time. I was going to settle down with Yoona’s father and we were going to have a small family. And then things happened. And as a mother I didn’t everything I possibly could to protect my children even if it meant spending an eternity behind bars.” A sigh, “I never meant for the two of them to get separated. I figured Yoona’s father would take both or my sister would.” A door opens and seconds later Taeyeon appears with a cigarette between her lips. “I’ve spoken enough. I should return home. It was nice talking to you, Jessica. Bye Taeyeon.”

Taeyeon’s mother disappears through the front door, closing it with a soft click. Jessica stares at the counter top only to push herself off said item. “Taengoo.”

“I don’t want to talk about what just happened.” Jessica blinks, trying to register the words that her girlfriend had just stated. “It’s a family issue; you don’t need to be involved in it.” Eyes blink even more. She didn’t need to be involved? But she is always involved. By choice or by Taeyeon simply allowing her to be. And now, now she wants to shut her out?

“Since when do I not need to be involved? You’re my girlfriend and if you ask me we’re in a pretty serious relationship. Aren’t we Taeyeon?” Arms fold over her chest. “I’m not sure if you realized, but I’ve been involved with everything about you and your family since the moment I became your counselor. And you know I’m only more involved for the simple fact that I like you, a lot.” Taeyeon stops in the door frame. “Besides I wasn’t going to get involved. I could see the tension between you and your mother. And I already have enough to deal with. In fact I was just going to say that maybe I’m wrong. Maybe Tiffany is wrong and maybe you should attempt to speak to your mother. From what she told me it seems like she truly cares.”

“She doesn’t. Not all moms are like yours.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Nothing…and if I don’t want to spend time with my mother I shouldn’t have to. She left me; yours was always there she just ignored you.”

Nose flares and she sends the smaller girl a glare. “You know what? I don’t know anymore, Taeyeon. You’ve…you’ve been seriously treating me like **** this past week. And all I’ve ever done was be willing and patient with you. I have to deal with the constant smoking and mood swings. I have to deal with you constantly belittling me with smart remarks…and I’m done. I have no patience left…it’s all run thin.” Moving around the house, she gathers her personal belongings. “I know you just lost a brother…but you’re really close to losing a girlfriend. I’m going home…and don’t bother to call me. I’ll call you when I’m willing to talk.”

“Sooyeon – “

“No. I’ve invested so much of my time into this…into us, Taeyeon. I’ve dealt with everything, from you losing Taemin to Yoona to you ending up in jail. I’ve sat through court appearances with you. I’ve done so much – “

“You didn’t have to. I never really asked for you to join me in those things. You act as if we were married or something,” counters Taeyeon. She turns and looks at Jessica, “we were dating, casually dating. I’m not even sure if we were girlfriends…I’ve just now gotten use to you kissing me and what not. Besides what you did isn’t something a normal girlfriend does.”

“Well, I’m sorry that my liking you went to me loving you and wanting to be there for you. I’m out…and we’re over.”She snatches the front door open and storms out, slamming the door behind her. Taeyeon groans, ruffling her hair. She steps out onto the balcony. The cigarette is immediately lit; nicotine spreads throughout her body calming her nerves. With a second groan the delinquent leans against the railing.

Over? They’re over. They can’t be right? Jessica made a promise to stay by her side and now she’s abandoning her? “My stupid mouth,” she mumbles flicking the ashes over and down onto the street below.

“You’re an idiot,” a glance over her shoulder to see Yoona standing in the doorway. “Jessica was the best thing to happen to us and you threw her away.”

“She broke up with me.”

“Because you’ve been treating her like crap. I may have only been here for one day but Taeng, you have been treating Jessica horribly. And I agree with her it’s not right. She’s been very patient with all of us. Stuck her neck out for us and everything. I just hope it’s not a permanent break up.” Yoona sighs and pouts a little. “I’m heading out…I want to see Yuri; Tiffany explained that Yuri’s been acting funny lately. I leave you to your thoughts.” She spins, “Oh and Tae…I hope you apologize to Jessica. I mean I didn’t give her up for nothing.”


She just couldn’t believe her girlfriend, or ex. No maybe girlfriend. It would be petty to break up over something like this, right? Jessica shakes her head. What is she thinking? It’s perfectly okay to want to break up after being treated like trash for a week when she never did anything wrong, right? But Taeyeon did just lose something important to her, so it should be understandable. But at the same time, Taeyeon shouldn’t have treated her like that. Taeyeon should have been able to see that she was only doing those things because she’s starting to love the older girl. Love? Did she really love Taeyeon? Maybe she’s getting a head of herself.

Hands delve into jacket pockets; eyes roll. “Makes me wonder if all that effort was pointless. Maybe everyone was right; maybe mom was right. I should have never gotten too involved with Taeyeon. I didn’t get anything out of it. It’s all Yuri’s fault.” Foot connects with an empty can; it skips down the street. “I’m a freaking retard. To actually think that me and Taeyeon were serious.”

“Sooyeon.” She stops in her tracks, recognizing the voice. “Don’t…I’m not here to hurt you.” She looks up and eyes meet those of her mother’s creeper friend. “You might not believe me, but honestly I know my tactics of getting your attention last time were kind of creepy.”

“Kind of?”

“Yes. And I know it wasn’t exactly the best option, but I just wanted to talk to you. In fact I’ve been wanting to talk to you all week. I just couldn’t locate you and your mother wasn’t being of much help.”

“Talk to me? But I don’t even know you,” was her response. Brows knit. “I’m not in the mood, excuse me.” She tries to walk around him, but he blocks her path.

“I know you have no clue who I am and that is why I want to talk to you, if you allow me. I promise not to hurt you. It’s the last thing on my list really.”

“My family told me to stay away from you. Even Yunho said so and I trust my older brother. Because of that I’m going to ignore you and listen to their words.” She swoops around him, continuing her walk to the nearest bus stop.

“What exactly did you family, your mother and brother say about me?” She stops again. “They probably said that I’m bad, a monster, huh? They’re wrong. And I know that’s hard to believe. It’s true. I’ll admit at one stage in my life I was bad, a delinquent you could say. But I’m sure you of all people know that some delinquents have a good side to them. And that’s what I am currently. I’m a good person. So could we please talk? It could even be in a public location.”

“No. And you expect me to believe a stranger?”

“The only reason I am a stranger is because you mother kept you from me. That and it’s taken me a few years to locate you.”

Her mother kept her away from him? He’s been searching for her? She blinks, “I…I have to go.”


“We broke up; me and Taengoo broke up.” She doesn’t respond to the person on the other line. “Sooyoung…you’re supposed to be my best friend. And best friends are supposed to be there for each other when one of the breaks off a relationship. I need my best friend; where are you? I need you here to comfort me.”

“Did you take some of Taeyeon’s liquor when you left the house?” was Sooyoung’s response. “You sound drunk.” A scoff emits from the phone. “Well, whatever. I’m on my way to Mr. Hwang’s house right now.” Head turns left and right making sure no traffic was coming to plow right through her; she quickly jogs across the street. “What happened? How did you guys break up? Earlier today at the graveyard you two were a couple. You know everyone was pretty sure come your sophomore year in college that you and Taeyeon were going to get engaged. And believe me Sica, this was basically the one relationship of yours that I actually saw you put time, effort and your heart into.”

A scoff enters her ears. “Don’t remind me.” There was a pause. “My patience ran out. I’ve been doing so much work this week dealing with her mood swings, your hysterical girlfriend and very active son, plus much more. And I didn’t or never really did ask for anything in return, you know? But all I got in return was Taeyeon treating me like ****. Don’t judge me but I couldn’t take it anymore. In fact I was just going to go home and cool off, but then the stupid idiot had to open her mouth…so we…I broke up with Taeyeon.”

“What about your stuff? You did practically move in half of your belongings. How are you going to get it?” No answer. “Jessica, do you really want to break with Taeyeon?”

“Yeah.” A slight pause, “well no…but yeah. I don’t know. I’m just sick and tired of it. Of being neglected, of being unappreciated. I know I don’t have to put so much time and effort into this – that relationship but Sooyoung…I really, really liked Taeyeon. It wasn’t like the others; this wasn’t mere puppy love or something. I went against my parents’ wishes. I nearly lost my sister; I’ve neglected you some times. I did all of this and more for her and what did I get in return? Nothing, because she never saw us as a real couple.” Another pause, “Soo…I want to cry. Can I cry?” Before Sooyoung could even answer Jessica’s question, the older girl’s cries echo through the phone.


“I feel like such a freaking fool.”

She stops walking and pulls the phone away from her ear staring at the device. Maybe she should just turn around and comfort her best friend. “Jessica…you’re not a fool. Taeyeon’s grieving right now; she over emotional. The whole family is over emotional right now. Maybe she never meant those words. Maybe it was all a mistake, you know.”

“She was serious. If it was a mistake she would have chased after me like last time. But she didn’t. She doesn’t want me.”

“She does Jessica. Just give her time. Why else would she always return to you after disappearing? You mean as much to her as she does to you. Just give her time, yeah? That’s all either of you need. You both are shouldering too much right now. Words not meant to be said will be spoken and what not. But that doesn’t mean that’s what either of you believe. Go out with Krystal or visit Yunho. Take your mind off of Taeyeon for a while, okay?”

Her cries quiet down, “I guess. So why are we going to see Tiffany? I’m pretty sure the slap that you received outside the church was enough of a reason for you not to follow her around.”

“She didn’t mean.” She stops walking once again waiting for the light to change. “Or at least I believe she didn’t mean it. I don’t - why am I going after her?”

“You’re a fool, that’s why.”

Sooyoung rolls her eyes; a fake laugh leaves her lips, “haha, Jessica. But yeah.”

“No really, Sooyoung, only an idiot would chase after a girl who slapped them and called them all kinds of fowl names in English. But if you must chase after your wife, make sure you are willing to box. I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty sure Tiffany knows how to throw some punches. Look at who raised her.”

“So you think me going after Tiffany is crazy?”

“Duh. But you’ve done even crazier things like fall for the bumbling idiot. And how about when you let her put your name down as father of a child that’s technically your nephew.” Another eye roll, “But once again, whatever. Love makes fools out of people; I should know. So what are you going to say once you show up? Rumor has it Minho was involved and you are Minho’s older twin.”

“That’s just it. That’s one side of the story. Minho’s says he had no clue what was going to happen.” A frustrated groan, “I just want to prove I’m not involved if Minho’s lying. I don’t like being punished for something I had no part in. I don’t like it. I don’t like the fact that she’s ignoring me, or the fact that I can’t see Kyungsan. I know he’s not mine technically but – “

“Well…I’ll let you go find your wife, be careful. Her family isn’t exactly the best one.” Not waiting for a response from the younger girl, Jessica hangs up. A sigh and Sooyoung slips the phone into her pocket. Head tilts back and she reads the street signs.

“I think this is the street to Taemin’s place.” Running her fingers through her hair, she turns left and immediately notices the house in which she’d bring Tiffany to visit Taemin. With a small smile, Sooyoung sprints down the block, crossing the street along the way. Feet stop in front of the white door; hand rises and knuckles tap against the wood.

The door opens and a slap echoes throughout the street, causing for mere on lookers. Pain surges through her cheek but she bites back the response to retaliate. Shaking her head, she faces the girl who had opened the door. “Was the first slap not enough? I told you to stay away from me, from Kyungsan. We want nothing to do with you are your horrible excuse for a family.” Palm raises rubbing the same cheek again. Tiffany turns to leave when fingers gently wrap around her wrist. “Let go.”

“I didn’t do anything and yet you’re punishing me,” states Sooyoung as calmly as she could. “I know Minho is my brother, my twin but that doesn’t change anything. I’m not the one who was involved in what happened to Taemin.” She releases the older girl. “I really don’t think I deserve to be punished.” She sighs. “Just here me out, please.” The door opens a little more and Kyungsan appears. With a wide grin he waddles over to Sooyoung, arms raised expecting to be picked up. Tiffany’s eyes watch her son; her own arms crossing. The Choi bends over, picking up her son. “Will you hear me out?”

“No.” Tiffany reaches out grabbing her son; she steps back into the house, closing the door in the younger girl’s face. Sooyoung sighs, turning away from the door. She walks out the yard and down to the street taking a seat on the curb.

“I guess I’m going to sit here until you listen to me.”


“I’m coming, hold on!” Feet race down the stairs; fingers try to tame the stray strands of her. For some reason she feels as if she needs to have a good appearance for her visitor. Pulling t he front door open, she takes a moment to examine the girl in front of her before throwing herself at the younger girl. Arms envelop Yoona, taking her by surprise only to make her even more surprise when a punch lands upon her. “You wait until after the funeral to inform me about his death and even more so that you’re back?”

“One I’ve only been back for less than twenty four hours. Two I thought you already knew and didn’t like funerals. But then Tiffany tells me something otherwise. So my response is how was I supposed to know that you stopped hanging out with my sisters, hm? They would be the only way that you would know something like this happened?” was Yoona response as she rubs her chest. “And I think you broke my sternum.”

“Like you actually know what a sternum is.”

Yoona rolls her eyes, “so are you going to make me stand outside or can I come in?” Yuri pauses for a moment taking a brief glance upstairs. Yoona notices the hesitance. “Nerd?” Yuri looks back at Yoona, a sour look upon her face. “Can I come in?”

“I don’t know can you?”

“May I come in, Nerd.” The older girl steps out of the way, giving Yoona access to the Kwon house. “So why did you stop hanging out with Tae and them?”

“It didn’t feel right; I didn’t feel right,” answers the Kwon while closing the door. “It feels as if they didn’t need me unless they wondered about you. And even then I disappointed them because I had no information. They themselves slowly stopped hanging out and talking to me, so I gave up. You know to save myself the trouble.” She turns and faces Yoona again; eyes slowly drift to the top of the stair case.

“What’s up there?” asks Yoona, twisting her neck to get a glimpse of whatever Yuri was looking at.

“Nothing,” was the quick response, “I’m sorry about what happened to Taemin.” Fingers reach across the small gap, grabbing hold of Yoona’s and pulling her into a second hug. “Are you okay? Are your sisters okay?”

“I’m fine. I didn’t really know him, though I do consider him my brother.” She pries herself lose from the overachiever’s grip, “and well Tiffany sort of ***** slapped Sooyoung outside the church this morning. Caused a lot of ruckus they did. And Tae…well she’s gone kind of like emo…not that she’s deciding on wearing black and cutting her wrist, but yeah. She’s also been neglecting Jessica and treating her like trash, so Jessica sort of broke up with her. So how would you classify it? Good or bad?”

Yuri shakes her head in disbelief, “your family is a mess.”

“Correction, it’s always been a mess. Things have just gotten worse. Can we sit?” Yuri nods her head, leading Yoona into the living room. With a satisfied grin, Yoona plops down on the couch. “You know, when I saw the way Taeyeon treat Jessica within these last few hours that I have been here, I sort of felt like a fool.” The smile disappears as she gazes at her hands. “Sorry.”

“No…feeling like a fool is highly understandable,” Yoona snarls a little, playfully pushing on the older girl who had taken the seat beside her. “But what exactly do you feel sorry for?”

“Um…I sort of liked Jessica,” Yuri tenses a bit. “But it was around the time that I asked for her to be my counselor. In fact I developed a crush on her. But I set everything a side for Tae. And now my sister treats her like crap. It makes me feel like a fool for giving up on someone that perfect you know? Not that you’re not perfect…but yeah.” Yoona looks at Yuri. “And that’s the reason for me being sorry. I’m sitting here thinking about someone else in front of you. I feel guilty.”

“You act as if we’re in a relationship. Just because you told me you liked me all those months ago doesn’t mean anything Yoona. But really, Jessica?”

“I liked you also. It was that I liked Jessica a little more. She wasn’t so naggy and a goody two shoes. I had fun with her; the bickering was fun. Not that you’re not fun, but it’s a different type of fun. Plus she’s an older chick.”

“I’m the same age as Jessica. We were seat partners in our math class.”

“She wasn’t a nerd.”

“Jessica got A’s and B’s.”

“She’s American.” Yuri groans; eye slide shut and head falls backwards. “What?”

“You’re unbelievable.”

“I said sorry.” Footsteps echo throughout the house. Yuri automatically sits up straight. “Your parents home?”

“Hey Yuri, I’m heading out.” A scowl appears on Yoona face; eyes fall upon the guy she hates the most.

“What is – “ She stops trying to think of the right words to say. So this is what Yuri’s been worried about all night? She had a boy in her room. And not just any boy; it had to be him. “I say sorry for thinking about someone else and you have someone – no not someone you have monkey face in your room?” Nose flaring, she bites her bottom lip in an attempt to calm herself down. It fails and she groans; fingers rake through her hair.

“It’s not like that. We’re partners on a project, so we’re working on it. Calm down.” She shakes her head; no way was she going to believe that they were just partners working on a project. Not when that ******* tried to get into her pants. “Yoona! Taec, tell her we were doing a project.”

“No, what do you think I’m stupid or something? I may not be as smart as you but I know when someone’s dating.” She pauses and shakes her head. Maybe it was wrong for her to come to see Yuri. But this would explain the whole, why she’s avoiding her sisters, ordeal. A scoff and an eye roll.

“Yoona, seriously it’s not like that. We are not dating. But even if we were did you actually think that I’d just wait? I had no clue where you were, if you had found another nerd to tease or anything.” Another head shake, “Yoona, listen to me. I’m not dating Taecyeon.” Yoona stands but Yuri grabs hold of her forearm. “Taec, leave…please.” Taecyeon wave his hands; he didn’t have to be told twice. He quickly exits out of the house leaving the two girls alone.

“No parents are here and he’s in your room. If your partners you should be working on your project down here in the kitchen not up there. And definitely not alone.”

“We’re not dating for the last time.” A heavy sigh spreads across the room. “Yoona I know you believe me. Besides why would I do that? You remember what happened before when I was left alone with him. And honestly we weren’t alone. My parents left about fifteen minutes before you showed up. And we were cleaning up the supplies. Yoona.” She pauses examining the younger girl. “Yoona…you know what I’m saying is the truth, so why are you trying so hard to not believe it?"

“Because partners aren’t supposed to be alone like that.”

“That’s not the reason. Give me the real one.”

“That is the real reason.”

“No it’s not.” Yoona breaks free and turns to look at Yuri. The Kwon’s face falls blank as doe eyes stare at her. “It is…Yoona, it’s not what it seems.”

“I’ve been learning that there are always two sides to a story, but a person may never know which one is the truth.” Feet take a step back, “how do I know what you say is the truth, huh? I’ve been away for a long time, and according to my sister you’ve been acting funny. So my only conclusion as of right now, Yuri is you’re seeing him.” Body begins moving towards the door. “It’s okay though. You and Boa both told me that you wouldn’t wait around for a long time.”

“Yoona…it’s not true!”

“So what if it’s not true? So you’re not dating now. What’s to say you and him didn’t get back together while I was gone huh?”

“Why am I the bad guy in this?” questions Yuri. “I didn’t do anything wrong and I’m the bad guy. Do you know how much it hurt to have your first love confess that they like you right before they disappear? Do you? And even while being hurt I never dated anyone. I put all of my attention into school and work. I’m not the bad guy because I didn’t do anything wrong. It’s not my fault I was assigned his partner. It’s not my fault that my mom made a mess in the kitchen and my father was busy here in the living room so we had to work upstairs.” Yoona stops, “I got happy and super excited when you called. Even more so when you said you were visiting. I even tried to kick him out so we can be alone.

You told me you were staying. So in my head I figured now would be the perfect time to get you to be mine. I guess not. Well whatever. You don’t even want me.”

“What?” A look over her shoulder, “what do you mean I don’t want you?”

“It’s quite obvious. You wouldn’t be pushing me away right now, if it wasn’t for the mere fact that Jessica’s single again. Think about it Yoona. You stalked Minho when we dated. You threatened to kick Taecyeon’s ass when he tried asking me out to junior prom. You never pushed me away before. You always claimed I was yours. And now…now that your first crush Jessica is single – “

“You're nuts; call me when you find your brain.”


The noise from the door closing startles the Jung and waking her up from her small nap. Yawning, Jessica slips off her bed and slowly makes her way to the living room to see who entered the house. Hands rub the sleep from her eyes as she exits her bedroom and enters the living room. Eyes immediately land upon her mother who was busily peeking out the curtains. Feet carry her body across the small room and she joins the head of the Jung house. “Who is he?”

Mrs. Jung turns to look at her daughter. “Did…did he speak to you?”

A shoulder shrug and the oldest daughter leans against the wall, arms crossing. “Yeah…he says you lie about him. That Yunho lies about him. He told me that you’ve been keeping me away from him and that he’s been searching. So who is he?”

“No one important.”

“Really? So if I step out this door right now and ask him, he’ll say he’s no one important?” Mrs. Jung groans; why wasn’t her daughter getting it. There was nothing to say about the man outside and Jessica doesn’t need to interact with him. “Mom I’m not some little kid anymore. I can take whatever it is you throw at me and more. So what is he? He called me Sooyeon. No one calls me Sooyeon save for family and Taeyeon. So what is he; is he like family or something?”

“He’s unimportant family Sooyeon. I don’t know exactly what he tells you but don’t believe. He wasn’t good before and he’s not now. Some people don’t change as what you’ve witness today with Taeyeon being…you know. So please just avoid him and ignore him. That’s all I’m asking.” Jessica sighs and grabs her jacket off the back of the couch, slipping it on. “Where are you going?”

“For a walk.” She slips out the house; looking left and right she scans the street. Not finding anything serious, she heads up the street walking aimlessly through the neighborhood. Something didn’t seem right about her mother’s statement. For some reason the strangers words seem more sincere than her mother’s. And that would only mean that he’s an important family member. But no one’s going to tell her. Not her mother, her brother and more than likely her grandparents are just going to ignore the topic all together. It wasn’t as if she was the favorite when it came to them or anyone in her family for that matter. “Who are you?” she whispers to herself.

“Jessica!” Jessica stops in her tracks at the sound of Yoona’s voice. She waits patiently as the younger girl races towards her. “H-how are you doing?” questions Yoona while observing the older girl.

“What are you doing here?” asks Jessica ignoring the question that was obviously about her relationship status with Yoona’s older sister.

“I was just walking. I went to go see Yuri only to find the big eared monkey face ******* was sitting in her room,” explains Yoona. “And then she accused me of something ridiculous so yeah…I decided to go for a walk all the way back to the apartment rather than catch the bus. And then I saw you and got curious about how you’re doing.”

“I’m fine.”A looks of disbelief crosses Yoona’s face. “Really Yoona, I’m fine. I just feel like a fool but I’ve already gone through that conversation with Sooyoung.”

“You’re not a fool. My sister is the fool to give someone like you up.” Hand ruffles her hair. “She a stupid idiot if I must say. She’s being to self centered right now. She’s not the only one feeling guilty about things you know. She doesn’t know how either me or Tiffany feels. Tiffany’s beating herself up because it was her brother. And I’m upset because it was supposed to be me. And then…then she pushes away the most perfect person in our life,” head shakes, “she’s stupid.”

“You really think that?”

“Yeah I do.” Silence befalls on the two girls as they stand in the middle of the side walk awkwardly.

“Well I’m going to go. Go home and stay in for the night okay? We don’t know anything about Key or if and when he might strike for a third time.” A hand reaches out and grabs her wrist. Looking over her shoulder, she finds Yoona smiling at her. “What?”

“Let’s get something to eat,” states Yoona, not really willing to wait for an answer. She begins dragging Jessica down the street. It was like déjà vu as Jessica stumbles to keep up with the tall girl.

“Do I have to pay this time or are you finally going to cough up some money? And you didn’t exactly pay for my shoes, if I recall,” a sheepish grin breaks out on Yoona’s face as she looks over her shoulder at Jessica. “I guess I’m paying again?”

“You always paid; why should now be any different?” Eyes roll and she follows Yoona into a fast food restaurant. She observes carefully as Yoona inhales the smell of greasy, fat containing food. “I haven’t seen one of these places in months.” She turns and looks at Jessica with a wide grin. “How much can I spend?”

“What do you want?”

“Some food and some company.” Shaking her head, she stuffs her hand in her pocket pulling out a few crumpled bills. “Thanks…now go find a seat.” She didn’t have to be told twice. Eyes scan the building looking for an empty seat. Finding it, her feet carry her over to the chair and she takes a seat, propping her chin upon the palm of her hand. Fingers connected to her free hand lightly drum against the table top as she quietly hums to herself. Mind wanders back to the stranger.

“Who are you?” she whispers, blinking. Who is he? How does he know her name? Why would her mom keep her from him and why would he spend so much time looking for her? What was their relationship? Jessica fidgets slightly in her seat. Could he be an uncle that the family disowned? Head shakes for the umpteenth time. No, that couldn’t be it. If he was an uncle why would he be looking for her only and not Krystal or Yunho? “Why me?”

“Why you what?” She breaks out of her trance to see Yoona sitting across from her with a tray of food. “I got you a burger and some fries because I wasn’t too sure if you ate. And it’ll be rude to eat in front of you.”

“Little Yoona has grown up,” mocks Jessica with a teasing smile.

“Hey! I’ve always been grown. In fact out of all my siblings I’m the most mature,” was Yoona’s argument while unwrapping one of the grease filled patty.

“Right. It’s why you told Taeyeon that she wasn’t your sister anymore.”

“She deserved it; I’m supposed to be the favorite yet I’m always kept out of the loop. Always pushed away and lied to. For once I wish she’d just be honest with and tell me she doesn’t want me around. None of that I’m trying to provide you with a better life bull crap.” Yoona huffs before shoving the burger into her mouth. Chewing and swallowing she continues her rant. “And then this whole we agreed to tell Yoona thing…”

“She didn’t tell you after I left?” questions Jessica while picking at the fries.

“No…but for some reason I think it has to do with what happened to Seohyun and her father that night.” A sigh, “I don’t know…but they way they were talking…it doesn’t seem like our mom did anything. It seems like she was covering for Tae.” The fry in Jessica’s hand drops. “I know it’s a ridiculous idea. I was actually only going to speak to Yuri about it but seeing Taecyeon made me pissed.”

“Right…he’s seeing Yuri now.”


“Stephanie,” Tiffany looks up from her spot on the floor and at her mother, “you’re friend is still outside sitting on the curb.” A confused look crosses Tiffany’s face. Why was she still here? Didn’t she get the hint? Forcing her body onto her feet, Tiffany joins her mother at the window, glancing out and at Sooyoung’s back.

“Why is that idiot still out there?” questions Tiffany. “She’s a stupid fool.”

“Well, fools do crazy and stupid things when they’re in love.” She looks at her mother. “I know I’m not in the right position to offer some advice. But Stephanie, hear her out. She seems like she really likes you. Most people would have moved on by now. But she’s sitting out there waiting until you listen. Give her a chance.” Her mother walks away, leaving her alone. Should she listen to what Sooyoung has to say?

She unconsciously bites on her thumb; eyes widen as Sooyoung spots her staring. She quickly closes the curtains and leans up against the wall. Maybe she should listen? Swallowing the spit that gathered in her mouth, Tiffany opens the front door, exiting out of the house. Closing the door softly behind her she travels out of the yard. “Why are you still here?”

Sooyoung looks up from her spot and at the older girl, “I’m waiting for you to listen to what I have to say.” Exhaling loudly, Tiffany takes a seat beside Sooyoung.

“Go ahead.”

“I’m sorry…I’m really, really sorry. I’m deeply sorry. And I don’t know how many times I have to say sorry just so you can talk to me. I didn’t know about what was going to happen. None of us knew. All we knew is Minho was going to visit his best friend; we had no clue that Key was after Taemin, honestly. My mother is freakishly quiet. My father is upset. Siwon had to return to counseling and Sulli…Sulli’s hysterical. He was also one of her close friends.”

“Why’d your brother do it?”

“What Minho told the police is that he had no clue what was supposed to happen. They were smoking a cigarette like old times, laughing and talking about sports and what not. Then Key pulls out the gun, shooting Taemin point blank. Minho himself has a wound, you know? He says he tried to fight Key but Key pulled the trigger on him.” Sooyoung leans back onto the palm of her hands. “Sulli thinks we should believe Minho. She thinks he’s telling the truth, and she’s always had a keen eye.”

“You believe your brother?”

“I don’t know what to believe. I just don’t think he’d do it though. Taemin and him were like brothers, inseparable until your father claimed him. I know my brother went through a rut after Taemin left, which is why he continued to follow Key around.” A moment of silence, “that was all I wanted to say, really. That and I don’t like being punished, Tiffany. I like you a lot. You know that; everyone knows that. And everyone knows I’d never hurt you. In fact I like to try and keep you away from harm.” Tiffany stands and Sooyoung watches her.

“I…I need some time to think. I’ll call you when I’m finished.”


Lifting the large black trash bag, she continues the small walk to the large trash bin. She flings the bag into the metal bin only to have her body slammed against it. A grunt being the only noise she could make. A cool metal object is place against her head; a calloused hand holding her arms behind her back. The ear bud in her left ear is pulled loose, “long time no see, Kim. The family misses you.” All thoughts of fighting back evaporate from her mind. “We haven’t seen or heard from you in a while. I guess you left us for some part time job cleaning up after people. How much is the pay?”

She could only grunt as her face gets smashed against white smells to be dried urine and vomit. “We’ve been looking for you. We heard that the little dealer Key got to you first. We’re sorry about what happened to the little one. If it’s anything we’re willing to make a deal with you as a gift.”

“Wha...” she attempts to form a sentence only to end up struggling.

“Let her go; I can’t understand her.” The body pinning her, let’s go and she takes a step back from the dumpster, massaging her wrists. Eyes scan the dark surrounding making out everyone that she called family some time in her life only to fall on the head of the house.

“What kind of deal?” she asks while staring at the man in front of her.

“Like I said, we miss you. We miss our sister, don’t we guys?” Cheers echoed through the night. “We eliminate Key for you and all you have to do is return home.” She didn’t even take a moment to think as she quickly shakes her head no. Even if she and Jessica weren’t together there was no way she was going to return. “Don’t be so hasty to answer, Kim. Think about it. You’re not cut out for minimum waged jobs and what not. You’re not an everyday civilian. You’re one of us; always will be one of us.”

“No. I have sisters to take care of and a nephew to take care of and raise.”

“Really? Because from what I heard, Miyoung is moving back to the states with her mother. They were discussing it earlier today at the funeral. And Baby alligator, she can join. The more of the merrier.”

“No. Rumors are rumors and Yoona’s not getting into any more of this crap. I decline.”

He steps forward. “Do you really want to decline, Kim?”

“What’s the worst you can do?” Hand extends out grabbing hold of a bat. Stepping slowly in a circle around her, he pulls back slamming the metal object into the back of her legs, sending Taeyeon to her knees. She grits her teeth, trying to bite back the pain.

“Beat the **** out of her. Make her suffer for ever thinking that she could just up and leave.” He begins to walk away. “Oh and Kim, tell Baby Alligator thanks for letting us know where you were at.” He continues moving disappearing amongst the swarm that surrounded her tiny figure.


With a soft smile, she slips the key into the knob giving it a twist and unlocking the door. Pushing it open she’s greeted by darkness. The awful smell of alcohol and cigarettes infiltrates her nose. Hand gropes blindly at the wall searching for the switch. Finding it, index finger flicks it up and the room lights up. Doe eyes locate her older sister lying in the middle of the floor surrounding by bottles and cans along with cigarette butts and ash. Cheek is swollen; bruises were forming. Feet carry her body closer and she notices blood upon Taeyeon’s work clothes and a black eye donning the older girl’s face. “Tae…”

Taeyeon groans, turning her back to her sister. “Tae,” she calls out again.

“**** off,” was the only response that she got.


“What part of **** off do you not understand, huh? The **** or the off?” She takes a seat beside her sister; hand carefully reaches out touching Taeyeon’s shoulder only to have her pull away.


“Why’d you do it?”


Two sets of feet sprint up the stairs ignoring the cramp in the abdomen and the burning of the lungs. The smaller of the two looks ahead as the screams get louder and the shattering of glass reverberate throughout the complex mixing along with the howls of a dog.

“Stop it! Tae…Yoona stop! Please just stop! Tae!”

She pumps her legs harder. The cries of a baby fill their ears.

“Taeyeon, Stop! Stop! You’re going to kill her stop!”

They reach the correct floor only to race down the corridor, stopping in front of the correct apartment. Jessica forces the door open to be met with the sight of Taeyeon’s fist slamming into Yoona’s face repeatedly as Tiffany tries to pry the older girl off. “Tae, stop!”

Hearing the door open, Tiffany looks up at the two girls. “Help! Please help me!” Jessica and Sooyoung race to her side. Hands fumble about trying to find something to hold onto as they attempt to pry Taeyeon off the younger girl. “Taeyeon! Stop it that’s our sister! Taeyeon! STOP! YOU’RE GOING TO KILL HER!” Tiffany’s cries fall short. It didn’t matter if she was her sister or not.

Yoona reaches up; hand envelops Taeyeon’s face, smashing it in. Fingers work their way to Taeyeon’s locks; she pulls Taeyeon’s head down smashing it into her own. Taeyeon bites back the pain. Arm pulls back and another punch lands upon Yoona’s nose. Blood begins to flow freely. Eyes widening the three girls on Taeyeon try even harder.

“She’s like a freaking dog,” mutters Sooyoung, grunting as she receives an elbow to the stomach. With that an arm wraps tightly around Taeyeon’s neck; a gasp leaves Taeyeon’s lips and hands immediately reach for the arm around her neck.

“Move!” shouts Jessica while looking over Taeyeon’s shoulder at Yoona. Yoona scrambles to feet only to lunge at Taeyeon taking both of the older girl’s down. Shocks spreads throughout her body as her back slams into the kitchen table. “****,” she hisses. Her grip loosens and the fighting resumes. Jessica looks at Sooyoung, “I’m going to grab Taeyeon; you get Yoona and take her somewhere else, understand?”

Sooyoung nods her head and once again they attempt to separate the two sisters. “Taengoo, stop!” grunts Jessica while pulling on her ex. Fists fly; hair gets pulled. Elbows collide and feet scuffle against the floor. “Taeyeon! Yoo – “ A hand strikes the Jung causing for the girl to drop to the floor. Everyone stops and all eyes land on Jessica.

She sits up and fingers lightly touch her lip. She pulls them back and dark orbs take in the crimson color. “****,” she mutters forcing her body onto her feet. Eyes land on the sisters, “What the hell?! We just broke up and I haven’t even been gone for twenty-four hours and you guys are already going at it like some sort of savages?!”

“She started it! Just like how she hit you!” snaps Yoona only to have Sooyoung grab hold of her.

Taeyeon’s turns; she readies herself for a lunge but Jessica quickly wraps her arms around the older girl. The Kim twists and turns trying to break free. “Stop!” Following Jessica’s orders, she stops. “I don’t give a damn who started it. And I don’t give a damn about who hit me! You two are lucky it’s me who you hit. Did you two forget that there is a child in the house, the room?! Did you?! What would have happened if he got hurt, huh?! What the hell would you two be doing?! I don’t know about Tiffany but if I was her and either one of you had hurt my son I’d send both of your asses to jail. Screw being family.” The Im and the Kim look off to the side, ashamed.

Jessica turns and looks at Tiffany, “what the hell happened?”

“I don’t know. I was walking up the stairs and I heard them yelling. They were arguing. So I rushed in. Tae sort of stepped up to Yoong and Yoong pushed her back. Then Tae swung hitting Yoona in square in the jaw and since then they’ve been fighting,” explains Tiffany as she walks over to the still crying Kyungsan, picking him up and comforting him. “I didn’t…I didn’t know what to do but to call you and Sooyoung. I didn’t want to call the police because they’re my sisters.” Jessica nods her head turning back to both Taeyeon and Yoona.

“What happened?” Both girls motion to open their mouths, “one at a time!”

“She started it,” states Yoona. “I came in to find her lying on the floor, bruised and beaten. She tells me to **** off then questions me. I have no clue what the hell she was talking about so we started arguing and the next thing I know her fist struck me. I wasn’t going to just let her hit me.” She makes an effort to pull herself free from Sooyoung’s grip.

“You hit your sister?” questions Jessica. Taeyeon remains quiet. “Taeyeon.”

“Why do you care, huh? You broke up with me. Whatever I do is my business not yours.” Jessica groans; grip tightens even more. “Fine so I did kick her ass. So what? She deserves it. Snitches get stitches. She snitched so she deserves her pay.”

“Snitched? What in the world would I have snitched about Taeyeon?! More importantly, why would I even snitch on my older sister?!”

“**** you, we’re not sisters.”


“No. She’s no longer my sister.” She yanks free from Jessica grasp and disappears down the hall. Jessica sighs running her fingers through her hair. How did things get like this? She shakes her head. Footsteps sound throughout the hall and Taeyeon remerges with Yoona’s bags. “Take your stuff and get out.”

“Taeyeon,” calls out Tiffany.

“No. Get your stuff and get out. Stay away from me, Tiffany and Kyungsan. If you come near them I will kick your ass and I mean it.” She turns and looks at Tiffany, “go near here and you’re out of here.” With that, the oldest girl in the room disappears down the hall once again. The door to her room slams shut and Sooyoung releases Yoona.

“If she doesn’t want me here, then I’ll go,” states Yoona while picking up her luggage.

“Yoona, don’t go,” whispers Tiffany. “Taeyeon doesn’t mean it.”

“Quit lying to yourself Tiffany. Taeyeon never wanted me; ever since I found her, she’s been pushing me away. She doesn’t want me. Never have and never will. This whole thing about being the favorite is a stupid lie. I might as well save myself some time and the trouble and just go.” Using the back of her hand she wipes away the blood from her nose.

“And where will you go, Yoong? We’re family. We just…I just lost Taemin. I don’t want to lose another sibling. I’ll try and reason with her. She’s only doing this because she’s drunk. You see the empty cans,” argues Tiffany.

“Because she’s drunk she’s telling the truth. If she was sober she’d be lying through her teeth right now. If Taeyeon was sober she wouldn’t have tried to beat the crap out of me. If she was sober I’d still have my stuff in your room. But because she’s drunk she’s finally able to act on her thoughts. And what they’re saying is she doesn’t want me, Tiffany. You can try to plead with her all you want, it won’t change anything. Because I now know how she feels. I’m going,” she flings one of the duffle bags over her shoulders.

“Where are you going to go?” Yoona looks at Jessica.

“Probably go stay at our aunt's. I’m sure it’ll make mom’s day to have me want to stay there.” None of the girls said anything as Yoona leaves the apartment. Tiffany bites her bottom lip, wanting to cry.

“Tiffany,” calls out Sooyoung hesitantly, unsure of whether or not Tiffany would let her approach her. She reaches out only to pull her hand back.

Jessica watches them for a second before deciding on giving them their privacy; rotating on her heels, she marches down the hall to Taeyeon’s room. Forcing the door open, eyes lock onto the older girl who was currently lying on the bed and staring up at the ceiling. “You.” Index finger points at Taeyeon, “why are you making your baby sister become homeless?”

“Once again, why do you care what I do with my family? We’re not dating,” mumbles Taeyeon in return. She slams the door shut. What is wrong with her ex? Why is Taeyeon acting like a complete and total *****?

“I don’t know Taeyeon, maybe because even though we’re not together I obviously still care about you and your family.” Taeyeon tenses. Why would Jessica still care if they weren’t together? Doesn’t breaking up mean not caring anymore?

“You’re not supposed to care.”

“Yeah, well tell my heart that.”

“Well you and your heart can **** off. Why are you even bothering to talk to me, huh?”

“Just because I gave up one title doesn’t mean I gave up the others. I’m still your friend and I’m still your counselor, Taeyeon.”

“Well, then you’re fired. I no longer need you as a counselor and we’re no longer friends. You can leave.”

Hands crash into the wooden object behind her. “Why?! Why are you treating me like ****, Taeyeon? I’ve done nothing to you. All I have been is patient and caring. Do you know how many people I’ve neglected for you, do you?” She takes a deep breath, “And all I’m asking for now is an explanation as to what happened. What made Tiffany call me and what made you want to beat your sister to a pulp?”

“Why should I tell you anything?”

Teeth chew on the inside of her cheek. Gaze lowers to her shoes. “Because I care. It’s as simple as that Taeyeon.”

“If you’d care you wouldn’t have made promises only to break them.” Head snaps up. “You promised me you wouldn’t leave and what did you do today? You broke up with me; you left me.” She pauses. “I know that some of the words that I said were wrong but that didn’t mean you have to break up with me.”

“Well what was I supposed to do? Sit and take everything quietly. You saying that you never saw us as an official couple were the last straw. How was I supposed to take that when I saw you as my girlfriend, huh? I use to have these stupid immature thoughts about moving in with you and what not. About us getting real serious. Do you know what it’s like to have it all crushed? To have your love carelessly tossed aside, do you? And if you really want to know when I broke up with you earlier today I was half hoping you’d come chasing after me. And do you want to know how hurt I was when it didn’t happen?”

“Why would I do that if you told me to not do it? That makes a lot of sense, Jessica.”

She pushes off the door. “So if I had never said it…”

“I’d probably have chased after you instead of going to work. Who knows if I had done that then maybe I wouldn’t have gotten jumped and maybe I wouldn’t have felt the need to beat the crap out of the Im. But it doesn’t matter because you said it and I followed it. And in the end the Family sought me out and decided to beat me mercilessly with bats and whatnot. All thanks to Im Yoona.” Tongue clicks. “I’m supposed to rely on her and yet she snitches me out.”

“So you beat her?”

“She deserves it.”

“And what if she didn’t rat you out. Like she said Taeyeon, you’re her older sister why would she do something like that?”

“For a lot of reasons, Jessica.” Jessica’s face scrunches. Must she resort to her English name? Sure they weren’t together but that didn’t mean she has to stop calling her by Sooyeon. “She could have sold me out because I haven’t exactly been a big sister to her.”

“Well if you ask me I don’t think Yoona would do something like that.”

“Well I never asked what you think.”

“Can you cut the crap? I know Yoona didn’t sell you out because I was with her the whole night.” Taeyeon sits up. Her ex was with Yoona the whole night? Yoona wouldn’t have chased after Jessica already, would she? She blinks. Her sister wouldn’t go after what was hers, right? “Yeah…I was with Yoona the whole night so I know she didn’t sell you out. I was there when you called and told her you were going to work. She never turned around and sold you out to anybody who I would assume was part of this family.” There was no one right? Yoona never said anything right?

“You went out with my sister? Right after you broke up with me, you go out with Yoona?”

“It was as friends, Taeyeon. And it shouldn’t matter what I do, right? I mean we’re not together,” mocks Jessica.

“It does when Yoona tells me that she gave you up,” mutters the older girl dejectedly. Jessica wouldn’t just date Yoona, would she? Yoona might be a younger, taller version of herself but that doesn’t mean that Jessica would exchange her for Yoona, right?

“What?” a look of confusion crosses Jessica’s face. She shakes her head; she mustn’t have heard Taeyeon correctly.

“Yoona said she gave you up. That means that Yoona at one point or another liked you.”

“I think you had too much to drink.”

“If I had too much to drink, then you should leave alone and let me rest in peace.”

“So that when I leave you can have the opportunity to strike down Tiffany next? I may not like her a lot but I’m not going to allow you to hit her.”

“I wouldn’t hit Tiffany. The most I’d probably do is tackle her.”

“Right because she’s not Yoona.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means what you think it means, Taeyeon. You don’t exactly welcome her home with open arms. You don’t exactly pay attention to her and you just threw her out on the streets.” Taeyeon huffs. “You don’t treat Yoona right.”

“Why should I?”

“Because she’s supposed to be your favorite…but you do nothing but push her away.”

“Why are we discussing this? I thought I fired you.”

“For the last time Taeyeon, because I care. Because I…I love you,” she whispers the last part, unsure of whether or not she wanted to admit it to the older girl. “Look Taeyeon, I don’t want to argue anymore. I just…you’re frustrating me.”

“Well if I’m frustrating you, you should leave.” Jessica growls; fingers rake through her hair as she bites on the semi bleeding lip. Eyes scan the room and she picks up the closest thing which happens to be a chew toy for Dog. With a flick of the wrist she sends it flying through the air straight for Taeyeon’s head. The older girl ducks, barely dodging the object. “Now you’re going to hurt me?”

“You hit me; can’t you see the blood on my lip?”

“If you’d stay out of the fight you wouldn’t have been struck. Besides it was on accident. This,” she picks up the plastic bone and waves it in the air, “this was intentional.”

“I hate you.”

“Join the list.”

“You’ve gone back to how you were before.”

“Maybe I never changed, Jessica. What’s that old saying..something about can’t teach an old dog new tricks or something.”

“You’re not old and I never taught you new tricks. Everything you did was because you already knew how but was too impatient to do so.” A heavy sigh sounds throughout the room, “I really had faith in you. I honestly thought that through Taemin’s death that you’d be able to become stronger. But instead all you’ve done is ruin your family, old and new. Yoona’s done nothing wrong. I’ve done nothing wrong. And yet you pushed us both away. It’s time to grow up Taeyeon. You’re not some stupid street punk who thinks she knows everything and doesn’t need other people in her life, because news flash you do. With half of the **** you’ve gotten into in the last year, you wouldn’t have made it out alive save for the people in your life. You have sisters to raise, a nephew to protect. So what if Taemin’s not here, huh? So what if we’re not together anymore. It doesn’t give you the right to lay around in self pity.” She turns to the door, reaching out for the handle. “Tiffany’s only going to stay for so long…then what? You’ll be alone…everyone will have abandoned you. And I know as much as you know that the one thing you fear the most in this world is loneliness. You won’t have anyone. Not me, not Yoona, not Tiffany, not your mother, definitely not your father and most of all not your so called family.” With that she exits through the door, closing it softly behind her and leaving Taeyeon to think amongst herself.

Stepping out into the living room, she’s greeted by Sooyoung and Dog who was busily trying to help Sooyoung clean. “Where’s Tiffany?”

“While you were in the room, she called her mom. Ms. Lee or is it Ms. Hwang? I don’t know but she called her to come get her. Said something about a drunk and angry Taeyeon is something she didn’t want to be alone with. We heard something slam against the wall while you were talking, and to tell the truth we were scared that Taeyeon might have struck you again. I opted for calling the police but she said something about Taeyeon not being able to lay a hand on you,” explains the younger girl while picking up the empty cans. “She didn’t right?”

“No. She made me angry so I had hit the door myself. Leave the mess alone. She’s a janitor; I’m more than sure she knows how to clean up garbage. Besides it’s her mess,” Jessica turns to Dog, “do you want to stay here and keep grumpy old master company,” a small whimper leaves Dog’s lips; body lowers and tail tucks. “I guess not.” She looks around the living room for the leash, “It’s in her room. I don’t want to go in her room…will you walk without the leash?”

“She’s a dog. If she sees or hears another dog she’s going to want to bark and run,” states Sooyoung.

“I know that…but I kind of told Taeyeon to grow up and some other stuff after throwing something at her. I just don’t want to face her.”

“I’ll go get it.”

“I’m sorry but having Siwon beat you before was enough. I’m not going to allow my ex girlfriend attack you.”

“What if she won’t?”

“What if she will?”

“Then you’d just have to call the police and allow her to sit in a jail cell over night.”

“And what if they keep her for her record? As much as I think she deserves it…I don’t want her to go.”

“Because you still like her?”


“Whatever…I’ll be right back.” Before Jessica could response Sooyoung disappears down the hall, stopping in front of Taeyeon’s room. Taking a deep breath, she slowly forces the door open to met by Taeyeon’s gaze. “I…I just came for Dog’s leash.”

“It’s my pet and it stays,” states Taeyeon. “Jessica is no longer my girlfriend, so my dog no longer needs to spend some of the nights at her house.”

“You really going to allow Jessica to walk home alone?” questions Sooyoung in return.

“Isn’t that what I’m stating?” Sooyoung pauses for a moment; she carefully enters the room, closing the door. “Choi Sooyoung…I’ve already have enough issues with your family. Do not get on my bad side.”

“I wouldn’t try to if Tiffany and Kyungsan weren’t involved. But I definitely wouldn’t be doing this if it wasn’t for Jessica. You may have been her girlfriend, but Sica’s been my friend since forever. My mom sees Jessica as her third daughter and Mrs. Jung sees me as her third daughter. If anything Jessica is more like my older sister. And…well I…I don’t like the way you’re treating her.” Taeyeon groans and falls back on the bed. Why is she always the bad guy? Jessica is at fault, too. “I know Jessica has gotten attached and emotional, and I know she is to be partially blamed for what has happened between the two of you, but Taeyeon…it doesn’t call for this.” She slowly closes in on the older girl. Reaching the bed, she takes a seat on the edge. “Jessica really…and I mean really likes you to the point where I think she’s finally fallen in love. She’s never had that with any of her other relationships. In fact she would always just leave from a date and come spend time with me or Krystal when she felt like it. But with you, the two of us got ignored. To you it might not seem like much, but to the people who truly knows her it is.”

“How so?”

“How so? Do you know that the two most important people in Jessica’s world before she met you were me and Krystal? She’d do anything for the two of us and she’d always be there for us when we need her most. Then you come along and throw the whole balance off. Jessica’s put her neck on the line for you in ways you can’t even imagine. This apartment isn’t just in your name Taeyeon, it’s also in Jessica’s. She’s found you a job, spent countless of hours in courts hearings, woke up in the middle of the night to bail you out of jail. Watched you sisters, stood up against my brother for a girl she could care less about and so much more for you.”

“I never asked her to.”

“And you don’t have to. She does it because she loves you.”

“We’re too young.”

“By who’s definition? You’re adults, Taeyeon. Both of you have been adults since you were young. You grew up by yourself. You raised yourself, from what I’ve heard. And Sica, Sica’s been raising Krystal for as long as I could remember. Neither of you are young. So what if you’re age states you’re young; honestly it’s not true.”

“What are you getting at?”

“I think you should really think about the relationship you had with Sica. I think you should think about your relationships with your sisters. From what I’ve learned, family is something that you could always count on, but when you burn those bridges you burn your last line of defense.”

“Jessica’s not family.”

“Whether you want to hear this or not, Jessica Jung was a wife to you. Tiffany even sees it; she could tell that Jessica was becoming her pseudo mother. Taemin even knew it. And Yoona does.”

“Yoona liked her.”

“I know”


“It was quite obvious a year ago that Yoona had taking a liking to her. She’d carry Jessica’s backpack, take her out to eat though Jessica would pay, and even walk Jessica home. But Jessica only saw…she only sees Yoona as a younger sister. Nothing more…she may even recognize Yoona as her pseudo child along with Krystal. Look, whatever more excuses your trying to think of, stop it. It’s only going to hurt you and Jessica. And if she’s hurt – “

“Are you threatening me?”

“No…but I’m sure Yunho wouldn’t mind paying you a visit.”

“I’d kick his pansy ass any day.”

“You probably could but that’s his baby sister, not Krystal; nope Krystal is just his sister.”

Silence takes over and Sooyoung peeks over her shoulder at Taeyeon.

“She broke up with me. She left me. Why should I be the one doing the reflecting, huh? I never wanted us to break up. But she did it. So what if I said a few words…it shouldn’t mean anything.”

“Well it did. And it hurt her badly. She cried to me when she got home. Called herself a fool for ever falling for a girl like you. She said she was an idiot for even trying, for neglecting people and going against others wishes all for you. And you know…when Jessica usually breaks up with someone she never really cried. She would just talk, shrug her shoulders and then carry on like it was nothing.”

“So what happens if I do think and I apologize and ask her to reconsider and she doesn’t want to, huh? What if she decides to never want me again, because I’m nothing but a useless excuse for a human being who nearly killed her baby sister today, huh? What then Sooyoung? Can you tell me what happens after that?”

“Well…no not really. But if you really like Jessica then I can assume you’d break down, cry and probably beg her to return to you. But knowing Jessica if you take some time to think things through, apologize to Yoona and what not, then she’d more than likely take you back.”

“She said she hates me.”

“You probably just frustrated her. She told Krystal that she didn’t care if she died or not and even had thoughts about shoving her under a bus, but look at them now. What I’m saying is your relationship won’t just go back to the way it was. Sure there will be tension but as long as both of you give a little then things will get better. Take me and your sister for example.”

“Maybe I should hire you on as my counselor?”

“No can do. This was a onetime session free of charge and only because of Jessica.” Sooyoung stands and turns to face Taeyeon, “Now can I have the leash so Jessica won’t have to walk home alone.”

“You live down the street.”

“A few blocks and that dude is still following her.”

“It’s over there.” Taeyeon points to the dresser.


The door opens and eyes lock with those of her cousin’s. Hyoyeon slowly raises her hand and index finger points at Yoona’s face; a curious look crosses Hyoyeon’s face, “Yoona what happened? Does Taeyeon know?” With that the sound of feet moving spreads throughout the house. Soon enough her mother, Sunny and her aunt were all at the door.

She forces her way through the small group of people entering the house. “Actually Taeyeon’s the one who did it,” she states while dropping her duffle bag on the ground. Spinning she faces her biological family.

“Yoona, Taeyeon did this to you?” questions her biological mother; fingers grab hold of the Im’s chin tilting her head back as eyes closely observes the bruising. “Your nose – “

“Is fine, she didn’t break it,” finishes Yoona. Her mother releases her and Yoona turns away from their gaze. “Um…I was wondering if It would be okay to kind of crash here for a while. Taeyeon kind of threw me out.”

“Why would Taeyeon throw you out? We just buried Taemin this morning and according to Hyoyeon someone is hunting you guys.” All eyes fall on Hyoyeon’s mother. “More importantly, why would your sister beat you til you were black and blue?”

“We’re no longer sisters according to Taeyeon, but whatever. What’s done is done; now can I stay here or do I have to look for somewhere else to stay?”

“You can stay,” states her mother. “You can bunk with me in Taeyeon’s old room.” Ms. Kim picks up her daughters bag, “I assume you know which room it is?” Yoona nods her head, leading the way. They quietly enter the room and her mother sets her bag in a corner. “Want to talk about how you’re no longer Taeyeon’s sister and why your face is covered in bruises?”

“Not really.”

Her mother sighs and takes a seat on the bed. “Yoona, I know that you might have a sense of dislike for me, but I am truly sorry about not being there for you. I never wanted you to be separated from your sister, never. And when I found out about you being adopted, it really hurt. You and Taeyeon were my daughters, my everything.”

“That’s not how Taeyeon explains it.”

She pats the space next to her, motioning for Yoona to take the seat. The Im cautiously takes the seat. “I can tell…she has a whole lot of people against me. You, Tiffany, my sister, even her girlfriend.”

“Ex girlfriend.”

“That fast?”

“Yeah that fast.”

A small laughs leaves the elderly woman’s lips, “your sister is an idiot to give away something so good. I know…I gave up your father. The most stupid mistake of my life.” Yoona takes a small peek at her mother, “but going with what I was saying…you and your sister are my everything. So much Yoona, that I was starting to give up my old ways for the two of you. I told Jessica earlier today that me and your father were getting back together and that we were going to settle down with our small family.”

“So what went wrong? Why’d you have to attack some innocent man and his child, huh? Why you do something that ruined everything?”

“And now the hostility comes into play…”

“Yeah, the hostility…because of you I had to grow up with a family that never truly appreciated me, save for my mother.” Ms. Kim flinches at the word mother. “They tried to change me, tried to make me conform into something I’m not.”

“I’m sorry, Yoona.”

“Sorry won’t change anything,” fists curl, “years of my life were wasted with a fake family. It wasn’t until a few years ago that I found my big sister. And what did she do? She pushed me away. Called my crazy and what not, saying she wasn’t my sister.” She fully turns to look at the older version of Taeyeon. “All because of you hurting someone innocent.”

“I never hurt anyone as you heard earlier.”

“Right you were covering for someone and it was something that Taeyeon was supposed to explain to me. But instead she opted out because Taeyeon could care less about Yoona as proven by the bruises on my face or the fact that I’m homeless.” She takes a pause and a deep breath. “What is it that Taeyeon was supposed to explain to me?”

“I can’t tell you. It’s Taeyeon’s decision.”

“You agreed upon it.”

“Yes, we did agree upon it. But it seems that Taeyeon’s changed her mind.”

“Well I don’t care. I want to know; you want to be back in my life…well that starts by not having secrets.”

“Yoona…you’ll hate me and Taeyeon if I tell you.”

“Try me.”

“Alright, then…I never harmed your friend or her father. Taeyeon tells the story of her coming home at night and being awoken by the police coming to get me. Yes?” Yoona nods her head. “That was half of the story.” She folds her hand; eyes blink. She wasn’t so sure if she should continue. She wants nothing more than to have her daughters back in life, but was this story really worth it? “Yoona…I can’t.”

“Fine.” Yoona stands and grabs her bags. “I spoke with Jessica today. She told me to give you a chance. When Taeyeon kicked me out…I thought now was as good as a time as ever. I know I was hostile a few minutes ago…that doesn’t change anything really.” She looks at her mom, “I just want to be with real family, but it’s quite obvious I can never be. Taeyeon only wants Tiffany around and you…you only want Taeyeon.”

“Not true Yoona. Do you know why Taeyeon stuck to you when you two were little? Because you were my little girl. And because Taeyeon looked up to me, she called you her favorite also. She used to tell me when I would do things that she’d take care of you and protect you. That she’d do anything for you. And For me it’s the same.”

“Then why won’t you tell me this stupid family secret, huh?”

“Taeyeon is the one who killed the Seo man. Taeyeon is the one who hurt your friend.”


“I’m sorry,” she looks over at the older girl, “I haven’t exactly been getting back to your calls or texts. I’ve been busy; graduation is soon. So I’ve been busy preparing for it, but you don’t care really. Right? You have Seohyun to speak to and Tiffany.”

“It’s alright, Jessica,” she mutters, shoving her hands into her pockets.

“So you don’t speak to them…what about Yuri? Have you spoken to her since the whole Taecyeon incident?”

“We’re supposed to meet up later today. She says she’s not dating him, but you said they are together.”

“Like I said Yoona…I’m not sure. That’s just the rumor floating around campus. And since I have really spoken to Yuri about it, I don’t know if it’s true or not. But come on…those rumors are really stupid. I know it; you know it. You went to school there with us.”

“Yeah I know. It’s just…I know I made some stupid mistakes, you know? I mean I know I should have given Yuri a chance instead of being a coward.” A frustrated sigh emits from the younger girl. “I don’t know. Maybe I’ll go see what she wants. But what if she is dating him? What do I do then?”

“You can congratulate her on her relationship and tell her that you’ll be around if she wants to talk. What you don’t do is yell at her. You were given plenty of chances to make her yours. It’s not her fault that someone has finally come to get her.”

“Yeah but of all people, him? I’d rather she go out with the Choi or maybe someone other than him. I don’t like him. You remember when he cornered us a year ago and I had to fight them off?”

“Some people can change Yoona.”

“Yeah well he can’t. Like I said I don’t like him; more importantly I don’t trust him. He’s up to something.”

“If you say so, Yoona.” Dark orbs look over Yoona’s face. “The bruising is finally disappearing; speaking of bruising, Yoona I’m going to ask a question and I want the most honest answer. Did you ever tell anyone about Taeyeon’s location last week?” Jessica stops; eyes remain locked on the distance ahead of the two girls.

“You think I ratted Taeyeon out?”

“No. It’s just she believes you did, and that’s why…” fingers grab hold of Yoona’s chin, forcing her to face Jessica, “that’s why you have multiple bruises. You didn’t tell anyone about Taeyeon going to work. Not a single soul.” Yoona pulls away and continues walking.

“I didn’t tell anyone who I thought would harm Taeyeon about her location. I texted Tiffany and told her that Tae was heading to work. The only other person I told that night was her best friend. Before I ran into you, I ran into her and she came running towards me in a hurry. She said something about needing to tell Tae something important, so I let her know that Tae was on her way to work.” Doe orbs cast a glance over a shoulder. “I never told anyone else, but you.” Jessica nods her head and the two girls continue walking.

A yawn breaks between the two of them, “so what have you been doing this past week? School’s ending so I know you haven’t exactly enrolled for this year. But you did for next year right?”

“About that.” A side wards glance. About what? It was either a yes or a no answer. It didn’t need an explanation, “I’ve been thinking about dropping out all together. What’s the use of going? I mean I know there are some major pros, but seriously…there’s more money to be made now.”


“Yeah…in fact I’ve been spending so much time with my real mother…she’s introduced me to a few of my real dad’s friends. One was his best friend and he owns an auto shop.” A smile forms, “he offered me a job there working the front desk. He even said he’d teach me how to fix cars. He’s only got daughters and they’d rather shop and hang out with friends.”

“And you want to learn to fix cars?”

“I want to prove to the people around me that I’m not the useless baby sister of Taeyeon…well the useless ex-sister…is ex-sister even a word?” Jessica shrugs her shoulders, though she doubts it is. “Yeah I want to prove to people I can do stuff. And someone needs to help Tiffany, considering the fact that Taeyeon’s lost her mind.”

“You really thought this through?”

“Duh. He offers minimum wage and I only work in the morning. At night as I wait for mom to get off, he says he’ll teach me how to fix car. If not him then one of the women who work there will. He even has a bucket that he offers to give to me once I get it up and running.”

“Yoona’s getting a car? Does Yoona have a license?”

“I’m studying for the test.”

“Little sticky finger bandit, Im Yoona has grown up!” jokes Jessica while embracing the younger girl, “my little immature sister has finally matured.”

“Sister?” mutters Yoona.

“What…would you rather I called you my tall toddler?” She pulls away and eyes curiously watch for some sort of response. Is what Taeyeon told her true? Does Yoona like her? Or still likes her?

“I can get use to being called your toddler.” Yoona smiles at Jessica. Maybe Taeyeon was wrong. Yoona doesn’t seem like she’s got some sort of crush on her. “Mommy Jessica.”

“Ew…I am not old enough to be a mother.”


“That’s because Tiffany’s an idiot.”

“Not as big of one as Taeyeon though.”

Jessica sighs, “your sister…she’s just experiencing something that none of us can understand.”

“Are you defending her? After she hit you?”

“It was on accident, Yoona. I know it; you know it. She didn’t mean to hit me. And no, I’m not defending her.” A brow arches, “I’m not. I just think that maybe we’re all being hard on Taeyeon. Yoona, you know as much as I do, family is something that’s important to her. It’s the thing she cherishes most in the world, and Taemin’s gone. And then someone tells her that her own sister…her own baby sister rats her out…she’s not in the right state of mind. Plus the rumors about Tiffany leaving. What is there left for her family wise? Think about it?”

“If family is so important then why did she send our mother to jail?”


“Remember the conversation that they had earlier in the day? Remember how mom said she only went to jail to protect someone?” Jessica nods her head. How could she forget? “Yeah and remember how I said I think the secret that Tae’s been keeping from me is that she’s the one who killed Seohyun’s father?” Another nod of the head, “well I was right. Mom covered for Taeyeon. Taeyeon’s the one who murdered him.”

“Taeyeon told me she never stabbed anyone; someone is lying, Yoona.”

“Taeyeon is.”

“You don’t honestly believe that your sister would kill someone?”

“She threatened to kill Siwon; she nearly beats me to death, Jessica. What is there to not believe? She’s freaking crazy.”

“Taeyeon wouldn’t do it.”

“Why are you defending her? Because of her I never got to know my real family. This whole time I’ve harbored hatred towards the wrong person. Taeyeon’s the one who’s making Seohyun’s life so difficult. It’s her fault and you’re defending her?”

“Maybe because I honestly believe that you sister doesn’t have the heart to do something like that, Yoona. I may not like the girl right now, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to turn my back on her…and neither should you. Besides think about it…when has Taeyeon ever threatened to stab anyone? Huh? She’d rather use her fists. Even I know that one…and you’re supposed to be her left hand woman. And another thing…if Taeyeon cherishes family so much…why would she ruin someone else’s?” She pulls her phone out; eyes check the time, “I have to go…just think about it some more before you jump to conclusions.” A last glance, Jessica turns on her heels and walks away leaving Yoona alone to her thoughts.

“She’s wrong,” mutters Yoona while kicking a pebble. She’s wrong right? Taeyeon is guilty? Taeyeon did everything? But why? Groaning, long slender fingers make their way through her hair. “Taeyeon did it…right?”


Slipping the key into the lock, she gives it a twist and pushes the door open only to meet the gaze of her ex girlfriend. Taeyeon stops walking and stares at the intruder. “I’m only here for some things for Dog and some of my stuff. I didn’t think you’d be home,” explains Jessica while entering the apartment. Taeyeon could only nod her head and continues towards the kitchen to rinse out her bowl.

Jessica closes the door quietly behind her. “I...” She stops still facing the door. “Uh…I…” Taeyeon struggles with her words as she stares at the bowl in the sink. For some reason speaking to Jessica was much harder than she thought. “How is Dog?”

“She’s fine; I ran out of dog shampoo and some of her treats. And I don’t have any extra cash to pay for it.” Turning she heads towards Taeyeon’s room where both her and Dog’s stuff lie.

Footsteps echo throughout the house; her hands curl but she never breaks contact with the bowl. Sooyoung was wrong. Jessica doesn’t want her back. She doesn’t even want to stand in the same room with her. “Um…” She looks up to see Jessica standing in the middle of the kitchen, spare backpack tossed over her shoulder. “I spoke with Yoona earlier. Even though we’re no longer friends I figured you’d like to know that your sister is okay. She’s currently staying at your aunts. Well that’s it.” Jessica motions to leave when Taeyeon calls out for her. “Hm?”

“I…Sooyoung thought that maybe I should think about things.”

“Sooyoung says it and you do it. I say it and I get a ‘**** off’,” whispers Jessica loud enough for the older girl to hear. “So you’ve been thinking and?”

“C-can we start over?” She tenses. Over? Over as in what? “I…I hurt you. I understand that now. I shouldn’t have carelessly tossed your feelings aside when you did those things for me. Even though I never asked for any of it.” There was a pause. “If you don’t say yes…I can’t really blame you. No one wants to be my friend anymore. Tiffany’s moved out; she’s staying at the apartment that her mom owns since her mom when back to America. I threw Yoona out. Hyoyeon won’t talk to me and Sunny ignores me. Can’t blame them either.”

“I promised you that I wouldn’t leave you…but I’m not ready to start over. I’m not ready for a relations-“

“We don’t have to start one again. We can be friends; I don’t like the loneliness. It’s driving me crazy. Back when I had no friends at least I had Dog but even she doesn’t want to be in my company. The silence is startling. Honestly…I’m scared, Soo –Sooyeon. I don’t like it.”

“You should have thought of that before deciding that you didn’t need us.”

“I know that now.”

“Do you?”

“Yes,” she turns back to the sink. “It’s just what was I supposed to do? You were getting frustrated with me. I thought you were getting tired and wanted out. Taemin was dead, and someone tells me that Tiffany’s thinking about leaving and that Yoona ratted me out. What was I supposed to do? Be weak in everyone’s eyes while there is some lunatic chasing me? Or be strong?”

“You should have opened you mouth and spoke with one of us. Not drink your damn brains out, Taeyeon and then decide that no one is needed. Besides…Yoona says she didn’t rat you out. She only told me, Tiffany and your friend about you location.” Taeyeon could only blink; so she really did hurt her baby sister for no reason? So if it wasn’t Yoona then who was it? Tiffany would never do anything like that and neither would Jessica. So who? Head raises; eyes widen.

“She wouldn’t…”

“No she – “

“Not Yoona.” She bites her lips. It would explain why her friend was staring at her like that while everyone was beating the crap out of her. But why would she do something like that? They were friends. They were supposed to have each other’s backs.

“Well if that’s it…I’m going before mom gets really tired and decide to kick Dog out of the house.” Jessica approaches the front door, “Oh…one last questions, Taeyeon. Can I have an honest answer?”

“As long as you agree that we can start over.”

“Being friends after a break up never really works. Not with one have lingering feelings. And it will definitely not work when the both of us have lingering feelings, Taeyeon.” She glances over her shoulder. “Besides I think you need to think some more and reflect upon yourself some more.”

“It doesn’t work when I have no one to talk to.”

“So what do you want?”

“Company, my friends, my counselor…you.”

“Taeyeon…I…I guess I’ll never get that answer huh?” She quickly pulls the door open and escapes before the air between them gets any more awkward. Feet shuffle down the stairs as she adjusts the backpack on her back. What was she thinking coming back here for something as trivial as a few shirts and some dog shampoo and treats? “Stupid Sooyoung…the one time someone tells that delinquent to do some self reflecting she does. And when she does she actually decides to make people flustered by her words.”

She steps out into the sunlight, blinking her eyes to adjust them to the light. With a sigh, Jessica spins right and begins her track to the bus stop when something catches her attention. Well more like a red car catches her attention. She stops at the parking lot. “I see you’re not giving up.”

“Nope,” responds the male as he pushes off his car. “So this is where you’ve been hiding out at? It’s kind of nice.” Jessica looks up at the apartment complex, shrugging her shoulders. “So have you decided on whether or not I can sit down and have a talk to you? Or are you following golden boy Yunho’s words?”

“Well…I’ve been told you’re unimportant family. Though I have been curious as to why someone like you would spend their whole lifetime searching for someone like me. And I’ve also taken some thought as to why my mother would hide me from you.”

“And what’s your conclusion Sooyeon…”

“You tell me.”


A wide grin graces her face that the sight of the girl crossing the field; it soon drops as eyes take in the fuming face. She stands and prepares to walk away only to have hands reach out and pull her in closer. “You,” growls the upset girl. “You stupid little – “

“Kim…have you seen Baby Alligators face? Someone really did a number,” she responds.

Taeyeon only growls a little more, “yeah I’ve seen her face. I’m the one who did it, because I was told that Yoona sold me out. But then I heard that Yoona told you where I was, so the only way the family would know I was working that night would be because of you.” She releases her friend, “I trusted you. And what do you do? You rat me out?!”

“You think I wanted to rat you out Kim?” was the response, “But something had to be done.” A look of confusion crosses Taeyeon’s face. “Key shot your brother cold, point blank in the middle of the street. What are you doing about it? Nothing! Everyone in the family figures that you’d be hunting him down and putting the stupid boy in a coma. And you’re not even trying to look. So I figured the only way to get you to do something would be to have someone beat some sense into you! I was doing you a favor.”

“What favor?! I knew what I was doing. And because you decided to interfere I’ve basically lost my baby sister!”

“What happened to Yoona?”

“I beat the crap out of her is what else happened?!” She ruffles her hair in frustration, “I kick her out. Made her live on the streets because I was informed that it was her who snitched.” Eyes lock onto the girl in front of her, “You’re so lucky I don’t kick your ass right now.”

“See this is exactly why I did what I did. You’re supposed to be kicking ass right now and asking questions later. You’re part of the family. And none of us are soft; none of us would stand for something like this. Ever since you and that stupid Jung have been getting serious…it’s like you’ve changed.” Eyes roll, “It’s so ****ing true. Living in a freaking up town apartment, working and earning minimum wage. It’s as if you don’t care for the family anymore. We were the ones who took you in. We are the ones that gave you a way to protect and provide for your family. If it wasn’t for us, Yoona would have starved until her father found her. And Tiffany…Tiffany and Taemin would have been homeless a lot sooner when they came back. Don’t tell me you forgot about that night, already Kim?” Jaw clenches. “Really you forgot about the night you beat a man senseless with your bare hands. Where you wouldn’t even stab him because his daughter was nearby? So I took the liberty of finishing them off.” Growling, she swings knocking her friend off her feet.

“I so want to beat the crap out of you right now,” she looks down at the girl lying in the grass. Her friend just lazily glances up at her while wiping her lip. Eyes examine the blood as her lips break into another grin.

“Bleeding,” she states while showing Taeyeon the red stain. “But come on Kim…think about it; about things.”

“You know, I never once turned my back on you. I trusted you with my life and with my family. I acknowledge the fact that if it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t have the necessities needed to provide for my family. But what’s in the past is in the past. Keep you stupid jealous feelings to yourself. I no longer need you assistance.”Stuffing her sore hand into her pockets, Taeyeon turns.

“Jealous feelings?”

“She was paranoid of you because you were the first girl I’ve seriously been with. I told her not to pay attention to it. I’m not stupid. The extra hugs when I would get cigarettes and she was around. And it’s not like I don’t have other insiders walking about. You didn’t like the fact that someone actually claimed me. Because to you…I’m yours.”

“Yeah…whatever you want to think. You weren’t anything but an experiment when we were younger.”

“Well then...” Right foot rises and she begins walking away from the girl on the ground.

“So that’s it, Taeyeon? After everything…that’s it. You’re just going to up and leave like nothing in the past happened?” Taeyeon stops walking. Her friend forces herself onto her feet. “You’re not one of them. You’re not some sort of freaking civilian who can go to work five to seven days out of the week. You’re a no good street punk like the rest of us, Taeyeon. You can’t change your spots, Taeyeon.”

“There was never anything to change,” states Taeyeon thinking about Jessica’s words, “I was just impatient to go about things the right way, which I’m doing now.” Left foot moves first. “Go anywhere near Yoona, Tiffany, Kyungsan, Sooyoung and the rest of the Choi’s or anywhere near Sooyeon and her family…and I’ll personally kill you.”

“You don’t have the heart Taeyeon. I know you don’t.”

“I didn’t want to kill him that night because he has family, unlike you. You disappear and no one will care,” she looks over her shoulder. “I mean it. Go anywhere near them and I’ll kill you.” Taeyeon finally walks away leaving her friend alone.

She wipes her lip again, “I’m just trying to save you, Taeyeon.”


They walk side by side; eye would continuously flicker over his form curiously. For some reason this walks was making her less wary of the man than she wanted. It was if she no longer felt the threat that her mother and brother had implemented in her mind. “I have a car. I could have driven you home instead of us walking all these blocks.”

“I know,” was her response. “You told me that you wouldn’t harm me; the only way I can trust you is this way. We’re in public eyes and if you try anything funny…I can scream for help.”

“If I try something funny,” he chuckles a bit, “Sooyeon, I already apologized for that. And I’ve already stated I’m not here to hurt you. Just to talk to you, to get to know you in a sense.”

“Because mom kept me away from you,” comments Jessica.

“Correct.” He takes a peek at his watch. “Definitely could have killed time driving.” She looks at him causing for him to share a smile that was identical to her own. “But since we’ve already walked like five blocks might as well continue. So what have you concluded about my identity?”

“Like I said. You tell me what I’ve concluded.”

“If I were to guess I’d say you think that I’m a family member. Someone who the family’s kept hushed about. You’re not too sure what to label me but you’re leaning towards uncle? Am I correct?” She shrugs her shoulders, “and this is why I rather hear what you have to say.”

“It’s stupid.”

“Only thoughts left unspoken are stupid, Sooyeon. Remember that.” A small smile graces her face. “Same smile,” he states while pointing at her face.

“You know…you nothing like how they describe you to be. They made you out to be like some serial killer or something. And you have yet to show that except for when you had the genius idea of dragging me into the alley.” Hand drops; he had no comeback. “You’re not just faking right? This isn’t some sort of façade to get me to lower my guard, right? You not a big bad wolf like they say you are?”

“Wolfs are big and bad. Well actually they are kind of big but they aren’t bad. Just misunderstood.” He pauses trying to think of a new word. “I’ll admit though that I made a few bad choices in the past. But the past is the past, right? I’m changing. I’m trying to better myself.” Jessica nods her head. “Most people won’t believe it. Your mother probably doesn’t want to believe it. But I am. I’ve gotten myself some different friends who are helping me and much more.”

She begins walking again and he follows. “Friends? What about family? Siblings?”

“I’m taking it you don’t think of me as a long lost uncle?”

“Not really. Think about it. Would an uncle really show up just to see one niece or nephew? Besides I’m just trying to figure things out. I’m tired of being in the dark.”

“Well…the family closet is full of skeletons, Sooyeon. You have to be prepared…mentally. Who knows what you’ll dig up. But to answer your question, yes I have a sibling. I actually have a sister. She’s an instructor at some private school. No…she’s actually been promoted to dean or headmistress and has been for quite some time.”

“What about you? Where do you work?”

“Don’t judge me but I own a small business. It doesn’t bring in much but it’s enough to put a roof over my head, clothes on my back and food in my stomach.” She looks at him this time confused. Why would she judge him when he owns a small business that still standing? Unless it’s illegal? “It’s a small restaurant with a small staff and stuff.”

“Well that’s better than nothing.” He nods his head, agreeing. She’s right. What he has is better than nothing. “What…what about children? Do you have any?” she asks carefully. It wasn’t exactly a question that she wants to ask. But it definitely had an answer that she wants, needs to hear. And it has to come from either him or her mother. And her mother right now was not an option.

“I have…well I never got to meet her.” Feet stop moving for a second time. “She was born while I was busily serving time in jail for a crime that I did not commit.”

“You have a daughter? How old would you say she is or assume she is?”

“She’s an adult now but still in her teens technically.” Eyes drop to her feet. A daughter around her age who he’s never really met. He’s spent years looking for her. Jessica bites her lips as her mind tries to piece together the puzzle. He knows her name; the name that her family calls her by. He’s only looking for her and no one else in her family. They look alike. They have the same smile. “Sooyeon?” he calls out breaking her train of thought. Head slowly turns; eyes meet. “Sooyeon…I didn’t want…” He sighs, running his fingers through his hair. “I…”

“Ironic…I fall in love with delinquent and my father turns out to be one. My real father,” she bites her lip again; eyes cast off to the side. Inhale. Exhale. Is it okay for her to want to cry her eyes out again? She told herself that she was going to figure things out; she told herself that she was ready. By why does it hurt to have to hear the truth?

“Sooyeon,” he calls out again, softly this time. “Please…I…I honestly didn’t want you to find out like this.”

“So how was I supposed to find out, huh? You were staking me. Did you think I wouldn’t have grown curious as to who this man who just entered my life is?” She turns back and looks at him. “Why were you in jail?”

“I got accused of something I didn’t do.”

“I want a straight answer.”

“Well all I can say is ask your mother.” She scoffs at the word mother. Ask her? How was she supposed to ask the woman who’s been keeping secrets from her since forever? Hands grip the backpack straps, causing for him to flinch. “Sooyeon…Sooyeon look at me, please.” Giving into his plea, dark orbs turn their attention back to him. “When I came here, I asked you mother to sit down with you and to explain things. I told her I just wanted to meet you, to get to know you. You’re my only child, and I know some men don’t care for their children when they’re delinquents or street punks or whatever else you want to call them. But I really wanted you. You’re the reason why I changed my ways. I wanted to have a chance to have a relationship…a father daughter relationship with you. And yes I know you’re an adult now, that you can make your own decisions, but please…” He reaches out to touch her only to have her pull away.

“I…I have to go.” She points in some random direction only to break into a run. She takes a glance over her shoulder back at the man before turning a corner. The tears that she’s been holding back finally break free. “How could they hide this from me? Even Yunho knows and he lied; he lied to me.” Releasing the grip on the strap, right hand comes up and wipes her tears.

Jessica weaves in and out of pedestrians, brushing up against some of them along the way. Within a few minutes, she turns upon her street, racing down the sidewalk. Crossing the yard, she skips a step up the stairs and forces the front door open, startling her sister and mother. “He’s my father?!”

The bowl that was in Mrs. Jung hands slip and shatters upon impact of the floor. “He spoke to you?!”

“So he is my father.” She slides the backpack off her back, tossing it to the side. With a thud it lands on the floor beside Dog, waking her up from her nap. “Your ex husband isn’t my father? What Soojung told me over a year ago is true? It wasn’t some sort of lie to get my attention?!”

“Sooyeon…I…” She halts; there was no excuse to give this time. She finally has to explain the truth and not in a scenario that she always wanted. She always thought of telling Jessica once she was older and finished with school and getting her education all together. When Jessica was mentally prepared, which is something her older daughter wasn’t right now. Jessica’s a teen; she can at any moment make rash and quick decisions. “Can we just talk?”

“Talk? Every time I wanted to talk you’d turn around and treat me like some child…which if you haven’t noticed I’m not!”

“Sooyeon, the only way we’re going to get anywhere is to sit down and talk.”

“What’s the point?”

“Jessica Jung Sooyeon, sit down so we can talk. You’ve been telling me to treat you like an adult…and the moment I decide to you don’t even bother with it.” She takes a deep breath. “Please, Sooyeon sit down so we can talk.” Jessica sighs and gives in to the offer. Feet drag her body to the kitchen and she reluctantly sits at the table.

“I’m Illegitimate? I’m the reason for the divorce?” she questions.

“You’re not illegitimate, Sooyeon. You were conceived when me and your father – “

“Mr. Jung,” interrupts the distressed teen.

“Your father. He’s the one that raised you.”

“I raised myself, especially after Soojung was born.”

Her mother groans, taking the seat next to her daughter. “Sooyeon, please…he’s not your father. He maybe have helped in conceiving you, but he was never around for any of the big moments in your life.” Jessica looks at her mother.

“Neither were you. In fact, most of my big moments are shared with Mrs. Choi. So by default that doesn’t make you my mother.”

“You’re angry; you’re hurt. I understand that. But doesn’t mean you can just sit here and tell me to my face that I’m not your mother. I’m guilty of not being there for you. I’m guilty of other things.”

“By default that makes him my father than. Quit being such a freaking hypocrite! You yell at me for hanging out and dating a street punk and yet I’m the daughter of one. So that must have meant that sometime in your life you hung out with that crowd in order to sleep with one. So quite being a freaking hypocrite.” She turns away from her mother. “Why? Why’d you keep me away from him? Why wasn’t he allowed to see me? Why didn’t you tell me?”

Another sigh, “because I’m your mother and I’m…I was doing what was best for you, Sooyeon. He’s not the man that he says he is. It was for you benefit.”

“My benefit? Did you think that telling me this when I’m thirty would be for my benefit? I get why Yunho’s treated special; he’s the boy. He’s the only boy. And I understand why Soojung is special. She’s the baby…but why must I continuously be treated like crap from the people I actually care about, huh? Can you tell me?”

She shakes her head, “no…I can’t tell you.” Fingers reach out grabbing hold of her daughter’s hand. “You may not think that me keeping him from you wasn’t for you benefit, but it is. He’s not a capable man, Sooyeon. No matter what he says. He’s just not. Sometimes people can’t change. He’s not a person to trust.”

“So you say.”

“So I know. Sooyeon…he raped me. He – “ That was it; she couldn’t listen anymore. She snatches her hand back, moving away from her mother. “Sooyeon!” Shaking her head, Jessica turns away from the woman and exits the kitchen as a set of new tears appear. She scoops up the backpack, grabs Dog’s leash and exits out of the house with the canine on her heels. The door slams shut and the walls shake throughout the house.

Mrs. Jung could only sigh; eyes drop to her hand. “You know…whenever Sooyeon would say something about you and dad mistreating her, I’d always believe that she was overreacting. But I guess I’m wrong.” She looks over her shoulder to see her youngest child in the door way. “You guys don’t care for her at all, do you? And it’s not as simple as her being illegitimate…but you guys also do it because she’s a product of rape?”


“No. Now I actually feel bad for treating Sooyeon the way I did last year…because reality is the only people in this family who actually loves her are me and Yunho.” She turns, “I’m going to the Choi house. I’ll probably eat dinner there.”


“My family is broken,” Krystal states while staring at the white wall of Sulli’s and Sooyoung’s room. “Yunho’s gone. My parents are divorced. And Jessica just found out that she’s a child of and then took off running.” She sighs, “Why can’t my family be like yours.”

“My family is far from perfect, Soojung,” responds Sulli while staring at her laptop screen. “Dad doesn’t like Siwon. Siwon abused Sooyoung. Sooyoung is the ‘father’,” hands come up and she makes quotes with her fingers, “of Siwon’s baby. Minho is technically an accomplice of murder even though her fought Key. And my mom is in major denial. So if anything…you shouldn’t want my family to be like yours.” She looks over at the younger girl. “Besides your family always gets back together after a mess unlike other families. Jessica is probably going to blow some steam at Taeyeon’s house.”

“Wrong. They broke up last week.” Krystal sits up, “weren’t you listening when I told you that Jessica came home after the funeral balling her eyes out. Plus Taeyeon hit her, busted her lip. It was so fat and swollen.”

“They’re not over,” states Sulli turning her attention back to her laptop.

“Why do you say that?”

“Those two are made for each other. The only one who can control Taeyeon is Jessica and the only one who can keep Jessica from blowing is Taeyeon. Also I’d like to add that Jessica has fallen in love with Taeyeon and vice versa. Except it’s hard to tell with Taeyeon because she doesn’t voice things very much, but she’s definitely in love with your sister. So because of that, those two aren’t over. They’re merely taking a break and reflecting on things.”

“How do you even know all of this if you sit in front of a computer all day?” questions Krystal with a blank face.

“I do not. You just merely visit when I plan to get on the laptop.” Sulli closes it and sets it on the floor before sliding it underneath her bed. “Did you just come over here to mope?”

“Duh…where else was I supposed to go? You’re my best friend.” Krystal falls back on the bed. “You’re unbelievable. I come over here to talk about things and you don’t even realize it. Yet you can notice the most smallest thing in the world, like how my sister is in love with Taeyeon or how Minho is innocent and even more crap.” A smile dons the youngest Choi’s face.

“No I did think that you wanted to talk. But after you’ve spent like fifteen minutes sulking and staring at my wall I thought otherwise.” She lies back beside Krystal. “So…Jessica just found out she’s a child of rape?” Krystal nods her head. “I…I have no response.”

“No one does. Like I said, Jessica ran off.” A sigh emits from the Jung, “I feel bad now.”

“Because you treated Jessica like crap during the time you thought it was cool for us to hang out with Taemin, Minho and Key?”

“Like seriously do you just stand there and observe everything?”

“Sort of.” Krystal rolls her eyes.

“Well I’m sleeping here tonight.”

“Sort of figured as much.”

“Oh shut up before I push you off the bed.”

“You wouldn’t.” Krystal turns and looks at Sulli, “you like me too much to physically hurt me, same Jessica. This is why you never really took your anger out on her physically. So instead you’d probably opt to try and torture me mentally.”

“I like you too much?” Sulli nods her head. She rolls her eyes again; hand press flat against the Choi’s side shoving her off the bed. “You overanalyze things too much,” states Krystal while looking over the edge at the girl on the floor. “Besides just because you’re labeled best friend doesn’t mean I like you too much, Sulli. It just means I prefer your company over that of others…like Luna or Amber’s retarded self.” Sulli could only sigh and close her eyes. “So what’s your mom cooking for dinner?”


A chair at the table moves. Head raises and eyes lock onto the person taking the seat. “Can we…um, talk?” She wasn’t so sure how to answer that question. It wasn’t like she could turn the girl away. Well, maybe she can but considering the fact that she thinks this talk has to deal with her best friend then she just can’t. But at the same time she’s already stated that the talk they had last time was a onetime deal. “Please? I’ll even pay you for your time. It can be money…or I can swipe something for you.”

“You’re back to stealing?”

“No…but I’m willing to for some company.”

“Isn’t that how you got into being a delinquent?” Taeyeon nods her head. “I don’t need money, Taeyeon. I know you need the money more than I do. And no there isn’t anything I would like for you to swipe. Jessica will kill me if she learned that I told you to steal me something. But sure…I guess we can talk.”

“I just…it didn’t work, Sooyoung. Sooyeon doesn’t want me back.”

“You already asked her back out?”

“No.” Taeyeon shoves her hand into her pockets. “She arrived at the apartment earlier for some clothes and stuff for Dog. I asked her if we could start over. But she declined the off; she wouldn’t even accept being friends again because of stupid lingering feelings. She doesn’t want me.”

“You are so wrong. Sica wants you in more ways than you can imagine.” Taeyeon’s face falls blank; eyes blink as her mind tries to figure out the meaning behind Sooyoung’s words. Seconds later, they widen and her body tenses. “Yeah…same reaction when she told me that like four months ago. Sort of forgot that Jessica already…you know.” She sets her pen down, “But really Taeyeon, I think she’s just not ready yet. She’s more than likely afraid of getting hurt for a second time.”

“But she’s had countless of boyfriends and girlfriends before right?” Taeyeon looks at the table.

“Yeah, but like I said she didn’t really care for them like she does for you. For you it’s different, so she might just be scared of you tossing her feelings aside or in the trash figuratively.”

“I know what I did was a stupid action. Really I do…but I had so much to deal with last week. And I know that shouldn’t mean anything; I know it doesn’t make my actions right. And I feel really sorry about it. I also…those other times starting from we first met…I really did appreciate it, everything.”

“Did you let her know about all of this?” She shakes her head. “That is why she won’t accept you back. Take it from me. Think about it from her point of view. How does Jessica know that this time around you won’t just toss everything aside? So what if you acknowledge the fact that that’s what you did before? It doesn’t change anything in her eyes.”

“So I should let her know that I did appreciate everything. I should tell her that it won’t happen again and I promise to make sure it doesn’t because I don’t like seeing her hurt. And that’s only because I really like her.”

“Yes and no.” Sooyoung sighs, “telling her you like her won’t help Taeyeon. Sica says she loves you; she told you she loves you. And you’re just going to tell her that you really like her?”

“So you’re saying I should just give her up?”

“No, I’m telling you, you need to think about your feelings for my best friend. How is she supposed to accept you when you can even return her feelings one hundred percent? Sica’s willing to do anything for you. Can you say the same Taeyeon?”

Of course she can and will. Why else would she get involved in Krystal’s stuff? “I…I sacrificed myself for her sister. I was willing to kick her mom’s ass when Mrs. Jung made her cry. I’m more than willing to protect Sooyeon and everyone close to her if needed, Sooyoung. So why should it matter if I say a few words or not? Don’t actions speak louder than words?”

“They do, but sometimes we want to hear those words. It’s all Sica wants really. Her family doesn’t tell her or show it. And it shouldn’t be too much to ask for from you of all people Taeyeon.”

Taeyeon sits there silently trying to think of a response. Teeth graze her bottom lip. “Sooyoung, the last person I said ‘I love you’ to, abandoned me and Yoona. Left us to survive on our own. Became the reason for why I am a delinquent. And what did she do? She turned around and ended up in jail because she figures it would save our bond.” Fingers run through her hair. “I haven’t even really said ‘I love you’ to my sisters because I’m afraid they’ll leave me. So even thinking about saying it to Jessica scares me. I…It hurt when she said that we were over. So…”

“You’re afraid to say it to her in an attempt to get her back because you think she’d run from you?” Taeyeon nods her head. “That’s really pessimistic don’t you think? There is no chance of Jessica running away upon hearing those words.” A pause, “okay maybe, but she’ll come back.”

“She doesn’t want me. She said no to starting over.”

“Did she really say no?”

“She said that she wasn’t ready for a relationship and that friends were out of the equation due to lingering feelings. Why am I repeating this?”

“Because she never said no. You have a chance. She doesn’t want friends because honestly you can’t be friends with lingering feelings. So the only other option is she wants to go back to being your girlfriend but she’s not ready. And that’s because she doesn’t understand your feelings for her. If you tell her your feelings then you’d have her.” Taeyeon frowns. “Question, have you tried working on things with Yoona and Tiffany?” A head shake was the answer, “maybe if you try working on that, if anything working on your relationship with Yoona, she’ll see that you are working on things. On expressing your feelings and what not.”

“Why Yoona?”

“Because you beat the crap out of one of the people who Jessica is close with. They have a strange bond. Like I told you, Sica and Yoona are close and Sica sees Yoona as a sister. Maybe rebuilding that bridge will give you an upper hand in starting over with her.”

“Yoona wants nothing to do with me. I nearly beat her to death and threw her out.”

“And whose fault is that?” Eyes roll. Must everyone pour salt on that open wound? Yes, she understands it’s her fault. But repeatedly reminding her isn’t going to do anything but make her more annoyed. It’s definitely not going to help the situation in any way. “I upset you, didn’t I?”

“What do you think?” The response came out quicker than she thought. “No…you didn’t. I just…it’s frustrating and I know I can’t just make everyone comeback. But sometimes I really do wish I could happen. I hate the loneliness. It’s driving me insane, making me paranoid.” She gazes off to the side. “This past week I thought…I thought that maybe I should just you know…”

“I don’t know.”

“Off myself. There was nothing left to live for. Tiffany doesn’t want me and she doesn’t want me anywhere around Kyungsan. I threw Yoona out. And the one person who I could definitely rely upon left after saying she wouldn’t. My real family doesn’t want me. And my other one wants to beat the crap out of me. What else was there for me? I mean I could sit around and wait for Key to find me and let him finish me or beat him to the punch.”

“You’re suicidal?”

“I’m a lot of things Sooyoung. I'm a person with abandonment issues. I’m an alcoholic. I’m addicted to nicotine. I’m a delinquent, a street punk. I have a record that is huge. I’m violent in nature and so much more.”

“Jessica knows?”

“She knows what I allow her to know.”

Sooyoung sighs for a second time. “I’ll talk to her.”


“I’ll talk to her. I’ll explain things to her. She’ll listen to me.”


“Because you need her. You’re an unstable person Taeyeon and I’m assuming that when you’re with Jessica you’re stable. So I’ll speak with her.”



“Don’t talk to Jessica. It’ll make me sound desperate.”

“You are desperate.” A groan echoes throughout the room. “What? It’s true. You are desperate to get her back. But no worries I’ll make it seem as if you’re not desperate.”

“How are you going to do that?”

“I just will.”Sooyoung takes a look at her phone, “is this all? I kind of have to head across town.”

“To see Tiffany?”

“Yeah.” Sooyoung scoops up her books and slides them into her backpack.



“Can we not tell anyone about…you know?”

“I don’t reveal secrets unless really necessary. So don’t worry I won’t tell anyone about it.”


“I didn’t think you’d come,” states Yuri while watching Yoona take a seat beside her on the bench. “I thought that maybe you were still mad at me or something. That maybe you didn’t want anything to do with me anymore. Sort of figured you didn’t want to hear my side of things.”

“I am still a little upset,” whispers Yoona.”You tell me one thing and then someone else tells me another. Though I will admit that they said it was a rumor. Are you or are you not dating monkey face?”

“We’re not dating now and we were never going to date. Taecyeon had spread that stupid rumor around thinking that I’d consider dating him again. But I didn’t. I turned him down dozens of times because I didn’t want a repeat of last time.” She turns and looks at Yuri, “I’m not stupid, Yoona. I do have common sense. Just because I like books and learning things doesn’t mean I’m a fool to fall for something twice.”

“He was in your room. You were hiding him from me. Why?”

“Because I know your violent nature, that’s why I hid him. We weren’t doing anything. I wasn’t doing anything with him, Yoona. We’re partners on one of our final projects before graduating. My mom was making a mess in the kitchen and my dad had all of his coworkers over hogging the living rom. So we had no place else but to work on it in my room.” Yuri sighs, “I…I don’t know what else to say to make you believe me.”

Yoona’s gaze drops to her lap. “I told myself Yoona that I’d quit waiting for you, that there was no point to it. I mean who confesses when they’re leaving the country, huh? But then I spoke to Boa and she told me not to. She said to wait because we’ve already been through so much together even though we were never officially together. Yeah Boa told me all that; she’s taking a liking to you. And honestly that’s what I’ve been doing.” The older girl takes a peek at the younger one. “Now you’re going to sit there quietly?”

“What do you want me to say?”

“Anything and everything.”

“You’re not?”

“No. I’m not Yoona. If I was dating someone, it wouldn’t be him. Not after what happened before.” Silence settles amongst them.

“Good,” whispers Yoona. “I’m tired of being a coward.”

“What does being a coward have to do with anything,” Yoona looks her directly in the eyes. A small gasp emits from her lips as eyes scan Yoona’s face. “Where’d the bruises come from? They weren’t there last week when I last saw you.” Fingers reach out gently tracing over the fading bruises. “Did Key – “

“Taeyeon did it right before she kicked me out.” She pulls away from the fingers. “Stop staring.”

“I’m sorry but those bruises are definitely nasty looking.” Hand falls upon her lap. “Why would Taeyeon do something like that, Yoona?”

“Because she’s a drunken idiot who’s inconsiderate and very selfish.”

“She’s not selfish. Your sister has sacrificed a lot of herself for the well being of you and many others. It was probably the alcohol.”

“Now you’re defending her?”

“Only because I see the change in your sister. She’s no longer a delinquent.”

“Taeyeon hasn’t changed. She’s still the same old Taeyeon that she was before. A leopard can’t change its spots Yuri. She beats me up and kicks me out; she broke up with Jessica.”

Yuri doesn’t respond immediately, causing for a look of confusion to appear on her face. “If a leopard can’t change its spots then the same could be said for you. You’re nothing but a delinquent. You just some immature kid who thinks she knows everything. You’re still a misfit with no place to belong. The rich don’t want you because you’re a street punk. And the streets don’t want you because you’re rich. In fact no one can or has changed. Jessica still views you and Taeyeon as something that needs to be caged. And so on.”

“It's not the same.”

“Contrary to your belief, Yoona, it is the same. You’re being hard on your sister because of one drunken mistake. Taeyeon has lost so much more than any of us could imagine with the death of Taemin.”

“She thinks I ratted her out so some people can beat the living daylights out of her.”

“Well have you given her the reason to believe otherwise?” Yoona sighs. No she hasn’t. Head shakes. “There you go. If anything Yoona I believe Taeyeon never wanted to kick you out. And honestly you should talk to her.”

“And how am I supposed to do that when she wants nothing to do with me? She says I’m no longer her sister and threatens to beat me if I speak to Tiffany or Kyungsan.”

“It shouldn’t matter.” She grabs Yoona’s hand. “Talk to Taeyeon before you lose the only chance to selvage your relationship with your older sister.”

“Why would I want to do that?”

“Because I know you and I know that your mom used to be the one you used to look up to. But now Yoona, up until now…your hero has been your older sister. And I know as much you do that you want to be back in Taeyeon’s life.”

“I hate you right now.”

“Because I’m right?” Yoona rolls her eyes. “So are you going to talk to your sister?”

“I hate you.”

“And I like you, still.” No response. “Maybe I should consider dating Taecyeon.” She tries to stand only to have Yoona pull her back down. “Or maybe not. So does this mean were dating finally.” Yoona shrugs her shoulders. Yuri could only roll her eyes; she leans over and places a kiss upon Yoona’s cheek. “That’s um…that’s something to help you figure things out about us. I have to go to work. Call me later after you’ve spoken to your sister. I won’t talk to you until you do.”


The door opens revealing to her eyes the canine that wanted nothing to do with her. She blinks trying to understand whether or not she was seeing things correctly. “What…what are you doing here?” she questions. “You’re supposed to be with Sooyeon.”

A small bark was the response. Dog lies flat against the floor; her tail sweeps back and forth lazily. Taeyeon looks around the apartment. “Is she in the room?” Another bark. Sighing, Taeyeon fully enters the apartment all the way, closing the door softly behind her. “There goes my nap before work.”

She takes a seat in front of Dog, reaching out hesitantly to pet the four-legged animal. “I’m sorry,” she whispers, “I’ve neglected you the most. And I don’t blame you if you like Sooyeon more than me. I should have taken better care of you. You’re to me the equivalent of what Kyungsan is to Tiffany…and I’ve been horrible.” Tongue lolls out of Dog’s mouth and she rolls onto her side. “Forgive me?”

Unexpectedly Taeyeon finds herself on her back with something wet swiping across her face. “Ew…kisses.” She laughs a little as Dog tackles her. “You’re not so bad.” Her free hand reaches up and joins the other amongst the fur. Footsteps stop the two from having their fun.

Both Dog and Taeyeon turn to see Jessica. The first thing Taeyeon notices was the puffiness of the younger girl’s eyes. Once again she blinks, this time of uncertainty. She wasn’t so sure what to do, being this was like the second time she’s seen Jessica in this state. And it didn’t help that they weren’t friends on anything else.

Dog climbs off of her owner and makes her way across the room to the girl standing in the hallway entrance. Soft fur brushes against denim, causing for Jessica to take a seat upon the floor. Fingers gently work their way through the black hairs.

Taeyeon could only watch quietly. Minutes go by and Taeyeon leans back on her elbows, yawning. “I’m going to stay here for a while,” states Jessica, not even bothering to look at her ex.


“I’m staying in the bedroom.”


Jessica finally looks over at Taeyeon. “You’re not even bothering to ask why?”

“I want to. I want to know who made you cry. I’m worried that you might still be crying because of me. So I do want to know why. But I don’t want to invade. We’re no longer together and we’re not friends.” She looks at Jessica. “So I’m going to choose not to. Plus you’re on the lease…so if you want my room you can have it. I’ll just sleep on the couch. It’s not like it’ll be the first time.” She falls back completely turning her attention towards the ceiling.

“My family lied to me,” whispers Jessica. She wasn’t sure why she said that, but she did. “I’m not my father’s child.” Another set of tears break free, surprising her since she thought that she had already cried out all that ears that she could produce. Sniffling some, she brings her hand up to try and erase them from her face. “To top it…I’m a product of rape. I’m something that wasn’t wanted. And it’s proven since my family’s doesn’t want me. They all lie and treat me like crap. And then there’s you…you don’t want me.” Taeyeon sits up.

Jessica words weren’t true. She does want Jessica. “I…I do want you, Soo-Sooyeon. I told you earlier that I wanted to start over.”

“As friends.”

“Because you didn’t want…you weren’t ready for…” She stops thinking of Sooyoung’s words. Would now be the right time to say something? Or should she just wait and instead just comfort Jessica. “I do…I do want you. But I’m not sure you want anything to do with me anymore.” She brings her knees up to her face. “I really do want you back. So that proves that someone out here in this world wants you, right?” She looks at Jessica. “You know that I’m…I’m not good with words. I’m not like that English dude who’s famous for his stories or something. But I want you. I need you. So there…that should be enough to stop you crying right?”

Jessica turns away from Taeyeon. “You’re only saying that because I’m upset. Because you don’t like being alone. You don’t want me. You don’t need me. If you did you would have cared about my feelings. You wouldn’t have told me to **** off countless of times. You wouldn't have been so frustrating.” She leans her head against the wall, “besides you wanting me doesn’t change the fact that I’m a freaking child of rape. I’m nothing good. I’m bad…I mean why else would everything go downhill in my life? I’m not meant to be happy.”

Taeyeon could only stare at the Jung’s back. A frown forms on her face. “You deserve to be happy,” she whispers. “If there is anybody out there in this world that deserves to be treated like a princess and given a lifetime of happiness it’s you. That was cheesy…but it’s true. I…I don’t know about other people but you’ve sacrificed so much for so many people. You’ve gotten involved in people lives when you shouldn’t have and they appreciate it. I appreciate it. I may not show it, but I know that I do appreciate everything you’ve done for me, my family and the people who I now call friends.”

“You’re talking out of your ass.”

“No. It’s true. You told me to reflect upon myself. Sooyoung told me the same thing and I have done it. I may…I may not be able to express myself like you, or Tiffany or Yoona but I’m trying now. And everything I say I really mean, Sooyeon. Your family may not want you. They may not appreciate your being but I do. I want you and I appreciate you. I can repeat this so many times if you want me to. I need you. This week only made me realize that I need you.”

“Yeah right.”


“You what?”

“I…” She takes a hesitant pause. What if it doesn’t work out? She shakes her head. Sooyoung says it’ll work out. “I…” The front door opens causing for all three of them to turn and look only to find Yoona entering the apartment.

“Hey…um…can we talk?”


“If you didn’t do anything then why is she crying?” growls the youngest one in the room; hands tightly fist the oldest girl’s shirt, lifting her off the ground. “Did you not get enough of making her cry last week? Wasn’t causing her lip to bleed enough? Or do you still have to make her cry?!” She shakes the girl in her hand.

“I didn’t make her cry, Yoona,” remarks Taeyeon.

“Sure you didn’t. It’s why she’s sitting over there with tears streaking her face. I didn’t think you could stoop as low as this.” Taeyeon’s back collides with the back of the couch; a groan escapes her lips. The bruise on her back must be making a comeback. “What’s wrong, hm? First you deny making someone who obviously loves you cry and now you’re not even trying to fight back.”

She looks down at her hands. “I don’t want to lay my hands on my sister again. I don’t want to hurt you anymore than I already have.” Head raises; eyes lock with Yoona’s. “I don’t want to break the vow I made for a second time. I made a vow that I’d never treat you like how mom did when we were younger. To never make you believe you were nothing but trash,” she admits honestly.

“Yeah right. If you made a vow like that why’d you break it huh? You know honestly while talking to Yuri earlier today I started to think maybe I should come and see what happened before. But then I walk in the apartment to find Jessica curled against Dog crying. And then there is you. Do you really think I’d believe that you have nothing to do with this?” Yoona pushes her harder against the couch. One eye closes as she strains to fight back the pain. “Everyone saying that you’ve changed and to give you the benefit of the doubt because you were grieving…and you haven’t changed. You still the same person…a cold heartless murderer with not respect for others and their feelings.”

“Yoona!” The sisters turn to Jessica, “put her down before you cause anymore damage to her back and or spine and paralyze her.” She ignores Jessica’s orders drawing her attention back to Taeyeon. “Im Yoona…Taeyeon is not the reason for my tears, so put her back on her feet.” Gritting her teeth, she reluctantly sets Taeyeon down.

Taking a side step, Taeyeon walks away from Yoona. “I’m…I’m sorry,” she mumbles back to the two people that she’s hurt the most. “I’m sorry for my outburst last week.” Eyes drop to her shoes. “I…I know or at least I understand that I ruined whatever sisterly bond or relationship when I hurt you and threw you out.” Fingers run through her hair, “and I understand that an apology can’t fix anything.”

“Is she being serious?” whispers Yoona glancing at Jessica for an answer. Jessica could only shrug her shoulders in response. “You wait a week to apologize?” Taeyeon spins to face her sister only to nod her head; hand presses flat against her shoulder giving her a shove. The older girl takes a step back, “you-“

“I’m serious,” interrupts the smaller girl. “You and Sooyeon both might think that I’m just doing this for the hell of it. But I’m not. I get it, now. I shouldn’t have behaved that way, but I’m human. I’m impatient, irrational, hotheaded and so on, so I’ll make mistakes. And I’ve made mistakes with a few of them being hurting you and stopping to tell Sooyeon that I appreciate everything she’s done for me.” She swallows the lump in the back of her throat. “I’m sorry…”

“You expect us to just accept your apology?” interrogates Yoona. “You treat the two people who’d be willing to do anything for you like trash – no like they’re below that. And then expect some simple ‘I’m sorry’ to fix things, Taeyeon?”

“Yoona,” calls out Jessica. “Stop.”

“But – “

“Stop.” Yoona huffs and crosses her arms.

Sooyoung was wrong. There was no way to mend any relationship. It was over. Everything is over. She has no family left. Shaking her head, she heads for the front door. “Taeyeon!” She ignores Jessica’s call, disappearing out of sight. Jessica sighs, “When I came out here, I found her on the floor with Dog begging for forgiveness. She’s been begging for it from a lot of people today. She wasn’t the reason for my tears. In fact Taeyeon was in her own way trying to make me stop. We may not want to believe it but the isolation she underwent has changed her, Yoona. And I think…” She looks up at the taller girl, “I think we just lost her for good. You went too far.”

“I went too far? She was spewing nonsense, Jessica. She meant everything she did last week – “

“She didn’t. I don’t know if you can tell, but Taeyeon isn’t one to beg for forgiveness. Taeyeon’s never one to openly discuss her feelings. It takes me a while to get her to do that and we’ve been dating for nearly a year now, Yoona. It’s not nonsense. You went too far. Besides…I think she really sees how wrong she was.”

“You’re wrong. She’s – “

“She’s what? As much as I don’t want to say this, she’s exactly as she says she is. Taeyeon’s human not some person who we’ve placed on a pedestal.” Jessica sighs in frustration, “Yoona I know you’re smarter than this. Use your head, think…don’t allow your emotions to control you train of thought.” Yoona looks off to the side. “Taeyeon’s trying to right what’s been wrong whether you or I want to believe it. She’s clean of alcohol. Had Mr. Lee run a test. It’s on the nightstand. And he even gave her prescriptions to help her get that nicotine gum and patch to help quit smoking.”

“Why wait a week then? Why did she have to wait a week to apologize?”

“Only Taeyeon can answer that, but you chased her off. Look I didn’t come here defend Taeyeon. I’m not even here for her. I came here to have some time for myself.” She forces herself onto her feet. “I’m going to lie down before you give me an even bigger headache then I already have.” She heads down the hall, stopping midway. “Yoona…earlier today I thought maybe you’ve matured…but just now…”

“Well, what was I supposed to do? She just can expect us – me to accept that stupid I’m sorry. She nearly killed me, threw me out to live on the streets. I wasn’t going to just sit here and allow her to just – “

“You suck it up and be the bigger man, Yoona. You said it yourself, we’re the only two people in Taeyeon’s life who’s willing to do anything for her. Yet you stand there and won’t even accept her apology. It should be enough that she apologized to you, to us. Screw what the world has showed you about your sister. You should know that if anything happened to either one of us, mainly you that Taeyeon will be willing to maim the person alive.”

“So you’re going to accept the apology?”

“Whether I accept it or not has nothing to do with this.”

“If you don’t accept it why should I?”

“Because you’re family, you’re her sister. I on the other hand is nothing more than an ex girlfriend.” She closes her eyes releasing a low hiss, “you’re making my head hurt. I’m done trying to get you to view your sister differently. Whatever your aunt and cousin have planted in your head about your sister isn’t true. And you of all people should know that.” With that she walks away, closing the bedroom door upon entering. Yoona sighs; hands delve into her pocket pulling out her cell phone. She heads for the front door, exiting the apartment.

Fingers make quick work of dialing a number; she places it against her ear while jogging down the stairs. “Did you talk to Taeyeon yet?”

“Yeah,” she mumbles, evading a couple that was walking up the stairs.


“She apologized for everything she’s done to me…but Yuri, I can’t accept it.”

“Why not?”

“It’s not as simple as that. Let’s say Boa nearly kills you, throws you out and threatens to kick your ass if you ever come anywhere near her or the rest of your family. And then she waits a week and apologizes, would you accept it?”

“In a heartbeat, Yoona, because Boa is my big sister. And yes she nearly killed me and made me homeless but it doesn’t change anything. If she took the time to apologize and beg for forgiveness then why shouldn’t it be given, hm? She’s my big sister, someone who I look up to even though I won’t openly admit it. But because I love my sister…I would forgive her.” There was a hesitant pause, “But I’m not saying you have to forgive her Yoona. It’s your choice in the matter. All I have to say myself is that she’s family, she’s you sister. And if anything out of her and Tiffany, Taeyeon would be the main one to help you for anything.”

“I just…”

“You don’t have to Yoona. Like I said it’s your choice. If after having this talk with her still doesn’t change you new view of your older sister, then so be it. It won’t be changed. Taeyeon will forever be that heartless person towards you.”

“Jessica says I’m being immature, that I’m allowing for my emotions to take effect of my thinking.”

“And I honestly agree with her. If you take the time to just break away from family and think you’d be able to see where Taeyeon is coming from with this apology. But you can’t because everyone is filling your mind with these different views of your older sister your emotions are running rampant. You’re angry at her for hurting you physically and mentally. You’re angry at her for lying about what happened the night of Mr. Seo’s death. And then you have people telling you that Taeyeon is nothing but a street punk who won’t be able to accomplish anything, that she can’t change and don’t be fooled by the person before you. It’s all going to affect your thinking, Yoona.”

“I don’t know what to do.” She steps out onto the pavement looking up and down the street.

“Think for yourself…you share a bond with Taeyeon that no one else does.”

“Sure I do.”

“You do…honestly Yoona sometimes you are Taeyeon, whether you want to hear this or not. You are exactly like your older sister that it is scary.” Yoona opens her mouth to argue back but Yuri continues speaking, “you may not look exactly like her physically but the way you act is her hands down. Why else would Jessica take you as her favorite sibling? You remind her of her girlfriend.”

“Where are you going with this?”

“Since you emulate Taeyeon you should know that deep down that apology was the most sincere one Taeyeon could offer. That she’s really sorry for hurting you and wants nothing more than to make it up to you. And because you’re like Taeyeon, you fear accepting it, because you fear losing your older sister for a third time in the row.” She pulls the phone away and stares at it, “like I said Taeyeon is your hero…you don’t want to lose her.”

“I hate you right now,” comments Yoona putting the phone against her ear.

“You know I think I’m going to have a heart attack when you say you love me,” remarks Yuri, “but seriously Yoona. Get away from your mom and your aunt and everyone else on that side of the family. If you want you can crash at my house.”

“Sleep in the same bed as you?”

“Are all delinquents perverts? Hold on.” Feet begin carrying her body towards the bus stop. “Alright, sorry…I had to help someone with something. As I was saying before your stupid comment, crash at my place. Sleep in Boa’s room that way you have some time to yourself. My parents won’t mind. In fact my mom’s been wondering where you disappeared to.”

“Boa will kill me if she found out I slept in her room.”

“Not really. I’m not going to force you to come. You can come at any time, any day. I just want you to clear your mind before you pull a stunt like Taeyeon and really hurt someone or yourself, okay? If that’s all I really have to get back to work…the senior employees are watching me diligently. I don’t think they like the fact that most people here like me.”

“Tell them to suck it or you’ll have me come over there and kick their ass.”

“And that right there proves my theory of you being a copy of Taeyeon. Alright gotta go.” Before Yoona could even respond the dial tone fills her ear. Sighing, she hangs up on her end and leans against the bus stop pole. Was she really being as irrational as everyone says she is? Is she really supposed to just accept something as easily as that? Taeyeon has hurt her more than they could imagine, well maybe except for Jessica but still. She’s her older sister, someone who’s supposed to protect her, not beat her senseless. She groans this time. Why does she have to look at it from Taeyeon’s point of view? Why can’t the older girl look at things from hers?


“Can I ask you the reason for the visit? Last time I saw you it was nearly eight years ago.” Eyes trail the elderly woman as she walks from the kitchen to the living room with a tray. Setting it down on the coffee table, she takes a seat opposite of the visitor. “Don’t think that I possible have any chores for you to help out with. I told you that what you did back then was more than enough, Taeyeon.” Taeyeon could only nod her head as her hands rub against her jeans.

“I was actually on my way to work, when I thought I should visit, Mrs. Seo,” murmurs Taeyeon. “Is…Is Juhyun here? I have something I’d like to say to the both of you if you don’t mind.” Seohyun’s mother nods her head, forcing herself onto her feet. She disappears down the hall, remerging seconds later with Seohyun on her tail. Both of the Seo women take a seat and two pairs of eyes lock onto the Kim. “I...I want to tell you two something I should have said eight years – no, even longer than that.”

She drops her gaze to her lap. “The night Mr. Seo was murdered…I was there. I was…I was the one who made him…who made it so he couldn’t fight back.” The room falls dead silent and the tension in the air thickens. Taeyeon’s throat constricts some, causing for difficulty in speaking but she ignores it and continues. “I’m not proud of what happened that night. As a delinquent I should be, but I’m not and never was. I…I never wanted things to go that way…honestly.” She takes a small peek at the two women. “I did…I did what I had to for my sister. I know it doesn’t justify anything but it was all for Yoona.”

“What happened that night, Taeyeon?” questions Mrs. Seo.

“It was the fifth night in a row that my mom had not fed either me or Yoona a real meal. Yoona was hungry, starving practically. She was crying about how her stomach hurts because she was hungry. So I did what any bigger sister in the world would do. I went to do something that would insure that my sister would have food in her stomach from that point on.” Eyes become warm; tears build up as she recalls what happened that night. “I had a friend who I was really close with tell me about a gang who would take care of me and Yoona. That all I have to do was prove to them that I wanted the power to protect and provide for Yoona. At first I was hesitant because of the word gang. Sure I was a street punk but I wasn’t so sure about it. And seeing Yoona cry made me realize that this would be the fastest way to stop the tears and the pain.”

She takes a deep breath. “So you joined a gang?”

“I decided to join the family. They told me all I’d have to do was beat someone up and I’d get in. Being how young I was…I thought sure I could do this.” She tries to swallow the lump. “Mr. Seo and you Seohyun came upon that alley that night I was being initiated. Some of the older members of the family saw Mr. Seo and knocked him onto his knees after he hid Seohyun away from us. He thought it was money that they, that we wanted. He offered everything in his wallet. If I could have taken it and left him alone I would have…”

“But you didn’t?” She nods her head.

“I couldn’t. I was ordered to beat him til he was black and blue. So I did for Yoona. I used my fists to beat him…he didn’t even fight back. When I was done he was laying there in the dirty alley barely breathing. One of the higher ups or uncles as they’re called said that we might as well put him out of his misery.” She closes her eyes, “I was handed a knife that night. I was told to just slice him open and let him bleed to death. That if I did that Yoona would have more than just food in her stomach, but clothes to wear and so on.” He body shakes slightly, “I gripped the handle tightly preparing to do it…and then I saw movement out the corner of my eye. It was Seohyun. And when I saw that he had a daughter…I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t kill him. I couldn’t ruin another family to protect my own. My friend noticed the hesitance and she took the knife. Stabbed him and sliced Seohyun’s throat, destroying your family.”

“Taeyeon.” She looks up at the woman who called her name. “Taeyeon.”

"Mrs. Seo...Seohyun, I...I know an apology can't change the past but I'm...I'm sorry.” Seohyun stares at Taeyeon; face blank. Finally she stands and heads to her room. The door slams shutting, causing the walls to shake. “I’m sorry.”

“Is this why you visited when you were younger?”

“I thought…I thought that even though I was a delinquent that I could at least do something right for the pain I caused. I know it’s not enough…I know nothing will ever be enough. But I’m tired of holding onto this secret when all it keeps doing is biting me in the ass. I’m done with it all.” Mrs. Seo stands.

“I think it’s best if you leave for now. Seohyun is distressed and that’s not a good thing.” Taeyeon nods her head, standing. She heads towards the door, “I knew you had something to do with what happened that night. I could see the guilt upon your face whenever you’d come over and help around the house. I was waiting for an apology; I’ve been waiting. But then you started to look indifferent as if you never cared…” She stops. “I forgive you, Taeyeon. I have forgiven you. You were young, naïve but you still made an attempt to make things right.”

She nods her head and leaves.


“I thought you um…I thought you moved out.” The girl that was busily moving around the room stops and glances over her shoulder. “Sooyoung says you’re staying at your mother’s apartment.”

“Until my sister goes back to normal, that is. I want to make sure Kyungsan is fine and taken care of you know? Mrs. Choi already was upset at the fact that my sisters were throwing fists around with him in the room. I don’t want people to think that I’m incapable of raising my own child,” explains Tiffany. Jessica nods her head. “Why are you here? You and Taeyeon aren’t together anymore…unless you guys got back together?”

The Jung shakes her head. “I’m just here to clear my own mind since your sister is out and about.” Tiffany nods her head. Taeyeon’s apartment is a sanctuary for anyone for the mere fact that no one is actually willing to barge in. It was like their safe haven since all of them have a key. If she needed some time to think she’d probably come here also. She turns back to the task at hand, collecting some extra clothes for herself and her son. “Hey, Tiffany.” The younger girl stops again, “I know…I…will you ever let Kyungsan know that his real father, his biological father is in fact Siwon?”

She turns ; confusion evident upon her face. Why would Jessica care if she allows her son to know who his father is? What is she thinking? Jessica cares for Kyungsan but why does she want to know something like this? “No, not really. Siwon helped conceived him when he didn’t take no for an answer.”

“So you’re never going to let him know?”

“Maybe when he’s older.”

“I think…I think you should let him know as soon as possible. Let him choose if he wants Siwon in his life or not.” She grips the doorframe, “as much as I don’t like the tall idiot, he’s changing his ways and bettering himself, improving himself. And both him and Kyungsan deserves the chance to get and create a father-son relationship.” Tiffany observes Jessica. Something was quite right. Jessica’s the girl who wants nothing to do with people like Siwon and yet she’s sitting here talking about giving him a chance.

“Is something wrong?” Jessica shakes her head. “Jessica, we may not see eye to eye all the time, but Taeyeon cares about you. And I…” She hesitates a bit, “I care about you. So if you want to talk about whatever it is that’s bothering you, let it be the thing that’s happening now or something else, I’m here to listen.” The older girl sighs and enters the room, taking a seat upon the bed.

“Do you love your…what I am saying of course you do.” Fingers begin to play amongst themselves. Tiffany watches her, blinking occasionally. “Do you think that keeping Siwon from Kyungsan is for Kyungsan’s benefit? I mean…”

“Jessica what’s wrong?”

A deep exhale, hands rest in her lap. Head drops to avoid Tiffany’s gaze. “I’m a product of rape…and I don’t understand why I was never told that.” Tiffany blinks. This isn’t what she expected. She thought maybe Jessica was thinking about Taeyeon and didn’t know how to bring it up. “I don’t understand why all this time my mom would lie to me.” She shakes her head. “I’ve spent so much time crying about it that I can’t even shed a tear…but it still hurts.” Tiffany sets the times in her hand down, taking a seat beside Jessica. “I’ve always thought…I sort of figured I was unwanted but for it to actually be a reality – “

“Stop right there,” interrupts Tiffany. “Not true. Don’t even think that your parents never wanted you, least your mother. If you have your mother in your life than that means that she loves you and wants you in her life. Take that from me, Jessica. It’s just some things that we…mothers have to do for the benefit of their children. I’m positive that more than anything, Mrs. Jung definitely wants you in her life. If not why are you still here, huh? She could have had an abortion a long time ago or she could have given you up for adoption. But she didn’t.”

“She could be having regrets. I would if I had to face something like me every day.”

“Would you? Say for example Taeyeon was a…a man. And you too had sex and you got pregnant on accident. You decided against getting having an abortion and adoption. Raised the child like it was nothing. Would you later on down the line have regrets? Would you start to not want your child?”

“Not the same thing. I have strong feelings for your sister.”

“Alright what if it was Donghae or any other boy you’ve dated in the past. Would you have regrets keeping a child and raising it? Watching them…him or her…grow and being there for special moments in their life. Would you want to just toss them aside like it was nothing?”

Head shakes, “but I ruined her marriage with the man I thought was my father.”

“Did she ever say that you’re the reason for your parents’ divorce?” Another head shake “Then she has no regrets.” Hand falls onto Jessica’s lap, grabbing hold of one of Jessica’s and giving it a squeeze. “Your mom wants and you’re so lucky to have her in your life, Jessica. You can be upset about what happened but you should never…never believe that she regrets you were ever born. My own mother never cared for me or Taemin. The only reason she came to the funeral was to keep up appearances. She never cared and that’s why we had to live with an alcoholic rather than her. Do you know before she left us she use to look at me and constantly remind me of how I ruined her life, how I messed everything up for her? It’s why I don’t like calling her and asking for favors. I may still want to be in her life but that’s a part of me I hate. I hate that I cling to something that straight hates me.” She stands, “don’t doubt your family, more importantly your mother’s feelings towards you. If they don’t want you then they’ll announce it.”

She gives Jessica a smile. “I need to get back. Sooyoung fell asleep and Kyungsan was already napping when I left.” Bending over she grabs the clothes sliding them into her bag. “Jessica, I know that some people would rather confide with their best friends. But if there is every something you’d like to talk about and not with Sooyoung…like I said I am here to listen.” Jessica nods her head. She watches as the younger girl heads for the door only to stop. “I know I said that I had to go…but then I started thinking about something. And since you’re here and we’re talking to each other without wanting to rip each other apart…are you planning on getting back with…with my sister?” She shrugs her shoulders. “Can I know what’s holding you two back from becoming an item again?”

“A lot of things,” mumbles Jessica. “I broke up with her because of the way she treated me. It was as if we were never dating. Scratch that we were never dating according to her.”

“That’s a stupid lie,” comments Tiffany. She leans against the wall right beside the door. “She lied big time…big, big time. Taeyeon…Taeyeon really loves you that it’s scary sometimes. I never thought my sister would fall in love with anyone. I thought me and Yoona would always be at the top of her list of things she cherishes. But you sort of knocked us down a level, became the thing with the highest value in her life. Why else would she lay out her life in order to protect your sister from the ass kicking that she needed? Besides you complete our family.”

“Excuse me?”

“Taeyeon is the head of our small family. None of us count our parents as the head of our household. So Taeyeon is the head of the house. But Tae’s not exactly motherly. Talking to her is hard and awkward especially about

certain things.

But Taeyeon provides for us and protects us.”

“So? What does that have to do with me?”

“All this time me, Yoong, and Taemin had a pseudo father like figure in our life…Taeyeon. Then you came into the picture, Jessica and you began taking care of us, talking to us, listening to our issues and making sure we’ve been fed and everything is in order. You’ve become Taeyeon’s wife. You’ve become a mother figure in our ***** life. You’re our mom. Everyone knows that…everyone.” She pauses, “Look…your break up didn’t just affect you and Taeyeon. Others were hurt in the process. It’s like a divorce really. You got Yoona and Taeyeon has me. And from our eyes…from my eyes actually I just lost a person who I see as a mother figure in my life even if we are the same age. And even if I don’t get along with her.”

“I really like your sister,” states Jessica. “I love your sister. I don’t know why. I mean I’ve dated prince charmings, vixens, jocks, airheads and nerds. And I have never felt this way about them as I do about her. But…”

“But what?”

“Taeyeon’s never showed her feelings for me, except for that one time. It has taken me months to get her use to the kisses, hugs and hand holding. She’s only said she liked me and she was in an emotional state at the time. But I’ve told her that I loved her.”

“Tae doesn’t even say ‘I love you’ to me and Yoona really. She tells Kyungsan that she cares for him. So don’t get upset. She’s probably just wary of the phrase, Jessica. But I know my sister’s feelings for you. She loves you just as much as you love her. And she wants you in her life…she’s lost without you.” Eyes look at the time displayed on her phone. “Okay…now I seriously have to go or I’ll make myself extremely late for work. Just think about things. About your family and about Taeyeon.” With that she officially leaves. The older girl listens to the front door close before releasing the breath that she was holding.

She came here to seek refuge and to think about her mother and her father. Yet here she is in Taemin’s well Tiffany’s room thinking about her current status with Taeyeon. Falling back upon the bed, she stares up at the ceiling. Should she give their relationship another chance? She still loves the street punk, but what if, what if what Tiffany and Sooyoung are saying isn’t true? What if Taeyeon had feelings and they’re no longer there? It would explain the reason for the way she flipped the switch on Jessica and decided not to care for her feelings.

Hands blindly search for a pillow. Finding it, she pulls it over her face, screaming into it. Why must this be so freaking complicated? They’re teens and yet it feels like she’s deciding on whether or not to file the divorce papers. Sitting up, her face scrunches. “God now….now I’m thinking as if I actually married the idiot.”

Her phone sounds throughout the house; she stumbles of the bed and races across the hall to Taeyeon’s room. “Hello?”

“I didn’t wake you, did I?”

“No, Soo. What’s up?”

“I wanted to talk to you about Taeyeon. You know see if you’re okay and what not.”

“Thanks to your girlfriend…no, no I’m not. I’m now thinking about my relationship with Taeyeon as if we were a married couple and I’m preparing to file the divorce papers.” She jumps onto the bed. “Tiffany thinks I should consider being in a relationship again with Taeyeon. I mean…”

“Do you?”

“I don’t know,” huffs Jessica, “why is everyone asking me and no one asking Taeyeon?”

“We’ve both asked Taeyeon, Sica. She wants you back. She feels guilty about the way she’s treated you. But she wants you, Jessica. And I think she needs you in her life. You need her also from what I’ve hear from Jinri. Is that why you’re sitting at her apartment rather trying to look for me?” A low growl emits from her. “Ha…it’s alright though, Sica. If you want her then let her know. Forgive her. She’s trying her hardest right now to right everything. I’m sure you know that.”

“I know. I’m just…”

“Just nothing. Go back to her if you want her and quit beating around the bush. Taeyeon loves you, but you have to be patient with her. She’s horrible at explaining her thoughts and feelings.”

“Don’t think I don’t know that?”

“Good…give her another chance. I have to go…Kyungsan woke up and I don’t want him to be crying when Tiffany gets back. Speaking of her is she still there?”

“Nope, just left like a few minutes ago.”

“Alright. Think about things Jessica. And I’ll call later after he’s calm, had diaper change and ate.” Dial tone feels her ears. Think about things? Why does she have to keep thinking about things? With a sigh, she tosses the phone onto the bedside table before burying her face into a pillow. Maybe sleep would be of some help right now.


Mop slides across the tiled floor; dark orbs watch as it moves the dirty water about. “Hey!” Head snaps up and eyes lock onto the form of her ex’s younger sister who was currently waving from the lobby. Sighing, she sets the mop back into the bucket, puts out the caution wet floor sign and approaches the taller but younger girl. “I was wondering…is my sister at your place?” She nods her head, wiping her hands on her work pants. “Figures,” Krystal takes a seat in one of the chairs. “Does this mean that you guys are back together?”

Her answer was a short and simple, “no.”

“Are you guys ever going to get back together?”

“I don’t know. It’s your sister’s choice. Why am I talking about this with you?” She turns to leave only to have Krystal’s words stop her.

“You should get back together with my sister. Not that I’m willing to share her with you and Yoona again. But it’s just that she’s unhappy, very unhappy. She’s no longer smiling like how she used to. And I kind of miss it.” Head tilts back some, “I just want my sister to be happy again. And this week I’ve tried doing that but it’s not working. You’re the only person who can make it happen.” Eyes meet. “She’s really hurting you know. Taemin’s death, the break up, you beating up Yoona and then mom tops it off with telling her she’s child of rape…Sooyeon might seem like she’s a pretty strong girl who can handle anything Taeyeon but she’s not. My sister’s not…have you seen the scars on her?”

“Scars?” questions Taeyeon.

“Yeah…they’re pretty faint now but she has them after she learned to cope with things. But too much stress and pressure can make even the strongest person alive cave. Please…I don’t like asking for stuff from you since what happened last time but I want Sooyeon back.”

“She told me no, today. She says no one wants her. And when I tried telling her that I want her and need her, she tells me to stop talking out of my ass.”

“Because you guys broke up. I know I’m asking you to get back together with my sister but still. You haven’t been in many relationships have you?” A brow arches, “Figures. You can’t just treat a girl like crap, break up with her and then expect her to come back to you with open arms.” She exhales loudly through her nose.

“Krystal – “



“Have you noticed that amongst family members we call each other by our Korean names? Or more like they call me and Sooyeon by our Korean names. Every once in a while though me and Sooyeon will call each other by our English names. And considering the fact that you mean a lot to the person who I look up to…I want you to call me Soojung. Who knows maybe you’ll actually be my sister in law in the future or something.”

Taeyeon just nods her head. She didn’t want to believe it but now she gets to call Krystal Soojung and what not. She’s not even with Jessica anymore and the Jung family is somehow still treating her as though they’re still together. “Soojung,” Krystal smiles, “you’re sister doesn’t want me anymore. Not even after I apologized and promised to tell her countless of times how much I want and appreciate her being.”

“That’s a little corny don’t you think?” A growl is heard throughout the room. Corny? Isn’t that something that girls like to hear? “Back to what I was saying. You may think you know what is it that Sooyeon actually wants because you dated her but I know my sister. And she wants you…in more ways than you think.”

“She…she told you that stuff also?”

“No. Call it a mishap of walking into her room in the middle of the night about a few months ago. I thought she had ate some bad and had like a stomach virus or something with all the freaking moaning she was…gawh!” She shudders a bit at the memory; tongue sticks out and gagging noises echo. “I…I don’t even want to remember that.” Another shudder, “But my sister wants you and you need to do something about that. You need to fix things Taeyeon.”

“So you’re saying that this is my fault?”

“No I’m saying that you need to do something to fix things. I want to see my sister be who she is. I want the smiles, the teasing back. I want the sarcasm and smart remarks. I want to see her stand her own against mom like before and to chase her off not for Sooyeon to run away. I want my sister and I know I can’t have that until you fix things.”

“Honestly Soojung, I don’t know what to do. I’ve apologized. I’ve told her that she deserves to be happy. I offered to be her friend. I made mistakes because I wasn’t in the right state of mind. I’m guilty of that. I hurt your sister physically and emotionally. I drained her emotionally and mentally. I’ve done everything I could think of but we’re not getting back together any time soon…if at all.”

“Sex.” Everyone in the room freezes. Eyes zoom straight to the two girls. Red tinge spreads across Taeyeon’s face, illuminating her ears. She fidgets a little, looking around the room. Why is her ex girlfriend’s little sister asking her to sleep with her ex?

“I..I have to work…floors need to be cleaned. And yeah.” She tries to walk away.

“Taeyeon!” Foot stops mid-air; eyes are tightly shut. “I was kidding. But please help me get Sooyeon back. You need her around as much as I do.” She takes a small peek over her shoulder to see Krystal heading for the door.

“Soojung. Where are you going?”

“Out to see movie with Jinri and some others.”


“Amber, Luna, Onew, Jonghyun and Amber’s cousin Victoria is chaperoning…mom. God…I can’t wait to hear how Sooyeon will question me once she’s back to normal.”

“Just stay out of trouble alright. I don’t think Sooyeon could take anymore…remember that Key is still out there and to the world me and Sooyeon as still together. So he’ll use the two of you to get to me.”

“I know…and I will.”


The door to her room opens startling her. Eyes peek up from the words on the pages before her, allowing for a surprise look to cross her face. The book settles down beside her as the visitor drops their duffle bag on the floor. “Yoona?” Yoona ignores Yuri’s call; she slowly trudges across the room and climbs upon the bed. Head falls upon Yuri’s stomach. “Hard day at…where do you work exactly?”

“An auto shop. But no. Seohyun texted me today. Taeyeon went to the Seo’s house today. She explained everything to them. She told them everything that happened the night of Mr. Seo’s death. She even apologized for doing it,” whispers Yoona. Fingers lazily draws patterns upon Yuri’s stomach. “I’m the reason for the death of Mr. Seo, for Seohyun being mute.”

Fingers gently comb through her hair in an attempt to soothe her. “Yoona.”

“It’s my fault,” she whispers. “It’s my fault why our mom was in jail. I’m at fault for Taeyeon becoming a jail bound…death bound delinquent. It’s all my fault; everything is my fault.” Yuri opens her mouth only to close it. “If I wasn’t born…”

“Then life for me and a whole lot of other people would be uneventful, Yoona,” finishes Yuri. “You’re technically the reason for us…for the group getting together and meeting one another. Besides how are you at fault? I thought that you were quite young when it happened. I mean we were all young.”

“Taeyeon killed him to feed me,” she flips over and looks at Yuri. “So how can you say that it isn’t my fault, huh?” Yuri sighs.

“Because it’s not your fault. The blame doesn’t go on Taeyeon either. From just this much information I can infer that Taeyeon did what she had to provide for you. And that the blame of you being hungry goes to the person who was your guardian at the time…your mother.” Yoona automatically jolts up, causing for Yuri to sit up. Hand reaches out and grabs Yoona’s upper arm. “I’m just…I’m just stating my thoughts on the thing. No one knows what really happened that night but Taeyeon okay.”

“Why would you assume our – my mother is the reason behind everything? She went to jail to protect Taeyeon. She wouldn’t have…she said she was changing.”

“People change but not over night. I know that. You know that. And why else would Taeyeon harbor this huge amount of hatred for the woman? She may have changed over the years she’s spent in jail but that doesn’t mean anything. This happened when she was what she was, Yoona.” Hand slides up and down the arm, “Yoona…listen to me, please.” Yoona shakes her head. “Yoona.” Other hand reaches out, cupping Yoona’s face and forcing her to look at Yuri. “Yoona, hey listen to me.” She pulls her Yoona closer to her. “Just listen…this is what me and Jessica were telling you earlier. You’re emotions are at an all time high right now. You need to listen to me with your emotions set to the side before you hurt something or someone.”

She takes a deep breath and nods her head. “I…I just…one moment it’s my mom’s fault, the next it’s Taeyeon’s and then it goes back. I don’t…how would you feel?”

“Lost and confused just like you. But then I’d think about it calmly. If not just sleep it off, or maybe just set it aside for another day. You can’t listen to other sources until you get the information straight from the main one, Yoona. Once you hear what happened from Taeyeon’s mouth, you can then piece together the puzzle pieces and decide on your own who’s story to believe. Until then,” she lies down pulling Yoona with her, “I have school in the morning…so let’s sleep.”

“I thought I was supposed to sleep in Boa’s room?” questions Yoona setting aside the thoughts from before. Arm drapes over the older girl’s waist pulling her in.

“You’re here now. Might as well stay that way,” mumbles Yuri, burying her face into the crook of Yoona’s neck. “I can get use to this.” Yoona just smiles, closing her eyes.


With a groan, she exits the bathroom, ruffling and drying her hair with a towel. Body plops down on the couch as she gazes around the dark room. A sigh this time and she throws the now dampened towel across the room. Form changes into a slouch, head leans back and eyes peer up at the ceiling. A yawn escapes from her lips.

“Did you really mean what you said to me earlier?” She jumps from the sudden question. How long had Jessica been in the hallway? Blinking, she tries to look at the younger girl in the even darker hallway. “Did you?” questions Jessica, “or was that all just an attempt to get me to shut up?” She never had a chance to answer as the Jung presses on with more questions. “Why’d you push me away? Why’d you make it seem like you didn’t want me, like you didn’t care for me the same way I do for you?”

“I don’t know,” in a hoarse whisper. “I didn’t know…I was hurting, I guess. I was confused and unsure what to do, Sooyeon. I was angry at myself and so many other things that I guess I took it all out on the wrong person. And like I said, I was frustrating you. I thought you wanted out of our relationship.” A frustrated sigh. Why does she have to keep explaining this? Wasn’t one time enough? “I never…I never really meant any of it though.” She faces forward and stares at the blank television screen. “I’m sorry for treating you like you meant nothing to me when it’s not true, Sooyeon. I was an idiot for doing so, for saying that we weren’t a real couple. We were and I was just too immature to fully acknowledge it. But I fully mean what I said earlier. I need you. I want you just as much as you want me. Not as badly though…well not yet at least.”

Jessica freezes. She knows? “I’m really, really sorry and I have no clue how many times you want me to say so. But I’m willing to repeat myself if that means you’d reconsider my offer of starting over.” A quick glance, “I want to continue talking but I have to report in for work in the morning since your sister sort of held me up. I’m just going to go to sleep. Sorry if I woke you up when I decided to take a shower.”

Body rotates; feet are pulled up on the couch and she stretches out. Arms rest behind her head and eyes slowly drift close. The patter of feet infiltrates her ears but she brushes it off at the idea of Jessica either going down the hall or to the kitchen. Until she feels weight upon her body and legs tangling themselves with her own. It’s followed closely by a head resting on her chest. “I spoke with both Tiffany and Sooyoung today. They told me to give us another chance. Sooyoung believes that me declining your offer is hurting more than just us. Tiffany says the break up is hurting just more than us. And they’re both right. But…” She pauses. Mind tries to piece together the right words to say. “I want to be mad at you. I want to stay mad at you.

But I can’t. Not when you’re like this. Not when you’re taking the time to reflect on things, when you’re trying to better yourself. And definitely not when you keep saying you want me. I girl would be crazy to turn down the one they love when they keep saying that and promises to repeat it.” She grabs hold of Taeyeon’s left arm, prying it loose so that her fingers can play with the older girl’s. “Not when you make me feel safe, make me feel comfortable. Like I don’t have to change and become anyone else.” Taeyeon remains quiet. “I don’t want to start over as friends though. Because I seriously have really strong feelings for you Taeyeon and they’ll become a hindrance. And I won’t be able to benefit from that. I don’t like the idea of another girl coming along and claiming you as hers. Call me stupid all you want because we’re young, but I love you. And I’m not willing to allow another person to just step in and take you from me.” She pulls away and eyes trace over Taeyeon’s face. “You won’t go back to that person you were last week, right?”

“I can’t promise anything. I’m still a street punk and I still belong with the family, Sooyeon. But I know I don’t want to. And I know that there is nothing that says I won’t.” Jessica sighs and lies back down. Taeyeon shifts a little; an arm snakes it’s way around Jessica’s lithe frame. “I’m sorry,” she whispers into the crown of Jessica’s head. “I’m sorry for the pain. I’m sorry for everything. I don’t want us to be exes. I mean everything I’m saying and have said earlier. Even the part about repeating things to you as many times as you want.” Jessica nods her head; eyes glued to their hands.

The room falls silent. The Kim takes it as a sign that their conversation is over so she closes her eyes again, attempting to sleep. Jessica follows suit, listening to Taeyeon’s heartbeat. “I…I forgive you.” Eyes snap open. “I forgive you Taeyeon. I mean sometimes in relationships like ours some things have to give. And I’m willing to look past it all because you’re willing to improve yourself for us and your sisters. So I forgive you.” Eyes close for a third time as they allow the quietness to takeover.

The peacefulness is cut short seconds later when both girls’ phones sound throughout the house. Releasing the girl’s in her arms, her hand fumbles around in the dark trying to grasp the illuminated device. Getting hold of it, thumb presses the little green button and she places it against her ear. “Hello?”

“Are you at home?”

“Tiffany, yeah why? What’s wrong? Are you okay? Is something wrong with Kyungsan or Sooyoung?” Jessica pulls away for a second time, sitting up.

“I’m fine. We’re fine. But we’re at the hospital.”

“Hospital? If you’re fine why are you guys at the hospital?”

“Sulli and Krystal were attacked.”


“You and Taeyeon are back together again?” Head turns and eyes glance at sister. “I’m just assuming since the both of you came and picked me and Jinri up while holding hands. Unless you two were just holding hands for no particular reason.” Jessica could only smile sheepishly turning away from her sister. “Finally,” mutters Krystal while gazing up at the night sky. “I miss the smile.” She blinks. “But does this mean that I’ll be seeing less of you again since Yoona is back and you’re now back to playing housewife to Taeyeon?”

“No,” answers Jessica. “I promised you that in my last year of high school that I’d spend as much time as I can with you since I’ll be going off to college.” She leans over placing her head upon Krystal’s shoulder. “I’m not going to break that promise.”

“You promised Taeyeon you wouldn’t leave her and then the next thing we know you two aren’t even an item, Yoona’s covered in bruises and you…you have a busted lip. So yeah, not to seem mean or anything Sooyeon, but you can’t keep promises.” Jessica growls a little. “It’s true.”

“Fine. I’ll just spend my time with Taeyeon.”

“That’s great news for me. Now I won’t have to listen to you – hey!” Jessica could only smile at the girl who was currently lying on her back, “what was that for?”

“For telling Taeyeon about it,” hisses Jessica, “I thought we agreed never to speak about it ever again.”

“Correction we agreed to never speak about it to each other ever again. And you act like I want to remember what happened. It’s bad enough hearing raging hormonal freaks talk about it, but to walk in on your sister.” She shudders, “I told myself I’d quit thinking about it.” She shoots a glare at Jessica. “And hello,” the arm inside a light blue molded structure waves back and forth, “are you trying to make it worse.”

Jessica face softens at the sight. Hands reach out gently grasping the fractured wrist. “Right, sorry. I forgot about it for a moment.” Eyes trace over the scratches on her sister’s face. “So what exactly happened, hm? I know you didn’t want to talk about it in front of the Choi’s but what happened?”

“Just know it wasn’t Key. Please tell Taeyeon it wasn’t Key before she ends up getting herself killed.”

“We figured it wasn’t Key the moment the doctors said that both you and Jinri only have a few scratches and minor bruising save for your broken arm.”

“Fractured wrist,” corrects Krystal while sitting up, “but um…we were walking home. It was just me and Jinri; everyone else went a different way. Next thing I know this group comes out from some alley and begins following us only to jump us.”

“And you fought back?”

“Yeah…what was I supposed to do? Lie there and let them beat me?” Krystal rolls her eyes, “you’re dating one of the neighborhood’s feared street punks and yet you don’t understand how a fight works.” There was a pause, “I can’t recall much because of all the adrenaline that was pumping, Sooyeon. But I do remember hearing the main one telling me and Sulli that we’d never be able to replace


family, that we weren’t


family. And just for you to know…I got few good punches in myself. Slugged that person in the eye and busted their lip.”

“You’re crazy.”

“We’re related. We share the same blood so that must make you crazy also.” The atmosphere grows thick and sudden realization dawns upon the youngest Jung. The smile on her face disappears and she lowers her gaze to her lap. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to bring it up.”

“Its fine, Soojung. I mean I’d have to face it sooner or later, right? I just can’t avoid the topic and act like it never happened. Well I can, but that would be the immature thing to do.”

“Does this mean that you’re done with us? Are you going to move out now that you and Taeyeon are together?”

“I’m not going to leave you behind with mom and force you to continue living through their horrible divorce if it means taking you with me when I leave. Well then so be it.”

“You’re leaving?”

“I got accepted into an American University. You’re the first to know.”

“And what about Taeyeon?”

“I got the letter during the time we weren’t together and I requested a tour. I know; it was only a week that we were apart but…this was my chance of getting away from here. I wasn’t planning on leaving until I began suspecting that man was my father. Today confirmed it and today I made the choice to leave. And then…it happened. We got back together.” There was a hesitant pause. “Soojung just humor me a bit but do you think that if I asked Taeyeon to come with me, would you think she’d say yes? Or do you think she’d disagree?” Krystal could only shrug her shoulder. She’s not Taeyeon so she can’t say for sure what Taeyeon’s response might be. Jessica sighs, pulling her knees up to her chest. “Do you think it’ll be selfish of me to ask her to leave behind her family and to come with me half way across the world?”

“If you ask me I think it’s pretty stupid.” Jessica frowns. “Not saying you’re stupid the idea is. You and Taeyeon’s only been dating for about a year now if you don’t count that small break up. You called my decision to get a piercing because of Minho stupid…it’s kind of the same. Not really, but it’s nearly the same.” Krystal pauses. “I…asking her to go with you would mean that you’re pretty serious about Taeyeon. But what if it doesn’t work out, Sooyeon? Not trying to break the two of you up or anything. But what if it doesn’t work out? My sister will be in America by herself depressed and crying over a heartbreak and Taeyeon would have no way of coming home to her family. I mean me and mom can fly out for you but Yoona and Tiffany can’t.

But I’m the youngest. I’m the baby so what do I know, hm? Besides I’m not the one who’s dreaming about her constantly.” Jessica rolls her eyes. “To get an answer you must ask her.”

“Okay. Hold up. Where in the world did this mature Soojung come from?”

“While you were moping around the house, I was spending time with Jinri.”

Silence settles amongst the two Jungs as they continue watching the stars. “Soojung…what if she says no?”

“Well, what if she doesn’t Sooyeon?”

“But like you said. Taeyeon has family here. Family is something that Taeyeon values…” Arms wrap around her legs and she buries her face amongst her knees. “I’m scared,” whispers Jessica. “I’m scared she might not want to. I’m scared that even though she says she wants me that she’ll just toss me to the side because of this. What if she doesn’t want to come huh? What if trying to have a long distance relationship doesn’t work? They never seem to work. One or the other always fall victim to temptation and lust…”

“Yeah and your point is? Taeyeon didn’t move on after a week. Taeyeon’s never attempted to cheat on you. From what I’ve overheard being discussed amongst Tiffany and Sooyoung was that Taeyeon always gave you the option to leave for someone better than her. Not the other way around.” She scoots closer to her sister, wrapping an arm around the older girl. “You won’t know until you say something. Who knows maybe Taeyeon would like to go so she can finally live a life of her own.”

“You just contradicted yourself. You said she had family so she wouldn’t and now you’re saying that she might just go.” She peeks out from behind her arms.

“Well you can always force her, pull the ‘I’m leaving’ card. And tell her that the only way she can have you is to come with you.”

“I can’t force her. That’s so immature. And I’ve never forced her to do anything really. I offered and gave her choices but I’ve never forced her.”

“Well…what else do you want me to say? I’ve said everything that I can…take in mind that I’m younger than you.” Krystal sighs heavily, “ask her as your girlfriend if she’d be willing to accompany you to America. Don’t you have to take the tour first and what not before everything? Just ask her to go with you for that…then once there ask her to stay.” This time both Jungs sigh simultaneously. “I’m offering you relationship advice and you’re the one who was dating back when she turned thirteen.”

“It’s different this time,” whispers Jessica. “It’s weird...I don’t know how to explain it but it’s weird. I don’t like the thought of Taeyeon’ being someone else’s, Soojung.”

“Then ask her to go with you, Sooyeon.”

Grunting, the oldest Jung dives her hand into her pocket pulling out her phone. Eyes squint as the bright screen nearly blinds her. “Whatever…it’s like time for you to go to sleep. We do have school tomorrow.”

“But I have a broken – “

“Don’t care. Who’s wonderful idea to see a movie at night on a school night at that?” Krystal groans while pushing her body up onto her feet. “Bedtime…now.”

“Yes, mom.” Jessica stands and follows the younger Jung into the apartment. She stops and slowly shuts sliding glass door, leaving it cracked enough for Dog to get through. Fingers slither through her locks and she looks over her shoulder and down the hall to where Taeyeon was currently residing. Should she ask now? Or should she just wait it out and bring it up later? Eyes blink and feet begin carrying her body towards the room ignoring the fact that her mind hasn’t come to a decision yet.

Door opens and she slips inside, closing it softly. Quickly crossing the room, she climbs onto the bed beside the already sleeping older girl; hands pull the blanket up and over her form. Face buries into the crook of Taeyeon’s neck. Her breath collides with skin causing for Taeyeon to stir. One eye cracks open and she takes a peek at the younger girl. “Something wrong?” she mumbles, yawning in the process. The other eye opens giving her a better view.

“Are you asking me if something is wrong?” She pulls away giving Taeyeon a look of disbelief. Taeyeon nods her head. “You really are trying to make this work aren’t you?” Another nod. Jessica smiles and leans down placing a quick kiss upon Taeyeon’s lips. “Just thinking about Soojung…my mom and you know.”

A third nod, “well if none of them wants you, I’m more than willing to keep you to myself.”

“That was really cheesy that it almost scared me. Sort of makes me want the silent you back.” She lies back down; head rests upon Taeyeon’s chest. “You’d have to fight Soojung for me.”

“I’m willing to share with Soojung.”

“Okay…corny lines have to go…like now. It’s weird hearing it from you. I can’t believe I actually wanted this.” Taeyeon’s face falls blank. Tilting her head back, Jessica’s eyes traces over Taeyeon’s chin. “Not that I don’t like it, Taeyeon because honestly I do. It’s just…are you comfortable saying those things?”

“No…but if it makes you happy.”

“Don’t force yourself for me. You don’t force me to change and I shouldn’t do the same to you.” Silence befalls upon the two teens. “Taeyeon…I…I want to talk to him. I want to know why he says he wants me but my mother says that I’m a child of rape.” Lips graze Taeyeon’s chin. “After school will you accompany me? I mean after work and what not.”

“I don’t want you around him alone anymore until we know what happened.” Arms wrap around her frame, causing for a smile to spread across her face. Scooting up some, she places a few kisses along Taeyeon’s jaw line. “Sooyeon stop,” groans Taeyeon trying to pull away. “I’m still not comfortable with that.” Exhaling loudly, Jessica pulls away.”

“Sorry,” she rolls onto her side of the bed only to stare up at the ceiling. Inhale. Exhale. Why in the world did she just do that To Taeyeon when they just got back together? Even more so when she knows Taeyeon’s not comfortable. Is it because she thinks that Taeyeon would be more willing towards it? Head turns and she gazes at the smaller girl, “I thought that – “

“I’m sorry,” interrupts Taeyeon as she rolls onto her side. “I…I can’t even kiss you…yet I was able to kiss her when we were younger. It’s not fair; I’m not being fair. It’s just that…” She ruffles her hair and groans in frustration. “I hate myself.” Eyes close.

“It’s fine Taeyeon. I shouldn’t rush you just because I’m no longer…you know.” Taeyeon scoots closer to the younger girl. “And just because I think that you’re ready since you’re willing to say cheesy and corny lines. Don’t hate yourself.” Her nose touches the tip of Jessica’s, startling the Jung. “Taeyeon…what are you – “

“Ew! Gross!” They quickly separate. Two pairs of eyes zoom towards the door locking onto the youngest Jung’s stature. “Oh god! I can’t believe…this is worst then…ew!” Jessica rolls her eyes. “From now on I’m staying in my room at night, screw everything else.”

Jessica sits up, “Need something?”

“Mom,” Krystal tosses the item that was in her hand onto the bed. Looking down the middle Jung glances at the phone. “She wants to talk to you. Something about Mrs. Choi told her about my hospital visit and what not.” Fingers wrap around the electronically device and Jessica tosses it back at her sister.

“We both need some sleep. Tell her that this can wait until anything time unless she wants both of her daughters to miss school in the morning.” She falls back upon the bed, pulling the comforter up to her chin. Krystal gazes at Taeyeon only to have the older girl close her eyes.

“Fine.” Huffing, she rotates on her heels. The click from the door closing allows for Jessica to scoot closer to Taeyeon; head falls back to its spot on Taeyeon’s chest and legs tangle themselves amongst each other.

“Why would you try something like that?” She begins playing with the Kim’s finger.

“You were willing to give for this relationship and I should do the same.” Another smile forms.

“We can stay at this. If you’re not ready yet…then I can wait. I should wait.” A yawn emits from her. “Sleep or we might not be able to get up. I have school and you have work.” Hand reaches out blindly, searching for the cellular device. Finding it, she brings it to her face.

“It’s already going on three Sooyeon. We’ll only be able to sleep for a max of 3 hours.” She sets the phone back down onto the bedside table. “Did she say who it was?”


“Who attacked her?”

“Someone. She can’t really point them out since the lower half of their face was covered or something like that. But Soojung did say that she land a few good punches. Don’t know if that means anything.”

“So it wasn’t Key?”

“No…it wasn’t.” She hears Taeyeon sigh. But she couldn’t tell if it was in relief or frustration. “Forget about it.” This time she hears a groan. “You’re becoming an improved person. I don’t want you to screw it up. You’re thinking and reflecting on your actions…don’t mess it up please.”

“I’m not.”


The door slams open startling everyone that was in the room; ten sets of eyes lock onto her small stature as she enters the room. Her own eyes flicker back and forth scanning the room for a certain someone. She ignores the stares as her feet move slowly across the carpeted floor. Heart beats erratically in her chest but she ignores that also. It was stupid for her to come here. But coming here was and maybe her only chance at some sort of freedom.

A glint of metal catches her attention; stopping, fingers wrap around the firearm carefully and she picks it, still ignoring the stares. Another look around the room and her eyes meet that of the person in which she was searching for. A few quick strides and Taeyeon ends up in front of her friend. And just as Krystal told her earlier there were definitely scratches upon the girl’s face along with a black eye and a swollen lip. Growling, she raises the handgun, pressing the barrel against the pale forehead. “Kim.”

Chairs squeak and the rest of the family inside of the apartment stand. They look over to the man in the corner for a sign of what to do. He lifts his hand, signaling for them to back down. No need in breaking this up now when they have no clue as to what was going to happen. With that signal everyone turns back to the two girls in the middle of the room.

“Kim,” she repeats; hand slowly raises to grab the gun but Taeyeon smacks it away. “Kim…”

“You already beat me,” states Taeyeon in a calmly matter. Eyes remain locked on her friend even through her statement was directed to the leader in the corner. “You told me I couldn’t get out. But I want out. If I kill her will you release me? Will you free me?”

He laughs a little, setting his cigarette down into an ash tray. “Kim…that’s a good one don’t you think? Allow you to kill a member of our family just so you can leave. I’ll be out two precious members.”

“She’s not needed. Nothing but a overly jealous obsessed-“

“You think I want you?” questions her friend in disbelief. “As if…I told you. You were nothing but an experiment when we were younger…I’m not gay like you.” Jaw clenches and she releases the safety. Glaring, her friend backs down.

“Agree to let me out.”

“Or what, Kim? You’re in my house. Besides why would you want to kill your sister? Your best friend?”

“She’s not my friend. She’s not my sister and she’s definitely not my family,” retorts Taeyeon.

“Right cause that little brat who you protected is now your family since you’re marrying her sister who’s an illegitimate child.” Another growl and she presses the gun even harder against the skin, probably leaving a mark. “What…it’s true. You think that you can just leave this family for theirs. And you can’t. You belong here with us.” She closes her eyes momentarily, trying to stay calm.

“You did it…didn’t you? You attacked Soojung after I told you to stay the hell away from them.”

“She’s not your family. You shouldn’t care.” Hand reaches out, grabbing a fist full of her shirt.

“Neither are you,” growls Taeyeon.

“Are you sure about that? Who’s the one who helped you feed Yoona? Who’s the one that helped with protecting Tiffany, huh? I’m the one who keeps a twenty-four hour watch on your siblings. I’m the one who makes sure that they’re protected…If anything I’m more of a family member to you then they’ll ever be.”

“Sooyeon listens to and feeds Yoona. Sooyeon talks to and feeds Tiffany. Sooyeon teaches Kyungsan how to walk and talk. Sooyeon takes care of them. Sooyeon is my girlfriend and she is their ‘mother’. So you’re wrong…she’s more of a family member to me…to them then you’ll ever be. They know her and she knows them. All they know about you is that your nothing but a street punk who I happen to speak to.” This time the friend growls. “Are you sure you want this pathetic excuse of a person around.”

“Like you’re any better. Trying to change you spots…allowing for her to change you. You can’t even protect your family – “ The sound of the gun going off interrupts her and she to her side to see the bullet hole in the couch.

“I learned that some things happen for a reason. So yes I couldn’t protect Taemin from a stupid idiot like Key. But I can protect the rest of them from an overly zealous person like you. If I’m so called family to you…you wouldn’t have laid a finger on Soojung last night because you would know how much she means to me.”

“You don’t like her.”

“I didn’t like her…that was in the past. Right now…Soojung sees me as a sister. I’m starting to see her the same way. And just because I didn’t like her in the past doesn’t mean that you have the right to attack her. If anything…you should be treating her like how you treat Tiffany and Yoona. There is no difference in the matter. Unless you count the fact that I’m dating her sister.” Her friend looks off to the side. And Taeyeon turns to the man in the chair. “I want out.”

“Not going to happen, Kim. Once you’re in you’re always in. And killing her isn’t going to get you out.” Sighing, she drops her hand to her side and shoves her friend back onto the couch.

“This time…I mean it. Go anywhere near them…and I will definitely kill you.” Making sure the safety was on, she tosses the gun on the couch and walks out of the apartment, leaving everyone speechless.

“Didn’t think she’d shoot a bullet…and that was my favorite piece of furniture.” He stands and walks over to her friend. “You screwed up this time…I told you not to go after the baby Jung. You and your stupid emotions for Kim. It’s best for you to get over it or,” he pulls a pocket knife out from his back pocket. With a flick of wrist, the blade presses against her neck, “I will kill you myself. Kim is an asset whether she’s helping out or not.” She swallows the lump in her throat. “And I will not lose her…understand?” She nods her head. “Good…now get the hell out of here before I change my mind and call her back in here to kill you anyways.”


“So.” The locker slams shut and she looks at her best friend then at her best friend’s girlfriend. Eyes continue moving, traveling along their arms and landing on their joint hands.

“So what?”

“What do you mean what?” questions Tiffany. “What’s going to happen? What’s Taeyeon going to do? Is she going after the *******s that killed my brother and beat my future sister-in-law?” Sooyoung tenses for a moment at the words ‘future sister in law’.

“My girlfriend is going to work and hopefully that’s all she’ll be doing for the morning. And then we’re going to the Center to meet Yoona and Yuri so that she can talk and work on her issues with Yoona. After that we’re going to see someone then back to the apartment,” explains Jessica. She leans up against the metal cabinet. “Or at least that’s what I have planned. Oddly enough her and Soojung have built up some sort of relationship.”

“And that means?” asks Tiffany.

“Taeyeon might not have gone to work. She calls Soojung…Soojung now. They talk and banter like their friends and have been. It’s weird. So knowing that, Taeyeon might have gone to do something.”

“Call the office and ask for her,” suggests Sooyoung, causing for both of the older girls to look at her. “If she’s there then she’ll most likely come to the phone. If not then…we ditch and find her before she does something reckless.” Eyes flicker back and forth between the Jung and Hwang. “What? Is it a stupid idea?”

Tiffany shakes her head, smiling. She stands on the tip of her toes, planting a quick kiss on Sooyoung’s cheek. Frowning some, she raises her hand and rubs the spot that the Hwang’s lips were just on, causing for Tiffany to pout. “You’re just as bad as my sister. You wanted for us to be an item. We are and yet you wipe my kisses away.” She turns back to Jessica. “I agree with her though. It’s lunch time for us so you won’t get into trouble if you call her right now. So dial Dr. Lee’s office and ask for Taeyeon.”

“Don’t you guys think that Taeyeon will be mad at me? She told me she wasn’t going to do anything. And yet if I call her that just tells her that I don’t trust.” Shaking her head, she pushes off the locker. “I should forget about it. Taeyeon says she’s not going to do anything…she’s not going to do anything.” The object in her pocket vibrates; she immediately pulls out her phone taking a glance at the screen. A smile breaks upon her face. “Never mind…Taeyeon’s here.”

“My sister is here?” Jessica ignores the question and heads out into the court yard. Tiffany looks up at Sooyoung before pulling the younger girl along with her.

Feet drags her body though the mass crowd of peers all the way to the gate. Seeing Taeyeon standing on the other side of the fence, she picks up her pace a little. All three of them stop just in front of the gate. “What are you doing here?” questions Tiffany. Ignoring her sister’s question, Taeyeon picks up the brown paper bag that was sitting on the grass.

Teeth clamp down upon the bag; fingers grab hold of the chain link fence and she begins to scale up it. All three girls gain a look of confusion on their faces. Reaching the top, Taeyeon reaches over the edge, “Extend your arms,” she orders while holding out the bag.

Jessica looks at Tiffany before extending her arms and hands; fingers release the sack and it falls upon Jessica’s hands. Seeing that her girlfriend had caught it, she jumps off the fence and lands upon the grass, stumbling a bit.

“What is this?” asks Jessica while opening the bag.

“Lunch…Soojung and you came to school today without your backpacks and you spent your lunch money on bus fare. So I went and got you guys something to eat,” mumbles Taeyeon while rubbing her hands on her pants.

“What?! You wouldn’t even bring me food yet you’re climbing fences for Jessica?!”

“You’re overreacting Miyoung,” states Taeyeon. “I use to steal and beat up lower classmen to feed you and Yoona.” Tiffany rolls her eyes. That was against the point. Sooyoung notices the eye roll; gripping her girlfriend’s hand tightly she drags Tiffany away from the two older girls. Jessica smiles once again. “It’s okay, right? I mean a burger and some fries are alright, right?”

She nods her head. “Thank you Taeyeon…I know I complained about your behavior before…but this…this is…”

“I don’t know what to do,” mumbles Taeyeon. “Everyone says that I should show you how much you mean to me and when I do…it’s not correct.” She ruffles her hair.

“The way you treated me before was okay in a way. You know before everything seriously went downhill,” retorts Jessica while taking a seat on the grass. Back presses against the fence. “When you’d joke, hold my hand sort of and what not.”

“I guess I can go back to that…but Sooyoung said – “

“I said I want that. Forget what Sooyoung says, okay?” Nodding her head, Taeyeon mimics Jessica’s movement. “Do that and I’ll be fine as long as you remember to tell me that you want me.” Taeyeon nods her head for a second time. Head tilts back and eyes close as she absorbs the sun’s rays. The tapping noise of Jessica’s fingers sending a text floods her ears.

“I know who did it.” Jessica sets the phone down and listens carefully to Taeyeon’s words. “I got whiff of who did it earlier today after dropping you and Soojung off here. It was making me mad just knowing. I couldn’t concentrate at work. Mr. Lee let me off earlier because I couldn’t get anything done. He says it’s cause I’m young and probably still grieving. But I know…I know Sooyeon, that any more missed days and it’s over. I’ll be unemployed…then I’ll be out of a house.”

“So what do you want to do?”

“Kill them. Strangle them. Maim them. Rid them from this planet so I can live in peace.” Fingers violently pull at the blades of grass. “I guess it’s not a lie when people say that your past will haunt you.”

“What does your past have to do with anything?” Taeyeon opens her mouth, “wait.” She closes it, “Soojung is here.” She looks over her shoulder to see Krystal looming over the oldest Jung daughter.

“What did you want?” Eyes fall on Taeyeon, “what are you doing here? I thought people who dropped out did it because they didn’t want to come to school anymore. But you’re here.”

“Soojung,” was Taeyeon’s only response.

“So what’s up?” Attention goes back to Jessica.

“Taeyeon brought us something to eat. Here’s a burger and some fries for you since we’re out of lunch money.” She pulls her fries out the bag before tossing it to Krystal. “That was all.”

“Wow...a cold hamburger and fries. This would be warmer if you’d have a car. Not only that but it would be a great thing to have so people won’t have to wake up at the crack of dawn to travel all the way from Narnia to get here.”

“Get a job; pay for half of my bills and it’ll bring me closer to having a car. Plus I’d be a few hundred richer if I didn’t have to save someone from trying to live a life of the streets.”

“You guys are much more comfortable then what I thought. Is there something that I’m missing?”

“No not really? But I did tell your girlfriend in a joking matter to have you know…with you.” The younger Jung catches her off guard and a fry gets lodged in her throat. A coughing fit erupts from the sitting Jung.

“You what?!”

“Nothing…I have to go and study for a test. Thank you Taeyeon.” Krystal grips the bag tightly and runs away as quickly as she could.

“What did she tell you?” She looks over her shoulder at Taeyeon finding the older girl flustered. Never mind. Back to my question, what does your past have to do with – “

“You’re a threat to someone in my life…some people in my life. Not physically but you, Soojung, Sooyoung and Yuri are all a threat. I want nothing to do with the family anymore, Sooyeon but I’m still part of it. Once you’re in you’re always in…and trying to get out to be with you and to take care of my family…is a threat.”

“So they went after Soojung?”


went after Soojung.”

“Your friend? And you know this…how?”

“You left out some details last night. Soojung revealed them to me this morning while you were in the bathroom. I took that information and went to see about it this morning before work. She was sitting there on the couch as if nothing happened. Scratches on her face, bruises and swelling.” She pauses, “I threatened to shoot her. Had the gun right against her head. But I didn’t…even though I threatened her…the thought of another death on my conscience is…”


“Yeah. Besides your sister is still alive and walking…so I’ll spare her for now.”

“You know…me and Soojung were talking about the idea of you leaving this place, Taeyeon. It’ll be good for your health.”

The Kim shakes her head. Leaving wouldn’t solve anything. It wouldn’t do anything put place her family and friends in danger. “Sooyeon you know I can’t. Something always pulls me back. I’ve tried running away before remember?” Eyes open watching the clouds.

“Not even if I go with you?”

“You’d be willing to leave behind your brother and sister just to leave with me? Just run way and never come back? Isn’t that in a way eloping?”

“Who elopes these days, Taengoo?” Taeyeon smiles at her nickname. “I’m just suggesting going with you, so you’ll have someone around. Someone to be there when you need them. It’ll just be us running away together, nothing more as if right now.”

“So no eloping?”

“No eloping.”

“Even if we were to leave…where would we go?”

“America.” Taeyeon breaks into a laugh, not understanding how serious Jessica was at the moment. Jessica must be out of her mind. There was no way Taeyeon could possibly afford to just up and leave to America. And once she gets there what could she possibly do? She’s a high school dropout. “Taengoo…I was being serious.” Her laugh stops; eyes blink. “Never mind it was a ridiculous idea.”

Jessica crumples up the wrappers that her food came in. “Lunch is almost over and my next class is all the way on the other side of the campus.”

Taeyeon quickly pushes herself up and looks through the fence. “Sooyeon.”

“I have to go Taeyeon. Stay out of trouble and I’ll see you when school’s out.”

“Sooyeon!” Jessica gives her a sad smile before disappearing in the crowd. “Jessica!” Sighing, she turns back around, walking back to the gate. Taeyeon takes a deep breath, staring at the younger girl.

“Taengoo…I have to get to school. I mean class.”

“You’re not mad at me right? I didn’t know you were being serious…I thought…”

“I’m not mad. It was just a ridiculous suggestion.” She smiles again.

“I hurt you again didn’t I?” Eyes drop to her sneakers. “I’m sorry if I did. It wasn’t intentional and – “

“I’m fine.” The bell rings signaling the end of lunch. “I have to go.” Taeyeon sighs, shoving her hands into her pockets. Lifting her head, she watches as Jessica once again merge with the crowd.

“I ****ed up.”


“Can I ask you something?” Eyes drift from the couple in front of them and towards the girl whose hand she’s currently holding. Head moves up and down in a nod. “I’m just curious about something. I’ve actually been thinking about it all day since lunch.”

“You want to break up again?”

Jessica stops causing for Taeyeon to stumble a bit. Turning slowly she faces her girlfriend. “No. I told you it’s fine. I’m okay, Taeyeon. It was a ridiculous idea and it was stupid of me to have brought it up, you know. You’d never leave your family behind.” One step forward and she places a quick peck on Taeyeon’s lips. “So…stop thinking that I’m mad and want to break up, okay?” She nods her head again, licking her lips. “Good…now as I was saying…I…I kind of want to know about your family…the family.”

“Why?” questions Taeyeon. “I’ll tell you about them…but why? Why do you want to know about them?”

They begin walking again, “Because I know about Yoona. I know about Tiffany. I know about Taemin. And I know about your father, your aunt and Hyoyeon. I don’t know much about your mom since you avoid that topic and I know practically nothing about them. Didn’t exactly find out about them until you told me that they were looking for you…so…you know? I mean all I know is that they’re the ones who helped you…but who are they?” Tongue clicks. “I just want to know who they are to the person I’m dating.”

“They’re family. Or they were family,” states Taeyeon. Jessica releases Taeyeon’s hand only to link arms. Head rests against the older girl’s shoulder. “I wouldn’t exactly call the family a gang or a mafia or something. I mean it is a gang but…it’s not.” She pauses trying to form the right words. “It’s not…they’re not bad but they’re not exactly good. Members steal, vandalize, fight, smoke, drink and everything you would label delinquent. But at the same time they protect their own and others close to their own. Our leader takes in people like me…who have no family or guidance and gives us exactly that. The family makes us feel loved and wanted as if we have a family.” Jessica remains quiet. “That’s all I guess. There isn’t much to them…really.”

“If there isn’t much to them then why’d you join?”

“Honestly speaking, Sooyeon…I didn’t want to. But I had to do it for Yoona.”

“You actually do care for Yoona,” mutters the Jung. Taeyeon nods her head.

“Yoona’s my favorite,” whispers Taeyeon. “Yoong’s always been my favorite. And I know that sometimes I don’t treat her right, but I never treat her like trash. I always try and make her see that she’s better than this…then me. That she deserves something better. I guess you can say it’s because Yoona’s mom’s favorite and I promised to make sure she was well taken care of.”

“You’re getting better at this.”


“At expressing yourself, Taeyeon. When we first met, you would reveal the truth like it was nothing but you weren’t very expressive…unless drunk or angered. And now, you tell the truth to an extent and you’re beginning to express how you feel. Nothing is taken in silence.”

“Is that a good thing?”

A kiss upon the cheek, “It’s a very good thing.” Taeyeon nods her head, slipping her other hand into her pocket. “Just out of curiosity what is all of our you? You say Yoona is your favorite…so I’m just curious.”

“By value…Yoona, Tiffany, Kyungsan, Taemin, Dog, Sooyoung, Soojung, Yuri, Hyo…and the family leader with Yoona being the highest.”

“I’m not on the list.”

“I know…” Taeyeon stops, “you had one before but now…a value can’t be placed on you. You’re priceless.” Jessica could only smile shyly before burying her face into Taeyeon’s shoulder. Cheek coloring transform from its natural pale color to a red tint as her face heats up. “Did I say something wrong?”mutters Taeyeon, unsure of what is happening.

“No,” comes Jessica’s muffled answer. Composing herself, she stands up straight and the two girls continue walking. “I have no value?” Taeyeon nods her head. “Why?”

“I don’t know,” was the older girl’s response. “You’re just invaluable…priceless. It’s hard to explain. I mean you…you had a high value and it was one of the reasons why I wasn’t sure about telling you about it, especially when you kept pressing on about it.” She pulls out a pack of nicotine gum, popping one in her mouth. “And then…and then your value starts increasing every time you did something for me, for Tiffany, Taemin and especially Yoona. And now you’re just priceless. No one who enters my life will be able to compete with you.”

“Are you sure I’m like your first official girlfriend?”

“Yeah. Why?”

“Because…when everyone tells you to be romantic…you actually are quite romantic. If this was the you that I had met the first time, I would think that you’ve actually had a decent amount of relationships before.”

“You’re the first…official girlfriend.”

“First official,” repeats Jessica with a triumphant grin, “and last right?”

A slow nod, “yeah until something better comes long.” They stop again; she unlinks their arms only to walk and stand in front of Taeyeon.

“We’re back to this again?” Eyes drop to their shoes. “If I wanted something better in the week that we weren’t together I would have gotten with someone better. Ex boyfriends were asking for dates and even people I’ve never spoken to before were. But I turned it all down. I spent the extra time studying and hanging out with Soojung, you know.” Arms cross. “I could say the same about you, you know. That no one would be able to compete with you.” Head tilts to the side as she intensely watches Taeyeon. “Sure you’re not perfect…but that’s what’s attractive about you. Not saying that others are perfect but you’re so far from it…that it’s refreshing in a way. Besides…I’ve already said I love you.” Head snaps up. “No point in taking that back now, right?”


“Good, cause just like you…I want you.” Taeyeon smiles a little. “I’re not thinking about what Krystal said, right?” Taeyeon shakes her head. “Good…cause whatever she told you is a lie.”

“Sooyoung said it also.”

“She what?!” The couple a head of them stops walking due to her outburst. Heads turn and eyes peer over their shoulders back at the two oldest girls. Jessica spins and glares at Sooyoung. “I trusted you with that information and you told her?!” She marches over to her best friend. Index finger directed at the Choi. “You told her?!”

“Well…she didn’t think you wanted her anymore…so how else was I supposed to get the information into her head, huh? You can’t beat around the bush with someone like Taeyeon,” explains Sooyoung while releasing Tiffany’s hand only to hold her own up as a shield. “But I didn’t go into detail. I just said you wanted her. Right, Taeyeon?” She looks over Jessica’s small stature at the girl in the back.

Before the older girl had a chance to say something Jessica’s Korean name was shouted through the air. All four girls turn around and eyes lock onto the man walking their way. Noticing the similarity between him and Jessica, feet move her backwards until she’s standing beside her girlfriend. Hand latches onto Jessica’s; face falls blank.

“Sooyeon, um...” Eyes fall upon Taeyeon. “Your mother called, hollering at me about opening my mouth. She then said you and your sister disappeared last night. Something about the two of you…or the three of you got into an argument.” Hand rubs the back of his neck, “Sooyeon…it wasn’t my idea to force a wedge between you and your mother. It wasn’t my idea to make a rift. Like I said I wanted for her to sit down and explain things before I stepped in.” Taeyeon looks over at her girlfriend for a quick second before turning back to Jessica’s biological father.

“Can we talk about this somewhere other than on the streets?” questions Jessica. “I mean I want to talk about everything…but not here and out in the open anymore. But that doesn’t mean that I want to be alone with you either.”

“You name the place and I’ll be more than willing to sit down with you and talk with you.” He reaches out to touch Jessica when a growl sounds through the group. All eyes fall on the shortest girl amongst them. Hand retracts slowly, dropping to his side. “Right…uh…so where?”

“We were actually on our way to the Center to wait for someone. I guess we can talk there,” she looks at Taeyeon, “right?” Taeyeon nods her head. “Yeah the Center.”

“Do you girls want a ride?”

“I’d rather walk with my friends,” states Jessica, declining the offer. “I need some time to think about things, if you don’t mind. Not like I should care if you mind or not but still.” Head rests on Taeyeon’s shoulder again. Nodding, he slides both of his hands into his pocket. “Thank you.”

“It wouldn’t be right of me to deny you some time to think,” he states, rotating. “I’ll meet you there in a few I guess.”

“Yeah.” He walks away in the direction that he came, leaving them alone. Once he was out of her line of sight, she sighs. “Now…I don’t feel like talking to him. I mean…I do, but at the same time I don’t.”

“If you don’t want to talk then we can go back to the apartment. We can call Yuri from there and tell her to bring Yoona over,” suggests Tiffany. “It’s not his choice as to whether you’re in his life or not, Jessica. Not now at least. It’s your mother’s but since you’re going against Mrs. Jung’s wishes…it’s actually your choice. If you don’t want him in your life…then don’t show. No one is forcing you. I won’t make you. Sooyoung’s not going to force her best friend to do something she doesn’t want to. And the growling delinquent definitely is not going to. So it’s your choice. What do you want to do?”

“Youth Center. I’m not going to make Taeyeon reschedule the only time she can speak to Yoona just because I don’t want to deal with my family issues,” mutters Jessica. She turns and begins walking again, pulling Taeyeon along. “Let’s go.”

“Are you sure?” questions Taeyeon. “I can wait, Sooyeon.”

“No…but Yoona means a lot to the both of us. And I don’t want her ignoring me because of unresolved issues with you, Taeyeon. After a while some of us begin missing the tall sticky fingered bandit.” Tiffany and Sooyoung both nod their head in agreement as they follow after the two older girls. “And I know you miss her the most out of all of us.”

“Yeah Taeyeon,” adds Tiffany, “not having Yoong around is eating you from the inside out. I know it is. It was eating you alive when the Im’s first met you and declared for you to stay away. It was when Yoong left to boarding school, left abroad. So it must be doing so now.” Taeyeon could only sigh. No use in fighting back, right? Not when her sister and girlfriend are ganging up on her about seeing Yoona. It’s not like she would win in this argument anyways especially with the center being only few blocks away.

Taking Taeyeon’s silence as a sign of defeat, the girls continue walking in silence.

Within a few minutes they were standing outside of the place they use to frequent. “Come on,” whispers Jessica; her hand squeezes Taeyeon’s reassuringly. Taking a deep breath, she follows Jessica inside and towards the back where a table was empty. Taking a seat, Taeyeon leans back and closes her eyes. “We just need to wait on Yoona. Yuri told me earlier today in the hallway that Yoona’s getting off early from work.”

“Yoona has a job?” questions Tiffany while pulling out her homework.

“She thinks she’s a car mechanic,” mumbles Jessica while pulling out her phone.

“Her father was a car mechanic,” whispers Taeyeon, opening her eyes. “He worked at a shop that he and a friend of his were planning on buying before everything happened.” She sits up straight, “Yoona’s at that shop, huh?” Jessica nods her head causing for Taeyeon to stand.


“I’m going to go home.” Tiffany looks up at her sister confused. “I know I said I want to talk to her, but I change my mind. Plus I’m behind on sleep and work. So I’m just going to go home.”

“You promised to be there with me when I talk to him,” states Jessica; fingers wrap around her wrist pulling her back down. “Let me talk to him and then we’ll go. I won’t force you to talk to Yoona, though I honestly believe it’s something that you really need to do Taeyeon.” Taeyeon shakes her head, disagreeing with Jessica’s statement. “Taeyeon – “

“I’ll stay because I promised you I would. After that I’m going home.” She takes her seat again just as Jessica’s father stumbles through the doors. “He’s here.”

“I know.” The Jung stands; feet trudge and she slowly approaches the elderly man. “We can sit over there,” she states pointing at another empty table. She leads and he follows. The air was awkward amongst them as they sit opposite of each other. He looks around the center at the kids and teens as she stares at her cell phone screen.

Seconds turn into minutes and she finally whispers, “Did you rape her?” Head snaps back and eyes land on the crown of his daughter’s head. “Did you rape my mom?”

“Is she telling that story?” he questions in return. Shaking his head he sighs, “no, Sooyeon. It may be hard to believe considering my background but no I didn’t rape your mother. Why would I even do something like that when I had girl’s throwing themselves at my feet, hm?” She shrugs her shoulders and looks up at him. “You were conceived like anyone else in this world.”

“Other words I was a mistake?”

“No…you weren’t planned but you’re not a mistake. I could give you the short version of what happened but I think you deserve to listen to the long version. I had a thing for your mother. She had a thing for me when we were younger. She was always trying to change me…I didn’t care for it. I was having the time of my life; I was living life without a care in the world. She ends up dating the Jung instead because I wasn’t willing to give her the time of the day. Have you seen your grandparents? Your grandfather on her side wasn’t someone to play with.” He pauses.

“So how did she end up with you if she started dating dad and had Yunho with him?”

“That’s how. She got pregnant with Yunho. He didn’t want to stick around. He said something about being too young to settle down. And that he couldn’t afford raising a child. Not like I could either but I wasn’t going to let the girl who I liked at the time live alone, you know? Even if Yunho is his son. So I took her in a few months after Yunho was born. I’m the one who raised Yunho for the first few years of his life. I’m the one who told him to be a good older brother and to protect you. You were still in the womb but I would always tell Yunho that you’re special and that you will need his protection until someone else comes along to take over.”

“Why does she call me a child of rape?”

“She ran away with me to America when we were younger. Right after Yunho was born is why, Sooyeon. She left the Jung and her family behind. Didn’t tell a single soul where we were going, except my sister. How else was she supposed to explain the baby bump to her father and future husband? I should be angry, but she was scared of what was going to happen. So she said rape, knowing that I’d be jailed.” Another pause, “your mother took half of my life and my daughter away from me. And all I want is to get to know the child…or adult that I brought into this world. I’m not asking you to move out of your mother’s place. I’m not asking for you to come back to America with me. I’m here for a few weeks until your graduation…then I’m heading back home. I’m just asking for some time in your day to spend with you, to get to know you.”

A frustrated sigh and Jessica sets her phone down before burying her face into her hands. “Sooyeon?”

“I have…I…” she starts unsure of how to form the right words. Taking a deep breath she looks up at her father. “You were a delinquent once, right?” He nods his head, unsure of where his daughter was going with that question. “Were you ever in a gang or of some sort?”

“I was the um…leader of one at the time before I left for America,” he states. “Why?” Jessica looks past him and Taeyeon who was falling asleep in her chair. Glancing over his shoulder, he follows his daughter’s line of sight. “Right…you’re dating a delinquent. She’s in one, isn’t she?”

“Taeyeon wants out,” whispers Jessica. “They won’t let her.”

“That’s a lie. If Taeyeon truly wanted out of her gang, she'd be out by now...unless something is holding her back." He turns back to Jessica. “Is there something holding her back?”

“I don’t know. I didn’t even know that this gang existed until about three weeks ago. She doesn’t really talk about them. I’ve seen her hang out with some people who are probably members but it was only to get some alcohol and some cigarettes. She’s about her family now, her biological family…she was about them when we met. I just…I want her to be happy. I figured that if she’s free maybe she’ll come with me.”


“I got accepted into a university in America. I plan on going a little into break after graduation…kind of wanted Taeyeon to come with me…but she’s not very willing, especially with her family looming over her shoulder.”

“Don’t her sisters have other things to do then to keep her back here?”

“Not them…her family…the gang.” He nods his head, finally getting an understanding of the situation.

“Why’d Taeyeon join something like that in the first place?”

“To protect her sisters. Growing up she didn’t really have any real family to raise her and her sisters. So being the oldest she had to step up to the plate and do it. Why’d you join?” He shrugs his shoulders. He had no real reason; he just did it just to do it and the end he ended up leading them. “So do you know how to get out?”

“No…I’m sorry, Sooyeon.” Her gaze lowers to the table. “Can I ask why you’re dating someone like Taeyeon? I mean how did your mother and the Jung approve of such a thing?”

“Dad didn’t care because I’m not Soojung. And mom was against it, but I didn’t care. And I like Taeyeon for her flaws. I like the fact that she’s willing to change for the people in her life. I love the fact that she’s willing to lay down her life for the people around her and what not.” She smiles a little. “I just really like Taeyeon… I love her.”

“You love her? But you’re in high school.”

“Don’t question my feelings for someone…especially not the ones that I have for Taeyeon. And so what if I’m in high school? You’re going to tell me that I’m not capable of loving Taeyeon because I’m young?” He opens his mouth to respond but Jessica continues speaking, “Don’t…I didn’t listen to my mother when she told me to stop seeing Taeyeon. Didn’t listen to Yunho when he called and told me to stop. And I didn’t listen to Soojung. So there’s no way I’d listen to a man I barely even know. Besides who are you to tell me what I feel about someone, huh?”

“I wasn’t going to tell you you’re too young for love. Love strikes at the most random times, Sooyeon. I was just taken aback by such a confession. That’s all.”


“It’s alright. I understand where all that was coming from. Sort of like when my parents told me that I couldn’t open my own business without a high school diploma or a college degree.” He smiles a little, “fun fact…I just recently visited their grave and laughed at how ridiculous they were back then.” He causes for Jessica to laugh which in turn makes him smile even more.

The happy moment ends quickly as she catches glimpse of Yoona and Yuri entering the building. “I have to go,” she states standing abruptly.

“Oh…okay…do you think it’ll be possible for us to exchange numbers, Sooyeon? I would at least like to be able to contact you via phone if meeting with you isn’t something you’d like.” Dark orbs fall back upon her father’s face. Digging in her pockets she pulls out a pen before grabbing a piece of stray paper on the table. Scribbling her cell number down, she hands him the paper and quickly strides across the room to join the group at the table.

“I don’t want to do this,” mumbles Yoona while looking at Yuri.

“You’re going to. The both of you are going to,” she orders taking her seat next to the oldest girl. “I don’t care if you’re not up for it. I don’t care if neither of you wish to speak to each other after this. That’s a lie…I do care, since your sisters and you two obviously mean so much to each other. But I just want for you both to get everything out in the open. For other people to stop telling their versions of things. Like I said if you Yoona don’t want to talk to Taeyeon after this, then fine since you made the decision on your own accord. Same goes for you Taeyeon.”

“Why here?” questions Yoona.

“Because we don’t want what happened last time to repeat itself,” explains Tiffany. “We were lucky to separate the two of you, but what if it doesn’t work this time, hm? You two were going at it like dogs. Taeyeon had such a tight grip on you and her punches weren’t easing up. You could’ve been dead or she could have been. So that’s why the three of us: me, Jessica and Yuri have come to conclusion of making you guys talk her. That way if anything happens there are adults nearby.” Taeyeon looks at her hands; Yoona looks off to the side again. “Now please…just talk it out. Forgive each other and go about your business. I don’t like having what’s going on. Kyungsan doesn’t like it and he misses his aunties.”

“Why’d you tell Seohyun it was because of me?”

“I never told her I did it because of you. I told them I did it for you,” answers Taeyeon. “You can’t be mad, Yoona. If I didn’t do it there would have been high possibility of us starving to death. If I had to do it again I would…but I’d hope for a different outcome.”

“You killed a man…you’re a murderer and you sent our mother to jail to save your ass.”

“Wrong,” head lifts; eyes lock. “I never touched Mr. Seo with that blade that night. I never touched Seohyun with that blade that night. If anything…I took my jacket off and held it against her wound to try and stop the bleeding…and mom went…mom went on her own accord.” Tongue clicks. “She stumbled upon me in the alley that night, Yoona. Found me trying to save Seohyun. She took over…told me to go home and put you to bed. That she’ll be home later with some good news. And I did what she asked.” Eyes warm up; tears build in the corners but she fights it, not wanting to cry in public. “I went home, put you to bed and crawled into bed beside you. I didn’t know that she touched the blade. I didn’t know that the police was going to come moments later to arrest her. And I didn’t know she was going to take the fall for everything.”

She looks at Jessica, “I can’t do this.”

“Yeah you can,” whispers Jessica. Hand grabs hold of Taeyeon’s; she turns back to Yoona.

“I’m sorry for what happened in the past. I’m sorry that I hurt a friend of yours when I was younger, Yoong. I’m sorry, okay? I apologized to the Seo’s. I even spent time when I was younger doing work for them. Helping Mrs. Seo around the house, especially when you were taken from my life. I thought it was karma coming back to bite me in the ass. I mean…I took someone’s love one from them so it was only fair that you be taken from me.” She groans in frustration. “You think I treat you like crap…but I don’t. At least I try not to.”

“You lie; you pushed me away and what not. How is that not treating me like crap?”

“I just don’t want you to be like me. I didn’t want you to accomplish nothing with your life like me. I can’t even walk down the street without the threat of someone hunting me hanging over my shoulder. And do you think that’s what I wanted for you, of all people? Do you, especially when you’re my favorite sibling, when I’ll do anything for you as seen by my past. I can’t even get out of the family even if I wanted to, but yet I joined something like that to make sure I’d never have to see a single tear from you again.” Jessica squeezes her hand, signaling for her to take a deep breath. “It’s why I force you to study; it’s why I forced you to see Yuri even though I didn’t like her at the time. It’s why I told Mr. Im to take you half way across the world.” Shaking her head, she stands for a second time, snatching away from her girlfriend’s grip. “I can’t do this.” With her hands now in her pockets, Taeyeon leaves the building.

Jessica gives Yoona a look of disappointment before chasing after Taeyeon.

“You’re being unfair,” whispers Yuri. “She’s sitting here apologizing to you and you keep telling her that she treats you like your nothing. Obviously you’re wrong, Yoona. You’re the one treating Taeyeon like she’s nothing. She risked her life for you; she joined a gang for you…she’s not asking for much from you but forgiveness. Yet you can’t even spare your older sister that.” Hands press flat against the edge of the table and she pushes her seat back. “A few weeks ago Taeyeon pushed everyone away from her because she could not being stubborn. You’re doing the same.” Grabbing her backpack, Yuri leaves.

Yoona looks at tiffany who was busily packing her belongings. “Fany…”

“I should be like everyone else right now and leave you alone like how we did with Taeyeon but I’m not. Like Yuri said, Yoong, Taeyeon is apologizing for everything she’s done. She just wants you forgiveness.” Yoona opens her mouth to argue but Tiffany holds her hand up, stopping the younger girl. “You are being really immature. Tell me right now why you won’t forgive Taeyeon?” Yoona looks off to the side. “See, right there means that you don’t have a real reason…so just forgive her, Yoona. Screw what society says about Taeyeon. She’s really sorry about what happened, you know it and I know it.”

“You act like it’s so easy…”

“It is. Look at Taeyeon and Jessica. You act like you’re the only one that Taeyeon’s screwed over in the last few weeks to months. She also treated Jessica, the girl who’s willing to be her girlfriend, like complete and utter trash. But Jessica’s willing to forgive her because Taeyeon means something to her. And I know that Taeyeon means something to you also. Hell, Taeyeon means something to all of us…and we’d all be at a lost if she decides to just leave us one day.”

“As if that’s going to happen…”

“Sulli and Krystal were talking about how Jessica asked Taeyeon to leave with her to America,” all eyes land on Sooyoung. “I guess Jessica’s mom’s wish came true, you know. Jessica’s been accepted to a university over there…and I guess Jessica’s been talking to Taeyeon about it.” Sooyoung pauses, “Jessica did say that you don’t have to speak to your sister after forgiving her, Yoona. We won’t force you to do it. But I think you forgiving her could help Taeyeon in a way.”

“Yeah? How so?”

“Taeyeon came to me after about a week of being alone. She said she thought things over and tried apologizing but with no one talking to her she also thought that changing wasn’t worth it. Jessica’s forgiven her and the only person who’s holding her back is you. Take it from me…I know. It took me a while to forgive Siwon after what he’s done to me…but it took my father even longer. And because of that, Siwon would return to his mood swings.” She looks at Yoona, “do you seriously think that holding a never ending grudge is going to help either of you? It’s a serious waste of time and actions if you ask me.”

“You guys act like you know what it’s like to be Taeyeon’s favorite and to be tossed aside.”

“You seem to forget that I had Taeyeon around twenty four seven and then Jessica came into our lives,” counters Tiffany. “So I sort of know to a certain degree Yoona. You can’t hold her actions against her, not when she’s trying to give you everything in the world.” Yoona moves to argue only to have a hand collide with the back of her head. Rubbing it, she turns to see Jessica standing over her.

“I told you to quit letting your emotions get the best of you. But you can’t even do that…and Taeyeon’s taken off.”

“She probably went home.”

“That’s why she left her phone lying in the middle of an alley as she climbed a wall?” Hands remove Taeyeon’s phone from her pocket. “You don’t get it do you, Yoong? You hold this grudge about Mr. Seo’s death, about lying about your mother and all this other stuff. But no one else does. I’ve forgiven her for the way she’s treated me. Tiffany’s forgiven her. Your mother has forgiven her daughter and you can tell that by the simple fact that she wants to be in both of your lives. And Mrs. Seo has already forgiven her…you’re the only one who hasn't.” Arms cross, “Okay so Taeyeon allowed for your father to take you. She then allowed for the Im’s to keep you away from her…you might not have liked it but think about will you. Where would you be right now if you allowed things to follow through, hm? You’d be somewhere, becoming someone who can turn around and help your family. But you’re not and you’re not helping the situation by being a total ass to Taeyeon.”

“Like you weren’t.”

“It’s different. Everything I do with Taeyeon is different because I’m Taeyeon’s girlfriend, Yoona. You’re her sister. You want Taeyeon to treat you better, to respect you, but it goes both ways Yoona. You can’t just demand it and not give it in return. Taeyeon is trying to be responsible; she trying to at least fix everything that she did wrong.” Fingers pinch the bridge of her nose; eyes close. “I see why it’s so hard now. You two are so alike that you guys can’t get along,” she mumbles to herself, opening her eyes.

“Would you like it if you asked me for forgiveness and I told you no?” Yoona shakes her head. She definitely wouldn’t like something like that. Jessica’s her favorite person outside of her family besides Yuri.

“No, cause I like you. I like your company.”

“And that’s how Taeyeon feels. You’re her little sister. She likes having you around, though she may not be able to fulfill the older sister role, she just does, you know? And hurting you the way she did last week, hurt her. And Taeyeon acknowledges the fact that things can’t go back to the way they were before because of her actions, Yoona. But all she wants is for you to say that you forgive her. It’s all any of us wants.” She takes Yuri’s seat. “You’re a delinquent or a reformed delinquent…so you know how things work. All of us do…with a threat hanging over all of our shoulders we need the group together because there is strength in numbers. Sure some of us have never actually been in a fight before, and yes some of us will probably blank out or **** our pants at the sight of a gun, but so what. We need each other to get through all of this until Key is jailed and Taeyeon is free. Until then…anyone of us could be attacked…and do you really want to hear from someone that Taeyeon was gunned down in the street because she didn’t have her left hand woman with her to help her?”

“So I’m just supposed to forget everything and act like it never happened?”

“No or yes. It’s your choice you can forget all this every happened. Or you could remember and use it to help build your relationship…to learn how to fix all the cracks and breaks in your relationship. Look, don’t look at this as a thing just about Taeyeon. I mean right now it is, but what happens when you and Yuri become official and you guys have an argument? Some things in a relationship have to give. You learn that you must forgive the other and learn from your mistakes. Me and Taeyeon are doing so. Sooyoung and Tiffany are doing it.”

“If I don’t want to talk to her after this – “

“We won’t force you. I’ll make sure Yuri doesn’t…but all I could hope for is that you do talk to Taeyeon. Out of all of us, you’re the only one who could be useful in a fight.”

“Fany’s knocked a few girls out before.” All eyes fall upon the Hwang who just shrugs her shoulders.

“You know what I mean.”

“I’ll think about it.” Jessica nods her head and allows for Yoona to stand and exit the building.

“Any clue where Taeyeon could be?” questions Tiffany worried.

“I hope the library. I’m going to head over there. You guys check the apartment. Call me if you hear or see anything.”


Hanging up, she slides the phone into her pocket as she turns to watch her girlfriend play with her sister’s pet. Sighing, she kneels down getting her girlfriend attention. “She hasn’t found Tae yet. She says she went to the library and to Tae’s work.” Sooyoung’s face falls blank; reaching out she rubs circles into Tiffany’s back. “I feel useless again,” she whispers. “I mean Taeyeon’s my sister. Taeyeon is like my best friend. I knew so much about her and now it’s like I know nothing because I can’t tell her girlfriend where she runs and hides.”

“You’re not useless if you don’t know. You just don’t know. Who exactly knows Taeyeon inside out other than Taeyeon herself?” Tiffany could only blink. “Taeyeon told me herself that there are things that she keeps from Jessica for specific reasons. So maybe this is just something she didn’t want anyone to know, you know? I mean...”

Tiffany places a quick kiss against Sooyoung’s cheek. “I understand.” She stands and extends a hand. “Now let’s go. I have to get Kyungsan before your mother decides to yell at me for being a bad parent.” Sooyoung takes the hand, allowing for the smaller girl to pull her up. Smiling, she turns her attention to Dog.

“Alright...Jess-Sooyeon says for you to stay out of trouble. If you make a mess she’s going to punish you, understand?” A whimper emits from the canine; her head lowers. “Good.” Turning back to the Choi, “let’s go now or me and Kyungsan will have to travel in the dark to get home.”

“You can just stay,” suggests Sooyoung. Tiffany gives the younger girl a weird look. “That way you won’t have to catch a bus with Kyungsan at night. We both know it’s not safe...but even if we do get to my place before nightfall what is there to say that it won’t get dark when the two of you get on a bus. Besides it’ll just save us all time in the morning when Kyungsan has to get dropped off before school and what not. So just stay...”

“It’s awkward,” states Tiffany while walking through the front door. She waits for Sooyoung to exit before shutting the door and locking it. “You can’t tell me that you don’t sense or feel the awkwardness at your place when we show up together. I mean I love the offer, Sooyoung but I don’t want to put ourselves in that awkward position.” Giving Sooyoung’s hand a tug, she begins leading her to the stairs.

“Are you’re ashamed-”

“No. What I’m saying is everything is still awkward amongst me and your family.” She takes a deep breath. “I’m mean come on...I dated your brother. I had his child. And now I’m dating’ll be awkward to stay the night at your place, let alone in your room with Kyungsan when my ex is sleeping across the hall. Not to mention that’s where I would sleep some nights and that’s where Kyungsan was you know...” Sooyoung releases Tiffany’s hand. They stop midway down the first flight of stairs. “Sooyoung. Sooyoung...what’s wrong?”

“Kyungsan is my son and I don’t want him out at night. Not with your sister out of the picture. Just stay,” mumbles Sooyoung in return. Tiffany attempts to speak but Sooyoung continues. “So what if it’s a little awkward at my place? It’s awkward everywhere isn’t it? I mean to everyone else you’re dating your ex’s younger what different does it make if you stay at my place? Jinri doesn’t care. Minho isn’t there. Dad is preoccupied with other things. And Siwon has a class tonight.”

“Your mother thinks that I’m a horrible mother; she thinks I can’t take care of my own son. I don’t know where I went wrong, Sooyoung. You see how she tells me I’m doing things wrong with Kyungsan. I’m trying; you know I’m trying. So that’s what makes it awkward. I don’t know if it’s because she’s no longer in denial about what happened between you and Siwon and Siwon and me, or because she truly thinks I’m a horrible mother but it’s awkward. And what I said before doesn’t really help the situation.” She pauses; she looks down the stairs. “You have to understand that...I’m uncomfortable staying at your house for too long. And I’m sorry if it hurts you, but I don’t think I’ll be able to stay the night.”

“Then Kyungsan stays and you can go home.” Sooyoung pushes past Tiffany, moving quickly down the stairs and causing for the older girl to reach out for her.

“Sooyoung...don’t be mad at me,” she whispers, wrapping her fingers around the Choi’s wrist. Sooyoung huffs. “Sooyoung, look at me please.” A quick glance over her shoulder, “Listen to me, please.” Shrugging her shoulders, Sooyoung turns fully to stare the older girl. “You’re mad. I hurt your feelings. But what do you want from me? I’m trying...we’re trying. You can’t rush should know that by now by watching my sisters-”

“I’m not rushing you. I just don’t want you or him out tonight. Your sister is gone. Word is going to spread fast. You know that. I don’t want you two hurt that is all. I’m not trying to rush anything. I’m not trying to make anything awkward. I figured we’d just stay in my room through the night and leave for school in the morning.”

Tiffany bites her lips. Taking a deep breath, she slips her hand down, linking their fingers. “How about we get Kyungsan and we go back to my mom’s apartment for the night?” Sooyoung shakes her head. “You’re not being fair.”

“Why should I? You’re putting him in danger. So either you stay at my place or go home and let me watch him. He doesn’t need to leave. What’s the point of travel through the night to get to your place only to bring him back in less than twelve hours?” Tiffany’s face falls blank. She sighs; Sooyoung was right. Sooyoung is right. There is no point in traveling with him. And the awkwardness shouldn’t be a big deal since they have to live with it constantly. Another sigh and she nods her head, gripping Sooyoung’s hand tightly.


“Okay what?”

“Okay I’ll stay at your house. What did you think I said okay for?” Sooyoung shrugs her shoulder. “Alright then…Daddy Sooyoung…let’s go to your place.” A brow arches on the Choi’s face. “You’re right…and even though I still feel uncomfortable about things…you’re right. So instead of putting him in danger with Taeyeon being out of the picture the best thing would be to stay at your place for the night. And you live closer to the school.” Sooyoung’s lips twitch upwards. “What’s with the smile?”

“You listen to my advise but not my decisions…it’s just a little weird. It feels great also to be right for once, you know?”

Tiffany scoffs and rolls her eyes. “Whatever…lets go.”


They sit quietly side by side. Neither was sure what to say to the other, especially after what happened not so long ago. Head tilts back and eyes search the night sky for stars. Hands delve into her pockets. Sighing she asks, “How’d you find me?”

“It’s not that hard to locate you,” whispers Yoona in return. “We might not like this park because of the danger that surrounds it but this park is a part of our life. It’s where I...where we would play when we were younger. It’s where you would take me so that I can get away from our home back then.” She looks down at the grass beneath her feet. “I thought that you might be here because of me, really. I mean with Tiffany you’d run to Jessica. With Jessica you’d run home to be a lone...” An awkward silence begins to settle upon them. “I can’t forgive matter what any of them say. They’re not me; they don’t understand my position in all of this.” She pauses for a moment. “So what if you apologized to everyone else. That’s their decision to accept it. But”

“I what? I neglect you some times. I give away you away so you can have a better life. Isn’t that something that I’m supposed to do, Yoona? Isn’t it my job as head of our family to make sure everyone will life a comfortable life in the future. To help them succeed?” She grunts, lowering her gaze onto her sister. “Is it wrong that that’s all I want for you of all my siblings Yoona?”

“Well what if that’s not what I want?”

“Well what do you want? To live a life like mine?” Yoona clicks her tongue. “Well what then, huh? What do you want? If you don’t want to get a good education and have enough money in your pocket to live happily, then what is it you want in life Yoona?”

“Never mind...I don’t even know why I came here. All you’re doing is nagging and lecturing me - “

“I just want what’s best for you,” growls Taeyeon in frustration. “I want to know that if somehow and someway something happens to me that you’re fine and taken care of. I know Tiffany will be okay. She has her parents. She has her mother and if not that then I know the Choi’s will take care of her. But for you...I don’t know what’s going to happen to you. Yeah sure you have mom but what’s to say she doesn’t resort back into her old methods, huh? Then who’s going to take care of you? Not our aunt. The way she would be little me sometimes...” Fingers rake through her hair. “You don’t get you?”

“What’s there to get, Taeyeon. It’s my life, you know? I should be able to decide things for myself. And one thing that I decided when I finally got to see you again after so many years, was to not have my life go back to the way it was. I have family, real family...and is it that bad that I want to be with them? To have memories to keep and to hold with them?” Taeyeon looks off to the side. “You’re right...I shouldn’t want a life like yours. And I don’t...I don’t want one like yours but I know that I want to have a life in which I can spend time with my older sister. Is that so much to ask for?”

“So I’m just supposed to let everything I did go to waste. Is that what you’re stating Yoona? Do you not understand the severity of my actions? I’ve ruined my life to ensure you a better one. I’ve thrown it away. I can’t even-Sooyeon wants to leave to America and she wants me to go with but I can’t even do that because I wanted something better for you. I have no life now. In fact I ruined other peoples for you....I beat a man until he was senseless. I had a hand in taking away someone’s father, someone’s husband just so you could live comfortably.”

“I never asked you to do those things.”

“You didn’t have to. I’m your sister...I should be doing those things for you!” She hops off the bench and faces the younger girl. Nose flares. Inhale. Exhale. “I have nothing else to say to you. Screw seeking forgiveness. What’s the point when I’m never going to receive such a thing? Im Yoona can’t forgive me; she won’t because to her I’m the big bad wolf. I’m nothing but a stupid cold blooded murder. I’m not her older sister who did things to support the both of us. To support her.” Foot comes in contact with a rock and she sends it flying across the field. “You can forget about my apology. I’m taking it back. I’m not sorry I was trying to do something good for us. I should have left us to starve in that damn home. None of us would be here but at the same time I wouldn’t have made your life so horrible. I mean what kind of person wants to actually be adopted into a well off family? What kid doesn’t want the best education and money to fall back on? Who does want a security net?”

“You think this is some sort of joke.”

“No!” A finger points at the younger girl. “You think this is a joke! You’re clearly not understanding anything, Yoona.”

“Yeah I do. You want me to forgive you for everything you’ve done not only to me but to the people who I obviously care about. But it’s not as simple as that. I can’t forgive you because like you said about mom...what’s there to say that you won’t turn back into the thing you were before. Everyone says you’ve changed, but come on. Really? In a week? Reality is a person can’t change in a week. I know it. You know it. So why should I forgive you if all of this might repeat itself, huh? Tell me...please explain to me.”

Fists curl and she wants so much as to hit the girl sitting before it. But she can’t; she won’t. Eyes close and head shakes. That’s not who she is anymore. She’s not going to hit her sister. She’s not going to lay her hands on Yoona. Inhale. Exhale. Repeat. Slowly opening her eyes, she stares at the doe like ones that were watching her. “ want to hit what does that tell you?”

“But I didn’t...that should tell you something totally different.” Yoona scoffs.

“So you held back this time...what’s to say you won’t next time, huh?” A growls leaves from between the Kim’s lips.

“The fact that I’m your sister. The fact that I care about you, Yoona. Okay so I made one drunken mistake, but I’m not to blame for the beating I gave you. You provoked me just like you’re doing now. But doesn’t the fact that I’d do anything proven by my past override that?” She sighs and looks off to the side at a tree. “I’m sorry, okay. I’m really, really sorry. And I don’t know what else to do or what else to say to you Yoona so you can see how sorry I am. And you’re right some people can’t change in a week, but some people can when they learned that they hurt some of the most important people in their lives.”

The silence finally settles and both girls drop their heads to stare at the dying grass. What could they possibly say at this point. The younger girl is just dead seat on not forgiving her or anything. “Yoong-” The sound of a twig breaking causes for both girls’ heads to snap up and turn in the direction of the noise.

Index finger raises and she places it against her lips, telling Yoona to be quiet. Yoona nods her head, climbing off the picnic table. Her phone slips from her pocket going unnoticed to both girls’ eyes. Heads turn; eyes scan their surroundings.

She picks up the silhouette of a few hooded figures. Arm swipes out pushing Yoona behind her as the figures emerge from the shadows. Yoona looks at the smaller girl in front of her. “What do you want?” questions Taeyeon; her eyes never leaves them.

A hand reaches up, pulling down the hood and revealing Key to the sisters. Taeyeon’s face falls blank while her hands curl into fists. “I didn’t think I’d get both sisters in one night. Kind of wished the American one was here to join you guys.” The sister each take a step back. “You know...I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” He stops walking. “We can go about this however it is you want, Kim.” She remains quiet. Knowing what he’s done to her brother, it was her only option if she wants to see both herself and Yoona walk away from her unscathed.

The group circles around both girls; her jaw clenches. Looking over her shoulder she stares her sister in the eyes. “If...this breaks into a My only order and my only wish, Yoona,” she whispers. Yoona shakes her head. There was no way she’d leave Taeyeon to fight all of them off. She was barely able to do that on her own last year, so there is no way that her sister who’s been lacking in the physical department could. “Yoona...please...I already had to bury Taemin...”

“Yeah well leaving you alone means I’d have to bury you.” Groaning she turns back to Key, catching the glint of a blade in his hand.

“Why are you looking for me? Is this about the money that Soojung owed you?” Key laughs and shakes his head. “So this is because I made you lose some rep when I kicked your ass after you went after Yoona? That’s why you’re after me, huh? It’s why you went after Taemin, isn’t it?”

“Why else would a gang member as myself go after another from a different group? Especially when talk of the streets is Kim Taeyeon herself is a lieutenant? Or the fact that Kim Taeyeon might be promoted to something greater?” Eye brows raise. Promotion? But she wants out. She wants nothing to do with any of it. Plus she hasn’t been very active since she began spending time with Yoona and even more so after Jessica came into her life. “Short Iron Fist Kim made a laughing stock out of me when I was dealer. Then she makes things worse by kicking my-why am I explaining this. After I kill you it won’t even matter.”

Feet brace her body for the incoming attacks. Arms rise defensively. Key scoffs. “You didn’t actually think I was going to fight you?” He moves to the side; eyes remain on Taeyeon and vice versa. “I mean I would but I was taught not to hit girl.”

“Some wannabe you are,” retorts Taeyeon. “Try to be a dealer and lost your supply plus your money. Now you want to play big bad gang member and yet you’re not the one to fight me.” She looks at his crew. “You guys must be stupid to let him take the prize if you guys beat me. He didn’t do anything and yet they’ll probably pay him in cash, higher ranking and what not. Isn’t that what you guys want?”

Heads turn to Key who was now glaring at the Kim and Im. She swallows the saliva that has collected in her mouth. “You think you’re funny.”

“Look can we just kick your ass and get this over with?” questions Yoona from behind Taeyeon. “Always with these stupid speeches and what not. If you’re going to be from the street, screw the speech and get to the fist throwing. We don’t have all day. We have our own issues to settle.”

“Yoona-” Her scolding comes to a quick end as she dodges the first punch. So much for trying to get out alive.



a heavy sigh, she pushes open the front door to be greeted by the sight of her mother only to groan. Patience is running thin and because of that she doesn’t want to deal with whatever it is that her mother wants to discuss. She closes the door and attempts to make a beeline past her mother but the elderly woman steps in her way. “What now?” she mutters. Annoyance spread across her face.

Arms quickly wrap around her figure, pulling her into a tight embrace as a “congratulations,” enters her ears. Blinking, she pulls away from her mother. Annoyance disappears allowing for confusion to take its place. Mrs. Jung smiles a little. “You got in…” Hand move to hold her daughter’s head and she leans in placing a kiss on Jessica’s forehead. “I’m so proud of you.”

“You went through my room? Through my mail?” Jessica snatches away, anger becoming more evident.

“I was doing laundry when I saw it. Does it matter? I mean you got in. This is what we wanted. We should be celebrating right now, Sooyeon. Not this. I made your favorites for dinner.” Mrs. Jung turns and heads towards the kitchen. “How about you call Sooyoung, Taeyeon and Yoona over to celebrate with us.” Jessica shakes her head in response even though her mother couldn’t see it. “By the way…where’s Soojung?”

“Off with Jinri somewhere.” She watches her mother curiously. “Do you think that by cooking my favorite food and whatnot is going to make up for the fact that you’ve been lying to me all this time?” Her mother stops in her tracks. “And you’re not even questioning me about what happened to Krystal last night. Have you decided to blind yourself again and return to your happy freaking world?” She spins. “I mean…its one thing to try and act like our discussion didn’t happen but to act like your other daughter is fine.”

“What do you want from me, Sooyeon?” Mrs. Jung throws her hands up in the air. “I…what do you want from me? When you were younger you didn’t want constant attention, so I left you alone. I leave you alone to grow on your own you tell me that I’m not being a good mother and neglecting you. So I try to be a good mother by protecting you from the wrong people, you say it’s suffocating. You say I’m too controlling. So I let things go…I allowed for you to date Taeyeon; I didn’t even stop you from moving half of your belongings to her place.” She takes a deep breath. “I’m doing everything I could possibly think of but none of it seems to be making you happy…so please tell me what it is in this world that you want from me? Do you want me to treat you like a little kid? Do you want me to treat you like an adult? Do you want me to act like we’re not even mother and daughter? What do you want?”

Jessica could only scoff. “So it’s my problem? Everything is always my problem right? You’re miserable marriage, the fact that my siblings are screw ups…everything.”

“That’s not what I said and you know. I’m just confused as to what to do with you. How am I supposed to act around you, because obviously you don’t want me to play the part of your mother? But at the same time you do. So what? Do you want me out of your life? What do you want?”

Eyes roll and she heads down the hall. “Sooyeon” She follows her daughter to her room. “We’re not done talking. You just can walk away in the middle of a conversation that you don’t like. The world doesn’t work like that.”

Huffing, she turns and faces her mother. “You want to talk…then fine, we’ll talk. You called me a child of rape. He says it’s a lie you started to protect yourself from the wrath of your father. How could you call me a child of rape?! I’m your daughter! Do you know what it’s like to be called a child a rape when you’re not?!”

Mrs. Jung takes a deep breath, enters the room and closes the door behind herself. “I never called you a child of rape. I said he raped me. You and everyone else assume that you’re a child of rape.” Quick strides across the room and she takes a seat upon the bed patting the space beside her. The middle child shakes her head. “Fine…but if you must know…no you weren’t conceive from the rape. You were conceived from one of the countless of nights of hormonal rages.” Jessica’s eyes widen, “but your father did rape me. He didn’t take no for an answer one night. Look, sure your father may be a changed man now, but at the time that’s what I thought also. And then he did what he did.”

Jessica scoffs again, making her way to her desk. “So you don’t believe me?”

“I have no idea what to believe anymore. I keep getting only half of the story. What is there for me to believe, hm? You say one thing; he says another. But what he says sounds so much more sincere than what you’re saying.”

“I met him when we were young; we were about the same age as you and Taeyeon were. He caught my eye because he was something that your grandfather didn’t approve of.” She swivels in her seat. Why was her mom telling her something like this? “I started hanging out with him and his friends as a way to get on your grandfather’s nerves. Push comes to shove and the next thing I knew…I fell for him. But he didn’t want me, or at least that’s what he kept saying. So I got with your other father. One mishap and the next thing I knew I was pregnant with Yunho.”


Her mom holds up a hand and continues talking. “Yunho’s father didn’t want him. He didn’t want a child and I was afraid to tell my father that I had gotten pregnant out of wedlock. So I went to your father…I told him what happen. We waited until after Yunho was born. And the next thing I know the both of us were on a plane to America.”

“Why are you telling me this?”

“To show you that even though he says he’s changed, that he can and will resort back to his old ways. He was in a gang before we went to America. Your father was the leader of it. But he gave it all up to raise Yunho is a different place. Then you were conceived…you were born. And shortly afterwards did he fall back into his old habits: stealing, fighting, smoking and drinking. He was always getting arrested. He always left me alone with you and Yunho. And then one night he wouldn’t take no for an answer. I didn’t know what to do after that but to call your grandfather and tell him what happened.”

“You made his life a living hell. You put him in jail.”

“I didn’t know that was going to happen. I didn’t want to live that life. I thought things were going to be different. That he was going to be different, Sooyeon. But it didn’t. So the only thing I could do-“

“Was call daddy and not only ruin his life but mine also, by not clearing up what happened.” She spins again to face the wall this time. “So because you wanted nothing to do with him, I had to be kept out of the loop. And if he never had the gut to search me out here…I would have gone through life not knowing until he said something.” She leans back and closes her eyes.


She shakes her head again. “I can’t do this…I can’t…” she swallows the saliva that had collected in her mouth. Fingers run through her hair. She blinks, fighting back the tears that were building. Inhale. Exhale. It was frustrating to her. Everything is frustrating. Abruptly standing, she moves about the room, grabbing clothes and slinging them into a spare backpack.

“Sooyeon,” Mrs. Jung calls out softly.

Jessica stops in her tracks. “I’m going to Taeyeon’s place. I don’t want to stay here.” With that she zips up the backpack, opens the door and disappears out the room.


A gun goes off; the noise spreads quickly throughout the dark. Everyone’s movement comes to a halt. Heads turn; eyes land on Taeyeon and Key.

A gun? How did a gun get here? When did it come? Everyone had fists, knives, razors, and chains. There was no gun. Key only flashed a knife before they attacked.

She watches as her sister lurches, as Taeyeon’s left hand grips her chest. The older girl staggers some. Legs give out and Taeyeon falls to her knees. Both sisters look at Taeyeon’s shaky hand and two sets of eyes meet the sight of red upon that small hand.

“Taeng,” she calls out. Taeyeon raises her gaze looking her directly in the eye prior to collapsing upon the grass. Pushing the person who she was currently fighting off away, Yoona quickly sprints to her sister, dropping to her knees. Eyes quickly trace over the older girl’s form as panic and fear begins to set it. Taeyeon continuously gasps for air for the pain was becoming unbearable. It felt as if a bomb had exploded in her chest; her lungs feels as if they were on fire all while feeling like something was smashing them. “Taeng...” Swallowing whatever it was at the back of her throat, the Kim turns her head taking one last look at her sister as her vision slowly fades away. “Taeng.”

Head shaking, Yoona begins patting her sister’s face trying to get her to stay conscious. “Taeng...come on...” She moves about; hand grips the older girl’s shoulder shaking her. “Taeng...please, come on Taeng...please.” Voice comes out in a whimper as eyes trace over the older girl’s face. No response. “Taeng please...come on you short idiot. Who’s going to be around to protect me, huh? Who’s going to force me into getting a good life, huh?” Warmth spreads throughout both eyes; tears build readying themselves to break free. The words she so much wants to speak halt, collecting at the back of her throat as her attention trails to the small amount of blood that was flowing from her sister’s lips.

“Taeng...come on, please.” Doe eyes trail back to her sister’s wide open ones. “Please...” Arms fling wildly slipping from the sleeves of her jacket. Folding it as quickly as she can, she presses the cloth like material against the wound in the Kim’s chest. “Come on Taeng...please don’t. Not now. I need you. Fany needs you. Kyungsan needs you. I mean I haven’t even gotten a chance to say you’re apologize. Taeng, please...come on...”

She looks over her shoulder; gone. They were all gone. They left, leaving her sister here to die. Eyes flickers back and forth scanning their surroundings. “Help! Please!” she shouts hoping that someone walking past their hiding spot would hear her. “Help!” Eyes fall back on Taeyeon. “Come on your eyes. Say something...anything, please.” Still no response comes from the older girl. “Taeyeon.” Her voice sounds more desperate. “What about Jessica huh? You’re just going to leave your girlfriend like this? She needs you, you know?” She swallows the lump. “You can’t just lie here Taeng and give up. It’s not you. You’re not soft. Taeng...come on!”

Tears finally break free, falling upon her hands. “Kim Taeyeon...don’t do this! Please don’t do this...Help! Someone, please help!” Color drains from her sister’s skin. “Damn it, Tae! You can’t do this!” Voices cracks; arms become shaky. Blood stains her hands. A deep frustrated growl leaves her lips. This couldn’t happen; it’s not supposed to happen. More pressure is applied to the wound and she casts a glance over her shoulder once again. Doe orbs zoom about in hopes of locating her phone. It has to be around her somewhere, right? She had it before the scuffle. And it fell, so it has to be somewhere close by, right?

Nothing. She sees nothing. Head drops and shakes; eyes close. “No,” it was a meek whisper. Bottom lips quiver.

“ on...” Opening them, she stares at her sister with a blurry vision. “Come on’re a fighter...we’re fighters. We need you. Don’t bail on us now...please.” Inhale. Exhale. “Come on...I forgive you...I’m sorry for being so stubborn. I’m sorry for not believing you...I’m sorry....I’m just so ****ing come on, Tae...please...I can’t lose you...”


Sooyoung pulls the door open, finding Jessica on the other side. “Sica?”

“Was going to go back to Taeyeon’s apartment but then I figured I may as well wait here for Soojung to return before I go,” explains Jessica while entering the Choi house. Dropping her backpack at the front door and walking towards the couch, she takes a seat beside Tiffany and Kyungsan crossing her arms. Sooyoung closes the door and joins the girls by taking a seat on the floor.

“Argument with your mom?” questions Tiffany. Jessica nods her head; eyes landing on the giggling boy on the Hwang’s lap. “About your dad?” Another nod of the head, “you should go back and talk to her. No, you shouldn’t do that. You should call your dad and then sit down and have a talk with all of them.”

“Not going to…” Her voice trails off as the picture being displayed on the television catches her eye. “Soo…turn it up.”

Scrambling across the floor, the eldest Choi daughter reaches out and turns the volume up. “Breaking news. We have reports that a gang fight broke out earlier this evening at Children’s Park. Shots were reportedly fired. And there are reports of a victim who’s currently in critical condition. We’ll take you there-“

She didn’t have to see much; all she needed a glimpse of was the scene, of the people. All it took was the sight of Taeyeon’s right hand woman and that was enough. “Turn it off. Come on…let’s go.”

“Where are we-“ starts Tiffany only to have Jessica interrupt.

“That’s was Taeyeon. The victim is Taeyeon.”


Light footsteps slither their way into her ears, causing for her to look up. Eyes lock onto the form of here visitor and a small sad smile forms. Nodding her head, her gaze drops back down. She could feel the other girl looking around the room. And she knows what her girlfriend’s sister was looking at. Tiffany was looking at the exact same thing that everyone else had come to see: an empty room. Clothes packed; books stored away and pictures placed in boxes, leaving her room to look barren. “Wow…Yoong wasn’t kidding when she said you packed.” She raises her head and looks at the Hwang. “So…I take it you’re really leaving?”

“Yeah,” was all Jessica could say.


“School, duh. And I had started to believe that you were smarter than that.”

“You know what I mean.”

“You’re sister wouldn’t be too happy if I missed my first semester of college.” Tiffany scoffs. “Why are you here Tiffany?” Pulling her hands from behind her back, she brings forth a small wrapped gift. “What is that?” questions Jessica as Tiffany hands it to her.

“Well, when Yoong and Soo told me that you’ve finished packing and will be leaving in less than a week or so, I thought you’d want a parting gift. It’s something to remember me and my sisters by.” Fingers delicately remove the wrapping paper, revealing a frame with a picture of the three sisters inside. “I figured you didn’t have a picture of Taeyeon or Yoona. And that’s the only one I have with the two of them truly smiling. It’s the only picture that that they took willingly.” Jessica’s eyes trace over her girlfriend’s face and the sad smile appears again. “Like it?”

Nodding her head, she looks up at Tiffany, “thank you.”

“Anything for our mom…even if she is leaving us on our own.”

“Quit calling me your mom. It makes me feel old. And I’m not even twenty yet.” She looks back at the picture. “How old is this? Taeyeon’s hair is long and she’s got a lit cigarette.”

“I think is a year or two before you showed up in our lives,” explains Tiffany, taking a seat beside Jessica. “It was on Taeyeon’s birthday. Just the three of us celebrated it. It was the first year since Yoona’s return in her life.” Jessica smiles even more. “So...”


“We’re going to miss you. I think Yoong and Soo will miss you the most.” A brow arches on Jessica’s face. “I’ll miss you also. Kyungsan will miss his auntie very much.” Jessica laughs.

“You act like I won’t try to visit you guys during the holidays. My sister is still here…and I also promised her I wouldn’t leave her. Besides there’s always the phone…and internet, so if any of you want to talk…just call or drop me an email or something.” Tiffany nods her head, standing.

“Thank you, Jessica.” A confused look crosses Jessica’s face. “Thank you for straightening out my family. You know…I was scared that none of us would make it past our teen years. But then you came; you set Yoona straight and you gave Tae a chance for a better life. So thank you.” Arms wrap around Jessica’s shoulders, causing for the Jung to tense up. “Thank you,” Tiffany backs up and smiles.

Taking a step back, “Now...when you come back…I better not have a new ‘dad’. That’s Tae’s position.”

“I wouldn’t cheat on Taeyeon,” Jessica stands and leads Tiffany to the front door. Opening it, she leans against the piece of wood. “You or Yoona will call me right? I mean in a week, the two of you will inform me when they remove the-“

“Do you think we wouldn’t?” Jessica shrugs her shoulders. “Well, goodbye Jessica.” Eyes drop to the canine that joins them at the door. “Bye, Dog.” Kneeling down, Tiffany runs her fingers through the black coat. “Behave in America…and remember to protect Jessica…or else Taeyeon will be very mad at you, alright.” A small yelp and Tiffany stands. “Have fun…but not too much fun. Sooyoung says you liked to party…remember you’re Taeyeon’s and Taeyeon’s only.”

“I know. Tell Sooyoung and Yoona I said hi, will you?” Nodding her head, the Hwang disappears through the front door. And with a heavy sigh, Jessica shuts it, turning to face Dog. “Come on…let’s go find something to eat.”


“Yoona,” she whispers while trying to keep pace with the younger girl. “Yoona…slow down. Where are we going?” Yoona ignores her questions; eyes scanning her surroundings looking for her destination. Finding it, hand blindly reaches back grabbing hers. “Yoona where are we-why are we going down an alley?”

Yoona looks over her shoulder at Yuri, placing the index finger of her free hand to her lips. Yuri groans. Something wasn’t right. Something doesn’t feel right. They shouldn’t be walking around this neighborhood and they definitely shouldn’t be sneaking into an alley. “Yoo…na…” All questions disappear at the sight of group of teens and young adults all crowding around something. Taking a better look, Yuri catches a glimpse of legs and arms swinging. “They’re beating someone-“

“Key,” states Yoona. “They got Key.” Taking a deep breath, Yoona shakily approaches them. She squeezes the Kwon’s hand trying to find some sort of confidence. She stops just a few feet away from them, causing for them to stop and stare at her.

“Baby Alligator,” the man leaning against the wall, pushes off and approaches both girls. “I didn’t think you’d come.” Feet stop and eyes trace over Yoona and Yuri. “Then again Kim is your older sister…and it’s only fair to get back at the punk who shot her, right?”

“Yoona…Yoona you’re not here to get him, are you?” questions Yuri, turning to look at the Im. Yoona avoids her gaze. “Yoona, please tell me that this is a joke?” No response. “Taeyeon wouldn’t approve of this.” She turns to the leader, “You know Taeyeon doesn’t want her doing this type of stuff.” He just flashes her a smile and turns to look at Yoona.

“Is he here? Or are you guys beating someone else?”

“Always straight to the point, much like your sister,” speaks the leader. Looking over his shoulders, he gaze at his followers. And with a flick of the wrist, two of the members pull forth a body dropping it on the ground. “Just like you asked.” Doe eyes lock onto Key’s figure as he squirms around, getting on his knees; eyes trapped behind a cloth and wrists bound by rope. The leader steps forward, removing a gun from a members hand and handing it over to her, only to snatch it back. “A deal’s a deal. We give you Key and pay for Kim’s bills…”

“In return for my service, yeah I know that. Let me have it.” Irritation laces her voice. All she wants is the gun in her hand, the trigger pulled, and a bullet in Key’s head. She wants him to pay in the same way that Taemin did, the same way that her sister did. Smiling, he sets the gun in her hand before taking a step back.

Yuri steps in front of her. “Yoona don’t. Do you think this is something that your sister wants?” Yoona looks at the piece of metal in her hand. She fidgets a little at the weight and the coldness of its touch. “Yoona…Yoona don’t.”

“I have to step up,” whispers Yoona. “I have to protect my family. Taeyeon’s not here to do it. And if he loose it’ll only mean danger for us, for you and the Choi’s and Jessica’s sister. I don’t want that and Taeyeon doesn’t want it. So something has to happen.”

“Yeah but Taeyeon doesn’t want this life for you. Yoona listen to me.” Yuri reaches for the gun only to have Yoona snatch it away. “Yoona, please. Don’t do this. Did you not see what happened to your sister’s life when she got involved with them? You go after him and someone will go after you. Life is just going to repeat itself. He got what he wanted. He got Taeyeon…let it be. Don’t let this consume you.”

“Her bills…we-“

“We’ll find something. We always have. The Chois and the Jungs will help. Jessica’s biological father will more than likely pitch in. And if that’s not enough…then your mother, your adoptive mother will more than likely help. She loves you; she adores you.” Yoona shakes her head. No. Reaching out, she pushes Yuri behind herself. Feet carry her body within inches of the squirming boy. Lifting her arm, she points the barrel taps against his forehead.

Hand shakes. “Yoona…don’t. Please don’t,” begs Yuri from behind her. Eyes flicker to the man beside her then back to Key. Inhale. Exhale. Eyes close and she gathers her mind, reopening them. Licking her lip, she looks off the side. Index finger pulls back. The sound of the bullet firing echoes throughout the alleyway and the streets as Key’s body slumps to the floor.

A hand clamps down upon her shoulder; smile stretches across the leaders face. “Baby Alligator…welcome to The Family.”


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