Part 4

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Light footsteps slither their way into her ears, causing for her to look up. Eyes lock onto the form of here visitor and a small sad smile forms. Nodding her head, her gaze drops back down. She could feel the other girl looking around the room. And she knows what her girlfriend's sister was looking at. Tiffany was looking at the exact same thing that everyone else had come to see: an empty room. Clothes packed; books stored away and pictures placed in boxes, leaving her room to look barren. "Wow...Yoong wasn't kidding when she said you packed." She raises her head and looks at the Hwang. "So...I take it you're really leaving?"

"Yeah," was all Jessica could say.


"School, duh. And I had started to believe that you were smarter than that."

"You know what I mean."

"You're sister wouldn't be too happy if I missed my first semester of college." Tiffany scoffs. "Why are you here Tiffany?" Pulling her hands from behind her back, she brings forth a small wrapped gift. "What is that?" questions Jessica as Tiffany hands it to her.

"Well, when Yoong and Soo told me that you've finished packing and will be leaving in less than a week or so, I thought you'd want a parting gift. It's something to remember me and my sisters by." Fingers delicately remove the wrapping paper, revealing a frame with a picture of the three sisters inside. "I figured you didn't have a picture of Taeyeon or Yoona. And that's the only one I have with the two of them truly smiling. It's the only picture that that they took willingly." Jessica's eyes trace over her girlfriend's face and the sad smile appears again. "Like it?"

Nodding her head, she looks up at Tiffany, "thank you."

"Anything for our mom...even if she is leaving us on our own."

"Quit calling me your mom. It makes me feel old. And I'm not even twenty yet." She looks back at the picture. "How old is this? Taeyeon's hair is long and she's got a lit cigarette."

"I think is a year or two before you showed up in our lives," explains Tiffany, taking a seat beside Jessica. "It was on Taeyeon's birthday. Just the three of us celebrated it. It was the first year since Yoona's return in her life." Jessica smiles even more. "So..."


"We're going to miss you. I think Yoong and Soo will miss you the most." A brow arches on Jessica's face. "I'll miss you also. Kyungsan will miss his auntie very much." Jessica laughs.

"You act like I won't try to visit you guys during the holidays. My sister is still here...and I also promised her I wouldn't leave her. Besides there's always the phone...and internet, so if any of you want to talk...just call or drop me an email or something." Tiffany nods her head, standing.

"Thank you, Jessica." A confused look crosses Jessica's face. "Thank you for straightening out my family. You know...I was scared that none of us would make it past our teen years. But then you came; you set Yoona straight and you gave Tae a chance for a better life. So thank you." Arms wrap around Jessica's shoulders, causing for the Jung to tense up. "Thank you," Tiffany backs up and smiles.

Taking a step back, "Now...when you come back...I better not have a new 'dad'. That's Tae's position."

"I wouldn't cheat on Taeyeon," Jessica stands and leads Tiffany to the front door. Opening it, she leans against the piece of wood. "You or Yoona will call me right? I mean in a week, the two of you will inform me when they remove the-"

"Do you think we wouldn't?" Jessica shrugs her shoulders. "Well, goodbye Jessica." Eyes drop to the canine that joins them at the door. "Bye, Dog." Kneeling down, Tiffany runs her fingers through the black coat. "Behave in America...and remember to protect Jessica...or else Taeyeon will be very mad at you, alright." A small yelp and Tiffany stands. "Have fun...but not too much fun. Sooyoung says you liked to party...remember you're Taeyeon's and Taeyeon's only."

"I know. Tell Sooyoung and Yoona I said hi, will you?" Nodding her head, the Hwang disappears through the front door. And with a heavy sigh, Jessica shuts it, turning to face Dog. "Come on...let's go find something to eat."


"Yoona," she whispers while trying to keep pace with the younger girl. "Yoona...slow down. Where are we going?" Yoona ignores her questions; eyes scanning her surroundings looking for her destination. Finding it, hand blindly reaches back grabbing hers. "Yoona where are we-why are we going down an alley?"

Yoona looks over her shoulder at Yuri, placing the index finger of her free hand to her lips. Yuri groans. Something wasn't right. Something doesn't feel right. They shouldn't be walking around this neighborhood and they definitely shouldn't be sneaking into an alley. "" All questions disappear at the sight of group of teens and young adults all crowding around something. Taking a better look, Yuri catches a glimpse of legs and arms swinging. "They're beating someone-"

"Key," states Yoona. "They got Key." Taking a deep breath, Yoona shakily approaches them. She squeezes the Kwon's hand trying to find some sort of confidence. She stops just a few feet away from them, causing for them to stop and stare at her.

"Baby Alligator," the man leaning against the wall, pushes off and approaches both girls. "I didn't think you'd come." Feet stop and eyes trace over Yoona and Yuri. "Then again Kim is your older sister...and it's only fair to get back at the punk who shot her, right?"

"Yoona...Yoona you're not here to get him, are you?" questions Yuri, turning to look at the Im. Yoona avoids her gaze. "Yoona, please tell me that this is a joke?" No response. "Taeyeon wouldn't approve of this." She turns to the leader, "You know Taeyeon doesn't want her doing this type of stuff." He just flashes her a smile and turns to look at Yoona.

"Is he here? Or are you guys beating someone else?"

"Always straight to the point, much like your sister," speaks the leader. Looking over his shoulders, he gaze at his followers. And with a flick of the wrist, two of the members pull forth a body dropping it on the ground. "Just like you asked." Doe eyes lock onto Key's figure as he squirms around, getting on his knees; eyes trapped behind a cloth and wrists bound by rope. The leader steps forward, removing a gun from a members hand and handing it over to her, only to snatch it back. "A deal's a deal. We give you Key and pay for Kim's bills..."

"In return for my service, yeah I know that. Let me have it." Irritation laces her voice. All she wants is the gun in her hand, the trigger pulled, and a bullet in Key's head. She wants him to pay in the same way that Taemin did, the same way that her sister did. Smiling, he sets the gun in her hand before taking a step back.

Yuri steps in front of her. "Yoona don't. Do you think this is something that your sister wants?" Yoona looks at the piece of metal in her hand. She fidgets a little at the weight and the coldness of its touch. "Yoona...Yoona don't."

"I have to step up," whispers Yoona. "I have to protect my family. Taeyeon's not here to do it. And if he loose it'll only mean danger for us, for you and the Choi's and Jessica's sister. I don't want that and Taeyeon doesn't want it. So something has to happen."

"Yeah but Taeyeon doesn't want this life for you. Yoona listen to me." Yuri reaches for the gun only to have Yoona snatch it away. "Yoona, please. Don't do this. Did you not see what happened to your sister's life when she got involved with them? You go after him and someone will go after you. Life is just going to repeat itself. He got what he wanted. He got Taeyeon...let it be. Don't let this consume you."

"Her bills...we-"

"We'll find something. We always have. The Chois and the Jungs will help. Jessica's biological father will more than likely pitch in. And if that's not enough...then your mother, your adoptive mother will more than likely help. She loves you; she adores you." Yoona shakes her head. No. Reaching out, she pushes Yuri behind herself. Feet carry her body within inches of the squirming boy. Lifting her arm, she points the barrel taps against his forehead.

Hand shakes. "Yoona...don't. Please don't," begs Yuri from behind her. Eyes flicker to the man beside her then back to Key. Inhale. Exhale. Eyes close and she gathers her mind, reopening them. Licking her lip, she looks off the side. Index finger pulls back. The sound of the bullet firing echoes throughout the alleyway and the streets as Key's body slumps to the floor.

A hand clamps down upon her shoulder; smile stretches across the leaders face. "Baby Alligator...welcome to The Family."


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